A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday, 7 October 2016

Look what happened in Rome - lighting strikes again!


VATICAN CITY — Rome shook this morning as a massive lightning bolt hit the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica. The strike came on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, a celebration with origins not only in a humble prayer, but also in an historic battle.

The bolt hit the dome of St. Peter’s at approximately 9:20 am., as a strong rainstorm passed through Rome. Vatican police confirmed the strike. No damage was reported.

Those close to the Vatican, from Swiss guards to local shop owners, felt the shock.

“I was in the shower and heard what sounded like a loud thunder clap which lasted a few seconds and seemed to shake everything. I knew it was storming but it sounded more like an earthquake than a thunderstorm,” a resident close to Peter’s told Aleteia.

A local Italian coffee-bar owner added: “Everything shook. I could feel it in my lungs. It was as though the air was suspended for a moment.”

This morning’s strike recalls the “bolt from out of the blue” that hit St. Peter’s on February 11, 2013 — the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes — just hours after Pope Benedict XVI shocked the Vatican with his announcement to resign the papal office.

Pope expels Cardinal Sarah from school

Perhaps Padre Bergoglio has not heard.



Congratulations to you Pope Francis, you are leading souls to Hell!

Buenos Aires? Done.

Alberta and Northwest Territories of Canada? No!

Rome? Done.

Now, it will be all of Germany.

This is what we warned about. The devolution of the Holy Catholic Church. The turning of it into a congregationalist reality. Kasper said it at the first synod. Bergoglio echoed it last year. It is an attack on the Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, all at once. It is heresy. It is from the pit of Hell and it was brought to you by Jorge Bergoglio. Imagine that, eh?

Stephan Burger, the Archbishop of Freiburg, expects a document of the German Bishops concerning marriage and the family and concerning the Church’s dealing with the remarried divorcees. The Bishops’ Conference has seen it as its task to pick up on Pope Francis’ recent explanations and to make them more concrete, said Burger to the Diocesan newspaper Konradsblatt in Karlsruhe. More importantly, Burger says that Pope Francis himself wants to allow Communion for the “remarried,” as Katholisch.de also reports:
An essential point of the papal document concerning marriage and the family (Amoris Laetitia) is, in the eyes of Burger, that Francis himself wants to make free the path for the remarried to receive Holy Communion. This is, in individual cases, possible after an ‘in-depth examination and formation of conscience and after a pastoral accompaniment.’
The Archbishop stressed that ‘life is too complicated in order to have at hand a clear and unequivocal solution for everybody and everything.’

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This Bishop of Rome friends, in promulgating Amoris Laetitia, has sanctioned eucharistic sacrilege which will lead souls to Hell. He is fomenting error and heresy, he will cause a schism. But that schism must not come from you and I, faithful Catholic. No, we do not leave our Church. We do not abandon Our Lord at Calvary. We stay with him until we beat these malefactors out with whips.

We will not leave the Holy Catholic Church, the true Faith. We will denounce any Pope, any Bishop, any priest, we will do it publically, we will denounce them, we will renounce them. 

We will not renounce Christ and His Truth. 

Will my old commenter, "Mark Thomas" come back to spin this? Come on Mark, defend this Bergoglio! Come, defend him and his false, "god of surprises." 

Bishops and Cardinals, how much longer can you deny what is so blatantly obvious?

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Heresiarch Bishop Bonny seeks to bless sodomite "unions"

We have reported on this malefactor before. Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp.


Image result for bishop bonny

This latest leads one to conclude that this, so-called bishop, is nothing more than a homosexual himself. What a disgusting boil on the Body of Christ. A wolf in sheep's clothing. A sodomite, hidden in the priesthood to wreck the Church, to undermine the faith.

Is there any faith left in Belgium? Are there any Catholics there to challenge this viper, this fraud, this scum.

And if that is not enough to cause you to hurl your cookies. look at the two sodomites praised in Schönborn's Cathedral of St. Stephen's bulletin with the African boy they adopted. Poor kid, I guess these two have a new plaything.

One does not need a tin-foiled hat to recognise the obvious. The Bride of Christ has been infiltrated by sodomites, filthy perverts, to undermine the faith and destroy the Church. They now have in the Seat of Peter, a sympathiser. 

Lord Jesus Christ, glorious judge. Save your Church and us from these deceitful wolves.



In a book-length interview published next week  Johan Bonny, the Archbishop of Antwerp, proposes a rite for blessing homosexual persons in so-called same-sex "marriages", divorced and remarried couples, and cohabiting couples formally referred to as couples 'living in sin'. Archbishop Bonny   makes his proposals in a conversation with Roger Burggraeve and Ilse Van Halst published in the book, "May I? Thank you. Sorry: Frank dialogue about relationships, marriage and the family."

Archbishop Bonny proposes that the Church offers non-sacramental recognition, acceptance and blessing of individuals in illicit relationships. He outlines one possibility by asking can he as a bishop provide a ritual to believers who live together and wish each other the best, in the light of God's presence, similar to parents giving a cross to their children? He argues that a cross is not a sacrament, but belongs to the order of sacred signs and gestures. He wonders if the Church can establish shades  between the "nothing" for unmarried couples and the "all" of the sacramental marriage recognising what is "already" is, and simultaneously see what it is "not"?

