A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Let us now turn to Iraq

The modern Iraqi nation was a creation of the British and French under Sykes-Picot. It was cobbling together of various ethnicities which failed to respect historical and tribal regions upon the collapse of the Ottoman Empire formalised in 1920 by the League of Nations. It was for European control over people and oil and an early example of the evil Globalism we are now experiencing, then advocated so much by the American President and "progressive," Woodrow Wilson.

Interspersed in this post are some pictures taken in the last few days to encourage you that, notwithstanding that, the evil that we have inflicted upon these people, they have not lost their faith and God has not abandoned them.

We, in the West (Europe, Canada and America) have long exploited these people. We have used them for our own gain and have disrespected their heritage and independence.

Saddam Hussein was a brutal man, a despot, to be sure. He kept a diverse nation-state united by his terror, not unlike Tito in the former Yugoslavia. To consider just the state of Christians in Iraq, they did not suffer, they were not persecuted. On the plains of Nineveh, they were the oldest indigenous Christians in the world, descendants of our father Abraham and taught the faith by St.Thomas the Apostle.

Saddam Hussein was never a threat to America. He was not behind 9-11. That was the Saudis. How did Americans fall for that lie by George W. Bush? Iraq should never have been invaded. George Bush will be held do account for what he unleashed and the blood pouring from his hands. Barrack Hussein Obama has even more blood on his hands for what he did - abandoning a broken state, a state broken by his predecessor which he, America, had the moral duty to defend and protect, having broken it in the first place. Do not underestimate the evil perpetuated in Iraq, and Syria, by Turkey and Erdogan who have lusted after a new Ottoman age.

As you read this, Iraq forces are beginning to take back control of towns and villages on the way to Mosul. Church bells are ringing in these villages and Christians are gathering in prayer in Baghdad.

How much blood. The West, lead by American, destroyed this land.

My next post will feature the murder of children by ISIS in dough mixtures and roasted alive in ovens. All done while that malefactor Barrack Hussein Obama sat by and watched it happen.

How is God going to deal with us, in the West, who have caused so much grief in the East? 

Can we really be so smug as to think that we are innocent in this? 

Turn now then to Max J. Joseph, an Assyrian writer and artist and consider this for the future of this long-suffering people.

What the minorities of Nineveh truly want is to be free from the shackles of being called “minorities”. They don’t want protection, they want empowerment. They don’t want rhetoric, they want demonstrable equality. Iraq must be given a new start after the false one in 2003. A country can usually be judged by how it treats its worse-off citizens, and so far, Iraq has done little to merit praise in this respect. To prevent the state sinking once more into a sectarian mess, Assyrians and other groups who have had so much taken from them should have their dignity restored by being allowed to live and prosper in their own lands free from destabilizing external influences.
Long term interests are aligned here, and these must not be sacrificed by the GoI under Abadi for short-term political gains. The NPU was not established as a temporary force, it is here to stay. Assyrians within it who have taken up arms, along with the thousands who wait patiently to be accepted into its ranks (ranks only limited by support and funding, not desire) are doing so because want they to establish themselves in a country that has forgotten its identity. It is now time to build faster than those preoccupied with destruction.
Read all of it at:


Saturday 22 October 2016

The blood of Syrians is on the hands of Americans, Canadians, Europeans and Saudis - are you prepared for war with Russia? Has enough blood not been spent?

My ancestors were native to Mount Lebanon. The blood that runs in my veins is Lebanese which is mainly of the Canaanites and Phoenicians of the ancient world.  My grandparents all came from Maronite villages on Mount Lebanon. Their language evolved from the ancients to Aramaic and then to Arabic. The Syrian people are cousins, they spoke the same language, share the same history and underwent the same arabisation. Yet, for the most part, Christians and Muslims in Syria lived peacefully, provided they were left alone.

The Ottomans dominated for centuries until after the collapse following the Great War in 1917. Sykes-Picot and the Balfour Declaration carved up the Middle East creating many of the problems at hand today.

The blood on the hands of our western leaders is immense. European and American and we in Canada will have much to account for. Our ancestors drew lines and created artificial borders for oil and politics. We continue down that same destructive path.

Basher Assad may not be our idea of a liberal democrat. Frankly, the last time I looked, which of our western liberal democratic leaders do we really think serves the interests of the people to say nothing about the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ? 

