A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Saturday 12 November 2016

Basilian Congregation of St. Basil in Toronto pays out once again!

Image result for basilians torontoThere is sad joke in Toronto that ends with, "bazillions" when asked how much money this decaying congregation has paid out to the victims of sexual and physical abuse at the hands of some of its perverted and wretched priests. 

There's another one about "boyzillians," but we'll set that aside for now. Well, pay out again, they must.

"Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge." That motto from the Psalms is a betrayal and a lie. 


When the last one turns out the lights, it won't be a bad thing. Frankly, if I were the bishop in any diocese with these scumbags, I would send them packing and confiscate their holdings.

Get out!

A $4.25-million lawsuit filed against a former St. Charles College teacher, the Basilian Fathers of Toronto and the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie has been settled.
A now 67-year-old man brought the case against the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Sault Ste. Marie, the Basilians and the now-deceased William Hodgson Marshall.
It dismissed without costs at a Superior Court of Justice pre-trial meeting.
Had the case not been settled, it would have started Monday at the Sudbury Courthouse, said Rob Talach of Beckett Litigation Lawyers in London, Ont.
"The family was involved," he said in an interview. "There was a lot of fatigue, psychological fatigue. It was resolved at the pre-trial."

Friday 11 November 2016

Pope of Insults, Bergoglio delivers more of the same and a "psychological assessment" of young Catholics who prefer the traditional Mass

Calling Catholics, "rigid," Pope Francis accused those who attend the traditional Latin Mass of trying to, "hide something," and of not knowing, "true love." 

It is one in a long line of verbal insults emanating from the mouth of the man. It is a scandal on a daily basis what this man says. Those who think he has a mental health problem are incorrect. There is no other word to describe this man than, malefactor. No priest. No bishop, No Pope who truly loved Christ, His Church and His people would engage in such verbal vomit against the lay faithful.

Sealing the work of Benedict XVI in a tomb, he has declared the "Reform of the Reform," dead; something readers will recall that this writer stated previously. 

He is an insulting disgrace and deserves rebuke! He is the Alinsky pope using the tactics of that Lucifer loving radical -- tactics used by certain priests who do his bidding.

It was only two weeks ago that he purged the Congregation for Divine Worship and appointed former protege of Annibale Bugnini, Piero Marini, to the dicastery. A few days later, Marini suffered a stroke. My sources in Rome tell me that Marini "suffered partial unconsciousness" for the whole night on the floor of his bedroom before being discovered. 

Let that be a lesson.

To our fallen; and to Leonard Cohen

Image result for we remember them poem

Thursday 10 November 2016

Bishop Patrick Zubin of Amarillo, it is you, who should be investigated, not Father Pavone!

Bishop Zubin of Amarillo, has announced that he has launched and "investigation," into the use of the body of a baby post-funeral, pre-burial, by Father Frank Pavone to show the crime of abortion before people voted. 


It is Bishop Zubin and every other bishop of the United States (and Canada) who should be investigated for not ordering that every priest preach as the Rector in Arizona did a few weeks ago on the matter.

That, is Bishop Zubin's crime and the crime of  his brother bishops across North America.

He, and they, may wish to ponder that a little before too much longer.


Tuesday 8 November 2016

Vatican thugs slap down dissent - of faithful, orthodox Catholic priests and laity!

Oppose the current Vatican regime and you get threatened with lawsuits or fired from your ministry.

Eponymous Flower has the story. but first, here is something you can throw into the mix about coincidences and divine retribution.

The two patrons of Rome after St. Peter, are St. Paul and St. Lawrence. The earthquake on the Feast of Christ the King (in the proper calendar) that destroyed Norcia also damaged two basilicas in Rome, that of St. Lawrence and St. Paul Outside the Walls. St. Paul's is where the Popes have had various "ecumenical" gatherings. What you may not know, is the Cathedral in Lund which was consecrated in Anno Domini 1145, and which was stolen from the Church by Luther's heretics, was originally dedicated to St. Lawrence the Martyr.

Just a coincidence, to be sure.


(Rome) Last Saturday, the 5th of November, Radio Maria Italy has dismissed Father Giovanni Cavalcoli, one of the best-known moral theologians in Italy, who is close to Pope Benedict XVI. The Vatican dissociated itself publicly from the statements by the Dominican, which the latter, really need had not have done at all.  He was alleged to have claimed that the earthquakes in Central Italy was the punishment of God for the legalization of "homosexual marriage." [Homosexual is such a ridiculous word.]
The Catholic online daily La Fede Quotidiana (LFQ) spoke to the 75-year-old priest about the criticism from the Vatican. The moralist found clear words of disapproval for the Vatican's approach. The Secretariat of State publicly "contradicted" him and the Vatican media prepared the spreading of blame against him worldwide.

