A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday, 6 January 2017

Epiphany 2017 - Post I: The absurdity of the transference of the Feast and to eat meat or not to eat meat, that is the question!

When Jesus, our Lord was born at Bethlehem in the land of Judea, ...

Today, January 6, is the Epiphany of the Lord.  A blessed Feast to you!

Yet, in most of our countries and dioceses, Rome excepted at least, it is not. It is transferred to Sunday. 

The Wise Men will be late this year, as they've stopped to alleviate the suffering in Aleppo, ("What's a leppo") and are delayed by two days. The absurdity of celebrating liturgically Epiphany two days late is only outdone by that fact that in 2011, they got to Bethlehem so quickly, perhaps then, arriving on January 2, on a supersonic camel. At least, in 2019, the new odoured liturgists and their Bishop's Conferences will get it correct, when January 6 actually falls on a Sunday, and we'll all be on the same page.

To top off the absurdity of the transfer, today, Friday, is a day of penance and abstinence from meat, for those Catholics who even bother, or care.

Yet, what do we find in Matins today at the Antiphon for the Benedictus at Lauds?

Ant. Hódie cælésti sponso iuncta est Ecclésia, quóniam in Iordáne lavit Christus eius crímina; currunt cum munéribus magi ad regáles núptias; et ex aqua facta vino lætántur convívæ, allelúia.

Ant. This day is the Church joined unto the Heavenly Bridegroom, * since Christ hath washed away her sins in Jordan; the wise men hasten with gifts to the marriage supper of the King; and they that sit at meat together make merry with water turned into wine. Alleluia.

It is the same antiphon in the modernist and deformed Liturgy of the Hours with its missing and edited psalms, the ones that are too offensive for modernist ears. So, to eat meat or not to eat meat? Epiphany is the oldest Feast in the Church, even predating Christmas. It is a Solemnity or First Class Feast, in many places, it was a Holy Day of Obligation. Some are of the opinion that today is a day of abstinence if the Epiphany is transferred off of today. What absurdity. Read the antiphon! If it was good enough for them, then it is good enough for us! It is Epiphany in Rome and thus a Solemnity., but the poor rubes in Canada and the United States and other places can't eat "meat together and make merry" like those clericalist and careerists in Rome? Will our newly rotund Pope be eating cod today? I doubt it! 

At Vespers we find this great antiphon, set to music by some of the greatest composers, including Palestrina. Even in Jakarta, they know this:

Ant. Tribus miráculis * ornatum diem sanctum cólimus: hódie stella Magos duxit ad præsépium: hódie vinum ex aqua factum est ad núptias: hódie in Jordáne a Joánne Christus baptizári vóluit, ut salváret nos, allelúja.

Ant. This day we keep a holiday in honour of three wonders, * this day a star led the wise men to the manger; this day at the marriage, water was made wine; this day was Christ, for our salvation, pleased to be baptized of John in Jordan. Alleluia.

How many Catholics are aware that the Church has always believed that on this day did take place in their respective years, the three great manifestations of Our Lord, His Epiphany to the Gentiles, His miracle of turning water into wine at Cana, thus beginning His ministry and the next year, most likely; His Baptism at the Jordan. One can recall the great hymn by Wordsworth, Songs of Thankfulness and Praise recalling not only these mysteries, but the Gospels for the early Sundays in Epiphanytide, healing the "palsied limbs."

We have lost much liturgically and culturally and we must strive as Catholics to restore both, notwithstanding our emasculated and modernist Shepherds.

Oh, and Fox and Vox will sit and eat "meat together" - in honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God baptised at the Jordan, we will have "rack of lamb," and red wine in honour of His Miracle at Cana followed by Vespers at home and then Sung Mass in the traditional rite in the evening.

Thursday, 5 January 2017

A thought for Bishop Fred Henry and a theory on what will come out of it for Toronto

Image result for bishop fred henryBishop Fred Henry of Calgary has resigned due to serious physical conditions that are incurable. He will be replaced by the current Bishop of the Diocese of Peterborough which is now vacant. Peterborough is suffragan to the Archdiocese of Kingston and immediately east of Toronto Archdiocese. Toronto was once part of the Archdiocese of Kingston which extended to Detroit until Michael Power was appointed as Toronto's first Bishop in the around 1840.