Assad is a cultured and educated man who cares deeply about his people. He has attempted to build a nation-state for all. He has refused to bow to America and Europe and the degenerate House of Saud and what has it gotten the people?

The propoganda against this man and his wife is immense. 

I am not justifying military means on one's people, but; who created this problem that a government was forced to take extreme action to keep its nation united? Who undermined the legitimate government? 

The United States of America went to civil war, a brutal civil war that cost more American lives than any other in history. The Confederate States of America were aided by foreign powers. It even had a friend in the Pope!

Americans went to war and killed its own citizens to prevent a disunion of the nation. What hypocrites these American leaders are!

Is this man a monster?

Image result for bashar assad christmas

Is this a man hated by his people?

Image result for bashar assad christmas

Americans, Canadians, Europeans! There is a war on for your mind!

The situation in Syria is a disgrace and the blood is on our nations in the West. There is one country that is operating legally in Syria and that is its long-time ally, Russia. 

Russia is not my enemy!

Assad is the legitimate President. It is not up to America to determine that he is not. George Bush and then Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Cameron his predecessors, Harper in Canada have destroyed these countries, killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions in the process. Now, we the people are expected to take in the refugees who have little to contribute and may in themselves, contain the seeds of revenge in our own streets for the murderous folly of our governments.

Christians were not dying under Assad. Syrians were not in civil war until foreign operatives and mercenaries funded  by the Saudis, Europeans and North Americans destabilised the nation.

We will be chastised and very soon. Now, we are in moving closer to a showdown with Russia, over Syria. Why is your media not reporting on this? 