Maker of the World, King Eternal. Have mercy upon us!

Here, listen to this, pray and chill out!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Prior to the Council of Trent, in many missals the Kyrie was troped. The "troped" Kyrie was common throughout the Middle Ages and it consisted of a phrase that was used prior to the Kyrie, eleison/Christ eleison/Kyrie eleison to embellish and highlight the Kyrie in a rhetorical sense. They were done away with then, but made a minor return in Penitential Rite B (not that I support anything other than "A") in the modernist liturgy, "Lord, you were sent to heal the contrite of heart, Lord, have mercy."

Today, I, as with many others in the traditional liturgy and those who care to bother to do the Novus Ordo rite, right; will sing the Orbis Factor Kyrie. The Kyrie, and the names of the "Masses," though not written as a unit, were combined as such and assigned numbers and with that, names based upon the troped Kyries. Thus, we have Missa Orbis Factor, or Missa Cum Jubilo. Note that Missa de Angelis is of late composition, probably 15th c French, not Gregorian, and was never troped. This Orbis Factor Kyrie is from the 13th century Graduel d'Alienor De Bretagne.  

The world is in dire straights. The American election is two days away. A man who is flawed as all of us are and a woman who has embraced evil are the options. He has said rude things and has led a life of power and self. He is redeemable. She is too, whose advisors may be given over to disgusting satanic rituals and sexual deviancy; a woman herself who has committed evil acts against the American people and who advocates the murder of babies in the womb up to the moment of birth, and the question remains if the flawed man is not a better choice than the woman who promotes evil. 

The cultural marxist culture must be battled. It can only be battled if we are armed with Christ.

On this day, when all seems so dark, when the Church who should lead has abandoned Her duty because she is overrun with sodomites and freemasons, let us remember to cry out to heaven.

Orbis Factor, Kyrie eleison.


1. Orbis factor rex aeterne, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
2. Pietatis fons immense, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
3. Noxas omnes nostras pelle, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
4. Christe qui lux es mundi dator vitae, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
5. Arte laesos daemonis intuere, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
6. Conservans te credentes confirmansque, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
7. Deum scimus unum atque trinum esse, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
8. Patrem tuum teque flamen utrorumque, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
9. Clemens nobis adsis paraclite ut vivamus in te, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.


1. Maker of the world, King eternal, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
2. O immense source of pity, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
3. Drive off all our evils, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
4. Christ who art the light of the world and giver of life, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
5. Consider the wounds produced by the devil’s art, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
6. Keeping and confirming thy believers, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
7. We know that God is one and three, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
8. Thou and thy Father, an equal light, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

9. Thou, merciful unto us, art present with the Holy Spirit that we might live in thee, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.

I stand with Father Frank Pavone!

Two nights ago, Father Frank Pavone appeared live on social media at an altar to talk about abortion and the election. On the altar, Father Pavone had placed the dead, saline burned body of an aborted baby - a body intact and of late term.


Father Pavone has come under criticism for doing this. Ed Mechmann, director of public policy for the Archdiocese of New York, said the use of an aborted baby 'as a prop' is 'absolutely appalling, and deserves to be repudiated by all of us who consider ourselves to be pro-life in the fullest meaning of that word." 

Coming from anyone in power in New York, that's rich. 

Matt C. Abbott at RenewAmerica has Father Pavone's response to this criticism.

For what it is worth, this blogger supports Father Frank Pavone and publicly thanks him for his work on behalf of the murdered, butchered children.

Placing the baby on the altar evoked, in my mind, the very sacrifice offered there to the Father. The Son was sacrificed on Calvary and re-presented on the Altar. The child was presented to God on that Altar and their soul presented back to him. The baby's suffering, in the great mind of God, was in unity with that of Christ. It was innocent blood spilt for greed and selfishness. It parallels the innocent blood spilt by Christ.


