A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Fr. Mitch Pacwa dresses down Bergoglio!

EWTN’s Father Mitch Pacwa and the Register... - YouTube
"Knock it off. We are not stupid. We are not. This is an idol... Stop. You are talking about making an offering to a goddess." -Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.

If ‘pagan’ rites are part of Amazon synod, they’re still ...

From Mundabor:
Also, please reflect on this: Father Pacwa describes a hierarchy composed of “gods of the mountains” first, “pachamama” (goddess of the earth) below them, and Jesus, Mary and the Saints below Pachamama. Is such a hierarchy not perfectly consistent with the beliefs of a man who refuses to genuflect in front of the Blessed Sacrament, denies the Divine nature of Our Lord whilst on earth, and – most recently – denies His bodily Resurrection? Actually, it seems to me that the behaviour is in line with this idolatry, and the only thing that speaks against it is that this man appears to have no faith at all, and the Pachamama stuff might just be the way he chooses to anger you like the stupid child he is.

Archbishop Viganò: ‘The abomination of idolatrous rites has entered the sanctuary of God’

Read the rest at:

Bishop Michael Hoeppner of Crookston, Minnesota is a Sodomitical Pervert Protector. Curious minds wish to know, does this mean he is one himself?

Every rotten filthy sodomite, every homosexual must be exposed and driven out of the holy priesthood of Jesus Christ. There is no such thing as a "chaste" sodomite!

Get out, you filthy abusive sodomite bastards!


Come forward. 

Out. Them. All!

Go get them, Michael. Every single one!


Susan From the Parish Council Is the Serviette at Institute of Christ the King Oratory!

Susan, the Fairy god-mother.

 Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and indoor

Sunday 3 November 2019

Help Charlie Angus, M.P. to save his soul

Charlie Angus is a Canadian Member of Parliament.

Here is what he wrote on his Facebook.

To my Catholic readers.

Look up Charlie on Facebook. Preach to him the truth. Evangelise. Correct him with the love of Christ. Bring him home.

His soul is at risk but he is too blind by Marxist NDP ideology to see it.

  • Me: Damn right. And if you were at Mass where I was and you went up and were given the Body of the Lord, I would have dressed you down after Mass and told you to repent and go to confession. All of us are unworthy, but you cannot support the murder of babies in the womb and then expect to to to Holy Communion. Either you are Catholic or you are not.

    It's your choice Charles. Get some spiritual direction on this or you face Jesus who's justice is mercy. Everyone who has been involved with abortion without repentance and amendment will face the Just Judge and may very well spend and eternity in Hell. Those who don't believe Hell exists will when they get there.

    As a Catholic brother, I have done my duty to you.
  • Me: You were badly formed as a Catholic, Charles. But at your age with your intellect, they are no longer responsible, there is no lack of culpability on your part anymore. It is now your sin.

    Abortion is murder, plain and simple. Life begins at concepti
    on. "Thou shalt not commit willful murder" This is the Hebrew of the commandment. Killing of the unborn baby is murder, period.

    You have supported this position for decades publicly and you are culpable before God for this.

    Catholics in Canada bemoan your position because we care about you and your soul, not because we are haters.

    Please Charlie, get some proper spiritual direction.

    DM me, I will help you find a priest in Ottawa or Timmins.

    God bless you.

Thursday 31 October 2019

Yes, Bergoglio brought the demon to the Altar of God - even Robert Moynihan knows it now!

