A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday, 23 October 2020

Steve Skojec: Abusive creep.

Skojec and his blog were long ago removed from this site. The man is a disgraceful boor, a bully and not very smart.

Here he is again, openly slandering and threatening Ann Barnhardt. You can disagree with Ann's position. You can't, do, this!

It is not the first time. He has been savage to her on Twitter.

Disgraceful puke is what Skojec is.


Catholic, eh? 


Tony Bobulinski held presser claiming Joe Biden knew about Hunter's busi...

Thursday, 22 October 2020


Bergoglio sows confusion. Confusion is of the Devil. What exactly did he say? Does it even matter now?

Due to a comment in the blog with a link that is highlighted a this blog by Mark Lambert, I am reminded this morning of the quote from Richard Gailladartz that Rosica used as his own and which this blogger first reported proving Rosica's plagiarism. It was in 2015.

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

As Mr. Lambert says, "It is too late." 

Mr. Lambert features how not only the media but allegedly Catholic priests and self-proclaimed theologians have jumped on this and confirmed the narrative headline by CNA rather than this apparent translation and CNA is trying to back pedal. Yet, they confirm that Bergoglio said, "What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that," referring to his time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and the Argentinian debate on same-sex alleged marriage.

The fault here for this now mass confusion and media hype is on one person and only one. Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The man's mind is poisoned, his intellect darkened. His conscience corrupted. He is a petulant, arrogant egotist. A movie called "Francesco." What bovine excrement and false humility. A truly humble pope would never have agreed to a movie on himself.

We are exhausted by this man, this rotten papacy. We long for a Catholic pope, not a globalist, Marxist pandering heretic who hates Christ. As a commenter on this post at Father Z states quite correctly. "Francis has, in a spiritual way, demonstrated to me the sort of demoralization that the periodically beaten son of a drunken father must experience." 

The man is evil. He is an evil stepfather. He has defiled our Mother and is an abusive monster drunken on power. 

It is time to come to the conclusion that others have come to. The man has no grace of office. He has no guidance of the Holy Spirit.  If he had the grace and the guidance then he would not have done this.

He is possessed of the devil. 

It can only lead to one conclusion.  

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Statement of Bishop Thomas Tobin demanding Bergoglio clarify contradiction of Church Magisterial teaching



Nothing surprises anymore. Nothing emanating from the corrupted and darkened intellect of this evil and monstrous man, this Argentinian boil on the "Seat" of Peter. 

How much more? How much longer must we endure this rotten man and his filthy mind, his heresy and his hatred of all things Catholic? How much longer do we need to endure our corrupted and blackmailed episcopacy?

Evil. Evil. Evil. There is no other word that can describe Jorge Mario Bergoglio!

Here is a video in his own words.


He does not serve Our Lord, he does not serve me or you, dear friend. He is an abomination. He has become the Whore of Babylon. He must be denounced and mocked and derided by every Catholic. Pray for him, go ahead. I pray to end of him, God have mercy upon me for that.

May God in heaven hear our cries and deliver His Holy Catholic Church from these evil and satanic poseurs and provocateurs!

May St. Joseph open Bergoglio's eyes, or close them forever!


American Catholics! Is this man worthy of your vote?

"To whom much is given, much is expected." 

These words of Our Lord Jesus Christ as quoted in the Gospel of Luke, say much about the difference between Catholic Joseph Biden and Protestant Donald J. Trump. Catholics defending Biden state that he is a "devout" Catholic. Trump on the other hand is a rich, greedy, adulterer and more. One should remind oneself of Our Lord's parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. When given the opportunity, unlike John Lennon who said that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus Christ," Trump, after being told he was the "most famous man in the world" told the people at a rally, that he corrected the person that it was really "Jesus Christ" as he pointed up the heavens.

Catholic Joseph Biden said, "We will protect women's constitutional right to choose and I am proud to stand with you in this fight."

It is quite obvious what you Americans are required to do. 

