A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday, 19 February 2017

A hymn or two for Sexagesima

Father, we thank Thee who hast planted
Thy holy name within our hearts.
Knowledge and faith and life immortal
Jesus, Thy Son, to us imparts.
Thou, Lord, didst make all for Thy pleasure,
Didst give us food for all our days,
Giving in Christ the Bread eternal;
Thine is the pow'r, be Thine the praise.

Watch o'er Thy Church, O Lord, in mercy,
Save it from evil, guard it still,
Perfect it in Thy love, unite it,
Cleansed and conformed unto Thy will.
As grain, once scattered on the hillsides,
Was in this broken bread made one,
So from all lands Thy Church be gather'd
Into Thy kingdom by Thy Son.

He who would valiant be
'gainst all disaster,
let him in constancy
follow the Master.
There's no discouragement
shall make him once relent
his first avowed intent
to be a pilgrim.

Who so beset him round
with dismal stories
do but themselves confound
his strength the more is.
No foes shall stay his might;
though he with giants fight,
he will make good his right
to be a pilgrim.

Since, Lord, thou dost defend
us with thy Spirit,
We know we at the end,
shall life inherit.
Then fancies flee away!
I'll fear not what men say,
I'll labor night and day
to be a pilgrim.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Pope Francis as pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist

Bishop of Rome Bergoglio has issued a bulletin to the Meeting of Popular Movements meeting in Modesto, California. It is ironic considering that he previously equated the populism that elected Donald J. Trump as President of the United States with the national socialism of Adolf Hitler, but gives a warm statement to these populists. Clearly, Bergoglio does not oppose populism, only the populism that doesn't agree with his form of Peronist-Marxist populism. Reading the diatribe, one clearly sees it as just one more poorly veiled attack on the American President. 

The whole bulletin, a diatribe of leftist excrement that could have been written by George Soros,  can be read on the Vatican web page. He also states in this Marxist social justice essay that, "Muslim terrorism does not exist." Tell that to the people who have suffered from Muslim terrorism. 

I know that you have committed yourselves to fight for social justice, to defend our Sister Mother Earth and to stand alongside migrants. I want to reaffirm your choice and share two reflections in this regard. 
First, the ecological crisis is real. “A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system.”  Science is not the only form of knowledge, it is true. It is also true that science is not necessarily “neutral”—many times it conceals ideological views or economic interests. However, we also know what happens when we deny science and disregard the voice of Nature. I make my own everything that concerns us as Catholics. Let us not fall into denial. Time is running out. Let us act. I ask you again—all of you, people of all backgrounds including native people, pastors, political leaders—to defend Creation.

The Bishop of Rome cannot compel you, he cannot compel me to believe junk science. There is strong evidence that the world has been cooling for nearly a decade due to sun spot activity. It is a geological fact that fossils of ferns and palms exist in Greenland and northern Alberta indicating that at another time in history, the earth was warmer than it is now. Climate changes, period.

He cannot compel you he cannot compel me to refuse to state that millions of Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism. There are 1.5 billion in the world, if 1% support terrorism, that is 15,000,000 and there is more than 1%. But there are no Muslim terrorists.

Now, to the real matter at hand.

How sad, how distressing that Holy Mother Church has sold out to the world. How much of a betrayal that the very Bishop of Rome himself, should buy in to false oecumenism, junk environmental science and misplaced pacifism while Christians, and in fact, many Muslims, lose their peace, their property and their lives to radical Islamic terrorists.

Nearly ten years ago, on March 1, 2007, John Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews penned a story about the Lenten retreat of Pope Benedict XVI and the invited retreat master, the retired Archbishop of Bologna, Giacommo Biffi. 

We wrote previously about Cardinal Biffi, at this link, and about a subject dear to him, the Russian, Vladimir Sergeevic Soloviev and his writings on the Antichrist. 

