A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Paul Durocher - daydream doodling and doctrinal diddlying

Paul Durocher. Now there's a name we've not heard since October. Please forgive me for not putting his title as a prefix. Truly, when he starts acting it, I'll start addressing him by it.

Y'all remember Paul Durocher, right? 

He was Canada's great contribution to last October's Synod to destroy the family held in Rome. That's right. Paul Durocher, erstwhile musicologist and Archbishop of Gatineau, a lovely little place across the River Outaouais from our Nation's Capital, just down the road from the rather seedy village of Hull. Well, young Paul, the poor suffering and deluded Catholics on the north side of the Ottawa River have this man for another dozen or more years, is the one who stood up at that infamous Synod and declared the most profound need for the family was to have women deacons.

That's right. 

The Synod on the Family used by this so-called "Shepherd" to push a radical feminist political agendas.

Now, how many priests do you think the Archdiocese of Gatineau has left? Well, as of 2013, a grand total of 61 priests with 21 of those being of Religious Orders and 1 Deacon. That is 1 priest for every 4,366 souls. Compare that with this. Prior to the Cultural Revolution, ... I mean, Quiet Revolution, - basically the other French one but without the blood and gore, except in the case of the late Pierre Laporte, may he rest in peace, and the new springtime of Vatican II, Gatineau-Hull, as it was then known had 214 priests or 1 for every 530 souls. They have no vocations and those who have recently shown any interest were far too Catholic and sent away.

Well, Durocher is up to it again. Since reporting on his Synod escapades on Sing and Walk which is more aptly titled Sit Down and Shut-up, he's now been featured by Toronto's own Catholic Register with his wisdom espousing a greater role for women in the Church.

Maybe if Paul showed a little masculinity and challenged the men of Gatineau to stand up for the faith and Our Lord Jesus Christ, he wouldn't have such a problem. What is it that these "men" don't get, the feminised Church is what sent the men away?

Ah, but they do get it.

They get it good.


Monday, 22 February 2016

Rosica interviews Bernie Sanders - The Bern likes the Pope, they're both socialists


What is most fascinating about this interview of the really bad porn writer and communist Bernie Sanders, is the incredible "disclaimer" together with the care that Father Thomas Rosica has gone to ensure that the interview was done in his "role" at Salt + Light, not as a Vatican spokesman. 

Of course, he could also be learning from the fawning interview he conducted with heretic Gregory Baum and how his feet were held to the fire over that.

On the other hand...

Capital Punishment is Catholic

The Church is in a grave crisis - a crisis of faith and the belief in the Real Presence, a crisis of vocations, education and family life and our Pope erring involves himself in an American election whilst shunning the Italian, propagates a lie about contraception and nuns and now tells us once again that we must stamp out capital punishment.

He states that the Commandment, "Thou shalt not kill" includes the "innocent and guilty" and that even criminals "maintain the inviolable right to life, the gift of God."

The Commandment refers to wilful murder. I have the right to kill any man to defend myself or my wife, if that is what is necessary. A nation, after proper jurisprudence, has a right to execute a man if the crime and the decision of the State deems it necessary and appropriate. The Catholic Church has always upheld this and the Catechism of the Catholic Church states it. 

Nothing can focus the mind more on ones sins and prospect of an eternity in Hell as knowing the exact time of ones death. How many might actually repent and convert knowing that tomorrow is the day rather than living old in prison and dying unrepentant in ones sleep? 

It can be argued that it is not necessary; that is a different debate. Yet, if one says that if we can lock up a notorious murderer, rapist or child molester for life (rarely in Canada, perhaps Clifford Olson and Paul Bernardo or the pig-farmer from B.C. might be exceptions), then that should be fine. But we don't! The man who chopped off the head of another on a bus in Saskatchewan is free today from his crime of less than a decade ago because he was not "criminally responsible." For Francis, any punishment is too much punishment.

Mercy for the criminal, none for the victim.

The Pope has also stated that a "life sentence is like a death sentence."

It is up to us to protect society. it is up to God to show mercy.

Methinks this priest, Dwight Longenecker, should find some time in the confession and spiritual direction for his public detraction of Donald Trump

Dwight Longenencker who receives income every time you click on him at Patheos has publicly detracted and calumniated against Donald Trump and must be called out for it.

In a post which I have put below (so please don't feed the bear), Longenecker calls Donald Trump a "loud-mouthed, lying, bragging adulterous con man." He opines that he cannot believe Evangelical Christians and even Catholics are voting for him.

First, I am a Canadian, I have no pony in this race except that whatever happens to America, effects us in Canada, but if I were an American, I might also support Donald Trump. Is there a perfect candidate? How may times in the past and even now have Catholics been burnt by Catholic politicians. In Canada, Pierre Trudeau and now his son Justin, Joe Clark, Brian Mulroney, John Turner, Paul Martin, Jean Chretien -- all Catholic men who became Prime Minister since 1968 and what have they given us? Abortion up to a minute before birth with no restrictions, no-fault divorce, sodomite and lesbian so-called marriage, legal prostitution, and now euthanasia and legalised marijuana coming straight at us. In the United States we can think in the past of the Kennedys, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and others in the current crop. 