Bishop Henry was known as "Red Fred," for his social justice principles. He was an Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of London before coming to Toronto an an Auxiliary before a stop as Bishop of Thunder Bay prior to Calgary. He made quite the name for himself in the fight against genderism, sodomitical so-called marriage, and the radicalist agenda of homosexualism being forced upon Alberta's schools as well as strong Catholic principled stands against euthanasia and abortion. He was a good man in these things. Liturgically, his one foolish act, apart from that which is generally foolish in the the nervous disordered liturgical dictatorship, is that he suspended the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. During the hysteria around H1N1, a number of bishops in Canada, including Toronto's, banned Holy Communion on the tongue, something which they had no authority to do. The FSSP in Calgary refused to go along with communion in the hand and asked the people to make a spiritual communion instead. The only person required at Mass to receive Holy Communion is the actual priest, in order to complete the Holy Sacrifice. The people were fine with it. Bishop Henry was not. Well, it was less than a week later that that decision was overturned from on high in Rome. What I will say about Bishop Henry is this; I wrote him to protest his decision. He actually wrote back and exchanged in a conversation about it. God bless him in his retirement and comfort him in his infirmity.

Now, what next?

Here is my theory.

The terna, the three named recommendation by Cardinal Ouellet to Pope Bergoglio will be rejected. Canada has escaped, thus far, a FrancisBishop - most of our current were just shuffled since he came on the scene, the major and suffragan Sees filled prior under Benedict XVI or quietly filled with no controversy.

I believe that ends now.

Bergoglio will reject the terna, order one of Toronto's current Auxiliaries, probably Bishop Kirkpatrick to Peterborough clearing the way for Francis to put one of his own great promoters in these parts to Auxiliary Bishop to become a thorn in the side of Thomas Cardinal Collins as a punishment for being the prominent blue inked signature as one of the great 13, who stood up to him at the Synod.

The vindictive and Peronist Bergoglio does not have the cojones to punish Cardinal Collins directly for that affront, after all, Cardinal Collins did stand up for the Faith against him, so he will make his last five years here miserable with an Auxiliary to do Bergoglio's bidding and to be on the inside of things in Toronto.

Then, in five years, or maybe even less, he will make that man Toronto's new Archbishop.

Remember where you read it.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Bergoglio contradicts St. Paul with his Amoris Laetitia

Following up on the a theme yesterday, wherein we wrote that "Peter, contradicts Peter," today from Matins of Divino Afflatu we see how Pope Bergoglio, in his heretically laced Amoris Laetitia, contradicts St. Paul.

Reading 1
Lesson from the letter of St. Paul the Apostle to the Romans 7:1-3
1 Know you not, brethren, for I speak to them that know the law, that the law hath dominion over a man, as long as it liveth? 2 For the woman that hath an husband, whilst her husband liveth is bound to the law. But if her husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. 3 Therefore, whilst her husband liveth, she shall be called an adulteress, if she be with another man: but if her husband be dead, she is delivered from the law of her husband; so that she is not an adulteress, if she be with another man.

Let it be a lesson to those such as Bergoglio who use terms such as "rigid" to describe Catholics who simply follow Holy Scripture.

Image result for pope francis st. paul

A salient question is this; "Does Pope Bergoglio read his daily office?" Of course, if he does, he reads the truncated Liturgy of the Hours.

Perhaps it would help all these men, men blest with great education and study of scripture to return to the Divino Afflatu, or at least to opening up the Holy Bible now and again.

Let this Pope have not one minute of rest from faithful Catholics, who will not accept his machinations or his manipulations of the Truth of Jesus, the Truth of His Church.

Let this be a warning on the matter of papolatry and to all papal positivists out there; you risk your souls by following these men when they fall off of the narrow road. The Pope is not infallible except when he declares it so on matters of faith and morals. The First Vatican Council actually restricted the Pope, it did not grant him license in all matters. Bergoglio's Apostolic Exhortation is not doctrine,it is an "exhortation." 

My fellow Catholics, do you follow the words of St. Paul or will you follow the words of Jorge Bergoglio? Who spoke with the power of the Holy Ghost and who speaks with the "spirit" of the "god of surprises." 

Did St. Paul burn incense to idols, the idols of this world? He saw Christ in a great and miraculous event on the road to Damascus. That sword depicted above was the means of his death. Did he go to his martyrdom for a lie?

Do not follow its error no matter what nice phrases come before or after it. One drop of poison is enough.

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Shared Communion would be blasphemy and sacrilege? Not according to the once Deacon Tom Rosica, CSB

Remember when Pope Bergoglio visited that Martin Luther Heretic Centre in Rome and told the Lutheran woman enquiring about Holy Communion to use her conscience and "go forward?"

How about the latest from Kasper the UnFriendly Cardinal who suggested that intercommunion should occur between Lutherans and Catholics, notwithstanding that our understanding of Transubstantiation and their "con" substantiation are two immensely different things?

The most important Catholic journalist today, Edward Pentin is reporting on comments by Msgr. Nicola Bux, that such a thing would be "blasphemy and sacrilege."


Remember our old friend Thomas J. Rosica, CSB?

Well, we can't be sure what old Father Tommy thinks now, but we sure know what Deacon Thomas J. Rosica, of the ever collapsing Congregation of St. Basil, once thought:

Pitchforks, torches and brooms.

