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Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abortion. Show all posts

Thursday 10 November 2016

Bishop Patrick Zubin of Amarillo, it is you, who should be investigated, not Father Pavone!

Bishop Zubin of Amarillo, has announced that he has launched and "investigation," into the use of the body of a baby post-funeral, pre-burial, by Father Frank Pavone to show the crime of abortion before people voted. 


It is Bishop Zubin and every other bishop of the United States (and Canada) who should be investigated for not ordering that every priest preach as the Rector in Arizona did a few weeks ago on the matter.

That, is Bishop Zubin's crime and the crime of  his brother bishops across North America.

He, and they, may wish to ponder that a little before too much longer.


Tuesday 8 November 2016

I stand with Father Frank Pavone!

Two nights ago, Father Frank Pavone appeared live on social media at an altar to talk about abortion and the election. On the altar, Father Pavone had placed the dead, saline burned body of an aborted baby - a body intact and of late term.


Father Pavone has come under criticism for doing this. Ed Mechmann, director of public policy for the Archdiocese of New York, said the use of an aborted baby 'as a prop' is 'absolutely appalling, and deserves to be repudiated by all of us who consider ourselves to be pro-life in the fullest meaning of that word." 

Coming from anyone in power in New York, that's rich. 

Matt C. Abbott at RenewAmerica has Father Pavone's response to this criticism.

For what it is worth, this blogger supports Father Frank Pavone and publicly thanks him for his work on behalf of the murdered, butchered children.

Placing the baby on the altar evoked, in my mind, the very sacrifice offered there to the Father. The Son was sacrificed on Calvary and re-presented on the Altar. The child was presented to God on that Altar and their soul presented back to him. The baby's suffering, in the great mind of God, was in unity with that of Christ. It was innocent blood spilt for greed and selfishness. It parallels the innocent blood spilt by Christ.


"Crux sacra sit mihi lux
Non draco sit mihi dux
Vade retro satana
Numquam suade mihi vana
Sunt mala quae libas
Ipse venena bibas"

For a properly consecrated altar, as below, the candles and flowers are placed on the gradine, not the consecrated altar. Clearly, the supreme lawgiver doesn't care about the GIRM in the nervous disordered Missal and has absolved himself from any law in order to place upon this true altar, the Holy Beachball. While I cannot be certain, that used by Father Pavone, seems to be a private chapel and a table, not a properly consecrated altar. This is not a Mass and it was done to focus attention on the dastardly matter of abortion and the position of one of the candidates for President of the United States.

If you're not offended by the pathetic, disgraceful and blasphemous action of what Bergoglio did below after returning from WYD Rio, then you have a problem with your understanding of Catholicism. What does this photo say about this Jesuit's respect for the Altar?

These who have risen up against him are comfortable Catholics who want a comfortable faith. They would burn incense to Ba'al if it kept them in their comforts, and they often, do.

Perhaps this was an error in judgement on the part of Father Pavone, that is a debatable point. But given his tireless work for the unborn and his faithfulness to his calling, I will not throw him under the bus; something being done by the paid "catholic" bloggers and so-called, journalists out there who will have no problem voting for the devil.

God bless Father Pavone and confound those who shy away from the Truth.

My American friends, read the post below before you vote.

And where is your outrage over these, I can find more!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

"Catholic" Justin Trudeau congratulations a century of racism and murder. Time for a formal excommunication from the Catholic Church!

This picture of his Twitter says it all.

But not really all.

These pictures say the rest.

Let us now go back four decades to his father, Pierre Elliot, the Jesuit educated Prime Minister who ushered in the first legalisation of abortion in Canada, though under severe restrictions which eventually were struck down by Canada's Supreme Court ironically using the same Prime Minister's, constitutional amendments.

