As a young boy, he met a Saint. He has forgotten much. Which bishop will correct him from his error? Is his soul not important to them? Justin Trudeau will one day meet God; if he continues down this path, he will go to Hell! If he does not believe it exists, he will when he gets there.
During the recent Canadian election won by Trudeau, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a "guide" on voting. It soft-peddled the issue of abortion and spent more time on the environment than life and read like a Socialist Manifesto. Worse, it contained two subliminal messages. The first was a heading about a "Just Society." The phrase "Just Society" was used in 1968 to great success by Pierre Elliot Trudeau who's oldest son, Justin, is now Prime Minister. Secondly, they designed a logo with a red maple-leaf over an orange Parliament. The colours of the Liberals who won and the socialist NDP. No Conservative "blue."
Now, Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a letter of congratulations.
NOT ONE Cabinet Member who believes in Life for the unborn and Crosby issues a congratulatory letter.
Bishop Crosby, you are a disgrace!
At no time did the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issue a letter of congratulations to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. (thank you JD for the research)
The story of the betrayal of the Catholic Church by Her Canadian Bishops must be told. It is in parts here and there. Steve Jalsevac of LifeSiteNews has had much to say on the betrayal of these heresiarchs who put plastic water bottles ahead of the unborn.
Steve, I urge you to write that book incorporating that posted in the links below, and more. The whole matter needs to be documented.
Our nation has abortion and sodomite marriage because of these men. We will now have euthanasia, legalised marijuana and prostitution because of their moral malfeasance as well.
They failed to teach.
They failed to rebuke.
Douglas Crosby, OMI smiles now.
They will be judged harshly by God for what they have done and what they have failed to do.
Actually, Trudeau has every right, as leader of the party, to set policy for the Liberal caucus. And to command obedience from all the members. That's the political system we live under. What he does NOT Have the right to do is masquerade as a Roman Catholic when he does so. That's what these moronic Bishops just don't get.
Santa, what gifts you bring! Are you sure?
Are you saying that elected representatives have no responsibility to the electorate, but only to the leader? Is there not even such a thing as "voting one's conscience"? Let's say one calls oneself a Catholic. Are you saying that his loyalty is not to Jesus Christ, not to the electorate, but only to the glorious leader?
It is a pathetic gesture. Bishops of a previous generation would have made Trudeau aware of the influence they carry, but these men are only interested in being perceived as nice guys.
Dear Vox. This question of Loyalty to the Leader is a sticky one. We had the same dilemma arise here in Australia with our Coalition
Party in September - headed (then) by PM Tony Abbott, a practising
Roman Catholic. (He was absolutely hated and loathed by the MSM and,
it transpired, by many of his so-called loyal party members!) The policy of the Coalition Party on Same Sex "Marriage" was NO. As was the wording in the Australian Constitution. During Mr. Abbott's tenure countless bills to change this were put up and defeated countless times. "Conscience Vote" was the mantra employed by the
rebellious within his party. In the end he was knifed in the back by his Deputy Leader, the Communications Minister (who later assumed the mantle of kingship!)and 57 out of 100 Party members (including ministers) and deposed. We conservative Australians are now facing the inevitability of same-sex "marriage" and a raft of ungodly, leftist measures, including all the usual LGBT rubbish so many have been brainwashed into accepting. (This is not supposed to be a political history lesson - apologies)! Like you Canadians and others in the world we looked to our Bishops to stand up for the right, but
could find none with enough zeal to make any difference. Thank you Vox for your blog. It makes our lives truer and easier! Eirene. x
Thank you for your kind comment about this blog and my work. It is much appreciated.
Same-sex marriage was foisted on Canadians by another "Catholic" of the same Liberal Party, Paul Martin. We had no referendum, back then, it may have been close, today, no; we would go as has Ireland. Our Parliaments have become virtual dictatorships.
You have your Coleridges, we have our Durochers and Smiths.
But you have Pell and we have Collins, so there is some hope.
But we all have Our blessed Lord and His promise!
Cardinal Pell is the best thing that ever happened in the Australian Catholic Church, and has the support of most Catholics.
Coleridge is of the 'worldly modernist' type a la rosica.
"Well, what do you call a political leader who orders that no Member of Parliament in his Government, in fact, no candidate, could ever take a position on the issues of Life verses a woman's right to "choose" to murder the baby in her womb?"
How about a Commie? Lenin and Trotski legalised abortion while Trotski was still in favour.
Mussolini banned it totally in his fourth year of power (while Putin hasn't banned it after 12 years, counting when his pal Medvedev was president as also his power).
"As a young boy, he met a Saint."
By their fruits ye shall know them. Sure Wojtyla was a Saint? Sure Bergoglio was Pope when canonising him?
"Justin Trudeau will one day meet God; if he continues down this path, he will go to Hell! If he does not believe it exists, he will when he gets there."
Do you think they play socker in Limbus Infantum?
"Hey pal's - here is another guy who didn't want us to get baptised!"
"He's got a nice round head - kind of football like ..."
Wonder if his head will be visiting Limbus Infantum once in a while ...
"Oh, sorry; you think "fascist" is too hard a word to describe the Prime Minister of Canada?"
As per my first comment, more like the reverse. I think PM of Canada and Putin are two to harsh objects to describe by the word Fascist.
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