A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 17 January 2019

Bergoglio will approve women "deacons"

“I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man.” 1 Timothy 2:12.

There were no woman deacons. There were "deaconesses." They were the wives of Deacons. There main role was to assist in charity particularly the assisting with the baptism of women by immersion to ensure modesty.

These minions say that Francis will not the "right moment" to act. Therefore, they have already told of us of his decision. We can presume he decided two years ago to approve "women deacons" and he struck this commission, not to seek the truth and facts, but to carry out his wishes and give him cover to do it. As for the timing, he will wait until the next abuse matter by his sodomite priests and bishops and his own filthy pervert cover-up in order to deflect.

Women as "deaconesses" had no liturgical role. They were never ordained. There is no ministry. If women wish to serve, they can be active sisters or contemplative nuns.

Those who proffer this bovine excrement are heretics. That includes everyone who participated in this sham and the Bishop of Rome that ordered it.

The Church is under a diabolical attack. It has taken over the hearts, minds and souls of most of its bishops and cardinals and priests. Most? Yes, most. If it were not, then they would rise up and opposed this error. 

You and I as Catholics must remain faithful to Christ and His Church and the entire magisterial teaching. You and I must oppose these wicked people and their machinations.

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Viganò to McCarrick - "REPENT!"

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a public letter calling on Theodore McCarrick, the homosexual predator to repent for the sake of his soul and the Church. I highly doubt that McCarrick will repent publicly, which is what is required. These men have no fear of God and no faith. While we can hope they are saved, it is more likely that they will be damned.

They will deserve it.

Image result for vigano mccarrick

Dear Archbishop McCarrick,

As has been reported as a news by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the accusations against you for crimes against minors and abuses against seminarians are going to be examined and judged very soon with an administrative procedure.

No matter what decision the supreme authority of the Church takes in your case, what really matters and what has saddened those who love you and pray for you is the fact that throughout these months you haven’t given any sign of repentance. I am among those who are praying for your conversion, that you may repent and ask pardon of your victims and the Church.

Time is running out, but you can confess and repent of your sins, crimes and sacrileges, and do so publicly, since they have themselves become public. Your eternal salvation is at stake.

But something else of great importance is also at stake. You, paradoxically, have at your disposal an immense offer of great hope for you from the Lord Jesus; you are in a position to do great good for the Church. In fact, you are now in a position to do something that has become more important for the Church than all of the good things you did for her throughout your entire life. A public repentance on your part would bring a significant measure of healing to a gravely wounded and suffering Church. Are you willing to offer her that gift? Christ died for us all when we were still sinners (Rom. 5: 8). He only asks that we respond by repenting and doing the good that we are given to do. The good that you are in a position to do now is to offer the Church your sincere and public repentance. Will you give the Church that gift?

I implore you, repent publicly of your sins, so as to make the Church rejoice and present yourself before the tribunal of Our Lord cleansed by His blood. Please, do not make His sacrifice on the cross void for you. Christ, Our Good Lord, continues to love you. Put your entire trust in His Sacred Heart. And pray to Mary, as I and many others are doing, asking her to intercede for the salvation of your soul.

“Maria Mater Gratiae, Mater Misericordiae, Tu nos ab hoste protege et mortis hora suscipe”. Mary Mother of the Grace, Mother of Mercy, protect us from the enemy and welcome us in the hour of death.

Your brother in Christ,

+ Carlo Maria Viganò

Sunday, January 13, 2019
The Baptism of the Lord
Saint Hilary of Poitiers

Friday 11 January 2019

Former fledgling Latin Mass parish in St. John New Brunswick now closed and planned as a banquet hall

The Catholic faith in Canada's maritime provinces of New Brunswick (from whence came my mother), Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and the Province of Newfoundland, is in free fall. From Saint John to Moncton, from Antigonish to Halifax, Charlottetown to St. John's. 

We can blame faithless bishops and pervert priests, but the fact is, there is nobody to blame but the once faithful Catholics who cared not enough about their faith to fight for it.

This is the parish of Holy Trinity where a small community within the parish began a small Latin Mass apostate. Gone. Along with the church.

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Viganò Vindicated! Bergoglian minion Donald Wuerl lied about his lack of knowledge of the pervert McCarrick - are we surprised?

Catholic News Agency

Cardinal Donald Wuerl. Credit: Michelle Baumann/CNA

By Ed Condon and JD Flynn

Washington D.C., Jan 10, 2019 / 05:13 pm (CNA).- An allegation of misconduct against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick was reported to Cardinal Donald Wuerl in 2004, despite Wuerl’s insistence he knew nothing about McCarrick’s alleged sexual misconduct until 2018.

Wuerl forwarded the report to the apostolic nuncio in Washington, DC, the Diocese of Pittsburgh said Thursday.

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Washington confirmed to CNA that an allegation against McCarrick was presented to Wuerl while he served as Bishop of Pittsburgh, as part of a complaint made by laicized priest Robert Ciolek.

Read the rest at:

More at:

Tuesday 8 January 2019

In FrancisChurch, the Crescent swallows the Cross -

The Criminal Church will be taken down - Do not lose your faith, it is not the Catholic Church

It is the secular state that is being used by Our Lord Jesus Christ to cleanse the filth from the Church. It is going to be a difficult year for Catholics. Just this morning, it was revealed that C. John McCloskey, the priest with the "magnetic touch," did a little too much, "touching." It seems that Opus Dei paid nearly a million dollars in damages to a woman whom he had groped. Well, at least it was a woman. 

Regina Magazine has an interview which you must read.

You must also recognize that the filth in the Church has been prophesied, you should not be surprised. Be strong. Do not lose the faith.

