“I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over
the man.” 1 Timothy 2:12.

There were no woman deacons. There were "deaconesses." They were the wives of Deacons. There main role was to assist in charity particularly the assisting with the baptism of women by immersion to ensure modesty.
These minions say that Francis will not the "right moment" to act. Therefore, they have already told of us of his decision. We can presume he decided two years ago to approve "women deacons" and he struck this commission, not to seek the truth and facts, but to carry out his wishes and give him cover to do it. As for the timing, he will wait until the next abuse matter by his sodomite priests and bishops and his own filthy pervert cover-up in order to deflect.
Women as "deaconesses" had no liturgical role. They were never ordained. There is no ministry. If women wish to serve, they can be active sisters or contemplative nuns.
Those who proffer this bovine excrement are heretics. That includes everyone who participated in this sham and the Bishop of Rome that ordered it.
The Church is under a diabolical attack. It has taken over the hearts, minds and souls of most of its bishops and cardinals and priests. Most? Yes, most. If it were not, then they would rise up and opposed this error.
You and I as Catholics must remain faithful to Christ and His Church and the entire magisterial teaching. You and I must oppose these wicked people and their machinations.
My son informed me last night that he intends to marry in a non-denom 'church'. He has been raised Catholic and goes to Mass. He started marriage prep at a parish and got bogged down. So he, like all his cousin who bother to marry, are doing so outside of the Catholic Church. And I seem to be the only one to have a problem with it. It is a thorn in my heart! And as I look around at the imploding Church, I have to wonder who does believe in all the things the Church has taught? Not the pope, not those cardinal who lie shamelessly, not our feel good pastors (some with boyfriends)...who but those who attend a TLM accept these things? Where is the Church? Where? Where are the shepherds in the midst of our cesspool secular society? Where? Our children are falling away and who even cares about their souls. I do and m heart is broken. Yeah, bring on the deaconettes and the sodomites and the masons and the communists...but, Lord, where is your Church?
@ M. Prodigal
As long as he lives, there is a chance he will repent for this. I know I have. God bless you. I am sorry.
And why not women deaconesses. The conservatives and trads in the NO long ago compromised with the modernists over ecumenism and religious liberty. Eventually they will cave in on gay marriage. So is women deaconesses the final line in the sand that the conservatives and NO trads will hold. I doubt it very much. There will be much hand wringing, lamenting, and eye rolling, but the NO train has left the station and if you think that is the Catholic Church then you better get onboard.
The Church is not under demonic attack. The Church not only has willingly capitulated to Satan but serves as his ally. Read about the vision that motivated Leo XIII to compose his prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. The implications are frightening.
M. Prodigal - I will pray for you, your son and family. We can't rely on our wayward priests, so we must educate ourselves on the old Faith so that we can put our families back on the true and straight path. Here's a great place to start: Baltimore Catechism, Sunday School Teacher's Explanation, read it here for free:
Most people wanted priests who are like themselves, and God has obliged. Vatican 2 introduced the concept of "Religious Liberty" and we wonder why most don't believe that outside the Church there is no salvation, and that it doesn't matter what we believe as long as we're "spiritual". I used to be part of a parish committee with persons who are influential in the suburban NYC area. This was an eye opening experience for a naive person. At least 10 years ago they were trying to give women a greater role in the mass and sacramental functions, and now there will be women deacons. About 2 years ago the talk was to allow other religious organizations to use our church space for their services and to have a united "prayer ceremony" with priests...so in a few years (or sooner) there may be a new missal that allows for a co-celebration with buddhists, baptists, lutherans, hindus.
Lex Orandi, Lex Credenti, Lex Vivendi - how you pray affects what you believe which affects how you live...we need to go back to what worked in the past and still works in small traditional communities. Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to worship Him in Truth, because He is the Truth, the Way, and the Life. I have come to realize that the True Church is not with those who occupy the institution of Rome, it is with those who have retained the pureness of the Faith, Doctrine, and Tradition as was taught prior to V2. There are some priests out there that did not go along with V2 or the changes that were made to the Mass just prior to the council in the 1950's (in the 1950's the Holy Week masses were changed and this was a precursor for subsequent changes made at V2). By the Grace of God, I found an independent Chapel whose priests say the Latin Tridentine Mass of the 1945 missal (sorry to repeat but it should be made clear that the 1945 is not the same as the 1962 Traditional Latin Mass missal which is said in Diocesan churches, 1962 contains changes to Holy Week which was the precursor to the new mass of V2). If you've never been to a true Latin Tridentine Mass don't be discouraged, it will take a few visits before you get acclimated but it will be worth it.
We're on a slippery slope (to you know where), Tradition is the rock on which the Church must be restored and the Social Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ re-established.