“You know, at some point you are killing life in the foetus in self-defence – of what? Of the mother’s health or her happiness or of her social rights or her privilege as a human being? I think she should have to answer for it and explain. Now, whether it should be to three doctors or one doctor or to a priest or a bishop or to her mother-in-law is a question you might want to argue …. You do have a right over your own body – it is your body. But the foetus is not your body; it’s someone else’s body. And if you kill it, you’ll have to explain.”
The Rt. Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau, PC, QC, MP
Prime Minister of Canada
The Montreal Star, Thursday, May 25, 1972

Monday 5 September 2016

Is the "verbal duel" caused by Pope Francis affecting Catholic leaning to Clinton?

If I were an American, I would vote for Donald Trump. Two reasons, because I am a conservative, and, because, I am a Catholic. 

Donald Trump is a human being with flaws, just as I am. Hillary Clinton is best described as a fundamentally flawed human being. Frankly, she is evil.

Donald Trump is not a perfect candidate for a Catholic, none of those in any of the primaries were. The closest was probably Dr. Ben Carson from a morals and policy point of view. 

Hillary Clinton is fundamentally not someone for whom any Catholic can vote. With Donald Trump, there is some hope, that through a Supreme Court under his watch, the matter of abortion might eventually be addressed. With Hilary Clinton, it never will be addressed and the matter will get only worse. She will radically continue Obama's policies, and, extend them. 

In an article in Conservative Review the matter of Catholics dramatically shifting to Hilary Clinton deals with some rather startling statistics.

Image result for trump pope
I was rather surprised to read that one reason is a "verbal duel" that Donald Trump allegedly had with Pope Francis. A duel caused by Bergoglio! 

My recollection is that some bishop or advisor in Mexico suggested that the Pope should think in a certain manner about a "wall" and that a question was planted by a Mexican or Hispanic reporter on the aeroplane back to Rome. Once again, Bergoglio blurted out a statement that he had no business stating.

Bergoglio, covertly referring to Donald Trump said that he was not a "Christian" because he would build "walls."

Trump handled the unjustified and obnoxious attack by the Pope quite well, knowing he could not win it. He was quite justified in his initial comment that any religious leader to question the faith of a person was "disgraceful" and the pope was being used by Mexico "as a pawn." 

Trump was right. Bergoglio's comment was disgraceful and he was being used, though, I have no doubt he was a willing pawn.

As a Catholic, I was embarrassed by this outrageous and unjustified statement by the Bishop of Rome.

Human migration is a big issue for this Francis. He is entitled to his opinion. He is not entitled the facts or to tell nations how they should govern themselves in affairs that are none of his business. Nation states have the fundamental right to protect their borders and live in security.

For a man who has a whole floor of a hotel reserved empty for his own protection, he is one to talk about security. For a man who lives in a State protected by walls and massive security, with guns, I should add, he is one to talk about, "building walls!" 

Catholics in Canada voted en masse for Justin Trudeau, a Catholic and a man who demanded that all candidates would be pro-abortion and who has just ushered in euthanasia. American Catholics may be about to do the same with Hillary Clinton who will fight any attempt by States to limit abortion and ensure that a Supreme Court will never overturn Roe vs. Wade. 

To Trudeau and Clinton, abortion is a sacrament! There is not enough blood to satisfy these two.

If Catholics vote in large numbers for Hilary Clinton, as they are expected to do, and if any do it because of a non-existent "verbal duel" which was a one-sided attack by the Bishop or Rome himself, history will judge Catholics and this Bishop or Rome, extremely harshly.

If you are a Catholic and you vote for Hillary Clinton, God help you.

The judging won't just be by history.

Thursday 1 September 2016

The Member of Parliament as "theologian." - This is the fault of her priests and bishops who failed to teach the faith!

The saga of Catholics in politics voting for abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage (so-called) and other issues against the Faith is very familiar to my readers in Canada, the United States of America and in Europe and really, throughout the broader "Christian" world. 

One of the saddest examples is in the United States with Nancy Pelosi, particularly when she opines on theology from Doctors such as Saints Augustine or Thomas Aquinas. Alas, we now have the same example here in Canada of a politician using warped theology and failed catechesis.