The mystery of the ritual...
So, what happened?
We know that, on Friday, Pope Francis was still entertaining the idea of displaying the Pachamama "statues" at the closing Mass of the Synod.
And we know that, in the end, the Pachamama carvings were not displayed.
We know — or think we know — that some bishops were murmuring that they would boycott the Mass if the Pachamama images were present.
So we know that these bishops felt the Pachamama images were problematic to the point of being idolatrous, images associated in some way with a type of pagan worship which they wished not to associate with.
And we know, as a Vatican Press Office spokesperson told me, that it was decided in the end that the Pachamama images would be "kept in the Synod Hall," and not brought over into the Basilica to be present at the Mass.
And yet, this final offertory gift, this bowl containing soil and several plants, was not only brought up to Pope Francis, but it was placed on the altar.
Somehow that seemed odd to me.
Is it usual to place an offertory gift on the altar?
I had never seen it before, or so it seemed to me.
What was that bowl, that collection of plants? What did it signify?
Late on Sunday, I started to read about the rituals associated with Pachamama, the spirituality associated with Pachamama images — for the Pope had made clear that these images did represent Pachamama.
Some during the Synod said that Pachamama represents "Mother Earth," the source of all life, for indigenous Amazon culture.
At first glance, this seems innocent enough.
This earth is where we live, we come from the dust of the earth and return to it.
And we do burn and poison many things in nature, and clearly this is radically reckless, imprudent, arrogant, foolish and, yes, evil, for us to do.
It is not unlike going into someone's home and tearing up the place.
This is our home.
But is there something more in this "Mother Earth" veneration?
I found that a Spanish-born bishop in Brazil felt that the Pachamama rituals were un-Christian and in some way spiritually dangerous. (link)
“Mother Earth should not be worshipped because everything, even the earth, is under the dominion of Jesus Christ," said Bishop Emeritus José Luis Azcona Hermoso of the Brazilian city of Marajó in an October 20 homily at the cathedral in the state of Pará. “Pachamama is not and never will be the Virgin Mary. To say that this statue represents the Virgin is a lie. She is not Our Lady of the Amazon because the only Lady of the Amazon is Mary of Nazareth. Let’s not create syncretistic mixtures... The invocation of the statues before which even some religious bowed at the Vatican... is an invocation of a mythical power, of Mother Earth, from which they ask blessings or make gestures of gratitude. These are scandalous demonic sacrileges, especially for the little ones who are not able to discern."
And he added: "Here in the Amazon region we know the meaning of macumba or condomblè, which are quite prevalent here.”
LifeSiteNews writes: "Widespread in northeastern Brazil, macumba and condomblè are afro-Brazilian cults that involve propitiation of various gods and goddesses, dances, incantations and sacrifices." (link)
And then I learned that Bishop Athanasius Schneider, whom I have known for several years and who was here in Rome earlier this month — allowing us a chance to greet each other — had on October 26 issued an "Open Letter" calling on all Catholics "to offer acts of reparation, protest and correction for the use of the Pachamama statues" which he called "a new golden calf.” (link)
Schneider writes: "The example of Christ is of the utmost importance for all people who desire 'the true God and eternal life'; as St. John the Apostle exhorts us: 'Little children, keep yourselves from idols' (1 Jn 5:20-21). In our day, this message has special importance, for syncretism and paganism are like poisons entering the veins of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. As a successor to the Apostles, entrusted with care for God’s flock, I cannot remain silent in the face of the blatant violation of God’s holy will and the disastrous consequences it will have upon individual souls, the Church as a whole, and indeed the entire human race. It is therefore with great love for the souls of my brothers and sisters that I write this message."
And he continues: "On October 4, 2019, on the eve of the Amazon Synod, a religious ceremony was held in the Vatican Gardens, in the presence of Pope Francis and of several bishops and cardinals, which was led partly by shamans and in which symbolic objects were used; namely, a wooden sculpture of an unclothed pregnant woman. These representations are known and belong to indigenous rituals of Amazonian tribes, and specifically to the worship of the so-called Mother Earth, the Pachamama. In the following days the wooden naked female figures were also venerated in St. Peter’s Basilica in front of the Tomb of St. Peter."
And he continues: "The second-century apologist Athenagoras said about the veneration of material elements by pagans: 'They deify the elements and their several parts, applying different names to them at different times. They say that Kronos is time, and Rhea the earth, and that she becomes pregnant by Kronos, and brings forth, whence she is regarded as the Mother of all. Missing to discover the greatness of God, and not being able to rise on high with their reason (for they have no affinity for the heavenly place), they pine away among the forms of matter, and rooted to the earth, deify the changes of the elements' (Apol. 22)."
So I recalled again that, as lovely as this world is, and as much as we must be good stewards of it, it is not our eternal home, for we look "for that which is above."
An offering to Pachamama
Then, after further searching, I learned that a bowl of soil with plants in it is often connected with ceremonial rituals involving Pachamana.
There is one among many websites that describes the ritual (link):
"If it is difficult for you to move to a natural space to offer to Mother Earth, do not worry, you can perform your own ritual at home:
"- Use a bottle or flower pot full of dirt, there you proceed to make a hole, it is recommended to do it with your hands to connect with the energy of the ritual.
"- A kind of well is made, and food and drinks are poured for the enjoyment of the Pachamama.
"- The food option is extensive, one can place anything from fruits to Creole foods and seeds. In the case of drinks, chicha, natural juices, honey, wine, even coca leaves are suggested.
"- Then we proceed to cover it with dirt and flowers.
"Every year more people join in and they learn to leave our daily work and reflect and realize who we are, where we are and have this gesture of recognition and thanks to Mother Earth, which we say is humanity, the earth, the air, the animals, the water, the fire, which is everything that makes our life."
Also: "You should never miss something red, it is the favorite color of the Pacha!
So it seemed that the bowl of flowers presented at the offertory of the final Synod Mass, and then placed on the altar during the consecration, may have been connected with a ritual of veneration, and thanks, to Mother Earth, known as Pachamana...
So the images were not in the basilica, but perhaps an offering to Pachamana, in a bowl, was...
Several questions
On Monday I prepared an email of questions for Monsignor Guido Marini, the Master of Ceremonies for the Vatican.
I wrote:

Dear Monsignor Marini,

I would like to ask for a clarification, please.

At the closing Mass for the Synod, a small green plant was brought to the Pope for the offertory, by the last person, a lay woman. The Holy Father received the offer and then gave it to you. The Holy Father indicated with a couple of words (as one gathers from the video of the Mass) to bring the plant to the corner of the altar and leave the plant there during the ceremony, during the consecration. You then placed the plant there, at the corner of the altar.

I wanted to ask:

1) Is it a usual thing to place offerings on the altar during Mass? Has it happened in the past, in St. Peter's or anywhere else? Can you tell when, on what occasions? (Because it seemed unusual to me; I don't remember other similar occasions.)

2) Can you explain why this plant remained on the altar, but not the other offerings?

3) Did you know beforehand that this plant should be placed on the altar? Was the idea previously agreed upon with the Holy Father?

4) Can you tell what this plant was, what kind of plant, what it represented? A type of fruit or food or ...?

5) Can we know what was written on the container of the plant, and if there were other signs, and what those signs mean?

6) Can you tell where this plant and the container are now? Have they been preserved?
And here is the reply I received yesterday:

Dear Sir,
In reference to your e-mail, we wish to inform you that there is no particular information about the plant; we only know that it was planted at the beginning of the Synod and delivered to the offertory to adorn the altar.
Wishing you every good in the Lord, we send cordial greetings.

The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff
(to be continued)

Wednesday 30 October 2019

What on earth is going on in Hamilton - it all seems rather queer, oh silly me, I forgot about Monsignor Crotch and is the term "Co-Pastors" short for "copulating?"

Police Academy actor George Gaynes dies aged 98
Bishop of Hamilton in Ontario
Ah, Hamilton. City of sulphur dioxide and stinking air, waterfalls, beautiful churches and Msgr Crotch and the CoPastors from the land of João Fernandes Lavrador.