What’s in the offing as US law enforcement investigates the Catholic Church

Part One of a Five Part Series

By Beverly Stevens, REGINA Editor

Image by John La Maestra

She’s spent a career getting up close and personal with predators and their victims.

‘Cathy’ was a Special Deputy to an agency investigating narcotic trafficking for ten years. An RN with a master’s in psychology, she now works as a consultant to US law enforcement agencies, interviewing subjects as well as victims. She also coaches law enforcement working on undercover assignments, especially those that involve human trafficking.

For Catholics wondering what is going on behind the scenes with dioceses responding to law enforcement investigating the Catholic Church in 15 US states and at the Federal level, Cathy’s insights are quite timely.

*Not her real name. REGINA’s interviewee asked to remain anonymous in order to protect law enforcement agents working in the field.

Use this link to read the entire interview:

Saturday 5 January 2019

Bergoglio still won't kneel!

He will grovel on the floor to wash the feet of non-Catholics on Holy Thursday but he refuses to kneel before the Lord of all. 

Pity the poor, loyal sacristan who continues to put out the prie-dieu just in case he has a conversion.

I imagine that one day, not too long from now, this pompous, arrogant, heretic will be brought to his knees.

May it be a moment before his death and his pleading for forgiveness for all his heresy, sacrilege and cover up of perverts.

Or not.

Thursday 3 January 2019

The Deep State Church - Liz Yore

Many thanks to Liz Yore for this great presentation -- and thanks for the plug!

Is Bergoglio covering up the McCarrick case by blaming the victim? Is this why Greg Burke and Paloma Garcia Ovejero resigned?

Church Militant is reporting that officials in the Vatican are covering up the sodomite pervert McCarrick crimes and that the main victim is not credible and even sought out sex with McCarrick in St. Patrick's Cathedral.


Did Greg Burke and Paloma Garcia Ovejero have knowledge of this? Is this why they resigned?

Bergoglio is now blaming the American bishops for the sexual scandals. Americans have  their fair share of miscreants and perverts in the priesthood and episcopacy but homosexual filth invades everywhere, the infestation is dominant in the Vatican and this Bergoglio has protected them from the first day of his so-called, papacy. That is well known.

The Church and the Bishop of Rome now seem to be in the total clutches of Satan.

May the Lord of heaven and earth send His angels to protect the faith.

Pope Francis says you are better to be an "atheist"

Image result for pope francis angry

In his first address of 2019, George Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome said :

“How many times do we see the scandal of those people who go to church and stay there all day or go every day and then live hating others or talking badly about people? This is a scandal – it is better not to go to church: better to live as an atheist.”

Of course, this is simply not true. If someone does become hateful or a gossiper, there is no better place for that person to be than in Church, starting at the confessional, if one can find a priest prepared to hear it. 

The real question is, “what sick mind does this Bergoglio have to utter such a statement? What rotten childhood did he have that shaped him to say and think such theological drivel.

Atheists will not gain heaven. For the Vicar of Jesus Christ to ever say that one is “better to live” as one is a crime against humanity.

The man is a disgrace to the faith, a walking, breathing scandal.

May the Lord, in His mercy, deliver us from this pompous hypocritical pervert-protector.

Monday 31 December 2018

Greg Burke and Paloma Garcia Ovejero resign immediately from Vatican Communications

With immediate notice, Greg Burke and Paloma Garcia Overjero have resigned from the top of Vatican Communications.


Even they've had enough.

More to come on this, no doubt.


Rosica blasphemes The Holy Family - Again!

Once again, Father Thomas J. Rosica of dying Congregation of St. Basil has blasphemed The Holy Family. The first was during the first Synod on the Family when he Tweeted the following:

An early start on reporting the filth of 2019.

Blessings this Christmastide

Dear Friends, 

Yes, I write "friends." My readers have been and remain extremely loyal to this writer and this little blog. Your comments edify me and often amuse me. I dare not name any of you, lest I forget one, but you are all very special to me, very appreciated. I've never really put any severe restrictions on the combox, though on a few occasions I do admit to not approving a few. To all of you, thank you, God bless you and let us pray for one another.

Blogging has been very light this last two weeks, a few posts on music most of which I did at one sitting the week before Christmas and then used a schedule setting to post them. I hope you've enjoyed the music and found it helpful. I felt it important for my own needs to leave the filth of the corruption of the Church behind for a while and focus on Christmas and home. There will be much more to come in Anno Domini MMXIX, to be sure. Even this very day.

It's been a very hard year around here. As some of you know, we lost our little Roxy. She came here on September 12, 2001 and was about six months old at the time, a rescue from a puppy-mill by the Ontario SPCA. She entered into our hearts and took part of it with her when she died in September. In November 2017, she was diagnosed with third-stage kidney disease. Yet, with two great veterinarians, one who specialized in holistic treatments, her kidneys barely deteriorated, but it took a lot of work and attention. In the end, it was a brain tumor to which we can look back and see the signs that were similar to dementia and coordination loss. Unless one has had a dog or a cat of course, one cannot understand that the sense of loss is profound. It is not like the loss of a child, the dog is not human. But it is the loss of one's greatest and most loyal companion who does not understand betrayal and only wants to love. Roxy rests in the garden under the watchful gaze of St. Francis of Assisi and a little Christmas tree.

May you be blest by the Christ Child, the Word Made Flesh, in this holy Christmastide and in the coming year. 

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Tuesday 25 December 2018

This day the Christ is born!

Hódie * Christus natus est: hódie Salvátor appáruit: hódie in terra canunt Angeli, lætántur Archangeli: hódie exsúltant justi, dicéntes: Glória in excélsis Deo, allelúja. 
This day the Christ is born this day the Saviour is appeared; * this day the Angels sing praise in the earth and the Archangels rejoice; this day the righteous are glad and say: Glory to God in the highest. Alleluia.