A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

Martin Currie, D.D. the Archbishop of St. John's and the sad winding down of the Catholic faith

The Catholic faithful of Newfoundland and Labrador have suffered greatly at the hands of those in the Church who have betrayed Christ.

Long before the news of sodomitical sexual perverts in the priesthood was made known and the great tragedy of abuse upon tens of thousands of young boys and girls, but mostly boys, in the United States, Canada had its own crisis in Newfoundland. This idyllic province of kind and charitable people endured a scandalous and grotesquely sinful series of cover-ups by its bishops - cover ups of rape, abuse and battery by priests and religious brother upon hundreds of boys, many of them in the Mt. Cashel Orphanage. The pathetic series culminated in the arrest and conviction of the Bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Raymond Lahey, born in St. John's and former bishop of the Diocese of St. George, Newfoundland. Lahey could very well have been a child victim of pervert priests who grew up to become an aficionado of child pornography.

Image result for archbishop currie
The Church is in utter collapse in Newfoundland. The Archbishop, Martin Currie, has announced the new "strategic plan," to manage the crisis and the shut-down.

To my many readers in Newfoundland, you have every right to be outraged by these pathetic men. They have no faith and they have closed it off to you. You must rise up and confront these malefactors and take back the faith of your fathers. 

What are you waiting for? How much more abuse will you take?


Dan said...

Is that a rainbow on the logo? Why yes, yes it is....

peasant said...

very interesting picture.
A very strong and dominant Islamic crescent and a cross that seems to be rotting away.

Anonymous said...

A moon goddess symbol ,and a Cross with no Christ.

Anonymous said...

If satan, through masonic infiltration, planned on destroying the Catholic Church from within, I think that this is a goog example of how it would be done. Hence...

Osusanna said...

Weak men. Torches and pitchforks time, or retreat to catacombs with good priests.

James said...

Fruits of Vatican II.

Tom A. said...

Or perhaps its time to wake up and admit that the NO v2 sect is not Catholic and start attending real Catholic Masses if possible.

Anonymous said...


nazareusrex said...


Frederick Jones said...

Bishop Mullock must be rotating in his grave.

Barona said...

What a logo! It could mean anything. Such a logo would in no way be incompatible with Freemasonry.

Anonymous said...

Canada's first transgender nun. http://www.traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/N032_Transgender.htm