A bit off topic, but an interesting observation. https://www.traditioninaction.org/bev/228bev01_16_2019.htm
"You and I must oppose these wicked people and their machinations". I hare you sentiments, but opposing is not the same thing as defeating and these monsters must be defeated. Does anyone have an actionable war plan for engaging and destroying these mobsters? Blogs, tweets, websites, and praying aren't going to be enough. Someone needs to come up with a plan and quickly.
M Prodigal, be Saint Monica. When our son was a boy he attended Catholic school and read scripture often. We somewhat anticipated he may have a vocation. Now I'm appreciative he did not discern one. In fact, after our pastor selected him for the Holy Thursday washing of the feet and told he and his teen fellow lectors "make sure you wash your g-d da-- feet", it wasn't long before my son went to the local Pentecostal church. He's jumped around in denominations since then, and frankly, he's a superb Christian husband, man, and father, but I'd be lying if I said my heart didn't hurt that he is not Catholic. I buy him a traditional Catholic calendar each year, and ask God to bring he and his lovely bride to the fullness of the faith. These men gave him no reason to stay. Catholicism has been neutered.
The church, as we knew it, is gone. These men no longer upset me nor break my heart, because I've accepted it's gone. We still attend the Latin Rite, and I expect at some point, it will be gone. No more Novus Ordo for us, we're done, convinced now that VII brought in the end, purposefully, and they've been wildly successful. Nope. This is not Catholicism, and those men are apostates and active homosexuals or both, not Catholics.
Stay faithful fellow pilgrims.
As shocking to me as anything is the silence of the Priests. I know a few good ones. Crickets. The total silence is incomprehensible to me.
Deaconess is passé. I want to see a Popessa. These traitors have no balls to be avantgarde.
We need a Pope. Not an anti-Christian or a mostly Catholic or a Freemason but a Catholic man elected by Catholics to be the Vicar of Christ on Earth. Everything else is just handwringing. So where are the Catholics to do this? If they exist, now would be the time to step up.
Kathleen, I share your sentiments. But in a world where the "church" has become unfaithful to Her own teachings, I have to ask, "stay faithful to what?"
Basically I feel guilty that I'm aiding and abetting by attending mass and being "faithful" in this current situation AND feel guilty if I DON'T!
Bravo BC!
It has been held by the Catholic Church that the vast majority of Catholics will leave the faith at the end of time, including those in Rome. There are many different opinions among theologians how this will happen, but all agree that it will happen. Cardinal Manning tells us, “Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church.”
“The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatize from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism.”
And the women deacons are only a stepping stone to women priests, Bishops and beyond.Pope Francis has been able to complete the Protestantization of the Catholic Church begun at Vatican II with little resistance. And why should most Catholics resist? They would think they would be accused of looking a gift-horse in the month. Unfortunate for them this is a gift-horse with an eternal bite.
Peter Lamb:
I found your post very interesting. Can you share a link to Cardinal Manning's writing on the topic to expand on what you shared here?
Dan, what Peter Lamb said here. There will always be a faithful remnant.
I like to think we're part of that remnant. It makes it possible to exist in such a time.
Dear Aqua,
The above is from Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 79, 88.
In 1861, Cardinal Henry Edward Manning had presented several lectures in which he predicted that the anti-christian persecution of the Church would begin with people becoming indifferent to truth in religious matters. His Eminence said verbatim:
"The first sign or mark of this coming persecution is an indifference to truth. Just as there is dead calm before a whirlwind, and as the waters over a great fall run like glass, so before an outbreak there is a time of tranquillity. The first sign is indifference. The sign that portends more surely than any other the outbreak of a future persecution is a sort of scornful indifference to truth or falsehood. Ancient Rome in its might and power adopted every false religion from all its conquered nations, and gave to each of them a temple within its walls. It was sovereignly and contemptuously indifferent to all the superstitions of the earth. It encouraged them; for each nation had its own proper superstition, and that proper superstition was a mode of tranquillising, of governing, and of maintaining in subjection, the people who were indulged by building a temple within its gates. In like manner we see the nations of the Christian world at this moment gradually adopting every form of religious contradiction — that is, giving it full scope, and, as it is called, perfect toleration; not recognising any distinctions of truth or falsehood between one religion or another, but leaving all forms of religion to work their own way."
(Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See Tested by Prophecy, Lecture IV [London: Burns & Lambert, 1861], pp. 69-70)
Dear Aqua,
Here is the link I was looking for. You can download his lectures, or buy the booklet. Scroll down to the bottom of the post. I wish everybody would read this post - especially Little Mark. :)
I highlighted this from Lecture 1.|
“This is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he cometh, and he is now already in the world.” 1 John 4:3…We must look, then for the beginnings of this revolt in the times of the Apostles. The spirit of Antichrist was at work as soon as Christ was manifested to the world. In one word, then, it describes the continuous working of the spirit of heresy, which from the beginning runs parallel to the Faith…It is evident that St Paul and St John applied these terms to the Nicolaitions, the Gnostics, and the like. The three notes of Antichrist – schism, heresy, and the denial of the Incarnation – were in them. It is equally applicable to the Sabellian, Arian, Semi-Arian, Monophysite, Monthelite, Eutychian, and Macedonion heresies. The principles are identical; the deveolpment various, but only accidental. And so, throughout these eighteen hundred years, every successive heresy has generated schism, and every schism has generated heresy; and all alike deny the Divine Voice of the Holy Ghost speaking continuously through the Church; and all alike substitue human opinion for Divine Faith; and all alike work out, by a sure process, some more rapidly, and some more slowly, a denial of the Incarnation of the Eternal Son. Some may start with it in the outset, others resolve themselves into it by a long and unforseen transmutation, as that of Protestantism into Rationalism; but all being identical in principle, are identical in their consequences. Every age has heresy, as every article of Faith by denial receives its definition; and the course of heresy is measured and periodical; various materially, but formally one, both in principle and action; so that all heresies from the beginning are no more than the continuous development and expansion of the “mystery of iniquity,” which was already at work.”
Yes, Francis is simply the completion of Vatican 2. To understand this crisis, one needs to understand that JP2 and B16 were temporary reactions to the V2 revolution. After Paul 6, the revolution train was slowed down but never reversed. Frankie is simply putting more coal in the boilers where his predecessors had their feet on the brake. This revolution does not stop as long as Catholics accept V2 as a valid council and accept modernists as valid popes and bishops. They are not Catholic.
@ Peter Lamb: Many thanks. Am getting to work.
Dan, boy I hear you! I am right where you are! Damned if you do support the institutional Church and damned if you don't!
Dan, read this carefully: You are not damned if you refuse to support an ecclesiastical institution that has become apostate and sold its soul to Satan! Too many Catholics have been brainwashed to believe that without the Church (aka, the ecclesiastical establishment), they cannot attain salvation. Bollocks! Christ Himself is the Resurrection and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father but by Him, not by a bunch of corrupt, Satan-worshipping clerics and prelates who have discarded their Petrine patrimony for wealth, power, prestige, secular influence, intellectual fashion and institutional arrogance.
If you are in Christ, then you are not guilty!! See Romans 8: 31-39. Don't let a bunch of theological tarts tell you otherwise!
@ Peter Lamb: That Lecture 1 Highlight from Cardinal Manning is very much going to help me keep my bearings. That parallels why I became Catholic in the first place, and it helps make sense of the inexplicable now, which has been demoralizing to me. Once I can make sense of the what and why, I am much better able to see what I'm doing.
Cardinal Manning is another convert, I note. I bought the "4 lectures" and a few other of his works. The look in his eyes in his photographs ... my goodness, the man was living in another world. Thanks again.
Dear Aqua, That is great!!! God bless. :)
The novus ordo V2 "church" is built on the twin pillars of homosexuality and feminism; the two mutually disordered sides of the same evil didrachma coin. The world hates God's plan of salvation and the complimentary roles of men and women in His plan. The V2 church loves the world and begs for its approval. Remember too that the prince of this world is Satan ( John 16:11 ) and Christ's kingdom is not of this world. (John 18:36) The repudiation of priestly celibacy and the ordination of women deacons by Bergoglio is the latest diabolical instance of the hierarchy seeking the approval of the world and the world reciprocates with its increasing hatred for the Divine will. "Leave me all of you who do evil for the Lord has heard the sound of my weeping." Psalm 6
If people (including the right-leaning members of the hierarchy) will sit back and swallow the semi-resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and his outrageous attempt to somehow "remain in the enclosure of Saint Peter" in its wake, then they will sit back and swallow anything. Yes; John Paul II taught with crystal clarity that the admission of women to any kind of Holy Orders is so impossible in the sight of Almighty God that, among Catholics, the topic is not even to be discussed. But he also taught that there is no such thing as a "pope emeritus," either.
Anyone willing to compromise the Faith by pretending that there is--which is just about everybody, these days, including the self-hallowed sedes who perverted their own respect for the papacy many decades ago--will be willing to go on pretending about nearly everything else, too.
So until people have the guts to confront the central challenge of our day, I don't want to hear it. If Bergoglio is the pope, you're going to have to grin and bear whatever he tries to bring about.
Thanks be to God, that he isn't.
Actually JP2 left some wiggle room with Ordinatio sacerdotalis. He could have been much clearer but he chose the modernist way of leaving just enough doubt as to its nature.
Dear Justina, How can an heretic be a Pope formaliter?
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