A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Sodomite network in New York includes a Cardinal - Michael Voris breaking it open!

Do not think that this is only in New York. As a friend said to me after viewing this, "all we need to do is change the names!"

No, it it is not only in New York.

Seriously, this video and the others that will surely follow, are going to send shock waves around every chancery. It is time for people who know something to come forward. If the bishops won't deal with this filth, then it is up to us. If you know something and do not work to stop it, you are complicit.

Will this encourage others to come forward with what they know?

voxcantoris (at) rogers (dot) com

I'll refer you on to Michael.

Monday, 7 March 2016

The Cardinal and the Prime Minister

Toronto Archbishop, Thomas Cardinal Collins, issued a letter to be read this past weekend in all churches. His Eminence was present to celebrate Mass and deliver his homily at St. Paul's Basilica. The letter on euthanasia or "doctor assisted dying," follows at the end of this blog post. 

Let's be clear, it is doctors committing murder no matter what the State chooses to call it!

The Church's credibility lost

The media has not been kind to the Cardinal or the Church on this issue. Most have featured the story; call-in shows have mocked His Eminence and the Church. Comment sections in the online media are detestable for a Catholic to read, most often resorting to commentary about "raping priests."

Yes. they are right. "Raping priests." 

Those HOMOSEXUAL men, those SODOMITES who came in to the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to seize upon young teenage boys (and other perverts with girls), did much damage to the Church beyond the horrid damage itself to the children. 

What is also not surprising is how the media seized upon the opportunity to find Catholics after Mass at the Basilica who openly and profoundly disagreed with the Cardinal. 

Eternity awaits

To my fellow Catholics who support the murder by doctors of people who desire suicide; no matter what our liberal-fascist Canada calls it, you must wake up and you must repent or you will most likely end up spending an eternity separated from God, in Hell. You are failing as a Catholic; you are failing as a human being.

You. Will. Go. To. Hell! 

If you don't believe a good and merciful God will send you there, you are right, He won't send you there. You will have chosen it yourself; and something more, if you don't believe Hell exists, you will when you get there, but it will be too late.

You cannot support euthanasia. You cannot participate in it. Doctors cannot refer to other doctors who will do it. You must do everything you can to stop your loved ones from committing an act that will send them to Hell.

Episcopal failure over a half century

As good as the Cardinal's letter is, it is too little, too late.

The Bishops of Canada began this slide in 1968 with the Winnipeg Statement, allowing Catholics to dissent on the use of contraception. They continued in their lack of zeal to fight Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his implementation of "therapeutic abortion committees" and a corrupted "Charter of Rights of Freedoms" that opened the door for abortion undisputed and available up to the moment before birth. They failed to publicly admonish him and the other Catholic Prime Ministers and Members of Parliament, mostly from once Catholic Quebec. They sold out the babies and our nations future as Judas sold out Our Blessed Lord.

They have failed for over fifty years, since Vatican II by coincidence, to properly form Catholics in the faith. We are 40% of this country and we are powerless because we are not acting as Catholics! The Bishops of Canada for the most part did this, secular humanism did the rest. 

The Bishops of Canada are the root of the cause of this and the lay Catholic has now, no excuse. No excuse because in this day and age of ease of access to information every Catholic should know the truth and fight to uphold it notwithstanding the failed Episcopacy! It is now all our fault.

They have triumphed, we have lost this as we lost on abortion. The imposition of euthanasia upon Canada is a totalitarian act. It has happened because the Catholics of Canada have failed in their faith. 
I recommend this post by David Warren.  

Trudeau legacy 

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness draws the full circle from the Pierre Trudeau and abortion to his son Justin and euthanasia. Justin Trudeau is a pathetic man. He is an egoist and an arrogant despicable cretin who has betrayed his baptism on some false notion of "Quebec values!" He is an incompetent. A snow-board instructor. A plebeian.  A man unfit to govern a nation. A second rate school teacher and dramatist.