Archbishop Bonny acknowledges that homosexual persons cannot enter into a true sacramental union because they cannot express the deep symbolic link between gender differences and fertility. However, he wants the Church to recognise that homosexual persons who pursue exclusive and lasting relationships. He questions whether the Church should squeeze everything into one model but instead asks whether the Church should evolve a variety of rituals to recognise the "love between homosexuals".

Regarding the divorced and civilly re-married, Archbishop Bonny proposes that the issue of communion for remarried divorced should be carefully considered. He recognises that this is not about a global 'yes' or 'no', but a balance. He proposes pastors make judgments based on the individual situation of the people in question. Or rather, they can and must decide with them on the basis of a number of criteria.

The Archbishop of Antwerp admits that he believes that the Church could bless  second marriages in some cases, even if the first marriage remains valid, following the example of the Orthodox Church. He sees such a blessing as an act of mercy that does not repeat or replace the first sacramental marriage, which remains unique.


By proposing that the Church bless so-called same-sex "unions" Archbishop Bonny ignores the warning given by Cardinal Ratzinger in 2003. What he wrote about legal recognition applies even more so to ecclesial recognition:

"Recognition of homosexual unions or placing them on the same level as marriage would mean not only the approval of deviant behaviour, with the consequence of making it a model in present-day society, but would also obscure basic values which belong to the common inheritance of humanity. The Church cannot fail to defend these values, for the good of men and women and for the good of society itself."

Furthermore, it's hard to reconcile Archbishop Bonny's proposals for ecclesial recognition of divorced and civilly re-married couples with the explicit teaching of Our Lord on the indissolubility of marriage:

"They said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to put her away.” But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another, commits adultery against her;  and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.” (Mark 10: 4-12.)

Bergoglio blesses people with the Archlayman of Canterbury

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Mr. Justin Welby is no more a priest or bishop than I. Anglican orders are "null and void." This has been the case centuries and declared by Leo XIII. He is a fraud, the Archlayman of Canterbury. He can bless his children or his dog, maybe, but that is it. 

For Jorge Bergoglio, or any pope including Benedict XVI, to appear in "clerics" with these men is to perpetuate a fraud. A fraud of lies, murder, adultery and deceit on which that sect was founded. 

More relevantly, it is an insult to those believing Anglicans who have achieved union with the Church through the Ordinariate.

Tens of thousands of faithful Catholics went to their glorious martyrdoms to remain faithful to Christ and His Church. Only to see from heaven the Vicar of Christ cavorting with fraudulent bishops and thieves possessing the churches where those saints once worshipped.

Lund is coming.

These popes are a cause of scandal.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Prominent Catholic psychiatrist dissects Bergoglio and his minions hatred of John Paul II

Image result for dr richard fitzgibbons
Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons, a faithful Catholic and prominent American psychiatrist has written and important editorial in LifeSiteNews.  

Without mentioning specific names, he lays out his views on what is happening to the legacy of Catholic moral theology and teaching as gloriously articulated by Pope John Paul II. 

Well worth reading.


Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Cum Ex Apostolic Officio and how it applies today. Just read it.

