A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday 29 March 2021

To Lawrence Low, the Chief Medical Officer of Health in Peel Region (and copied to every Catholic and protestant church there)

Vox Cantoris
'Loh, Lawrence'
'Lam-Bentley, Valerie'
'Cox, Kathy'
'Zember, Theresa'

Tue., Mar. 30 at 6:53 a.m.

I wasn’t interested in engaging, I was interested in telling you and Cruella de Villa off as a couple of stinking frauds!

Vox Man Only Two Genders The Rest is MENTAL ILLNESS

Hide original message
From: Loh, Lawrence [mailto:lawrence.loh@peelregion.ca]
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2021 6:50 PM
To: Vox Cantoris; Lam-Bentley, Valerie; isa.dhillon@peelregion.ca; Cox, Kathy; Zember, Theresa
Subject: Re: Your letter to churches

Hi there, Public Health does not oversee the hospital system.

I encourage you to speak to Ontario Health should you have concerns.

Given the tone of your e-mails, I regret that I won't be able to engage with you further.

With best wishes.

Dear Lawrence Mengele, 

I have read your instruction to churches for Easter. How dare you insinuate yourself into our liturgical practices. You have no authority, no right to tell Christians what to do. The fact that the Cardinal has acquiesced to you “virtuous” public health officials, is repugnant to this writer. 

It is clear to me that doctors in public health were at the bottom of their classes. They chose not to go into the bloody mess of surgery, the sadness of oncology, the genius of research and the humble ongoing service of general practice. Clearly, you and your ilk preferred a bureaucratic 9-5 job, and to tell people what to do. Control freaks and communist diktats in the new Oath and Order while you murder the unborn in their mother’s wombs. 

We, the people, did not elect you. Get your dictatorship out of our churches. The fact that the majority of Catholic bishops and protestant pastors have gone along with this unconstitutional behaviour on your part is a bigger scandal than the junk science you push. Five months of lockdown has not worked. If only you followed the science. 

Vox Cantoris - the male of the two genders – that is science!

Date: March 25, 2021 4:44 PM

Subject: Celebrating Easter During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Instructions for Vaccination 

Good afternoon, 

Attached is information about celebrating Easter during the COVID pandemic and instructions for vaccination. 

With my best wishes, 


Lawrence C. Loh, MD, MPH, FCFP, FRCPC, FACPM (he/his)

Medical Officer of Health

Public Health, Health Services
Region of Peel
7120 Hurontario Street RPO 667 Streetsville
Mississauga, ON L5M 2C2
e-mail lawrence.loh@peelregion.ca 

March 25, 2021

Dear Christian Faith Leaders of Peel,

Subject: Celebrating Easter During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Instructions

for Vaccination

On behalf of Peel Public Health, I would like to extend my best wishes to you and your

congregation during this Holy Season of Easter. We recognize this is the second year that

communities are being asked to make new traditions, in light of COVID-19 precautions.

I would like to personally thank you for the continued sacrifices both you and your

community have made throughout the pandemic to long-standing religious practices. Your

dedication, graciousness, compassion, and support for your community during the COVID-19

response is commendable. We plan to continue working with you as community leaders to

limit the spread of COVID-19 and to encourage the community to get vaccinated when it’s

their turn. Those who are 75 years and older are now eligible.

Vaccination for Faith Leaders

Faith Leaders who are eligible can now be vaccinated. More details concerning eligibility

and how to receive your vaccine can be found on page 3. If eligible, I urge you to get

vaccinated as soon as possible so you can be protected from COVID-19.

As a community role model, once you are vaccinated, I encourage you to share this good

news with your congregation and encourage them to do the same to protect themselves

and their loved ones. Consider taking a selfie at our vaccination clinic, using the hashtag

#gotmyvax and sharing it with others. The sooner our community gets vaccinated, the

sooner we get back to celebrating our faith together, side by side.

Please continue to encourage your community to remain vigilant against the risk of spread.

Let’s continue to take care of each other by practicing the actions we know are effective.

