A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 10 March 2023

Come one. Come All and join in "embracing gratitude" to Cardinal Thomas "No Mass For You" Collins!

Thomas Cardinal Collins is retiring as the new Archbishop of Toronto, His Excellency Francis Leo (Lay-oh) will be installed on March 25.

The Cardinal had intended to retire to the Newman Centre with outrageous renovation costs nearly bankrupting the old mansion. Rather, tens of thousands were spent at Serra House for him to retire there including reinforcing the floor for his books. Or will he? Will Archbishop Leo want Cardinal Collins at Serra House to influence the seminarians? 

A water-carrying toady for the corrupt government who said that he will "shut you down" to priests who defied him on Holy Communion on the tongue. He kicked out the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter over the same matter during the H1Ni scam and betrayed them only days after giving them a parish by snatching it away. He called our public health officials who lied and manipulated and discriminated "virtuous" and he closed churches when we needed them most. He presided over the discrimination and outing and public shaming and whispers behind the backs of priests who refused the jab and he has created a list of "canceled" priests that is nothing less than disgraceful. 

Please feel free to register to show your gratitude that we are rid of this remarkable journeyman of mediocrity.

Good riddance.

Meeting Registration - Zoom


P. O'Brien said...

The emperor has no clothes, and you are supposed to thank him for their beauty.

Brian said...

Well said. Your rapier is sharp indeed. Also, recall the screaming silence, of Collins, regarding "Catholic" school boards with their gay/straight alliances and 2SLGBTQ+ playbook. Like most bishops, Collins is terrified of ridicule, in the secular press and from the so-called "Catholic" press. Hey "Timid Tom Tom", do really care about the salvation of souls?

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

His inspiration can not possibly be the Holy Spirit, if he is adopting and promoting the spirit of the world. I am not a theologian, but I know that while individuals are neither all white or all black, and that acts of repentance and Christ's mercy wash their darkness away, there is no spirit representing the many shades of grey the "listening" church is so focused on understanding and teaching as the new doctrine. It is an "either or". Either the Cardinal listens to the Holy Spirit or he listens to the one currently fast increasing his influence in the world, the devil.

Many Catholics are so well trained in obedience that they are quickly becoming servants of the devil. It would seem that as followers of Jesus Christ they would immediately notice a traitor in the ranks or the command chain. This is easy in a dogmatic church.

In the very limited circle I may still be heard, I started a meme: Virtue signalling is the opposite of virtue.

It is not a form of virtue, it is not an attempt at virtue, it is the opposite of virtue. In following Jesus Christ there are no shades of grey. Either you follow Him or you spin and distort His perfect words, which means that you do not follow Him. You follow the liar, the proud sodomite, the thief, the divorcee, the Judas in your unparalleled compassion and mercy. You have a brand-new religion, a new belief - that you have evolved and outgrown Jesus Christ. All He has left to do is to listen to you and learn.

This is my judgement (yes, I judge and choose based on my best judgement) of who follows whom.

Everyday For Life Canada said...

Here my question for the retiring Cardinal Thomas Collins: Why was little or nothing done by the Archdiocese of Toronto to push back the 2010 radical sex-curriculum which was implemented in Ontario public and separate schools under the guise of updating the health and physical education program and introducing equity and inclusive education? Almost thirteen years later, our Catholic schools are teaching children topics like critical race theory, gender identity, gender expression, and trans ideology. In June, the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the rainbow flag is flown in the schools and pride activities are celebrated. All of this contradicts Catholic doctrine about the person, marriage and human sexuality. More importantly, the explicit curriculum is an attack on children's innocence and souls. Human rights and equity education have been used to subvert the Church's mission in Catholic education.

thirsty scribe said...

Can we hear about who these cancelled priests were, and what did they do?

Vox Cantoris said...

No. Many of them read this blog. I am not about to embarrass or out them. Those who know, know. Any outing of them would damage them, not the Cardinal.