Donald Trump's salvation is up to him and God. So is Joseph Biden's. But Biden had the Sacraments and the upbringing to know better. Donald Trump truly has the ability to know better but not the Sacraments. May grace flow that he comes to the fullness and may Biden repent. If you, as a Catholic, vote for Biden, you will share in that photo, above. As another comparison, watching a commercial featuring Franklin Graham in Seattle speaking of the people returning to Jesus Christ to solve the problems in America, one can look at any Catholic bishop and ask if they love Jesus more than this man? 

It is obvious to me, in this case, who is the Pharisee and who is the Tax Collector. The works of God are mysterious, but sometimes, not so much.

Saturday, 17 October 2020

To mask or not to mask, that is the question for Catholics attending the Latin Mass!

This post is not to debate the merits of wearing a mask or not. Any comments in the combox about it will not be published.

It is simply a warning to you, my dear Catholic. 

In Canada, (I am not certain of the legal structure in the United States of America), the Catholic diocese is what is known as a "corporation sole." It allows the structure of the corporation to pass without interruption from one to another, as when a bishop is appointed. The bishop "Is" the "corporation." 

If you come into my house, you follow my rules. If I tell you to put on a mask to service my furnace, you do it. If the bishop tells you to put on a mask to attend Mass, you do it. Or don't, but don't go to Mass there. If the State tells you in a public interior space over which it has normal power to regulate occupancy, fire code being one example, it has the "legitimate authority" to do that. Catholics are obliged to obey legitimate authority.

For those attending the traditional Mass who continue through arrogance, pride, selfishness and obstinance to refuse to wear a mask, you are putting your communities continuance in jeopardy.

In spite of warnings, including by this writer who was consulted, two communities in the Diocese of Hamilton have now been shut down, Owen Sound and Kitchener.

I told them, "this is not the sword to die on."

They chose to die on it, regardless.


Bergoglio and his Christ-hating globalist plan for "education!"

Not once. Not once does he mention Our Lord Jesus Christ. 


Dear Brothers and Sisters, 

When I invited you to begin this process of preparation, consultation and planning for a global pact on education, we could never have imagined the situation that has developed in the meantime. The Covid crisis has accelerated and magnified many of the issues and needs that we had identified, and has uncovered numerous others as well. Concerns about health care are now accompanied by economic and social concerns. Educational systems worldwide have felt the effects of the pandemic at every level. 

Attempts have been made everywhere to offer a rapid response through online educational platforms. These have brought to light a marked disparity in educational and technological opportunities, but they have also made us realize that, due to the lockdown and many other already existing needs, large numbers of children and adolescents have fallen behind in the natural process of schooling. Recent statistics from international agencies have led some to speak, perhaps somewhat hastily, of an “educational catastrophe”, inasmuch as some ten million children were forced to leave school as a result of the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus. This has only increased an already alarming gap (with over 250 million school age children excluded from all educational activities). 

Faced with this dramatic situation, we know that necessary health care measures will prove inadequate unless accompanied by a new cultural model. We have become more conscious of the need to change our model of development. In order to ensure that the dignity of the human person is respected and protected, development ought to start from the opportunity that global interdependence offers to communities and peoples to care for our common home and to foster peace. We are experiencing a comprehensive crisis that cannot be reduced or limited to any single sector. It affects everything. The pandemic has led us to realize that what is really in crisis is our way of understanding reality and of relating to one another. 

Here it is evident that neither simplistic solutions nor wishful thinking will do. Education, as we know, is meant to be transformative. To educate is to take a risk and to hold out to the present a hope that can shatter the determinism and fatalism that the selfishness of the strong, the conformism of the weak and the ideology of the utopians would convince us is the only way forward. 

To educate is always an act of hope, one that calls for cooperation in turning a barren and paralyzing indifference into another way of thinking that recognizes our interdependence. If our educational systems are presently marked by a mindset of replacement and repetition, and are incapable of opening up new horizons in which hospitality, intergenerational solidarity and the value of transcendence can give birth to a new culture, would this not signify that we are failing to take advantage of the opportunity offered by this historic moment? 

We also know that the journey of life calls for hope grounded in solidarity. All change requires a process of education in order to create new paradigms capable of responding to the challenges and problems of the contemporary world, of understanding and finding solutions to the needs of every generation, and in this way contributing to the flourishing of humanity now and in the future. 