"Crux sacra sit mihi lux
Non draco sit mihi dux
Vade retro satana
Numquam suade mihi vana
Sunt mala quae libas
Ipse venena bibas"

For a properly consecrated altar, as below, the candles and flowers are placed on the gradine, not the consecrated altar. Clearly, the supreme lawgiver doesn't care about the GIRM in the nervous disordered Missal and has absolved himself from any law in order to place upon this true altar, the Holy Beachball. While I cannot be certain, that used by Father Pavone, seems to be a private chapel and a table, not a properly consecrated altar. This is not a Mass and it was done to focus attention on the dastardly matter of abortion and the position of one of the candidates for President of the United States.

If you're not offended by the pathetic, disgraceful and blasphemous action of what Bergoglio did below after returning from WYD Rio, then you have a problem with your understanding of Catholicism. What does this photo say about this Jesuit's respect for the Altar?

These who have risen up against him are comfortable Catholics who want a comfortable faith. They would burn incense to Ba'al if it kept them in their comforts, and they often, do.

Perhaps this was an error in judgement on the part of Father Pavone, that is a debatable point. But given his tireless work for the unborn and his faithfulness to his calling, I will not throw him under the bus; something being done by the paid "catholic" bloggers and so-called, journalists out there who will have no problem voting for the devil.

God bless Father Pavone and confound those who shy away from the Truth.

My American friends, read the post below before you vote.

And where is your outrage over these, I can find more!

Monday 7 November 2016

Father George W. Rutler on voting for a flawed vs. evil candidate and a homily on Cyrus vs. Antiochus

October 30, 2016
by Fr. George W. Rutler

Image result for father george rutler
   Exactly eight years ago I wrote a column titled “The One We Were Waiting For” in which I referred to a book by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, The Lord of the World. That dystopian novel has been cited by Pope Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis said he has read it several times. The protagonist, if one can apply that term to an Anti-Christ, imposed a new world religion with Man himself as god.  His one foe was Christianity, which he thwarted in part by using “compromised Catholics and compliant priests to persuade timid Catholics.”

   Since then, that program has been realized in our time, to an extent beyond the warnings of the most dire pessimists. Our federal government has intimidated religious orders and churches, challenging religious freedom. The institution of the family has been re-defined, and sexual identity has been Gnosticized to the point of mocking biology. Assisted suicide is spreading, abortions since 1973 have reached a total equal to the population of Italy, and sexually transmitted diseases are at a record high. Objective journalism has died, justice has been corrupted, racial bitterness ruins cities, entertainment is degraded, knowledge of the liberal arts spirals downwards, and authentically Catholic universities have all but vanished. A weak and confused foreign policy has encouraged aggressor nations and terrorism, while metastasized immigration is destroying remnant western cultures, and genocide is slaughtering Christian populations. The cynical promise of economic prosperity is mocked by the lowest rate of labor participation in forty years, an unprecedented number of people on food stamps and welfare assistance, and the largest disparity in wealth in over a century.

   In his own grim days, Saint Augustine warned against nostalgia: “The past times that you think were good, are good because they are not yours here and now.” The present time, however, might try even his confidence. Sands blow over the ruins of churches he knew in North Africa where the Cross is virtually forbidden. By a blessed irony, a new church is opened every day in formerly Communist Russia, while churches in our own formerly Christian nation are being closed daily. For those who bought into the seductions of politicians’ false hopes, there is the counsel of Walt Kelly’s character Pogo: “It’s always darkest before it goes pitch black.”

   It is incorrect to say that the coming election poses a choice between two evils. For ethical and aesthetic reasons, there may be some bad in certain candidates, but badness consists in doing bad things. Evil is different: it is the deliberate destruction of truth, virtue and holiness.

   While one may pragmatically vote for a flawed candidate, one may not vote for anyone who advocates and enables unmitigatedly evil acts, and that includes abortion. “In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to 'take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it'" (Evangelium Vitae, 73).

   At one party’s convention, the name of God was excluded from its platform and a woman who boasted of having aborted her child was applauded. It is a grave sin, requiring sacramental confession and penance, to become an accomplice in objective evil by voting for anyone who encourages it, for that imperils the nation and destroys the soul.

   It is also the duty of the clergy to make this clear and not to shrink, under the pretense of charity, from explaining the Church's censures. Wolves in sheep’s clothing are dangerous, but worse are wolves in shepherd’s clothing. While the evils foreseen eight years ago were realized, worse would come if those affronts to human dignity were endorsed again. In the most adverse prospect, God forbid, there might not be another free election, and soon Catholics would arrive at shuttered churches and vacant altars. The illusion of indifference cannot long be perpetuated by lame jokes and synthetic laughter at banquets, for there is handwriting on the wall.       

