A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 11 April 2019



Dan said...

Let's not forget the religion of these politicians he is groveling to... Francis will do anything that diminishes Catholic, or Christian faith.

Kathleen1031 said...

Okay, now it's not just all the horrible things he does, I'm actually embarrassed. In a time where we see Islam ascending, he is capitulating on the most massive scale. This type of theatrical humility is so done.
It goes without saying the man hates Christ and will not acknowledge him as Lord and Savior, but to kiss the toes of Communists, after he just practically shoved to the ground laity who tried to kiss the heretic's ring, and then had the audacity to say it was for reasons of hygiene, while he grovels on the ground? Stop finding excuses for why he does the evil things he does? He does them because he is evil. He is vile. He is an apostate. He is a destroyer, a Communist, an Islamist, a homosexualist, a likely atheist, and his intent is to destroy Christendom by helping import Islam into the West so it can take over. One thing he is not is a harmless old buffoon. This buffoon is going to get us killed.

Paul-A. Hardy said...

"Where you heart is also is your treasure."

Dan said...

Kathleen I think I love you!... I hate him too.

Kathleen1031 said...

Well, I pray God forgives me, it's terrible to say such things about a pope, but we have a responsibility to try to discern. We're left on our own here, we have virtually no leadership, nobody official willing to criticize the man, no matter what he does. So we have to go it alone. God knows our struggle.
He always understands our heart, that we mean well for the church and for souls. Sheesh what a time to be Catholic.

St. Benedict's Thistle said...

False humility. People can't kiss the papal ring but he can suck on the shoes of some Sudanese politician?

I am already imagining how the sorely strained papal apologists will frame this latest example of antipapacy tricks from Francis. What a putz.

Anonymous said...

So, maybe we finally have to give the due, where the due is needed... to the prophet of Maria Divine Mercy, who despite of being so heavily prosecuted for many years, has been proven to spoken so many Truths about the state of today's papacy and the church, and also about what is coming...
Truly, Haven has spoken to her!


Anonymous said...

They look embarrassed and uncomfortable.

Thomas F. Miller said...

Ever in history has a Pope willingly subordinated himself to a civil ruler? The coronation of Napoleon and his wife is the only instance I can think of, but it was hardly so abject as this

MyronM said...

Francis? Benedict? Referring to them as popes is a fatal mistake. Why?
The last papal decisions of Joseph Raztinger's led to the transformation of the Saint Peter's Office into a synodal two-headed hybrid. Actually he dissolved - by virtue of power given to him [Mat 16, 19] by Jesus Christ - the same office on Feb. 28, 2013 at 8 p.m. [CET], so no he may already be a Roman Pontiff neither himself nor anyone else. This decision is irrevocable.
The dissolution of the papacy does not mean that the gates of hell have overcome the Church [Mat 16, 18]. The Church will be reborn with the power of God as it was when the Mosaic religion degenerated into the form of the synagogue of Satan and Jesus Christ appeared to breathe new life into the Church of God and raise it to a higher level thrugh the Holy Sacraments.
By the act of Feb. 11, 2013, Benedict16 released the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. These Keys are the Apocalyptic Woman and the Paraclete; only now the Church will shine on the whole earth with full splendor.

The end of the papacy in Rome is precisely described in the Prophecy of Saint Malachi (+ 1148), archbishop of Armagh:

'Gloria Olivae' - Benedict XVI; the glory/finial of the Roman Catholic church are two olive trees [Rev. 11, 4], which will blossom only now at the end of times - the Paraclete and the Woman of the Revelation.

'In persecutione extrema S.R.E. Sedebit' - 'S.R.E [Sancta Romana Ecclesia] is in a period of extreme persecution' - this is the phenomenon of Jorge Bergoglio, the destroyer of the Roman Catholic church (especially of the College of Cardinals, the very top of the Church hierarchy). Bergoglio, aside from the BXVI's dissolution of the papacy, as an apostate, could not be the vicar of Jesus Christ, and therefore Saint Malachi does not name his name among the Pontifex but only characterizes the effects of his actions.

'Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus: quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur & Iudex tremendus iudicabit populum suum. Finis'. (“Peter the Roman will feed his flock in the midst of many persecutions, and when it ceases, the city of seven hills will be torn down and a terrible judge will judge his people”.)
Saint Peter the Apostle was not a Roman (citizen of Rome). Peter the Roman is a Son of the Roman Catholic church (means a Roman) and is identical to the terrible Judge, the same as the Paraclete.
The papacy in Rome was abolished definitively and irrevocably. What now? The fulfillment of this request addressed to God the Father for nearly 2,000 years: 'Come Thy Kingdom, thy will be done, as in heaven so also on earth.' The Kingdom of God on earth, finally!

Anonymous said...

The jig is up!


Dan said...

It occurs to me - anyone see this behavior directed towards leaders of other Christian denomination? Like Coptic pope, etc...

Every see this in regards to leaders of capitalist countries?

Maybe he has an agenda and message he's trying to send...

H8 him

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable... truly..

Eskimo said...

According to Salt and Light CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, “Pope Francis breaks Catholic traditions whenever he wants because he is ‘free from disordered attachments.’”

“Our Church has indeed entered a new phase,” writes Rosica. “With the advent of this first Jesuit pope, it is openly ruled by an individual rather than by the authority of Scripture alone or even its own dictates of tradition plus Scripture.”
I pray for him every days on my Via Sacra but...According to Scriptures and tradition he is not Pope he is worse than Judas Iscariots.

