A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday, 25 April 2016

Bishop of Rome - "It doesn't matter" which religion you follow! What is the context?

The Bishop of Rome made a surprise visit to the Focolare Cult's celebration of Gaia on Sunday. Crux, has a translation of his remarks wherein he said:
Look, these are the things that come to my mind. How to do this? Simply in the awareness that we all have something in common, we’re all human. And in this humanity, we can get close to each other to work together … “But I belong to this religion, or to that one …” it doesn’t matter!  Let’s all go forward to work together, respecting each other, respecting! I see this miracle: the miracle of a desert that becomes a forest.  
In the nineteenth verse of the twenty-eighth chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ said:
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
That Divine Commission means that all people on earth are to be baptised as Christians and received into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. That is the command of Jesus.

Some questions have arisen about the "context" on a Facebook post of this blog and by my good friend, Mark, in the combox.

The preceding paragraphs refer to forgiveness and building up. Those are the things that come to his "mind" when he makes the next statement. He theorised about a fictitious person saying that they belong to "this religion, or to that one," but he then says, "it doesn't matter." 

He says, "Let’s all go forward to work together, respecting each other, respecting! I see this miracle: the miracle of a desert that becomes a forest. Thanks for everything you do!"

 It actually confirms the hypothetical "it doesn't matter" which religion as being fine as long as there is this "respect."  He was referring to a hypothetical situation, but his answer to it is to leave people in whatever religion. As long as we all get along that is just fine. This is not the Christian Gospel!

In daily life, I must "respect" others whom I work and interact with, this is the basis of a civil society, but the Vicar of Christ must preach CHRIST, not polite social interaction for secular achievement!

It surely matters!

That is the problem. 

Context is everything, indeed. 

"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world."

With that quote, (originating at the NCReporter) Father Thomas J. Rosica, on numerous occasions, laid out the plan of the Synods on the Family and the Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis.

They've won the battle.

Christ has won the war.

Viva Cristo Rey!

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Bishop Schneider call on Pope Francis to clarify to avoid a general confusion - issues stunning rebuke of Amoris Laetitia!

Bishop Athanasius Schneider has now weighed in on Amoris Laetitia calling on Pope Francis to issue an "authentic interpretation," for which another interpretation will most likely be required. He has asked the Pope to declare the "principle of the infallible Magisterium" on the issue of adulterers receiving Holy Communion.

"The See of Peter, that is, the Sovereign Pontiff, is the guarantor of the unity of the Faith and of Apostolic and Sacramental discipline. Considering the confusion that has arisen among priests and bishops in the sacramental practice with regard to the divorced and remarried and in the interpretation of AL, one can consider as legitimate an appeal to our dear Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ and "the sweet Christ on earth "(St. Catherine of Siena), to order  the publication of an authentic interpretation of AL, which should necessarily contain an explicit declaration of the disciplinary principle of the infallible Magisterium regarding the admission to the sacraments of the divorced-remarried, as formulated in the n. 84 of Familiaris Consortio."

He is quite clear that some or much of AL is open to false interpretation and that the document breaks from Divine Law in the Sixth Commandment and the very words of Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Reading his words, 6000, about 10% AL, is invigorating, it is Catholic unlike what has issue forth from the Pope, the most verbose, obtuse and destructive piece of bile ever issued from the Vatican.

Pope Francis must be held accountable by the bishops and lay faithful for his grievous error in this wretched document. These malefactors can never be part of any sacred hierarchy of the Church and that includes the Bishop of Rome himself if he fails to teach and sanctify and rather, allows this travesty to stand. They will get no respect from this writer while they actively engage in auto-demolition of the faith.

One can imagine his indigestion at breakfast this morning.

Bishops, speak up or be damned!

The whole article in Italian can be found in Italian at:

Friday, 22 April 2016

Pope Francis says we should listen to this Cardinal - I don't think so!



Mouvement Tradition Quebec has uncovered that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has funded the Protestant heretical sect, the United Church of Canada with over $115,000 yearly. 