+ + +

Failure to Accept Russia’s Position in Syria Inching US Closer to War
In recent weeks, officials of Western governments have engaged in a dramatic escalation of rhetoric condemning the Syrian and Russian governments for alleged war crimes that have occurred since the collapse of a UN-backed ceasefire in late September.
The escalating charges aimed at Russia and Syria, reinforced by well-orchestrated media campaigns propagating official talking points, are familiar in the sense that such attempts to mould public opinion have traditionally been a precursor to Western military interventions.
Western and Gulf states have been unequivocal about their intention to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, presumably to replace it with a client regime that would maintain an adversarial relationship with Russia, Iran and various political forces associated with Shia Islam.
On the ground, the Syrian military, supported by Russian, Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah allies are on the path to military victory over the rebel-held east of Aleppo, which would mark the restoration of government control in all of Syria’s largest population centres.
Insurgents that have been armed and supported by the United States are now besieged in eastern Aleppo fighting Syrian government forces in coordination with jihadist militants, including the al-Nusra Front, the former Syrian wing of al Qaeda that Washington itself classifies as a terrorist organisation.
Some 270 thousand civilians are besieged alongside the militants controlling the area. Though the ongoing offensive has undoubtedly put the civilian population of the area at risk, larger questions about the fighting in Aleppo have hardly been raised by Western media.
The dominant narrative about Aleppo asserts claims that Syria and Russia are ‘deliberately bombing schools and hospitals to kill civilians’ or maintaining a siege to ‘break the will of the population’.
Almost no serious questions are asked of the rebel leadership in control of eastern Aleppo. The insurgents’ routine shelling of government-held western Aleppo – where the vast majority of the population, reportedly 1.5 million, reside – is hardly reported.
It must be recognised that the primary armed opposition fighting in eastern Aleppo and elsewhere are jihadist insurgents who have either superficially distanced themselves from the al-Qaeda brand or openly associate with it. More so, it is common knowledge that these groups have committed beheadings and heinous rights abuses.
Given the ferocity of Russian and Syrian airstrikes, why haven’t more civilians attempted to leave eastern Aleppo? UN Syria Envoy Staffan de Mistura claimed that Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, the rebranded version of al-Qaeda’s Syria affiliate, is holding ‘hostage’ the civilian population of east Aleppo.
From a humanitarian perspective, it is pertinent to question the effectiveness of the forceful approach taken by the Syrian and Russian militaries. There is a precedent for a non-violent solution to the situation, advocated by De Mistura himself.
In August 2016, a deal between government forces and militants ended the four-year siege of the Damascus suburb of Daraya. Civilians were evacuated and militants were bused to rebel-held areas in northern Syria without surrendering their weapons. This took place with the full cooperation of government forces.
De Mistura has offered to personally accompany the jihadist fighters out of eastern Aleppo, while other (allegedly ‘moderate’) insurgents and civilians remain under conditions of a ceasefire. The botched September 2016 ceasefire also sought this outcome, a key condition being that US-backed rebels divorce themselves from jihadist al-Nusra fighters.
It is clear that expelling these jihadist forces is the prerequisite for quelling the fighting in Aleppo, but there is political resistance to this outcome from Western and Gulf states because it would imply the surrender of anti-Assad groups and the impotence of their regime change objectives.
Moreover, as Syria’s largest city, Aleppo represents a major strategic prize. If captured, the foreign-backed opposition could establish an alternative Syrian government, which Western and Gulf states would then treat as the sole legitimate government.
The battle for Aleppo has been characterised as an ‘existential crisis’ for the mainstream anti-Assad forces. Should the Syrian government retake eastern Aleppo, it would deal a devastating blow to regime change efforts, but it would not mean a decisive end to the war. Kurdish forces have maintained their hold over parts of Syria, while the Islamic State continues to hold much territory.
That being said, the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others have invested enormous political capital to regime change efforts in Syria. Washington is determined to avoid a costly and humiliating defeat in Aleppo and is currently reviewing measures to shore up its proxies.
Among the options under consideration is the establishment of a no-fly-zone and safe zones, staging attacks against the Syrian air force and arming the Syrian rebels with additional weaponry. Should the US attempt of these options, it would directly violate international law.
The United States is not technically at war with the Syria, nor is there a UN resolution authorising American forces to operate inside Syria’s borders. Establishing a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace, safe zones within Syrian territory, or US military attacks on the Syrian air force and its bases would directly constitute an act of war against Damascus – and by extension, Moscow.
The Washington Post reports:
‘There’s an increased mood in support of kinetic actions against the regime,’ one senior administration official said. ‘The CIA and the Joint Staff have said that the fall of Aleppo would undermine America’s counterterrorism goals in Syria.’’
“One proposed way to get around the White House’s long-standing objection to striking the Assad regime without a U.N. Security Council resolution would be to carry out the strikes covertly and without public acknowledgement, the official said.”
It is deeply alarming and baffling that the US leadership has here equated the fall of the jihadist-occupied Aleppo as harmful to counterterrorism objectives. Should moral outrage be directed at any side, it should not be toward the Syrian and Russian governments, who are attempting to restore legal order over Syrian territory, albeit by controversial means.
Rather, it is the United States and its European and Gulf allies that have forged an alliance with terrorist organisations in an attempt to destroy an independent-minded secular nationalist government promoting a pluralistic and inclusive form of Islam that should most beget public condemnation.
This would certainly be the case if the Western public at large ever truly absorbed the gravity of what their governments have done in Syria. It is unlikely that President Obama would concede to a major military escalation during his final months in office, though the possibility remains.
Hillary Clinton, who will presumably become the next US president, publically supports the establishment of a no-fly zone in Syria and has openly stated her number one objective in Syria is the removal of Bashar al-Assad’s government.
Russia has begun to deploy advanced anti-missile and anti-aircraft systems in Syria. Trust between Russia and the United States has entirely eroded. Russia is holding the cards in Syria and it is difficult to imagine how open conflict can be avoided should the US pursue an escalation. The seriousness of this moment should not be understated.
Nile Bowie is a political analyst based in Malaysia who has written for a number of publications, his expertise lies in a number of areas, with a particular focus on Asian politics and geopolitics, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


Thursday 20 October 2016

"America is great, because America is good."

"America is great, because America is good," according to Hillary Clinton.

No Hillary, America is not good. She was once, she is no longer.

Lest I offend my many loyal American readers, my own country, Canada; is not good either.

Our nations have advocated and aggressively promoted the slaughter of innocents in the womb. On this, America has led the way for the whole world. Sixty, maybe seventy million - 70,000,000 babies murdered since Roe vs. Wade. The eldest would be young grandparents today, the loss of population so far is perhaps 90,000,000. One wonders what is wrong with the economy? The economic contributors were murdered or never conceived by those who were. I apologise for putting people in economic terms but it does highlight the issue quite dramatically.

Hillary Clinton wants every American Christian to now pay for baby murder.

Canada has already embraced euthanasia; American states are individually rushing towards that abyss.

The United States of America, has destroyed Syria, Iraq, Libya and is now provoking a potential confrontation with Russia. Russia is not America's enemy, she is not Canada's enemy. Imagine if a Russian and American president could sit down together. Imagine if these two nation-states could join forces to defeat our real enemy.

