A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Washington Post publishes a screed calling upon Francis to rid the Church of Cardinal Burke and other "enablers of neo-facisim"

Image result for cardinal burke

A disgusting anti-Catholic and Marxist screed.

I highly doubt that this arrogant, so-called, journalist, would write such a critical piece on Islam. 

What is happening here is a realization that Francis is in jeopardy, a jeopardy of his own making. There is going to be a massive schism and it will be caused by Francis. This article is a plant and part of a wider plan to defend Bergoglio from the outcry of faithful Catholics.

This woman is using Alinsky tactics to target and assassinate Cardinal Burke, if she could do so literally, I have no doubt that she would. The evil that flows from the keyboard of this Symons and the recent piece in the New York Times is so obvious to see. 

They will all come crashing down and will fall like snowflakes in to Hell.

May Our Blessed LORD continue to guide Cardinal Burke and may St. Michael protect him from these enemies. Amen.


Image result for Emma-Kate SymonsEmma-Kate Symons is a Washington-based journalist and former Paris correspondent. Her work has been published in Foreign Policy, Women in the World in association with the New York Times, Quartz, the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal and the Australian Financial Review.

Pope Francis needs to take tougher action against the United States’ most influential Catholic in Rome, Cardinal Raymond “Breitbart” Burke. The renegade cleric is not only undermining Francis’s reformist, compassionate papacy, and gospel teaching as it applies to refugees and Muslims, but the rebel prince of the church is also using his position within the walls of the Vatican to legitimize extremist forces that want to bring down Western liberal democracy, Stephen K. Bannon-style. Simply put, the Vatican is facing a political war between the modernizing Pope Francis and a conservative wing that wants to reassert white Christian dominance.

Burke was reduced to a ceremonial patron role at the Knights of Malta after a power struggle at the ancient chivalric order, won by the pope last month, following a spat over its humanitarian wing’s alleged distribution of condoms. Losing the leadership battle and prestige at the secretive society headquartered in Rome — Francis is appointing his own special delegate above Burke — was seen as a papal rap on the knuckles for the cardinal leading the charge against Francis’s writings on communion for divorcees.  But the virulently anti-Islam (“capitulating to Islam would be the death of Christianity”), migrant-phobic,  Donald Trump-defending, Vladimir Putin-excusing Burke is unrepentant and even defiant, continuing to preside over a far-right, neo-fascist-normalizing cheer squad out of the Holy See.

This Vatican operation, called Dignitatis Humanae, or the Institute for Human Dignity, whose advisory board includes two of the four cardinals openly challenging Francis on marriage and sexuality, is slavishly promoting Burke’s favorite American white Catholic nationalist, Bannon, with star billing on its home page. The institute’s top office-bearers, Burke and his henchman, the media-savvy Breitbart contributor Benjamin Harnwell, are also encouraging Benito Mussolini fan Matteo Salvini, of Italy’s Northern League, and Muslim-baiting far-right Catholic poster girl Marion Le Pen, the National Front “rising star” niece of party leader Marine Le Pen in France.

As the Italian press first revealed, Burke held a long meeting last week at his Vatican home with Salvini, a fierce critic of the pope who wants to push refugees back into the sea and close all mosques in Italy. It was a flagrant political intervention on the side of the extreme-right racist grouping ahead of the Italian elections. Mysterious posters also appeared around the Vatican decrying a sinister-looking pope’s “decapitation” of the Malta Knights order.

The situation facing the Catholic Church raises alarming parallels with the ideological warfare that split the Vatican in the 1930s when ethnic nationalism was sweeping Europe under Mussolini and Hitler and when fascist forces infiltrated the highest echelons of the church. In 1937, Pope Pius XI published an encyclical in German denouncing the Nazi regime and its racism. The diatribe infuriated Hitler, but the focus was more on Nazi persecution of Catholics than laws targeting Jews.

In Italy, the Vatican had long made accommodations with Mussolini for its own geopolitical gains, and Pius XI failed to quell widespread institutional anti-Semitism in the church before it was too late. When Mussolini decreed in 1938 that Italian Jews were to suffer a legal fate similar to those in Germany, Pius XI tried to prepare a fresh encyclical deploring anti-Semitism and racism, as revealed in historian David Kertzer’s book “The Pope and Mussolini,” he was double-crossed by pro-fascist forces in the Vatican working in tandem with Il Duce. Senior figures in the French Catholic Church also collaborated with fascism in France, where the Vichy regime aided the Nazis in deporting about 80,000 Jews to the death camps.

