A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Is Bergoglio about to force WomenDeaconettes on the Church?

Did you, good reader, happen to catch that little moment of profound homiletical wisdom emanating as sweet frankenonsense from the mouth of Bergoglio at the Vatican Motel, the one about women?

I will quote all of it so that you can get the context and lest we ever be accused of manipulating the words of the Bishop of Rome:

“When women are not there, harmony is missing. We might say: But this is a society with a strong masculine attitude, and this is the case, no? The woman is missing. ‘Yes, yes: the woman is there to wash the dishes, to do things…’ No, no, no! The woman is there to bring harmony. Without the woman there is no harmony. They are not equal; one is not superior to the other: no. It’s just that the man does not bring harmony. It’s her. It is she who brings that harmony that teaches us to caress, to love with tenderness; and who makes the world a beautiful place.”
“And they looked at me, they looked me in the eyes – I’ll never forget those eyes, eh? – then they turned and they told me, both together: ‘We are in love.’ After 60 years, this means ‘one flesh.’ And this is what the woman brings: the capacity to love one another. Harmony for the world. Often we hear: ‘No, it is necessary in this society, in this institution, that here there should be a woman because she does this, she does these things.’ No, no, no, no! Functionality is not the purpose of women. It is true that women should do things, to do things as we all do. The purpose of women is to make harmony, and without women there is no harmony in the world. Exploiting persons is a crime of ‘lèse-humanité’: it’s true. But exploiting a woman is even more serious: it is destroying the harmony that God has chosen to give to the world. It is to destroy.
This is the great gift of God: He has given us woman. And in the Gospel, we have heard what a woman is capable of, eh? She is courageous, that one, eh? She went forward with courage. But there is more, so much more. A woman is harmony, is poetry, is beauty. Without her the world would not be so beautiful, it would not be harmonious. And I like to think – but this is a personal thing – that God created women so that we would all have a mother.

What do you think he is talking about?

When I read this last week, I said to myself, "he is setting us up." He is turning the Church upside down and he is telling us the intends to have womynpriests, b
ut you see, before there can be womynpriests, there need to be womyndeacons.

And look belowe, courtesy of Hilary White, what we have found.

And as I've written previously, do not be surprised if Bergoglio calls a Council. That's right, Vatican III, to enshrine his heresy and "split the Church," just as he promised.

Remember, this is the Vicar of Christ who spoke about people who "eat shit," you know, magiare merda or manger de la merde, or comer meirda; (pardon the bluntness, but that his what he said) coprophagia, and derive sexual stimulation for from it, coprophilia.

Eat shit from the mouth of the "Pope."

Yeah, a true Vicar of Jesus Christ.

And I have some ice to sell today to our Inuit, 'cause Eskimo is so politically incorrect.

Image result for pope francis angry

(bear with the computer translation, no time to clean it up)