No, America is not good. It lost that claim a long time ago.

But it can be.

Image result for our lady of america

Our Lady of America, Our Lady of Tepeyac pray for Americans, pray for all of us.

Commie Catholics - their time is very, very short!

The Clinton conspiracy against the Catholic Church in America is nothing new. The effeminate shills such as Edward Beck, a Passionist priest in New York City are but another example of "useful idiots."

Truly, Edward Beck, also known as Father CNN, has his reward. As does Podesta, Palmieri and Tim Kaine, they too have theirs, and they will get theirs. Mark my words on that and it may be sooner, much sooner than they think. They can call themselves Catholic and hide behind it but remember friends. Judas Iscariot was one of the first Catholics and was condemned by Our Blessed Lord even before his actions, notwithstanding what Bergoglio might suggest.

I have written previously on the literal throwing under the bus of Catholic in Taiwan and mainland, communist China by Bergoglio in an attempt to appease the communist dictatorship there. It is a repeat of the Ostpolitik of Roncalli and Montini. Truly, do any of these aiders and abettors of communism deserve to be called Pope?

On October 13, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima occurred. On that day, it passed with no notice from the Vatican whilst our Pope praised the man who fomented the revolt that lead to Illuminism, Freemasonry, Zionism sexual libertinism and Communism, the arch-heresiarch, Martin Luther. Imagine, a Pope of Rome praising Luther. I'm not sure Luther would be so pleased.

These communists have invaded the Catholic Church. Podesta and Palmieri and Kaine are but the latest pathetic examples of Catholics who compromised with the devil and communism. In Canada, we have our own long-standing examples. From Gregory Baum and Remi de Roo to Vernon James Weisgerber the former Archbishop of Winnipeg who worried more about plastic water bottles than butchered babies to Justin Trudeau who congratulates Planned Parenthood. Communists, all of them. Traitors of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The judgement of Christ upon these malefactors will be tremendous. May they repent before that terrible day.

What is happening in our Church is not new. From the time of Luther which gave birth to the so-called "enlightenment," truth has been compromised and relativized. Bella Dodd told us what happened in the twentieth century. Those who were once accused of wearing tin-foiled hats are being exonerated. Oh, how we wish it were otherwise.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

New Jesuit Superior General - a Marxist Revolutionary. Surely, you weren't surprised ...

Image result for Father Arturo Sosa Abascal

Rorate has the exclusive insight from one who knows him.

This man who has worked very hard all his life to re-interpret Christianity from a Marxist viewpoint, who has done not only “theoretical” work, but direct Revolutionary work, is the one that the Jesuits now have elected as their General. Perhaps the growing revolutionary moment in Colombia, checked by the population itself in the referendum that voted down Marxist demands that would have been inserted in their own Constitution -- and for which their president won, unsurprisingly, the Nobel Peace Prize), demands that. But one still remains mystified: what is it that the revolutionary are after, still? In Venezuela they have systematically destroyed the productive infrastructure, agriculture, industry, public administration, the courts, hospitals, schools, even the energy industry that supports the country; they have killed thousands of people, they have the country at the edge of disastrous famine never before seen in such scale in the Americas. What is it that they are after? Probably the only explanation is the utter destruction of God’s world in order to build “a New World” in history. May God protect us from the revolutionary underworld. May God convert the hearts and open the eyes of his people. And, above all, may Christ protect His Church.

Let us see in this the work of God. He is permitting this in order to speed His rescue. The election of Bergoglio may have been a diabolical act, but a diabolical act permitted by God in order to bring about true renewal which can only be through true restoration.

Something evil is coming our way. Out of it, we will, through the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, triumph because He already has.

Keep the faith and get ready; 2017 beckons, indeed, it is already here.

In the end ..

Image result for immaculate heart of mary icon

Tuesday 18 October 2016

"Catholic" Justin Trudeau congratulations a century of racism and murder. Time for a formal excommunication from the Catholic Church!

This picture of his Twitter says it all.

But not really all.

These pictures say the rest.

Let us now go back four decades to his father, Pierre Elliot, the Jesuit educated Prime Minister who ushered in the first legalisation of abortion in Canada, though under severe restrictions which eventually were struck down by Canada's Supreme Court ironically using the same Prime Minister's, constitutional amendments.