Are the bishops still happy about their "congratulations" to this man? Why did they not congratulate Stephen Harper a decade ago?

Quebec values?

Canadians, you voted for that. You voted for a man who will be the first Prime Minister of Canada to gleefully walk in a parade dedicated to Sodomy. Does that make you "proud?" Remember, "pride goeth before the fall."

Damn Quebec and its values! In Canada, the Province has the highest abortion rate, the lowest birth rate, lowest marriage level and highest level of co-habitation, highest level of suicide, highest taxes, lowest attendance at Mass by Catholics. Some values! Is this what you are proud of, you Quebecois?  Shame on you for betraying your culture. Shame on you for betraying your ancestors. 

Denial of Holy Communion?

There is a rumour amongst the Ottawa political hack class (of which I was once a part). It seems the rumour is that Cardinal Collins has written to the Prime Minister advising him not to present himself for Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The liberal lapdogs are outraged, - how dare this Churchman tell the Dear Leader he can't take the cracker! He will be in Toronto today to visit the new pandas at the Toronto Zoo. Let's see if he cuts in somewhere for Mass.  There is no confirmation of this from the Archdiocese. I will repeat, it is a rumour, but my sources are highly placed and would have reason to know. If it is true, then the Cardinal has acted appropriately and properly. The Archbishop of Ottawa, Terence Prendergast, S.J., also met privately with Dear Leader; rumour has it that it did not go well. 

Justin Trudeau, as a Catholic, is a confused man a spiritually sick man. He has a malformed conscience. He has sold his soul for power and popularity. Objectively, he has committed grave evil by his policies including the absolute dictatorial force of his will upon the candidates in the last election and now the caucus, that they must hold a pro abortion position or they cannot run or sit as a Member of Parliament!

Canadians, you voted for this. Did you not know this was in his platform?

The Prime Minister of Canada is an arrogant and disgraceful man made more so by his betrayal of the gift of faith he was given. He requires prayer and conversion. He will single-handedly destroy this nation. He is already reduced our security and begun invoking economic policies that will be a disaster for this nation. Yet, these may not end with him in Hell, but his action on euthanasia and abortion will.

He had every opportunity and he squandered it.

Justin Trudeau as a boy with Pope John Paul II
Catholic bishops and laity elected Trudeau

In the last election the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Development and Peace issued election guides. These were blatant political documents that were subliminally directing Catholics to vote Liberal or Socialist. Along with the usual leftist diatribe the former used "A Just Society" heading as a play on the Prime Minister's name and a recollection of his father's famous statement, whilst the latter used colours - red and orange, associated with the Liberals and socialists. The bishops gave Catholic Canadians an out and they took it.

If you think that Catholics have no right to impose their views then you are wrong. It is not an imposition of views, it is properly formed conscience and knowing what is truth and what is not, what is right and what is wrong and how that is to inform our decisions and actions.

I urge you to watch this video of American, Judge Andrew Napolitano. Napolitano describes himself as a "traditionalist pre-Vatican II Catholic." Watch the whole video but his comments after 9:00 reveal in a particular way the matter of abortion and by extensions, euthanasia. Napolitano is a liberal in the classical sense, in the Catholic sense.

These people that have brought this upon our nation will regret the day, so will you if you voted Liberal or NDP and stand quiet while they destroy the last fabric of humanity in our country. 

Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins 
concerning Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide

“I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, 
nor suggest any such counsel…” - The Hippocratic Oath

“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13

“Contemplating Suicide? We Can Help!” There was a time when such an advertisement pointed to a crisis line, where someone was standing by to counsel you and to offer hope in a situation of intolerable pain. We are in a very different time, now. In a few short months assisted suicide, its grim reality hidden behind blandly deceptive terms like “Medical Assistance in Dying”, will be declared an acceptable option in our country, enshrined in law. As the federal government prepares legislation to implement the Supreme Court’s decision, it is crucial to consider the effects of this fundamental change in our laws.
Death comes to us all, sometimes suddenly, and sometimes slowly. Although patients benefit from medication that controls pain, they are fully justified in refusing burdensome and disproportionate treatment that serves only to prolong the inevitable process of dying. But dying is simply not the same as being killed. We are grateful for physicians and nurses and others who offer medical assistance to patients who are dying, but it is never justified for them to kill a patient.
Physicians across our country who have devoted their lives to healing patients will soon be asked to do the exact opposite. They will not be asked to ease their suffering by providing them with treatment and loving care, but by putting them to death. In fact, killing a patient will no longer be considered a crime, but will actually be seen as a kind of health care, complete with legislation to regulate it.
On February 25, 2016, a parliamentary committee presented the lawmakers who will craft this disturbing legislation with 21 recommendations. They should shock us to the core, especially if we believe, complacently and incorrectly, that the change in the law will affect only a few people with grave physical illness, who have lived a long life, and are near death. In fact, the recommendations include:
 A desire to allow, beginning in three years, access to euthanasia/assisted suicide for minors (those under 18).
 The ability for those diagnosed with conditions like dementia to pre-schedule their deaths.
 Insistence that those with psychiatric conditions be eligible for euthanasia/assisted suicide.
 A requirement that any institution receiving public funding, including Catholic hospitals, long-term care facilities and hospices, provide euthanasia/assisted suicide, thus forcing them to repudiate the very principles that are the foundation of their immense service to us all.
 A requirement that doctors who refuse to kill a patient must make sure that someone else does it. No other country in the world requires such a violation of conscience.
It is unjust to force people to act against their conscience in order to be allowed to practice as a physician or, in the case of a health care facility, in order to qualify for government funding. It is not tolerant of religious diversity. It is religious discrimination that punishes those who so faithfully serve everyone who comes to them, and have done so since before Canada existed but who, in good conscience, cannot perform some procedures, such as helping to kill their patients.
When the state goes beyond its legitimate but limited role, and suppresses conscience rights in this way, I am reminded of a man whose employer told him to do something against his conscience. He courageously replied: “You employ me; you don’t own me.”
End-of-life care (palliative care) is currently accessible to only 30% of Canadians. This is a tragedy, and unacceptable. Instead of providing ways to hasten death, we should be providing palliative care for every Canadian, greater support for those with mental illness, and help for those tempted to suicide.
Some people become convinced that, at a certain point, there is no longer any “value” in their life, since they cannot function as they once did. Their concern deserves our compassionate respect, but it is a shaky foundation for social policy. Our value as people comes not from what we can do, but from who we are. It comes from within, from our inherent dignity as human beings. Once we make people’s worthiness to live
dependent on how well they function, our society has crossed the boundary into dangerous territory in which people are treated as objects that can be discarded as useless.
Mindful of the inherent dignity of each person, it is time for families across the country to have a difficult but necessary conversation about the reality of death. We need to understand the destructive implications of these legal changes, and offer truly loving and merciful alternatives. And Christians should be guided by these words of Jesus, that for 2000 years have inspired heroic acts of loving service: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto March 1, 2016
Tell Legislators How You Feel
Those people who are concerned about this legislation are encouraged to visit CanadiansforConscience.ca  

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Patrick Brown - denounce and apologise for the comments of Walied Soliman!

My international readers will pardon me for a local political story with a clear dereliction that will disgust you as well. 


Ontario was once the most prosperous province in Canada. Our government was stable and headed by centre-right governments for decades. The Party, however, possesses an oxymoronic name from a merger called, Progressive Conservative. The Party has been in disarray for years and has not deserved to be in government. The result of course, is a left-wing, socially destructive and economically disastrous Liberal Party which is quickly bankrupting our once great province.

The Progressive Conservative Party elected a new leader by the name of Patrick Brown. Yesterday, at Ottawa, the Party held its first general convention since the election of Brown. Brown has worked to integrate various non-traditional members into the Party in an effort to rebuild.  