The CCCB's revenue comes from their profit on publications, annual collections and levies on dioceses across Canada generated from the collection plate in each parish. 

The United Church of Canada was formed as an amalgamation of Congregationalists, Methodists and some Presbyterian congregations. It has, historically, been the most liberal of the mainline protestant sects in Canada and in a recent statement before a Parliamentary Committee studying Euthanasia in Canada (legislation now introduced) on assisted suicide and murder; the ecclesial community stated:
Legislation for physician-assisted dying might, however, provide for careful assessment of such situations and allow, at a time of choosing of the individual, for the insertion of an intravenous drip and the provision of a mechanical aid that could begin the insertion of lethal medication into the drip on the action of the individual (perhaps controlled by a breath tube).
In August 2000, the 37th General Council affirmed that:
“human sexual orientations, whether heterosexual or homosexual, are a gift from God and part of the marvellous diversity of creation." 
Three years later, on February 1, 2003, the next General council decided "to call upon the Government of Canada to recognise same-sex marriages in marriage legislation. The “Reverend” Dr. Jim Sinclair, General Secretary of the General Council, said: 
"Marriage will be enhanced, not diminished, religious freedom will be protected, not threatened, and Canadian society will be strengthened, not weakened, as a result of this legislation." 
Jackie Harper, as Church's program staff for Family Ministries, said: 
"A significant, unique contribution that the United Church brings to this debate is the denomination's own experience of making same-sex marriage ceremonies available to its members and, at the same time, respecting the right of those within the denomination who are opposed to such services ... Religious marriage is not, and cannot be, affected by the proposed legislation. All faith communities in Canada, whatever their views on same-sex marriage, have the absolute right to determine for themselves who will be eligible for religious marriage within their communities. This includes the right to determine whether the community will offer religious marriages to interfaith couples, to divorced couples, or to couples who are not members of the community." 
Now, we find out that this evil agenda of a radical remaking of the tradition and social construct of Canada in both terms of so-called "marriage" between member of the same-sex and euthanasia has been funded in part, by Catholics in the pew as a result of malefactors at the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops!

Accountability for actions cannot only be left up to God, but know that He surely will hold these evildoers responsible.

Accountability must be demanded now from the Catholic laity in Canada for this gross injustice and evil act and abuse of the funds of Catholics to support a protestant heretical sect that puts forth values that are not Catholic, not Christian and is responsible for the continuing undermining and rendering of the garment of of Christ, universal and the Church.

Not one penny in one collection plate. Not one dollar to one pastoral plan.

Stop now. 

Cut them off!

Mouvement Tradition Québec



Canadian Bishops: 115,000 dollars to the United Church each year

Bishop Lépine reminded us in an interview he gave on Friday at the Journal de Montreal (26/03/2016)

"We do not have a huge investment fund whose interests allow us to live, no matter what incoming.We rely on the generosity of our faithful and that's it, our fragility. These people give less to the quest one year and there is a problem. "

What he fails to mention is that the dioceses of Quebec and the other provinces fund with this money every year, community organizations that are far from Catholics.

Not surprising if one knows that the most serious example is given by the Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) , the governing body of all Canadian bishops (which also serve Lépine and Bishop Mgr Lacroix).

According to the latest report (2014) of the CCCB  made ​​to the Canada Revenue Agency, the $ 782,640given to 19 organizations  :

Dioceses Northern (James Bay, White Horse, Hudson Bay ...) each receive $ 55,000 from the "treasure" Catholic.

The Archdiocese of St. John receives $ 48,000

The Archdiocese of Quebec receives $ 10,000.

While the majority of donations to organizations vary between $ 965 and $ 80,000, some suspicious items appear repeatedly:

The United Church of Canada , Liberal Protestant persuasion known for its many heresies (promoting abortion and contraception, Ministry of Women and sodomites), annually receives its stamp of $ 115,000. In 2014, this was 14% donated by the CCCB.