 The lesson of history has not been lost on Francis. After President Trump’s inauguration, he warned that rising populism could produce a new Hitler. But now, as Europe faces historic elections that could bring extreme-right nationalists back into power across the continent for the first time since World War II, he must act. The bellicose anti-Islam invective being marshaled by figures such as Burke shares much in common with the vicious anti-Semitism many Catholic clerics adhered to in the 1930s, when they saw Jews as a danger to the Christian West whose rights must be restricted.

Burke, like Bannon, who says Islam is “the most radical” religion in the world, makes no distinction in his clash-of-civilizations frenzy between the Muslim faith’s diverse currents and interpretations, and violent jihadist movements derived mostly from Saudi-style Salafism. Unsurprisingly, Burke says he is “very satisfied” with Russian autocrat Putin’s “defense of life and family” and believes he may have “converted” since his KGB days. Yet, just as godless Communism posed an existential threat in the past, the Catholic Church has nothing to gain and everything to lose from cozying up to far-right extremists from the United States to Europe. They distort Christianity into an exclusionary ideology in defense of nation and race, and unite a new support base of Muslim-haters with historically anti-Semitic movements such as the National Front that are anything but Christian, and often neo-pagan.

The options open to the pope in dealing with Burke are limited. Excommunication isn’t in the cards; Burke is not a heretic denying the Catholic faith. Nor is Burke refusing to submit to the pontiff like French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who was cast out by John Paul II after his ultra-conservative Society of Saint Pius X ordained its own bishops rather than take directions from the Vatican.

However, Francis, who has full authority over his cardinals, could fully remove Burke from his remaining sinecure with Knights of Malta, call him in for a pastoral correction on the issue of his unacceptable political interventions, investigate Dignitatis Humanae with a view to shutting it down for its subversive politicking, and send the rebel cardinal back home to the United States. As Burke tries to run an insurgency and rebukes the pope for his doctrinal “ambiguities,” with the backing of thousands of priests, Francis could seize the agenda. In time-honored papal tradition, he could write an encyclical on the burning questions of populism and nationalism, with specific reference to migrants, Muslims and Jews, so priests including Burke know they are in breach of church teaching when they try to act as power brokers for the international extreme right.

The stakes could hardly be higher, especially as the pope seems on a collision course with a Trump-Bannon White House that has imposed a form of a Muslim ban and disparaged him during the election campaign for daring to suggest that building a wall on the United States’ southern border was un-Christian. If the pope doesn’t put the reactionary elements such as Burke and his cronies back in their place, they could force a real schism during his papacy and leave the church open to justifiable accusations it failed to stand up to enablers of extremism and neo-fascism within its ranks.

Vatican official close to Pope’s inner circle shares explosive information

Our good friends at LifeSiteNews put out this article again on Twitter, overnight.

Perhaps, the time has come to disclose the identity.


Plane conversation
I boarded the plane and took my seat. An older, rather heavy-set Italian who looked like he’d eaten his fair share of pasta sat down next to me. We exchanged greetings, and he introduced himself as an official of the former Pontifical Council for the Family, headed by Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia.
The official seemed to feel quite free to speak, and was keen to express that he knew Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops. There were a couple of moments during our conversation when he admitted he had spoken at length to Cardinal Baldisseri, but he could not reveal the contents of their conversation.
Our conversation quickly turned to the upcoming Synod. I simply asked questions and was sincerely listening and interested in his viewpoint. Also on this account, I think he felt free to speak. The beginning of our conversation focused a lot on the Kasper proposal,* and I was trying to understand the logic behind it.
Question: [After asking repeatedly about how someone can enter a second union when the first marriage is sacramental and valid] I don’t understand. If the first marriage was sacramental and valid, how can someone be admitted to Communion if they are in a second civil union? What about the indissolubility of marriage?
Response: What do you do when the indissolubility is dead, when there’s no more feeling?
[“Come si fa quando l’indissolubilta è morta, quando non c’è piu sentimento?]
I thought to myself: This is the last thing a priest should say to a newly married couple who is experiencing difficulty.
After some back and forth, I asked:
Question: But what about Pope John Paul II’s Familiaris Consortio, 84?**
Response: How can we accept [“ammettere”] it? It was written 30 years ago …
Question: But what about where Pope John Paul II says, in FC 84, that according to the Sacred Scripture and Tradition, someone who’s first marriage is valid and who is in a second union can’t be admitted to Holy Communion unless they live as brother and sister.
Response: We can’t expect a man and woman who are sleeping in the same bed to live as brother and sister.
Our conversation turned to some of the people the Pope had appointed to the Synod.
Question: The Pope chose Cardinal Kasper to attend the Synod. Do you think this means the Pope agrees with Kasper?
Response: [Notable Pause] … Yes
Question: What do you think of Kasper?
Response: “He’s the most intelligent man in the room.”
Question: And Cardinal Burke? …
Response: [Quickly he said] He’s not coming. He doesn’t count for anything; he’s too Lefebvrist.  [“Non conta per niente; è troppo Lefebvrista”]
Question: But I imagine there will be a lot of opposition from some of the bishops and cardinals at the Synod, especially from Africa, America, Poland. What will Pope Francis do?
Response: “He will listen, and then he’ll do what he wants.”
Question: But what about Pope Benedict? I don’t imagine he would agree.
Response: He’s a theologian, but he’s got no pastoral experience.
Question: And the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith?
Response: [With what seemed a disparaging tone] They think they are the guardians of the faith! The Pope is the guardian of the faith.
Question: I heard that the Pope appointed Cardinal Danneels*** to attend the Synod …
Response: Ah, what a good man … he is refined … [“è raffinato”]