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Alinsky - we are living it in society and in the Catholic Church

Saturday 5 November 2016

Out of Bergoglio's own mouth - Christian marriage is an ideal which cannot be met

The Bergoglian sycophantic, papolaters, especially those clericalists should now be held to account with pitchfork and torches, if necessary!

Here below, is his entire address to the John Paul Institute which he has now successfully taken over through the placement of those who will carry out his accursed, Amoris Laetitia, a piece of papal bile that will be anathematised for its heresy in the fullness of time. He quotes from "himself," below. 

Image result for bergoglio


Most Reverend Excellency,

Monsignor Principal,

Gentlemen Professors,

Dear Students,

I am especially happy to open together with you this new Academic Year of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, the thirty-fifth of its foundation. I thank the Grand Chancellor, His Excellency Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia, and the Principal, Monsignor Pierangelo Sequeri for their words and I extend my gratitude also to all those who have headed the Institute.

The farsighted intuition of Saint john Paul II, who greatly desired this academic institution, can be even better recognized and appreciated today in its fruitfulness and timeliness. His wise discernment of the signs of the times restored with vigor the attention of the Church and of human society itself, to the profundity and delicacy of the bonds that are generated from the conjugal alliance of man and woman. The development that the Institute has had in the five Continents confirms the validity and meaning of the “catholic” form of its program. The vitality of this project, which has generated an institution of such high profile, encourages the further development of initiatives of colloquium and exchange with  all academic institutions, also those belonging to different religious and cultural areas, which are committed today to reflecting on this most delicate frontier of the human.

In the present circumstances, the conjugal and family bonds are put to the test in many ways. The affirmation of a culture that exalts narcissistic individualism, a conception of freedom disengaged from responsibility for the other, the growth of indifference to the common good, the imposition of ideologies that attack the family project directly, as well as the growth of poverty that threatens the future of so many families, are all the more reasons for the crisis of the contemporary family. Then there are the open questions of the development of new technologies, which render possible practices which at times are in conflict with the true dignity of human life. The complexity of these new horizons recommends a tighter bond between the John Paul II Institute and the Pontifical Academy for Life. I exhort you to frequent courageously these new and delicate implications with all the necessary rigor, without falling “into the temptation of varnishing them, of perfuming them, of adjusting them somewhat and of domesticating them” (Letter of the Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Argentine Catholic University, March 3, 2015).

The uncertainty and disorientation that touch the fundamental affections of the person and of life destabilize all the bonds, those of the family and the social, having the “I” prevail increasingly over the “we,” the individual over society. It is a success that contradicts the plan of God, who entrusted the world and history to the alliance of man and woman (Genesis 1:28-31). This alliance — by its very nature — implies cooperation and respect, generous dedication and shared responsibility, ability to recognize difference as richness and promise, not as motive for subjection and malfeasance.

The recognition of the dignity of man and of woman implies a just appreciation of their mutual relationship. How can we know in depth the concrete humanity of which we are made without learning it through this difference? And this happens when man and woman speak to each other and question one another, love one another and act together, with mutual respect and benevolence. It is impossible to deny the contribution of modern culture to the rediscovery of the dignity of the sexual difference. Therefore, it is also very disconcerting to see that now this culture seems to be blocked by a tendency to cancel the difference instead of resolving the problems that mortify it.

The family is the irreplaceable womb of the initiation of the creaturely alliance of man and woman. This bond, sustained by the grace of God the Creator and Savior, is destined to be realized in the many ways of their relationship, which are reflected in the different communal and social bonds. The profound correlation between family figures and the social forms of this alliance – in religion and in ethics, in work, in the economy and in politics, in the care of life and in the relationship between the generations – is now global evidence. In fact, when things go well between man and woman, the world and history also go well. In the opposite case, the world becomes inhospitable and history stops.

The testimony of humanity and of the beauty of the Christian experience of the family must therefore be inspired again more in depth. The Church dispenses God’s love for the family in view of its mission of love for all the families of the world. The Church – which recognizes herself as family people – sees in the family the icon of the God’s covenant with the whole human family.  And, in reference to Christ and to the Church, the Apostle affirms that this is a great mystery (cf. Ephesians 5:32). Therefore, the charity of the Church commits us to develop – on the doctrinal and pastoral plane – our capacity to read and interpret, for our time, the truth and the beauty of God’s creative plan. The radiation of this divine project, in the complexity of the human condition, calls for a special intelligence of love. And also a strong evangelical dedication, animated by great compassion and mercy for the vulnerability and fallibility of the love between human beings.