Heck, I'd take a Donald Trump over any of them, after all, "what difference does it make at this point?" to borrow a phrase.

Longenecker writes for an internet publication that also features Wicca and Satanists, Pagans and other false religions. How dare he as a Catholic priest associate himself with such an enterprise. The same goes for all the others and the latest addition in the funny hat and sunglasses.  

Longenecker's comments are mean, uncharitable and unfit by a Catholic priest in any setting, but in particular in the public square.

Shame on him.

Sunday, 21 February 2016

No Paul VI permission for Nuns contraceptive use, it is a LIE and propagated by even Francis himself

In my post a few below, The Bergoglio-Lombardi Diabolical Disorientation, I referred to the aeroplane interview wherein Pope Francis mused about contraception, He used, and Lombardi later stated it again, an instance where Paul VI allegedly allowed contraception for a group of Nuns in the Congo due to the possibility of being raped. I wrote then that it was not true as there was no evidence of this.

Today, Father Z has a critical article on the matter:

You may also wish to note this:

Preliminarily, I note that the burden is not on the negative to prove that something did not occur, it is on the affirmative to prove that the alleged something did occur. That said, though, it now seems all but certain that the ‘permission’ or ‘approval’ which Francis has claimed his predecessor Pope Paul VI gave for Congo nuns facing rape to use contraception simply does not exist.

That quote is by Canonist Edward Peters and can be found here:

Please spread the truth about this lie, propagated by the Pope himself far and wide and to every priest you know.

We have only  just begin to resist! 

Tis good, Lord, to be here

This is a wonderful hymn which I have programmed as the recessional hymn after the traditional Latin Mass today. 

Some day, this will be a Catholic place again. It was founded by St. Wilfred in the eighth century and dedicated to St. Peter. 

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Donald I

This is just too funny ...