Walied Soliman is a key organiser for Brown. He is a lawyer in Toronto and a partner with an international firm. I knew him nearly 30 years ago; I was a professional political organiser and Ministerial aid for the federal Conservative Party under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, he was a young Party activist, and if I recall, was a junior staffer to the same Minister - a man who later went on to become the Premier of Quebec

The National Post, has reported on Soliman's convention activities:

The once-mighty Tories abandoned wide swaths of the province and alienated would-be Conservative voters simply by targeting only “winnable” ridings, campaign organizer Walied Soliman told delegates at their first convention under new leader Patrick Brown. “Patrick Brown does not believe in target seats,” he said. “Under our plan there is no Liberal safe seat in Ontario. We have 122 target seats in 2018.”  Soliman told the PC delegates that the party that last held power in 2003 had lost its way and needed to take a new approach to winning the next election.  “Ethnic and faith-based communities … didn’t even know if we were interested in their votes,” said Soliman. “Party members were disillusioned by fake policy processes, and most disturbingly, by a feeling that we were not winners.” “We’re going to be ready in every G-- damn riding in this province,”

Is this the kind of attitude that is going to have Conservatives win back Ontario? 

As a practising Muslim, clear from the pictures in his public profile with even his wife and little daughter dressed as observant Muslims, Soliman should surely know better than to defile the name of God, with a curse. His comments are inappropriate and offensive. Are his words not a "real" blasphemy in Islam?

As a Catholic and a card-carrying member of the Party, I am grossly offended that a chief organiser and aid to the Leader would make such an offensive curse. If this is how the Party wishes to embrace people of "faith," then those attempting to rebuild it have a lot of learning to do.  

Patrick Brown, you owe an apology for Soliman's very public and offensive comment.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Giovanni Battista Montini to be a Saint?

Reports out of Rome are that a second "miracle" is being attributed to Paul VI thus opening now the pathway for his canonisation.

Look, the Saint Machine is considered "infallible." 


He presided over the "self-demolition" and opened the door for the "smoke of Satan" and one encyclical does not erase the damage this man did to the Catholic Church.


Oh well, who am I to judge?

Thursday, 3 March 2016

Michael Coren and the name which dare not speak its name but won't shut its mouth!

It seems a little odd that a day after the quickly failing Toronto Star featured an article by Thomas Cardinal Collins on doctor assisted suicide or legalised physician murder, it should feature a column by Michael Coren attacking the Catholic Church. Well, maybe it is not so odd at all, the Star hates the Church.

In a column today in the Toronto Star, Coren states the following:

While most priests would never harm a child, and many are fine men, the culture of enforced celibacy and, forgive me, sexual immaturity, is profoundly damaging. Many experts estimate that perhaps half of all clergy break their vows of celibacy and while their partners may be adults, it creates the need for dishonesty and hiding. The abuser uses this dark insularity to his advantage.

When we mingle this with clericalism, a reverence towards the ordained that prevents criticism, a vehemently all-male and anti-democratic authority structure and a powerful self-defence mechanism it leads to all kinds of problems. Remember, abuse is not only sexual.

I will agree with Coren on one thing,"abuse is not only sexual."  

On "clericalism," I detest it and anyone who reads this blog knows that. The worst clericalists are amongst the current crop of media priests and they don't need to be named here, we all know who they are. Coren and I would share the disdain for it and them. It was a false clericalism that allowed the predators that Coren describes and the bishops who covered it up to do the damage which they did and on this, we would also agree. A few blog posts below is the latest from a Grand Jury investigation in Altoona.

On the remainder, Coren; perhaps due to his new found funds and to stay in the good graces of TVO, The Toronto Star, CFRB and the CBC takes up the old canard to bash the Church, yet fails to mention the actual elephant in the room.

