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Saturday 21 August 2021

Priest suspended and sent for re-education after offering Novus Ordo Mass in Latin!

Father Sixto Eduardo Varela Santamaria, recently the Chancellor of the Diocese of Alajuela, has been suspended and sent for a psychological assessment for the offering of the Holy Mass according to the Missal of Paul VI as it was intended, in Latin and "ad orientem." Father Varela Santamaria was offering the Vetus Ordo for the faithful until ordered to stop in a unanimous action by all of Costa Rica's bishops.

Between the actions of bishops such as the one from this diocese on one hand and that of our governments now threatening employment and preventing the ability to buy food on the other, is there any doubt that we are under a spiritual crisis never seen before in history? 

God is our strength. We have no other.

Costa Rican priest suspended, sent for psychological treatment for celebrating Latin Novus Ordo – Catholic World Report


Anonymous said...

The people must respond. Everyone, everywhere, has a duty now. We must all do our part. What is that duty? Resist, as often and in as many ways as you can. Tell as many others as you can. Choose your words carefully, and be wise, but inform others when possible, and act. Support your faithful priests. We see the church is in league with the people running the show. To try to ban the Mass of the Ages is an egregious act toward God and His people, not sustainable. The men who run the church are evil. Catholics must put their Catholic sensibility ahead of their feelings of duty to pope and hierarchy. We have a duty to Jesus Christ, first and foremost, and the proper worship of Him, which is far more important than any obligations to a Bishop of Rome or his hirelings.

Phineas said...

Be thankful that this anti-Catholic bishop of Costa Rica has been exposed to the light of day. The entire Costa Rican bishops conference for that matter. They are in thrall to their cult leader Bergoglio.

In other news, the heresies of the German church continue to manifest on a daily basis and are ignored.

John the Mad said...

I do not attend Latin masses but understand this persecution to be a predictable outcome arising from the cruel dictum issued by Francis. I see that his bishop is sending him for psychological counselling. It is an unethical demand, but entirely consistent with soviet style ideological programming and enforcement so loved by "progressive" prelates in the Church.

That Vatican II called for giving Latin pride of place in the liturgy is just an inconvenient truth that is ignored by the heterodox.


Anonymous said...

Notice how some are showing their true colours lately and where their allegiance lies.Did Christ not say everything hidden will be brought to light.

Aqua said...

Latin is the language of unity. It unites Christians across all time and around the world. No matter where we are, or “when” we are - we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in a common language recognizable to all - past, present, future.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of Pope St. Pius V, in accord with the dogmatic pronouncements of Trent , similarly is the Mass of Unity. It is recognizable to all Christians throughout the world and across time because it re-presents the Holy Sacrifice of Our Lord on Calvary - it’s Liturgy, with minor variations, is the same everywhere and any time. At the appropriate time we fall on our knees in adoration before our Lord who bled and died for our personal sins. We are there for our Jesus, and Jesus our conquering King deigns to give Himself to us through His holy Priest’s consecrated hands.

The New Mass ™️ of the non-dogmatic “Pastoral” Vatican II is none of these things.

Its language is the language of Babel. Every community is isolated and alone. None in one era of time or one part of the world geographically can share the Holy Mass with another. We stand divided by language.

Its Liturgy is not the Holy Sacrifice. It is a common “meal” we share together around the “table” (effeminate phrase). The Priest turns his back to the Altar because nothing is happening there. He faces the “Table” and the audience. The audience, likewise, faces the table. And at the appropriate time we saunter up and grab a piece of bread in th hand and eat it on the way back to our seat in the audience. We are there for food, and food we just got.

This is the vanguard of our Lord’s victory over sacrilege in His own Temple. The Bishop of Rome has acknowledged, urgently insisted, the two Masses are not compatible and never were. No more do we have the fakery that they are two Masses with the same content, but different form. The Bishop of Rome himself, antipope Bergóglio, has confirmed: one is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass sourced in antiquity, given to us by Jesus Christ our Lord, that terrible day, that day of death and salvation is re-presented. The other is a communion service of shared bread, broken and eaten together with your friends and attendees.

It is good that the masquerade is over. Now is the time of sacred choosing - one side or another, the sides defined by Jorgé Bergóglio (by the Grace of God). Like all of God’s victories ever recorded, they are against all odds and they come in unexpected ways. I expect no less in this, the conflict over heresy within the Liturgy of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. God bless the Priest who did what was in his power and God please protect the Priest in this his time of trial and tribulation in th midst of great evil.

C.J. said...

Thank you, Aqua. You said it better than I ever could’ve were I to try. It does not matter if the Novus Ordo is celebrated Ad Orientum and in Latin. It would still be the Novus Ordo. And it grinds me when certain dioceses refer to the Novus Odo as “the English Mass” as though language was the only thing that separated the two.

Johnno said...

Classic commie move - nonsense psyche evals are designed to be punishment to break you down.

Take the hint from Satan's bishops - Any Mass that is pleasing to God is forbidden. That includes 'reverent' Novus Ordos.

So put on your clown makeup and please offend God, it pleases Francis and his Costa Rica Coffee Crew.

Tom A. said...

The conciliar church is not the Catholic Church. Why is everyone so upset and surprised that a modernist apostate bishop of a false sect takes action against someone trying to be Catholic. Get away from their false churches and seek out the true Catholic Mass. PS- if the name of frankie is mentioned in the Canon, it is not a true Catholic Mass.

Anonymous said...

"Catholic" Fascism being practiced by "Catholic" Bishops.

Anonymous said...

He also called the president of Costa Rica a “disguised atheist” which is pretty true… the guy is living with his sister and must be struggling financially. Feel so sorry for him