"Drafts Part III: the big" renovations "of Bergoglio" Fra Cristoforo
I'll tell you a story. Last Thursday, in one of the Bar present in front of the Porta S. Anna (front of the Vatican State), go out for coffee a Monsignor (very near Bergoglio), in his fifties, and a layman. 
The discussion falls on "dubia". The Monsignor, with making "sufficient" says: "The Pope will never answer to" dubia "of the 4 cardinal. She will never fall to their level. Francis has much bigger projects, which do not stop 
to Italy. The only hitch in this period was the election of Trump ".
To the layman he responded: "And what does Trump with the Amoris Laetitia?". "Got to do and how," he replied the Monsignor, continuing: "The intent was to support the Clinton, because Francis had 
a special relationship. Often they feel. And the goal to be reached was that the Catholic Church should have some clear principles of "non-negotiable", so soft, so that even the Vatican had 
a strong global political support, which in this time of need, especially for large maneuvers that will come. "
On this we must give an account to the great Assange..leggete here 
http://formiche.net/2016/10/21/clinton-podesta-papa-francesco/ ) .... 
The increasingly secular amazed: "And such maneuvers must arrive"? The Monsignor sips the last drop of coffee and says, "but you have not yet realized that the vision that you have of the Church is outdated? Do not you understand that the Pope today is a world leader? That if he stayed Ratzinger we all failed. Do you know what the next maneuver? Just the diaconate to women. Because it is the only way to show our concrete closeness to the Lutherans and Anglicans. And you'll see that by November we will also have the diaconate to women. Maybe not equal to what you think. But it will approach a lot. " "WITHIN November".
Here it is. So. Papal Papal what was said by Monsignor of SDS (Secretary of State), in a "state" confidential. 
Now we pause to reflect. Piazza San Pietro is almost always empty (and TV in 2000 still frames that group of people massed in front of the window). What does it matter to Bergoglio of the faithful? From the content of this conversation it shows that the Argentine has far broader evangelization projects. Often he said that evangelization is a form of proselytism that is not good. Recently also he said that he cares if some congregations there are many vocations.
Here it is. He seeks only himself. Try to concentrate on if the spotlight, and not step on the streets to anyone because he is the LEADER. And of Jesus Christ it does not matter a damn. Other than St. Paul. The Apostle of the Gentiles said "We are considered the garbage of the world" (1 Cor 4.9 to 13).Just because he put evangelization first. Instead Bergoglio at the expense of Christ and the salvation of souls, you want him in the first place. Dear readers, this is the reality. And this week there will be more terrifying news.But I leave the earlier press releases.
The sense of my anonymity is just that. I am a priest, but I HAVE to stay anonymous. Otherwise I would not have any chance to write these things.I've thought a lot in recent months. But still I can not "come out" publicly.However, I consider important that the faithful "know" the dynamics that evolve in the See of Peter. And these discussions as "bar" for me are extremely relevant. And in conscience, to communicate.
among Cristoforo

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Bergoglio's puppy Cocco, can't even show up at his own heretical book launch presser? DUBIA MUST BE ANSWERED BY BERGOGLIO!

Using an excuse about a "diary clash," Berogoglio lapdog Coccopalmerio, an alleged Cardinal and Prince of the Holy Roman Church, has skipped out on his presser to reveal his book.

The book, allegedly the answer to the Dubia of Father Bergoglio from the four Cardinals, and I dare say, millions of faithful, is not an acceptable answer from the Bishop of Rome. 

Excerpts from the book clearly reveal that the provision of Holy Communion and Penance for unrepentant adulterers is to be the norm. 
“The divorced and remarried, de facto couples, those cohabitating, are certainly not models of unions in sync with Catholic Doctrine, but the Church cannot look the other way. Therefore, the sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion should be given even to those so-called wounded families and to however many who, despite living in situations not in line with traditional matrimonial canons, express the sincere desire to approach the sacraments after an appropriate period of discernment.”
Nothing is said about sodomites, child rapists, pornography aficionados are priests who bugger little boys, but if it's okay to receive Holy Communion after you've fornicated with whores against your wife, or rakes against your husband, why not those priests who use their power to bugger, fellate, felch and gerbil little boys?

How about to murderers or embezzlers? Maybe extortionists and slave traders? You see, where does it end? Either it is mortal sin or it isn't?

Oh, I just couldn't help myself!

Coccopalmerio is a filthy heretic. A heresiarch that should be pummeled with the Catechism and sent off to a monastery and he can take along the Bishop of Rome with him.

Sorry for the bluntness but the reality is sometimes necessary.

Image result for coccopalmerio

How proud is this peacock, eh?

Thanks Papa Ratzinger. Another sound decision on your part.

Coccopalmerio is a flaming heretic.

So is his Bergoglio.

More to come ...

Monday, 13 February 2017

Did Pope Peron demand the minions blood oath?

Have you ever heard of anything so strange? A Pope's special little group of advisers, in this case ten cardinals, make public the fact that they pledged to him their "full support."


Well, it is clearly obvious. 