Back in 1987 a great thing was happening in Ottawa at a church called St. Brigid's in Lowertown. I know all about it, I was there. The devil raised his head from a local parish against them, one that is filled with gaity and some pagon god named Omi and the silly pastors who one day end up in the Land of João and then bring their co-vivants to explore the crotches elsewhere.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Perverted Basilian Order loses appeal!

Happy Hands

The Ontario Court of Appeal has dismissed the two main components of a three-pronged appeal by the Basilian Fathers of Toronto concerning the awarding of $2.57 million in damages to a former St. Charles College student in the 1960s.

In its decision announced Friday, Justice Julie A. Thorburn, on behalf of the three-member court of appeal panel, did rule in favour of the Basilian Fathers on a third.

Critically, the ruling does not affect the $2.57 million awarded to former student Rod MacLeod.

William Hodgson Marshall sexually abused MacLeod more than 50 times while he was a student at St. Charles College from 1963-67, a school run by the Basilians.

Read the rest at:


Monday 28 October 2019

No Pack-A-Mama, eh? Not true, Bergoglio played you!

Rejoice, there were no pagan idols, particularly the graven image of the pagan Amazonians Mother Earth, on display at St. Peter's yesterday during Mass.

Oh really? You think?

Not true friends, not true.

Your Bergoglio is gaslighting you, he is playing you making you think he never intended it or caved into the pressure. Oh, she was there alright, in the form of a plant and earth. The "Earth Mother" was present on the Altar of God, given in the Offertory procession. 

Of course, liturgical law in the GIRM for the modernist rite prohibits flowers on the mensa of the altar. In the proper Roman Rite they are on the "gradine."
Floral decorations should always be done with moderation and placed around the altar rather than on its mensa. (GIRM 305).
But in the Church of Bergoglio, "nothing will be the same again."

So glad I'm part of the Church of Christ, Catholic. 

Sunday 27 October 2019

Michael Coren-u-crapia and friends

Nice rerodos.

Oh, and on the far right is an apostate priest of the Diocese of Hamilton, Kevin Cull. He joined the Anglicans just two weeks ago.

La cage aux folles.

Saturday 26 October 2019

Bishop Athanasius Schneider denounces Bergoglio's Synod paganists!

Here below is the full text of the open letter by Bishop Athanasius Schneider.

1. “You shall have no other gods before Me,” says the Lord God, as the first of the commandments (Ex 20:3). Delivered originally to Moses and the Hebrew people, this command remains valid for all people and all times, as God tells us: “You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or worship them” (Ex 20:4-5). Our Lord Jesus Christ kept this commandment perfectly. When offered the kingdoms of the world if only he would bow to the devil, Jesus responded, “Begone, Satan! for it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve’” (Mt 4:10; Dt 6:13-14). The example of Christ, therefore, is of the utmost importance for all people who desire “the true God and eternal life”; as St. John the Apostle exhorts us: “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 Jn 5:20-21).

In our day, this message has special importance, for syncretism and paganism are like poisons entering the veins of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church. As a successor to the Apostles, entrusted with care for God’s flock, I cannot remain silent in the face of the blatant violation of God’s holy will and the disastrous consequences it will have upon individual souls, the Church as a whole, and indeed the entire human race. It is therefore with great love for the souls of my brothers and sisters that I write this message.

2. On October 4, 2019, on the eve of the Amazon Synod, a religious ceremony was held in the Vatican gardens, in the presence of Pope Francis and of several bishops and cardinals, which was led partly by shamans and in which symbolic objects were used; namely, a wooden sculpture of an unclothed pregnant woman. These representations are known and belong to indigenous rituals of Amazonian tribes, and specifically to the worship of the so-called Mother Earth, the Pachamama. In the following days the wooden naked female figures were also venerated in St. Peter’s Basilica in front of the Tomb of St. Peter. Pope Francis also greeted two bishops carrying the Pachamama object on their shoulders processing it into the Synod Hall where it was set in a place of honour. Pachamama statues were also put on display in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina.