The post, one below, shows our good friend at Contra-Diction outside Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario, just east of Toronto in the same Archdiocese. He was protesting the fact that Celine Chavannes, a Liberal Member of Parliament, who aggressively supporting sodomitical "marriage," abortion and euthanasia receives Holy Communion there.  Now the banning of free speech and expression through the use of graphic imagery showing abortion, is on her agenda.

The Pastor, Father Nagy, went so far as to call the Durham Regional Police who harassed our good friend, notwithstanding his Charter Rights and the fact that he fully intended to stop before Holy Mass at 12:30.

Member of Parliament Celine, Cesare Chavannes has tweeted out her response:

Two months ago, I had a brief email exchange with Chavannes, explaining to her the facts of how her activist voting is in conflict with her Catholic faith and that by receiving Holy Communion, she is bringing "condemnation" upon herself. The goal then was to help her understand that her Catholic faith must come before her Parliamentary career. She is my Catholic sister and she is your Catholic sister.

But she is no, theologian!

Celina, you are wrong. On "judgement day" it will be you who will be asked by Our Lord Jesus Christ why you did not listen to the warning that you were given. You were given free will. Contra-Diction did not drive you out of the parish, you chose to leave because you could not stand to hear the truth. You did exactly what those did as recorded in John 6. Do you remember? They could not stand the teaching of Our Lord on the truth of eating His Body and drinking His Blood and they walked away. Just as you have done.

Celina, do not put Justin Trudeau, another badly-behaving Catholic, before Jesus Christ. 

That is what you have done.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

What's up with Father Nagy and the people at Holy Family Church in Whitby, Ontario? Why did Father Nagy call the Police?

I've got to hand it to my good friend at ContraDiction. If all of us had his courage we would take back the culture.

Previously, I've written about the Member of Parliament, a Liberal pro baby murdering and pro-euthanasia and homosexualist who attends here and receives Holy Communion on a regular basis. Yet, the Pastor, Father Nagy, does not seem to address this public scandal. 



My good friend at ContraDiction has taken it on directly.

If you don't have the time to watch all of it, start around 12 minutes. A few come out to try to take his sign and deny him his Constitutional right to assembly and expression. Then Father Nagy comes out to complain that his name is on the sign.

His name!

Shame on Father Nagy, would that he would deal with the Catholic politician and not be worried about his name.

Shame on Father Nagy for calling the Police. The first shows up at 27:00 the second at 29:34.

Shame on Father Nagy!

And no, Father Nagy, I won't be removing your name from this blog.

The Durham Regional Police think the images are "offensive."

No Law was broken, the Durham Police were interfering with his Charter Rights!


Saturday 20 August 2016

Catholic Member of Parliament Celine Cesare-Chavannes - An Enemy of Life and enemy of Christ

Featured Image

In June, I wrote about a Member of Canada's Parliament, Celine Cesare-Chavannes. At the time, the column was in reference to Chavannes overt support of the raising of the sodomic rainbow flag on Parliament Hill. She wrote me offline and I gave her the truth that she needed to hear, as a Catholic. Chavannes is a regular parishioner at Holy Family Church in Whitby in the eastern part of the Archdiocese of  Toronto.

Clearly, Chavannes is a woman who does not know her faith. Worse, she is a hostile and aggressive enemy of Christ and of Truth. 

It wasn't enough that this bad-Catholic was supporting the homosexualist agenda, now, she is leading the campaign against the quite proper use of graphic imagery as part of the fight against the murder of unborn children, something this Catholic supports - a use, I should add, that has been upheld by the courts. 

In order to remind Chavannes what the truth is she is trying to hide, she might meditate on this, something that she would rather hide than to actually end the killing!

Not only does Justin Trudeau support abortion until the moment of birth, but he demanded that Catholic, Celine Cesare-Chavannes and all other candidates, must support a women's right to choose to murder her child and the right of doctors to make a fortune on it. She also supported the recent euthanasia legislation.