Bergoglio, who is in all likelihood a manifest heretic, is feeling the heat.


Better that he feels the heat from us and wakes up to his heresy, than he feel it in Hell for all eternity.

Jorge Bergoglio, repent of your heresy.

Repent of your insults to the faithful. 

Image result for pope in hell blake
Lucifer and the Pope in Hell  Wm Blake

Pope writes preface to book by victim of clerical sex abuse except he coddles perverts and collaborates with those who protect them!

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More Bergoglian hypocrisy.  Vatican Radio reports that the Pope has written a preface to a book written by a victim of sexual abuse by a pervert priest, a homosexual.

The facts are nearly all cases of pervert attacks by priests have been on post-pubescent boys between 11 and 17, not little children and not girls, thus proving that the problem is one of admitting to and covering up of sodomites -- homosexuals into the priesthood. Now sodomite should ever be ordained, those that are now priests, should be under strict observation or removed from active ministry. (Yes, this means you dear friend, and you friend, and the other one). 

Image result for pope francis gay
Back to the Pope. This is rich, eh? 

That a Pope who collaborated with the pervert protecting heresiarch Danneels would do this.

Or the cover up in Argentina.

Or the Pope who would appoint as Ordinary a man who allegedly witnessed a rape in Chile.

Or who would discount the pervert priest elevator crime in with a rent boy in Ecuador.

Image result for pope francis kisses hand of priestAnd who now wants to take the investigative action into these perverts away from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith and return it to the Congregation of Clergy where it can be covered up, all over again.

There is so much more.

So, who am I too judge?

A man who has no toleration for perversion against children. Something one wishes Bergoglio was man enough to do the same. 

Image result for pope francis trans couple

"It is more likely than not that he (Pope Francis) is in fact a formal heretic."

Dr. John R. T. Lamont is a Canadian Catholic philosopher and theologian. He studied philosophy and theology at the Dominican College in Ottawa and at Oxford University, and has taught philosophy and theology in Catholic universities and seminaries. He is the author of Divine Faith (Ashgate, 2004), and of a number of academic papers; his academic website is at https://acu-au.academia.edu/JohnLamont.

"In the light of the fact that Pope Francis has openly endorsed heretical understandings of Amoris laetitia in his letter to the bishops of the Buenos Aires region of Sept. 5th 2016, it is more likely than not that he is in fact a formal heretic." Dr. John R. T. Lamont 

Our fellow blogger at Mahound's paradise writes:

"As Why then have so few cardinals and bishops publicly lined up with the four "dubia cardinals" on this? Lamont argues that much of the reason stems from an absolutist understanding of "obedience," with roots in the philosophy of St. Ignatius Loyola and other 16th and 17th century Jesuits. But this understanding is erroneous and dangerous:"

To which, we continue from Dr. Lamont:

"The question of how anyone, even a cardinal, can correct the Pope is an important one. It is a basic principle of the divinely established constitution of the Church that the Pope judges all other Catholics on earth and is judged by none of them. But this constitution does not establish the Pope as an autocrat with tyrannical authority, who is answerable to no-one. The Pope's authority is a legal one, and as with all legal authority it involves duties to his subjects as well as rights over them. The duty to confess the Catholic faith is a fundamental duty of the papal office. His subjects may thus formally request and even require him to carry out this duty. The right to make such a formal request belongs to any Catholic, but the cardinals, whose office is to advise the Pope, have a strict duty as well as a right to make this request. The cardinals who have failed to do this are guilty of a grave dereliction of duty. This failure is a catastrophe that threatens to lead to the disintegration of most of the Church."

It is becoming clearer now to even pew sitting Catholics, that something is clearly wrong.  

My hunch is that open war is only days away, and that will come with the now expected answer to the dubia from a Cardinal, answers that will be unacceptable, as they will enshrine sacrilege and heresy.