We consider education to be one of the most effective ways of making our world and history more human. Education is above all a matter of love and responsibility handed down from one generation to another. 

As such, education is a natural antidote to the individualistic culture that at times degenerates into a true cult of the self and the primacy of indifference. Our future cannot be one of division, impoverishment of thought, imagination, attentiveness, dialogue and mutual understanding. That cannot be our future. 

Today, there is need for a renewed commitment to an education that engages society at every level. Let us heed the plea of the young, which opens our eyes to both the urgent need and the exciting opportunity of a renewed kind of education that is not tempted to look the other way and thus favour grave social injustices, violations of rights, terrible forms of poverty and the waste of human lives. 

What is called for is an integral process that responds to those situations of loneliness and uncertainty about the future that affect young people and generate depression, addiction, aggressiveness, verbal hatred and bullying. This entails a shared journey that is not indifferent to the scourge of violence, the abuse of minors, the phenomenon of child marriage and child soldiers, the tragedy of children sold into slavery. To say nothing of the “sufferings” endured by our planet as a result of a senseless and heartless exploitation that has led to a grave environmental and climatic crisis. 

At certain moments in history, it is necessary to make radical decisions that can shape not only our way of life but above all our stance in the face of possible future scenarios. Amid the present health crisis – and the poverty and confusion it has caused – we believe that it is time to subscribe to a global pact on education for and with future generations. This calls for a commitment on the part of families, communities, schools, universities, institutions, religions, governments and the entire human family to the training of mature men and women. 

Today, we are called to have the necessary parrhesía to leave behind superficial approaches to education and the many short-cuts associated with utility, (standardized) test results, functionality and bureaucracy, which confuse education with instruction and end up atomizing our cultures. Instead, we should aim to impart an integral, participatory and polyhedral culture. We need the courage to generate processes that consciously work to overcome the existing fragmentation and the conflicts that we all bring with us. We need the courage to renew the fabric of relationships for the sake of a humanity capable of speaking the language of fraternity. The value of our educational practices will be measured not simply by the results of standardized tests, but by the ability to affect the heart of society and to help give birth to a new culture. A different world is possible and we are called to learn how to build it. This will involve every aspect of our humanity, both as individuals and in our communities. 

Let us appeal in particular to men and women of culture, science and sport, artists and media professionals in every part of the world to join in supporting this compact and promoting by their own testimony and efforts the values of care for others, peace, justice, goodness, beauty, acceptance and fraternity. “We should not expect everything from those who govern us, for that would be childish. We have the space we need for co-responsibility in creating and putting into place new processes and changes. Let us take an active part in renewing and supporting our troubled societies. Today we have a great opportunity to express our innate sense of fraternity, to be Good Samaritans who bear the pain of other people’s troubles rather than fomenting greater hatred and resentment” (Fratelli Tutti, 77). This calls for a pluralistic and multifaceted process in which all of us can work to provide meaningful responses, in which diversity and methods are harmonized in the pursuit of the common good. The ability to create harmony: that is what is needed today. 

For these reasons, we commit ourselves personally and in common: 

· First, to make human persons in their value and dignity the centre of every educational programme, both formal and informal, in order to foster their distinctiveness, beauty and uniqueness, and their capacity for relationship with others and with the world around them, while at the same time teaching them to reject lifestyles that encourage the spread of the throwaway culture. 

· Second, to listen to the voices of children and young people to whom we pass on values and knowledge, in order to build together a future of justice, peace and a dignified life for every person. 

· Third, to encourage the full participation of girls and young women in education. 

· Fourth, to see in the family the first and essential place of education. 

· Fifth, to educate and be educated on the need for acceptance and in particular openness to the most vulnerable and marginalized. 

· Sixth, to be committed to finding new ways of understanding the economy, politics, growth and progress that can truly stand at the service of the human person and the entire human family, within the context of an integral ecology. 

· Seventh, to safeguard and cultivate our common home, protecting it from the exploitation of its resources, and to adopt a more sober lifestyle marked by the use of renewable energy sources and respect for the natural and human environment, in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity, solidarity and a circular economy. 

