A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Canada is under Martial Law

Make no mistake, this is what Justin Trudeau has done by invoking the Emergencies Act. Implemented in 1985, it has never been used, not even after 9-11. It replaced the infamous War Measures Act used three times, both world wars and the Quebec FLQ terrorist actions which involved bombings, kidnappings and murder, invoked by his father, Pierre. Arguably justified given the circumstances at the time and the inability of the Quebec provincial government to act.

The declaration is a violation of the very law itself. It is for when all else fails when no law exists to deal with the crisis. Laws exist at the municipal and provincial levels to clear the protest in front of Parliament. I support it, but being objective, people have the right to protest, not trucks. Noise by-laws exist at the municipal level, regulations on outdoor fires, blocking roads. For various reasons, the City of Ottawa and its police chose not to enforce existing laws. Why? Why did they not block the trucks from neighbourhoods and parliament by redirecting them through road closures as happened in Toronto last weekend? Did they not know they were coming? Everyone else did. We stood on bridges, embankments and roadsides cheering them on. It was all over, everywhere, yet, Ottawa was caught off guard. The situation at the Ambassador Bridge was another matter, the bridge should never have bene blocked. That being said, it was cleared peacefully and with 46 arrests. The Court Order - Injunction, was sought by citizens of Windsor and the Auto Parts Manufacturers Association of Canada. It was clear, no blocking of roads and bridges, arrests would follow and the arrested would be released without charges if they pledged in writing to obey the Order, protest was reserved to public space not blocking the roads. The judge was reasonable in balancing the right to protest against the public good - free speech does not enable one to yell "fire," when there is not a fire, in a crowded theatre.

Justin Trudeau has not proven that this declaration is remotely necessary. He refused to even speak to those he declared as racists, misogynists and unacceptable. 

He is a despot and will be judged harshly by history as all of them are.

Friday, 11 February 2022

Nine years ago

Nine years ago this very hour I was dressing for work when the announcement came across the radio. It was devastating. I truly thought he was dying or had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and would be gone within the year. I loved him, I trusted him. He was like the grandfather I never knew. As long as I knew he was there, all would be well, or at least I thought. Since that time it has been a horror for the Church, for individual faithful Catholics. It has only become worse. 

When I look at him, I can't help but remember the joy I felt when he was elected. 

He is still, my Pope.

Our Hopes are with Pope Benedict XVI on this 9th Anniversary of his Declaratio | From Rome

Crackdown on Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Vaccine Mandates Protests, ...

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Edmonton Archbishop William Smith declares Canada's vaccine mandates as "Divine directives!"

The distorted minds of Canadian politicians and worse, the collective group of Canadian bishops continues. Late yesterday and one post below, we reported that the Bishops of Quebec have determined that they will not permit people into Mass without a vaccine passport. They are refusing to stand up to the diktats of the fascist Premier Legault. Now, we have the homily from Edmonton's Archbishop Richard Smith (rumoured to be on the terna for Toronto along with at least, Calgary bishop William McGrattan ) wherein he actually puts forward the proposition that the commands of the Prime Minister and the Premiers are "divine directives."

Smith's homily can be found at this link. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C - caedm

Source: Archbishop of Edmonton implies Freedom Convoy is guilty of violating ‘divine directives’ of Justin Trudeau - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Hell's gates are opened wide awaiting Quebec's Bishops as they bar the unvaccinated faithful from the Holy Mass

As if our dear Canada is not battered enough and the faithful left to the devices of tyrants in government the Bishops of Quebec have barred the faithful from Mass by acquiescing to the despotic Premier, Francis Legault. There is little one can write about this, the bishops have written their own condemnation. I do not pray for God's mercy upon them, I pray for His justice!

Letter from the bishops to the Catholics of Quebec (evequescatholiques-quebec.translate.goog)

Along with all believers, we, Catholic Bishops of Quebec, rejoice in the reopening of places of worship on February 7, 2022. We see in this a recognition, by public authorities, of the importance of religious gatherings and activities for a large number of citizens. It will thus be possible for the communities to gradually resume their activities and thus provide support and comfort to a large number of people.