From 2010 to 2014, in all annual statements provided to the Canada Revenue Agency appears   - from donations to dioceses in difficulty and various organizations - the famous amount of $ 115,000 to the United Church.

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has never hidden its new post-conciliar orientation ecumenist, but since when this ecumenism helps finance the Protestant sects with money from Catholics?


The profile of the organization of the Canadian bishops, Concacan INC.

Last declaration INC Concacan the Canada Revenue Agency

The United Church and its moral questionable reproductive - paper erased found in "cache"

A good example of LGBT activity overseen by the United Church 

List of Canadian bishops who lead the CCCB http://donate2charities.ca/en/CONCACAN.INC.._.0_118871698RR0001

The interview Friday Monsignor Lepine, tolerance of Islam, state of finances diocèses… http://www.journaldemontreal.com/2016/03/25/leglise-de-montreal-a-la-defense-des-musulmans

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Just because ... we need to lighten' up a bit.

Bishops, Cardinals - the faithful laity demand you call out the deception and subversion of the Faith by Francis!

If you have not yet read Christopher Ferrara's Anatomy of a Pontifical Debacle, take the time to read it, slowly, then read it again, then share it.

Jorge Bergoglio has subverted Catholic doctrine, even the neo-Cath media have to admit it - Holy Communion for adulterers can be given. Whether priests have done this illicitly and sinfully is not the issue, they will be held accountable for the sacrilege and leaving people in their sins, never in history as a Bishop of Rome authorised this. 

The Amoris Latrine is not magisterial as Cardinal Burke has stated. It is not magisterial because it breaks with the past. 

You, as a Catholic, have no choice but to resist and condemn this action on the part of the Bishop or Rome. It is not his Church, it is Christ's Church. Jorge Bergoglio is not Christ, it is not his Church and you and I as Catholics have a commission and a responsibility to resist him, the malefactors around him and to denounce his evil actions as outlined in the love latrine.

Where in the name of all that is Holy are our bishops and cardinals to stand up and denounce this pope and his actions?

Is it always up to us?



Situation Ethics Enshrined - Q & A on Francis' Amoris Laetitia


Situation Ethics Enshrined
Amoris Laetitia
A simple Q & A on Certain Aspects of the Post-Synodal Exhortation
 By John Vennari

What is Amoris Laetitia?
Amoris Laetitia (the “Joy of Love”) is the much anticipated post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation of Pope Francis on marriage and the family. Released on April 6, it runs 260 pages, approximately 59,000 words. Father George Rutler, wryly commenting on the exorbitant length of modern Vatican documents, notes that Francis’ text “is nearly two-thirds the length of all the Vatican II promulgations.”
What are we to think of Amoris Laetitia?

             Respected Italian journalist Antonio Socci wrote: “The Apostolic Exhortation is an open act challenging two thousand years of Catholic teaching. And in Catholic circles people are shocked and struck dumb in bewilderment.” Raymond Cardinal Burke, in a somewhat subdued response, called the document a “personal reflection of the Pope” that is “not [to be] confused with the binding faith owed to the exercise of the magisterium.” The eminent Professor Roberto De Mattei said, “If the text is catastrophic, even more catastrophic is the fact that it was signed by the Vicar of Christ.” These assessments are accurate.
Should we be surprised?

            Anyone who followed the tumultuous 2014 and 2015 Synods will not be surprised at the Exhortation. The Synods, the synod press conferences, the synodal texts and the newly-released Exhortation represent one steady stream of modernist revolution.
What is a key problem with the document?

            Amidst great drifts of verbiage – some not bad, some remarkably tedious – Francis effectively canonizes situation ethics. He furtively opens the door for Communion to the divorced and remarried on a ‘case-by-case’ basis, which destroys key elements of Catholic Moral Theology. In particular, his approach undermines recognition of intrinsically disordered acts, and once this is undermined in one area, it is undermined in all areas. Progressivists immediately celebrated 
Amoris Laetitia as a “radical shift.”

