Ask yourself, did L'Arche know this whilst he was still alive and covered it up?
The report commissioned by L'Arche is clear, Jean Vanier was a pervert protector, a sexual predator, a liar, a heretic and a blasphemer.
I am shocked by those on social media defending this predator.
I hope Rosica, Salt + Light the CCCB and all the rest of the Canadian Catholic establishment that promoted this "living saint" for a half century are embarrassed. I always suspected this creep. He was just too holy, too perfect. Every Catholic student for decades has had to endure the propaganda in their textbooks, even schools have been named after him.
The quote below is from the report:
Then he began theories, to try to convince me, […]: the lost woman of Hosea, the sacrifice of Abraham, the glorious mysteries, the transcendence of the prophetic mission (of his mission) regarding the norms of morality. He asked me, most insistently, to bind myself to him by an act of absolute faith in this mission and in himself. I replied that I could only make an act of faith in God alone, and trust in creatures only insofar as they were God’s instrument for me […]. He explained to me that it was not for me to make this discrimination, that he was an instrument of God, and therefore at present and directly moved by God […].
He said that I lacked strength, that I had to get used to it gradually, that all this was a great honour to Our Lord and to the Blessed Virgin, because the sexual organs were the symbol of the greatest love, much more than the Sacred Heart -. And I said, “but that’s blasphemy! “Then he took up his theories again, saying that when one arrives at perfect love, everything is lawful, for there is no more sin.
The spirit of V2 novus ordo "Catholicism" more like the smoke of Satan.
Sounds like Luther.
You have been very happy to list the sins of everyone else but somewhat short when it comes to publicly listing your own.
Hi Piss Ant,
Do you want me to begin a list from my life of 63 years?
Commandment 1 to 10 at some point in my life and by the broader definition in Catholic tradition of all.
Bless you for keeping my humble.
Relax Vox, you're letting the side down-gloating over another man's sins...the mask slips. Vanier will be judged accordingly-do the right thing, pray for his soul and the souls of all sinners in Purgatory
when did these people know of his predictions?
There is a big difference between private sin and public sin; a difference between all of us who fall, and those in positions of power who use that power to prey on their victims and those in vulnerable positions in their care. It behooves us to out and condemn those predators who have blasphemed God as this rat did and have used the Church and their position for their own greed and lust.
I am not the issue nor the problem. Don't like it, go away.
Thank you Vox for this important blog post about Vanier. It is important that the digital record shows some people could not be fooled by the MSM heroes of the V2 church.
Pay no attention to "peasant." He is just one of many trolls paid by Bergoglio to comment on blogs that aren't supportive of the Pachamama Francis Church.
Thanks, Vox. Now contact jesuit-spitzer/opus dei Busch "Credible Catholic" and ask when are they going to remove this filth pervert from their material -- see slides 66-69 The Opportunitites of Suffering (pic of Vanier; Video 6: Jean Vanier: understanding and living agape love. 68- 69. Activity 3 Understanding and Living Agape Love?
same here p19
PS When are you going to expose for your readers benedict's 'weak' defense of celibacy?
Benedict XVI is dependent on this theology, which he developed and lived, which leads him to some absolutely unfortunate assertions. Thus, he refuses to consider the Cross of Jesus as a true sacrifice and thereby as an act of worship. The Pope-emeritus writes: “The crucifixion of Jesus is not in itself an act of worship.” The reason he gives is absurd: “The Roman soldiers who executed him are not priests. They carried out an execution; they absolutely did not think they were carrying out an act relating to worship.”
This assertion forgets that it is Christ—and He alone—who performs this act of worship: He is both the High Priest of the New Law and the Divine Victim, the only One worthy of being approved by God. Anyway, Benedict XVI’s proposal falls under the condemnation of the Council of Trent: “If anyone says that the sacrifice of the Mass is only one of praise and thanksgiving, or that it is a mere commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the Cross…: let him be anathema ”(Session XXII, canon 3, September 17, 1562, Denzinger 950). The death of Jesus Christ on the Cross was a true sacrifice. Now, sacrifice is the main act of worship due to God. On the Cross, therefore, there is a true worship, accomplished by Christ alone.
V2 Church is to the true Church what Anglicanism used to be to the Church of Pius XII. Since then, Anglicanism has slid downhill, with "ordained" women, and the V2 Church had replaced Canterbury, as Catholic Light. Flock to Masses celebrated by priests ordained in the old pntifical. Even if celebrating the old Mass, if a priest was ordained in the new rite, his orders are just as dubious as the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Dear Anonymous at 10h38,
“The Roman soldiers who executed him are not priests. They carried out an execution; they absolutely did not think they were carrying out an act relating to worship.”
This assertion forgets that it is Christ—and He alone—who performs this act of worship: He is both the High Priest of the New Law and the Divine Victim, the only One worthy of being approved by God. Anyway, Benedict XVI’s proposal falls under the condemnation of the Council of Trent: “If anyone says that the sacrifice of the Mass is only one of praise and thanksgiving, or that it is a mere commemoration of the sacrifice consummated on the Cross…: let him be anathema ”(Session XXII,"
Bravo! A Catholic speaks!
Yet how many "Resignationists" will insist that benedict is Pope, (come hell, or high water) despite all his heresies. Nobody so deaf as one who will not hear, or so blind as one who will not see!
Ask yourself, did L'Arche know this whilst he was still alive and covered it up?
Ask yourself, does the Sun rise in the East?
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