Weston writes:
This year’s selection when it became known created a stir since Cardinal Biffi, while he is known for orthodox faith and frank words, is most well known, at least in the secular media, for his preaching on the Antichrist.  In fact, the Times of London reported in 2004 that the Cardinal described the Antichrist as "walking among us".
The Lenten retreat did not disappoint.  Cardinal Biffi picked up on his oft repeated theme of the Antichrist, basing his remarks on the works of Vladimir Soloviev, a Russian religious philosopher who has received praise from Pope Benedict prior to his elevation to the pontificate.
Image result for antichrist art
Quoting Soloviev, the Cardinal said "the Antichrist presents himself as pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist."
"He will convoke an ecumenical council and will seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions, granting something to each one. The masses will follow him, with the exception of small groups of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants," he said according to a Zenit translation of a Vatican Radio summary here: http://www.radiovaticana.org/it1/Articolo.asp?c=120479 (no longer there)
In his "Tale of the Antichrist" Solovyov foresees that a small group of Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants will resist and will say to the Antichrist: "You give us everything, except what interests us, Jesus Christ".   For Cardinal Biffi, this narrative is a warning: "Today, in fact, we run the risk of having a Christianity which puts aside Jesus with his cross and resurrection."
The 78-year-old cardinal added that if Christians "limited themselves to speaking of shared values they would be more accepted on television programs and in social groups. But in this way, they will have renounced Jesus, the overwhelming reality of the resurrection."
Cardinal Biffi affirmed that "if Christianity—on opening itself to the world and dialoguing with all—dilutes the salvific event, it closes itself to a personal relationship with Jesus and places itself on the side of the Antichrist."

Let the reader discern.

We have been abandoned by our dad

Understand this.
Image result for pope benedict walking away

Our dad abandoned our mother. He left us to be raised by another. He was a coward for abandoning us and he was selfish. He cares more about his piano and Mozart and his reading and writing than he does about you and me. He walks in a garden and contemplates. We suffer. Some say he was courageous for leaving.  What fools these are. There was nothing courageous about it. We were lied to. He lied to us. We thought he loved us. We thought he was the best darn dad we could ever have. But he betrayed us and our mother. Now, our new dad is a bully. He is abusive and vindictive and does not like us very much. He calls us names and insults us. He tells us to believe unproven science, he demands we let people who would destroy us into our house. He does not like us. He does not like our mother much either. He goes through the motions and often sneers at her for the nice clothes and perfume she wears and the way she has decorated the house. He has moved in to the family house and has taken it over. He is an abusive spouse to our mother we are now his abused and neglected children.

Got it?

With the revelation of Baum's sodomitical life the Canadian Bishops more than ever must condemn the Winnipeg Statement!

Image result for canadian bishops  plenary

To the Bishops of Canada!  

  • Gregory Baum was one of Canada's "experts" at the Second Vatican Council. Upon his return, the then set out to influence your predecessors against Humanae Vitae and to declare their dissent and create de facto schism from the Church in the Winnipeg Statement. Those words then are now used by the Bishop of Rome and others to justify their scandalous plan to dismiss mortal sin and the Sixth Commandment and to defame the Holy Eucharist.
  • Gregory Baum admits to having a sodomitical relationship with another man around 1964, just after the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council and prior to the Winnipeg Statement. No doubt, Baum knew quite well at Vatican II that he was already a sodomite in thought, if not in action.
  • Baum dissented from the Church's teaching and broke his vows to the Church and his Augustinian Order. Later, he continued by leaving his Order, and marrying a woman without even being laicised and then breaking whatever vows he made to her be engaging in degrading and perverted sexual behaviour with other men.
  • Yet, to this day, the Winnipeg Statement on which Gregory Baum was a major influence, still stands notwithstanding various attempts, to clarify current thinking, nor will one rarely hear from the pulpit, the rightness of Humane Vitae.
  • Baum's entire life has been a lie. The man has engaged in deception for decades and admits it in his book.

Given now the clear revelations from this man directly that he was a dissenter and a betrayer of Christ and His Church, his vows and nature itself, will you know do your duty?

Will you now rise up and condemn the Winnipeg Statement!

Will you now cause all - yourselves and all Canadian priests, religious and faithful to do public penance and reparation in our churches for this error?

Or, objectively speaking, will you burn in Hell along with the filthy pervert Baum so praised on the Salt + Light program Witness by Tom Rosica, which you support and encourage with the money from the Catholic faithful?

Imagine that, eh? You, dear bishop, in Hell with Gregory Baum looking back at you and laughing at you for all eternity, along with "Normand."

Friday, 17 February 2017

What evil is on the horizon from Rome and Bergoglio?