It's time to take down these heretics in Rome and sweep out the stables.

Image result for sweep out the stables

Or drain the Tiber swamp, if you prefer.

Image result for tiber swamp

Does a self-set bear-claw trap lay in wait for Pope Bergoglio on the matter of sodomite priest rape of children

Read it and then ask Pope Francis, what happened to that dossier?


May it jump right up and bite him for his dereliction!

Related image

"Peter" contradicts Peter

The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus usually celebrated on the Sunday after the Octave of Christmas was transferred to yesterday, January 2, as the Octave was on Sunday. I am referring of course to the right and proper calendar. In the modernist calendar, it is today, January 3. 

Image result for st peter statue pope francis

In the Readings of the First Nocturn of Matins, we read from the Book of Acts beginning at Chapter 3 and the discourse of Peter and John and the lame man as they go up to the Temple. The Third Reading is damning to our modern churchmen, most specifically, St. Peter's very successor.

8 Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said to them: Ye princes of the people, and ancients, hear: 9 If we this day are examined concerning the good deed done to the infirm man, by what means he hath been made whole: 10 Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by him this man standeth here before you whole. 11 This is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12 Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved.

We are told by St. Luke, the author of Acts, that peter was "filled with the Holy Ghost." Therefore, what followed from Peter's mouth were not just words of Peter but of God Himself as it was the Holy Spirit speaking through Peter.

Let us read it again.

"This (Jesus) is the stone which was rejected by you the builders, which is become the head of the corner.Neither is there salvation in any other. For there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved."

Our current Bishop of  Rome has said that proselytism is "solemn nonsense" and a "sin."

I think St. Peter might disagree with Pope Bergoglio.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Pope Bergoglio putting heads on the block!

The "climate of fear," in the Vatican was discussed on this blog back in December. OnePeterFive is reporting today more news, that the climate of fear is now descending to a climate of termination, retribution and revenge allegedly engineered by Pope Bergoglio himself.

The same overstepping arrogance on the part of the Pope by creating a commission to investigate an internal administrative matter that is none of his business with the Knights of Malta has now apparently caused him to seek the heads of priests who may disagree with him. 

Maike Hickson writes that "Marco Tosatti, the well-informed and well-respected Italian Vatican specialist, has just revealed another quite troubling development in Rome. On 26 December, Tosatti reports on his own website Stilum Curiae that Pope Francis had just ordered the Prefect of one Vatican dicastery to dismiss three of his priests from their duties in their congregation."

The head of a dicastery has received the order to remove three of his employees (all of whom have worked there for a long time), and it was without any explanation. He [the Prefect] received these official letters: “….I request that you please dismiss ….” The order was: send him [each of them] back into his diocese of origin or to the Religious Family to which he belongs. He [the Prefect of the Congregation] was very perplexed because it was about three excellent priests who are among the most capable professionally. He first avoided obeying and several times asked for an audience with the pope. He had to wait because that meeting was postponed several times. Finally, he was received in an audience. And he said: “Your Holiness, I have received these letters, but I did not do anything because these persons are among the best of my dicastery… what did they do?” The answer was, as follows: “And I am the pope, I do not need to give reasons for any of my decisions. I have decided that they have to leave and they have to leave.” He got up and stretched out his hand in order to indicate that the audience was at an end. On 31 December, two of the three [men] will leave the dicastery in which they have worked for years, and without knowing the why. For the third, there seems to be a certain delay. But then, there is another implication which, if true, would be even more unpleasant. One of the two had freely spoken about certain decisions of the pope – perhaps a little bit too much. A certain person – a friend of a close collaborator of the pope – heard this disclosure and passed it on. The victim received then a very harsh telephone call from Number One [i.e., the pope]. And then soon came the dismissal.”  
Thus it is not so astonishing when the atmosphere behind the walls and in the palaces is not really serene. And one may now ask oneself what kind of credit this fact gives altogether to all the elaborate and sustained fanfare about mercy.  
One source in Rome says that all those who work for the Holy See are afraid to talk about anything for fear of being chopped because of the presence of informants everywhere. He compared it to Stalinist Russia. He said two priest friends of his, good men, have been fired from the CDF because they were accused of being critical of Pope Francis.

There is a much to consider here.

Truth vs. rumour

Italian blogs are important to monitor for inside information on what is going on in the Vatican. Tosatti is well-regarded in Rome and is considered an insider. Based upon previous information, this news, should not come as a surprise. If true, what it shows is a deep arrogance but actual insecurity and fear on the part of Bergoglio and his minions. A fear that they are being thwarted in their plans to remake the Church in their image, not Christ's. Given what we know, my view is that this information is legitimate. They fear the truth, they fear blogs and the waking up of the faithful to their manipulations, their machinations and their satanic for the Church.


