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Saturday, 20 April 2019

Marie-Julie Jahenny - A prophecy and a curious Holy Card

#18 CHASTISEMENTS will BEGIN WITH PARIS Prophecy dated December 8, 1874.
"In Rome the storm will be the blackest. The storm of Rome is even worse than the storm in France. All the wrath of the ungodly is in Rome. All the anger of the wicked is focused on the Holy See. (But), The chastisements will begin with Paris."

The Bishop who investigated her and determined her vision to be of supernatural origin was named, Fournier. 

The same name as the priest who ran into the burning cathedral to rescue the Blessed Sacrament and Crown of Thorns.

The other church in the Holy Card is Basilique du Sacré-Coeur de Montmartre in Paris.

Image result for sacre coeur paris


Anonymous said...

A Blessed Easter to you and your family, David and to all Vox visitors.


The Galt Girl said...

I might suggest the second church in the background of the prayer card is St. Peter's Vatican/Rome (not Sacré-Coeur in Paris). Blessings this Easter Triduum.

Anonymous said...

The second picture burning here is ROME... Yes, Rome is next and many prophecies are saying this... What a picture!!!

Happy Easter in this times of Apostasy...

MyronM said...

The burning temples in this picture are: Saint Chapelle on the Cite island, next to the Notre-Dame cathedral and Saint Genevieve, desacralized by the revolution and renamed the Pantheon - a revolutionary mausoleum. The National Assembly of France issued a decision on this matter on April 2, 1791 - the freemasons did not notice that it was the commemoration of Saint Francis of Paola - the prophet of the Great Monarch of the end times. He will restore God's order in France and throughout the world ruined by militant atheism and paganism.
The Basilica of the Sacre Ceour de Paris was built in 1875 and completed in 1914 - so the Holy Card probably comes from an earlier period.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Galt Girl: The dome of the church on the right is that of St. Peter at the Vatican.
Compare the shape and features on the holy card to the pic of Sacre Coeure and then to St. Peter's here:
https://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/893/flashcards/4525893/jpg/stpeters-vatican-wa-143B810EFC3428AD3FC.jpg .

Bruce Cyr said...

We live in a spiritual storm that is growing with intensity. Marie-Julie Jahenny has many prophecies of intense events that will follow this one.
Pope John Paul II during his time, was aware of a great storm on the horizon: "Precisely at the end of the second millennium, there accumulates on the horizon of all mankind enormously threatening clouds, and darkness falls upon mankind." An awakening is coming!! Pope John Paul talked about the Lamb (Jesus Christ), who is the only one able to open up the seven seals: "That scroll contains the whole series of divine decrees that must be accomplished in human history to make perfect justice prevail. If the scroll remains sealed, these decrees can be neither known nor implemented, and wickedness will continue to spread and oppress believers. Hence, the need for authoritative intervention: it would be made by the slain and risen Lamb...to take the scroll and to open its seals."
Charlie Johnston from the USA , who has had visions of Mary and His guardian Angel, has been shown a Storm that is on the Horizon for the USA and the world…
A book and a web site called, After The Warning To 2038 . com has prophecies from credible sources that are predicting these kinds of events.

Anonymous said...


mazara said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is not Rome, this is the Pantheon~!
Marie Julie was a bit late.....(Her so called prophecies are not recognized by the Church by the way) i got confirmation from the diocese itself a few days ago.

This card is for the National Vow to built the Sacred Heart Basilica in reparation for the sins of France. It represents the insurection of 1871. The priest killed is Archbishop Darboy.

This picture has nothing to do with Jahenny.

Although there are many problems in the Church, it is sad for me a Breton Catholic to see how fear motivates some to search to line dots that do not exist! There are enough approved apparitions and messages recognized by the Church to ponder upon, no need to look for sensationalism. It discredits good people's intention.