During the time of the Council of Trent Pope Paul IV issued his Apostolic Constitution Cum Ex Apostolic Officio of February 15, 1559. This 223rd Successor of Peter would die six months later on August 18th. His four year pontificate was highlighted by his promotion of moral reforms. This Papal Bull below also focused on the validity of a prelate or Pope in the event they were in heresy or apostasy. Because it deals with faith and morals and was issued ex cathedra (from the Chair of Peter) and therefore is considered not only infallible, but to be held in perpetuity. 
By virtue of the Apostolic office which, despite our unworthiness, has been entrusted to Us by God, We are responsible for the general care of the flock of the Lord. Because of this, in order that the flock may be faithfully guarded and beneficially directed, We are bound to be diligently watchful after the manner of a vigilant Shepherd and to ensure most carefully that certain people who consider the study of the truth beneath them should be driven out of the sheepfold of Christ and no longer continue to disseminate error from positions of authority. We refer in particular to those who in this age, impelled by their sinfulness and supported by their cunning, are attacking with unusual learning and malice the discipline of the orthodox Faith, and who, moreover, by perverting the import of Holy Scripture, are striving to rend the unity of the Catholic Church and the seamless tunic of the Lord.
1.In assessing Our duty and the situation now prevailing, We have been weighed upon by the thought that a matter of this kind [i.e. error in respect of the Faith] is so grave and so dangerous that the Roman Pontiff, who is the representative upon earth of God and our God and Lord Jesus Christ, who holds the fullness of power over peoples and kingdoms, who may judge all and be judged by none in this world, may nonetheless be contradicted if he be found to have deviated from the Faith. Remembering also that, where danger is greater, it must more fully and more diligently be counteracted, We have been concerned lest false prophets or others, even if they have only secular jurisdiction, should wretchedly ensnare the souls of the simple, and drag with them into perdition, destruction and damnation countless peoples committed to their care and rule, either in spiritual or in temporal matters; and We have been concerned also lest it may befall Us to see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by the prophet Daniel, in the holy place. In view of this, Our desire has been to fulfil our Pastoral duty, insofar as, with the help of God, We are able, so as to arrest the foxes who are occupying themselves in the destruction of the vineyard of the Lord and to keep the wolves from the sheepfolds, lest We seem to be dumb watchdogs that cannot bark and lest We perish with the wicked husbandman and be compared with the hireling.
2 Hence, concerning these matters, We have held mature deliberation with our venerable brothers the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church; and, upon their advice and with their unanimous agreement, we now enact as follows: In respect of each and every sentence of excommunication, suspension, interdict and privation and any other sentences, censures and penalties against heretics or schismatics, enforced and promulgated in any way whatsoever by any of Our predecessors the Roman Pontiffs, or by any who were held to be such (even by their "litterae extravagantes" i.e. private letters), or by the sacred Councils received by the Church of God, or by decrees of the Holy Fathers and the statutes, or by the sacred Canons and the Constitutions and Apostolic Ordinations - all these measures, by Apostolic authority, We approve and renew, that they may and must be observed in perpetuity and, if perchance they be no longer in lively observance, that they be restored to it. Thus We will and decree that the aforementioned sentences, censures and penalties be incurred without exception by all members of the following categories:
(i) Anysoever who, before this date, shall have been detected to have deviated from the Catholic Faith, or fallen into any heresy, or incurred schism, or provoked or committed either or both of these, or who have confessed to have done any of these things, or who have been convicted of having done any of these things.
(ii) Anysoever who (which may God, in His clemency and goodness to all, deign to avert) shall in the future so deviate or fall into heresy, or incur schism, or shall provoke or commit either or both of these.
(iii) Anysoever who shall be detected to have so deviated, fallen, incurred, provoked or committed, or who shall confess to have done any of these things, or who shall be convicted of having done any of these things.
   These sanctions, moreover, shall be incurred by all members of these categories, of whatever status, grace, order, condition and pre-eminence they may be, even if they be endowed with the Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal, Primatial or some other greater Ecclesiastical dignity, or with the honour of the Cardinalate and of the Universal Apostolic See by the office of Legate, whether temporary or permanent, or if they be endowed with even worldly authority or excellence, as Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor.
   All this We will and decree.
3. Nonetheless, We also consider it proper that those who do not abandon evil deeds through love of virtue should be deterred therefrom by fear of punishment; and We are aware that Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals and Legates, Counts, Barons, Marquises, Dukes, Kings and Emperors (who ought to teach others and offer them a good example in order to preserve them in the Catholic Faith), by failing in their duty sin more gravely than others; since they not only damn themselves, but also drag with them into perdition and into the pit of death countless other people entrusted to their care or rule, or otherwise subject to them, by their like counsel and agreement.
   Hence, by this Our Constitution which is to remain valid in perpetuity, in abomination of so great a crime (than which none in the Church of God can be greater or more pernicious) by the fullness of our Apostolic Power, We enact, determine, decree and define (since the aforesaid sentences, censures and penalties are to remain in efficacious force and strike all those whom they are intended to strike) that:
(i) each and every member of the following categories - Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals, Legates, Counts, Barons, Marquises, Dukes, Kings and Emperors - who:
(a) hitherto (as We have already said) have been detected, or have confessed to have, or have been convicted of having, deviated [i.e. from the Catholic Faith], or fallen into heresy or incurred schism or provoked or committed either or both of these;
(b) in the future also shall [so] deviate, or fall into heresy, or incur schism, or provoke or commit either or both of these, or shall be detected or shall confess to have, or shall be convicted of having [so] deviated, or fallen into heresy, or incurred schism, or provoked or committed either or both of these;
(c) since in this they are rendered more inexcusable than the rest in addition to the aforementioned sentences, censures and penalties, shall also automatically, without any exercise of law or application of fact, be thoroughly, entirely and perpetually deprived of:- their Orders and Cathedrals, even Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, the honour of the Cardinalate and the office of any embassy whatsoever, not to mention both active and passive voting rights, all authority, Monasteries, benefices and Ecclesiastical offices, be they functional or sinecures, secular or religious of whatsoever Order, which they may have obtained by any concessions whatsoever, or by Apostolic Dispensations to title, charge and administration or otherwise howsoever, and in which or to which they may have any right whatsoever, likewise any whatsoever fruits, returns or annual revenues from like fruits, returns and revenues reserved for and assigned to them, as well as Countships, Baronies, Marquisates, Dukedoms, Kingships and Imperial Power;
(ii) that, moreover, they shall be unfit and incapable in respect of these things and that they shall be held to be backsliders and subverted in every way, just as if they had previously abjured heresy of this kind in public trial; that they shall never at any time be able to be restored, returned, reinstated or rehabilitated to their former status or Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, or the Cardinalate, or other honour, any other dignity, greater or lesser, any right to vote, active or passive, or authority, or Monasteries and benefices, or Countships, Baronies, Marquisates, Dukedoms, Kingships and positions of Imperial power; but rather that they shall be abandoned to the judgement of the secular power to be punished after due consideration, unless there should appear in them signs of true penitence and the fruits of worthy repentance, and, by the kindness and clemency of the See itself, they shall have been sentenced to sequestration in any Monastery or other religious house in order to perform perpetual penance upon the bread of sorrow and the water of affliction;