But remember what our good friend Tom Rosica opined:

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

They are doing it. It is up to the rest of us,with the Lord's help, to stop them.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Bergoglio opens his mouth at The Angelus and convicts himself of hypocrisy

Gosh, I leave the house for Church and I come home and look what I find.  
Adultery was considered a violation of a man’s property right over [his] woman. 
Did you know that adultery is considered, "a violation of  man's property rights over his woman?" Can a man not commit adultery? Did God not declare Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery because it violated His Law and our well-being? What kind of heretical bile is this coming from the mouth of a Pope or any Christian!

He then warns everyone not to insult.
“Insulting: we are used to insulting, it is like saying, ‘Good morning.’ And that is on the same line as killing. Anyone who insults his brother kills his brother in his heart. Please, do not insult!
To which we can add, "Physician, heal thyself."

And speaking of "Let your yes be yes and your no be no" and that "anything more is from the evil one," how's that dubia answer coming along?

What a "fomenter of coprophagia" and "self-absorbed, Promethean, neo-Pelagian," a true "rigid," "rosary counter."

Someone get a straight jacket.

For more Bergoglian insults, please visit.


Image result for straight jacket

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis prayed the Angelus with pilgrims and tourists gathered in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday. In remarks ahead of the traditional prayer of Marian devotion, the Holy Father offered a meditation on the Gospel reading for this Sunday, taken from the 5th chapter of Gospel according to St. Matthew, in which Our Lord says:

Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.

Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do so will be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven. I tell you, unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

Reflecting on the passage, Pope Francis said:

Today's liturgy presents us with another page of the Sermon on the Mount, which we find in the Gospel of Matthew (cf. 5:17-37). In this passage, Jesus wants to help his listeners to achieve a reinterpretation of the Mosaic law. What was said in the Old Covenant was true, but it was not all: Jesus came to fulfill and to enact definitively the law of God, down to the last iota (cf. Mt. 5:18). He manifests the Law’s original purposes and He fulfills its authentic aspects – and He does all this by His preaching and even more by offering Himself on the Cross. So, Jesus teaches how to do the will of God fully – and  He uses this expression: with a “justice superior” to that of the scribes and Pharisees (cf. Mt. 5: 20) – a justice animated  by love, charity, mercy, and therefore capable of realizing the substance of the commandments, avoiding the risk of formalism.

“Formalism,” continued Pope Francis, departing from his prepared text. “This I can do, that I cannot: up to here I can, up to here, I cannot.”

“No,” said Pope Francis, “more, more.”

The second moment of Pope Francis’ reflection concerned the second part of the Gospel reading – again from the 5th Chapter of St. Matthew’s Gospel, in which Jesus says to His disciples:

You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment. But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa,’ will be answerable to the Sanhedrin; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna. Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift. Settle with your opponent quickly while on the way to court. Otherwise your opponent will hand you over to the judge, and the judge will hand you over to the guard, and you will be thrown into prison. Amen, I say to you, you will not be released until you have paid the last penny.

You have heard that it was said, You shall not commit adultery. But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into Gehenna. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body go into Gehenna.

It was also said, Whoever divorces his wife must give her a bill of divorce. But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife -  unless the marriage is unlawful - causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Again you have heard that it was said to your ancestors, Do not take a false oath, but make good to the Lord all that you vow. But I say to you, do not swear at all; not by heaven, for it is God's throne; nor by the earth, for it is his footstool; nor by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Do not swear by your head, for you cannot make a single hair white or black. Let your 'Yes' mean ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the evil one.

Pope Francis continued his reflection, saying:

In particular, in [this Sunday’s] Gospel, Jesus examines three aspects, three commandments: murder, adultery and oath-swearing.

With regard to the commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” He affirms that it is violated not only by actual homicide, but also by those behaviors, which offend the dignity of the human person, including insulting words (cf. Mt. 5:22). Certainly, these injurious words do not have the same gravity and sinfulness of killing, but they are placed on the same line, because they are the premises of the more serious acts and they reveal the same malevolence. Jesus invites us not to establish a schedule [It. graduatoria] of offenses, but to consider them all harmful, insofar as they are all moved by the intention to do harm to one’s neighbor.