Changes to Gathering Limits at Places of Worship

As you are aware, on March 19 the province announced that Peel is currently in the Grey[1]Lockdown stage of the Province of Ontario’s COVID-19 Response Framework. This means

that currently, weddings, funerals, religious services, and events should be celebrated

virtually whenever possible. If this is not possible, in-person religious services and events

must be limited to 15 per cent capacity indoors or 50 people outdoors. Services should only

be conducted if 2-metre physical distancing can be maintained. Should provincial guidance

change, Peel Public Health will update our Community Spaces web page with the latest


To keep your community safe this year, please consider offering virtual or live-streamed

services as the first choice, in order to allow your congregations to continue practicing

their faith. /2

Virtual services will prevent close contact between members of your congregation.

Gathering virtually enables congregants to practice their faith with one another with the

confidence that they are also doing all they can do reduce the risk of spread.

If you have some in-person services or allow individuals to attend the church, please

ensure the following public health measures are in place.

• Ask your congregation to screen for COVID-19 before attending any in-person


• Keep a log of visitors, in case public health contact tracing is required.

• Post material related to COVID-19 safety, symptoms and screening at the entrance.

• Implement processes to ensure physical distancing at all times (for example, entry

and exit times).

• Provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer at all entrances and in each room.

• Ensure masks are worn at all times while indoors.

• Ensure proper cleaning and disinfection practices for high-touch surfaces.

• Limit the sharing or distributing materials or objects, such as hymn books,

microphones, water, etc.:

o Ensure that hand hygiene is performed prior to distribution or sharing;

o Consider leaving objects or materials to be distributed on a table for

individuals to pick up; and/or

o Limit the number of individuals who have contact with materials or objects.

o Ensure any materials or objects that are returned or accessed within the

setting are disinfected or not re-used immediately.

• Suspend singing, playing wind or brass instruments, and choirs due to the nature of

high transmission.

• Seat members of the same household together with 2-metre distance between


If you or your community have any questions related to COVID-19, please call Peel Public

Health at 905-799-7700 (8:30 am – 4:30 pm, Monday – Friday) or visit our website at:


Information about vaccines and how to book an appointment can be found at


For assistance, call the Vaccination Line at 905-791-5202, open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

7 days a week.

Many thanks to you for your ongoing contribution, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Lawrence C. Loh, MD, MPH, FCFP, FRCPC, FACPM (he/his)

Medical Officer of Health


Catholic Church promotes NIKE and its Satanic shoes

I'm not going to get into a debate on whether Carlo Acutis is a saint. Frankly, I leave all these modern saint declarations up to God. I don't believe the Church is infallible in these declarations anymore - simply based upon many of those, particularly popes, whom it has canonized and the claims made on their alleged miracles. None for John XXIII and a dubious one for Paul VI. There are exceptions for any age, St. Pio, St. Charbel and St. John Henry Newman and a few others amongst them. They are Saints, notwithstanding. As for the rest? Well, if they are, I don't need to maintain a particular devotion, 

We need to be harshly critical of the Church for promoting an image of a "saint" with a corporate logo.

As much as it might offend, I have always found these "coffin" images macabre to say nothing of the digging up of their resting bones. One can think of Cadfael - A Morbid Taste For Bones!

NIKE has just announced the production of 666 numbered pairs of Satanic shoes containing blood in the souls. I won't post the pictures, just the link here to Breitbart. Caution: disturbing. 

If Carlo Accutis is a Saint, may he intercede by begging God to send down lighting to destroy these corporate images everywhere they have been placed where the logo defiles the sacred space reserved for God.

Sunday 28 March 2021

Improperium - Orlandus Lassus

Victoria: Pueri Hebraeorum

Palm Sunday 2021: Is there a Mass for you?

When Palm Sunday came in 2020, we had no Mass. In our home, we set up an altar with a crucifix and candles and read and sang the Mass and the Passion. We had a blest palm from the day before from a Mass in secret, in a locked church with paper covering the windows. Can you imagine that?

If you are in the Archdiocese of Toronto, your parish may be at thirty percent or fifteen percent capacity. Sheer lunacy when Costco and Walmart are at fifty percent. 

For many of you, there is still

After doing nothing for a year, Thomas Cardinal Collins succeeded in pushing Ontario Premier Doug Ford to change the occupancy restriction from ten persons to fifteen percent in the most extreme diktat control measures. The Cardinal is now quiet. Mass is open for you if you can get a ticket.

