A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Bergoglio hates you.

This Ember Saturday in Advent began for me with a Sung Mass at 6:45 A.M. The Lessons, the Graduals and Canticle of the Three Children so sadly lost for over half a century for most Catholics. 

At the same time, the most wretched Bishop of Rome in history through a man whom Father Raymond Blake referred to as "pastorally insensitive" and "brutish, ignorant and despotic," the perfect companion for Jorge Bergoglio - an effeminate, stupid, sycophantic idiot named Roche has revealed even more of what we know about this rotten papacy. To do this, on this day, and Ember, a week before Christmas is straight out of the pit of Hell, where Bergoglio will soon be. It's the end of this rotten papacy, this horror of nearly nine years. May it end soon and may there be enough masks for the putrid, fetid stench that will emanate from that rotting corpse of Bergoglio and may it explode its filthy guts at his funeral on all those who took from him a red hat or voted for this filthy scoundrel as a sign of his eternal destiny, and theirs!

How does it feel knowing that your alleged pope hates you? 

If these filthy scum think we are going anywhere, I have a message for them; This is not 1965 and we are not our parents or grandparents. They have nothing but power. They have inspired no one. They are mostly faithless, Christ-hating perverts. Their future is Hell. It will be well-deserved

Bishops, defy them all. Fight for your flock. 

Fathers. You don't obey an unjust law, for it is no law at all.

For more erudite commentary than I am able to give today ...

New Liturgical Movement: The Last Stand of the Brezhnev Papacy

A Supreme Moment of Decision, Courtesy of “Divine Worship” - OnePeterFive

The Second Atomic Bomb Has Exploded: CDW Issues Directives Banning Traditional Confirmations and Ordinations, Decrees the End of Ecclesia Dei Communities - Catholic Family News


mazara said...

Stopping the Masses at the side Altars in St Peter's was a taste of things to come.

Caterina said...

I am afraid that this is just the beginning and more is coming. God is testing our charity and faith. Christ WILL prevail but we will also have to endure very difficult times (persecution by our own).

Evangeline said...

I have been reading multiple resources, from people who are canon law experts or who are obviously well-versed in these matters. Thus far, all are saying this is nothing but violence, and is an unlawful act. He, even as pope, has not the right under divine or natural law, to do these things. It is not valid for a pope to undo what a former pope says is valid and good for us.
Bishops have been sidelined, and will likely be punished if they do not submit to this tyrant's evil mandate. If they submit, they are submitting to the men who work to destroy the Holy Mass as God intends it. They will be helping the demons do their work against the Mass and the flock.
If they do not submit, they may be stripped of their episcopacy and sent to the hinterlands, and probably excommunicated, by these demonic men.

Cardinals must decide. Now.
Bishops must decide. Now.
Priests must decide. Now.
Laity must decide. Now.
The time has come. The clock, has run out.
They will destroy it. It is up to you.
Seminarians must decide. Now.

John the Mad said...

I am a Catholic who attend the Novus Ordo mass. I'm fortunate in that our parish priests and deacons are reverent, orthodox, Catholics. No clown masses in our church. Latin is often used for the proper and hymns.

Notwithstanding my preference for mass in English I am appalled by the attacks on Tradition emanating from the Vatican. Just as Saint Pope John Paul II is called "the Great" so Francis should be referred to as Francis, the Crusher.

Saint Michael, by the power of God, defend us against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

JKE said...

It’s appalling to hear those of the “Recognize & Resist“ crowd speak like this against one they think is a true pope. One should never speak like this against a man whom one believes is an actual pope.

But the fact is, as a manifest heretic—indeed the most public heretic in the history of the world—he’s not an actual pope. Actual popes must be Catholic. But this man hates Catholicism with all the white-hot hatred of hell. It’s time to get real; really real. It’s time to accept that Jorge Bergoglio cannot possibly be an actual pope.

Related posts on the really real Novus Ordo Watch site:

Anything but Sedevacantism! Analysis of a curious Phenomenon


No, Catholics Can’t “Recognize and Resist”: Response to One Peter Five


Dreary Christmas: Semi-Trads excoriate Francis over new Latin Mass Restrictions