The crimes to which Coren refers were committed by homosexual men. It is not a matter of celibacy, it is a matter of sexual perversion. This is not to say that every man with same-sex attraction is a rapist or an abuser, but every man who has done these evil and dastardly deeds has same-sex attraction. 

These were men who had no business in the priesthood. They came into the priesthood because it put them in close proximity to those whom they could bugger. They engaged in disgusting and vile acts upon Innocent boys mainly between 12 and 17. They were not interested in girls or little pre-pubescent children. They wanted perverted sex with boys and they were HOMOSEXUALS. They were protected for a variety of reasons, all of them wrong. Sometimes, they were protected by bishop who were themselves, sodomites.

Homosexual men should never and must never be admitted to the Catholic priesthood. 

That is what Mr.Coren cannot bring himself to publicly state, but believe me, he knows it and I know that he knows it.

The John Jay report shows the following facts for the United States; the results would be similar in Canada:

The John Jay Report stated that 4% of Catholic Priests were accused of child abuse.
(Although only only 5.7% of these were convicted, as  an undisclosed number of other cases may have been settled out of court I shall keep to the higher figure of 4%) 
Abuse of boys - Of the 4% of Catholic priests who abused children, 81% abused boys. So 3.24% ( ie 4% x 81%) of Catholic priests abused boys. But 16% of US Catholic priests were homosexual. So it appears that 20% of homosexual Catholic priests abused boys.
Abuse of girls - Of the 4% of Catholic priests who abused children, 19% abused girls. So 0.76% (ie 4% x 19%) of Catholic priests abused girls. But 84% of US Catholic priests were heterosexual.

Some abuse was against girls, the overwhelming majority was committed by men against boys. All of it was evil.

Coren was my friend and brother Knight. I had coffee in his living room and we shared many a phone conversation. He knows full well what the problem was and is. 

Image result for michael coren gay

Nice gesture bro.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Cardinal Collins calls Parliamentary Committee report "chilling" - orders letter read in Toronto parishes!

Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of  Toronto, has instructed every pastor in Toronto to read in the parish a letter on the crime of euthanasia in Canada.


Cardinal Thomas Collins issued a statement to be read at Masses throughout the Toronto archdiocese March 5-6 condemning recommendations for wide-open access to assisted suicide.
Cardinal Thomas Collins issued a statement to be read at Masses throughout the Toronto archdiocese March 5-6 condemning recommendations for wide-open access to assisted suicide.Photo by Michael Swan.

Cardinal steps up opposition to assisted dying

  • March 2, 2016
TORONTO - A statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins to be read in the Archdiocese of Toronto’s 225 parishes urges Catholics to oppose a “chilling” parliamentary committee report on assisted suicide that Collins said “should shock us to the core.”
In an interview, the cardinal said he hopes parishioners will write to their Members of Parliament and “even the Prime Minister if they wish” to express “deep concern” about a report that recommends assisted killing be integrated into health care and become available to terminal and nonterminal patients. The report also said doctors who oppose killing patients should be forced to refer those patients to other doctors and that hospitals that receive public funding, including Catholic institutions, should be compelled by law to provide assisted suicide and euthanasia.

Sodomites in the priesthood - more lives destroyed, more disgrace upon the Church

Homosexuals. Sodomites. Sexual predators. Monsters. Evil bishops who protected them. Evil disgusting so-called men who defiled their own selves, defiled the Church, destroyed the lives of boys. Homosexuals. Sodomites. They entered the priesthood. They committed grievous sins and crimes against innocents. They were aided and abetted by bishops and they deserve Hell.

Joseph Adamec, how do you sleep at night?

Grand Jury: Hundreds Of Children Sexually Abused By Priests In Altoona-Johnstown Diocese

Tue, Mar 01, 2016
Jurors issue report that details cover-up taking place over decades
ALTOONA — A statewide investigating grand jury has determined that hundreds of children were sexually abused over a period of at least 40 years by priests or religious leaders assigned to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane's office announced today.