The resumption of our activities is an opportunity to recall the duty of the State to respect, promote and protect religious freedom. The Declaration on Religious Freedom made during the Second Vatican Council is very clear on this subject and we endorse this conviction:

It is an essential duty for all civil power to protect and promote the inviolable rights of man. The civil power must therefore, by just laws and other appropriate means, effectively assume the protection of the religious freedom of all citizens and ensure favorable conditions for the development of religious life so that citizens are able to exercise their rights and to fulfill their religious duties, and that society itself may enjoy the goods of justice and peace flowing from the fidelity of men to God and his holy will. [1]

The reopening of our churches is the result of the many efforts of the members of the Table interreligious de concertation du Québec, with whom we are in solidarity and with whom we have coordinated our efforts to insistently ask the government to reopen places of worship as soon as possible. . We have also insisted that people attending our assemblies be exempted from the requirement of the vaccination passport, aware of the negative effects of its imposition on our communities.

We recognize that many believers believe that this requirement constitutes intolerable discrimination that deprives unvaccinated people of their right to religious freedom. This exclusion appears to them to be incompatible with the very essence of a welcoming community of believers, compassionate and open to diversity, with which we fully agree.

However, in this exceptional time of pandemic, Catholics have a duty to join their efforts with those of all members of society to ensure the safety and health of all. And this, even if certain measures affect for a time the exercise of certain freedoms.

The Declaration on Religious Freedom [2] challenges us on this subject. At number 2 of this text, we can read:

This Vatican Council declares that the human person has the right to religious freedom. This freedom consists in the fact that all men must be exempt from all constraint on the part of individuals as well as of social groups and of any human power whatsoever, so that in religious matters no one is forced to act against his conscience nor prevented from acting, within just limits, according to his conscience, in private or in public, alone or in association with others.

The declaration therefore recognizes that "just limits" can be imposed on religious freedom in certain circumstances. Moreover, the Council Fathers also consider it necessary to underline in number 7 of the same declaration that this freedom is not absolute: it comes with a responsibility with regard to the common good.

In the use of all freedom must be observed the moral principle of personal and social responsibility: the moral law obliges every man and social group to take into account, in the exercise of their rights, the rights of others, their duties towards others and for the common good of all. With regard to all, we must act with justice and humanity. [3]

Thus, for members of the Catholic community, the expression of religious freedom is not centered solely on individual rights and needs, but also on concern for the health of others. This freedom may exceptionally be subject to temporary restrictions for the common good.

The same is true for freedom of conscience. Indeed, conscience does not operate in a vacuum: it is formed in dialogue with different sources of moral wisdom and its decisions must be oriented towards others, in solidarity with others. As Pope Francis reminded us in an address to members of the Catholic media on January 28, 2022, “  we do not come out of a crisis alone  ” [4] . To do this, we must work together, together for others, especially those who are in need, and together in the service of the truth, which means seeking that which promotes communion and the good of all.

As humanity faces the risks posed by the pandemic to our societies, Catholics recognize that the government not only has the right, but above all the duty to intervene to ensure the health and safety of all. It is the duty of the State, even if the decisions taken are imperfect and questionable, made at the cost of scientific and political compromises.

While exercising healthy vigilance as well as our democratic duty to discuss and question certain decisions, we are challenged by the apostle Paul, who reminds us to never stop supporting our rulers with our prayers:

I encourage, above all, to make requests, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving for all men, for heads of state and all those who exercise authority, so that we can lead our lives in peace and quiet, in all godliness and dignity. (First Epistle to Timothy 2,1-2)

This is why it seems reasonable to us, in the circumstances, to agree to certain compromises to contribute to the safety and health of all. For a time, we accept that the vaccination passport is required to access a place of worship, even if this measure upsets us deeply. However, we remain in contact with government authorities to remind them that this requirement goes against our beliefs and to ensure that it will be lifted as soon as it is safe to do so.

That said, we would like to affirm the concern of all the pastors of our Church to seek by all means to accompany and offer support to all those who for a time will not have access to our churches. Whether through individual meetings, through the broadcasting of celebrations, through outdoor celebrations or by any other safe means, we want all baptized persons to be welcomed and accompanied.