The legitimacy will be verified by the actions which will flow from it. If these words spoken at the meeting between the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pope are accurate, or even partly so, then everyone at that meeting, including Müller, will be on the chopping block for Bergoglio. He will know that he has been "betrayed" by Müller, or that there are others which he cannot trust.

Witnesses to history

How does someone like Archbishop Gänswein remain in the service of Francis to witness directly the destruction of the papacies of John Paul II and Benedict XVI? Is Gänswein a "double-agent?" Is he Benedict's "keeper" in his monastic prison only to be let out for a circus now and then? What about Msgr. Guido Marini, how long can he serve a Bishop of Rome who refuses to bend his knee to the Lord of Heaven and Earth? How many compromises must these men have made to now be stuck in their positions? Or, are they there to try to manage the situation? 


During the dustup with Tom Rosica and the frivolous, vexatious and unjust attempt to litigate against me, he referred in one of his letters to this writer damaging his "reputation" and by extension, his career. We hear now that there is this "climate of fear" in these men for their "careers" and that they are being "fired." I am perplexed by this. These men were apparently called to the priesthood. Is that not the career? the vocation? 

I have little sympathy for these in the Vatican who now live and work in this "climate of fear." These are men who have been given every privilege in life. They were given great education and the opportunity to serve God's people by offering the Holy Sacrifice, hearing confession, baptising and blessing the dying. They don't have to worry about the mortgage or the insane tax rates, or how to decide between the electrical bill and grocery list. They need not worry about balancing the hockey camp with the ballet lessons or that their children have been corrupted in the faith by errant teachers and priests. They don't need to worry about their livelihood being shipped off to some third-world backwater and never being able to properly provide again for their families. These fearful cleris do not live the life of the "deplorables" known as John and Mary Catholic. These privileged fearful Vatican men are in reality, sissies in cassocks.

Good grief men, find your pair and man up! Defend Our Lord and His Faith and His Church. Declare to the Catholic faithful what is going on. Do not follow a leader into Hell. Take your medicine, Stand up for the Truth. Defend Our Lord Jesus Christ and His faithful from these errors and these men who seek to destroy.

And stop whining about your climate of fear and get on with it.

"You are a priest forever, after the Order of Melchizedek." Start acting like it.

Friday, 30 December 2016

How to prepare for the great Bergoglian schism

From Hilary White at The Remnant

Suggested New Year's Resolution: Keep the Faith, Despite the Madness

Two years ago, using the term “schism” in reference to the antics of the Vatican would have got you automatically labeled a sedevacantist or schismatic. Now it is used commonly by nearly everyone, including highly placed prelates in Rome. This is not because the Church is falling apart. It is not because Catholics are losing their Faith. It is because they are finding it. Because the realities have at last begun to overcome the false propaganda of the last five decades.
As the mayhem and destruction of the Bergoglian Wrecking Ball continues, and continues to escalate almost daily, we are seeing more and more examinations of canon law and theology around the question, “Is it possible for a reigning pope to be a schismatic?” Now, I’m not a canonist or a theological scholar. I’m really just someone who knows how to ask people questions. So I don’t pretend to have the answers to that question and all the other related questions that grow logically from it.
Hilary Toon

 From St. Athanasius
“May God console you! ... What saddens you ... is the fact that others have occupied the churches by violence, while during this time you are on the outside. It is a fact that they have the premises – but you have the Apostolic Faith. They can occupy our churches, but they are outside the true Faith. You remain outside the places of worship, but the Faith dwells within you. Let us consider: what is more important, the place or the Faith? The true Faith, obviously. Who has lost and who has won in the struggle – the one who keeps the premises or the one who keeps the Faith? True, the premises are good when the Apostolic Faith is preached there; they are holy if everything takes place there in a holy way ...
“You are the ones who are happy; you who remain within the Church by your Faith, who hold firmly to the foundations of the Faith which has come down to you from Apostolic Tradition. And if an execrable jealousy has tried to shake it on a number of occasions, it has not succeeded. They are the ones who have broken away from it in the present crisis. No one, ever, will prevail against your Faith, beloved Brothers. And we believe that God will give us our churches back some day.
“Thus, the more violently they try to occupy the places of worship, the more they separate themselves from the Church. They claim that they represent the Church; but in reality, they are the ones who are expelling themselves from it and going astray. Even if Catholics faithful to Tradition are reduced to a handful, they are the ones who are the true Church of Jesus Christ.”

What did Bishop of Rome Bergoglio know about this sodomite pervert monster priest and when did he know it?

Sorry George, you're not getting away that easy from Vox, notwithstanding, my reduced pace of activity.

Bergoglio spins a good yarn about semper reformanda whilst he leaves these sodomites in the priesthood. Every one of these filthy rats needs to be discovered and outed from the priesthood of Jesus Christ. There can be no mercy from us for these monsters. 