Converted Trump Now Running for Pope Featured

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Donald Trump - Next Pope?Donald Trump - Next Pope?
In shocking news first reported a week ago, businessman Donald Trump has converted to Catholicism and has now declared his candidacy for Pope. Today's announcement coincides with critical statements Pope Francis made about Mr. Trump not being a Christian. Mr. Trump just held a rally outside of New York City. Although video is not available, A-CNN has just acquired the audio transcript which we are providing below:
Thank you….thank you. You know, when I first started this campaign, people didn’t believe me. First they said, he’s not converting, he’ll never convert. Then I converted. Then they said, he’ll never get baptized, he won’t want the water to mess up his hair. But then I got baptized. Then they said he won’t get confirmed, and I got confirmed. And then they said he’d never run for pope. Well here I am, and I’m running for Pope; and I’m doing very well I must say.
(Cheers, applause)
I don’t have to do this, when you think about it. I really don’t. I’m rich. I’m really, really, rich. I built a great company; a tremendous company. I employ thousands and thousands of people. So my friends, they ask me, they say Donald, you have everything you can dream of. You’re rich, you have an amazing wife, an amazing family, you’re very successful, why run for Pope? And I say, you know what? I have to run. My Church needs me. The Catholics need me. I have to make the Catholic Church great again. I have to.
(Cheers, applause)
You know, it’s a sad thing to say, but the Church is in such bad shape; terrible shape under Francis. The Catholic Church doesn’t win anymore. We just don’t. When is the last time Catholics won anything? Lepanto? When was that, the 1500’s? We don’t win anymore. But, let me just say, Under a Trump papacy, we are going to win again. We are going to win so much. We are going to win so much you are all going to be sick of winning, ok? But right now, it’s terrible. Just the other day, I see the Pope is praising Martin Luther. Martin Luther! Can you believe it?
Our Pope is over there praising Martin Luther; meanwhile millions of Hispanics are converting to Protestantism in Latin America. It’s true. We are losing millions and millions of people to the Protestants and our Pope does nothing. He does nothing. And I have nothing against the Protestants. Many of them are good people. I employ thousands of Protestants. I used to be a Protestant. But their leaders are just too smart for our leaders. We have people in power in the Church today who have no idea what they are doing. They are incompetent. All our leaders do is “dialogue.” We don’t convert anymore, we “dialogue.” What the hell is dialogue? Excuse me, but shouldn’t we be converting these people? If we have the Truth, why aren’t we converting them? But we don’t convert, we “dialogue”, and we lose millions and millions of these people to Protestantism. They are saying if the head of the Catholic Church thinks it’s ok to be Protestant, why convert? Why do we need to convert? Let him convert. Let the Pope convert. That’s what they’re saying. They’re laughing at us. There is no respect there. No respect. When I’m Pope, they are going to respect us again, let me tell you.
(Cheers, applause)
Another thing I hear a lot about is 2 Vatican. Have you heard of 2 Vatican?
(Crowd yells “Vatican II!”)
Vatican II? Is it Vatican II? Vatican II, 2 Vatican, who the hell cares. It stinks right? No matter what you call it, it stinks.
(Cheers, applause)
I was just looking at the numbers the other day, folks. Before Vatican II – tens of thousands of vocations to the priesthood and religious life in this country, thousands of baptisms, first communions, confirmations. Thousands and thousands of converts. Catholic universities all over the place, and I mean real Catholic universities, not the universities today that call themselves Catholic. Tens of thousands of Catholic schools with all kinds of nuns. There were so many priests the parishes were overflowing, ok? You couldn’t walk down your street without bumping into a priest, that’s how many of them there were. The Faith was exploding, it was really amazing, it was unbelievable. And then…. You have Vatican II.
Then you have Vatican II and they change everything. They change everything! You have the best Church in centuries, a flourishing Church, a vibrant Church, a converting Church, and they change everything. Now how stupid is this? How stupid?
You know people try to criticize me and they say I speak too plain and too simple. Look, I have a great education, I finished top of my class at the Wharton School of Finance, the top school in the country. I have a huge vocabulary. It’s huge. It really is. But when I see something like this, there really is no other word for it. I have to call it stupid. Because it is. It’s stupid. There’s no other word for it.
(Cheers, applause)
So they’re succeeding. The Church is succeeding, and they change everything. So then they say in Vatican II that the priests aren’t really the priests. I mean, we’re all priests, right? Isn’t that what Martin Luther said? We’re all priests? The Pope’s buddy, Martin Luther?
Then they try to say, oh but there’s a difference. The priests in the collars, if they even wear collars anymore. I saw a priest the other day; he was in a turtleneck and a cardigan. He looked like Mr. Rogers. Who the hell wants a priest that looks like Mr. Rogers? Who wants that? I don’t know. Anyway…so the priests in the collars can say the Mass and they can hear the confessions, but in every other way, we’re all priests. Men, women, kids, maybe even Muslims. I don’t know, can Muslims be priests under Vatican II? I have no idea. I wouldn’t be surprised folks, I wouldn’t be surprised. It’s crazy.
So then they say we’re all priests and what happens to the priesthood? Plummets. Numbers go through the floor. Why be a priest if everyone can be a priest? Makes no sense. So now, if you’re a priest you can do what? Consecrate and absolve, right? Consecrate and absolve. So what do they do? Now they have “Communion Services.” They call them “Communion Services” ever heard of that?
The priest consecrates a bunch of hosts and then a layperson, usually a woman up at the altar in a pantsuit. Probably Hillary. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were Hillary.
You ever notice today that all the nuns dress like Hillary? When did that happen? When did nuns start dressing like Hillary? It’s scary. It’s really scary. Anyway, you have some layperson up there and they read the Gospel and say some words and do this and that and then they hand out the Communion that the priest already consecrated. The priest isn’t even there, he just consecrated the hosts. So in other words, he’s disposable. But then they’ll say, but he can hear confessions. He can hear confessions, but who goes to confession? Who goes to confession nowadays? When the Pope says “Who Am I to Judge” who goes to confession?