Image result for pope francis
“Tip-offs III: the great “renewals” of Bergoglio” by Fra Cristoforo Let me tell you a story. Last Thursday, in a coffee bar in front of the Porta S. Anna (facing Vatican City) a Monsignor (very close to Bergoglio) in his 50's and a layman go for a coffee. The discussion turns to the “dubia”.
The Monsignor, with an “enough” says: “The Pope will never answer the “dubia” of the 4 Cardinals. He will never lower himself to their level. Francis has much bigger plans, which do not stop with Italy. The only hitch during this period has been the election of Trump.”
To which the layman replied: “And what has Trump got to do with Amoris Laetitia?”
“He has everything to do with it” replied the Monsignor, continuing: “the aim was to back Clinton, because she has a special relationship with Francis. They’re in frequent contact. And the goal to be reached was that the Catholic Church was to rehabilitate certain “non negotiable” principles in a soft manner, in such a way that the Vatican too would have had strong global political support, which is needed at this time, above all for the big manoeuvres which are coming.”
About this we must agree with the great Assange… read here
The layman even more amazed says: “And which manoeuvres are coming?”
The Monsignor sips the last drops of coffee and says: “But have you still not understood that the vision which you have of the Church has been left behind?
“…But do you not understand that today the Pope is a world leader? That had Ratzinger stayed we’d all be finished. Do you know what the next manoeuvre will be? Precisely the diaconate for women. Because it’s the only way to show our concrete closeness to the Lutherans and Anglicans. And you will see that by November we will have the diaconate for women. Not of course identical with what you think. But it will come very close.” “BY NOVEMBER.”
There it is, in so many words what was said confidentially by the Monsignor of the Secretariat of State.
Now let us take a moment to reflect. Saint Peter’s Square is by this point almost always empty (and ‘TV 2000’ only films that small group of people crowded together in front of the window.) What do the faithful matter to Bergoglio? From the contents of this conversation it can be inferred that the Argentinean has plans much broader than evangelisation. Often and willingly he has said that evangelisation is a form of proselytism, which is not OK. Just recently he even said that he is worried that in certain congregations there are many vocations.
There you are. He seeks only himself. He seeks to keep the spotlights on himself, and not to tread on anyone’s toes, because he is the LEADER.
And Jesus Christ does not concern him. How unlike St Paul. The Apostle to the gentiles said “we are become as the refuse of the world” (1 Cor 4,9-13) precisely because in first place he put evangelisation. Bergoglio instead, to the prejudice of Christ and of the salvation of souls, wants the first place for himself.
Dear readers, this is the reality. And in a week there will be more appalling news. But I won’t anticipate the press releases.
The reason behind my anonymity is this. I am a priest, but I HAVE TO be anonymous. Otherwise I would no longer have any way of writing these things to you. I have reflected on this a great deal in these last months. But I still cannot reveal myself publicly. I do however still think it important that the faithful “understand” the dynamics which are evolving in the See of Peter. And these discussions at the coffee bar are for me extremely relevant, and in conscience I have to communicate them to you.
Fra Cristoforo

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Gregory Baum is a Sodomite! What a surprise ...

Image result for gregory baum

Well, what do we have here?

It turns out that Gregory Baum, a Jew, turned Catholic, Augustinian Priest, Vatican II Periti, Apostate, who abandoned the Bride of Christ for a woman and became a Presbyterian, now admits to abandoning all to declare himself a sodomite!

In a story by Christine Niles at ChurchMilitant, Baum reveals in:

A new book by a priest who led the vanguard of dissent on birth control in Canada reveals for the first time his decades living as an active homosexual. Father Gregory Baum, a laicized priest married to a former nun for 30 years, admits in his forthcoming autobiography The Oil Has Not Run Dry that his wife did not mind the fact that he had a gay priest-lover on the side.

Tommy Rosica, a Basilian priest, who has just announced his departure from coordination of the World Youth Daze, has said of Baum:
"Gregory, we've known each other for a long time. ... I've certainly admired very much your theology, your writings, but also your love of the Church, your love of Christ, and you help to keep alive not only the spirit of the Second Vatican Council but the authentic teaching of the Council."

Baum reports that he was in love with and had sodomitical relations with a priest, first in London and then in Montreal. But that priest did not love him back in the same way. 