(iii) that all such individuals also shall be held, treated and reputed as such by everyone, of whatsoever status, grade, order, condition or pre-eminence he may be and whatsoever excellence may be his, even Episcopal, Archiepiscopal, Patriarchal and Primatial or other greater Ecclesiastical dignity and even the honour of the Cardinalate, or secular, even the authority of Count, Baron, Marquis, Duke, King or Emperor, and as such must be avoided and must be deprived of the sympathy of all natural kindness.
4. [By this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] further enact, determine, decree and define:] that those who shall have claimed to have the right of patronage or of nominating suitable persons to Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal and Primatial Churches, or to Monasteries or other Ecclesiastical benefices which may be vacant by privation of this kind (in order that those which shall have been vacant for a long time may not be exposed to the unfit, but, having been rescued from enslavement to heretics, may be granted to suitable persons who would faithfully direct their people in the paths of justice), shall be bound to present other persons suitable to Churches, Monasteries and benefices of this kind, to Us, or to the Roman Pontiff at that time existing, within the time determined by law, or by their concordats, or by compacts entered into with the said See; and that, if they shall not have done so when the said period shall have elapsed, the full and free disposition of the aforesaid Churches, Monasteries and benefices shall by the fulness of the law itself devolve upon Us or upon the aforesaid Roman Pontiff.
5. [By this Our Constitution,] moreover, [which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] also [enact, determine, decree and define:] as follows concerning those who shall have presumed in any way knowingly to receive, defend, favour, believe or teach the teaching of those so apprehended, confessed or convicted:
(i) they shall automatically incur sentence of excommunication;
(ii) they shall be rendered infamous;
(iii) they shall be excluded on pain of invalidity from any public or private office, deliberation, Synod, general or provincial Council and any conclave of Cardinals or other congregation of the faithful, and from any election or function of witness, so that they cannot take part in any of these by vote, in person, by writings, representative or by any agent;
(iv) they shall be incapable of making a will;
(v) they shall not accede to the succession of heredity;
(vi) no one shall be forced to respond to them concerning any business;
(vii) if perchance they shall have been Judges, their judgements shall have no force, nor shall any cases be brought to their hearing.;
(viii) if they shall have been Advocates, their pleading shall nowise be received;(ix) if they shall have been Notaries, documents drafted by them shall be entirely without strength or weight;
(x) clerics shall be automatically deprived of each and every Church, even Cathedral, Metropolitan, Patriarchal, Primatial, and likewise of dignities, Monasteries, benefices and Ecclesiastical offices, and even, as has been already mentioned, of qualifications, howsoever obtained by them;
(xi) laymen, moreover, in the same way - even if they be qualified, as already described, or endowed with the aforesaid dignities or anysoever Kingdoms, Duchies, Dominions, Fiefs and temporal goods possessed by them;
(xii) finally, all Kingdoms, Duchies, Dominions, Fiefs and goods of this kind shall be confiscated, made public and shall remain so, and shall be made the rightful property of those who shall first occupy them if these shall be sincere in faith, in the unity of the Holy Roman Church and under obedience to Us and to Our successors the Roman Pontiffs canonically entering office.
6. In addition, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity We enact, determine, decree and define:] that if ever at any time it shall appear that any Bishop, even if he be acting as an Archbishop, Patriarch or Primate; or any Cardinal of the aforesaid Roman Church, or, as has already been mentioned, any legate, or even the Roman Pontiff, prior to his promotion or his elevation as Cardinal or Roman Pontiff, has deviated from the Catholic Faith or fallen into some heresy:
(i) the promotion or elevation, even if it shall have been uncontested and by the unanimous assent of all the Cardinals, shall be null, void and worthless;
(ii) it shall not be possible for it to acquire validity (nor for it to be said that it has thus acquired validity) through the acceptance of the office, of consecration, of subsequent authority, nor through possession of administration, nor through the putative enthronement of a Roman Pontiff, or Veneration, or obedience accorded to such by all, nor through the lapse of any period of time in the foregoing situation;
(iii) it shall not be held as partially legitimate in any way;
(iv) to any so promoted to be Bishops, or Archbishops, or Patriarchs, or Primates or elevated as Cardinals, or as Roman Pontiff, no authority shall have been granted, nor shall it be considered to have been so granted either in the spiritual or the temporal domain;
(v) each and all of their words, deeds, actions and enactments, howsoever made, and anything whatsoever to which these may give rise, shall be without force and shall grant no stability whatsoever nor any right to anyone;
(vi) those thus promoted or elevated shall be deprived automatically, and without need for any further declaration, of all dignity, position, honour, title, authority, office and power.
7. Finally, [by this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity, We] also [enact, determine, define and decree]: that any and all persons who would have been subject to those thus promoted or elevated if they had not previously deviated from the Faith, become heretics, incurred schism or provoked or committed any or all of these, be they members of anysoever of the following categories: the Cardinals, even those who shall have taken part in the election of this very Pontiff previously deviating from the Faith or heretical or schismatical, or shall otherwise have consented and vouchsafed obedience to him and shall have venerated him;
Castellans, Prefects, Captains and Officials, even of Our Beloved City and of the entire Ecclesiastical State, even if they shall be obliged and beholden to those thus promoted or elevated by homage, oath or security; shall be permitted at any time to withdraw with impunity from obedience and devotion to those thus promoted or elevated and to avoid them as warlocks, heathens, publicans, and heresiarchs (the same subject persons, nevertheless, remaining bound by the duty of fidelity and obedience to any future Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates, Cardinals and Roman Pontiff canonically entering).
   To the greater confusion, moreover, of those thus promoted or elevated, if these shall have wished to prolong their government and authority, they shall be permitted to request the assistance of the secular arm against these same individuals thus promoted or elevated; nor shall those who withdraw on this account, in the aforementioned circumstances, from fidelity and obedience to those thus promoted and elevated, be subject, as are those who tear the tunic of the Lord, to the retribution of any censures or penalties.
8. [The provisions of this Our Constitution, which is to remain valid in perpetuity are to take effect] notwithstanding any Constitutions, Apostolic Ordinations, privileges, indults or Apostolic Letters, whether they be to these same Bishops, Archbishops, Patriarchs, Primates and Cardinals or to any others, and whatsoever may be their import and form, and with whatsoever sub-clauses or decrees they may have been granted, even "motu proprio" and by certain knowledge, from the fulness of the Apostolic power or even consistorially or otherwise howsoever; and even if they have been repeatedly approved and renewed,have been included in the corpus of the Law or strengthened by any capital conclaves whatsoever (even by oath) or by Apostolic confirmation or by anysoever other endorsements or if they were legislated by ourself. By this present document instead of by express mention, We specially and expressly derogate the provisions of all these by appropriate deletion and word-for-word substitution, so that these may otherwise remain in force.
9. In order, however, that this document may be brought to the notice of all whom it concerns, We wish it or a transcription of it (to which, when made by the hand of the undersigned Public Notary and fortified by the seal of any person established in ecclesiastical dignity, We decree that complete trust must be accorded) to be published and affixed in the Basilica of the Prince of the Apostles in this City and on the doors of the Apostolic Chancery and in the pavilion of the Campus Florae by some of our couriers; [we] will [further] that a quantity of copies affixed in this place should be distributed, and that publication and affixing of this kind should suffice and be held as right, solemn and legitimate, and that no other publication should be required or awaited.
10. No one at all, therefore, may infringe this document of our approbation, re-introduction, sanction, statute and derogation of wills and decrees, or by rash presumption contradict it. If anyone, however, should presume to attempt this, let him know that he is destined to incur the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed Apostles, Peter and Paul.
Given in Rome at Saint Peter's in the year of the Incarnation of the Lord 1559, 15th February, in the fourth year of our Pontificate.
+ I, Paul, Bishop of the Catholic Church of Rome

