A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 16 August 2021

MASS OF THE AGES: Episode 1 — Discover the Traditional Latin Mass (4K)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting this. I enjoyed watching it, and having attended the Mass of the Ages for seven years now, agree with what is here. The Latin Mass is incomparable. There is a richness, an authenticity, an opportunity for experiencing God and supernatural religion, that you cannot find anywhere else. It is predictable, pure, every moment has a purpose, everything the priest and the servers do is for a reason, typically an ancient reason. The focus is on God at the altar, and His sacrifice for you. But you are not the be-all and end-all in the Holy Mass. In the Novus Ordo you participate and that constant requirement keeps you busy and acknowledging another person around you. At the Mass of the Ages, your "job" is following the Mass with the priest, which you can do with or without a Missal. Just being there, observing, praying along, you participate, in something so ancient, so new, so majestic, it is unlike anything else you can possibly do, in this world. You are there, at Calvary, be it Low Mass or High Mass. You are there. God sees you, in your pew, and you see Him.
Worry about nothing. Look up Latin Rite Mass in your state, and go experience the Mass of the Ages. It will not be like anything else you do.

Anonymous said...

Look forward the next episode!