"Shirley did not mind that, when we moved to Montreal in 1986, I met Normand, a former priest, with whom I fell in love," Baum writes in Chapter 32. "My love for Normand has never changed: his presence delights me to this day. While Normand is gay and welcomed my sexual embrace when we were younger (I was sixty-three when I met him, (ewww) he was forty-six), he did not love me as I did him: (Oh cry me a river!) He simply regards me as a great friend for who [sic] he makes room in his life. I fully accept this."

Gregory, when you die, you will go to Hell. You will know in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye of your last breath. You will go there for betraying Christ, His Church, your second wife, a former nun, and nature.

Hell Gregory, Hell!

Repent, and be saved.

Perhaps Tom can have him on Witness again to ask him for a philosophical and theological dissertation on the joy of oral copulation, felching and rimming and whether or not he contracted HIV and gave it to his wife.  What about fisting, Rosica? Can you have Baum on a Witness from program to discuss if Baum has experience with fisting, or with gerbils? Does Baum now need to wear diapers because his sphincter no longer keeps it all in?

Tells us Thomas J. Rosica, interview him again so that we can now what Baum thinks of coprophilia and if he has engaged in coprophagia? Or do we ask Bergoglio since he seems to know so much about it? 

Surely, it would be good to know if Baum engaged in analingus with that priest in 1964 in London, and what about Normand?  

What a filthy, vile,disgusting bundle of sticks is this Baum!

And what bishop thought this filthy pervert worthy to have hands laid upon him for ordination?

Communion For All, Catholics and Protestants. Words of Kasper, Or Rather of the Pope

How much do those of us in the English-speaking world owe Sandro Magister. For years now, this blogger has frequently linked and quoted him. He is true in faith and erudite in his analysis. He has suffered for it at the hands of Vatican apparatchiks.

Once again, we see the villains that have taken over Rome


Remain true friend. Do not despair. Pray your Rosary, pray the Divine Office linked to the right above, or if need be, the modern Liturgy of the Hours, also linked above. I cannot stress enough the importance of attending the traditional Rite of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 

16 Feb

Communion For All, Catholics and Protestants. Words of Kasper, Or Rather of the Pope

The obscurity with which Pope Francis loves to speak and write on the most controversial questions is one of the constants of his magisterium, an obscurity that reached its summit in the response that he gave on November 15, 2015 to a Lutheran woman married to a Catholic, who was asking him if she too could receive communion at Mass:

Parolin and the UnHoly See are "concerned" about populism

Cardinal Parolin of the UnHoly See is "concerned" about populism.

Too bad this pompous heresiarch isn't concerned about the loss of souls.

Populism: [noun]  Oxford1.    Support for the concerns of ordinary people.
1.1  The quality of appealing to or being aimed at ordinary people.

I mean, we wouldn't want to care too much about the "concerns of ordinary people," now would we, Cardinal Capo?

Cardinal Parolin: Holy See "concerned" about populism
Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, with Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, left, and Italian president Sergio Mattarella, during a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts in 1929. - AP
Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, with Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, left, and Italian president Sergio Mattarella, during a ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Pacts in 1929. - AP
15/02/2017 13:43

(Vatican Radio) The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on Tuesday evening said the Holy See is “concerned” about the emergence of populism.
The chief Vatican diplomat was speaking after meeting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, and other officials for an annual summit at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See, commemorating the signing of the Lateran Pacts between the Holy See and Italy in 1929.
Cardinal Parolin said closing in on oneself is “never a good policy.”
“The inability to welcome and integrate can be dangerous,” – the Cardinal said – “History teaches us this, and we hope that in this sense it will not be repeated.”
He also said the European project must be “relaunched,” ahead of the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which created the European Economic Community (ECC), the forerunner of the European Union.
The vote by Great Britain to leave the European Union, as well as the rise of Eurosceptic parties in other countries, has been causing a crisis within European institutions.
“It is obvious there are many tensions, many difficulties, but they are also able to become, as they say, a ‘kairos’ - an opportune moment - to reset the political relationship on a new basis,” the Cardinal said.
Cardinal Parolin told journalists the two sides also spoke about social issues in Italy, especially “migration, unemployment, and youth.”c

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

"Downfall" of Bergoglio!

Pure Cacca from Cocco - The heretical barking dog of Team Bergoglio is anathematised already!

Cardinal Coccopalmerio is a filthy heretic.

It is time for every Catholic to call this man out as the disgusting heretic which he is.