Rome has fallen - follows the Buenos Aires Bishops' path praised by Bergoglio - at least Alberta and the Northwest Territories remain Catholic

Originally published September 23, 2016. Updated: October 4, 2016

In his post today, Sandro Magister picks up again on the points made at the link below. After further analysis of Bergoglio's comment in the letter to the Bishop in  Buenos Aires and the actions of his Roman Vicar, there is no other conclusion to make.

Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome has sanctioned Holy Communion for those in adultery and a previous valid marriage that cannot be granted a Decree of Nullity.

It is a crime against Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church such as never before in all of history. Not even popes who themselves were criminals, fornicators, adulterers, sodomites or murderers taught such a thing - that the Holy Eucharist could openly permitted to be defiled.

Where is all this leading?

For that, you should read Hilary White's latest at The Remnant.

On his Seventh Heaven Blog, Sandro Magister asks if Agostino Vallini, the Cardinal Vicar of Rome will now receive a commendation from Pope Francis. Perhaps we should call it the Bergoglio Award for Faith Corruption.

The Vicar, who represents the Pope in the day to day business of the Diocese of Rome, has issued a document on  Amoris Laetitia. It occurred on September 19 at the Lateran Basilica to the Pastoral Conference of the Diocese of Rome and is titled, "The Joy of love: the path of the families of Rome." 
"It is important to establish with all these people and couples a 'good pastoral relationship'. That is, we must welcome them with warmth, invite them to open themselves to participate in some way in the Church's life, to groups of families, to perform some service, eg. charitable or liturgical (choir prayer of the faithful, offertory procession). to develop these processes is extremely valuable active presence of pairs of pastoral workers and also the profit you a lot of the community climate. these people - the Pope says - "should not feel excommunicated, but they can live and grow as living members of the Church "(AL, 299).
"It's not necessarily get to the sacraments, but to direct them to live forms of integration in ecclesial life. But when the concrete circumstances of a couple make it feasible, ie when their faith journey has been long, sincere and progressive , proposes to live in continence, then if this choice is difficult to practice for the stability of the couple, 'Amoris laetitia' does not exclude the possibility of access to penance and the Eucharist. this means some opening, as in the case in which there is a moral certainty that the first marriage was null and void but no evidence to prove it in court; but rather when, for example, was paraded their condition as if it were part of the Christian ideal, and so on.
"How are we to understand this opening? Certainly not in the sense of non-discriminatory access to the sacraments, as occasionally happens, but of a discernment that distinguishes appropriately case by case. Who can decide? The wording of the text and the 'mens' of its Author not I think there is no other solution than that of. in fact, the internal forum internal forum is the way conducive to open our hearts to the most intimate confidences, and if it has been established over time a relationship of trust with a confessor or a spiritual guide, you can start and develop with him a long journey of conversion, patient, made of small steps and progressive inspections.
"So, it cannot be other that the confessor, at some point, in his conscience, after much reflection and prayer, are to shoulder the responsibility before God and the penitent and to request that access to the sacraments takes place in a confidential manner. in these cases do not end the process of discernment (AL, 303: 'dynamic discernment') in order to achieve further steps towards the full Christian ideal. "

"Access to the sacraments in a confidential manner." Why? Because they know that it is wrong and they can't bring their error into the light, lest it cause scandal for its very error. 

