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A corporal work of mercy.
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Monday, 4 March 2019

Rosica's plagiarism in his books at Novalis stated as "clean" is questioned by Professor

On Friday, LifeSiteNews reported that Joseph Sinasac, of Novalis, Tom Rosica's publisher, was "alarmed and dismayed" over the cases of plagiarism. Sinasac reported that all was well, that the books, were "very clean."

Joshua Hochschild a professor at Mount St. Mary's University uncovered examples of Rosica's plagiarist actions. On March 3 on Twitter, Dr. Hochschild asks if Novalis can confirm that Rosica's book, Seven Last words, "does not contain, or at least documents, these ~20 sentences from a 1994 source (in addition to the other five instances I found?" 

Sinasac relied on plagiarism detecting software which Hocshchild calls a "weak tool." He continues that "Publishers who suspect an author plagiarized should give work extra careful scrutiny: actual reading and careful search, not a quick software check." 

The question is this: 

Was Tom Rosica fully honest and transparent with Joseph Sinasac? 

Has Novelis been deceived?


Mrs McLean said...

This is in NO WAY the fault of Novalis. Apart from not giving Gaillardetz credit in 2014, which was not widely known until now, nobody had the slightest idea that Fr. Rosica was a serial plagiarizer until February 15, and even then it didn't hit the MSM for another week. Fr. Rosica apparently helped Novalis with their investigation; presumably he was either mistaken or lying when he said the one thing they found was the only thing.

Barona said...

Readers of Vox Cantoris in 2014 were well aware that Thomas Risica has committed plagiarism. Lazy journalism allowed Rosica to continue his immoral ways. For example, at Toronto Catholic Witness we were well aware of Rosica’s plagiarism. We were also aware of his other activities: eg. Lying about the late Polish Pope’s chalice. It is to Vox’s credit that he exposed this other GREAT LIE.