He is stinking episcopal swine.

He oozes a stench of evil. 

He is a corrupt and arrogant ignoramus.

Cursed by the teats that gave nourishment to this boil on the Body of Christ.

He looks quite pleased with himself, eh?

Father Gerald E. Murray, writing at First Things, gives a true Catholic perspective on this cretin.

Il cardinale Francesco Coccopalmerio

More here at OnePeterFive

“CANON XI.- If any one saith, that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist; let him be anathema. And for fear lest so great a sacrament may be received unworthily, and so unto death and condemnation, this holy Synod ordains and declares, that sacramental confession, when a confessor may be had, is of necessity to be made beforehand, by those whose conscience is burthened with mortal sin, how contrite even soever they may think themselves. But if any one shall presume to teach, preach, or obstinately to assert, or even in public disputation to defend the contrary, he shall be thereupon excommunicated.” Council of Trent

From Vulgar Latin *cacca, from Ancient Greek κάκκη ‎(kákkÄ“, “dung”).

Is Bergoglio about to force WomenDeaconettes on the Church?

Did you, good reader, happen to catch that little moment of profound homiletical wisdom emanating as sweet frankenonsense from the mouth of Bergoglio at the Vatican Motel, the one about women?

I will quote all of it so that you can get the context and lest we ever be accused of manipulating the words of the Bishop of Rome:

“When women are not there, harmony is missing. We might say: But this is a society with a strong masculine attitude, and this is the case, no? The woman is missing. ‘Yes, yes: the woman is there to wash the dishes, to do things…’ No, no, no! The woman is there to bring harmony. Without the woman there is no harmony. They are not equal; one is not superior to the other: no. It’s just that the man does not bring harmony. It’s her. It is she who brings that harmony that teaches us to caress, to love with tenderness; and who makes the world a beautiful place.”
“And they looked at me, they looked me in the eyes – I’ll never forget those eyes, eh? – then they turned and they told me, both together: ‘We are in love.’ After 60 years, this means ‘one flesh.’ And this is what the woman brings: the capacity to love one another. Harmony for the world. Often we hear: ‘No, it is necessary in this society, in this institution, that here there should be a woman because she does this, she does these things.’ No, no, no, no! Functionality is not the purpose of women. It is true that women should do things, to do things as we all do. The purpose of women is to make harmony, and without women there is no harmony in the world. Exploiting persons is a crime of ‘lèse-humanité’: it’s true. But exploiting a woman is even more serious: it is destroying the harmony that God has chosen to give to the world. It is to destroy.
This is the great gift of God: He has given us woman. And in the Gospel, we have heard what a woman is capable of, eh? She is courageous, that one, eh? She went forward with courage. But there is more, so much more. A woman is harmony, is poetry, is beauty. Without her the world would not be so beautiful, it would not be harmonious. And I like to think – but this is a personal thing – that God created women so that we would all have a mother.

What do you think he is talking about?

When I read this last week, I said to myself, "he is setting us up." He is turning the Church upside down and he is telling us the intends to have womynpriests, b
ut you see, before there can be womynpriests, there need to be womyndeacons.

And look belowe, courtesy of Hilary White, what we have found.

And as I've written previously, do not be surprised if Bergoglio calls a Council. That's right, Vatican III, to enshrine his heresy and "split the Church," just as he promised.

Remember, this is the Vicar of Christ who spoke about people who "eat shit," you know, magiare merda or manger de la merde, or comer meirda; (pardon the bluntness, but that his what he said) coprophagia, and derive sexual stimulation for from it, coprophilia.

Eat shit from the mouth of the "Pope."

Yeah, a true Vicar of Jesus Christ.

And I have some ice to sell today to our Inuit, 'cause Eskimo is so politically incorrect.