First Buenos Aires where Bergoglio was Bishop, now Rome, where he is Bishop. Is there any more denying what the Pope thinks? How much more until the neo-Caths try to twist this pretzel logic that the Pope doesn't really mean what he means?

ValliniThe Vicar has chosen to follow the path of the Buenos Aires episcopate to whom Bergoglio wrote, "there is no other interpretation." One now can wonder, what will Bergoglio say or do about Canada's Bishops in Alberta and the Northwest  Territories who upheld the teaching of "living as brother and sister?" These bishops quoted directly from Familiaris  Consortio, so conveniently abridged by Bergoglio and the putrid writers of Amoris Laetitia.

The Pope has already watered down the annulment process and he has questioned the sacramental validity of most Catholic marriages. Amoris Laetitita goes the rest of the way, to allow that who cannot obtain an legitimate, legal and proper Decree of Nullity to return to the Sacraments after they are "remarried" civilly and living in adultery.

The fundamental question that I have had since the beginning is simple and comes down to one word.


Is it really about money? Are there really that many people in such situation in our parishes demanding to return to the sacraments on threat of withholding their five shekels a week? (Catholics want married priests? They can't afford married priests but that's for the next synod but it makes my point on the money). Germany is only one place, the laws there are not everywhere, which of course explains Bergoglio's desire to decentralise the Church. Yet, there seems to me that there has go to be something more.

They can only hate the faith. They can only hate Our Lord Jesus Christ and His true presence in the Church through the Blessed Sacrament. There can be no other explanation.They no longer believe. If they ever had the faith, they have long since lost it, 

Of that, I accuse Bergoglio, a man who still won't genuflect at the altar to the Salvation of the World, but who grovels on the floor to wash the feet of those who have come to destroy Europe. Why does he refuse to genuflect? 

It is truly from Satan.

Bergoglio invents a new sin - the sin against "ecumenism"

Ah, another papal trip, another homily, another aeroplane interview. It's all becoming so boring.

It is not necessary to write much about what follows. You know the difference between true and false ecumenism. 

For those who do not, a quick refresher, it really is quite simple.

True ecumenism is to preach that all Christians ecclesial communities have a duty to return to full and complete and visible unity in the Catholic Church outside of which there is no salvation. 

What we have primarily experienced since the Second Vatican Council is a false ecumenism, that we can dialogue and leave people where they are because God just loves them there, anyway. Even though, "there" is out of union with the Church and in heresy or schism.

We don't need to pick a fight on an individual basis with our Orthodox brothers and sisters. Frankly, given the behaviour of Rome and the those in the west who undermine the Church's faith, liturgy and morality, what possible reason would the Orthodox have for wanting to discuss unity.

To equate that one can "sin" against "ecumenism" is an utter falacy. It is repugnant to think that a Pope could invent a sin against an action or a theory or a movement. One sins against God, not an idea.

“Be open, be a friend. ‘But I must do everything to convert them!’ There’s a great sin against ecumenism: proselytism, they’re “our brothers and sisters.”

Well, you can dialogue and encounter all you want but it's not going to get you anywhere if your'e afraid to proclaim the truth.

Oh wait, it will get you somewhere.

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Monday, 3 October 2016

Pope Francis confuses himself over gender theory and same-sex, so-called "marriage." Frankly, he thinks you're an idiot!

Even though the human person on the left of the Bishop of Rome is a woman, the Pope calls her a man.

Featured Image

Even though, out of one side of his mouth, he condemns gender theory and speaks about the attacks on marriage and the family, out of the other side of his mouth, he calls these two psychologically and spiritually disturbed human persons, "married."

The story of this "couple" going to Rome to visit the Pope is about a year so old. He chose the latest aeroplane interview to raise the issue of these poor souls after a question regarding his remarks on gender theory.

We don't need to have our beliefs insulted by Bergoglio that we are to treat individual with respect and not throw eggs at them or scream, "you're going to Hell." We get that. We always did!

But don't insult our intelligence by trying to convince us that these two suffering souls are married or that both of them are not, women. Stop treating the Catholic faithful as if we are idiots. What a disgusting and deplorable action on the part of this Bergoglio. Our Lord Jesus Christ would have dined with these two poor souls and told them to repent. He would most certainly not affirmed them in their sin and their delusion.

Bergoglio either thinks we are stupid, or he's a hypocrite. Or, he's suffering from a delusion not all together different from these two. He could also just be evil. 

Well, I know the readers of this blog are not stupid, so I guess we know.

Bishops, Cardinals, how long will you put up with this insanity? 

Or are you still looking for these?

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From the good people at LifeSiteNews:


Pope Francis calls woman with sex-change operation a ‘man’ and calls partners ‘married’
October 3, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Despite the Vatican’s assertion that a so-called sex-change surgery does not alter the sex of a person, Pope Francis has nevertheless chosen to refer to a woman who underwent a sex-change operation as a “man,” and also referred to her as having “married” another woman and admitted to receiving them in the Vatican last year.
As with most of his most controversial remarks, the statements came during an in-flight press scrum. On October 2, on his return flight from his papal visit to Georgia and Azerbaijan, the Pope referred to a woman who “felt like a man” but “was physically a young woman.” After a sex-change surgery in her twenties, Pope Francis said, “he got married.”