Our conversation eventually turned to other more benign topics, then ended until we arrived in Rome. When we landed, he gave me his name and telephone number.

"What a good man," eh? that Cardinal Danneels, a protector of a homosexual priest rapist.

What a perverted mind in this corpulent cleric who spoke so imprudently but revealed so much.

Look at these two. Plotting. Conniving. Would Christ do this?

Image result for danneels kasper pope

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

We are in the presence of a creeping schism

Image result for nicola buxQuestion - The Remnant: hat do you think the ultimate consequences of this situation could be, if it is not resolved?

Answer - Msgr. Nicola Bux: It has been said by far more authoritative clergy that we are in the presence of a creeping schism: a non-Catholic thought has entered the Catholic Church, a thought which considers the Mass only as a banquet rather than primarily as a sacrifice, marriage as a human act and not as an indissoluble sacrament, talking of sin and grace as by now outdated, a thought preaching morals of mercy irrespective of conversion and penance, and so on. Isn’t it a way to liquidate the Church? The work of the Church in the world is the victory over evil and death; We must fear not primarily those who kill the body, but those who damn the souls to eternal punishment.

Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas, you need to concern yourself more with the errors of your priest brothers in the Novus Ordo!

Image result for Rev. Peter M.J. StravinskasI am sure you have seen this.


I was going to write an essay but I can't add anything any better than these erudite responses, other than, I would support a fixed Advent proper as in Lent.






Father Hunwicke called Stavinskas' work "immensely silly." He was being far too charibable.

I would call it an immensely stupid, untimely, arrogant and ridiculous screed!

Get your tinkering, modernist, uneducated, liturgically incompetent silly little brain off the the Holy Mass and concentrate on saving your souls and your flocks!

Have I said it plainly enough Father Stravinskas?

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Bergoglio uses secularist terminology "interruption of pregnancy" condemned by St. John Paul II

Not good enough for Pope Francis, eh? 

Bergoglio's sycophantic Spadaro floats the WomynPriest trial-balloon

Image result for women priests
The magazine published by Bergoglio's sycophant Antonio Spadaro a fellow Jesuit and intimate of the Bishop of Rome has floated a trial-balloon on the ordination of women.

Is there one, just one Cardinal who will confront this man directly to his face?

Do they have no fear of Hell?

From Sandro Magister:


 by Giancarlo Pani, S.J.
[…] On Pentecost of 1994, Pope John Paul II summarized, in the apostolic letter “Ordinatio Sacerdotalis,” the outcome of a series of previous magisterial statements (including “Inter Insigniores”), concluding that Jesus has chosen only men for the priestly ministry. Therefore “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women. This judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful.”
The statement was a clear word for those who maintained that the refusal of priestly ordination for women could be discussed. Nonetheless, […] some time later, following the problems raised not so much by the doctrine as by the force with which it was presented, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was presented with a question: can “ordinatio sacerdotalis” be “considered as belonging to the deposit of the faith?” The answer was “affirmative,” and the doctrine was described as “infallibiliter proposita,” meaning that “it must be held always, everywhere, and by all the faithful.”
Difficulties with the answer’s reception have created “tensions” in relations between magisterium and theology over the connected problems. These are pertinent to the fundamental theology on infallibility. It is the first time in history that the congregation explicitly appealed to the constitution “Lumen Gentium” no. 25, which proclaims the infallibility of a doctrine that is taught as definitively binding by the bishops dispersed throughout the world but in communion among themselves and with the successor of Peter.
Moreover, the question touches upon the theology of the sacraments, because it concerns the subject of the sacrament of Orders, which traditionally is indeed man, but this does not take into account the developments that the presence of woman in the family and in society has undergone in the 21st century. This is a matter of ecclesial dignity, responsibility, and participation.
The historical fact of the exclusion of woman from the priesthood because of the “impedimentum sexus” is undeniable. Nevertheless, already in 1948, and therefore well ahead of the disputes of the 1960’s, Fr. Congar pointed out that “the absence of a fact is not a decisive criterion for concluding prudently in every case that the Church cannot do it and will never do it.”
Moreover, another theologian adds, the “consensus fidelium” of many centuries has been called into question in the 20th century above all on account of the profound sociocultural changes concerning woman. It would not make sense to maintain that the Church must change only because the times have changed, but it remains true that a doctrine proposed by the Church needs to be understood by the believing intelligence. The dispute over women priests could be set in parallel with other moments of Church history; in any case, today in the question of female priesthood the “auctoritates,” or official positions of the magisterium, are clear, but many Catholics have a hard time understanding the “rationes” of decisions that, more than expressions of authority, appear to signify authoritarianism. Today there is unease among those who fail to understand how the exclusion of woman from the Church’s ministry can coexist with the affirmation and appreciation of her equal dignity.” […]
In the judgment of “La Civiltà Cattolica,” therefore, not only should the infallibility and definitiveness of John Paul II’s “no” to women priests be brought into doubt, but more important than this “no” are the “developments that the presence of woman in the family and society has undergone in the 21st century.”
These developments - the reasoning of the magazine continues - now render incomprehensible the “rationes” for prohibitions “that, more than expressions of authority, appear to signify authoritarianism.”
“One cannot always resort to the past, as if only in the past are there indications of the Spirit. Today as well the Spirit is guiding the Church and suggesting the courageous assumption of new perspectives.”
And Francis is the first “not to limit himself to what is already known, but wants to delve into a complex and relevant field, so that it may be the Spirit who guides the Church,” concludes “La Civiltà Cattolica,” evidently with the pope’s imprimatur.
(English translation by Matthew Sherry, Ballwin, Missouri, U.S.A.)

Has Cardinal Kasper just declared Pope Francis, a heretic?

Image result for pope francis kasper marx

From Edward Pentin:

Meanwhile, Cardinal Walter Kasper, a close confidant of the Holy Father, has said he believes allowing intercommunion with Protestants in cases such as a mixed marriage is “the position of the current Pope.” 
In comments made to Italian television, the cardinal said of Holy Communion: “In certain cases, I think yes, if they share the same faith in the Eucharist, this is presupposed, and if they are interiorly disposed, they can refer to their conscience to go to Communion, and this, I think, is also the position of the current Pope.”
If there is a “couple or a family, you cannot divide them in front of the altar,” Cardinal Kasper said.

Here can be no "intercommunion with Protestants." They don't believe. If an individual protestant does, than let him become Catholic.

These "couples" have divided themselves, it is not the Church that divides them.

Where has the legitimate process of annulment gone? This is about those who are in valid marriages. Kasper, Marx, Bergoglio, these are deceitful men who now, thanks to Kasper and the effeminate twins in Malta, have disclosed it all for us to see.

Let Bergoglio deny it.

Monday, 6 February 2017

You rigid and safe Catholic, you are not "free!!

Once again, the Bishop or Rome has manipulated the burdensome Pharisaical laws with the true Commandments of God and the effort of Catholics to remain faithful to His divine and just Law. Speaking in a homily at the Vatican City Motel, the Bishop of Rome stated:

Pope Francis at Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta, on Feb 6, 2017
“When Jesus says: ‘The Father is always at work: I, too, am always at work,’ the teachers of the law were scandalized and wanted to kill him for this. Why? Because they could not receive the things of God as a gift! Only as Justice: ‘These are the Commandments: but they are few, let’s make more. And instead of opening their heart to the gift, they hid, have sought refuge in the rigidity of the Commandments, which they had multiplied up to 500 or more ... They did not know how to receive the gift – and the gift is only received with freedom – and these rigid characters were afraid of the freedom that God gives us: they were afraid of love.”
“How do I receive the redemption, the forgiveness that God has given me, the making of me a son with His Son? Lovingly, tenderly, with freedom? Or do I hide in the rigidity of the closed Commandments, that are more and more “safe” – with emphasis on the scare-quotes – but that do not give joy, because they does not make you free. Each of us ought to ask himself wonder how he is experiencing these two wonders: the wonder of creation and even greater wonder of re-creation. May the Lord make us understand this great thing and make us understand what He was doing before creating the world: He was loving. Let us understand His love for us, and may we say – as we said today: ‘Lord, you are great! Thank you, thank you!’ Let us go forward like this.