Image result for pope francis angry

(bear with the computer translation, no time to clean it up)


"Drafts Part III: the big" renovations "of Bergoglio" Fra Cristoforo
I'll tell you a story. Last Thursday, in one of the Bar present in front of the Porta S. Anna (front of the Vatican State), go out for coffee a Monsignor (very near Bergoglio), in his fifties, and a layman. 
The discussion falls on "dubia". The Monsignor, with making "sufficient" says: "The Pope will never answer to" dubia "of the 4 cardinal. She will never fall to their level. Francis has much bigger projects, which do not stop 
to Italy. The only hitch in this period was the election of Trump ".
To the layman he responded: "And what does Trump with the Amoris Laetitia?". "Got to do and how," he replied the Monsignor, continuing: "The intent was to support the Clinton, because Francis had 
a special relationship. Often they feel. And the goal to be reached was that the Catholic Church should have some clear principles of "non-negotiable", so soft, so that even the Vatican had 
a strong global political support, which in this time of need, especially for large maneuvers that will come. "
On this we must give an account to the great Assange..leggete here 
http://formiche.net/2016/10/21/clinton-podesta-papa-francesco/ ) .... 
The increasingly secular amazed: "And such maneuvers must arrive"? The Monsignor sips the last drop of coffee and says, "but you have not yet realized that the vision that you have of the Church is outdated? Do not you understand that the Pope today is a world leader? That if he stayed Ratzinger we all failed. Do you know what the next maneuver? Just the diaconate to women. Because it is the only way to show our concrete closeness to the Lutherans and Anglicans. And you'll see that by November we will also have the diaconate to women. Maybe not equal to what you think. But it will approach a lot. " "WITHIN November".
Here it is. So. Papal Papal what was said by Monsignor of SDS (Secretary of State), in a "state" confidential. 
Now we pause to reflect. Piazza San Pietro is almost always empty (and TV in 2000 still frames that group of people massed in front of the window). What does it matter to Bergoglio of the faithful? From the content of this conversation it shows that the Argentine has far broader evangelization projects. Often he said that evangelization is a form of proselytism that is not good. Recently also he said that he cares if some congregations there are many vocations.
Here it is. He seeks only himself. Try to concentrate on if the spotlight, and not step on the streets to anyone because he is the LEADER. And of Jesus Christ it does not matter a damn. Other than St. Paul. The Apostle of the Gentiles said "We are considered the garbage of the world" (1 Cor 4.9 to 13).Just because he put evangelization first. Instead Bergoglio at the expense of Christ and the salvation of souls, you want him in the first place. Dear readers, this is the reality. And this week there will be more terrifying news.But I leave the earlier press releases.
The sense of my anonymity is just that. I am a priest, but I HAVE to stay anonymous. Otherwise I would not have any chance to write these things.I've thought a lot in recent months. But still I can not "come out" publicly.However, I consider important that the faithful "know" the dynamics that evolve in the See of Peter. And these discussions as "bar" for me are extremely relevant. And in conscience, to communicate.
among Cristoforo

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Bergoglio's puppy Cocco, can't even show up at his own heretical book launch presser? DUBIA MUST BE ANSWERED BY BERGOGLIO!

Using an excuse about a "diary clash," Berogoglio lapdog Coccopalmerio, an alleged Cardinal and Prince of the Holy Roman Church, has skipped out on his presser to reveal his book.

The book, allegedly the answer to the Dubia of Father Bergoglio from the four Cardinals, and I dare say, millions of faithful, is not an acceptable answer from the Bishop of Rome. 

Excerpts from the book clearly reveal that the provision of Holy Communion and Penance for unrepentant adulterers is to be the norm. 
“The divorced and remarried, de facto couples, those cohabitating, are certainly not models of unions in sync with Catholic Doctrine, but the Church cannot look the other way. Therefore, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion should be given even to those so-called wounded families and to however many who, despite living in situations not in line with traditional matrimonial canons, express the sincere desire to approach the sacraments after an appropriate period of discernment.”
Nothing is said about sodomites, child rapists, pornography aficionados are priests who bugger little boys, but if it's okay to receive Holy Communion after you've fornicated with whores against your wife, or rakes against your husband, why not those priests who use their power to bugger, fellate, felch and gerbil little boys?

How about to murderers or embezzlers? Maybe extortionists and slave traders? You see, where does it end? Either it is mortal sin or it isn't?

Oh, I just couldn't help myself!

Coccopalmerio is a filthy heretic. A heresiarch that should be pummeled with the Catechism and sent off to a monastery and he can take along the Bishop of Rome with him.

Sorry for the bluntness but the reality is sometimes necessary.

Image result for coccopalmerio

How proud is this peacock, eh?

Thanks Papa Ratzinger. Another sound decision on your part.

Coccopalmerio is a flaming heretic.

So is his Bergoglio.

More to come ...