In these exceptionally difficult times for everyone, we join our prayer to that of Pope Francis: "  I ask God, concludes the Holy Father, that each of us may bring his little grain of sand, his little gesture of love .  [5] In no way do the constraints we encounter prevent us from loving our neighbour, from helping him, from offering him our friendship.

May the Peace of the Lord and his grace be with you!

The members of the Executive of our Assembly,

+ Christian Rodembourg, MSA
Bishop of Saint-Hyacinthe
President of the Assembly

+ Paul-André Durocher
Archbishop of Gatineau
Vice-President of the Assembly

+ Gerald C. Card. Lacroix
Archbishop of Quebec

+ Christian Lépine
Archbishop of Montreal

+ Luc Cyr
Archbishop of Sherbrooke

February 3, 2022

Information : Msgr. Pierre Murray, CSS, Secretary General
Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops
Telephone: 514-914-0553
Email: pmurray@evequescatholiques.quebec | www.evequescatholiques.quebec

[1] Declaration on Religious Freedom — Dignitatis Humanae of December 7, 1965. https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651207_dignitatis-humanae_en.html , number 6, accessed January 28, 2022 .

[2] Ibid. number 2.

[3] Ibid. number 7.

[4] Address by Pope Francis in English on January 28, 2022. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/speeches/2022/january/documents/20220128-mediacattolici.html , accessed February 2, 2022. Unofficial translation.

[5] https://www.vaticannews.va/fr/pape/news/2021-08/pape-francois-message-video-vaccination.html , accessed February 2, 2022.

A sad but true Canadian woman story - "All of you who supported these lockdowns have blood on your hands. Blood!"

The untold stories.

Ma'am, you have told it well.

God bless you and pass the tissue.

“We need the mandates, to avoid more restrictions” - Justin Trudeau

Canada's village idot.


Canadians march on Parliament with Jerry Cans!


If anyone asks, it's a purse!


Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Vox Cantoris makes Tucker Carlson from TorontoTruckiStan

One of the two.

Five-minute mark.

Saturday, February 5, 2022, Toronto.

If it does not load, try here:


Ottawa Police Service "whistleblowers" planning a major assault on the trucker convey and freedom fighters - communication blackout and kittling coming

Canada's Tiananmen Square.







Sunday, 6 February 2022

Dr. Roger Hodkinson. Jan 31, Freedom Convoy 2022

Ottawa Mayor and Chief of Police declare "unlawful" a peaceful assemby and declare a State of Emergency.

My friends, The Mayor of Ottawa has announced a "State of Emergency" in Ottawa. Under legal statutes, this allows him to take draconian actions. Yesterday, I attended the Toronto protest with my wife. It was peaceful, enthusiastic and patriotic. The media in Canada is lying about racists and so on. We met a retired lawyer outside of police headquarters as we stopped to admire the horses. He indicated that he regretted his jab and only took it due to travel needs. He indicated that it was the actions of the police chief as shown below that made him decide to come out to the protest. That is how this is one. One person at a time saying, "this far and not further." 
I fear that this will be a dark week for Canada. I expect that the tyrant Trudeau and those surrounding him will create a false flag and bring violence to the scene. In fact, I have no doubt.

Sadly, many Canadians will support draconian action. 

We must all rise up around the world. What you will see this week will shock you. Canada is in gave crisis.

God, keep our land glorious and free. 


Thursday, 3 February 2022

We must all withstand and defy Bergoglio on Traditionis Custodes and all that flows from it!

"The highest power on earth is attacking the greatest good on earth."

The actions of Bergoglio from the very beginning of his "pontificate" have been disturbing to the souls and minds of faithful Catholics. There is so much to list but nothing is worse than his attempt to eliminate the traditional liturgy of the Church. Bergoglio can only be perfectly possessed. No holy pope would ever do this. He is a liar when he speaks of peripheries and reaches out. He cares not of me or my family in this regard. If he did, he would not have done this. 

The pain that this man has caused to us at a time in which the world has gone mad can only be described as demonic. 

The Remnant Newspaper - “The Carnage Has Begun”: British Priest Rebukes Pope, Calls on Bishops to Openly Resist Suppression of Latin Mass