The widespread abuse involved at least 50 priests or religious leaders. Evidence and testimony reviewed by the grand jury also revealed a troubling history of superiors within the Diocese taking action to conceal the child abuse as part of an effort to protect the institution's image. The grand jury, in a 147-page report made public today, stressed this conduct endangered thousands of children and allowed proven child predators to abuse additional victims. "
The heinous crimes these children endured are absolutely unconscionable," said Kane, who addressed the media this morning at a news conference at the Blair County Convention Center. "These predators desecrated a sacred trust and preyed upon their victims in the very places where they should have felt most safe. "
Just as troubling is the cover-up perpetrated by clergy leaders that allowed this abuse to continue for decades," Kane added. "They failed in our society's most important task of protecting our children."

More here.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Oh Canada, our home and land of doctor assisted death

The Supreme Court of Canada ruled last year in favour of euthanasia. With the defeat of Stephen Harper in the last election, any hope of a bill that would stop the action died with the election of the "catholic," Justin Trudeau. A parliamentary committee has now made recommendations for the most sweeping death actions as if it were some sort of public services. It is suicide and murder all wrapped up in one.

Those who participated in this so-called court decision, parliamentary committee and parliament it will go to Hell, period. If you don't believe it, you will when you get there. Those who choose this or conduct it or support it will also go to Hell unless they repent and work to turn the tide.

You will go to Hell for all eternity and that includes certain "catholic" media pundits!

I have not had much time to blog on this sad, sad issue.

Please visit Toronto Catholic Witness for the news on this national tragedy.


We will pay dearly for this.

When one reads the doctor's comments in this article and the reader comments at the end, one is left to hang ones head in despair for them and how far they have fallen. 

God help us, please.

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Abp. Pozzo and the Society of St. Pius X

Where are we with the SSPX?—Abp. Pozzo
February 26, 2016 
Read what Archbishop Pozzo had to say about the SSPX in Zenit on February 26, 2016.
We here present some extracts of Archbishop Pozzo's interview, given to Luca Marcolivio and published today in the Italian online version of Zenit. Archbishop Pozzo has been working on the reconciliation of the SSPX in the Pontifical Comission Ecclesia Dei for some years, especially after having been appointed Secretary, for a second time, in 2013.
It is not always easy to know exactly what Archbishop Pozzo really means to convey to the press when he speaks about the SSPX.
These comments are to be taken in light of the following elements given by Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta in his January conference published today. 
On July 2015, Rome made another offer to the SSPX.
The SSPX Superior General’s intention before answering this proposal from the Congregation of the Faith was
to write an exhaustive explanation to make it very clear how we are and how we act, what we preach, what we do, what we do not do, and what we are not ready to do, in order to find out if the Society really is accepted 'as it is'."

About the status of the Society of St. Pius X

The SSPX is still in an irregular position, because it has not received canonical recognition by the Holy See. As long as the Society has no canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise in a legitimate way the ministry and the celebration of the sacraments. According to the formula endeavored by the then Cardinal Bergoglio in Buenos Aires and confirmed by Pope Francis to the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, the members of the SSPX are Catholics on the path toward full communion with the Holy See. This full communion will come when there is a canonical recognition of the Society.

What steps has the Holy See taken?

Following the lifting of the excommunications in 2009, a series of meetings were initiated between doctrinal experts appointed by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, after the motu proprio of Benedict XVI, Unitatem Ecclesiae (2009), and experts of the SSPX to discuss and exchange views on major doctrinal issues underlying the dispute with the Holy See: the relationship between Tradition and the Magisterium, the questions of ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, religious freedom, and of the liturgical reform, in the context of the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
We are now at a stage that I believe constructive and oriented to achieve the desired reconciliation. The gesture of Pope Francis to grant to faithful Catholics the opportunity of receiving validly and lawfully the sacraments of reconciliation and anointing of the sick by the bishops and priests of the SSPX during the Holy Year of Mercy is clearly a sign of the will of the Holy Father to favor the path towards a full and stable canonical recognition.