Perhaps Father Laszlo Nagy the Pastor or his Associate Father Marijan Sisko might have a few words to say to Mrs. Cesare-Chavannes, the next time she presents herself for Holy Communion. 

It might save her soul, and others who profane the Holy Eucharist and "eat unto their own condemnation," to say nothing about those clerics who ignore this to their own peril.

Monday 7 March 2016

The Cardinal and the Prime Minister

Toronto Archbishop, Thomas Cardinal Collins, issued a letter to be read this past weekend in all churches. His Eminence was present to celebrate Mass and deliver his homily at St. Paul's Basilica. The letter on euthanasia or "doctor assisted dying," follows at the end of this blog post. 

Let's be clear, it is doctors committing murder no matter what the State chooses to call it!

The Church's credibility lost

The media has not been kind to the Cardinal or the Church on this issue. Most have featured the story; call-in shows have mocked His Eminence and the Church. Comment sections in the online media are detestable for a Catholic to read, most often resorting to commentary about "raping priests."

Yes. they are right. "Raping priests." 

Those HOMOSEXUAL men, those SODOMITES who came in to the priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to seize upon young teenage boys (and other perverts with girls), did much damage to the Church beyond the horrid damage itself to the children. 

What is also not surprising is how the media seized upon the opportunity to find Catholics after Mass at the Basilica who openly and profoundly disagreed with the Cardinal. 

Eternity awaits

To my fellow Catholics who support the murder by doctors of people who desire suicide; no matter what our liberal-fascist Canada calls it, you must wake up and you must repent or you will most likely end up spending an eternity separated from God, in Hell. You are failing as a Catholic; you are failing as a human being.

You. Will. Go. To. Hell! 

If you don't believe a good and merciful God will send you there, you are right, He won't send you there. You will have chosen it yourself; and something more, if you don't believe Hell exists, you will when you get there, but it will be too late.

You cannot support euthanasia. You cannot participate in it. Doctors cannot refer to other doctors who will do it. You must do everything you can to stop your loved ones from committing an act that will send them to Hell.

Episcopal failure over a half century

As good as the Cardinal's letter is, it is too little, too late.

The Bishops of Canada began this slide in 1968 with the Winnipeg Statement, allowing Catholics to dissent on the use of contraception. They continued in their lack of zeal to fight Pierre Elliot Trudeau and his implementation of "therapeutic abortion committees" and a corrupted "Charter of Rights of Freedoms" that opened the door for abortion undisputed and available up to the moment before birth. They failed to publicly admonish him and the other Catholic Prime Ministers and Members of Parliament, mostly from once Catholic Quebec. They sold out the babies and our nations future as Judas sold out Our Blessed Lord.

They have failed for over fifty years, since Vatican II by coincidence, to properly form Catholics in the faith. We are 40% of this country and we are powerless because we are not acting as Catholics! The Bishops of Canada for the most part did this, secular humanism did the rest. 

The Bishops of Canada are the root of the cause of this and the lay Catholic has now, no excuse. No excuse because in this day and age of ease of access to information every Catholic should know the truth and fight to uphold it notwithstanding the failed Episcopacy! It is now all our fault.

They have triumphed, we have lost this as we lost on abortion. The imposition of euthanasia upon Canada is a totalitarian act. It has happened because the Catholics of Canada have failed in their faith. 
I recommend this post by David Warren.  

Trudeau legacy 

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness draws the full circle from the Pierre Trudeau and abortion to his son Justin and euthanasia. Justin Trudeau is a pathetic man. He is an egoist and an arrogant despicable cretin who has betrayed his baptism on some false notion of "Quebec values!" He is an incompetent. A snow-board instructor. A plebeian.  A man unfit to govern a nation. A second rate school teacher and dramatist.

Are the bishops still happy about their "congratulations" to this man? Why did they not congratulate Stephen Harper a decade ago?

Quebec values?