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Is Pope Bergoglio about to purge the number two in the Conclave - Ratzingarian Marc Cardinal Ouellet?

Those of my contacts who know him, know him to be a most humble and faithful man. He is intelligent, gentle and speaks at least five languages. Rumour has it that, before the final ballot, there was a strict conservative (Scola perhaps?), Ouellet and Bergoglio. Ouellet saw that on the next ballot, he was going to be Pope. He panicked and begged the Cardinals not to vote for him again. They didn't and we have the result we do.

The most important job a Pope has is the appointment of bishops. Fortunately, he was able to rebuild much of Quebec's episcopacy under Benedict XVI and no major Sees in Canada are opening soon. Maybe we can dodge a bullet in the next two years.  

It matters not, he remains, papabile.

God help us, please.

According to Pronkin, Cardinal Ouellet could soon be replaced by Pope Francis. The French Canadian, says Pronkin, would not be the first high Curia employee who would deposed because of his criticism of the papal course. However, Francis had found a way to make the appointments himself, although the competent Congregation is in the hands of persons whose convictions he rejects. The informal, semi-clandestine appointments to official bodies in the  past is not only a temporary solution, but probably corresponds to the disposition of the Pope and his aversion to rules and laws. [Or he doesn't want to spend the political capital to get rid of him, when he can do the job himself.]

Marx's own words convict him of heresy and prove that Bergoglio's Apostolic Exhortation is full of it!

Have these wretched malefactors no fear of the living God?

O Lord Jesus Christ we beseech Thee to deliver us from these malefactors!


Cardinal Marx: “No Situation in Which Someone Is Excluded”

On 17 April, the head of the German Bishops’ Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx – who is the archbishop of Munich – gave a homily during Holy Mass in Fürstenfeldbruck, Bavaria. In this homily, the cardinal – who is also a member of the pope’s “Council of Nine Cardinals” – said that “there is no situation in which someone is excluded forever 

Presiding over the invasion of Europe

Does welcoming the stranger mean I am to leave my doors unlocked jeopardising the security and life of my family to be overrun by a mob out to destroy them and me? 

Does the Pope have a lock on his door and a guard outside?

Europe is in dire distress, most of it brought on by its own rejection of its Catholic faith and morality and is now threatened by being overrun with Mohammedan migrants.

When one listens and reads to his various pronouncements on economics, politics, the United Nations and ecumenism, it is as if Jorge Bergoglio is a Marxist and a Freemason in the sense that he seems to have put his whole trust in a belief of the world of man, the exaltation of man, the brotherhood of man, the equality of religion, the disdain for national borders, ethnic identities and the nation-state. He grovels before man but cannot genuflect before God. Everything is planned and theatrical as Sandro Magister pointed out, it is as if we are watching an absurd opera. "There is no Catholic god!" This is what he has said.

Pius V called upon Europe to pray and beat them back at Lepanto and heaven answered. Now, a half-millennium later, Francis calls on Europe to take in the infidels when Europe is least able, through Christian faith, practice and example, to convert them! It is to sign a death warrant.

The solution to the migrants is not Europe or North America, it is safe zones within their own region and the destruction of forces that created this human disaster so that they can rebuild their lives, their societies, their culture on their land, not ours.

Lest anyone question my tolerance, I am of Lebanese ancestry whose family left Lebanon over a century ago to find peace and prosperity from a region of intense beauty but Mohammedan persecution. Lest anyone think that I am xenophobia, the Fox to whom I am married is one-quarter Irish, one-quarter Dutch and African, born in Capetown.

The issue is not race, it is not colour. The issue is religion and culture.

Pope Francis is wrong and his "apology" was not asked for nor do I ask him to "beg forgiveness" on my behalf.


Refugee Crisis as Swan Song --- Pope Francis Begs Forgiveness of Refugees in New Video Message

Pope Francis and the undistinguished questions of refugees
Edit: rather than calling for a Crusade, he wants to let them into the gates.