It’s all about mercy now. The year of mercy. God has forgiven you. So nobody goes to confession. And it makes sense, quite frankly. If I’m already forgiven, why do I need to go to confession, right? So then the priest numbers drop through the floor. No vocations. We had tens of thousands of vocations before Vatican II and now no vocations. And then they say, well we have no vocations, so we need to allow married priests and women priests, and maybe even Protestant priests. Have you ever heard of Protestant priests? Why not? We want to be inclusive, right? Don’t we want to be inclusive? Ridiculous, it’s just ridiculous.
That is why when I’m Pope we are going to make the priesthood great again.
(Cheers, applause)
We are going to make the priesthood so exclusive. I tell you. So exclusive and so special, you have no idea. We are going to have the best priests, the brightest priests. They will be lining up to enter the seminaries. And the seminaries will be the best seminaries, let me just tell you. No more dopey professors. The seminaries are a mess today, they’re a disgrace. You might as well have Bernie Sanders running our seminaries that’s how bad they are. They’re filled with dopey professors from the 60’s. Their brains are burnt from whatever they smoked. Who knows what they smoked back then, God only knows what they smoked. But they’ll be gone, I promise you, they’ll be gone.
(Cheers, applause)
They will be gone and the priesthood will be great once again. I will make the priesthood so exclusive. And you know how I’m going to do this? By building a rail. By building a great big beautiful altar rail in every single Catholic Church, that’s how.
(Cheers, applause)
A big beautiful altar rail separating laypeople like you and me from the priests. Of course, I’ll be on the other side of the rail, because I’ll be Pope, but you understand.
We have to build a rail because we cannot let anyone and everyone into the priesthood and we can’t diminish the priesthood. We want the best and brightest priests and to do that we need to make the priesthood great again. The priesthood isn’t great today. Our priests aren’t respected today. They are laughing stocks. I saw one the other day he was actually riding something during Mass. I had to ask my friend, I said what is he riding? He said, a hover board. I said what the hell is a hover board? Under a Trump Papacy, you ride a hover board during Mass you can keep riding it right out the door because that’s the last time you’re going to be allowed in.
(Cheers, applause)
So I’m going to build a rail. A big beautiful altar rail separating the priests, the true priests, the real priests, the priests with the cassocks and the collars and the vestments, from the laity. Because it’s not the same, folks. It’s not the same. Priests are priests and lay people are lay people. No more confusion. No confusion. The priests are the ones sacrificing to God on our behalf; we merely assist the priest as he offers the sacrifice.
That’s right. You know where I read that? Do you want to know where I read that? It’s a book called Trent. I’m a big believer in Trent.
(Wild cheers, applause)
I’m a huge believer in Trent. Trent is fantastic. You know, I wrote a best-seller. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of it, it’s called The Art of the Deal, have you heard of it?
(Cheers, applause)
You’ve heard of it. Ok. I wrote the Art of the Deal and it was one of the best selling business books of all time. I used to say THE best selling business book of all time, but now I say ONE of the best selling business books of all time, because if I’m off by one or two books the media starts busting my chops. So who the hell knows, but it was one of the best selling business books of all time. I have copies in the back, by the way, if you want to buy a copy. Anyway, the Art of the Deal is my second favorite book of all time, but Trent? Trent is my favorite. Trent is number one. I’m a big believer in Trent, ok?
(Cheers, applause)
So anyway, as a convert, I go to my first Mass last Sunday. And I’m sitting there. And it’s in New York by the way, which is Cardinal Dolan’s diocese.
And I’m killing him in the polls by the way. Have you seen the latest poll numbers? The latest poll out of New York has Trump 35%, Dolan 5%. It’s true…it’s true.
(Cheers, applause)
Absolutely killing the Cardinal in the polls. But he doesn’t like to be called Cardinal Dolan, right? He’s running as “Tim!” First he was running as just “Tim,” then he changed his campaign slogan and added an exclamation point after his name so now it’s “Tim!” Why not run as Cardinal Dolan? If you’re a Cardinal, why not be proud of that fact and run as a Cardinal? Although, to be honest with you, with the kind of record he has as Cardinal maybe he’s better off as “Tim! “ Who knows? He might be right to run as “Tim!”.
“Tim!” is a big supporter of the USCCB by the way. A huge supporter of the USCCB. He wants the USCCB telling you and your kids what to do in each of your dioceses ok? I’m totally against the USCCB and when I’m Pope I’m going to disband it. It’s terrible.
The numbers keep going down and the USCCB keeps getting money and wasting time and, it’s over folks. It will be over, that I can assure you. Anyway…. So I was sitting there at my first Mass in his diocese and I don’t know what to expect because I’ve never been to Mass before, and we all stand up and they start singing this song, ok. And I’m like, what is this song? It’s like…really bad. I mean really bad. And this lady, she looks like Nancy Pelosi, is back there behind the podium with her hand up leading the song and it’s just terrible. And I must tell you. By the way, I must tell you that this will not happen under a Trump papacy.
(Cheers, applause)
Simply will not happen, I promise you. I know musicians. I know great, great musicians. Wonderful musicians. They’re friends of mine. And they ask me, they say, Donald, what is the deal with the songs at Mass, they are so bad. And these friends are professionals. They went to Julliard, ok. The best musicians and they want to help the liturgical music in New York. They are dying to help the liturgical music in New York, but they say, “Donald we can’t” because “Tim!” won’t let us. That’s going to change under a Trump papacy. We’re going to have the best music, I promise you.
So they play this terrible song and the priest walks up and he’s talking about greeting your neighbor and then they say the words and then we say the words, and then everybody says the words, and then the lady butchers the psalms over the guitars and then we say the psalms, and I’m sitting there and I’m like…when do people pray at this Mass? Am I right?
(Cheers, applause)
When do people pray? Is it the few seconds in between when we’re talking? Is it during the bad music? When is it? It’s all talk, talk, talk. The Mass today is like a bunch of politicians. All everyone does is talk. All talk, no action.