Canadians, you voted for that. You voted for a man who will be the first Prime Minister of Canada to gleefully walk in a parade dedicated to Sodomy. Does that make you "proud?" Remember, "pride goeth before the fall."

Damn Quebec and its values! In Canada, the Province has the highest abortion rate, the lowest birth rate, lowest marriage level and highest level of co-habitation, highest level of suicide, highest taxes, lowest attendance at Mass by Catholics. Some values! Is this what you are proud of, you Quebecois?  Shame on you for betraying your culture. Shame on you for betraying your ancestors. 

Denial of Holy Communion?

There is a rumour amongst the Ottawa political hack class (of which I was once a part). It seems the rumour is that Cardinal Collins has written to the Prime Minister advising him not to present himself for Holy Communion in the Archdiocese of Toronto. The liberal lapdogs are outraged, - how dare this Churchman tell the Dear Leader he can't take the cracker! He will be in Toronto today to visit the new pandas at the Toronto Zoo. Let's see if he cuts in somewhere for Mass.  There is no confirmation of this from the Archdiocese. I will repeat, it is a rumour, but my sources are highly placed and would have reason to know. If it is true, then the Cardinal has acted appropriately and properly. The Archbishop of Ottawa, Terence Prendergast, S.J., also met privately with Dear Leader; rumour has it that it did not go well. 

Justin Trudeau, as a Catholic, is a confused man a spiritually sick man. He has a malformed conscience. He has sold his soul for power and popularity. Objectively, he has committed grave evil by his policies including the absolute dictatorial force of his will upon the candidates in the last election and now the caucus, that they must hold a pro abortion position or they cannot run or sit as a Member of Parliament!

Canadians, you voted for this. Did you not know this was in his platform?

The Prime Minister of Canada is an arrogant and disgraceful man made more so by his betrayal of the gift of faith he was given. He requires prayer and conversion. He will single-handedly destroy this nation. He is already reduced our security and begun invoking economic policies that will be a disaster for this nation. Yet, these may not end with him in Hell, but his action on euthanasia and abortion will.

He had every opportunity and he squandered it.

Justin Trudeau as a boy with Pope John Paul II
Catholic bishops and laity elected Trudeau

In the last election the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Development and Peace issued election guides. These were blatant political documents that were subliminally directing Catholics to vote Liberal or Socialist. Along with the usual leftist diatribe the former used "A Just Society" heading as a play on the Prime Minister's name and a recollection of his father's famous statement, whilst the latter used colours - red and orange, associated with the Liberals and socialists. The bishops gave Catholic Canadians an out and they took it.

If you think that Catholics have no right to impose their views then you are wrong. It is not an imposition of views, it is properly formed conscience and knowing what is truth and what is not, what is right and what is wrong and how that is to inform our decisions and actions.

I urge you to watch this video of American, Judge Andrew Napolitano. Napolitano describes himself as a "traditionalist pre-Vatican II Catholic." Watch the whole video but his comments after 9:00 reveal in a particular way the matter of abortion and by extensions, euthanasia. Napolitano is a liberal in the classical sense, in the Catholic sense.

These people that have brought this upon our nation will regret the day, so will you if you voted Liberal or NDP and stand quiet while they destroy the last fabric of humanity in our country. 

Statement from Cardinal Thomas Collins 
concerning Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide

“I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked, 
nor suggest any such counsel…” - The Hippocratic Oath

