He has urged victims to be silent about being sodomised and has said that gay "marriage" is a "positive development." Now we have this shocking report at Rorate Caeli Blog that this Prince of the Church counselled the King of Belgium, in 1990 to sign an abortion law. Sandro Magister documents Danneels pathetic support for sodomite unions as well as his disdain for Pope Benedict XVI.
Based on this public information what are we left to conclude about Godfried Danneels? Does he believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ? Does he have any faith? How can a Shepherd behave this way if he feared God? Is he himself a sodomite?
Why do the Catholic faithful need to see men such as these in prominent influence and lauded by our Pope? Is the Pope blind to the facts and utter evil propagated by these Judases?
One would think that an octogenarian would be putting himself in order to meet his Maker.
Belgian prelate perverts and their catechism kiddie porn
Squeal? The bishops ought to be grateful the police weren't kicking in heads as well as kicking in doors. In April Cardinal Danneels' close friend, Monsignor Roger Vangheluwe, the Bishop of Bruges, admitted to having molested children for years, both before and after he became a bishop. In a country which has never recovered from the shock and shame of the Dutroux case, in which legal fumbling -- and perhaps corruption -- by police and prosecutors left a murderous, torturing paedophile loose for years to imprison and rape young girls, patience has run out.
Now increasing evidence of decades of rape and sodomy of children by Belgian's priests has pushed the law enforcement authorities to act with the kind of determination they should have used against Dutroux and his collaborators.
The arrogance of the bishops in dealing with years of worries by parents makes this action all the more satisfying. In the current issue of the on-line Brussels Journal, a member of the federal parliament, Dr Alexandra Colen, writes about her struggles, and struggles by other parents, to have a Church catechism stinking of paedophile propaganda withdrawn from Catholic schools.
Included were drawings such as the one above, in which a naked baby girl is saying: 'Stroking my p**sy feels groovy,' and 'I like to take my knickers off with friends' and 'I want to be in the room when Mum and Dad have sex.' Another drawing shows a naked little boy and girl that are 'playing doctor' and the little boy is saying, 'Look, my willy is big.'
Another drawing shows three pairs of parents. Those with the 'correct' attitude -- and remember, this meant to be an official handbook of Church teaching -- reply, ' Yes feeling and stroking those little places is good fun.'
Dr Colen discovered this catechism among the school books of her 13-year old daughter in 1997. Dr Colen wrote to Cardinal Danneels, who was then still in office as head of Belgium's Catholics, and said: 'When I see this drawing and its message, I get the distinct impression that this catechism textbook is designed intentionally to make 13 and 14 year olds believe that toddlers enjoy genital stimulation.'
'In this way one breeds paedophiles that sincerely believe that children actually think that what they are doing to them is "groovy," while the opposite it the case.' She demanded the Church withdraw the book. Her protests, and protests by other parents, were dismissed by the Cardinal.
As she explains the Brussels Journal: 'Today this case, that dates from 12 years ago, assumes a new and ominous significance. Especially now that I know that Mgr Roger Vangheluwe, the paedophile child-molesting Bishop of Bruges, was the supervising bishop of both institutions -- the Catholic University of Leuven and the Seminary of Bruges -- whence came the editors in chief of this perverted "catechism" textbook.'
'Monsignor Vangheluwe not only entertained paedophile ideas, but also practised them on his 11-year old nephew.'
After Dr Colen started her campaign against such paedophile propaganda in schools, other parents came forward with accounts of children in Catholic schools being required to watch videos showing techniques of masturbation and copulation.
When hundreds of parents gathered in protest in from of the Cardinal's residence, he refused to meet them. Other protests demanded an investigation into these books and videos in the schools. The investigation was refused. When parents demanded to meet the Papal Nuncio, the Pope's ambassador in Belgium, he refused to meet them. Instead he alerted the police who moved in to guard his residence from the parents with water cannon.
Meanwhile, some of Cardinal Danneels' friends -- was his good friend the paedophile Bishop of Bruges among them? -- started a press campaign against Dr Colen, claiming she was 'pestering the bishops'. Finally the Cardinal's official spokesman rang her and insisted she had to 'be obedient' to the bishops.
But word of Dr Colen's campaign spread out to the Church across the world, and she received support from as far away as New Zealand. Letters of support for her arrived at the Vatican. Last February, the Belgian newspaper De Standaard wrote that these letters 'enhanced Rome's perception of the weak church leadership in Belgium.' The liberal Cardinal Danneels was replaced by Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard. Rome dropped him into the job in the hope he could restore the Church in Belgium. Léonard has already urged victims to take their cases to court.
Which is a start. But squealing about a perfectly correct police raid is not. The bishops need to shut up and just hand over the documents.
The filth put out under the authority of Cardinal Daneels is diabolic. It is diabolic that he and so many others have not been laicised and punished, but are wielding their diabolic power in the Church, to the detriment of souls.
I pray the secular authorities will imprison these high ranking Catholic? Churchmen for life. May God help the Church, which cannot even put a stop to pedophilia inside her ranks. This looks like Scotland all over again. While the Church in Scotland was riddled with these characters so was the government in Scotland. I am reading a secular book about how children were removed from their families on trumped up charges and put into "orphanages" raped and tortured by Scottish government pedophiles. This stuff is pernicious. We must ask Our Lady to crush the head of the serpent in these local church or close the churches. Yes, it's nice to have access to the sacraments, but I would give that up to protect my child's virtue. We need holy Catholic homeschooling families. Ironically when I started homeschooling in the 1990s the Catholic Church told me it was better to send my son to Catholic School. Boy were they wrong! God bless you. Susan Fox www.christsfaithfulwitness.com
P.S. thank you for having the courage to publish this stuff. I think it is a unique calling for Canada's true orthodox Catholics to expose this as I know you have suffered in your country as well .
The reason the likes of Daneels and other degenerates are not 'putting themselves in order to prepare to meet their maker' in MHO is simple:
They have no faith, and no belief in eternity. It's basic atheism at its best. These men have totally lost the faith or.....never really had it to begin with. They are pawns of Satan, make no mistake. To include them in the 'Synod of the Family' is ludicrous.
Somewhere I read that Francis is being sheltered from all these facts? Hard to believe, but we really don't know what's going on in the Vatican. This much we know, whatever it is, it is definitely DIABOLICAL. I have so many questions running around in my brain: 'Is Francis being deceived by those around him?..Does he not bother to vet these people? Does he know but is overlooking the evil?'...WHAT?
We know there are many wolves in the Vatican, is he just one of them? GOD FORBID, it cannot be that!
It is much more likely that the bishop of Rome knows very well all the facts. Why doubt it? How much evidence of his corruptness do we need?
Not even the church of Satan would try to get a Book like that Catechism published,just how were they able to get away with it ,without the Law coming down on them ,it beggars belief that parents are expected to allow their Church leaders to groom their children for paedophiles.the parents should take out a private prosecution against those responsible and mount a protest outside their residences.
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