A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 12 March 2021

This, is an improvement? Don't expect anything else from Premier Ignoramus, Your Eminence. You let him get away with it for months, now you applaud less than a crumb from Caesare's table.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has announced today that the attendance at religious services under the "grey" lockdown requirements will move from ten persons to fifteen-percent of total building occupancy, half of what it would be in the "red" categorization of CCP Virus restrictions. 

His Excellency, Mister Neil MacCarthy, Communications Director for the Archdiocese of Toronto has communicated now to parishes, however, attendance is strictly to be in the church proper, overflow into the equivalent percentage in a church hall is verboten. He indicates that over 13,000 letters were received by Members of the Provincial Parliament and Premier with the great majority from Catholics in Mississauga. Good for them. Thirteen thousand out of one million, five-hundred thousand Catholics.

I will give credit on one hand to Cardinal Collins. At the same time a back-handed swipe (figuratively speaking of course) for spending four months clutching his pearls rather than calling the faithful into action and leading the charge to confront the Premier and the Eileen "Cruella" de Villa on the restrictions. 

But, this is no call for rejoicing. Fifteen-percent is still a ridiculous number. A number that Cardinal Collins calls a "significant improvement" and a "balanced approach." Retailers can now have 25%. If His Eminence were on a teeter-totter he'd be flat on his backside. In a startling coincidence, it's also the amount of the cathedraticum, which is currently down tens of millions of dollars.

Let's celebrate. Three fingers worth, anyone?


Anonymous said...

Dictator Doug and Dr. Cruella are still playing mind-games. There is no scientific proof that churches spread the virus. 15 percent is better than nothing but it is still not acceptable. There has to be a push to full, unrestricted return to worship and attendance.

Barona said...

The Cardinal now has a new headache: how is he going to facilitate Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil? Will he ban them outright? Will he create a “lottery”. Which will then effectively ban 85% of Catholics who wish to attend?
One disaster to another. It looks like NO EASTER FOR 85% OF YOU!!!!! At least for those two Holy days. And what of Sunday Mass - will the Cardinal ORDER priests to say at least double the Masses they were saying during the equally unscientific 30% lockdown?

Johnno said...


Cardinal begs Hitler to let his sheep graze!

Hitler in his infinite mercy has offered him another quare inch of a percentage of grass.

Cardinal is feeling very pleased with himself!



Protestant Pastor who stood up to Mussolini JAILED!

"He is a danger to the public," claims Mussolini, "he'll learn what we mean by all being in this together!"

Tom A. said...

You all should be celebrating that the Novus Ordo is being shut down, not lamenting the fact.

Phineas said...

Crumbs from the masters table indeed, Vox. Make no mistake, the 15% number was purely political, and another case of their "rubbing it in our faces".

The 30% red zone number was always arbitrary to begin with. Ford could have simply agreed and acquiesced to the 30%. The Church had already established protocols based on that number. But no, that might be politically unsettling to the satanic powers that be in the MSM, government etc. So he decided to slice it exactly in half, perhaps taking some pleasure in knowing that the Archdiocese will now be furiously busy taking out their calculators and re-taping down pews etc. to accommodate the new number. What a farce.