“You shall not kill.” Exodus 20:13

“Contemplating Suicide? We Can Help!” There was a time when such an advertisement pointed to a crisis line, where someone was standing by to counsel you and to offer hope in a situation of intolerable pain. We are in a very different time, now. In a few short months assisted suicide, its grim reality hidden behind blandly deceptive terms like “Medical Assistance in Dying”, will be declared an acceptable option in our country, enshrined in law. As the federal government prepares legislation to implement the Supreme Court’s decision, it is crucial to consider the effects of this fundamental change in our laws.
Death comes to us all, sometimes suddenly, and sometimes slowly. Although patients benefit from medication that controls pain, they are fully justified in refusing burdensome and disproportionate treatment that serves only to prolong the inevitable process of dying. But dying is simply not the same as being killed. We are grateful for physicians and nurses and others who offer medical assistance to patients who are dying, but it is never justified for them to kill a patient.
Physicians across our country who have devoted their lives to healing patients will soon be asked to do the exact opposite. They will not be asked to ease their suffering by providing them with treatment and loving care, but by putting them to death. In fact, killing a patient will no longer be considered a crime, but will actually be seen as a kind of health care, complete with legislation to regulate it.
On February 25, 2016, a parliamentary committee presented the lawmakers who will craft this disturbing legislation with 21 recommendations. They should shock us to the core, especially if we believe, complacently and incorrectly, that the change in the law will affect only a few people with grave physical illness, who have lived a long life, and are near death. In fact, the recommendations include:
 A desire to allow, beginning in three years, access to euthanasia/assisted suicide for minors (those under 18).
 The ability for those diagnosed with conditions like dementia to pre-schedule their deaths.
 Insistence that those with psychiatric conditions be eligible for euthanasia/assisted suicide.
 A requirement that any institution receiving public funding, including Catholic hospitals, long-term care facilities and hospices, provide euthanasia/assisted suicide, thus forcing them to repudiate the very principles that are the foundation of their immense service to us all.
 A requirement that doctors who refuse to kill a patient must make sure that someone else does it. No other country in the world requires such a violation of conscience.
It is unjust to force people to act against their conscience in order to be allowed to practice as a physician or, in the case of a health care facility, in order to qualify for government funding. It is not tolerant of religious diversity. It is religious discrimination that punishes those who so faithfully serve everyone who comes to them, and have done so since before Canada existed but who, in good conscience, cannot perform some procedures, such as helping to kill their patients.
When the state goes beyond its legitimate but limited role, and suppresses conscience rights in this way, I am reminded of a man whose employer told him to do something against his conscience. He courageously replied: “You employ me; you don’t own me.”
End-of-life care (palliative care) is currently accessible to only 30% of Canadians. This is a tragedy, and unacceptable. Instead of providing ways to hasten death, we should be providing palliative care for every Canadian, greater support for those with mental illness, and help for those tempted to suicide.
Some people become convinced that, at a certain point, there is no longer any “value” in their life, since they cannot function as they once did. Their concern deserves our compassionate respect, but it is a shaky foundation for social policy. Our value as people comes not from what we can do, but from who we are. It comes from within, from our inherent dignity as human beings. Once we make people’s worthiness to live
dependent on how well they function, our society has crossed the boundary into dangerous territory in which people are treated as objects that can be discarded as useless.
Mindful of the inherent dignity of each person, it is time for families across the country to have a difficult but necessary conversation about the reality of death. We need to understand the destructive implications of these legal changes, and offer truly loving and merciful alternatives. And Christians should be guided by these words of Jesus, that for 2000 years have inspired heroic acts of loving service: “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Thomas Cardinal Collins
Archbishop of Toronto March 1, 2016
Tell Legislators How You Feel
Those people who are concerned about this legislation are encouraged to visit CanadiansforConscience.ca  

Thursday 25 February 2016

Pope Bergoglio! Shall we look at what she did?

Image result for Pope Francis Emma Bonino
In his effort to reach out to the peripheries and be a friend to the world, Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome praised Emma Bonino an Italian politician and abortionist. Gloria TV is reporting the following:

Speaking to the Corriere della Sera on February 8th Pope Francis numbered the radical Italian politician Emma Bonino “among the big ones of today’s Italy”. When the journalist pointed out that Bonino doesn’t think like the Church, Francis replied: “Whatever, one has to look at the persons, at what they do.” Bonino openly admitted that she performed more than 10,000 illegal abortions during 1975 alone. She would vacuum the unborn child from the womb of the abortive mother with an air pump — the kind used for bicycle tires — putting the remains of her victim into a glass jar. This picture shows Bonino while murdering a child.