Peter Lamb said...

Careful Irenaeus - you might become a sedevacantist. :)

Peter Lamb said...

Dear MyronM, No need for alarm. Ratzinger has never held the Keys, so he had them not to release.

Aqua said...

Imagine, President Trump, leader of the Free World, representative of the American people and locus of American military and moral strength .... flat on his face, a** in the air, kissing the feet of a communist dictator - Kim Jong-un perhaps.

Then imagine a Pope, Vicar of Jesus Christ Lord and Creator, representative of the world’s Catholics - the might and strength of the accumulated edifice Of Western civilization’s moral foundation, one in a long line of Holy Popes, the intimate friend of God .... flat on his face kissing the shoes of a communist or muhammadan thug.

I can’t imagine such a thing. But, there it is.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he thinks he's following in the footsteps of St Francis, but he went to preach to the Muslims not kiss their feet and they respected him for it. In Arab culture a shoe is thrown at a man to signal disgust, God only knows what they make of kissing a shoe. In Arab culture the shoe is classed as dirty which is why they are removed before entering homes or Mosques

NBW said...

This is distressing to see. Praying for Francis to have a deep conversion the true Catholic faith.

Peter Lamb said...

Great comment Aqua. :)

Kathleen1031 said...

Myron, I tend to be with you on this. Those are interesting points.
I often think the debate about who is the pope, etc., tends to be beside the point. We see the church is in ruins, and I'm not completely sure it matters anymore who is pope. We have one who abandoned us and thanks the apostate one who took over. Let's split the difference and say we really don't have a pope, we have a God in heaven Who will look after us either way.
For our part we are staying Catholic all the way, we're going to see it through, may God help us.
For sure, Bergolio is an apostate who preaches a different gospel. It's easy to see, he is not to be listened to, anathema, as Christ himself said. We were given discernment that helps us to recognize the Master's voice. A false shepherd's voice, we do not recognize. We need to believe this since God gave us this ability and He said so. We have no leadership within the church at this time. It's alright, God told us how to proceed for these times.
All things appear to be coalescing as so much prophesy indicates. How many times did Our Lady warn us. And here it is.
Stay faithful, stay salty friends! God have mercy on us, and may He help us! Amen.

Paul Dale said...

At Aqua

Yes your POTUS needs must prostate himself before the leaders of North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and soon to be Iran to beg forgiveness for the foul deeds and despicable acts which cry out to heaven for vengeance. A country that has barely been at peace in all its sorry existence for 16 years: truly a vassal of Satan. But the Vicar of Christ? Not

Stephen Lowe said...

I abhor this Pope....not too keen on Benedict either.

Johnno said...

No need to break out heads to understand this.

It's a PR stunt for the cameras.

Francis needs some positive press, and this was the best he could come up with, a calculated action, which no doubt some will say it some spontaneity of 'the spirit.'

He wants peace so much you know? Just look at the humility!

It's pathetic because it's so transparent.

MyronM said...

Dear Peter Lamb, while respecting the supporters of the sedevacante concept, I prefer St. Malachi's voice and his prophecy. B16 held the keys of the Kingdom of God and was the last Roman Pontiff. He released the keys from his hand on Feb.28, 2013, 8 p.m. CET. The fall of the Roman Catholic church is not the end of the Church and the world, but the beginning of the Kingdom of God on earth, whose gate is opened by these two keys: the Virgin of the Apocalypse and Her Son-Man, the Paraclete. A happy era awaits us as soon as the tribulations necessary for trying the elect ones are over.

Tom A. said...

The problem with your position MyronM, and all those who believe Benedict is Pope, is that you then have to accept that Christ's Vicar on Earth, the one man on this planet who has a special protection from the Holy Ghost to teach rule and sanctify, officially taught the faithful the false doctrine that the Church of Christ "subsists" in the Catholic Church. The Church teaches that a Pope can do no such thing. Benedict has done such a thing. There is no other conclusion except, Ratzinger could not be a Pope.

Peter Lamb said...

Dear MyronM,

Then you accept that an heretic can be Pope. You also accept that the Catholic Church is NOT indefectble. The conciliar "popes" teach a new doctrine different from Catholic doctrine. You might not realize it, but you are refuting infallible Vatican Council I and a dogma of the Catholic faith. You know what that means.

"the tribulations necessary for trying the elect" That sounds right. Saint Paul - operation of error - sifting believers from unbelievers.

MyronM said...

Dear Kathleen, what is happening now in the Roman Catholic church is not a crisis, but a breakthrough. There was only one temple in Jerusalem in the Old Covenant; in the New Covenant there are hundreds of thousands of temples around the world. And while in the New Jerusalem, John the Evangelist said in astonishment [Rev 21, 22]: 'And I saw no temple therein. For the Lord God Almighty is the temple thereof, and the Lamb'. You understand now why the Lord Jesus Christ allows our Roman Catholic church to fall. Do you understand now why priests turn to their believers "brother, sister" and not "my children"? Because the Lord Jesus finally wants to be with His real brothers and sisters, who matured for two millennia to enter the Kingdom of God.

Tom A. said...

Myron, private revelation is no basis for Faith. Private revelation has no protection by the Holy Ghost. Only authoritative magisterial teachings are protected. You would be better served sticking to official papal teachings concerning the Papacy and ecclesiology. Then you would understand there is no possible way that the new V2 relgion is Catholic and no possible way those who promulgated this false new relgion are Holy Roman Pontiffs of the Catholic Church.