Will there be a Triduum for you? Unlikely. In an effort to serve as many people as possible you will probably be registered to attend one of Holy Thursday, Good Friday's Service or Holy Saturday's Easter Vigil. this is understandable given the circumstances. It is hardly acceptable given that the Triduum liturgies are really three parts of one great event. There is no blessing after Holy Thursday, it has been stripped away. There is no Mass on Good Friday and no rejoicing until the Alleluia of Holy Saturday. We are in mourning and this year, we continue to be as we were in 2020. 

The post-Covid Church in Toronto is going to look a lot different. Collins retires in January and the search is already on for his replacement. My sources are clear - the next Archbishop is going to deal with the crisis that has been long avoided but which will be brought to the fore post-Covid. The closing of many parishes. It will be a crisis brought on and accelerated by Thomas Collins. 

That will be his legacy.

The Mass of Palm Sunday pre-1955

The Mass of Palm Sunday 1955/1962

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Canadian Jesuits endorse sin!

There are times that a blog post writes itself. This is one of those times. 

With apologies to the two good, faithful Jesuit priests in Canada that read this blog, but seriously Fathers, when is too much, too much?

About the joint review of Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace's international partner organizations - Canada Province (jesuits.ca)


So just who is this Jose Sanchez in the communications branch of the Canadian Jesuits?

Jose Sanchez, Author at All Inclusive Ministries | A Group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Catholics in Toronto, Canada

Canada's First LGBTQA+ Technology Conference Venture Out Returns to Toronto (newswire.ca)'

Development and Peach logoMontreal, March 22, 2021.– On 25 February 2021, a joint press release from the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP) and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) announced that, after a review of 63 D&P partners, 24 of them would no longer receive funding from CCODP, while 19 others would not be renewed. This follows the announcement months earlier of changes made to the organisation’s governance and partner selection process. 

The Jesuits of Canada have been privileged to collaborate with the CCODP in furthering the social mission of the Church and look forward to many more years of the same. Over its long history, CCODP has accompanied people working for social change in the Global South, often making the difference between life and death for people who are marginalized. 

We are deeply saddened to learn that so many CCODP partners are losing this vital support from CCODP. We regret that the process to arrive to this decision was not marked by the transparency and collaboration that the Church knows are key virtues to witnessing to the Good News and to becoming a synodal Church.  

This process has harmed the reputation of some people and organizations, many supported by the local Church, who often risk their lives to defend poor and marginalized people.  The impact of this decision may have widespread and long-term consequences for partner organizations in the Global South, threatening their very existence. This would represent a profound loss of the prophetic witness of the Church.  

It appears that a review was undertaken with the purpose of judging the partners on their adherence to the Church’s teachings on sexual matters.  We believe,  however that the partners should be viewed with gratitude for their demonstrated and consistent commitment to the core richness of the Church’s social teachings. If consulted, lay people and the Religious of Canada, many of whom have worked in the Global South and who personally know many of these organizations and their contexts, could have provided more accurate information on the partners under review. 

We also acknowledge with gratitude and hope the many signs of openness to international solidarity that we see emerging among the people of God in Canada. These seem to be signs of the Spirit at work. Along with the rest of the Church, we are being called to healing and transformation, especially with our brothers and sisters in the Global South. We wish to work with groups like CCODP in order to be transformed for the Kingdom of God.  

Erik Oland

Provincial Superior
Jesuits of Canada 


For more information:  
José Sánchez  
Director of Communications   

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Cardinal Collins: You say it is "common sense" and an "act of charity" to submit to experimental gene therapies but what does the Winnipeg Statement say about "conscience?"

As reported yesterday, one below, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, declared on Sunday from the Cathedra that if one does not submit themselves to taking the so-called "vaccine" against SARS-CoV-2 then one lacks "common sense" and is acting against "charity". As Shepherd of the Church in the Archdiocese of Toronto and Metropolitan for much of Ontario, Thomas Collins owes it to the faithful to explain himself. On what basis does this man dare to make a determination from the Chair that it is "common sense" to take what is an experimental therapy that is not a traditional vaccine and has moral implications due to the testing on or actual containment of fetal stem cells from aborted children. 

Cardinal Collins on being told of another post by Vox Cantoris

Collins is manipulating the thoughts and fears of many Catholics with his assertion that "we need to vaccinate the population." We do, Eminence? and who is the "we" that you speak of? Is this the price to open churches to a paltry fifteen-percent of total building occupancy? 