The beloved Apostle of the Lord, St John the Evangelist, recorded the words of Jesus in his Gospel, at chapter 8: 28-32

"Jesus therefore said to them: When you shall have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know, that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself, but as the Father hath taught me, these things I speak: And he that sent me, is with me, and he hath not left me alone: for I do always the things that please himWhen he spoke these things, many believed in him. Then Jesus said to those Jews, who believed him: If you continue in my word, you shall be my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

To be a disciple of Jesus means to "continue in (His) word. This would mean that as a disciple we would love Him and as he said, "If you love me, keep my Commandments."

We have made no “new” laws, no “new” commandments. We follow those of God, to love him and one like unto it, "our neighbour as ourselves." Within those two commands are all the others. The Bishop of Rome is manipulating the reality here to make his heresy that those who are unrepentant adulterers are not in grievous sin that is mortal and may receive the Sacraments.

Day by day, this Bergoglio reveals more of the corrupted thinking that has infected his faith and what he expects you to follow to infect yours. 

Frankly, he is a coward. He does not have the courage to come right out and state it, instead, he plays with words and has others, such as those in Buenos Aires, Germany and Malta and a few derelict bishop in America to do his bidding. He is having these malefactors set it up and then he is able to stay just above it, not committing a formal heresy, not proclaiming a false doctrine.  He is a coward because he knows, if he was to say outright what he thinks, he would be declared a formal heretic.

No, the Pope is wrong and he must be called out.



Sunday, 5 February 2017

Jorge goes ga-ga and whores out the papal office!

Which idiot working in the Vatican thought this was a good idea?

Was it Greg Burke?

Antonio Spadaro, S.J.?

Was it Jorge himself?

Nothing like whoring out the papal office, eh, Jorge?
"Great sporting events like today's Super Bowl are highly symbolic, showing that it is possible to build a culture of encounter and a world of peace. By participating in sport, we are able to go beyond our own self-interest - and in a healthy way, we learn to sacrifice - to grow in fidelity and respect the rules. May this year's Super Bowl be a sign of peace, friendship and solidarity to the world. Thank you."
Wait, did I read that correctly, "respect for rules?"

So, Jorge, the NFL players are applauded for respecting the "rules" but you call Catholics "rigid" and other names for respecting the commandments of Christ?

Did anyone tell Jorge who the entertainment is during the half-time?

Image result for lady ga ga anti catholic

And I am to show respect to you and your office when you show nothing but disdain for it?

Oh well, no whore-eh, like an old whore-eh"

Next time George, consider who you appear with.

Whoa whoa I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Whoa whoa I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Juda-as! Juda-ah-as! Judas! Juda-ah-as
Image result for lady gaga judas lyricsJuda-as! Juda-ah-as! Judas! Ga-ah ga-ah
Juda-as! Juda-ah-as! Judas! Juda-ah-as
Juda-as! Juda-ah-as! Judas! Ga-ah ga-ah
When he calls to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me
Ah oh I'll bring him down, bring him down, down
Ah oh a king with no crown, king with no crown
I'm just a holy fool,
Oh baby it's so cruel but
I'm still in love with Judas baby
I'm just a Holy Fool, oh baby it's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas baby
Whoa whoa I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Whoa whoa I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

They have sown weeds

Image result for wheat and tares

Today, according to the most proper and meet Roman Calendar it is the Fifth Sunday after Epiphany. The gospel today is the "wheat and tares," from the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, according to Saint Matthew, beginning at chapter 13: 24-30.

At that time, Jesus spake this parable unto the crowds, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:  but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.  But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.  So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?  He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?  But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.  Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

From the very codification of the Mass itself by St. Gregory the Great, Pope from 590-604, until Annibale Bugnini and Giovanni Montini in 1969, this is the Gospel that you would have heard on this Sunday, (unless transferred to November due to the movable date of Easter). Who were these men to deny you what the Church has always read and prayed on this day?