“Jesus gives the example,” Pope Francis went on to say, once again departing from his prepared text. “Insulting: we are used to insulting, it is like saying, ‘Good morning.’ And that is on the same line as killing. Anyone who insults his brother kills his brother in his heart. Please, do not insult! We earn nothing by doing so.” Pope Francis then returned to his prepared text, and continued with his reflection:

Another fulfillment is made to marriage law. Adultery was considered a violation of a man’s property right over [his] woman. Jesus, however, goes to the root of the evil. Just as one comes to murder through injuries, offenses, and insults, so one comes to adultery through intentions of possession with respect to a woman other than one’s wife.

Adultery, like theft, corruption and all other sins, are first conceived in our hearts and, once the wrong choice is made in the heart, they are actuated in concrete behavior. And Jesus says:

Again departing from his prepared text, Pope Francis continued, “He who looks with a possessing spirit at a woman who is not his own is an adulterer in his heart, he has begun to go down the road to adultery. Let us think a little on this: on the bad thoughts that are in this line.”

The Holy Father then turned his attention to the swearing of oaths:

Jesus then tells his disciples not to swear oaths, because the oath is a sign of insecurity and duplicity with which human relations are conducted. Oath-swearing exploits the authority of God to give assurance to our human affairs. Rather we are called to establish among ourselves, in our families and in our communities, a climate of clarity and mutual trust, so that we can be considered honest without resorting to higher interventions in order to be believed. Mistrust and mutual suspicion always threaten serenity!

Before leading the faithful in the Angelus, Pope Francis prayed that Our Lady – a woman of docile listening and obedience – might help us all to pause and spend more time with the Gospel, that we might be Christians not merely in appearance but in substance. “This,” said Francis, “is possible with the grace of the Holy Spirit, who permits us to do everything with love, and so to fulfill the will of God.”

Is Bergoglio about to change the Mass thereby rendering it, "invalid?" Our penance has begun!

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Today the "gesimas" begin and this is Septuagesima Sunday or in the privileged Anglican Catholic Ordinariate, the Third Sunday before Lent. The rest of you, sadly, get to suffer in banality in the deserted wasteland of the Novus Ordo. In the ridiculously named "Ordinary Time" for what was, the Time After Epiphany, it is some ordinary numbered Sunday where you will probably be told that "Lent is coming soon, it is time to prepare," because that is what the notes in the Ordo tell the priest to begin to do. How silly, how utterly banal that a practice stretching back to the earliest times should be stripped away from the liturgical year without even a logical reason. Just another way to debase our work for the glory of God and preparation for ourselves. The colour is now violet, the Gloria is gone, the Alleluia is now removed from the liturgies not to return until the Paschal Vigil. It is "pre-Lent," which the reformers abhorred, a time to prepare. 

Septuagesima from the Liturgical Year by Dom Gueranger

Septuagesima Overview including a Reading by Dom Gueranger

Lest the title of this post confuse you, be confused no more. But prepare. Prepare for the Cross which you, dear Catholic, are about to be nailed to. Carry it and use it to strengthen yourself for the fight of our life that is to come sooner than you think. Gosh, how incredible that we get to live this. We were born for this!

We heard a few weeks ago that Bergoglio had ordered a review of Liturgiam Authenticum. 

First, a little background is in order. Liturgiam Authenticum was an order of Pope John Paul II and concerned the translations of the Mass and Liturgy of the Hours, Book of Blessings, Ceremonials, and so on from their original Latin to the vulgar languages. Note here, that we are speaking of the books and liturgy which have been forced upon the people of  God since 1969 and what we call here, the Nervous Disorder, or as Marcel Lefebvre termed it, the "bastard rite."