It is necessary to apply oneself with greater enthusiasm to the rescue – I would almost say to the rehabilitation – of this extraordinary “invention”  of divine creation. This rescue must be taken seriously, be it in the doctrinal sense as well as the practical, pastoral and testimonial sense. The dynamics of the relationship between God, man and woman, and their children, are the golden key to understand the world and history, with all that they contain. And, finally, to understand something of the profound, which is found in the love of God Himself. Can we succeed in thinking thus “greatly”? Are we convinced of the power of life that this plan of God bears in the love of the world? Are we able to snatch the new generations from resignation and re-conquer them to the audacity of this plan?

We are certainly very aware of the fact that we also bear this treasure in “earthen vessels” (cf. 2 Corinthians 4:7). Grace exists, as does sin. Therefore, we must learn not to be resigned to human failure, but let us sustain the rescue  of the creative plan at all costs. It is right, in fact, to recognize that at times “we have presented a theological ideal of marriage that is too abstract, almost artificially constructed, far from the concrete situation and of effective possibilities of families as they are. This excessive idealization, especially when we have not reawakened confidence in grace, has not made marriage more desirable and attractive, but all the contrary” (Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, 36). God’s justice shines in fidelity to His promise. And this splendor, as we learned from Jesus’ revelation, is His mercy (cf. Romans 9:21-23).

The twofold Synodal appointment of the Bishops of the world, cum Petro e sub Petro, has manifested concordantly the necessity to extend the Church’s understanding and care for this mystery of human love, in which the love of God gains ground for all. The Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia makes a treasure of this extension and solicits the entire people of God to render the Church’s family dimension more visible and effective. The families that make up the people of God and build the Lord’s Body with their love, are called to be  more aware of the gift of grace that they themselves bear, and to become proud to be able to put it at the disposition of all the poor and the abandoned that despair of being able to find or re-find it.  Today’s pastoral topic is not only that of the “distance” of many from the ideal and practice of the Christian truth of marriage and the family; more decisive yet is the topic of the Church’s “closeness”: closeness to the new generations of spouses, so that the blessing of their bond convinces them increasingly  and accompanies them, and closeness to the situations of human weakness, so that grace can rescue them, give them new courage and heal them. The Church’s indissoluble bond with her children is the most transparent sign of God’s faithful and merciful love.

The new horizon of this commitment certainly sees your Institute convoked, in an altogether special way, to sustain the necessary opening of the intelligence of the faith at the service of the pastoral solicitude  of the Successor of Peter. The fruitfulness of this task of further reflection and study, in favor of the whole Church, is entrusted to the impetus of your mind and your heart. Let us not forget that “good theologians also, as good Pastors, smell of the people and of the street and, with their reflection, pour oil and wine on men’s wounds” (March 3, 2015). Theology and pastoral <care> go together. A theological doctrine that does not let itself be guided and molded by the evangelizing end and by the pastoral care of the Church is all the more unthinkable than a pastoral of the Church that is unable to make a treasure of the revelation and of her tradition in view of a better intelligence and transmission of the faith.

This task calls for being rooted in the joy of the faith and in the humility of joyful service to the Church. Of the Church that exists, not of a Church thought in one’s image and likeness. The living Church in which we live, the beautiful Church to which we belong, the Church of the one Lord and one Spirit, to whom we give ourselves as “unworthy servants” (Luke 17:10), who offer their best gifts. The Church we love, so that all can love her. The Church in which we feel loved  beyond our merits, and for which we are ready to make sacrifices, in perfect joy. May God accompany us in this path of communion that we undertake together. And may He bless from now on the generosity with which you are about to sow the furrow entrusted to you.

Thank you!

Friday 4 November 2016

Absolute proof that Hillary Clinton knew that the murdering Islamist rampage of ISIS was funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar - and they funded her and the Clinton Foundation!

John Pilger: The Saudis, the Qataris, the Moroccans, the Bahrainis, particularly the first two, are giving all this money to the Clinton Foundation, while Hillary Clinton is secretary of state, and the State Department is approving massive arms sales, particularly Saudi Arabia.
Julian Assange: Under Hillary Clinton – and the Clinton emails reveal a significant discussion of it – the biggest-ever arms deal in the world was made with Saudi Arabia: more than $80 billion. During her tenure, the total arms exports from the US doubled in dollar value.
JP: Of course, the consequence of that is that this notorious jihadist group, called ISIL or ISIS, is created largely with money from people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation?
JA: Yes.