Who were these men to deny the priests and religious and lay faithful who pray the Office the following? From the very foundation of the monastic life and the compilation of the venerable and proper Office of Matins; for over one thousand years, - one thousand years on this day, the readings reflecting on the Gospel above were chosen from St. Augustine of Hippo. Again, Bugnini and Montini knew better than those who prayed more than a millennium of Catholic prayer since the early Benedictine offices most likely structured by St. Benedict of Norcia. 

Perhaps if our Shepherds today, including the Bishop of Rome, read this today, they would be struck with fear of death and judgement, or perhaps not.

In this parable the Lord hath reference to the time when the Shepherds of the Church should begin to wax careless, (or, it may be, to the time when the Apostles should fall asleep in the sleep of death,) at which time, the devil would come and sow that which the Lord calleth a seed of evil-doers.  Now, is this seed of evil-doers a reference to hereticks or to Catholics of bad lives?  It certainly is not unjust to call the hereticks a seed of evil-doers, seeing that they have sprung up from the seed of the Gospel, and have been begotten in the Name of Christ, and afterwards have turned into crooked ways and lying doctrines. 
But since it is written that this seed was sown in the midst of the wheat, we ought perhaps to understand thereby a reference to such as are of one Communion with the righteous.  However, inasmuch as the Lord saith: The field is the world: and doth not thereby directly speak of the Church, we may with good reason understand the seed of evil-doers to be the hereticks, since in this world they are mingled together with the good, not in one common Communion, but only under one common name of Christian.  And Catholics of bad lives, which nevertheless are of one Faith with the good seed, and yet are themselves worthless, may more fitly be likened to straw than to tares, since the straw springeth from one soil and one root with the good grain-bearing ear of corn. 
However, as touching the net cast into the sea, and enclosing a great multitude of fishes, both bad and good, we may well understand that by the bad are meant Catholics of bad lives.  For the sea is one thing whereby we may understand to be signified the world; and the net another, which seemeth to signify our Faith, or the Communion of one Church.  Between hereticks and sinful Catholics there is this difference: hereticks believe a lie: sinful Catholics believe the truth, but live not what they believe.

The importance cannot be stressed enough. Leave the Novus Ordo Missae and get thyself to the Mass of the Ages, Diocesan, FSSP, ICK and if no other choice, the SSPX. Pray the Office according to the proper form, http://divinumofficium.com/ or http://www.breviary.mobi/ and leave the decapitated and debased Liturgy of the Hours behind. Strengthen yourself and your family for what is coming.

If you must stay within the Novus Ordo, then go to the quietest Mass you can find, early on a Sunday morning with no music and no shenanigans. Pray it with the Roman Missal of 1962 or earlier, receive the Blessed Sacrament only on the tongue and kneeling if you can. 

The time has come to grow strong against the weeds.

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Bergoglio's Porn producing German Masters implement his heresy

Six German Bishops Condemn Controversial Working Document

Jorge Bergoglio's Amoris Laetitia's most heretical interpretation has now been implemented in Germany. 

Holy Communion will now be provided to those Catholics living in adulterous civil marriages. Can the sanction of sodomite, so-called "marriage" and the sacraments be far into the future? After all, isn't it now discrimination? 

Let us face the facts, the Pope's actions in Amoris Laetitia are heretical; they are sacrilegious, sinful and blasphemous. 

The great majority of bishops and cardinals in the Church are faithless and despicable cowards for not confronting the Bishop of Rome.

The world is burning from a lack of faith and from terror. Pornography, abortion, sexual perversion, murder, greed, terror, human trafficking, drug abuse - all of these are the fault of the Pope and his episcopacy. Why? Because a Catholic Church that does not preach the Truth and proclaim Christ will allow the darkness of the world to rise against It and us. 

Rather than preach the Truth, Bergoglio and his henchmen have codified a lie. 

From the Catholic Herald.