"Whatever, he says?
Here it is in Italian:

“Tra i grandi dell’Italia di oggi” Bergoglio cita poi l’ex ministro Emma Bonino, facendo strabuzzare gli occhi ai suoi interlocutori e anche a tanti lettori. Lui però insiste e spiega che l’esponente radicale “è la persona che conosce meglio l’Africa”, che “ha offerto il miglior servizio all’Italia per conoscere l’Africa. Mi dicono: è gente che la pensa in modo molto diverso da noi. Vero, ma pazienza. Bisogna guardare alle persone, a quello che fanno”.

And as translated (Google)

"Among the largest of today's" Bergoglio then quotes the former Minister Emma Bonino, making eye-rolling to his interlocutors, and also to many readers. But he insists and says that the Radical leader "is the person who knows best in Africa", which "offered the best service to Italy to learn about Africa. They say: it is people who think very differently from us. True, but never mind. We have to look at people, at what they do."

Well, what else does he say?

According to Ansa.it:
He also named former foreign minister Emma Bonino, ex-Italian president Giorgio Napolitano, and Lampedusa Mayor Giusi Nicolini as the country's "forgotten greats" for their selfless dedication to building bridges with Africa, to serving Italy, and to upholding the rights of refugees.

And this is what Emma Bonino does!

What does Jorge Bergoglio have to say about that?


Thanks to readers, we find more about she who Jorge Bergoglio has praised:

Legalisation of marijuana 

Awarded by globalist and anti-Catholic George Soros
Promotion of euthanasia

Monday 28 December 2015

In Rama was there a voice heard, weeping and great mourning; Rachel weeping for her children. Because they were no more.

As we rejoice in this Christmastide, we are reminded for the second time of those who gave their lives for Our Lord Jesus Christ. First, it was Stephen, the Protomartyr, who said as recorded in the Book of Acts
51"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers: You always resist the Holy Spirit! 52 Was there ever a prophet your fathers did not persecute? They even killed those who predicted the coming of the Righteous One. And now you have betrayed and murdered him-- 53 you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it."
I dare say that St. Stephen would be scandalised by the Church of Christ's refusal to speak truth to the Jews today.

Stephen died for Christ. Now, we have the great feast of the Holy Innocents, the first Martyrs of Our Lord who did not know Him but now rejoice in Him and who died in place of Christ.

Are we blind to the Holy Innocents of today who suffer slaughter in the womb  of their mothers

 All hail, ye little Martyr flowers,
Sweet rosebuds cut in dawning hours!
When Herod sought the Christ to find
Ye fell as bloom before the wind.

First victims of the Martyr bands,
With crowns and palms in tender hands,
Around the very altar, gay
And innocent, ye seem to play.

All honour, laud, and glory be,
o Jesu, Virgin-born to thee;
All glory, as is ever meet
To Father and to Paraclete.

