A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Monday, 1 April 2019

The truth from a priest persecuted by Ordinariate Bishop Lopes - listen to a man more Catholic than the Pope!


Dan said...

"More Catholic than the pope???!!"

Isn't everyone these days?

Dan said...

Sadly though, they will likely excommunicate this priest......

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this excellent video. Wish we had this priest in our parish.

Peter Lamb said...

"The Spirit of the second vatican council ... ENOUGH SAID! Beware of this man.
(I stopped listening at this point.)

Tom A. said...

I stopped listening as soon as I saw it was from the Remnant.

Anonymous said...


Peter Lamb said...

Dear Irenaeus,

I thank you with all my heart for your response. I am the world's greatest fool. I did an inexcusable wrong to this great Priest, to Vox and to his Readers by my stupid rash judgement. Jumping to conclusion without examining the facts. This the best sermon I have heard for years. It is obligatory listening for all Catholics. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!!!

Tom A. said...

While the priest gives a great account of all that ails the Novus Ordo sect, he does err by implying that these errors and evils of the "spirit of v2" originated from within the Catholic Church. That is impossible else we have a defective Church.

Peter Lamb said...

Yes Tom, he does. He also talks about "pope" montini and "pope" ratzinger and makes a complementary comment about each once, but he refers frequently to the conciliar popes and their "Peter's denials of Christ." Put yourself in his position: He is a young man with a family; he probably went through a lot of disruption becoming a "Catholic" Priest; he is fully aware of true Catholic doctrine and sounds very sincere. He quotes St. Paul - "let them be anathema", which I\m sure he would like to do, but what of his family? How does he put bread on the table? If he applied to Bishop Sanborn, or CMRI, or similar group, would they accept his ordination, or family? If he went independent, would he be able to survive? I feel dreadfully sorry for Ordinariate priests. They have sought the truth and become Catholics with pure intent and with tremendous bad luck, joined the "church" in the middle of its greatest period of apostasy. Some seem to just close their eyes and pretend it's not happening, but this good man is fully aware and in a terrible predicament. He has got to tone down, or he will be chucked out on the street with his family. I am sure he is doing exactly what he is telling his congregation to do - trust in Our Lord and his Divine Providence. I would bet my bottom dollar that this man is a sede at heart and would become one publicly - if he could. He needs all our prayers.

James Joseph said...

Lopes is a Jewish banking name in England.


Vox Cantoris said...

It is Portuguese.