(Someone in crowd: All talk, no praying!)
Who said that? This lady here? You’re absolutely right. All talk, no praying. You’re right. At one point I just wanted them all to shut up, because, look. I have nothing against talking ok; I can talk for hours unscripted. I don’t use a teleprompter, I don’t use notes. Someone said to me the other day, but Mr. Trump, the Pope doesn’t use a teleprompter either. And I said, well he actually should use a teleprompter, ok. He should use a teleprompter because when you go off script and you start saying Jesus apologized to people, which many people said was a blasphemy by the way, but when you’re the Pope and you go around saying Jesus apologized…Look, I don’t need to apologize for anything, ok. And if I don’t need to apologize for anything, you think Jesus is going to need to apologize for something? I don’t think so. I don’t think so, and so yes, the Pope needs a teleprompter. Maybe he can borrow Obama’s after he’s fired next year.
(Cheers, applause)
So anyway, I’m sitting there and the talking keeps going on and on and the bad music, etc. Then half way through I’m supposed to shake hands with people. I’m supposed to shake hands with people and I’m like…I’ve just been sitting here for a half hour and didn’t say a word to these people. Actually I couldn’t have said anything to them because of all of the music and the talking, and now after half an hour I’m supposed to introduce myself? After ignoring them for a half an hour? How stupid is this? I’m sorry, but how stupid is this?
(Cheers, applause)
And why am I shaking people’s hands when Jesus is supposed to be on the altar? Isn’t that what Catholics believe? That Jesus is on the altar? That’s what Trent says, right? And yet, we have all these people, all these Catholics, and they’re sitting there and saying hi, and waving, and shaking hands, and who is paying attention to Jesus? I don’t know, maybe it’s just me. I just converted last week, what the hell do I know? But I found that strange. It just shows lack of reverence, doesn’t it? Lack of reverence.
(Cheers, applause)
We don’t have any reverence any more in the Catholic Church. No reverence anymore. I’m a big believer in reverence. You have to have reverence. Because without reverence it all becomes a joke. And the Mass is not a joke, is it? And, I must tell you, that under a Trump papacy we will have so much reverence in the Mass again, you will not believe it. You simply will not believe the reverence.
(Cheers, applause)
And then the Communion comes and the bad music starts. It’s like I’m at a bad Woodstock concert, it really is. The guitars start, the guy with the ponytail starts singing. And I see people going up to receive God, ok. I just converted, but I read this in Trent ok, it says we believe Communion is God. It says it right here, I have it highlighted, ok. And the people are receiving God in their hand, crumbs are falling, they're standing there putting it up to their mouth like a potato chip. They’re dressed like they just came from the mall. And I see this, and I’m like, what are we doing, folks? What are we doing? Are we Catholics or are we Protestants? I know some Protestants who wouldn’t receive Communion the way we receive Communion or dress the way I see some people dressing. No respect, folks. No respect, no reverence. Look, I have a meeting with a CEO and we want to do a deal he comes dressed in a suit. It’s respect. If he shows up in shorts and flip flops I tell him get the hell out of my office, ok. Because it’s a joke. He shows no respect and he’s not taking it seriously. He’s gone. Bye bye. And under a Trump papacy that’s where these people will be. You don’t respect the boss? Bye bye.
(Cheers, applause)
So anyway, that was my first experience at Mass, folks, and I almost left to tell you the truth. This Mass was so bad, I almost left, but then someone told me that this was the “New Mass.” Apparently there was an “Old Mass” and now there is a “New Mass” it’s called the Novus Ordo have you heard of it?
That is apparently what I attended, but I had no idea, I thought it was just the Mass. That it had always been the Mass. But no, this form of the Mass was apparently made up in 1969 by a Pope Paul VI. Sort of like by executive order, if you want to know the truth. He put it in like Obama, even though he had no consensus for it, he puts it in anyway and there you go. Well, I have to tell you folks, under a Trump papacy we are going to repeal and replace the Novus Ordo.
(Wild cheers, applause)
Repeal and replace the Novus Ordo. We have no choice folks, we have no choice. We really don’t. The Novus Ordo is going to collapse on its own anyway. Mass attendance keeps plummeting. We have to do something. The Novus Ordo will be repealed and it will be replaced with something much better and magnificent. More and reverent and beautiful. Don’t you want something reverent and beautiful for our Mass?
I found this book the other day. It’s a 1962 Missal. I read it, it’s fantastic. Maybe we go back to the 1962 Missal? Is that ok?
(Cheers, applause)
Maybe we go back to Latin. I’m a big fan of the Latin. When we used Latin we were number one. We went to English and now the Muslims outnumber us. They kept Arabic they go to number one, we ditch Latin, we go to number two. I’m just saying. Are there any Trads in the audience? Where are my Trads? Are there any Trads here?
(Cheers, applause)
I have to say that I love the Trads. Under this pope, the Trads get treated like second class citizens. He calls them, what’s the word? “Neo-Pelagians.” “Neo-Pelagians,” you believe that? By the way, why is the Pope always calling us names? He’s always calling us names. He never calls the Muslims names, the Protestants names. But he calls us names. He’s really not a very nice guy in my opinion, ok? He’s actually sort of a nasty guy. Isn’t calling a whole group of Catholics Neo-Pelagians, kind of nasty? And, by the way, did you see the papers today? Today he said I'm not a Christian because I want to build a wall to protect our country's border? Can you believe it, folks? Just unbelievable.
I think we should also maybe build a wall around the Vatican so the pope can't get on an airplane again, let me tell you. Too many interviews on the airplane. Way too many interviews.
(Cheers, applause)
And isn't this the pope who's always talking about the greenhouse gases and the carbon footprint and harming the earth? But yet he keeps flying all over the world on these big 747's belching all kinds of pollutants all over the place. Why? To give interviews? Do you want your pope flying around giving interviews or making the Church great again? I'd be at the Vatican every day making us win again, let me tell you.
(Cheers, applause)
Francis Trump