“You know, at some point you are killing life in the foetus in self-defence – of what? Of the mother’s health or her happiness or of her social rights or her privilege as a human being? I think she should have to answer for it and explain. Now, whether it should be to three doctors or one doctor or to a priest or a bishop or to her mother-in-law is a question you might want to argue …. You do have a right over your own body – it is your body. But the foetus is not your body; it’s someone else’s body. And if you kill it, you’ll have to explain.”
The Rt. Hon. Pierre E. Trudeau, PC, QC, MP
Prime Minister of Canada
The Montreal Star, Thursday, May 25, 1972

Monday 17 October 2016

Passionist Priest Edward Beck - How a narcissist prostitutes himself for Clinton and CNN

Image result for father edward beck
Passionist Priest Edward Beck
You're worried about some potty-mouth and unsubstantiated claims that are now being refuted by witnesses?

If you vote for Hillary Clinton, knowing her intentions on abortion and the Catholic Church, you will have participated in an evil act.

But you won't hear that from Edward Beck, a Passionist priest in New York City and a contributor to Crux and CNN. I have copied the Crux article below, lest they get any clicks out of it.

In an article on Crux, "Why Clinton campaign emails aren't necessarily anti-Catholic," this priest, Beck, takes the position that the greater offense and crime and presumably sin, is the hackers.

Beck goes on to add that Newman is a "Catholic." Well, Ed, so was Judas!

Beck has the temerity to write of "spin." Well, he should know what "spin" is because he just did it.


What our well-coiffed priest does not seem to get, you can't really block anyone from Twitter. First, if one does not log-in, one can see any page. Second. you can always take out an alternate account. 

Beck is a disgrace to the priesthood. A man who has spent far too much time in front of a mirror than the tabernacle has no business being a priest. He has no business telling Catholics that there is an "out" to vote for Hillary Clinton.

One look at Beck's Facebook page displays a dangerous narcissist for a priest. Where are his Superiors?

Image result for father edward beck

Donald J. Trump is a man with flaws. His behaviour is rough and he has said some unacceptable things in his life. Well surprise, who has not.  Is he suitable to be President? A lot more suitable than Hillary Clinton in one matter. He has promised to put forward a Supreme Court with pro-life Justices that may eventually be able to overturn Roe vs. Wade. Hillary Clinton will not only, not do that, but will aggressively expand the murder of children. 

Beck is nothing more than a shill for the Democratic Party and the American left. He is not of Christ but of the Father of Lies.

Think very carefully, Americans. 

Do you want to join Edward Beck before the LORD trying to explain yourself out of this?

And please, please, would you really want to be as stupid as us Canadians?

The Beck article

Some Catholics were left scratching their heads by the kerfuffle created by the revelation of hacked emails of the Clinton campaign.
Conservative Catholic groups and some members of the hierarchy were quick to accuse the writers of the emails of participating in an anti-Catholic smear. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia called for an apology from the Clinton campaign.
“Of course it would be wonderful for the Clinton campaign to repudiate the content of these ugly WikiLeaks emails,” he said.
Catholic League President Bill Donohue said that John Podesta, campaign chair for Clinton, should be fired for his participation in the controversial email exchange:  “He is fomenting revolution in the Catholic Church, creating mutiny and is totally unethical.”
Not all Catholics agree with such grandiose assessments, which suggest a nefarious plot against the Catholic Church.  More progressive Catholics view the email exchange as an honest dialogue - intended to be private - between people (all Catholics themselves, by the way) discussing how to respond to a conservative element in the Catholic Church that seems intent on turning back the advances of Vatican II.
In the emails, John Halpin, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, suggests that the Catholicism of some socially conservative Catholics, including members of the Supreme Court, is “an amazing bastardization of the faith…They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy.”
Jennifer Palmieri, the Clinton campaign director of communications, responds, “I imagine they think it is the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion.  Their rich friends wouldn’t understand if they became evangelical.”
As Pope Francis has often indicated, the Catholic Church is a large tent that allows for many opinions and perspectives within its flaps.  The writers of the emails in question can be seen as Catholics expressing their views about how their faith intersects with public policy and social agenda.
The emails can likewise be interpreted as drafted by Catholics who are concerned that their Church risks becoming irrelevant, rather than being interpreted as smears on a Church they disdain.
Palmieri’s response actually seems more denigrating to Evangelicals than to Catholics.  Progressive Catholics understand precisely what is being communicated in the exchange.  It is not unlike other familiar conversations among clergy and Catholics who have been buoyed by the strides of Pope Francis, and his emphasis on social justice over controversial moral and sexual teachings.
Many Catholics do believe, as the emails suggest, that Church teaching needs to evolve more quickly if it is to have a relevant impact on a rapidly evolving world.  Those Catholics are also sympathetic to the reality that private email exchanges may be less than diplomatic and not always politically correct in expressing those heartfelt concerns.
In responding to an email by Sandy Newman of Voices for Progress, who suggests the need for a “Catholic Spring”, John Podesta writes, “We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this…Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up.”
This hardly sounds like a man intent on creating an “unethical mutiny.”  Rather, it sounds more like a concerned Catholic attempting to align his faith with his political ideals and principles, albeit from his left-of-center perspective.
Pope Francis has said, “A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of himself, so that those who govern can govern.”

