The Missal is an incredible blending of the Roman Missal of 1570, elements of 1970 and the English Catholic cultural character of the ancient Sarum of pre-revolution England. It is superior in every single aspect to the Roman Missal of 1970 even with its corrected English translation. The English can never be as correct as found in this Missal. Photos of the Missal's contents can be found here and here.
The traditional Preparatory prayers may be said in the sacristy as originally done or at the Foot of the Altar. The Gradual and Tract/Alleluia may always be used in place of the Responsorial Psalm and Acclamation and the traditional Offertory is the first option. Rogation and Ember Days return as do the Gesima Sundays and the Dies Irae and the full Proper antiphons. The Roman Canon (EPI) is for Sundays and EPII is the only other option and never on a Sunday or feast day.
It is truly a heartbreak that, at least in Toronto, the parish and Ordinariate are so little known. If I were not able to attend the Extraordinary Form, I would depart the Novus Ordo as quick as I could and get to the Ordinariate Mass. It is my view, this Missal in the not too distant future when Rome returns to sanity, will be the model for the return to a mandated and formalised Reform of the Reform that will once and for all, abrogate the disaster of 1970 to the dustbin of history.
The Toronto Anglican Ordinariate Parish of St. Thomas More worships on Sundays at 4:00PM at Sacre-Coeur Church on Sherbourne Street. East of Toronto, in Oshawa, you can find Good Shepherd Parish and west in Kitchener, St. Edmund, King & Martyr.
You can find out more at these links:
Ordinariate in Canada
St. Thomas More, Toronto
Good Shepherd, Oshawa
St. Edmund, Kitchener
Irony of ironies is that, at precisely the same moment, our prelates are pressing to demonstrate how Henry VIII was right!!
Every Latin-rite Catholic should experience the Ordinariate liturgy, if only to bring home how much we have lost.
As a practical matter, the Ordinariate's Divine Worship might also serve as a "gateway drug" to the Latin Mass. For many Catholics accustomed to the Novus Ordo, the Latin Mass can be a disorienting or even an alienating experience. You can recognize much of what is going on, but the extended silences and different sequence can make it difficult to follow. Divine Worship closely follows the sequence of the Latin Mass, but is almost entirely spoken aloud and in the vernacular, with far more frequent congregational responses. I expect that someone familiar with the Ordinariate liturgy would have little trouble adapting to the Latin Mass.
To reinforce the cross-fertilization effect between groups of traditional Catholics, one of our Ordinariate priests here in Victoria (Msgr. Wilkinson) celebrates our sole Latin Mass when the regular priest is unavailable. And when no priest is available to celebrate the Extraordinary Form, our local Latin Mass community encourages its members to attend the Ordinariate Mass.
My only regret is that high-profile Catholic traditionalists like the guys at The Remnant don't seem to pay attention to the immense superiority of the Ordinariate liturgy. I don't know if this is simple ignorance or another manifestation of the all-or-nothing attitude displayed by many traditional Catholics, but it's a blind spot that should be addressed. Thanks, Vox, for doing so much to highlight the blessings of Papa Benedict's outreach.
There is a lengthy article out there somewhere about ancient collects and prefaces that were expunged from the Roman Missal sometime around 1970 (my details are fuzzy without the article on hand, and I can't find it right now). It was said that the Anglicans (pre ordinariate) had managed to preserve them. The ordinariate is a God-send for bringing these priceless treasures back into the Catholic fold. Anthony C
You might also mention the Good Shepherd Sodality, located in Oshawa just east of Toronto, where this beautiful liturgy is available to the faithful on Sundays and weekdays.
Great blog and we attend OLW and we feel blessed of having the Ordinariate in Houston.
Hope all your US readers had a blessed Thanksgiving (originally a Catholic celebration in St Augustine, FL 50 years before the Pilgrims).
I wish you and yours a Blessed Advent.
Except, of course, for the Roman Canon, Traditionalists have raged for decades against the manufactured Eucharistic Prayers of the Mass of Pope Blessed Paul VI.
In particular, Traditionalists have attacked EPII. Traditionalists have insisted that the manufactured Eucharistic Prayers have marred the Mass. But of all manufactured EPs, Traditionalists have insisted that EP II is far and away the most dreadful and problematic.
The Divine Worship Missal includes EP II. If Traditionalists are correct in regard to their claims about manufactured EPs, wouldn't the use of EP II during a Mass offer by the Ordinariates "mar" said Mass?
I will be interested in reading commentaries by Traditionalists on the Divine Worship Missal.
Mark Thomas
Is it correct that the Divine Worship Missal includes the Novus Ordo Offertory prayers — "Jewish Table Blessings" — that Traditionalists have long denounced?
If that is true, and as the Divine Worship Missal includes EP II and additional Novus Ordo novelties, why would a "true" Traditional Catholic attend such a Mass?
Mark Thomas
Mark Thomas,
I am not part of the Ordinariate, but I do know people who are. I think we need to read between the lines a little. The discussions with Rome in the development of this Missal must have had some interesting moments. One one hand, Rome cannot allow anyone to officially think that one Offertory or one EP is superior to the others. Of course, this is not true, just like it is not true that the EF and OF are two forms of one rite; I suggest because of the Seder prayer and EP II, III, IV and others, it is a different rite.
Up to now, the various communities have been using different Missals. Some used the Book of Divine Worship which was the corrected Common Prayerbook with the Seder Offertory and Memorial Acclamations and even "for all" inserted. Others used the English Missal which is the Tridentine Missal of 1570 in Elizabethan English, still others actually used the Novus Ordo Missae with Anglican dressing.
I think it is therefore a political creation with the Seder prayer and EPII there so that nobody could ever say, that they are inferior.
On their use, the parish must use one Offertory or the other, they are not be switched back and forth. EPII must NOT be used on Sundays or Feasts, thought there is some ambiguous statement about "pastoral concerns."
What I can tell you is this; the people I know have no intention of ever using the Seder prayer or EPII. In fact, EPII is second and so is the Seder prayer. If there is something in a Missal that is second, it is considered to be something other than the preferred.
Yes, this is a Missal that in very way is superior to the Ordinary Form for the very reasons listed above.
I gather from reading Fr Hunwicke between the lines that EP II (the "Trattoria Dewfall", as he calls it) is never required to be used in Divine Worship. The Roman Canon is normative. I suspect you're correct, Vox: they were forced to put it in as a sop to modernist sensibilities, of which there are few to be found in the Ordinariate.
Not quite sure what Steve (er, "Mark Thomas") is trying to prove, but it seems calculated to produce division.
Vox, thank you for your rely and post about the Ordinariates. Thanks to you (and Father McDonald), I have been spurred the past couple of days to read extensively about the Ordinariates.
Deo volente, you will offer many future posts about the Ordinariates. I checked your archive and found a few posts about the Ordinariates. Do you anticipate an increase in posts about the them as the ordinariates have a new Missal (and then there is Bishop-elect Steven Lopes)?
I look forward to reading more extensively about the ordinariates.
Thank you.
Mark Thomas
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