Council of German bishops endorses Communion for the remarried
The group did not include Cardinal Gerhard Müller, who has said the practice is against God's law
The permanent council of the German bishops’ conference has endorsed Communion for the remarried, in the same week as the Vatican’s doctrinal chief said the practice was against divine law.
In a new statement agreed by the council, which numbers 27 out of the 66 German bishops, they say that the remarried can receive Communion without resolving to live “as brother and sister”. They say this is possible through “Differentiated solutions which are appropriate to the individual case”. An accompanying statement says the solution will be found through “a decision-making process, accompanied by a priest”.
The permanent council does not include the Vatican’s doctrinal chief, Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who in a recent interview said that the practice was against divine law.
In Familiaris Consortio (1981), St John Paul II said the remarried could only receive Communion if they tried to live “in complete continence”. The same doctrine has been taught by Benedict XVI, reaffirming centuries of Church teaching.
The cardinal said that the teaching reaffirmed by St John Paul II in Familiaris Consortio was not just one pope’s teaching, but something which could not be changed by any bishop, pope, or even an angel.
He added that some bishops were diverging from Catholic doctrine, and so risked becoming “the blind leading the blind”.
The permanent council of German bishops proposed Communion for the remarried in 2014, saying that it was “ a test of the Church’s credibility”. Several German bishops distanced themselves from the 2014 statement.
At the subsequent Synod on the Family, bishops did not approve the proposal. But since the Pope’s document Amoris Laetitia, some bishops have suggested Communion for the remarried is now possible.
In his recent interview, Cardinal Müller said: “Amoris Laetitia must clearly be interpreted in the light of the whole doctrine of the Church,” adding: “it is not right that so many bishops are interpreting Amoris Laetitia according to their way of understanding the Pope’s teaching.”

Basta Bergoglio, Basta!

"Hey Francis,  you police congregations, priests are removed, (you have) decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans (Friars of the Immaculate), ignored Cardinals ... 
but where is your mercy?"

Friday, 3 February 2017

Look upon the face of the Sister Lucia "the Heretic" Caram. To her, the Blessed Virgin Mary, wasn't!

There are many names I could call this woman.

A holy sister is not one.

None of them are publishable.


Nun shocks Church by suggesting Jesus’s mother wasn’t a virgin

A Catholic nun in Spain has caused outrage after she suggested that the Virgin Mary may not have been a virgin after all. The controversial Dominican nun invited the ire of the Catholic Church who responded to her statements in anger.
Sister Lucia Caram was speaking on a talk show over the weekend when she let slip her belief that contradicts one of the key pillars of her faith.
“I think that Mary was in love with Joseph and that they were a normal couple, and the normal thing is to have sex,” Caram told Risto Mejideon during Sunday’s Chester in Love programme.
According to Roman Catholic faith, the Virgin Mary is believed to have become pregnant with Jesus, the son of God, by immaculate conception. (Okay, let's all figure the writer is just ignorant. Vox)
"It’s hard to believe and to take in. We’ve stuck with rules that we have invented without reaching the true message,” she added.
Sister Carman’s remarks were denounced by the Bishop of Vic, who issued a statement reminding people that Mary’s virginity was not up for debate.
“The belief that Mary was a perpetual virgin forms part of the faith of Church from its beginnings and that this truth of faith was collected and proclaimed by the Second Council of Constantinople, being the primary Marian dogma observed by Catholic and Orthodox Christians," he said. “Such statements do not conform to the faith of the Church.”
Sister Lucia is no stranger to controversy. The nun has over 180,000 followers on Twitter and is a vocal supporter of Catalan independence. She has appeared on numerous chat shows and cooking programs.
She also aired her views on sex during the Risto Mejideon show. “Sex is a way of expressing feelings and love and forms a part of all people,” she said. "The Church has treated the subject as dirty and secret but I think it is a blessing”.
Mejide also asked her whether she masturbates. “Just as I told you that I am a virgin and that I have never had sex, I also tell you that I do not masturbate," she replied.

Phew, I'm so glad to know that Sister doesn't' engage in self-abuse.

Image result for woman picking nose

Bergoglio appeals to local Churches to protect the planet, forgetting the True Mission and casting his "pearls before swine!"

More globalist, Marxist bile out of the mouth of Bergoglio.  Does this man have any faith left? Does he beleive in the supernatural? Is God anything to this man?

The Church's mission is the salvation of souls. He mocks Christ.

O God, free your people from the enslavement by these wicked men. 

And he indeed hath possessed a field of the reward of iniquity, and being hanged, burst asunder in the midst: and all his bowels gushed out. 19And it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: so that the same field was called in their tongue, Haceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take. Acts 1: 18-20

Climate: Pope Appeals to Local Churches to Mobilize
He Encourages the Global Catholic Climate Movement


On February 1, 2017, the Pope appealed to local Churches to mobilize for the protection of the planet.
In the course of the General Audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, he greeted the delegation of the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM). The objective of the Movement is, notably, to sensitize Catholics through its networks, to promote ecological conversion “towards a low carbon society” and to require leaders to “engage in an ambitious climatic action.”
He thanked them for their “engagement in protecting our common home, in these times of grave socio-environmental crisis.”
“I encourage you to continue to weave networks so that the local Churches will respond with determination to the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor,” continued the Pontiff.
In the crowd, the GCCM delegation waved banners greeting Pope Francis’ encyclical on integral ecology: “Cheers for Laudato Si’.”
Translation by Virginia Forrester

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Bergoglio rescued Knights of Malta Grand Chancellor Albrecht Boeselager blames Cardinal Burke

Featured ImageThe condom distributing Boeselager of the Knights of Malta has blamed Cardinal Raymond Burke for the Order's crisis.

He went so far as to disclose a threat: 

“I think we cannot foresee and we will not make comments on what will happen to Cardinal Burke in the future. That remains the decision of the Holy Father,”

Feel free to make Cardinal Burke a white martyr of the faith, but before you do Jorge, consider this.

On February 1, Milo Yiannopolis was scheduled to speak to a few hundred. Violent fascist protesters in Berkeley gave him an audience of tens of millions.

This blog had a few hundred thousand readers after ten years until Tom Rosica, that brilliant media-savvy clericalist came along. Now, it has a growing international audience.

These occurrences are known as the Streisand Effect.

Go ahead, it will be the real Francis Effect. Take away his red hat. 

You'll only make him a greater saint.

As for the Knights of Malta, I feel great sorrow for two of my friends who are Knights, here in Toronto. 


The Commandments of God block grace and cause you to sin against memory. Yes, Bergoglio really said that.

Are we to conclude that Jorge Bergoglio is manic-depressive, bi-polar?

Is he suffering from some advancing form of dementia?

Could he be under the influence of a demon?

Because no priest, no Pope who truly loves Christ and His people would speak such sheer and utter lunacy.

The Pope is an embarrassment. He is a disgrace and there is no other way to say it. His "homilies" are incoherent blathering of a corrupted theology. He is insulting  and degrading to faithful Catholics. 

It is time for the Cardinal and Bishops to act. No, the time has long past.

Not only is the man responsible for disunity and propagating heresy and sacrilege, he is nothing more than a verbally abusive bully.

And when he says "forward," remember this. That words matter, they matter very much, indeed.

Image result for POPE HOMILY CHAPEl
(Source: Vatican Radio)
"‘Brothers, call to mind those first days’: the days of enthusiasm, of going forward in the faith, when you began to live the faith, the anguished trials… You don’t understand the Christian life, even the spiritual life of each day, without memory. Not only do you not understand: You can’t live in a Christian way without memory. The memory of the salvation of God in my life, the memory of my troubles in my life; but how has the Lord saved me from these troubles? Memory is a grace: a grace to ask for. ‘Lord, may I not forget your step in my life, may I not forget the good moments, also the ugly; the joys and the crosses.’ The Christian is a man of memory.”
"Hope: Looking to the future. Just as one cannot live a Christian life without memory of the steps taken, one cannot live a Christian life without looking to the future with hope… of the encounter with the Lord. And he uses a beautiful phrase: ‘just a brief moment…’ Eh, life is a breath, eh? It passes. When one is young, he thinks he has so much time before him, but then life teaches us that those words that we all say: ‘But how time passes! I knew this person as a child, now they’re getting married! How time passes!’ It comes soon. But the hope of encountering it is a life in tension, between memory and hope, the past and the future.”
"‘Not taking risks, please, no… prudence…’ All the commandments, all of them… Yes, it’s true, but this paralyzes you too, it makes you forget so many graces received, it takes away memory, it takes away hope, because it doesn’t allow you to go forward. And the present of a Christian, of such a Christian, is how when one goes along the street and an unexpected rain comes, and the garment is not so good and the fabric shrinks… Confined souls… This is faintheartedness: this is the sin against memory, courage, patience, and hope. May the Lord make us grow in memory, make us grow in hope, give us courage and patience each and free us from that which is faintheartedness, being afraid of everything…  Confined souls in order to save ourselves. And Jesus says: ‘He who wills to save his life will lose it.’”

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Pope Francis, the "Pope of seeds"

Methinks they're getting worried that their whole rotten filthy plan is coming crashing down.

Remember Tony, some seeds sprout poison ivy!

Please be sure to Tweet to him, and give him my regards. Since I've been #BlockedbySpadaro and am a founding member of the #SpadaroBlockParty.


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