The meddling of a few wonky Catholic Clinton campaigners should be less concerning to us than the meddling of far more impious entities who hack private emails and illegally release them, to a populace all too ready to put its own spin on them.

The Podesta Email

Date: 2012-02-11 11:45
Subject:  Re: opening for a Catholic Spring? just musing . . .

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United.

Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I'll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.

On 2/10/12, Sandy Newman <sandynewman@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, John, > >
 This whole controversy with the bishops opposing contraceptive coverage even
> though 98% of Catholic women (and their conjugal partners) have used
> contraception has me thinking . . . There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in
> which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and
> the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the
> Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could
> happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight. Does the Catholic
> Hospital Association support of the Administration's new policy, together
> with "the 98%" create an opportunity?
> > Of course, this idea may just reveal my total lack of understanding of the
> Catholic church, the economic power it can bring to bear against nuns and
> priests who count on it for their maintenance, etc. Even if the idea isn't
> crazy, I don't qualify to be involved and I have not thought at all about
 > how one would "plant the seeds of the revolution," or who would plant them.
> Just wondering . . .
> > Hoping you're well, and getting to focus your time in the ways you want.
> > Sandy
> > Sandy Newman, President
> Voices for Progress > 202.669.8754

 > voicesforprogress.org

Saturday 15 October 2016

Bergoglio directly contradicts Our Lord Jesus Christ - Priest calls him out as a "False Prophet"

This writer had the joy of meeting the late Father Peter Carota and singing with him, the Holy Sacrifice. Father Carota's blog continues on, undertaken by a friend of the late priest's.

A post today is a must-read from a diocesan priest, "Father Jerome."

The disgraceful and blasphemous statement by Bergoglio that "it is not right to convince someone of your faith," is the greatest evidence, thus far of how bad it has become in Rome.

How stupid are Catholics that they cannot see it.

Can you see it now when he defies Christ himself?

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations."

By Father Jerome 10/15/2016:

After Jesus’ resurrection, Our Lord said “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”—Mt 28:19. To the contrary, Pope Francis said this week: “It is not right to convince someone of your faith.”
This means Pope Francis is now directly opposing Jesus Christ, and it is time for me to speak up.

I am an American diocesan priest who does not belong to any congregation.   To write what I am about to write would normally be tantamount to forfeiting my soul in most centuries of Church history.  I realize that.  But I am so convinced that we have a false-prophet on the throne of Peter that I have reached the point that silence on Pope Francis is now tantamount to a grave sin of omission.


Bergoglio denounces true ecumenism - praises the heretic Luther! Will he be the next canonised?

Fairies invade Vatican!

Bergoglio has, with his own words, condemned himself and set himself against his predecessors. 

"It is not right to convince someone of your faith," says this Bergoglio.

"Go therefore and teach all nations," said Jesus Christ.

Who do you choose?

Are you a Christian or a Papolater?

In an address yesterday, the 99th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Bergoglio stated that proselytism is "venom" and a "threat to Christian unity."

How illogical can he be? He must repent of this error.

What a betrayer of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His cry, "that they all be one." One in Him! One in His Church. Lutherans as individuals must come home, along with Anglicans, Presbyterians, Evangelicals, Eastern Orthodox. How can they come home when Popes preach to them to stay where they are? Why would the Orthodox desire union with Rome when it is overseen by a cabal of malefactors and heretics!

It is only through proselytism, with clarity and charity, that we will achieve "Christian unity." 