Finally, dear brothers and sisters, we want to commit ourselves courageously to developing an educational plan within our respective countries, investing our best energies and introducing creative and transformative processes in cooperation with civil society. In this, our point of reference should be the social doctrine that, inspired by the revealed word of God and Christian humanism, provides a solid basis and a vital resource for discerning the paths to follow in the present emergency. 

The goal of this educational investment, grounded in a network of humane and open relationships, is to ensure that everyone has access to a quality education consonant with the dignity of the human person and our common vocation to fraternity. It is time to look to the future with courage and hope. May we be sustained by the conviction that education bears within itself a seed of hope: the hope of peace and justice; the hope of beauty and goodness; the hope of social harmony. 

Let us not forget, brothers and sisters, that great changes are not produced from behind desks or in offices. No. There is an “architecture” of peace to which various institutions and individuals in society all contribute, each according to its own area of expertise, without excluding anyone (cf. Fratelli Tutti, 231). In this way, we must move forward, all of us together, each as we are, but always looking ahead to the building of a civilization of harmony and unity, in which there will be no room for the terrible pandemic of the throw-away culture. Thank you.

Friday, 16 October 2020

WitchDoctor Bergoglio!


Thursday, 15 October 2020

Bergoglio's Vatican issue BitchyMama to commemorate his preferred "mother"

Make no mistake, there are no coincidences. The state of our world today is a direct result of this heretical fraudster dressed in white who last year in Rome went full pagan last October with the sanctioned bowing to a pagan goddess and its enthronement in the Holy of Holies.

Here we have the bitch of the earth commemorated in a coin.

Then we have, the Jesuits.

As full of scum in their veins as the Basilians. Sorry to the two who read this blog and the one decent Basilian left in Toronto. You are exceptions.

Hey VeraCity - where have you been for all these years?

Perhaps City News will answer these questions publicly on the Facebook "support" page or perhaps they will not. If they do not, then one must ask about their motivation.

Full disclosure: I spent a year of hell at the age of 13 being physically assaulted by Basilian priests and a lay man wannabee Basilian in a Toronto High School. I fought back and had the personality to defend oneself. It could have been worse. I was a lucky one. I also went after the wretched Congregation of St. Basil fifteen years ago with a formal complaint. It is also on file with the Archdiocese of Toronto. It is inconceivable that the various leaders of the Church in Toronto did not know about the decades long abuse by Basilians and others. 

The blog post story below is a bit curious. It deals with old cases resolved in courts and perpetrators long outed here at Vox Cantoris or at Toronto Catholic Witness. All, but two of the perps are dead and judged by God.

Let's see if the good reporters at VeraCity (sounds like they're late to the party, eh? Spotlight dealt with this). answer my questions on Facebook. Frankly, they should be embarrassed for neglecting the story for so long. Don't get me wrong. None of this should be covered up, I'm just disgusted that they've ignored this for so long!


They also do not deal with the issue. Of the 14, 13 went after boys. This is a homosexual predator problem and infestation.

The real question though is this. What did Pocock, Carter, Ambrozic and Collins know and when did they know it?

Still not approved...

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Pervert Basilians keep on coming

A tip of the hat to Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness for this and a slap to CityNews. Where have you been for all these years when we bloggers have been reporting this?

While this is news, it is not new news. At one time or another, this blog and Barona have reported on many of these perverts in the filthy Congregation of St. Basil.

Fourteen is only the tip of the perverted Basilian iceberg.

You only deal with sex perverts. How about violent, assaulting bruts? How about lying, suing, swindler priests?

St. Michael's College is and was a hell-hole and it blossomed as such under Pervert Campbell.

As for the Archdiocese of Toronto and its series of Archbishops and Cardinals that covered it up (don't tell me they didn't know) and have not removed this filthy order from the Archdiocese, why don't you demand to know what they knew and when?


Filthy, rotten Basilians. Not one of you is worth anything but a your feet dangling in Hell on the last rung of the purgatory ladder. If you can make it that far up.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Travis Clark - a filthy, perverted Satanic betrayer of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His people!