But we have to take care of our Trads, folks. Under a Trump papacy, the Trads will be taken care of, that I can assure you. I know how to build. I build things for a living.  We are going to have a big beautiful altar rail in every Church. A big beautiful rail in the most magnificent, beautiful churches you’ve ever seen. The best incense, the best music, the best everything. And all kinds of Latin Masses. We’re going to have so many Latin Masses. It’s going to be huge! No more Latin Masses at 6am on Saturday morning. We’re going to have Latin Masses at every parish and top quality Latin Masses. We have to take care of our Trads, folks. We have to. We have to and we will.
And another thing we need is we need The Holy Office again. Whatever happened to the Holy Office? They went and they got rid of the Holy Office and now they have what? They have nothing is what they have in all honesty, but what do they call it now?
(Man in crowd: CDF!)
Thank you. That’s what they call it now, the CDF. And what does it do? Who knows what it does. Didn’t Pope Francis tell a religious order he visited not to even worry about the CDF? So what the hell good is it really? Does it even discipline anybody anymore?
(Man in crowd: Trads!)
Ha. Yes, you’re right. Only the Trads. But no they don’t discipline anyone anymore. Look, I’m all about discipline. I love the discipline. I’m the most disciplinarian candidate by far. But we need a strong Holy Office again. We need to build up the Holy Office so big and so strong that nobody would ever think about messing with it, ok? I know some theologians. They are like the best theologians. They went to the best schools, they got the best grades. And they are really tough cookies, ok. They are killers. They know their heresies. And they come to me and they say, Mr. Trump, the modernists are everywhere. They’re coming into the Church, they’re already in the Church, they’re in the schools, they’re in the seminaries, they’re in the parishes, they’re in the curia. And I ask them, why don’t you get rid of them? And they are sad and they are frustrated, and they say, Mr. Trump the Pope won’t let us do it. We know who they are, we know what they said, they’re heretics, but he won’t let us do it. It’s incredible. It’s incredible. Once I’m elected pope, this is all going to change.
(Cheers, applause)
It’s all going to change. I’m going to build a Holy Office so big, so mean, and so strong no modernist would even think of uttering a heresy. And if they did then God help them. They would be out of here so fast. That I can promise you. So we need to bring back the Holy Office and make it strong again. Make it respected again. No more CDF. CDF is out. No more CDF.
(Cheers, applause)
So, as I said before Vatican II was a disaster. It was just a disaster. We were winning; they changed everything, now we’re losing. So I turn on the TV the other day and I’m watching EWTN. I’m watching Raymond Arroyo, and he’s got this guy on there. This pundit, this author, and he’s bashing me, he just can’t stand me. What’s his name? George Weigel. You ever heard of George Weigel? I hadn’t. What a dope. This guy is so overrated. He wears glasses so he looks smart. But he’s always wrong. You think, if you’ve been a pundit for twenty years you’d get something right once in a while, but he gets everything wrong. He says Trump is wrong on Trent, Trump is wrong on Vatican II, Trump is wrong on the Mass. But how can I be wrong? Vatican II was like…a colossal failure. By every statistical measure it’s been a failure. But what does George know? George hasn’t done anything. George gets funded by the Catholic establishment, writes 500-page unreadable biographies, takes a nap, and then does an interview. I’ve built a company worth billions of dollars. A great company. An amazing company. I’ve employed tens of thousands of people. I know how to lead organizations. I know how to win. I make great deals. George hasn’t run anything in his life except his mouth. Total loser. The Catholic media is so dishonest. I tell you.
(Cheers, applause)
The Catholic media is so dishonest. Just the other day “Tim!” holds a rally, gets maybe 50 people, it’s all over EWTN. There’s like 50 old people there in a bingo hall, and it’s all over Catholic World Report, Catholic News Service, The Register, it’s all over. All the pundits are talking about Tim’s rally. I hold a rally, there’s 10,000 people and 5,000 more who couldn’t get in and Raymond Arroyo on EWTN says “Trump held a rally today and some people showed up.” That’s it. So dishonest.
(Cheers, applause)
So what about the modernists? I get asked about the modernists. I hear it all the time. People come up to me and they say, Mr. Trump what are you going to do about the modernists? The modernists have taken over my parish. The modernists have taken over my school. I hear it all the time. Just the other day, this poor mother came up to me and said, Mr. Trump, I don’t know what to do. I took my kids to Mass the other day and the priest said that Jesus didn’t know who He was. Can you believe this? Jesus didn’t know who he was. I’m serious, he said that folks. A priest, in a Catholic Church. Can you believe this? In another parish this man comes up to me and says they’re playing bongos at his Mass. Bongos, ok? Bongos. So, I have to tell you that the modernists are over there. They are ruining Masses, committing sacrileges, blasphemies, heresies, etc. I will knock the hell out of the Modernists, let me just tell you.
(Cheers, applause)
I will hit the modernists so hard. I’ve always said with the modernists, you behead the modernists. You knock out their leaders. You excommunicate the leaders. And you take their writings and you put them on the Index. People asked me the other day, would I bring back the index. I’d not only bring back the index but I’d bring back a lot worse than the index. These are not nice people, ok? They are murdering souls. Everybody’s souls, quite frankly. They need to know we mean business. I would absolutely knock the hell out of the modernists, ok?
(Cheers, applause)
Finally folks, let me just end by saying this. Our Church doesn’t win anymore. We used to win. We don’t win anymore. We lose on dialogue, we lose to the modernists, we lose to the Protestants. When I win, when I become Pope, we are going to take our Church back. We’re going to make our Church great again. We’re going to make our Church reverent again. We’re going to kick the *&^% out of the modernists quickly. So quickly. We’re going to win so much. We’re going to win with conversions, we’re going to win with vocations, we’re going to win with the Mass. We’re going to repeal the Novus Ordo and we’re going to replace it with something so much better. We’re going to win at the altar. We’re going to seal up the sanctuary with a nice big beautiful rail. We’re going to win so much. Win after win after win. We’re going to win so much that you’re going to be begging me, please Holy Father let us lose once or twice, we can’t stand it anymore. And I’m going to say no way! We’re going to keep winning! We’re never going to lose! We’re never ever going to lose! Register and vote! I love you all! Thank you!  
Trump Thumbs Up