Martin Luther has led millions of souls to Hell. There is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church. Should God choose to save those who are not Catholic is up to Him and beyond our knowledge of certainly. What we do know is that it is only by being baptised and in the bosom of the Catholic Church, can we be saved. Vatican II did not change this, notwithstanding its ambiguity and pastoral overtures.

This Bergoglio would rather see Lutherans continue on their path of error following a heretic priest in his blasphemy than come home to the One True Church.

The time has long since passed for a denouncement of this Pope.

What a disgusting and sickening display, a statue of Martin Luther together with the Bishop of Rome. A heretic. A blasphemer. A fornicator who led millions of souls in Hell.

As Brian wonders in the combox, will he dare to lift the excommunication of Luther?

God help us all.

Image result for pope luther statue

(ANSA) - Vatican City, October 13 - Pope Francis told a group of mostly Lutheran pilgrims on Thursday that proselytism was a potential threat to Christian unity.
"The last thing you must do is 'to say, to convince'. It's not right to convince someone of your faith," he said.
"Proselytism is the strongest venom against the path of ecumenism".
The pope was speaking to around 1,000 pilgrims in the Vatican - most of them German Lutherans - who are in Rome as part of ecumenical preparations for the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Lutheran reformation.
"The Apostle Paul tells us that, by virtue of our baptism, we all form the one Body of Christ," the pope said.
"The different members, in fact, are one body. This is why we belong to each other and when one suffers, all suffer, when one rejoices, all rejoice. Let us continue with confidence on our ecumenical journey, because we know that, beyond the many open questions that still separate us, we are already united.
What unites us is much more than what divides us".

Friday 14 October 2016

Thomas J. Rosica vs. Raymond J. de Souza: Whom do you trust? Rosica slanders de Souza and in so doing adds, Cardinal Collins to his screed!

Father Raymond de Souza, a Canadian priest of the Archdiocese of Kingston has been publicly slandered on Twitter by the ever more irrelevant Thomas J. Rosica.

Barona has the story.


The fact is, Tom Rosica and the rest of Team Bergoglio can't stand the pressure. 

They can't stand it from me and you can't stand it from one of their peers. They can't stand being shown that they're wrong. 

Amoris Laetitia, that stinking piece of heresy and sacrilege will be abrogated. It will be denounced by a future Pope. Mark my words.

Thomas Cardinal Collins of Toronto was one of the 13. Rosica seems to have no prudence as he lashes out at him too. How much longer will the Archbishop of Toronto tolerate this Basilian in Toronto?

Is Tom Rosica saying that Cardinal Collins is imprudent and signed a document that he did not read? That he did not understand? He clearly seems to be saying this and that Cardinal Collins' actions, all the 12 others, was an attempt to "thwart the synodal process." Not my words. Tom Rosica's!

He accuses Father de Souza of "false reporting" and questions his faithfulness to the "magisterium." Quite the accusation to make against Father de Souza.

Who does Rosica think he is to calumniate another priest over social media? The Catholic Herald is a well-regarded journal, it is widely read in England. 

What a disgrace.

Mark my words well.

Their time is almost over. 

They can enjoy it for now. They have their reward.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Cardinal Thomas Collins defends his faithful and just Synod actions in manipulative story by the Toronto Star. Will the Basilians have him STFU too?

Cardinal Collins is one of the thirteen or whatever number it was that signed and sent a letter to Pope Francis at the beginning of the Synod. A few days ago, Cardinal Donald Wuerl lashed out in a Jesuitical periodical that some people, insinuating the thirteen, "just don't like the Pope." According to a Toronto Star reporter, Father Thomas J. Rosica sent the article to journalists allegedly stating, "I fully share Cardinal Wuerl's assessment."

Florence defies Bergoglio and his henchmen

I'm sorry friends to keep giving you bad news. Some days I wonder if I should post little kittens or cute little puppies to make you feel better. Then I slap myself silly.

No, you need to be a grown-up Catholic and face the truth about what evil men are doing to our Faith.

We were warned.

Matthew 13:24-30

Another parable he proposed to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a man that sowed good seeds in his field. But while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among the wheat and went his way. And when the blade was sprung up, and had brought forth fruit, then appeared also the cockle. And the servants of the goodman of the house coming said to him: Sir, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? whence then hath it cockle? And he said to them: An enemy hath done this. And the servants said to him: Wilt thou that we go and gather it up? And he said: No, lest perhaps gathering up the cockle, you root up the wheat also together with it. Suffer both to grow until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle, and bind it into bundles to burn, but the wheat gather ye into my barn.