When the Roman Rite Mass was translated in Missals and for use in 1965, the translations were literal and poetic. The 1969 Missal was translated using the practice of "dynamic equivalence," in other words, it was not necessarily a translation, but a trans-literation. It also was done for diabolical and political reasons, hence, "pro multis" in the Latin Missal of Paul VI was translated as "for all" when it truly means, "for many." The readers here are familiar with the rest of that story and the changes brought in 2011 which we do not need to expand on further here.

Bergoglio purged the Congregation of Divine Worship a few months ago, leaving Cardinal Sarah now, nothing more than a figurehead. It was not long after that news came the news on his demand to review Liturgiam Authenticum which so far, has only been implemented in the English speaking world. 

Of course, the solution, as I have said before, is for you to abandon the distorted Novus Ordo and get back to the proper offering of Holy Mass in the traditional Rite, or go Byzantine, not even Maronite as they have now entrenched the nervously disordered mentality in to their once venerable rite.

Now when the story appeared on this matter, I wrote a post called, "Get out of the Novus Ordo - Bastard Rite II is about to be pushed on you!" 

I will post again this extract from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich about the Mass of the future. Then, you can read a blog post from a priest in Rome.

If you feel like vomiting afterwards, it's okay. This is all good and necessary, because these rotten, filthy, evil, effeminate clericalists will have declared themselves to be the heretics and devils that the are. And recall that the fish rots from the head first!

“I saw that many of the instruments in the new Church, such as spears and darts, were meant to be used against the living Church. Everyone dragged in something different: clubs, rods, pumps, cudgels, puppets, mirrors, trumpets, horns bellows – all sorts of things. In the cave below (the sacristy) some people kneaded bread, but nothing came of it; it would not rise. The men in the little mantles brought wood to the steps of the pulpit to make a fire. They puffed and blew and laboured hard, but the fire would not burn. All they produced was smoke and fumes. Then they broke a hole in the roof and ran up a pipe, but the smoke would not rise, and the whole place became black and suffocating. Some blew the horns so violently that the tears streamed from their eyes. All in this church belonged to the earth, returned to the earth. All was dead, the work of human skill, a church of the latest style, a church of man’s invention like the new heterodox church in Rome.” Blessed Anne Katherine Emmerich

"Drafts from Santa Marta on intercommunion"
by: Fra Cristoforo

The chronicles of Santa Marta never end. Here is a statement that is nothing short of grotesque.

[Meanwhile], today Bergoglio received an "Ecumenical" delegation of the German Evangelical Church .. read here: http://ilsismografo.blogspot.it/2017/02/vaticano-udienza-di-papa-francesco-allahtml.

Apart from the usual syrupy speeches, there was the usual "beatification" of Luther and his reform..and bla bla bla. But there's more. And I confide this to you in a "secure" way. [Meanwhile] the news that the Bishop of Rome has given directions for a change to the "Eucharistic Liturgy" is already circulating. He gave some leads, which then will pass his scrutiny, in order to - in a nutshell - change the rite of Holy Mass.

I quote only one article on this, but the net is full of sources.

My confidential source from Santa Marta, reporting to me some discussions that he heard between one lunch and another, told me that in fact the change to the Mass, wanted by Bergoglio, has ONLY ONE END: AN ECUMENICAL END. That is, to "create" a Mass that will not be in opposition to the Protestants and therefore be a liturgy that can be celebrated "in communion".

And this is the truth. And this is his intention. A perennial liturgy that, however, would be ecumenical. Obviously I predict that in order to do this, Bergoglio will also have change the text of the "Consecration". This would make the Mass invalid. And I also predict that those who will refuse to celebrate this "new rite" will be considered out of the Church. These times are coming: let's face it. The Bishop of Rome wants to become "el presidente" of the various denominations; and to do this he is selling Jesus Christ at a price much lower than Judas did.