Friday, 19 February 2016

The Bergoglio-Lombardi diabolical disorientation

When Pope Benedict XVI mused during an aeroplane interview about a male prostitute using a condom to prevent AIDS it was a theoretical proposition suited to a seminary lecture on moral theology and stating it was an error. 

The story of Paul VI granting permission for nuns in the Congo to use an oral contraceptive because they might become pregnant if raped is exactly that, a story. It was recorded in a book. There is no evidence he allowed it or ordered it and even if he did, it was not then and is not now, magisterial teaching.

The above being said and out of the way. Federico Lombardi, S.J. has now tried to spin a few things from yesterday's ridiculous interview with Jorge Bergoglio, Pope of Rome, and the world's anti-Catholic media. LifeSiteNews has the full report.

Lombardi is now affirming that Bergoglio was indeed speaking about the use of contraceptives for the Zika virus.

If this is true, then Lombardi is a corrupt and evil man. His duty as a Catholic priest was to advise the Bishop of Rome that he would not report such a scandalous affirmation and then promptly resign.

We are in a grave crisis unknown since Arius.

My brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not abandon your faith. Do not abandon our Holy Mother, the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Do not flirt with sedevacantism, or the Orthodox who are schismatic. Abandon these monsters in clerical clothing but do not abandon our Mother. 

Fight friends. 

We were born for this!

Prayer of St. Clement Mary Hofbauer
O my Redeemer,
will that dreadful time ever come,
when but few Christians shall be left
who are inspired by the spirit of faith,
that time when Thine anger shall be provoked
and Thy protection shall be take away from us?
Have our vices and our evil lives
irrevocably moved Thy justice to take vengeance,
perhaps this very day,
upon Thy children?
O Thou, the beginning and end of our faith,
we conjure Thee,
in the bitterness of our contrite and humbled hearts,
not to suffer the fair light of faith
to be extinguished in us.
Remember Thy mercies of old,
turn Thine eyes in mercy upon the vineyard
planted by Thine own right hand,
and watered by the sweat of the Apostles,
by the precious blood of countless Martyrs
and by the tears of so many sincere penitents,
and made fruitful by the prayers
of so many Confessors and innocent Virgins.
O divine Mediator,
look upon those zealous souls
who raise their hearts to Thee
and pray ceaselessly
for the maintenance of that most precious gift of Thine,
the true faith.
We beseech Thee,
O God of justice,
to hold back the decree of our rejection,
and to turn away Thine eyes from our vices
and regard instead the adorable Blood
shed upon the Cross,
which purchased our salvation
and daily intercedes for us upon our altars.
Ah, keep us safe in the true Catholic and Roman faith.
Let sickness afflict us,
vexations waste us,
misfortunes overwhelm us!
But preserve in us Thy holy faith;
for if we are rich with this precious gift,
we shall gladly endure every sorrow,
and nothing shall ever be able to change our happiness.
On the other hand,
without this great treasure of faith,
our unhappiness would be unspeakable and without limit!
O good Jesus, author of our faith,
preserve it untainted within us;
keep us safe in the bark of Peter,
faithful and obedient to his successor
and Thy Vicar here on earth,
that so the unity of Holy Church may be maintained,
holiness fostered,
the Holy See protected in freedom,
and the Church universal extended
to the benefit of souls.
O Jesus, author of our faith,
humble and convert the enemies of Thy Church;
grant true peace
and concord to all Christian kings and princes
and to all believers;
strengthen and preserve us in Thy holy service,
so that we may live in Thee and die in Thee.
O Jesus, author of our faith,
let me live for Thee and die for Thee.

Bergoglio's Blunder and manipulation by neglect of the rest of what he said by Catholic media priests

The link below contains "Pope Francis contraception Zika".


When one clicks on it, one finds the global media use of Pope Bergoglio's musings on his plane interview about the Zika virus and contraception. The damage is wide and it is severe. The media have spun this and Catholics, ignorant of the truth, will believe it and others will simply ignore it or mock the traditional and timeless truth as not true all these years.

The least that Jorge Bergoglio has done is create mass confusion about Catholic teaching, the worst he has done is to approve of an evil. Where is the scientific proof that the virus causes the birth defect which is the concern? Is it possible that this defect is caused by the pesticides manufactured by Monsanto to control the mosquito? Can people not simply abstain? Where is the evidence that it is passed on sexually

How long until the Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church call this man out?

Yet, this is not all.

There was some good in what he said in the interview, on abortion and the protection of minors and then Cardinal Ratzinger's work in this regard, specifically.