Adam Maier-Clayton: Suicide is not your answer. Your answer is to be found in Jesus Christ!

From the CBC: 

Adam Maier-Clayton lives in constant pain and wants to die.
The 27-year-old business school graduate has battled anxiety, mood disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder since he was a child.
He says his debilitating pain feels like parts of his body are being burned by acid. Despite a host of treatments, some of them experimental, his agony has only worsened in recent years.
Fed up with the torment, Maier-Clayton wants doctors to help him end his life. But Canada's assisted dying laws, which came into effect last summer, do not apply to people with mental illness. ...
Adam, your solution is not in suicide. The CBC is not your friend. They just gave you your 15 minutes of fame. Now, lawyers and euthanasia (murder) advocates will come to "help" you to kill yourself. Then, when you die, you will experience a second death.

Adam, your solution is in Jesus Christ. Your shirt states, "atheist." That is your first problem. You have been lied to by society. You are hated by those who want you to take your life. Those who told you that there is no God have lied to you, they want you to die. These advocates don't care about you, the media does not care about you. 

Jesus does. Christians do. Jesus loves you. Christians love you.

Jesus wants you to live. He wants you to live now and with him forever.



Adam, come to Jesus. Write me at voxcantoris(at)rogers(dot)com. I will put you in touch with a priest who will help you.

Image result for jesus come unto me

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: 
and ye shall find rest unto your souls.”

Thursday 3 November 2016

Poor Tom Rosica, CSB; called out by an erudite journalist and a brother priest!

Poor, poor Tom Rosica, a priest of the declining Congregation of St. Basil. 

Rosica makes inflammatory and arrogant statements about other Catholics and then directs them even towards a brother priest. Then the brother priest defends himself in a most charitable manner and poor Tom's own words come back to haunt him about "vitriol." 

Father Tom Rosica has brought all this upon himself. He says that the internet is filled with "hatred and venom," and then spews it himself.

It's good to see Father Raymond de Souza defend himself against Rosica's recent screed. 

Around Toronto, he is now called out as a "thug."

All the while and we find out that he even puts on his Facebook praise for a degenerate such as Martin Luther, who wanted to rape nuns, hated the Mass and called Our Lord Jesus Christ a "fornicator."

Why would a Catholic priest and an apparent papal advisor promote Martin Luther's protest on his Facebook? A protest that has led to the loss of millions of souls.

When Bergoglio is dead and cold and the battle for the papacy divides the Church and a true and holy Pope emerges who will "restore all things in Christ," and declare the works of Bergoglio, anathema; and Catholics will need to make a choice, to stay with Orthodoxy or to depart into the darkness with Luther, what will our priestly friend do?

He will need to become just a priest. Let him learn to say the Mass well, let him rediscover why he is a priest by learning well the Church's timeless liturgy as the Novus Ordo will be abrogated. Let him hear many confessions and preach the orthodox Catholic faith. Let Father Thomas J. Rosica leave the fleeting "fame" he thinks he has achieved at a declining and irrelevant television enterprise; let him leave these social media and journalistic pretension behind. Let Father Thomas J. Rosica, work to save souls and his own rather than being part of a "cesspool of hatred," a cesspool of vitriol which he has been instrumental in creating. 

Tom Rosica has caused all of this. He has lashed out at dozens, hundreds of Catholics. He has called us names in private emails and in the public square; he has threatened us with retribution for holding an opinion and for commenting on his own public commentary; as if he alone is the arbiter of what is right and true. To do so, wearing a roman collar, is the height of clericalism.

May Father Rosica find a ministry that will save souls, starting with his own rather than wallowing in an internet of "vitriol and venom."

Can there be any more doubt about the dissent and heresy of James Martin, S.J. -- Is he really just a homosexual himself?

Image result for james martin sj

Truly, this man has his reward, and his award. Only a narcissist, and most homosexuals have an intrinsic narcissism along with the objective and intrinsic disorder, would pose in such a manner. Only a priest who has lost the meaning of his vocation would pose in such an arrogant manner as if on some little holy card.  

In a meandering, pandering and patronising diatribe, Martin twists and turns Catholic teaching on its head in his praise and false compassion of these suffering souls.

