I have refrained from any comment because Michael Voris once came to my aid. It was when Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, attempted to sue me and my family into poverty. Voris gave advice, sound advice I should add, and a vehicle to create pressure against the derelict Rosica.
However, the continuous attacks on the Society of St. Pius X have come to the point of being pathological. Whatever issues of sexual perverts or incorrect procedures are not the issue. They had no more and very many fewer than other orders. One is too many. We know that. But the continuing attack at this time, in particular, is repugnant without merit and justice.
He needs to stop.
Thank you for this, Vox, and for all your posts. You are one of the few blogs I check almost every day. Unfortunately, Church Militant is not above lying about things to advance their narrative. We have an entire page at Les Femmes documenting it. I pray for them often because they have a lot of talent, but they misuse it. May we all examine our consciences and dedicate all our strength to knowing, loving, and serving God and advancing the Catholic truth. It's all about saving souls!
Dear Mary Ann,
Thank you, I also read you and your posts on Voris and Church Militant.
I don't understand this pathological hatred and that is what it is. I have not watched nor read anything from them in many months. It's a disgrace what he has become in this regard. He has alienated himself from everyone in Catholic media and social media. He is right about everything in his mind.
The SSPX is the least of our problems. Perhaps he should listen to Bishop Schneider's interview with Michael Matt, but Voris knows better.
I will never forgive him for what he did to my priest friend, FPN who may have made some mistakes but did not deserve what was done to him. It's a tragedy that still bothers me.
There is much behind the curtain.
I think you're right and I'm guessing it has a lot to do with love of money, the root of all evils.
Agree with all stated here. It is stunning the extent to which they have devoted themselves - religiously - to issue rhetorical beatings to the SSPX. But, there is more to it than just CM. There's an entire cottage industry of professional SSPX detractors out there, and as noted by Mary Ann above, there has to be the exchange of funds going on between parties unknown to support the prodigious volume of material produced by these people. Is professional SSPX detraction so lucrative that people paying $5 a month to a Patreon account are really able to foot the bills for theoretically good Catholic men who would have big families? Maybe these guys are all bachelors who feel a special calling to devote their lives to professional SSPX detraction. It's all very strange.
Mikey Voris is a perfect example of the "corection" of the New York Times' motto "All the news fit to print" as "Only the news that fits our views"! He is as a much of a cherry-picker of what fits his narrative as any "private judgement" heretic or cafeteria CINO!
Respectfully, I don't know why people interpret it as hate. He is only clarifying the conditions. When we are steeped in our own opinions it an be difficult to see the truth. What is hateful about saying to stay with the seat with Peter? Our Lord suffers the injustices of Rome. We must stay by His side. God love you all.
Well said, Vox. I find the uptick in attacks suspiciously timed right during Covid when the Society churches were filled to the brim with orphaned Catholics.
i was inquiring at another Catholic site and someone directed me to an Opus Dei commentary. From what i understand there is money behind this movement. Perhaps his salary is more than enough to utter such things as he does against the sspx. His twitter account one month ago states:
"@LifeSite does not get to “secretly” support SSPX and appear to have support by association from good bishops like @Bishopoftyler. The SSPX is in schism. 3 popes in a row have said so. It is not “faithful” or Catholic to sneakily support schism."
Except no one can find which three popes believed sspx is in schism. Was he misled, or forgot? He has an agenda.
I recall that several years ago Voris was invited to speak at a conference in Rome, hosted by long-time authors and bloggers such as Michael Matt, Chris Ferrara, and others. Not long after, his hidden past was acknowledged by him, and those authors & bloggers defended him in their writings. Shortly thereafter, he turned on & attacked 'the trads' (perhaps for defending Abp. Lefebvre?) and has been doing so since then. That is the time I cancelled my subscription & have never watched another episode of whatever programs he now produces. I pity him and his team, and I pray for them when he insults people I know as friends. But frankly, his viscious & brutal attacks cause a certain disgust. I don't think he is aware of this reaction, or else he doesn't care. But he lost any credibility with me and many of my friends. An acquaintance who attended last spring's 'Lenten retreat' in Dallas said there were less than 100 attendees. He seems not to care that his popularity has wained, so I suspect he has at least one sponsor.
While the fall of CM is unfortunate, years ago they did good work but not any longer. I suggest it is time to let them go. The attacks on the SSPX are a disgrace but I think they reasons CM keeps making them is because they are getting attention. Negative attanetion is better than no attention.
A better approach may be to completely ignore CM. My guess is ignoring CM will expedite the inevitable meltdown.
I have listened to hundreds of "Vortices". Most of them are good. However, when it comes to SSPX, Voris is clearly unhinged. Is he jealous? I'm still waiting for him to explain why he did an about face regarding Francis. This was after trashing the likes of Michael Matt and Chris Ferrara.
His obsession with attacking the SSPX is obvious. With all the corruption in the mainstream Church this shows a remarkable lack of judgment and goodwill on his part. The SSPX are not perfect but they come nowhere near the harm done by the lavender mafia.
Thank you.
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