Pope Reportedly Knew Priest Accused of Raping Children Two Years Before Arrest

From the AP and various other media:

Image result for Rev. Nicola Corradi
Nichola Corradi, 82, handcuffed to his wheelchair with 
Pope Francis was told as early as 2014 that a Catholic priest accused of sexually abusing children in Italy had been reassigned to a school in Argentina, where he has since been arrested on suspicion of child rape.
The Rev Nicola Corradi, 82, was arrested in late November alongside four other men following allegations of abuse at the Antonio Provolo Institute for hearing-impaired children in Mendoza province.
He was named in the scandal that hit the institute's Verona school in 2009, when 67 students alleged they had been abused. The Verona diocese apologised to students there and the Vatican sanctioned four priests, though not Rev Corradi. In 2014 the students sent the Pope a letter - acknowledged only this year - again naming him as an abuser, living in Argentina.
When Rev Corradi was arrested police reportedly found $34,000 along with magazines featuring naked women in his room.
Two dozen students have said they were attacked by Rev Corradi, the Rev Horacio Corbacho, 55, and three other men at the school in Lujan de Cuyo, a city about 620 miles northwest of Buenos Aires.
One told AP: "They always said it was a game: 'Let's go play, let's go play' and they would take us to the girls' bathroom."
The Pope told US victims of clerical abuse last year that "all responsible will be held accountable" and called for stronger “oversight to ensure that youth are protected”.
His Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors has announced that newly-appointed bishops will get comprehensive training on how to deal effectively with the root causes of child abuse.
But in February the commission was hit by the sudden departure of British anti-abuse campaigner Peter Saunders from the Vatican, who accused the panel of doing nothing to erase the culture of cover-ups within the Church authority.
In June, Pope Francis announced that clerics can now be dismissed from office if they are shown to neglect their duty of care towards vulnerable children and adults, in addition to creating a legal framework which allows for abusers to be tried in the Vatican.
Prosecutors in Mendoza expect more people to come forward with claims of abuse and they told AP that the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had been told about the allegations.
Pope Francis, who is from Argentina, has not spoken publicly about the case and the Vatican declined to comment on Corradi's arrest to AP

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Leonardo Boff, heretic and liberation theologian reveals that Bergoglio - Pope Francis, is "one of us"

Let us not get to comfortable in this Christmas season. Here, we have taken a two day break and now, it is time to get back to business, the state of things being what they are, and very grave, at that.

We have just finished our Lauds, preceded by Matins according to Divina Afflatu, the Office as properly reformed by St. Pius X. We are reminded of this reading from St. John on this glorious feast day in his honour.

"My little children, these things I write to you, that you may not sin. But if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the just: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world. And by this we know that we have known him, if we keep his commandments. He who saith that he knoweth him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But he that keepeth his word, in him in very deed the charity of God is perfected."

"He who saith that he knoweth him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar,"

A "liar!"

That is what St. John, Apostle and Evangelist has said which is an appropriate lead in to what follows.

John Paul II reprimanded Leonardo Boff. A liberation theologian and a heretic. Maike Hickson at OnePeterFive translates what this notorious heretic has revealed. Truly, the more these malefactors keep talking, the better it is. The truth will not be buried. Boff reveals much about this Bergoglio and continues to reveal himself as a liar, dissenter and disobedient priest to legitimate authority and shows how he conspires to twist and turn truth into a lie.