What obstacles remain?

I would distinguish two levels. The proper doctrinal level concerns some differences about individual topics proposed by the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar Magisterium relating to ecumenism, the relationship between Christianity and the world religions, religious freedom, especially in the relationship between Church and State, and some aspects of liturgical reform. There is also the level of mental and psychological attitudes, which is to move from a position of polemical and antagonistic confrontation, to a position of listening and mutual respect, esteem and confidence, as it should be between members of the same Body of Christ, which is the Church. We need to work on both of these levels. I think the rapprochement undertaken has borne some fruit, especially for this change in attitude by both parties and it is worth pursuing that.
Even on the issue of the Second Vatican Council, I think that the SSPX must reflect on the distinction ...between the authentic mens of Vatican II, its intentio docendi, as shown by the official Acts of the Council, and that I would call the "para-council", i.e., the set of theological guidelines and practical attitudes which accompanied the course of the Council itself, then pretending to cover themselves with its name, and that the public, thanks to the influence of the media, overlapped often as the true thought of the Council.
Also as regards the Lefebvrian criticism on religious freedom, at the bottom of the discussion it seems to me that the SSPX position is characterized by the defense of traditional Catholic doctrine against the agnostic secularism of the State and against secularism and ideological relativism but not against the right of the person not to be constricted or obstructed by the State in the exercise of the profession of religious faith. However, these are issues that will be a topic for discussion and clarification even after the full reconciliation.
What appears crucial is to find a full convergence on what is required to be in full communion with the Apostolic See, namely the integrity of the Catholic Creed, the bond of the sacraments and the acceptance of the Supreme Magisterium of the Church. The Magisterium, which is not above the Word of God written and transmitted, but serves it, is the authentic interpreter also of previous texts of the Magisterium, including those of the Second Vatican Council, in the light of the perennial Tradition, which develops in the Church with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, not with a novelty contrary (which would deny Catholic dogma), but with a better understanding of the Deposit of Faith, in the same doctrine, the same sense, and in the same judgment (in eodem scilicet dogmate, eodem sensu et eademque sententiacf. Vatican Council I, Const. Dogm. Dei Filius, 4). I believe that on these points the agreement with the SSPX is not only possible, but necessary.
I do not think that the SSPX has denied a doctrine of faith or the truth of the Catholic doctrine taught by the Magisterium. The criticisms concern instead statements or claims regarding the renewed pastoral care and ecumenical relations with other religions, and some issues of prudential order in the relationship between Church and society, Church and State. On liturgical reform, I will only mention a statement that Archbishop Lefebvre wrote to Pope John Paul II in a letter dated March 8, 1980:
About the Mass of the Novus Ordo, despite all the reservations that one has to do about it, I never claimed that it is invalid or heretical."
Therefore the reservations about the rite of the Novus Ordo, which are obviously not to be underestimated, do not refer either to the validity of the celebration of the sacrament nor the line of the Catholic Faith. It would therefore be appropriate to continue the discussion and clarification of these reservations.

About the gesture of Pope Francis

The Holy Father encouraged the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei from the start of his pontificate to pursue a less official and less formal [dialogue] with the SSPX. In this context, the soothing and magnanimous gesture of Pope Francis on the occasion of the Year of Mercy has undoubtedly helped to calm further the state of relations with the Society, showing that the Holy See has at heart the rapprochement and reconciliation which will also need a canonical form. I hope and wish that the SSPX shares the same feeling and the same will.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Pope Bergoglio! Shall we look at what she did?