Fornicating on the altar with a couple of BDSM whores.

A Satanic profanation of the sacred.

Who ordained this piece of human detritus!


Black Lives Matter are trained Marxists - Why have you allowed yourself to be deceived?

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/464284021?title=0&byline=0" width="640" height="287" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="https://vimeo.com/464284021">Black Lives Matter Exposed</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/freedomchoosers">Choose Freedom</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p> 

Trump joins 'Tucker' for first on-camera interview since COVID-19 diagnosis

I have a good friend who began feeling poorly around the 25th of September. Last Saturday, October 3, he was admitted to hospital north of Toronto. He sent me a photo that evening of himself in bed in the hospital, he looked terrible. He sent me a picture from his house on Thursday, October 8. He looked great and said he felt like he was 20 years younger. I knew from Saturday that he was receiving Remdesivir. He said he felt the results within one day. 

All praise to God.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Communist thug Bergoglio demands an end to private property - unless it's the $20,000,000.00 he has control of!

 You just try to take my private property you communist scumbag.

"Make Roe the Law of the Land" - Alleged Catholic Joe Biden - American Catholics, what will you do now?

oseph Biden, the former American Vice-President and Democrat candidate for President has said if the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court results at the end of “Roe” then his “only response to that is pass legislation making Roe the law of the land. That's what I would do." 

How Biden could make a Law on something for which there is no right reveals how mentally challenged this man really is.   

Biden went to Mass on Saturday night as stated in a broadcast. Did he receive Holy Communion? 

How can any Catholic vote for this man?

Biden has already excommunicated himself. Vote for him, you do the same.


In the same 24 hour period, Biden also displayed his true racist self.

For those who think that Biden will win, read the comments here and see what is happening. 


Saturday, 3 October 2020

Viganò on Bergoglio's scandals


By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò 

Much has been written in recent days about yet another Vatican scandal, this time involving Cardinal Becciu, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Faced with accusations that still have to be proven, Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s response seemed to be dictated more by anger than by love of truth, more by a delusion of omnipotence than by the will for justice – in any case by a serious despotic abuse of authority.

From this point of view, we can now believe that the deprivation of the Sacred Purple and the reduction to the lay state have become summary executions, with a very strong media impact in favor of the image of those who inflict them, beyond the real moral and criminal responsibilities of the condemned. Mr. McCarrick, accused of very serious crimes, was directly condemned by the Pope, without the trial documents and testimonies concerning him being made public. With this ploy, Bergoglio wanted to give an image of himself that however contrasts with the reality of the facts, since his stated desire to “clean up” the Vatican does not correspond to the fact of his having surrounded himself with widely compromised characters – to begin precisely by McCarrick – giving them official assignments, then kicking them out as soon as their scandals were exposed. And on all of them, as those who work in the Curia know well, already weighed serious suspicions, if not even any detailed evidence of guilt. 

In confirmation of this instrumental method, indeed of the ruse of the Bergoglian moralizing action, there are the cases of upright and completely innocent people, who have not been spared the infamy of discredit, media exposure, judicial pillory: let us just think of the case of Cardinal Pell, abandoned to himself in a sham trial set up by an Australian court, and for which the Holy See refrained from any intervention which would have been its duty. In other cases, such as that of Zanchetta, Bergoglio spent himself in an all-out defense of his protégé, even going so far as to accuse the victims of the Prelate of perjury, and promoting him to a position of high responsibility at APSA that was specifically created for him. And today Galantino and Zanchetta are de facto administrators of the entire patrimony of the Holy See and now also of the portfolio of the Secretariat of State. And what about unpresentable characters like Bertone and Maradiaga, Peña Parra and Paglia? Living scandals… 

Birds of a feather stick together. 