V. Herod being wroth, slew many children.
R. In Bethlehem of Juda, the city of David.

A sermon of St Quodvultdeus
Even before they learn to speak, they proclaim Christ
A tiny child is born, who is a great king. Wise men are led to him from afar. They come to adore one who lies in a manger and yet reigns in heaven and on earth. When they tell of one who is born a king, Herod is disturbed. To save his kingdom he resolves to kill him, though if he would have faith in the child, he himself would reign in peace in this life and for ever in the life to come.
  Why are you afraid, Herod, when you hear of the birth of a king? He does not come to drive you out, but to conquer the devil. But because you do not understand this you are disturbed and in a rage, and to destroy one child whom you seek, you show your cruelty in the death of so many children.
  You are not restrained by the love of weeping mothers or fathers mourning the deaths of their sons, nor by the cries and sobs of the children. You destroy those who are tiny in body because fear is destroying your heart. You imagine that if you accomplish your desire you can prolong your own life, though you are seeking to kill Life himself.
  Yet your throne is threatened by the source of grace, so small, yet so great, who is lying in the manger. He is using you, all unaware of it, to work out his own purposes freeing souls from captivity to the devil. He has taken up the sons of the enemy into the ranks of God’s adopted children.
  The children die for Christ, though they do not know it. The parents mourn for the death of martyrs. The child makes of those as yet unable to speak fit witnesses to himself. See the kind of kingdom that is his, coming as he did in order to be this kind of king. See how the deliverer is already working deliverance, the saviour already working salvation.
  But you, Herod, do not know this and are disturbed and furious. While you vent your fury against the child, you are already paying him homage, and do not know it.
  How great a gift of grace is here! To what merits of their own do the children owe this kind of victory? They cannot speak, yet they bear witness to Christ. They cannot use their limbs to engage in battle, yet already they bear off the palm of victory.
They worshipped him who lives for ever and ever, and laid their crowns before the throne of the Lord their God.
They fell on their faces before the throne, and blessed him who lives for ever and ever, and laid their crowns before the throne of the Lord their God.

Saturday 12 December 2015


Mary Wagner has been arrested. The Canadian pro-life missionary entered an abortuary this morning in Toronto's west end at Jane Street and Bloor Street to pass out roses to the women there and to speak to them about their baby and letting it live.

There is no law in Canada against abortion. Under the current government, there is no hope for there to be one as it is aggressively pro-abortion, notwithstanding the Prime Minister being a baptised Catholic. Mary was arrested last December at the same clinic for the same action on behalf of the unborn. 

BREAKING NEWS: Mary Wagner was arrested this morning at a Toronto abortion facility

A killing factory in an innocuous looking medical building

This morning, on December 12th, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, our dear sister in Christ, Mary Wagner, was arrested by Toronto Police for entering the Bloor West Village Women's Clinic - an abortion facility -and gently suggesting to expectant mothers to opt for life, rather than go through with killing their baby.

Friday 6 November 2015


Oh, sorry; you think "fascist" is too hard a word to describe the Prime Minister of Canada?

Well, what do you call a political leader who orders that no Member of Parliament in his Government, in fact, no candidate, could ever take a position on the issues of Life verses a woman's right to "choose" to murder the baby in her womb? 

As a young boy, he met a Saint. He has forgotten much. Which bishop will correct him from his error? Is his soul not important to them? Justin Trudeau will one day meet God; if he continues down this path, he will go to Hell! If he does not believe it exists, he will when he gets there.

During the recent Canadian election won by Trudeau, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a "guide" on voting. It soft-peddled the issue of abortion and spent more time on the environment than life and read like a Socialist Manifesto. Worse, it contained two subliminal messages. The first was a heading about a "Just Society." The phrase "Just Society" was used in 1968 to great success by Pierre Elliot Trudeau who's oldest son, Justin, is now Prime Minister. Secondly, they designed a logo with a red maple-leaf over an orange Parliament. The colours of the Liberals who won and the socialist NDP. No Conservative "blue."

Now, Douglas Crosby, OMI, Bishop of Hamilton and President of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has issued a letter of congratulations.

NOT ONE Cabinet Member who believes in Life for the unborn and Crosby issues a congratulatory letter.

Bishop Crosby, you are a disgrace!

At no time did the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops issue a letter of congratulations to Prime Minister Stephen Harper. (thank you JD for the research)

The story of the betrayal of the Catholic Church by Her Canadian Bishops must be told. It is in parts here and there. Steve Jalsevac of LifeSiteNews has had much to say on the betrayal of these heresiarchs who put plastic water  bottles ahead of the unborn.

Steve, I urge you to write that book incorporating that posted in the links below, and more. The whole matter needs to be documented. 




Our nation has abortion and sodomite marriage because of these men. We will now have euthanasia, legalised marijuana and prostitution because of their moral malfeasance as well.

They failed to teach. 

They failed to rebuke. 

Douglas Crosby, OMI smiles now.

They will be judged harshly by God for what they have done and what they have failed to do.