James Martin of the Society of Jesus is a liar.

James Martin of the Society of Jesus is a deceiver.

James Martin of the Society of Jesus would rather leave people in the darkness of their sin than bring them to the truth of freedom and salvation in Jesus Christ and His Church.

James Martin of the Society of Jesus is a betrayer of Our Lord and St. Ignatius. He should be, but will not be, severely disciplined  by his religious superiors.

James Martin of the Society of Jesus must be a homosexual himself.

You can read a summary of his speech on LifeSiteNews


You can read the man's self-condemnation in his own words at the Jesuit, America Magazine.


Wednesday 2 November 2016

"We have your number, and we're going to stop you!" The Second American Revolution has begun!

Who is Dr. Steve Pieczenik?

Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD is an American psychiatrist, former United States Department of State official, author, and publisher. Wikipedia
Born: December 7, 1943 (age 72), Havana, Cuba

Education: Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


"We will stop the Clintons from assuming any power they do not deserve."
"We will convict and indict the President of the United States."
"It is something we have to do to save the Republic."
"We will make certain that Obama leaves without any trail of a pardon or any other act of treason."
"A moment of history is occurring right now in front of us."

Obstruction of justice.

Sex with minors.


Tuesday 1 November 2016

New Bergoglian Beatitudes


More Jesuitical babble.

Blah, blah, blah.

Whether any of these wishes of his are good is irrelevant. The temerity of this man to call them new "Beatitudes" is repugnant so much so, I feel as if I want to vomit as I did that night in March 2013 when he came out and showed himself.

  • Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inflicted on them by others and forgive them from their heart. 
  • Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalised and show them their closeness.
  • Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover him. 
  • Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home. 
  • Blessed are those who renounce their own comfort in order to help others. 
  • Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians.


Monday 31 October 2016

Common Witness and Service are the watchwords. Unity in Christ and His Church is still not possible. Lutherans simply don't believe what we believe! Luther's errors long ago refuted by the Catholic Church and Bergoglio cannot change that!

Egbert II van Heemskerck - Calvin and Luther in Hell
The "Reformation" has brought no "gifts." It has lead millions of souls to Hell. No gifts, unless you call the uncrowning of Our Lord Jesus Christ as King over society, "a gift." This Reformation created a "religion of man," and of self, out of which came Illuminism, Freemasonry, sexual libertinism, marxism, globalism and radical secularism. Some gifts Jorge, some gifts.

Luther was a liar and a deceiver and his work has long ago been condemned.

This malefactor, this heretical priest tore Europe apart and it has never recovered. He tore the Holy Mass and Holy Sacraments apart and Holy Scripture. He tore seven books out the Old Testament and called the Epistle of St. James the Apostle, "straw." Had he been able, he would have removed it.

Yet, what does our Bishop of Rome, Jorge Bergoglio say?

"Luther took a great step by putting the Word of God into the hands of the people."

Is he just ignorant of the truth, facts and logic, or is he trying to deceive?

Cost and access to Holy Scripture

The Holy Bible was already available in German and the first bible in English was produced in 1380 by John Wycliffe, an Oxford Professor. It was hand-written. Why? Because there was no printing press invented until 1450! 

Then as now, the cost of producing a book, in this case the Holy Bible, was comprised of two things, the material with which to construct it and the time and labour associated with that production. Now think about this for a moment. In Ontario, from where I write this, a generally low skilled clerical wage is about $20.00 per hour. It would take ten months, -- ten months to hand write the Holy Bible. That would equal a total of $36,000 in labour costs, plus benefits and I am not even considering any artistic illumination. While a monk would not have been paid, we can begin to appreciate the cost of production of a bible. Consider the time. It would then need to be bound. Is it fair to conclude that a Holy Bible anytime prior to the inventing of the printing press would have been in today's equivalent of $50,000 or more? Is it any wonder that churches and universities and libraries chained the bible and other books? How many Protestants accused Catholics of doing that to keep Catholic from reading it? 

Medieval literacy 

According to Bergoglio, Luther put the bible in the hands of the people to read. Who could damn well read? The literacy rate in 1500 ranged from as low as 5% in rural Germany to a high approaching 40% in England thanks to the Monastery system. These rates plummeted after Henry VIII's dissolution, a man who was ironically granted the title, "Defender of the Faith" by the Pope for his treatise on the Seven Sacraments and his condemnation of Martin Luther as a heretic whom, Henry wanted executed for heresy!