Let us therefore leave aside the innocent and guilty, united by the lynching artfully induced by those who wanted to get rid of them or because they had shown themselves not very inclined to compromise, or because their zeal for the cause of Santa Marta had led them to a dangerous ease in a certainty of impunity. People of mirrored honesty and great faith such as Ettore Gotti Tedeschi or Cardinal Pell, without forgetting Eugenio Hasler and the mere executors of Becciu in the Secretariat of State, were treated worse than a serial abuser like Theodore McCarrick or a (presumed) manipulator like Becciu. It is to be believed that the annoyance of having honest and incorruptible collaborators led to their expulsion, just as the blackmail of immoral and dishonest collaborators was considered a sort of guarantee of their loyalty and their silence. Time has shown that honest men have suffered injustice with dignity without discrediting the Vatican or the person of the Pope; it is to be believed that on the other side the corrupt and the vicious will, in turn, resort to blackmail against their accusers, as courtiers without honor have always done. 

In this recent event, the constant theme that can be seen is the attitude of Santa Marta, which has been compared in many quarters to that of a South American junta. I believe, instead, that behind this dripping of scandals involving prominent personalities of the Hierarchy and Roman Curia there is the deliberate will to demolish the Church herself, to discredit her before the world, to compromise her authority and credibility before the faithful. The operation we have been witnessing for the past seven terrible years is clearly aimed at the destruction of the Catholic institution, through the loss of credibility, disaffection and disgust for the actions and unworthy behavior of its members; an operation that began with the sexual scandals already under the previous Pontificates, but which this time is to be seen as the protagonist, as the main actor precisely the one who sits on the Throne, and who with his own words and works is able to deal the most devastating blows to the Papacy and the Church. 

The “demythologization of the Papacy” advocated by progressives essentially consists in its ridicule, in its profanation, that is, in making it profane, not sacred. And it is unheard of and very serious that this subversive operation is carried out by those who hold that Papacy and wear its robes, albeit awkwardly. Similarly, the profanation of the Church is carried out with a scientific method by the very leaders of the Hierarchy, who make themselves disliked by the people of God and are pitied by the world, under the smug gaze of the mainstream media. 

This modus operandi is not new. It was adopted – with less media impact but still with the same purposes – on the eve of the French Revolution. Making the aristocracy hateful; corrupting the nobility with vices unknown to the people; eradicate the sense of moral responsibility towards the subjects; causing scandals and fomenting injustice towards the weakest and the poorest; to enslave the ruling class to the interests of sects and lodges: this was the premise, artfully created by Freemasonry, to arouse the discredit of the Monarchy and legitimize the revolts of the masses, prepared by a few seditious in the pay of the Lodges. And if the nobles did not fall into the trap of vice and corruption, the conspirators could accuse them of the wickedness of others and condemn them to the gallows under the pressure of hatred cultivated among the rebels, among the criminals, among the enemies of the King and of God. A mob of infamous ones that had nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Today, after more than two centuries of a tyranny of revolutionary thought, the Church is the victim of the same system adopted against the Monarchy. The aristocracy of the Church is as corrupt as, and perhaps more than, the French nobles, and does not understand that this vulnus to its reputation and authority is the necessary premise for the guillotine, the massacre, the fury of the rebels. And also to Terror. Let the moderates think carefully that a next Pope only slightly less progressive than Bergoglio can sedate souls and save the Papacy and the Church. Because the theological hatred of God’s enemies, once the good Shepherds have been eliminated and the faithful removed, will not stop before those who today deplore the present Pontificate but defend its conciliar matrix: the conservatives who believe they can distance themselves so much from modernists as well as traditionalists will end up like the Girondins. 

“Mundamini, qui fertis vasa Domini” says Wisdom (Is 52: 11). The only way to get out of the crisis of the Church, which is a crisis of Faith and Morals, is to recognize the deviation from the right path, retrace the path taken and take the path that Our Lord marked with His Blood: the way of Calvary, of the Cross, of the Passion. When the Shepherds will not have the smell of the sheep but rather the sweet perfume of the Chrism with which they have been made similar to the High and Eternal Priest, they will be conformed again to the divine model of Christ, and with Him they will know how to sacrifice themselves for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Nor will the divine Shepherd make them lack His Grace. As long as they want to please the world, the world will compensate them with its deceptions, its lies, its most abject vices. The choice, after all, is always radical: eternal glory with Christ or eternal damnation far from Him. 

+ Carlo Maria Viganò