In response to outcries from the Catholic faithful regarding these rites and the use of these statues, Vatican spokesmen and members of committees of the Amazon Synod downplayed or denied the evident religious syncretistic character of the statues. Their answers, however, were evasive and contradictory; they were acts of intellectual acrobatics and denials of obvious evidence.

The American visual media company “Getty Images” made an official press photograph of this ritual with this description: “Pope Francis and Cardinal Cardinal Cláudio Hummes, Archbishop Emeritus of São Paulo, President of the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), stand in front of a statue representing Pachamama (Mother Earth).” Rev. Paulo Suess, a participant in the Amazon Synod, left no doubt as to the pagan character of the ceremonies with the wooden images in the Vatican Gardens and dared even to welcome pagan rites, saying: “Even if this was a pagan rite, it is nevertheless a pagan worship of God. One cannot dismiss paganism as nothing” (October 17, Vatican News interview). In an official statement, on October 21, the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) condemned the heroic act of the gentlemen who had thrown the wooden images into the Tiber as an act of “religious intolerance.” They thereby unmasked the lies and tricks with which they denied the religious character of the venerated wooden images. Volunteers of the Carmelite Church Santa Maria in Traspontina, where the wooden statues were displayed, corroborated this statement, saying: “The [carved] mother that I brought from Brazil … that was in the procession, well, we brought it from Brazil. It was done by an indigenous artist, and we asked him for a piece of art that would symbolize all of that connection of Mother Earth, of women, the feminine aspect of God, that God is the one who protects and nourishes life,” she said, calling it both a symbol of “Mother Earth” and the “Pachamama.”

Objective sources note that the Pachamama is an object of veneration, a goddess to which some Bolivians sacrifice llamas, an earth deity worshipped by some Peruvians, rooted in pagan Incan beliefs and practices.

3. Catholics cannot accept any pagan worship, nor any syncretism between pagan beliefs and practices and those of the Catholic Church. The acts of worship of kindling a light, of bowing, of prostrating or profoundly bowing to the ground and dancing before an unclothed female statue, which represents neither Our Lady nor a canonized saint of the Church, violates the first Commandments of God: “You shall have no other gods before Me” and the explicit prohibition of God, who commands: “Beware lest you lift up your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and worship them and serve them, things which the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven” (Dt 4:19), and: “You shall make for yourselves no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall you set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God” (Lev 26:1).

The Apostles prohibited even the slightest allusions or ambiguity in regard to acts of venerating idols: “And what agreement has the temple of God with idols?” (2 Cor, 6:15-16), and “Flee from idolatry.  The things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that you should have fellowship with devils. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: you cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils. Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he?” (1 Cor 10:16, 21-22).

St. Paul, without doubt, would say to all who actively participated in the acts of veneration of Pachamama statues, which symbolize material or creatural things, these words: “But now, after that you have known God, or rather are known by God: how turn you again to the weak and needy elements, which you desire to serve again?” (Gal 4:9). The pagans, indeed, worshipped the elements as though they were living things. And observing the syncretistic or at least highly ambiguous religious acts in the Vatican’s Garden, in St. Peter’s Basilica and in the church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, St. Paul would say: “They worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever” (Rom 1:25).

All true Catholics, who still have the spirit of the Apostles and of the Christian martyrs, should weep and say about the pagan ceremonies which took place in the Eternal City of Rome, paraphrasing the words of Psalm 79:1: “O God, the heathen have come into thine inheritance; thy holy city of Rome have they defiled; they have laid Rome in ruins”

