A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
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Monday 10 January 2022

Dutch Bishop Rob Mutsaerts hits "Pope of Mercy" again!

 Purple Peppers: Insane (vitaminexp.blogspot.com)

1 comment:

Ana Milan said...

It's strange how Bishop Mutsaerts makes his comments two days after I had a similar conversation with my priest - why are gay Masses (an insult to God) & the NO allowed in Malaga while the TLM isn't? His response was that no-one wanted the TLM. I asked him how he knew this as no poll had ever been carried out. If the majority don't have access to it how can the Hierarchy make such a judgement? What was good & revered for 2K years cannot now be bad etc. He told me that as there were many liturgies in the CC throughout its history there was nothing against introducing a new one in the vernacular but he had no answer for the sacrilege committed in doing so, which was demonic. He also informed me he didn't know Latin but I said I did & the vernacular was on one side of the old Latin missal so this was not a good excuse.

I made it clear that our Bishop should have pronounced on the honmosexual Mass that went viral on the internet. He didn't appear to know about it but when I insisted that the world did he stipulated that it wouldn't have been authorised. I pointed out to him that as this wasn't declared by the Bishop at the time he should now publicly admonish the organisers, which would most likely involve the priest. This permitted travesty doesn't measure up to TLM having to get papal authorisation while satanical Masses are being conducted all over the universe & now have arrived in Spain, a country that has given the faith to many worldwide.

One can only pray that Bishop Mutsaerts courageous words will have an unsettling effect on the entire Hierarchy & bring common sense to the whole Church. Catholic against Catholic, Bishop against Bishop & the present incumbent of the PO against everyone. We are a laughing stock in the eyes of the world, just as Satan wants it. Sodomy has had a terrible effect on our prelature which in turn makes every sin permissible. Please God remove Francis & restore the Seat of Peter to its former papal authority for all Christians so that all can be sure that what has been handed down to us comes directly from the First Apostles with Your Blessing.