Full text:

 Josh McElwee, National Catholic Reporter: Thank you, Holy Father. In that same speech yesterday in Georgia, you spoke, as in so many other countries, about gender theory, saying that it is a great enemy and a threat against marriage. But, I would like to ask you, what would you say to someone who has struggled with their sexuality for years and feels that there is truly a problem of biology, that his aspect doesn't correspond to what he or she feels is their sexual identity. You, as a pastor and minister, how would you accompany these people?

Pope Francis: First of all: in my life as a priest and bishop, even as Pope, I have accompanied people with homosexual tendencies, I have also met homosexual persons, accompanied them, brought them closer to the Lord, as an apostle, and I have never abandoned them.

People must be accompanied as Jesus accompanies them, when a person who has this condition arrives before Jesus, Jesus surely doesn't tell them "go away because you are homosexual."

What I said concerns that wickedness which today is done in the indoctrination of gender theory. A French father told me that he was speaking with his children at the table, he and his wife were Catholics, "rosewater Catholics," real Catholics! And he asked his 10-year-old son: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" — "A girl." The father realized that in the school books they were teaching him gender theory. And this is against the natural things.

One thing is that a person has this tendency, this condition and there are those who even change their sex, but it's another thing to teach this in schools in order to change the mentality. This is what I call ideological colonization.

Last year I received a letter from a Spaniard who told me his story as a child, a young man, he was a girl, a girl who suffered so much because he felt he felt like a boy, but was physically a girl. He told his mother and the mom…(the girl) was around 22 years old said that she would like to do the surgical intervention and all of those things. And the mother said not to do it while she was still alive. She was elderly and she died soon after. She had the surgery and an employee of a ministry in the city of Spain went to the bishop, who accompanied (this person) a lot. Good bishop. I spent time accompanying this man.

Then (the man) got married, he changed his civil identity, got married and wrote me a letter saying that for him it would be a consolation to come with his wife, he who was she, but him! I received them: they were happy and in the neighborhood where he lived there was an elderly priest in his 80s, an elderly pastor who left the parish and helped the sisters in the parish. And there was the new (priest). When the new one he would yell from the sidewalk: 'you'll go to hell!' When (the new priest) came across the old one, he would say: 'How long has it been since you confessed? Come, come, let's to so that I can confess you and you can receive communion.' Understood?

Life is life and things must be taken as they come. Sin is sin. And tendencies or hormonal imbalances have many problems and we must be careful not to say "It's all the same, let's go party." No, this no. But each case, receive it, accompany it, study it, discern it and integrate it. This is what Jesus would do today!

Please don't say: "The Pope sanctifies transgenders." Please, eh! Because I see the covers of the papers.

Is there any doubt as to what I said? I want to be clear! It's a moral problem. It's a human problem. And it must be resolved in whatever way is best, always with the mercy of God, with the truth, as we said in the case of marriage, by reading all of Amoris Laetitia, but always with openness, always with an open heart. And don't forget that column carving in VĂ©zelay — it's very beautiful, eh! Very beautiful.

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Rosica Alert: "Pope Francis IS the new evangelisation" - silly Catholic, you thought it was all about Christ!

I've written it before, sometimes this blog just writes itself. No sooner did I write in the post below about "the Rosicas of the world" who perpetuate the narrative myth about the positive outcomes of the "Francis Effect," comes this little gem by no less than Tom Rosica, himself.

We call these moments of theological and communicative  brilliance, "Rosicanisms."

Perhaps, rather than conjecture and anecdotes, Tom Rosica, a member of the collapsing Basilian Congregation and the Executive Producer of the little watched and less relevant, Salt + Light Television, and not so-regular Vatican spox anymore, might wish to put forward some scientific research about how that "new evangelization" is actually going.

The latest research is that attendance at Holy Mass and the sacraments, the only true measurement of Catholic practice is plummeting. This is true in North America and in Europe where the Church continues to bleed adherents, Mass attendees and paying out damages to victims of priests for buggery and the bishops who covered it up.

Yet, Father Rosica, coined the phrase, "The Francis Effect." We, here at Vox, know more about "The Rosica Effect," which continues to improve every day.

He continues to try to convince one and all that the Pope is actually bringing people back to the Church, back to Christ. You would have to be an idiot to actually think this is happening. Has anyone seen the crowds at the Vatican lately? It was said, that in the past, people "came to see John Paul II but to hear Benedict XVI" as a way of describing the enormous crowds who came to listen to them proclaim Christ. The people aren't stupid, they know when they are being sold a bowl of rotten fruit based on the Masonic ideals of "dialogue" and "encounter."

Rosica states that the "pope isn't inventing new doctrines." But readers to Vox know this well, that is not how doctrine is invented, is it? 

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

With that quote, (originating at the NCReporter) Father Thomas J. Rosica, on numerous occasions, laid out the plans of the Synod on the Family. A fact that is now so well known as we have conclusive proof that Francis himself favours the sacrilege of Holy Communion for adulterers. A disgraceful position for the Vicar of Christ, a scandal to the faithful and a betrayal of Our Lord.
If Father Rosica and Jorge Bergoglio wish to fill the Churches (with paying fans),  it’s not going to be by postulating the papolatry of Francis as the new evangelisation come to earth and his "god of surprises."