Image result for leonardo boff

Q: Liberation Theology of Latin America – one of whose most prominent representatives you certainly are – has now received new honors [and encouraging support] from and through Pope Francis. [Is there now to be] A rehabilitation also for you personally, after your years-long struggles with Pope John Paul II himself and with his highest defender of Doctrine, Joseph Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict XVI?
Francis is one of us. He has turned Liberation Theology into a common property of the Church. And he has widened it. Whoever speaks today of the poor, also has to speak of the earth, because it, too, is now being plundered and abused. “To hear the cry of the poor,” that means to hear the cry of the animals, the forests, of the whole tortured creation. The whole earth cries. Also, says the pope – and he thus quotes one of the titles of one of my books – we have to hear simultaneously the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth. And, for sure, both need to be liberated. I myself have dealt in the recent past with this widening of the Liberation Theology. And that [this environmental dimension] is also the fundamentally new aspect in Laudato Si.
Q: ….which is now in the “ecological encyclical” of the pope promulgated in the year 2015. How much Leonardo Boff is in Jorge Mario Bergoglio?
The encyclical belongs to the pope. But he has consulted with many experts.
Q: Has he read your books? More than that. He asked me for material for the sake of Laudato Si. I have given him my counsel and sent to him some of what I have written. Which he has also used. Some people told me they were thinking while reading: “Wait, that is Boff!” By the way, Pope Francis directly told me: “Boff, don’t send the papers directly to me.”
Q: Why not?
He said: “Otherwise, the Sottosegretari (the employees of the Vatican administration, editors [of the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger]) will intercept them and I will not receive them. Rather, send the things right to the Argentine Ambassador [at the Holy See] with whom I have a good connection, then they will safely land into my hands.” For that, one needs to know that the current Ambassador at the Holy See is an old friend of the pope from his time in Buenos Aires. They have often drunk together mate [a special drink from Argentina, a sort of tea]. Then, one day before the publication of the encyclical, the pope had someone call me in order to thank me for my help.
Q: A personal meeting with the pope is still outstanding?
He [Pope Francis] has sought a reconciliation with the most important representatives of the Liberation Theology: with Gustavo Gutierrez, Jon Sobrino, and likewise with me. I have said to him with respect to Pope Benedict – respectively Joseph Ratzinger – “But that other is still alive, after all!” He did not accept this. “No,” he said, “Il Papa sono io” – “The pope, that is me!” We were welcomed to come. That is where you see his courage and his decisiveness.
Q: Why then has your visit not yet worked out?
I had received an invitation and I even had already landed in Rome. But just that day, immediately before the beginning of the [second] Synod on the Family in 2015, 13 cardinals – among them the German Cardinal Gerhard Müller – rehearsed a rebellion against the pope with a letter addressed to him which then, o surprise!, was published in a newspaper. The pope was angry and he told me: “Boff, I have no time. I have to establish calm before the synod begins. We will see each other another time.”
Q: But also with the hoped-for calm, that did not really work out, either, did it?
The pope feels the sharpness of the headwind from his own ranks, especially coming from the U.S. This Cardinal Burke, Leo Burke, who now – together with your retired Cardinal Meisner from Cologne – has already written another letter [to the pope]; he is is the Donald Trump of the Catholic Church (laughs). But, unlike Trump, Burke has now been neutralized within the Curia. Thanks be to God. These people really believe that it is up to them to correct the pope. As if they are above the pope. Something like this is unusual [sic!], if not unprecedented in the history of the Church. One may criticize the pope, one may have discussions with him. That is what I have often done. But, that cardinals publicly accuse the pope of the spreading of theological mistakes or even heresies, that is – I think – too much. That is an affront with which a pope cannot put up. The pope cannot be judged, that is the teaching of the Church.
Q: With all your enthusiasm for the pope – what is it with these Church reforms which so many Catholics have expected from Francis; but where, in fact, not so much has yet happened?
You know, as far as I understand, the center of his interest is not any more the Church – and certainly not the internal operation of the Church – but, rather, the survival of humanity, the future of the earth. […] I believe that there is a hierarchy of problems for him. When the earth perishes, all the other problems have also been taken care of. But, with regard to the questions within and about the Church: wait and see! Only recently, Cardinal Walter Kasper, a close confidant of the pope, told me that soon there will be some great surprises.
Q: What do you expect?
Who knows? Perhaps a diaconate for women, after all. Or the possibility that married priests may be again engaged in pastoral care. That is an explicit request from the Brazilian bishops to the pope, especially from his friend, the retired Brazilian Curial Cardinal Claudio Hummes. I have heard that the pope wants to meet this request – for now and for a certain experimental period in Brazil. This country with its 140 million Catholics should at least have 100,000 priests. But, there are only 18,000. Institutionally, this is a catastrophe. No wonder that the faithful now go in droves to the Evangelicals and the Pentecostals, who fill this personal vacuum. If now all these thousands of already married priests might again exercise their office, this would be a first step toward an improvement of the situation – and, at the same time, it would be an impulse [and a sign] that the Catholic Church now loosens the fetters of obligatory celibacy.  
Q: If the pope were to make a decision in this sense and direction – would you yourself, as a former Franciscan priest, also again undertake priestly duties?
I personally do not need such a decision. It would not change anything for myself because I still do what I have always done: I baptize, I give Christian burials, and if I happen to come into a parish without a priest, then I also celebrate Mass together with the people.
Q: Is it very “German” to ask whether you are permitted to do that?
Up to now, no bishop whom I know has ever either criticized it or forbidden it. The bishops, on the contrary, are happy and tell me: “the people have a right [sic] to the Eucharist. Just keep doing it!” My theological teacher, Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns – who just died a few days ago – was, for example, of a very great openness. He went so far that, when he saw married priests sitting in the pew during Mass, he had them come to the altar and he then concelebrated the Eucharist with them. He did it often and said: “You are, after all, still priests – and you will remain so!”