4. The uninterrupted tradition of the Church avoided the slightest ambiguities or collaborations with idolatrous acts. The explanations which were given by Vatican spokesmen and by persons connected with the Amazon Synod, in order to justify the religious veneration of the wooden figure of a pregnant naked woman, were very similar to the arguments given by the pagans in the time of the Fathers of the Church, as reported by St. Athanasius. St. Athanasius refuted the pseudo-arguments of the pagans, and his refutations apply fully to the justifications given by Vatican authorities. St. Athanasius said: “They will boast that they worship and serve, not mere stocks and stones and forms of men and irrational birds and creeping things and beasts, but the sun and moon and all the heavenly universe, and the earth, deifying thereby the creation” (Contra Gentiles, 21, 1-3) and: “They will combine all together, as constituting a single body, and will say that the whole is God” (Contra Gentiles, 28, 2). “Instead of the real and true God they deified things that were not, serving the creature rather than the Creator (see Rom. 1:25), thus involving themselves in foolishness and impiety” (Contra Gentiles, 47, 2).

The second-century apologist Athenagoras said about the veneration of material elements by pagans: “They deify the elements and their several parts, applying different names to them at different times. They say that Kronos is time, and Rhea the earth, and that she becomes pregnant by Kronos, and brings forth, whence she is regarded as the mother of all. Missing to discover the greatness of God, and not being able to rise on high with their reason (for they have no affinity for the heavenly place), they pine away among the forms of matter, and rooted to the earth, deify the changes of the elements” (Apol. 22).

The following words of the Second Council of Nicaea are fully applicable to all churchmen, who supported the above mentioned syncretistic religious acts in Rome: “Many pastors have destroyed my vine, they have defiled my portion. For they followed unholy men and trusting to their own frenzies they calumniated the holy Church, which Christ our God has espoused to himself, and they failed to distinguish the holy from the profane, asserting that the icons of our Lord and of his saints were no different from the wooden images of satanic idols.”

As established by the Second Council of Nicaea, the Church permits the veneration with exterior gestures of worship such as bowing, kissing and blessing, no other symbols, pictures, or statues but “the icons of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, that of our Lady the Theotokos, those of the venerable angels and those of all saintly people. Whenever these representations are contemplated, they will cause those who look at them to commemorate and love their prototype.”

5. Believers in the One True God have always worked to eliminate worship of false gods, and to remove their images from the midst of God’s holy people. When Hebrews bowed before the statue of the Golden Calf—encouraged and abetted by the high clergy—God condemned such acts. His servant Moses also condemned these acts of “welcoming and tolerance” towards the local indigenous divinities of those times and ground the statue to powder and scattered it on the water (see Ex. 32:20). Similarly, the Levites were commended for stopping all who worshipped the golden calf (Ex 32:20,29). Throughout the ages, true Catholics also have worked to overthrow the “powers of this present darkness” (Eph 6:12), and the veneration of images that represent them.

Amid the consternation and shock over the abomination perpetrated by the syncretistic religious acts in the Vatican, the entire Church and the world has witnessed a highly meritorious, courageous and praiseworthy act of some brave Christian gentlemen, who on October 21 expelled the wooden idolatrous statues from the Church of Santa Maria in Traspontina in Rome, and threw them into the Tiber. Like a new “Maccabees” they acted in the spirit of the holy wrath of Our Lord, who expelled the merchants from the temple of Jerusalem with a whip. The gestures of these Christian men will be recorded in the annals of Church history as a heroic act which brought glory to the Christian name, while the acts of high-ranking churchmen, on the contrary, who defiled the Christian name in Rome, will go down in history as cowardly and treacherous acts of ambiguity and syncretism. 

Pope St. Gregory the Great, in a letter to St. Aethelbert, the first Christian king of England, exhorts him to destroy idolatrous images: “Suppress the worship of idols; overthrow their buildings and shrines” (Bede, Ecclesiastical History, Book I).

St. Boniface, the Apostle of Germany, felled by his own hand an oak dedicated to the idol Thor or Donar, which was not only a religious, but also a symbol of the protection of soldiers, of vegetation and even of fertility of the indigenous culture of the Germanic tribes.