So, if bibles were available, they were unaffordable and most people could not read. The printing press, of course, began to change this. The very Council of Trent also used the printing press to codify and unify the Mass in 1570, the Mass we still have today according to the 1962 Missal. Before that, Missals were handwritten. You can imagine again how few there were and how they may have varied from place to place.

But Francis buys in, he buys in to the Protestant lie.Good grief, if we wanted pulp like this we could read a cartoon tract from the late Jack Chick, instead, we get it regurgitated from the Bishop of Rome himself. Are we that stupid, that ignorant of history to think that there was public education throughout history and the Internet? Do these churchmen think that we are that ignorant and stupid as Hillary Clinton thinks Americans are?

Today's headlines.

From Reuters: Pope, in Sweden, says Reformation had positive aspects

From Crux: Pope in Sweden heaps praise on Martin Luther

We must desire that those who follow this heretic come home to the Catholic Church. All "Christians" have this obligation, all Catholics have the duty to pray for them and for unity and reconciliation and to teach them the truth. Some people, such as Jorge Bergoglio, call that "proselytising." He goes further to call it a "sin" against oecumenism. One cannot sin against a word or an act. One sins against God.

True oecumenism will come from clarity

We must speak with clarity and indeed, charity to our Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Baptist, Evangelical brothers and sisters and those others such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists and more. It is our duty to proclaim the fullness of the Jews' Judaism is found in Jesus Christ and His Church and to Muslims that their Jesus is not the real Jesus and to Hindus, Buddhists and other pagans that they too, must come to Jesus Christ and His Church. 

We must never force or coerce, we cannot and we do not. Why does this Bergoglio think that we do? We must propose but we must do so with clear and unambiguous teaching and proclamation.

In reference to those who follow the heretical Lutheran sect, this "prayer" below, by the Bishop of Rome fails them. He fails us as Catholics.

Church has refuted Luther
Image result for luther death mask
Luther's death mask 

Martin Luther's errors have long been refuted by the Catholic Church. Try as he might, Bergoglio cannot ever refute them or overturn them.


The followers of the heretic Luther do not believe in Transubstantiation. They do not believe in the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ truly present. Their doctrine is a false doctrine. Christ is "spiritually" present above, around, as long as we want him to be. When their "service" is over, the wine is poured down the drain and the bread back in the box for next time. They have openly "gay" so-called "bishops." They have women dressed up as "bishops." Their "bishops" do not even pretend to believe in apostolic succession.

How can you have a "common eucharist" with people who do not accept what It is!


Now, I would rather be accused of wearing a tin-foiled hat than being naive. Do we know see the link between the gutting of the Congregation for Divine Worship? Will the Novus Ordo Missae, which was very subtle in its Lutherenesque influence now be reformed for a something more formal? Are these men hand-picked by Francis, which of course is his juridical right, about to foist upon the Catholic world, another new liturgy that will be without doubt, the "abomination of desolation?"

This prayer spoken by Bergoglio is for unity of heart and mind. It is not a prayer of a restoration of faith.  It calls instead for "common witness and service in the world" and continues to leave people, individual followers of the heretic Luther, without the Sacraments of Confirmation, Penance and the Holy Eucharist, it leaves them without Extreme Unction, it leaves their clergy without validity, uneducated and without grace of office to fall into more error. 

What a tragedy, that the Bishop of Rome should visit baptised Christians and not tell them the truth, but leave them wanting.

O Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us for failing to proclaim your Truth.

Piero Marini - Coming soon to the Bergoglian Church

The appointment of Piero Marini to the Congregation of Divine Worship shows the farce that is this papacy.

Let us look back at a brief pictorial exercise of some of this malefactors finer liturgical presentations.

Because with Piero Marini, the Sacrifice of Christ is not enough.

Only a Freemason could think this is worthy.

The Novus Ordo is irreformable. It is a dying liturgy. It will not transform, it will not convert. It is an insult to God.

Get out of it if you can. Get to the traditional Mass, the Ordinariate Mass and if the SSPX is  your only option, take it!  If not, find the best priest and the most properly celebrated new Rite Mass you can.

Image result for john paul ii liturgical dances
Hindu Liturgical Dance before John Paul II in Delhi

A nude woman brings the Offertory gifts to John Paul II
Naked Offertory Procession in Papua
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And in Africa, too!
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Embarrassing Benedict XVI at Marianfeld