What is happening is the dying of the Vatican II generation. These Boffs and Bergoglios are pushing hard now to ensure that the evil spirit of Vatican II is enshrined forever and cannot be undone. They know, they will die soon. This is why Bergoglio is searching to find men such as Cupich and Farrell and others around the world to carry on his work. Ironically, though, the John Paul II so condemned by Boff, appointed these malefactor who now seek to bring the Church down. Yes, that is what Bergoglio is doing and make no mistake, these are not just the ravings and rants of a pathetic old Marxist, he knows the mind of Bergoglio because they are one in the same.

Let Bergoglio do this, Let him do his worst. He will then be the antipope whose on words will come true about "splitting the Church." Only a man who has drunk from the breast of Satin himself could say and think such a thing.

May God deliver us soon from these rotten and deceitful clerics and send us a truly holy Pope who will "restore all things in Christ."

Sunday, 25 December 2016

A blessed Christmas to you

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For all the prayers, comments, readers and friendships developed here between us and amongst us, I thank you. On this Holy Day Christmas and in this Holy Season of Christmastide, may we be blessed by Our Lord and forgiven for our sins against He who Is the Saviour of the World. God bless you.

Jesu, Redemptor Omnium

Jesus, the Ransomer of man, 
Who, ere created light began, 
Didst from the sovereign Father spring, 
His power and glory equalling. 

The Father’s Light and Splendor Thou, 
Their endless Hope to Thee that bow; 
Accept the prayers and praise to-day 
That through the world Thy servants pay. 

Salvation’s Author, call to mind 
How, taking form of humankind, 
Born of a Virgin undefiled, 
Thou in man’s flesh becam’st a Child. 
Thus testifies the present day, 

Through every year in long array, 
That Thou, salvation’s source alone, 
Proceededst from the Father’s throne. 
The heavens above, the rolling main 
And all that earth’s wide realms contain, 
With joyous voice now loudly sing 

The glory of their new-born King. 
And we who, by Thy precious Blood 
From sin redeemed, are marked for God, 
On this the day that saw Thy birth, 
Sing the new song of ransomed earth. 

O Lord, the Virgin-born, to Thee 
Eternal praise and glory be, 
Whom with the Father we adore 
And Holy Ghost forevermore. Amen

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas peace? Not when a Pope jokes about bringing on "schism"

There was a time when a churchman thought that the worst thing possible could be schism. Now, we have a Pope, allegedly telling a secularist journalist that he could be the one to "split the Church." 

I link you to the blog of retired Auxiliary Bishop of Corpus Christi, Texas, Rene Gracida blog where he comments on Steve Skojec's OnePeterFive post, "There will be no Christmas Truce..."

Bergoglio has now given an interview to the famous German publication Der Spiegel and has reportedly stated, that he may "split the Church."

At the same time, we have an all out assault on the internal affairs of the Knights of Malta in what can only be described as a shot across the bow to Cardinal Burke.

No, there will be no peace this Christmas.

Not when a Pope openly states that he may cause schism and the migrants he demands be let in to our nations states murder Christians as they have done so often in the lands of the Middle East.

Come Lord Jesus and tarry not.

Intercede and free your Church from these malefactors.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Remember all those Satanic Black Masses in Oklahoma? Thumbs up to Bishop David Austin Konderla!

What the hell, is going on in Tulsa?

The wonderful Bishop, Edward James Slattery retired earlier this year as he reached the mandated retirement age of 75. The new Bishop, David Austin Konderla is beginning to make quite a name for himself, but all for the wrong reasons.

Image result for Bishop David Austin Konderla

Some may recall that in September, Bishop Konderla, ordered Father Chad Ripperger, FSSP, who sought to establish along with Bishop Slattery, the new Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother and its work in the most necessary realm of exorcism, out of the diocese. As if sarcastically, Bishop Konderla's letter begins with the traditional manner of honouring the date, "Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary."

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Some of you also remember Rosalind Moss of EWTN, a convert from Judaism. Our sister in faith, discerned to dedicate her life to Christ with the foundation of a new religious order. Mother Miriam submitted herself to Bishop Slattery and founded the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope. She set out to find a priory and to begin renovations and build a guest house and build a community.

The Okie Traditionalist is reporting new information from their current newsletter, that David Austen Konderla has ordered them out of the Diocese!

As with the situation with the Society of the Most Sorrowful Mother Konderla indicates that he has made these decisions after "prayer" and a "discernment."

“After careful consideration and prayerful discernment, the Diocese of Tulsa has elected to end its affiliation with the traditional Benedictine Order, the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope and allow the community to continue their apostolic exploration in another diocese.”

009-300x227.jpg (300×227)What about the prayer and labour and money from the faithful who supported this worthy work? Do they not count? What kind of evil has descended upon Tulsa? What kind of man is this David Konderla? Is he now to be added to our list of heresiarchs?

Remember that Pope Bergoglio has issued law that no bishop may set up a society or religious order without the express permission of Rome, - an action unheard of, particularly in a "synodal church" or a "collegial" church since Vatican II. 

Rome's intention, is a direct attack on the authority of a local Ordinary. Konderla's actions are manifestations of cowardice and potentially something even graver.

Laramie Hirsch at The Hirsch Files has teamed up on this with matter with The Okie Traditionalist. He makes a point that all faithful Catholics, particularly those who consider themselves traditional need to grasp:
"It was already in Bishop Konderla's heart to do this. He was going to suppress this community.  He will probably do more.  It should be clear now that this bishop has a certain kind of "vision" for Northeast Oklahoma that does not include groups such as this.  You will not be protected simply by playing along and pretending to be a part of the "groupthink."  You will be ostracized for who you are. 
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Being quiet and subdued got us into this post-Vatican II mess in the first place. Decade after decade, priests and laity have pretended that there has been nothing wrong with the Catholic Church. They do this in order to preserve the remaining integrity of the Church's institution--all the while, it's being eaten away right in front of them."

Do you think those Black Masses in Oklahoma have been a problem?

Or is it that friendship with Cardinal Burke is the kiss of death?

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Bergoglio lashes out irrationally calling faithful Catholics "malevolent"

Surely, the curia expected this. The annual dressing down, insulting berating by the Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio. We don't need to rehash the scurrilous and degrading diatribe by Bergoglio previously. What makes today's annual insult more interesting is that he intends it for the whole Church, not just the Curia.

I imagine that I fit under "Malevolent Resistance," at least in what he must think is "malevolent." Perhaps this Alinskyite should take a look in the mirror to come up with a good understanding of what "malevolent" looks like. 

Deacon Nick Donnelly reports:

Good Resistance - According to Pope Francis there is resistance that arises from good will and sincere dialogue.  
Hidden Resistance - Pope Francis uses the word "nascoste" to describe this type of resistance, which has the meaning of covert, underhand and stealthy. He says this resistance arises from petrified or frightened hearts that speak empty words in the spirit of the  "Gattopardismo" (A reference to a character in an Italian novel and film) who verbally says he is ready to change, but wants everything to remain as before. (The Vatican translates "Gattopardismo" as 'spiritual window dressing'). "Gatopardismo or lampedusiano" is an Italian political term that has its origin in the novel El gatopardo, by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa (1896-1957). It refers to a political approach of  "changing something so that nothing changes".  
Malevolent Resistance [resistenze malevole] - Pope Francis told the Roman Curia that malevolent resistance came from distorted minds which occurs when the devil inspires "cattive" intentions, bad or wicked intentions [che germogliano in menti distorte e si presentano quando il demonio ispira intenzioni cattive]. He said that such malevolent resistance often appears "under the guise of lambs". This last type of resistance hides behind words of self-justification, and accusations, taking refuge in traditions, in appearances, in formalities, in what is known, or wanting to make everything personal without distinguishing between the act, the actor and the action.

There is good news in all of this. God will write straight with the crooked lines of this malefactor on the Chair of Peter. The days of this papacy are numbered, one way or another. History will not judge this man kindly, this insulting, berating, egoist and narcissist who on a daily basis insults simple Catholics doing their best to get to Heaven. 

If you as a father or mother spoke to your children on a daily basis in this way you would be considered to be an abusive parent. A cruel, vindictive and nasty father is this Bergoglio. An egoist who thinks every utterance is from the Holy Spirit. 

A Pope? A spiritual Father? 

His children cry out for bread and all Bergoglio can do is throw stones.

Cardinal Burke speaks of "heresy" and a how a pope would places himself in "schism"

In a carefully worded and very precise series of statements to Catholic World Report, Raymond Cardinal Burke has outlined, hypothetically, what would happen should a pope teach heresy.


He refers to the last time such a situation occurred was under John XXII in the thirteenth century and backs up with scripture, the right of a bishop or cardinal to correct a pope, citing Paul's rebuke of Peter in Galatians.

Catholic World Report

CWR: Bishop Athanasius Schneider, O.R.C., the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan and titular bishop of Celerina, who has written an open letter of support for the four cardinals and their dubia, has also said that the Church is in a de facto schism. Do you agree with that?
 Cardinal Burke: There is a very serious division in the Church which has to be mended because it has to do with, as I said before, fundamental dogmatic and moral teaching. And if it’s not clarified soon, it could develop into a formal schism.
 CWR: Some people are saying that the pope could separate himself from communion with the Church. Can the pope legitimately be declared in schism or heresy?
 Cardinal Burke: If a Pope would formally profess heresy he would cease, by that act, to be the Pope. It’s automatic. And so, that could happen.
 CWR: That could happen.
 Cardinal Burke: Yes.

One could expect a new barrage of assaults from the minions surrounding Pope Francis. Let us keep Cardinal Burke and all faithful prelates in our prayers.