"Wise and sensible," says His Eminence. “It’s not a magic bullet, nothing is – but it’s one of the most sensible ways in which we can get beyond this pandemic and move on to serve the Lord day by day in ways that will put this behind us," says our resident episcopal expert on medical therapies.

The British government itself has compiled adverse reactions and deaths from the "vaccines." What does Cardinal Collins think of his common sense advice.

But what does the Cardinal think or say about the matter of conscience?

In 1968, the Canadian bishops, (and this still stands, it has never been retracted), made some interesting statements about conscience. Shall we have a look at one?

26. Counsellors may meet others who, accepting the teaching of the Holy Father, find that because of particular circumstances they are involved in what seems to them a clear conflict of duties, e.g., the reconciling conjugal love and responsible parenthood with the education of children already born or with the health of the mother. I accord with the accepted principles of moral theology, if these persons have tried sincerely but without success to pursue a line of conduct in keeping with the given directives, they may be safely assured that, whoever honestly chooses that course which seems right to him does so in good conscience.

"Whoever honestly chooses that course which seems right to him does so in good conscience." Well then, Your Eminence, please explain to this simple uneducated man who has no fancy paper to hang on his wall how it is okay to use my "conscience" to contracept, even if that contraception might also be an abortifacient and when that same conscience prevents me from taking a "vaccine" that I do not wish, for whatever reason my well-formed and supreme conscience, informs me, I am "uncharitable" and acting without "common sense."

What is sin, Your Eminence?

According to paragraph 849 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

"Sin is an offence against reason, truth, and right conscience.

There we have it, "right conscience." 

Collins dares to call it "common sense." His Eminence makes bold to say that "we need to vaccinate the population" and has the actual temerity to presumptively declare those who refuse are "uncharitable,'" even if those very same people are making a decision in full accord with the Catechism of the Catholic Church and in "right conscience."

How many people will take Cardinal Collins's advice and admonition and take the gene therapy because of his urging and will suffer negative consequences or even death from it? Will Collins take the responsibility for this?

These lawsuits will be part of his legacy and if you think this is bad, wait until January when we get Canada's version of Blaise Cupich. 

Monday 15 March 2021

Cardinal Thomas Collins says you "need to vaccine" it is "common sense" and an "act of charity!"

In comments after the Postcommunio in an empty St. Michael's Cathedral yesterday (begins at 54:00), Thomas Cardinal Collins said from the Cathedra that "we need to vaccinate the population" calling it "common sense" and an "act of charity." Not commenting on the recent suspension in much of Europe of the Astra-Zeneca gene therapy, Collins said that "it is a sign of hope" and that it is a "sensible way to get beyond" the virus, a virus that originated in a laboratory in communist China and was released accidentally or intentionally and has spread throughout the world causing illness, death and economic destruction. Collins mentioned nothing about the testing of these "vaccines" or in some cases the containment of fetal stem cells within it.

We have read and heard from various quarters in the Church, including the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and from many theologians and bio-ethicists that the fact that the HEK 293 stem lines from an aborted baby girl are not something that we need to be concerned about. As with Collins, the word "charity" is the theme heard from Rome to Toronto and beyond throughout the Catholic world. 

More reading on the debate can be found at: 

Let us make no mistake. These chemicals offered by Phizer, Astra-Zeneca (now being banned throughout Europe) and Johnson & Johnson and others, are not vaccines in the traditional sense. A little bit of SARS-CoV-2 is not in the serum as with polio or smallpox. This is experimental gene therapy and the long-term results are not known. The experimental testing is going on in the broader populace. There are documented cases of illness and death as a result of people taking these therapies. This is beyond the fundamental problem of fetal kidney cells from an aborted baby contained within or used to test these products. It also begs the question of how many other products we use daily are never reported as to their testing protocols using fetal stem lines. 

