A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Thursday 23 December 2021

Quebec's hair-dyed Cardinal and Primate of Canada cancels all Christmas Masses!

For the first time since 1608, there will be no Holy Mass on Christmas in the Diocese of Quebec.

If this doesn't send this pompous, corpulent, episcopal hireling to a hellish judgement then perhaps it would be for a man, born in 1957, colouring his hair. 

Primate of Canada, he is.

What a stinking disgrace.

List of SSPX in Quebec is here:

List of SSPX Chapels - District of Canada

Archdiocese of Quebec City cancels all Christmas Masses in order to 'fight against' COVID-19 - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)


Ana Milan said...

Driving Catholics into the arms of the SSPX without their having to speak one word. At least you are in a position to go there - my nearest SSPX is 600 kms.from me. They now have a decision to make (which should have been made before Abp. Lefebvre's death): are they going to ignore this demon in the Vatican, call him out as the heretic etc. that he is, & quickly spread worldwide or not? Since VII outcome Catholics have been waiting for this moment & Heaven also. It is necessary for the Vatican administration & all associated with it to be scourged & as we all know it is vital that the Consecration of Russia be immediately carried out as per Our Lady's instructions before the veil can be lifted from the OHCA Church. Have the SSPX attained the level of courage & commitment to see this through? Only they can tell us but it must be swift, no more dillydallying. They have had six decades to work out a strategy!

Jeff Brine said...

To quote an old TV Commercial:
"Only his Hairdresser knows for sure".

To quote me:
"Try a more expensive brand, your Excellency". "It looks like you sprayed your head with "Top Cover" .

Vox Cantoris said...

Ah, visions of a sweating Rudy Guliani..

Vox Cantoris said...

He cancelled Christmas Mass.

Vox Cantoris said...

Joseph, one more thing. Read John 10. Jesus called these shepherds, “hirelings.” Stop worshipping man.

Susan2 said...

Hirelings missed an opportunity,but not to cancel Christmas?

M. Prodigal said...

Cancelling Mass will only do one thing: send more souls out of the Church and possibly to hell. It will do nothing to stop the "virus". People here are happy to get the new 'variant' and thus have immunity and get it over with and live life. My parish closed only briefly last year, never masked and no issues. My child's school never closed and never masked and no issues. We forget that the thing is 99% survivable and to cower, live in fear, wear the demonic and deleterious face diaper is to fall into the globalist trap. Oh, to have true Shepherds once again and not fear driven, sniveling cowards.

Tom A. said...

Just find an SSPX or independent chapel and put the Novus Ordo fake church in your rearview mirror. These clowns have shown you over and over again that they are no longer Catholic except in name only. Stop being fooled and held hostage by these V2 NO apostates. Find a real Catholic church that has nothing to do with the modernists. It may require sacrifices and travel, but it will be well worth it.

Claude said...

The diocese of Quebec is not the whole province of Quebec, only a small portion of it (although when it was established in 1674, it extended to all America North of Texas and California, which were Spanish then, and including New England colonies to the extent that they were not Catholic missions). The reason for Cardinal Lacroix's decision is the last minute requirement by public heath authorities that places of worship ve only open to faithful who can show proof of vaccination. That verification at the door needs parishes to purchase the devices and recruit volunteers to do the screening. Understandably, many of the usual helpers don't like the idea of having to deny access to fellow Catholics still not vaccinated. The choice was to defy the government's instructions or bring more divisions in communities. The decision is to avoid both. Now, the rules still allow outside gatherings. In the diocese of Montreal, the bishop chose instead to comply, and to add Christmas Masses on the parking of his cathedral. He celebrated himself 6 outside Masses and 2 inside on Dwcwmber 24 and 25. They may not have been widely attended but no one could complain he did not try to find a way and he set an example that not enpugh other priests dared to follow.