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Pope Francis 'IS the new evangelization'
Friday, September 30, 2016

Basilian Father Thomas Rosica, English-language assistant to the Vatican press office and CEO of Canada’s Salt and Light Media Foundation, spoke to Pittsburgh clergy in West Virginia.

WHEELING, W.Va. — Pope Francis is reaching people whose hearts and minds had been closed to the church because he demonstrates the humility and mercy of Jesus, Father Thomas Rosica told the priests of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, who gathered Oct. 19-22 for their triennial multi-day convocation at Oglebay Park.
“He IS the new evangelization,” said Father Rosica, CEO of the Salt and Light Television Network in Canada and English language assistant of the Holy See Press Office. “You can read all the theoretical texts that there are on the new evangelization. But if you want to see it in Technicolor, look at him.”
The theme of the convocation was “Prophets of a future not our own: Leading with confidence in a time of transition.” It was intended to help prepare priests for the transformation of their parishes and ministry through On Mission for The Church Alive! There were workshops and question-and-answer sessions related to On Mission, as well as opportunities for prayer and recreation.
Father Rosica’s keynote presentations set the tone by emphasizing how Pope Francis helps others to encounter Jesus.
Other popes saw early glowing media coverage quickly turn to scorn. That is not happening with this pope, Father Rosica said.
“Honeymoons don’t last this long,” he said. “We are not in a honeymoon period right now. We are really in the period of the new evangelization.”
People who sit near Father Rosica on airplanes used to tell him their complaints about the church; now they talk about how much they love Pope Francis, he said. When someone asked him to hear a confession mid-flight in the galley, he asked what had prompted the urgent request.
“We just saw the pope on television,” the person said.
Some priests have complained that Pope Francis has been harsh on clergy, with his criticism of clericalism. Instead, “he is the best agent we have working for us,” Father Rosica said. “We have a pope who is preoccupied with mercy, compassion and love.”
Last year when Pope Francis addressed the U.S. Congress, Father Rosica assisted news media at the Capitol. As the pope spoke, the representative of a major network tapped him on the shoulder and asked, “Father, is it normal that most of us are crying right now?”
Father Rosica looked around and saw news producers and burly cameramen with tears streaming down their faces.
This has happened despite the fact that Pope Francis has been very direct in offering the church’s critique of issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage, Father Rosica said.
“In a relatively short time at the helm of the Catholic Church he has effectively opened up gates of communication that have been effectively cloistered and closed for generations,” he said. Although the media sometimes publish distortions based on their own wishful thinking, “the world is listening and watching because he models a solid consistency.”
The pope isn’t inventing new doctrines, but he is applying the teachings of his predecessors and of Vatican II to new questions, Father Rosica said. And he is able to articulate those teachings in language that speaks directly to people’s hearts, he said. Although he hasn’t changed its content or mission, “Francis is rebranding Catholicism and the papacy,” Father Rosica said.
“Francis is giving us the (Vatican II) council and helping us to appreciate the great themes that were announced there and how do we apply them to the questions of today ... For those who have dismissed the council — and some have — Francis has said, ‘Do not dismiss it. We do not need to go for a Vatican III, IV and V. We need to go back to Vatican II.”

Forget the Francis Effect, go with Khalilah

As time moves on, more and more Catholics are coming to the realisation of what is happening in the Church. Even the secular media, has begun to notice.

The Rosicas of the world can keep perpetuating the narrative of the France Effect. What is this Francis Effect? Is his reaching out filling the pews, the RCIA's, the Confessional line?

That is not my experience. In fact, it is the opposite.

What is yours? Are people coming back to your parishes because of the Francis Effect?

Carl. E. Olson of  Catholic World Report has much to say.


Or if you need a break from reality, there's always Remy!

Friday, 30 September 2016

The Bergoglian Mafiosi is taking vengeance

A few weeks ago, we were told by about the blowback to the 45 theologian and academics who wrote to the Cardinals of the Church seeking intervention on Amoris Laetitia. At that time, I proffered that Bergoglio's minions were settling the score. Here is more proof of what is happening. It turns out that Dr. Joseph Shaw, the original spokesman of the group, has become one of the Bergoglio mafia's victims.

Image result for joseph shaw latin mass"LifeSiteNews has gathered information – confirmed by several of the signatories, including the spokesperson, Dr. Joseph Shaw – that one signatory, who is well known internationally,  has lost his position as a director of academic affairs at a Pontifical university.
Another was threatened by his bishop that his academic sabbatical would be canceled, but he found another bishop willing to allow him to begin the process of incardination in his diocese.
Yet another has been forbidden to speak publicly about Amoris Laetitia, and another has been told to rescind his signature.
And a Cardinal put pressure on one of the signatories to withdraw his name.
Two clear conclusions can be drawn: first, many of the suffering parties are under pressure not by remote institutions but by high-ranking individuals in the hierarchy. Second, the scholars’ document has opened the discussion on a wide public field and given rise to similar demands by individuals and groups."

A price is to be paid by all of us who stand up for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church and the Truth against these pathetic prelates and hangers on. When I meet him, I would rather say that I am sorry I was too harsh on this blog and beg His forgiveness. I would say that I did it out of love for Him and His Church. I shudder to have to explain to Him that I did nothing with the gifts he gave me, other than to bury them in the ground.

I have no doubt the 45 feel the same about not burying their talents.

Bergoglio contradicts Wojtyła and Denzinger-Bergoglio points it out for all to see

Just read it.