Fundamentally, the taking of these therapies is an individual decision. Should you take it, you must do so with full informed consent and that includes the perennial teaching of the Church, not just now but what She has taught before. I am not a theologian, not a bio-ethicist but it seems pretty simple to me, a "very remote cooperation with evil" is still cooperation with evil. I cannot answer the question of how many angels dance on a pin others have tried and let them continue. I will not subject my body to an experimental therapy that may cause the end of my life or significant negative consequences that do not outweigh the risk from actually catching the disease but more importantly, I will not benefit directly with full knowledge that the benefit is due to the murder of a baby girl by the crime of abortion. I will not be confronted or accused by that child at my particular judgement for benefitting from her death. This is what my conscience dictates, my sins are already grave enough.  Everyone must examine their conscience in this matter.

Returning to the commentary by Cardinal Collins, one must ask a few questions to His Eminence. The Cardinal or His Excellency Mr. Neil MacCarthy are invited to answer (yes, they read these.)

Was your promotion of these gene therapies tied to the niggardly increase of church occupancy to fifteen percent in the grey lockdown areas?

Do you believe that you should personally benefit from the murder of an aborted child?

Are you afraid of speaking against these genetic therapies and the connection to abortion because YouTube may remove your live-stream Mass and Facebook will ban you and thus prevent you from promoting it?

Are you going to demand on pain of suspension that every priest receive the therapy?

Will you punish any parish employee or contractor in the Archdiocese of Toronto who refuses to accept the alleged morality or medical efficacy of the genetic therapy?

Will a "vaccine passport" be necessary to come to Mass?

Are you so much the compromiser as to take the advice of the same "virtuous" public health official that limited church attendance to ten? It was YOU Cardinal Collins that closed the churches and shut down the Mass in November!

Are you prepared for the lawsuits from those who have an illness or the estates of those who may die from these experimental gene therapies that you are promoting and who may take them only because they were confident because "the Cardinal said it was an act of charity and I must be charitable?"

This is just another example of a weak and ineffectual Shepherd who only a few minutes before gave a homily about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and an upcoming pastoral letter. That Heart of Jesus has just been wounded again, not by a faithful shepherd but by a hireling who has sold us out to Cesare.

Sunday 14 March 2021

It's Laetare Sunday. Time to rejoice. But not in Toronto because here, there is still

That's right. There is no Mass for you because the man above said so. He eliminated the public offering of Holy Mass in the Archdiocese of Toronto, not Doug Ford. Lest you think I will defend that unchurched ignoramus, I shall not, he reduced attendance at religious services to ten persons from the paltry thirty-percent. However, tomorrow at 12:01 A.M. that restriction moved to fifteen-percent from ten persons for those in the grey area. Do not forget that it was Collins that shut down the Mass.

Reading the Archdiocese of Toronto's social media one would be led to think that all restrictions are lifted. People who are either stupid or victims of Stockholm Syndrome are rejoicing over this, some are even looking forward to Holy Week at this ridiculous number as if they are guaranteed a ticket.

Sure, let's rejoice that Cardinal Collins' marketing expert letters campaign worked. Thirteen thousand letters out one and half million Catholics. Great response. Tongue in cheek of course. It is a pathetic joke. Worked? How different is this from thrity-percent. At least one priest I know has told me there is no difference, "we always only had fifteen percent because social distancing could not be met at thirty!"

There is no rejoicing here, Cardinal Collins and his expert adviser, Neil MacCarthy are epic failures in any and every discussion they have ever had with the Ontario Government. This is just one more to add to the legacy. 

Saturday 13 March 2021

Bergoglio's unleashed demons in full rage in St. Peter's Basilica

As you gaze upon this abomination that took place in St. Peter's Basilica in October 2019, reflect for a moment on what has happened in the year and a half since. Think of the diabolical experimentation on bat viruses that leaked out from a laboratory in  Wuhan whether accidentally or intentionally. Think of the deaths of people, the suffering and the economic toll on hundreds of millions because of the actions
of a Satanic regime whom the man in white in the above photograph, and his minions, laud. Remember, for a moment, how this malefactor, Bergoglio, sold out the faithful Catholics of China and how it has worked out for all Christians there since. It has not gone so "well." Think of the infringement of civil and religious rights imposed by our governments and worse, adhered to by our corrupt, weak, effeminate and ineffectual Shepherds. Contemplate for a moment how the Bishop of Rome, the alleged successor of Saint Peter, the alleged Vicar of Christ, presided in the garden as shown at the right where people bowed down in worship to pagan idols. Look at the backside of the Satanic priest in brown robes, a Franciscan, but not a son of St. Francis, more a son of Satan - for no priest of Jesus Christ truly called would ever bow down to a pagan idol and no Pope would ever tolerate it, let alone be present at it. 

Now consider this event, the actual enthronement by the Bishop of Rome on a symbol of the Pachamama idol on the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica, an altar over the very tomb of Peter and dedicated only for the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Our Lord Jesus Christ, not the worship of a demon, "For all the gods of the Gentiles are demons but the LORD made the heavens."

As the pagan brought this abomination up to the Altar of God, the Master of Ceremonies, a weak and cowardly man named Guido Marini, looked at the Bishop of Rome and took the idol and placed it where you see it above. If Marini had any courage he would have dropped it to smash into a thousand pieces. (As an aside, it even violates the General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM 305) and the traditional liturgical rubrics, flowers are not to be placed "on" the mensa of the altar as distinct from a gradine.)

Did you know that since that Sunday in October 2019 the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass has not been offered by the Bishop of Rome on that High Altar of God? Not one. 

A demon has taken over the Temple of God because of evil men. That demon is now in full flight. 

On the demand of the new Archpriest of the Basilica or Bergoglio himself, the Secretary of State has issued a directive that "private" Masses (they were never private, people could attend), are no longer permitted at the many side altars in the Basilica. This effectively renders the offering of the Holy Mass according to the traditional Missal impossible. One chapel below, the Mass can be offered, but for how long. Concelebration is the norm. Regular and normative concelebration is wrong in every way. It is fewer Masses, fewer atonements to the Father by the Son through the Holy Spirit for our sins. Fundamentally, this is the elimination of the traditional Latin Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. 

Bergoglio is not our friend, not our Shepherd. He has inflicted enormous harm on the Church and on the faith. May God deliver us. 

Friday 12 March 2021

This, is an improvement? Don't expect anything else from Premier Ignoramus, Your Eminence. You let him get away with it for months, now you applaud less than a crumb from Caesare's table.

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has announced today that the attendance at religious services under the "grey" lockdown requirements will move from ten persons to fifteen-percent of total building occupancy, half of what it would be in the "red" categorization of CCP Virus restrictions. 

His Excellency, Mister Neil MacCarthy, Communications Director for the Archdiocese of Toronto has communicated now to parishes, however, attendance is strictly to be in the church proper, overflow into the equivalent percentage in a church hall is verboten. He indicates that over 13,000 letters were received by Members of the Provincial Parliament and Premier with the great majority from Catholics in Mississauga. Good for them. Thirteen thousand out of one million, five-hundred thousand Catholics.

I will give credit on one hand to Cardinal Collins. At the same time a back-handed swipe (figuratively speaking of course) for spending four months clutching his pearls rather than calling the faithful into action and leading the charge to confront the Premier and the Eileen "Cruella" de Villa on the restrictions. 

But, this is no call for rejoicing. Fifteen-percent is still a ridiculous number. A number that Cardinal Collins calls a "significant improvement" and a "balanced approach." Retailers can now have 25%. If His Eminence were on a teeter-totter he'd be flat on his backside. In a startling coincidence, it's also the amount of the cathedraticum, which is currently down tens of millions of dollars.

Let's celebrate. Three fingers worth, anyone?

Cardinal Collins' "virtuous" public health official Dr. Eileen "Cruella" de Villa accuses religious gatherings of super sreading the CCP Virus - but what is this about her investment portfolio?

Dr. Eileen "Cruella" de Villa is the Chief Medical Officer of Health for the City of Toronto and the woman singularly responsible for the lockdown insanity still underway in this metropolis. A child herself of two doctors and originally from the Philippines, we must presume that de Villa was at least raised a Catholic, or maybe her parents were. Dr. de Villa is also married to a doctor. Richard Choi, a Toronto Cardiologist, is associated with St. Joseph's Health Centre and holds significant financial interests in AstraZeneca, BMS/Phizer and Sanofi as well as Boehringer Ingelheim/Lilly HLS, Novartis and Bayer - all in one way or another developing gene therapies and vaccines against the CCP virus. 

Suffice to say, the de Villa/Choi couple are making a lot of hay from Covid. In the video below from CityPanic 24 also known as Constant Panic, de Villa continuously speaks of vaccines from which her family is enriching itself. 

Yet, for someone presumably raised as a Catholic and certainly within the world of science one would expect more from the "virtuous" doctor than this quote from the nterview yesterday on Toronto's CP24.

When will life in the city return to normal? Toronto's top doctor answers COVID-related questions | CP24.com

Where is the proof that de Villa provides to back up this statement that there "were a number of cases, clusters and outbreaks" from churches? Where is the data? Are we not to "follow the science?" or do we just believe anecdotal suppositions from the elite global pharma peddlers? There "were" a number of cases? When, in March 2020? I do not recall hearing of any outbreaks here in southern Ontario. Is de Villa referring to some scattered outbreaks in the United States? Where in Canada did this happen? Where in Ontario? Where in the greater Toronto area? If we believe in science, where is the data? 

Read between the lines. As I surmised a few posts below, de Villa has no intention of loosening the "grey zone" diktat in Toronto and no intention of relenting or recommending to Premier Ford that there should be an easing up on church attendance to thirty-percent from the current ten-person limit.

No doubt, the person asking the question was either Neil MacCarthy, Communications expert for the Archdiocese of Toronto or a good soul following Thomas Cardinal Collins' request to send letters to Members of the Provincial Legislature and Premier.

On March 10, Father Edward J. Curtis, Chancellor of Spiritual Affairs for the Archdiocese of Toronto issued a memorandum outlining the regimented restrictions on Holy Week services, "depending on the restrictions in place," where the parish might be, thus presuming that in some places, there will be No Holy Week For You.

Thomas Collins has been played by his once "virtuous" public health officials. He has reacted too late and too slowly and has yet to rally the courage in himself to take this fight to the courts where he would be laughed out for waiting for toolong. He has failed to stand up to the diktats of imbeciles such as Doug Ford and a medical establishment making millions from this crisis. 

Make no mistake, Holy Week and Easter are in lockdown, again. I'd be happy to be wrong.

The fault is at the feet of Thomas Collins who cast his lots and lost.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

I have followed the Cardinal's request - below is my letter

To Christine Hogarth, MPP, Etobicoke-Lakeshore

Dear Christine,

The letter below was written by a professional marketing expert hired and paid for from the cathedraticum of the faithful. I do not agree with the genteel language, though I support the theme. As much as it is a disgrace on your part and that of Premier Ford, the lateness of our Catholic Archbishop to this matter is scandalous and repugnant. But, I suppose it is better late than never. I have written you numerous times and have spoken with your staff. While your staff are to be commended for their understanding that is only as far as any praise can go.

Yesterday, I drove down Allanhurst Road in Etobicoke to find a crew of dozens and dozens on a movie crew. Yet, every Saturday we see people arrested at Dundas Square for executing their God-given and constitutionally protected rights to gather and protest the diktats of government overlords. We see pastors and people fined and threatened with imprisonment. When did we become China! Has it's virus infected our brains as well as our bodies?

The Cardinal, to his shame, has ceased the public offering of Holy Mass because he could not grasp how to cope with the ten person limit. This is his doing, not Ford's. However, the person limit itself is non-sensical. Thirty-percent is a bare minimum. This action on your part and that of the Government which I voted for is a disgraceful infringement on religious rights. It is repugnant and you are responsible for it.

Shame on you and your colleagues, except for Roman Baber and Belinda  Karahalios who had the courage of conscience and their convictions. Doug Ford has proved himself to be a dictator and has succeeded in silencing you as my Member of the Provincial Parliament and that is a disgrace which will be remembered on election day.

Here is the Cardinal's His Excellency Mr. Neil MacCarthy's recommendation who, as with the GSA's is "handling it."

Dear Christine Hogarth

I am grateful for your service, especially over the past year. I am writing today as someone who finds comfort in my faith and recognizes the essential work undertaken by places of worship throughout the province.

That’s why it’s so hard to understand the restrictions currently in place for religious organizations. In grey (lockdown) areas, only 10 people can be inside a church, temple, mosque or synagogue. Yet retailers can open up at 25% capacity. This inequity must be addressed immediately. 

I have seen first-hand the impact that my local faith community has provided to those in need, offering spiritual, mental and physical support. Many of those they serve do not have access to technology and need to gather in person. This has been done in a safe and responsible manner for many months. A strict limit of 10 people in a facility that can accommodate hundreds or even thousands does not make sense. 

Please advocate for places of worship and address this inequity as soon as possible with your colleagues. Any future restrictions should be based on capacity and the current restrictions must be amended as soon as possible. 

Thank you for sharing these concerns directly with your colleagues and Premier Ford. I await your reply regarding this extremely important issue.


Monday 8 March 2021

Thomas Cardinal Collins - why the sudden change to challenge the Premier in a most genteel manner?

Let us try, not just this writer but all of us, let us try to consider what has finally caused the Archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Cardinal Collins to finally, no matter how weak and ineffectual it may be, finally decide to confront the Premier over the unjust treatment of religious services. However, before doing so, we must remember that it was not Doug Ford that closed our churches and cancelled religious services, all he did was limit the occupancy to ten persons, it was Collins who stopped the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. 

It is clear to this writer that the Cardinal knows he has made a grievous error. Unfortunately, for whatever reason and I won't speculate, he has refused to acknowledge it, apologize for it and rectify it. Rather, he has done a minor adjustment with his conjured up service of Holy Communion and reluctantly allowed Mass for funerals and weddings at the ridiculous provincial limit. In the two posts below, the recent letter issued and links to the petition letters can be found. https://www.archtoronto.org/en/outreach/news/archdiocesan/a-call-to-action-from-cardinal-collins-end-covid-19-restriction-inequities/

As of midnight last night, Toronto and Peel were put into the "grey" category which still limits Mass attendance to ten persons. It is only in red that it returns to the niggardly thirty-percent. We are in this grey category for two weeks and in the days leading up to March 22, it will be reassessed. Grey could be extended for two weeks or we move to red and return to thirty-percent. Now, what is coming up in this period. If we move to red on the 22nd of March then we have Palm Sunday and if not then it is not until April 5 which is right after Easter.

Collins sees what is coming. He also believes what I believe. That the Mayor of Toronto, John Tory and the Chief Medical Officer of Health will advise the Premier not to return Toronto to red until after Easter. This is why he is now in full panic mode. They will keep us out to reduce family contact and religious ritual and he knows it, I know it and you know it.

In March of 2020, I and many went along with the restrictions because we did not know what we were dealing with and reports from the World Health Organization indicated a death rate approaching three-percent - hundreds of thousands in Toronto alone. "Three weeks to stop the spread," they said, "bend the curve" we were told. We accepted it but it is now about much more than that and it is unacceptable that Thomas Cardinal Collins did nothing for these four months, even if we accept the situation one year ago. He has allowed himself to be overrun by incompetent bureaucrats. accountants, lawyers and public health officials whom he calls "virtuous" but are from it.

If, on the other hand, I am wrong, Cardinal Collins will take all the credit for finally getting Doug Ford to listen and allow religious services. At that point, it will be obvious to all that it is not his success but evidence of his complete failure. Had Collins rallied the faithful in November, we would acted, we would have had an effect. Now, Ford will laugh. It is my view that few Catholics will respond.

I predict now that this blog headline on April 4, 2021 will be, "Happy Easter and there is still, for the second year in a row, No Mass For You. I will be pleased to be wrong.

Here is the suggested letter on the diocesan web page.

Dear MPP is named,

I want to thank you for your service to the province. I know the past year has involved long days and time away from loved ones. Thank you.

The pandemic has been tough on all of us and we understand the need for restrictions to protect ourselves and others. Yet I can’t help but feel that faith communities are not being treated equitably when I look at the latest restrictions implemented by the province.

In the “lockdown” (grey) regions, retailers can now open at 25% capacity yet places of worship are limited to 10 people maximum. It doesn’t matter whether the church, temple, mosque or synagogue can normally accommodate 150 or 1,500, they can only have 10 people present.

I know what my own faith community has done to protect me and others during the pandemic. It’s been incredible – hundreds of volunteers, cleaning between services, masks, distancing, all done responsibly. So why are they being penalized?

I urge you to immediately address this unfair approach. I believe our places of worship provide essential services. At minimum, they should be given an opportunity to open with a percentage of capacity, whether it is in grey zones now or when considering any restrictions in the future.

Please amplify my concerns in conversation with your colleagues and Premier Ford.

I very much look forward to hearing from you on this important matter!

Your name.