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Saturday 11 March 2023

Bishop of Stupidville cancels Latin Mass which was in conformity with Tradbashing Custodian



Kathleen1031 said...

There is one thing, one thing only, that Rome gets right, and we ought to embrace it. We, as Roman Catholics, are too divided amongst ourselves. While our heritage is being stolen, we stand around arguing about who is pope or who is not pope, debating it, throwing darts at each other, while the enemy gladly takes advantage of the division to erase 2000 years of liturgy, to declare war on it, and us. Instead of working together to address these battles, we're going to have Twitter wars and be keyboard warriors, making snide comments like old ladies. How does that do anything. I am most certainly NOT talking about your excellent blog, Vox, nor you, you are a defender of all that is good, I am referring to the constant bickering of Catholics about each other, especially the few people who stand up and actually try to lead us something, or at least inform us. They are relentlessly picked on, and for what, to what end. No end.
This helps the other side, and does not do one thing to defend Christ, the church, the faith, the flock. We are impotent, and we hate each other for silly reasons, who believes this or that.
If we worked together, who is to say if we would make a dent and actually improve things, or at least delay them, it is up to God, but if we proceed as we are they will take it, and we will stand around gaping. How is lamenting going to help? Bishop Montforton should be inundated with Catholics contacting him, including the faculty at Franciscan University. Shame on everyone there, and us, for not doing so.
Years of convincing Catholics there is nothing worth fighting for, has helped decimate the church and society. There is something glorious to fight for. Why do we not fight for it.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Bergoglio is the leader of a different religion from ours, one hostile to ours. One is in a permanent state of disbelief at all the clergymen who remain quiet about it.

Now the sodomy promoter James Martin no longer avoids, obfuscates, manipulates, deceives. This is a time of open celebration of Bergoglio's support for grave sin. Martin, who blocked me on FB for asking: "Is there anything you consider sinful", is now eager to tell us that Bergoglio supported blessing sodomy back in Buenos Aires already. If I knew it, did any of the Bishops not know?

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

Kathleen 1031

But our Church is hierarchical. Disagreements among us about doctrine and validity of papacy are easy to settle. Only our leaders won't step in to set us straight, because they are responsible for the turmoil.

The people were deliberately misled by the leaders. I can't defend the doctrines, because I am instantly accused of causing disunity and promoting heresy due to my disobedience. No rational person can deny the validity of these accusations.

At this time all we have is our own understanding. And this is not a Catholic stance. "I will not obey", said the fallen Angel, and now I say it. I will not obey his servants.