St. Vladimir, the first Christian prince in Kiev, went on to have the wooden idols he had erected, torn down and hacked to pieces. The wooden statue of the chief pagan God, Perun, he cast into the River Dnieper. This act of St. Vladimir is very reminiscent of the heroic act of those Christian gentlemen, who on October 21, 2019, threw the wooden statues of the pagan indigenous culture of Amazonian tribes into the Tiber River.

If the actions of Moses, of Our Lord Jesus Christ in violently expelling the merchants from the Temple, of St. Boniface and of St. Vladimir had taken place in our times, the Vatican spokesmen would surely have condemned them as acts of religious and cultural intolerance and theft.

6. The sentence of the Abu Dhabi document, which reads: “The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom” found its practical realization in the Vatican ceremonies of the veneration of wooden statues, which represent pagan divinities or indigenous cultural symbols of fertility. It was the logical practical consequence of the Abu Dhabi statement.

7. In view of the requirements of the authentic worship and adoration of the One True God, the Most Blessed Trinity, and Christ Our Savior, in virtue of my ordination as a Catholic bishop and successor to the Apostles, and in true fidelity and love for the Roman Pontiff, the Successor of Peter, and for his task to preside over the “Cathedra of the truth” (cathedra veritatis), I condemn the veneration of the pagan symbol of Pachamama in the Vatican Garden, in St. Peter’s basilica, and in the Roman church of Santa Maria in Traspontina.

It would be good for all true Catholics, first and foremost bishops and then also priests and lay faithful, to form a worldwide chain of prayers and acts of reparation for the abomination of the veneration of wooden idols perpetrated in Rome during the Amazon Synod. Faced with such an evident scandal, it is impossible that a Catholic bishop would remain silent, it would be unworthy of a successor of the Apostles. The first in the Church who should condemn such acts and do reparation is Pope Francis.

The honest and Christian reaction to the dance around the Pachamama, the new Golden Calf, in the Vatican should consist in a dignified protest, a correction of this error, and above all in acts of reparation.

With tears in one’s eyes and with sincere sorrow in the heart, one should offer to God prayers of intercession and reparation for the eternal salvation of the soul of Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ on earth, and the salvation of those Catholic priests and faithful who perpetrated such acts of worship, which are forbidden by Divine Revelation. One could propose for this aim the following prayer:

“Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, receive through the hands of the Immaculate Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary from our contrite heart a sincere act of reparation for the acts of worship of wooden idols and symbols, which occurred in Rome, the Eternal City and the heart of the Catholic world, during the Synod for the Amazon. Pour out in the heart of Our Holy Father Pope Francis, of the Cardinals, of the Bishops, of the priests and lay faithful, your Spirit, who will expel the darkness of the minds, so that they might recognize the impiety of such acts, which offended your Divine majesty and offer to you public and private acts of reparation.

Pour out in all members of the Church the light of the fullness and beauty of the Catholic Faith. Enkindle in them the burning zeal of bringing the salvation of Jesus Christ, true God and true man, to all men, especially to the people in the Amazon region, who still are enslaved in the service of feeble material and perishable things, as they are the deaf and mute symbols and idols of “mother earth”, to all people and especially to the people of the Amazonian tribes, who do not have the liberty of the children of God, and who do not have the unspeakable happiness to know Jesus Christ and to have in Him part in the life of your Divine nature.

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you the one true God, besides Whom there is no other god and no salvation, have mercy on your Church. Look especially upon the tears and the contrite and humble sighs of the little ones in the Church, look upon the tears and prayers of the little children, of the adolescents, of young men and young women, of the fathers and mothers of family and also of the true Christian heroes, who in their zeal for your glory and in their love for Mother Church threw in the water the symbols of abomination which defiled her. Have mercy on us: spare us, O Lord, parce Domine, parce Domine! Have mercy on us: Kyrie eleison!”

JESU REX ADMIRABILIS, Palestrina, Schola Cantorum, G. Vianini, Milano,...