And we can sing it out with joy and hope because we know what is coming upon us and we know the end of the story. 

All praised by Jesus Christ.

Now and forever. Amen.

In Rome Yes, In Florence No. Here’s How “Amoris Laetitia” Is Dividing the Church
In the pope’s diocese, the divorced and remarried can receive communion, in other Italian dioceses no. Because every bishop is deciding as he wishes. A manual by Cardinal Antonelli for confessors who want to remain faithful to perennial doctrine
 by Sandro Magister  
ROME, October 14, 2016 – Pope Francis has said plainly right from the first lines of “Amoris Laetitia” that “unity of teaching and practice is certainly necessary in the Church, but this does not preclude various ways of interpreting some aspects of that teaching or drawing certain consequences from it.”

Wednesday 12 October 2016


As if we did not know.

Name Bella Dodd, for one, at least she repented.

This is right out of the playbook of Saul Alinsky.

Any Catholic who votes for Hillary Rodham Clinton is committing a grievous act and may potentially a grievous mortal sin. And you're afraid of a potty mouth?

Podesta is, allegedly, a catholic.

Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the rest - Antichrist minions and anti-Catholic bigots

From: Vox Cantoris [mail to: voxcantoris@rogers.com]
Sent: October 11, 2016 7:57 PM
To: 'jhalpin@americanprogress.org'; 'john.podesta@gmail.com'
Subject: email

This Catholic knows what subsidiarity and Thomism is. It is also obvious what anti-Catholic bigots look like too.
Vox Cantoris

Image result for john podesta wife


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri and Center for American Progress fellow John Halpin mocked conservative Catholicism as an "amazing bastardization of the faith" in new emails released by WikiLeaks.

In the fresh batch of emails released as part of a reported cache of "Podesta emails," with the subject line "Conservative Catholicism," Halpin also mocks News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch and Wall Street Journal managing editor Robert Thomson for being Catholic.

"Ken Auletta's latest piece on Murdoch in the New Yorker starts off with the aside that both Murdoch and Robert Thompson, managing editor of the WSJ, are raising their kids Catholic. Friggin' Murdoch baptized his kids in Jordan where John the Baptist baptized Jesus," Halpin wrote in a 2011 missive to Podesta and Palmieri.

"Many of the most powerful elements of the conservative movement are all Catholic (many converts) from the SC and think tanks to the media and social groups. It's an amazing bastardization of the faith. They must be attracted to the systematic thought and severely backwards gender relations and must be totally unaware of Christian democracy," he added.

Palmieri, who MRCTV reports was also with the Center for American Progress at the time, added in the email chain that she believes Murdoch, Thomson, and many other conservatives are Catholic because they think it's "the most socially acceptable politically conservative religion."

"Their rich friends wouldn't understand if they became evangelicals," she added.

Halpin thought Palmieri made an "excellent point."

"Excellent point. They can throw around 'Thomistic' thought and 'subsidiarity' and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they're talking about," he wrote.

John Podesta, chairman of Clinton's campaign, was included in the email chain but didn't comment. The email was posted to WikiLeaks along with over 1,000 Podesta emails that were hacked. The Russian government is suspected to be behind the cyber attack.

The New Yorker article referenced in the email comes from the April 2011 issue and is titled "Murdoch's Best Friend".

Thomson likes to remain slightly hidden. But he is perhaps Murdoch's only close friend. The two men are both from Australia, are married to Chinese women, and were born (thirty years apart) on the same day, March 11th. In restaurants, they order Australian wines and delight in discussing that country's politics. They are also both raising their children as Catholics," Auletta wrote in the piece in describing how similar the men are.

"It surprised me how important it was to both of them that their children were baptized and instructed," one family intimate noted in the piece. "This is something they did together. The four kids sat down with a priest."

Congratulations Vatican II

Image result for vatican ii

Rorate has a table of statistics for the United States. As a Canadian, if anyone out there has anything similar for Canada, please advise.

The originals can be found here:


Father Hunwicke writes today about Newman, Liberalism and the Antichrist. Newman prophetically saw our time. 


Ponder these.

The next time Tom Rosica praises Vatican II, throw these facts up to him. 

The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. I have asked other rhetorically, "what good has come from Vatican II?" 

Please, if anything good has come from that rotten Council and the men behind it, do advise.