Yet, these are not now the story and perhaps can never be, given the nature of what happened with the matter of the election and contraception and the news cycle. We also have the action of certain Tweeting priests praising his comments on Donald Trump but ignoring his condemnation of abortion.

Are priests Ed Beck, James Martin and American Tom Rosica shills for the Democratic Party?

The Pope must be told to stop giving these interviews. If he will not abide, then the questions must be taken in advance and responded to in text, only!

Enough of this zoo.

Enough of this papolatry that every word uttered from his mouth is truth and in accord with the faith.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Pope intercedes in U.S. Presidential election - a shameful and disgraceful utterance!

Phil Pullella, Reuters: Today, you spoke very eloquently about the problems of immigration. On the other side of the border, there is a very tough electoral battle. One of the candidates for the White House, Republican Donald Trump, in an interview recently said that you are a political man and he even said that you are a pawn, an instrument of the Mexican government for migration politics. Trump said that if he’s elected, he wants to build 2,500 kilometers of wall along the border. He wants to deport 11 million illegal immigrants, separating families, etcetera. I would like to ask you, what do you think of these accusations against you and if a North American Catholic can vote for a person like this? 
Pope Francis: Thank God he said I was a politician because Aristotle defined the human person as 'animal politicus.' At least I am a human person. As to whether I am a pawn, well, maybe, I don't know. I'll leave that up to your judgment and that of the people. And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the Gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he has said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt.

Jorge Bergoglio has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the Papacy. By his comments today, he has interfered directly in the election of the President of the United States of America.

Donald Trump
It has become common place to dread every flight back from a papal visit wondering what would come from the mouth of the Bishop of Rome. We were again disappointed that our concerns would come to fruition.
Nations have the right and the responsibility to secure their borders. Nations have a right to defend themselves. A wall on America's southern border is decades overdue. His reference to Donald Trump as not being "Christian" cannot be supported. Any defense that he was speaking in some general term and not specific simply cannot be believed. It is simply not possible to accept that he did not know of Mr. Trump's proposal or that the question would have referred to that proposal. 

The reporter set him up. The Pope fell for it and not "if" is good enough. The Pope must have known that the reporter was speaking specifically about Mr.Trump, it could have been no other way. 
Bill Donahue, on Fox commenting on the exact quote read to him said that the Pope, "qualified" his remark. The whole quote makes it even more obvious that the Pope would have no doubt as to the political implications of his statement as it referred to the "wall" and whether "Catholics could vote" for someone who would build a wall.

Donald Trump is a Presbyterian Christian Protestant. We must assume he has been baptised. Thus, he is a Christian. He may be in a schismatic and heretical denomination; he may be a vulgar sinner, none of that means that he is not a Christian, just that he is a flawed human being as we all are.
Baptised Catholic Raul Castro and Pope Bergoglio

It is not anti-Christian to hold the defense of a nation as paramount, in fact, it is a Christian duty!

All or most of the candidates for the Republican nomination want to build a wall. It is clear that the questioner was referring to Donald Trump and is most known for the position.

Where is Jorge Bergoglio's condemnation of our radical abortion, euthanasia supporting, Catholic Prime Minister who worshipped in a Mosque?
Where is Jorge Bergoglio's condemnation of those such as Raul and Fidel Castro for the murders, tortures and imprisonments of thousands of Cubans?

"Christian" Hussein Obama with Pope Bergolio
Where is the condemnation by Jorge Bergoglio for Barack Hussein Obama who has advocated radical policies murdering children in the womb?

Where is the condemnation of Hussein Obama as not being a Christian for failing to come to the immediate aid of those in Mosul and elsewhere in Iraq and Syria being slaughtered for all to see?

Yet, he was asked a not dissimilar manner of question about the situation in Italy, yet; he clearly understood the need to steer clear of Italian politics, why not the same understanding for American politics? 

Carlo Marroni, Il Sole 24 (Italy): Holy Father, my question is about the family, a subject which you addressed often during this trip. The Italian parliament is discussing a law on civil unions, a subject that is provoking strong political clashes but also a strong debate in society and among Catholics. In particular, I would like to know your thoughts on the subject of adoption by civil unions and therefore on the rights of children and of sons and daughters in general. 
Pope Francis: First of all, I don’t know how things stand in the thinking of the Italian parliament. The Pope doesn’t get mixed up in Italian politics. At the first meeting I had with the (Italian) bishops in May 2013, one of the three things I said was: with the Italian government you’re on your own. Because the pope is for everybody and he can’t insert himself in the specific internal politics of a country. This is not the role of the pope, right? And what I think is what the Church thinks and has said so often – because this is not the first country to have this experience, there are so many – I think what the Church has always said about this.

The full text of the plane ride interview can be read at Catholic World Report. The Pope says some good things and worthwhile things in his own odd way and much of it is rambling. He praises Cardinal Ratzinger's work to root out the pervert priests, he condemns bishops who cover them up. He call abortion "evil" and then he steps on the landmine of agreeing with some sort of contraception for a virus to prevent a disease that is not scientifically determined to be caused by it.

These interviews must stop!

As for the primary news item from this post, it will launch him to victory on Saturday. This Catholic apologises to Mr. Trump and wonders, who is Francis to judge?