As for me, since I am a priest, I will refuse to celebrate this type of liturgy. And I tell you that we will return to being Christians in the "catacombs." The intent of Bergoglio is, then, to arrive at this: to "modify" in order to "unite." Even today, in the speech to those Lutherans, he has already mentioned that the liturgical division between Catholics and Protestants hurts especially mixed "couples" [ie mixed marriages].

So apparently he also wants to speed things up.

My "source" from Santa Marta tells me that is almost done: only a matter of time. Mala tempora currunt. (Latin for "bad times are upon us").

I suggest to all readers to pray to the Madonna with many Rosaries - not to ward off (push away) these times,  because these times are here - but so that she may help you to keep the Faith. "And to persevere in time of persecution. That time will come soon".

Brother Cristoforo

These Roman rumours tend to have a habit of coming true. It is time to add using real math, not that of Spadaro. All that this Pope and his minions have done and said is leading to this. The man refuses to genuflect at Mass but grovels to wash feet. He praises Lutherans but insults the faithful Catholic.

Forewarned is forearmed.   

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Has the correction of Bergoglio been done? Does Bergoglio intend to change the Mass - Roman Rumours!

Keeping this short.

1. Consistent reports are coming that the four Cardinals have met with and issued their correction to the Bishop of Rome. If he does not respond, they will go public.

2. It is also rumored that Cardinal Muller has resigned from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.

On the Mass, it looks as if my recent theory is now also rumoured in Rome. More soon.

  1. Also hearing persistent rumours that Card. Muller has resigned from CDF & Card. Burke has been cancelling engagements. No confirmation
  2. Strong & persistent rumours from Rome that the 4 cardinals have privately corrected the Pope - if he doesn't respond, they'll go public

Vagina Hat wearing priest, William R. Lugger, praises racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger

William R. Lugger, the parish priest of St. Casimir's in the Diocese of Lansing, in Michigan, is at it again. The so-called, priest, who mistook a pussy hat for a biretta during Mass, has now praised on his Facebook, Margaret Sanger, the racist, eugenicist, murderous founder of Planned Parenthood, the world's largest provider of abortion. 

In addition to Sanger, one finds a prominent pro-abortion American Senator and radical abortion and anti-Catholic Supreme Court Judge.

Mahound's Paradise has the story.

A quick peruse around this pathetic man's Facebook page reveals that he spends too much time in silly games and posts and not enough praying his Office, hearing Confessions or feeding the poor.

William R. Lugger should never been ordained. He is a diabolical narcissist and a man in the service of Satan, not Jesus Christ.

Enough of these effeminate, filthy priests.

Friday, 10 February 2017

"He has answered!" L'Osservatore Romano "fake news" piece takes direct aim at Bergoglio

Image result for pope posters romeThe Romans are angry.

Less than a week after a poster appeared in hundreds of location throughout Rome, only to be declared illegal by municipal officials who are on a top level search for the culprit, a spoof of the Vatican's own newspaper has been sent throughout the Vatican.

How sad does this make each and every one of us as Catholics. How said is this writer that day be day it becomes even more necessary to report on the outrageous words and actions of this so-called "Holy Father." Bishop of Rome, to be sure, but a Holy Father he is not. How harsh and rigid and judgemental to write such a thing. How true it is when we are daily assaulted from a man who has become and egoist, a megalomaniac, a dictator, an abusive father, a bully.

He is reaping what he has sown.

Father Bergoglio, repent of your errors in Amoris Laetitia, your heresy. Repent of your insults to faithful Catholics, Repent and save your soul.

Time marches on for you too.

ROME- Barely a week after Rome woke up full of anti- Pope Francis posters, anonymous critics were back at it, sending a fake version of the Vatican’s official newspaper to cardinals and officials via email, claiming that the pontiff had answered five dubia, or questions, posed to him by four conservative cardinals about his document Amoris Laetita.
“He has answered!” reads the cover of the satirical edition of L’Osservatore Romano (LOR), the Vatican’s newspaper, which carries the date of Jan. 17.

Let's go give the declining Crux some hits and see the rest there: