A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 24 February 2020

Vanier: A depraved predator, a liar and more. He was a heretic and a blasphemer!

Ask yourself, did L'Arche know this whilst he was still alive and covered it up?

The report commissioned by L'Arche is clear, Jean Vanier was a pervert protector, a sexual predator, a liar, a heretic and a blasphemer.

I am shocked by those on social media defending this predator.

I hope Rosica, Salt + Light the CCCB and all the rest of the Canadian Catholic establishment that promoted this "living saint" for a half century are embarrassed. I always suspected this creep. He was just too holy, too perfect. Every Catholic student for decades has had to endure the propaganda in their textbooks, even schools have been named after him. 

The quote below is from the report:
Then he began theories, to try to convince me, […]: the lost woman of Hosea, the sacrifice of Abraham, the glorious mysteries, the transcendence of the prophetic mission (of his mission) regarding the norms of morality. He asked me, most insistently, to bind myself to him by an act of absolute faith in this mission and in himself. I replied that I could only make an act of faith in God alone, and trust in creatures only insofar as they were God’s instrument for me […]. He explained to me that it was not for me to make this discrimination, that he was an instrument of God, and therefore at present and directly moved by God […].
He said that I lacked strength, that I had to get used to it gradually, that all this was a great honour to Our Lord and to the Blessed Virgin, because the sexual organs were the symbol of the greatest love, much more than the Sacred Heart -. And I said, “but that’s blasphemy! “Then he took up his theories again, saying that when one arrives at perfect love, everything is lawful, for there is no more sin.

Saturday 22 February 2020

Jean Vanier: Stinking fraud, Pervert and Spiritual Guru - Anthing but a model Catholic

L'Arche International, founded by Jean Vanier has commissioned its own study on allegations of sexual and spiritual abuse against its lionised founder and the facts lay clear, the man was a stinking fraud.

Vanier was championed by the Catholic elite in Canada as being the perfect person. Schools were named after him, he was held up as an example of all that is good. Like Thomas Merton, he was an abusive pervert.

This abusive scumbag took advantage of women at their worst spiritual time, even comparing himself and declaring that he was one with Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Well Rosica; Is he still? How's life at Southdown? 

This writer wrote once about this stinking poseur, with his stinking corpse in the ground I never thought I would need to again. 


Thursday 13 February 2020

He is playing us.

Everyone is breathing a sigh of relief. Bergoglio has not admitted women to the diaconate or married men to the priesthood in Amazonia. Phew, that was close.

People are demanding that those who criticized Bergoglio leading up to this apostolic excremation must repent. 


If anyone must repent and publicly, it is Bergoglio. Why did he allow this awful debate to disturb so many? Because he intended to do it until the Supreme Pontiff, the Holy Father Benedict XVI shut it down in his work with Cardinal Sarah. 

The man wanted this, he wanted it badly. He could not do it, prevented by the Supreme Pontiff Pope Benedict XVI. The Germans are outraged, Marx has stepped aside. The left will now abandon Bergoglio. He is forever marked as a failure. His idolatry of the pagan idol is his rotten legacy. 

But don't be fooled. By not closing the door, Bergoglio has left the door open. He is a snake.

Sunday 9 February 2020

W. A. Mozart - KV 93 - De profundis in C minor

Arrogant and pompouse, the Bargolian rat Sorondo proves he is one!


Oh my, this is just too good. Hats off to Diane Montagna at LifeSiteNews who no doubt used her charms (and I mean that in the most respectful and positive way) to bring out the worst in some Argentinean scumbag inappropriately ordained a priest who grew up to be a most corrupt ecclesiast and butt-kisses the global elite on behalf of a most disgraceful Argentinian bumpkin who usurped the Seat of Peter and remains on it - an un-lanced boil.

From the get-go, Montagna does not shy away from the tough questions and just does it with such humility and directness that the apostate Sorondo is flummoxed. So much so, he chooses instead to insult her - calling her "lady" and then that she is a "fanatic."

I think the best part was when Ms Montagna corrected the idiot Sorondo on Holy Scripture.  He continues on to insult Donald J. Trump for not being Catholic, Cardinal Raymond Burke for being one and then goes on to endorse sacrilege and unworthy reception of Holy Communion.

DM: I’m just thinking of the good of his soul – and for the good of her soul. St. Paul is very clear about how we can eat condemnation upon (cf 1 Cor. 1:29)…

BS: Yes, but St. Paul is very clear also to say, “my only judge is my conscience.” St. Paul said it.

DM: No, no he didn’t. He said that the Lord is his judge. He said: “Not even I can judge myself. The Lord is my judge” (cf. 1 Cor. 4:4).

BS: The Lord is my judge, but the Lord is in my conscience.

DM: The Lord isn’t necessarily if we don’t have …

BS: He’s not in the conscience of the bishop or the cardinal…

DM: But if you don’t have a well-formed conscience where divine grace is actually active, then your conscience is probably lying to you. The darkness of the intellect…

BS: This is your interpretation. Sorry, I don’t want to continue to speak with you because you are completely… and you want only to make polemics. You need to be very happy and to say to your Cardinal Burke, “Look the president [of Argentina] goes to the Mass.” This is the important fact. And your president did not go to the Mass.

DM: What do you mean, my president?

BS: Say this.

DM: My president in terms of President Trump?

BS: Yes. He does not go to the Mass.

DM: But he’s not Catholic. He’s not Catholic.

BS: Exactly! This is a great difference.

DM: He’s not Catholic. But President Trump went in January... he was the first U.S. president ever to go to the March for Life with thousands and thousands of young people.

BS: Yeah, to have the votes of the Catholics. To have the votes of the Catholics. Say this to Cardinal Burke. And in fact, I heard that Cardinal Burke is against President Trump.

DM: Is against?

BS: Yes. Yes.

DM: Or he went to see him?

BS: He is against many things that [Trump] says.

DM: Well, you don’t have to agree with everything President Trump does. But he’s saving babies. He’s saving babies.

BS: Please, lady, understand the Catholic ideas and do not be fanatic, do not be fanatic.

DM: Okay…

BS: If you continue to speak with me, do not be fanatic. Try to use reason.

DM: I am. Okay. Thank you very much.

Bergoglio has succeeded in surrounding himself with the most corrupt and vile men. This Sorondo probably takes the cake and one wonders what else.

Read the whole article and the interview. It is just so bad and so good, all at the same time.

Oh my, the rats are so exposed. 


Friday 31 January 2020

Viganò - The Faithful have a Right to Know that Bergoglio's appointee to oversee the next conclave had as his friend, the pervert and rapist, Maciel

And notwithstanding Robert Barron and Thomas Rosica, indeed, they shall!

The Faithful have a Right to Know

by Archbishop Viganò

WE HAVE JUST been through one of the most disgraceful episodes in which we have seen the prince of lies at work to discredit the book of Pope Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah by covering them with vile insults and vulgar insinuations, and the Pope’s jailer, as a judas, now also acting as a hitman. 

And once again we find ourselves dealing with another masterpiece of deception: the confirmation by the Pope of the elections of the new Dean and Vice-Dean of the College of Cardinals by the Cardinal-Bishops. This has gone almost unnoticed and yet conceals a devious strategy. It should be borne in mind, in fact, that in June 2018 Pope Francis increased the number of Cardinal-Bishops, which had remained unchanged for centuries, promoting four new ones in one fell swoop. In this way he secured a majority in favor of him, as he has always done with the creation of new members of the College of Cardinals.

To Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, appointed Dean of the College at the age of 86 and therefore excluded from the next conclave, I wish an even longer life than that of his father. But his appointment is a cover for that other more effective appointment — of Cardinal Sandri — which has been prepared ad hoc to pilot the next conclave secundum Franciscum, that is, according to an updated and augmented edition of the St. Gallen Mafia.

I have a long-standing friendship with Cardinal Sandri that dates back to the time shared in the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, then during eleven years in the same office as secretaries to three Substitutes of the Secretariat of State, and seven years of collaboration once he was appointed Substitute for General Affairs in the Secretariat of State, having returned after just six months from his mission as Nuncio to Mexico.

Amicus Plato sed magis amica veritas.” [Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend]. This maxim, attributed to Aristotle, then taken up by Plato towards Socrates and later by Cicero, is explained by St. Thomas Aquinas in Sententia libri Ethicorum, Liber 1, Lectio 6, n. 4-5 as follows:

“Quod autem oporteat veritatem praeferre amicis, ostendit hac ratione. Quia ei qui est magis amicus, magis est deferendum. Cum autem amicitiam habeamus ad ambo, scilicet ad veritatem et ad hominem, magis debemus veritatem amare quam hominem, quia hominem praecipue debemus amare propter veritatem et propter virtutem... Veritas autem est amicus superexcellens cui debetur reverentia honoris; est etiam veritas quiddam divinum, in Deo enim primo et principaliter invenitur. Et ideo concludit, quod sanctum est praehonorare veritatem hominibus amicis.”

In English:

That truth should be preferred to friends he proves in this way. He is the greater friend for whom we ought to have the greater consideration. Although we should have friendship for both truth and our fellow man, we ought rather to love truth because we should love our fellow man especially on account of truth and virtue… Now truth is a most excellent friend of the sort to whom the homage of honor is due. Besides truth is a divine thing, for it is found first and chiefly in God. He concludes, therefore, that it is virtuous to honor truth above friends.

Which is why what I am about to write concerning Cardinal Leonardo Sandri is inspired solely by the friendship that has bound me to him for almost fifty years, for the good of his soul, for love of the Truth who is Christ Himself, and for the Church, His Bride, whom we served together.

In the first audience that Francis granted me after the one on June 23, 2013 that I have already mentioned (in my first testimony), in which he asked me about Cardinal McCarrick, he asked me a similar question: “What is Cardinal Sandri like?”

Caught by surprise by the question about a dear friend of mine, and feeling put on the spot, I did not answer. Then Francis, joining his hands in a characteristically Italian gesture, waved them back and forth — as if to say that Sandri “knows how to get by” — and he looked me in the eyes seeking my consent to his suggestion.

So I told him in confidence: “Holy Father, I don’t know if you are aware that Nuncio Justo Mullor, President of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, was removed from the Apostolic Nunciature in Mexico because he opposed the directives coming from the Secretariat of State to cover up the very serious accusations against Marcial Maciel.”

This is what I told the Pope, so that he would take it into account and eventually remedy the injustice that Archbishop Mullor had suffered for not compromising himself, for remaining faithful to the truth, and for love of the Church. I reaffirm this truth here, so as to honor this faithful servant of the Holy See, on whose tomb, in the cathedral of Almeria, Spain, I celebrated a Holy Mass of suffrage.

I already wrote in my first testimony that the person chiefly responsible for covering up the misdeeds committed by Maciel was then-Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, whose recent acceptance to resign as Dean of the College of Cardinals was linked to his involvement in the Maciel affair. He, in addition to protecting Maciel, is certainly no stranger to McCarrick’s promotions... Meanwhile, Cardinal Francis Arinze deserves to be recognized for having opposed, within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Sodano’s attempt to cover up the Maciel case.

Unfortunately for him, Sandri also allowed himself to be involved by Sodano in this operation to cover up Maciel’s horrible misdeeds. To replace Archbishop Mullor in Mexico City, it was necessary to appoint a person of unfailing loyalty to Sodano. Sandri had already given proof of this as Assessor for the section of General Affairs in the Secretariat of State. Serving at the time as Nuncio in Venezuela for just a little over two years, he was transferred to Mexico. 

I was a direct witness to these shady maneuvers (which those in charge would describe as normal personnel transfers) through a conversation they had on January 25, 2000, the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, while we were on our way to the Basilica that bears his name, for the closing of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

The chain linking the dates of these transfers is very significant: on January 19, 2000, Archbishop Giorgio Zur, who had been President of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy (PAE) for only one year, was transferred to Moscow; on February 11, 2000, Archbishop Justo Mullor, who at this point had been in Mexico for just two and a half years, was appointed President of the PAE; on March 1, 2000, Archbishop Sandri was transferred to Mexico after spending only two and a half years in Venezuela. Just six months later, on September 16, 2000, Sandri was promoted to Substitute of the Secretariat of State, i.e., Sodano’s right-hand man.

The Legionaries of Christ did not fail to show their gratitude to Sandri. On the occasion of a lunch held in the atrium of the Paul VI Hall to honor the cardinals, including Sandri, who were created at the November 24, 2007 consistory, I was bewildered when Sandri told me in advance what he was about to tell Pope Benedict as he made his entrance: “Holy Father, you will excuse me if I don’t stay for lunch, but I am expected by five hundred of my guests at the Legionaries of Christ.”

Francis, after having repeatedly and obsessively referred to an unspecified “clericalism” as the cause of sexual abuse, in order to avoid denouncing the scourge of homosexuality, is now flaunting the most unscrupulous clericalism (an accusation he levels at others): he promotes Sandri to Cardinal-Priest in May 2018 and a month later to Cardinal-Bishop, so that he might confirm him as Vice-Dean of the College of Cardinals, a candidate prepared by Francis to preside at the next Conclave.

The faithful have a right to know these sordid intrigues of a corrupt court. In the Heart of the Church we seem to glimpse the approaching shadow of Satan’s synagogue (Rev 2:9).

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Titular Arhbishop of Ulpiana

Apostolic Nuncio

Translation from the Italian by Diane Montagna.

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Time to censor Bishop Robert Barron

Dear Bob,

It has come to my attention that you wish to take over as the new President of the Internet.

Please note, dearest Bob, that it has been tried.

He was found wanting and is no more to be found walking the corridors of power.

It can happen again.


Wednesday 22 January 2020

The efficacy of your prayers

Dear Friends,

It's been quite the ride for the last month and two days. What started off as a seemingly typical bronchial infection just before Christmas developed into pericarditis (inflamed pericardium and fluid) and while I was in hospital for that, I picked up a virus that a week later developed into Influenza A. I missed many a Mass and Christmas, New Year's and all the festivities were pretty much put on the back-burner. I've felt like a toxic waste dump given the medications which I'm now addressing through some naturopathic attention.

The good news is the Influenza was knocked out by the Tamiflu, but so was I.

The better news is that the pericarditis is gone but there will be three months of medication to keep it that way. I need a few weeks to fully recover from the drugs and the beating up of my immune system before returning to the germ factory where I work.

Now, here is what I want to tell you.

When I saw the Cardiologist last week he said to me that I was quite fortunate. When he first saw me he was thinking "Where am I going to stab this one?"

He then went on to explain that there were two others there that night with an attack of pericarditis (it's more common than you think) but they did not respond to medication and had to have a long needle inserted into the pericardial sac to remove the fluid - something he "hates" to do. I can imagine. I'd hate having it done.

So, why me? Why did I respond to the medication with a reduction of 2mm and was able to go home and these other two people had to endure such a treatment?

I can only conclude that it was your prayers.

For that, I can only thank you.

And thanks to God above, FATHER, SON and HOLY GHOST.

Thursday 16 January 2020

Bergoglio visits his confessor, Scalfari

It the news is not insane enough out of Rome, we know find that once again Bergoglio has spoken with Scalfari.

More to come, no doubt.

Hey Bergoglio - this is here to piss you off! Have a nice day.

Breaking: Viganò accuses Gänswein of "isolating" Pope Benedict XVI


Testimony by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

It is time to reveal the abusive and systematic control exercised by Archbishop Georg Gänswein over the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI since the beginning of his Pontificate.

Gänswein habitually filtered information, arrogating to himself the right to judge how opportune or not it was to send it to the Holy Father.

I can testify that, when Pope Benedict summoned me in audience on April 4, 2011, a few days after I had sent him my first letter (that was later illegally published during Vatileaks), I said to the Pontiff: “I will not speak to you about the situation of corruption in the management of the Papal Villas, since I assume that you have already taken note of the memo on the matter, which I delivered to your secretary for you, in view of this audience.”

The Holy Father, in all simplicity and innocence, and without showing any surprise, said to me: “No, I didn’t see anything.”

I also testify to another event that shows how Monsignor Gänswein controlled information for the Holy Father and conditioned his freedom of action. On the occasion of the canonization of Marianne Cope and Kateri Tekakwitha, having requested in writing to the then-prefect of the papal household, Archbishop James M. Harvey, to be received in audience by the Pope, and having received no response, I went to the same Prefect on Tuesday, October 23, 2012, asking him why I had received no response to my request for an audience. 

I remember perfectly the circumstance, because Archbishop Harvey suggested that I attend the general audience the next day, so that I could at least greet the Holy Father personally, with the other bishops who were present. Archbishop Harvey answered me with the following words: “Gänswein said to me: ‘Archbishop Viganò is the last person who can approach Pope Benedict!’” 

He then added that, at the beginning of his pontificate, Benedict XVI, indicating Gänswein to him with his index finger, exclaimed: “Gestapo! Gestapo!”

This unscrupulous attitude was revealed from the very beginning of his pontificate, also in the determination with which Gänswein managed to distance from the pope his precious assistant and secretary, Ingrid Stampa, whom then-cardinal Ratzinger had wanted at his side for well over a decade after the death of his sister Maria Ratzinger.

Furthermore, it is known that to escape this total control exercised over his person by Gänswein, Pope Benedict often went to visit his previous special secretary, Bishop Josef Clemens, inviting Ingrid Stampa to these familial gatherings. 

I am issuing this statement following what Archbishop Gänswein asserted in recent days to the ANSA news agency, contradicting what Pope Benedict himself had written in his correspondence with Cardinal Sarah. This statement is a sensational and slanderous insinuation against the most eminent Cardinal Robert Sarah, which he swiftly denied.

Translation by Diane Montagna of LifeSiteNews.


Wednesday 15 January 2020

Bergoglio throws a temper tantrum!

From the Facebook page of Antonio Socci:


Reliable sources inside the Vatican have pieced together what happened. The book “From the Depths of Our Hearts” is clearly by Benedict XVI and Cardinal Sarah (as is indeed the letters between the two of them -  made public by Cardinal Sarah -  demonstrate unequivocally). Everything had been decided and agreed upon from the very start. The other day – when the part defending celibacy was published -  pandemonium broke out in the Vatican because Bergoglio was fuming with rage. In fact, that authoritative  pronouncement by Benedict, stops him from tearing apart ecclesiastic celibacy, as he had intended to do in the upcoming Post-Synod Exhortation. So, he personally summoned Monsignor Gaenswein, Benedict’s secretary, but also Prefect of Bergoglio’s Papal Household and, furious, ordered him to have Benedict XVI’s name removed from the cover of the book (being unable to demand the changing of the texts therein).

Bergoglio demanded a full and total disclaimer. For this reason the first filtered report spoke of sources “close to Benedict XVI” who said Benedict had not written the book with Cardinal Sarah, nor had he approved the cover (that is, his signature on the volume).

This however, was not true and Benedict XVI was unable to accept speaking falsely by implicitly accusing Cardinal Sarah of having involved him without his consent. Neither did Pope Benedict have any intention of taking back what he had written in defense of celibacy in the book. In fact Cardinal Sarah immediately made the letters exchanged between them public, which showed the book had been decided upon by both of them, and without doubt he made them public with Benedict’s permission. To re-establish the truth.   

On the other hand, Benedict also found himself needing to protect his secretary from the South American’s “vengeance”, seeing as he had received a peremptory order from Bergoglio. So this solution of compromise was adopted: in  successive book editions the author will be Cardinal Sarah “with the contribution of Benedict XVI”.  The text of the book, nevertheless, remains the same.

With this messy compromise, the Bergoglian court can say to the mass-media that “Benedict XVI removed his signature from the book” (even if it’s not true) but in actual fact the book remains just as it is, with Sarah’s signature and Benedict’s name as author of the parts agreed upon.

A very ugly story of clerical bullying, which, in the end aims at muzzling Benedict XVI.  

The fundamental question remains however: If Bergoglio – in his Exhortation -  hits out at celibacy (with the ordination of “viri probati”), he places himself de facto in direct contrast with the  doctrine of the Church, reaffirmed in recent days by Pope Benedict XVI. Thus, he becomes  responsible for a very grave rift, fraught with consequences.

Translation: Contributor Francesca Romana


Another translation:


Tuesday 14 January 2020

Amazon Synod Report "Confidential" Letter from Hummes to the world's Bishop's leaked to LifeSiteNews

This is big. Very big.

Bergoglio intends to deliver his exhortation on the pagan synod soon. Brazilian Cardinal Hummes sent a letter to the world's cardinals and bishops with an outline of the plan and warned them to keep it secret. Look at the threat to them. Get on line bosy. Obey the corporate office apparatchiks.

How wonderful that one of them has put Christ and the truth over these filthy rats.

2020 is going to be the end of this rotten papacy and an outing of all of these sodomites, apostates, heretics and scumbags.



Are we to conclude then what many of us have believed for seven years now? That Georg Gänswein is really Pope Benedict's prison warden?

What a disgrace. What a circus. What fools are these idiot prelates. From Bergoglio on down.

They've been caught and found lacking in all things moral and ethical.

Benedict XVI wrote the essays with Cardinal Sarah, the letters prove it. 

When will the Swiss Guard do their duty and arrest Bergoglio and free Benedict from his prison?