Image result for Pope Francis Emma Bonino
In his effort to reach out to the peripheries and be a friend to the world, Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome praised Emma Bonino an Italian politician and abortionist. Gloria TV is reporting the following:

Speaking to the Corriere della Sera on February 8th Pope Francis numbered the radical Italian politician Emma Bonino “among the big ones of today’s Italy”. When the journalist pointed out that Bonino doesn’t think like the Church, Francis replied: “Whatever, one has to look at the persons, at what they do.” Bonino openly admitted that she performed more than 10,000 illegal abortions during 1975 alone. She would vacuum the unborn child from the womb of the abortive mother with an air pump — the kind used for bicycle tires — putting the remains of her victim into a glass jar. This picture shows Bonino while murdering a child.

"Whatever, he says?
Here it is in Italian:

“Tra i grandi dell’Italia di oggi” Bergoglio cita poi l’ex ministro Emma Bonino, facendo strabuzzare gli occhi ai suoi interlocutori e anche a tanti lettori. Lui però insiste e spiega che l’esponente radicale “è la persona che conosce meglio l’Africa”, che “ha offerto il miglior servizio all’Italia per conoscere l’Africa. Mi dicono: è gente che la pensa in modo molto diverso da noi. Vero, ma pazienza. Bisogna guardare alle persone, a quello che fanno”.

And as translated (Google)

"Among the largest of today's" Bergoglio then quotes the former Minister Emma Bonino, making eye-rolling to his interlocutors, and also to many readers. But he insists and says that the Radical leader "is the person who knows best in Africa", which "offered the best service to Italy to learn about Africa. They say: it is people who think very differently from us. True, but never mind. We have to look at people, at what they do."

Well, what else does he say?

According to Ansa.it:
He also named former foreign minister Emma Bonino, ex-Italian president Giorgio Napolitano, and Lampedusa Mayor Giusi Nicolini as the country's "forgotten greats" for their selfless dedication to building bridges with Africa, to serving Italy, and to upholding the rights of refugees.

And this is what Emma Bonino does!

What does Jorge Bergoglio have to say about that?


Thanks to readers, we find more about she who Jorge Bergoglio has praised:

Legalisation of marijuana 

Awarded by globalist and anti-Catholic George Soros
Promotion of euthanasia

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Paul Durocher - daydream doodling and doctrinal diddlying

Paul Durocher. Now there's a name we've not heard since October. Please forgive me for not putting his title as a prefix. Truly, when he starts acting it, I'll start addressing him by it.

Y'all remember Paul Durocher, right? 

He was Canada's great contribution to last October's Synod to destroy the family held in Rome. That's right. Paul Durocher, erstwhile musicologist and Archbishop of Gatineau, a lovely little place across the River Outaouais from our Nation's Capital, just down the road from the rather seedy village of Hull. Well, young Paul, the poor suffering and deluded Catholics on the north side of the Ottawa River have this man for another dozen or more years, is the one who stood up at that infamous Synod and declared the most profound need for the family was to have women deacons.

That's right. 

The Synod on the Family used by this so-called "Shepherd" to push a radical feminist political agendas.

Now, how many priests do you think the Archdiocese of Gatineau has left? Well, as of 2013, a grand total of 61 priests with 21 of those being of Religious Orders and 1 Deacon. That is 1 priest for every 4,366 souls. Compare that with this. Prior to the Cultural Revolution, ... I mean, Quiet Revolution, - basically the other French one but without the blood and gore, except in the case of the late Pierre Laporte, may he rest in peace, and the new springtime of Vatican II, Gatineau-Hull, as it was then known had 214 priests or 1 for every 530 souls. They have no vocations and those who have recently shown any interest were far too Catholic and sent away.

Well, Durocher is up to it again. Since reporting on his Synod escapades on Sing and Walk which is more aptly titled Sit Down and Shut-up, he's now been featured by Toronto's own Catholic Register with his wisdom espousing a greater role for women in the Church.

Maybe if Paul showed a little masculinity and challenged the men of Gatineau to stand up for the faith and Our Lord Jesus Christ, he wouldn't have such a problem. What is it that these "men" don't get, the feminised Church is what sent the men away?

Ah, but they do get it.

They get it good.