(Rome) Pope Francis asks the refugees in a video message "for pardon" that "we" had "too often" not included them.

Does no one care for his soul?

This is not for the faint of heart. Some Catholics may find this scandalous.

In spite of all the insults to Catholics, the name-calling, the insinuations, the mocking of faith, the berating to get with his program, the division and marginalisation, the three years of chaos and all the commentary, nothing; nothing has been as direct and real as this from Hilary White.

This pope, apparently hardened in his wicked ideology, is a habitual blasphemer, and, I will dare to say, given his apparently unshakable belief that these assertions are true and opposed to the teaching of the Church, is a wanton heretic, someone who believes himself to be above the Law of God, indeed, to have the power to overturn it at will.
Ask yourselves for a moment which “spirit” is the one most interested in abrogating the Law of Christ. Which spirit is opposed to Christ? It isn’t the Holy Ghost. (It is interesting, and has been commented upon before, that in addition to apparently never genuflecting (yet, as this writer has stated, he can manage to grovel to wash feet, so it can't be a back or knee problem) before the Blessed Sacrament, Pope Francis follows the odd though trendy liberal churchman’s habit of referring most often to “the Spirit” instead of specifying which one. In the Vatican Radio report on that homily, a search reveals that he spoke of “the Spirit” 22 times in his directly quoted remarks. He specifies the “Holy Spirit” twice.)
Pope Francis has decided that “the Spirit” is telling him and his followers that these words of Jesus Christ are void. That the words and commands of the Author of Life no longer apply. They are outdated. They are hard and unforgiving, unmerciful. Therefore, anyone who still wants to adhere to the teaching and commands of Jesus Christ are “resisting the Spirit”. And he blasphemously demands that we be “docile” to this monstrosity.
Is there a Catholic left who would hear those words, and stand up, and say, “Holy Father, that’s blasphemy! That’s heresy! You must not commit such a horrible sin!” Does no one care for his soul? Will no one spare a thought for the terrible condition that awaits him in the next life? Or call for him to repent and avoid it?
I will. I hope and pray, for the love of his soul and for the love of Christ, that others will too.

Read it all at 

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Ten, sorry ELEVEN years ago today, we had a Pope!

Surely, as with the death of Kennedy or 9-11 we remember where we were. As I awaited with a group of Catholic colleagues, at the name Joseph, I knew instantly, and so did they. When Ratzinger was announced two of us raised our fists in the air, "yes!" The others were silent and walked away, grumbling.

All is well. The Papacy of Benedict did much and it did one thing that will go down in history as the great turning point for the restoration of the Church.

It was, without a doubt, an act of the Holy Spirit.

Two words.

Summorum Pontificum.

If history remembers and praises him for nothing else, it will remember him for that.

Thank you, Papa Benedetto!  

Unlike two words, Amoris Laetitia which sets Christ and against the Holy Spirit which is impossible and blasphemous which is proof that it is not magisterial, not infallible, not just and must be denounced and rejected by all.

Christopher Ferrara's "devastating critique" of Amoris Laetitia

It's taken more than a week. With the legal mind and logic of sound argument, Christopher Ferrara dissects and analysis the Apostolic Exhortation from the two Synods with a devastating accuracy displaying a sound Catholic mind and heart filled with love and truth and sorrow for what has befallen us all.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Amoris Laetitia: Anatomy of a Pontifical Debacle Featured

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635787944691218460 EPA USA POPE FRANCIS VISITEditor's Note: This is the REVISED AND EXPANDED WEB VERSION of Mr. Ferrara's article by the same name which appears in the current print-edition of The Remnant. We've decided to post it here in its entirety due to the gravity of its subject matter and to the fact that it may well be our most definitive exposé of Pope Francis and his agenda to permanently change the Church. It gives us no joy to publish this devastating critique of the 'Joy of Love'. In fact, we regard it as nothing less than the heartbreaking duty of loyal sons of the Church who can see no alternative but to resist. Please pray for Pope Francis and for our beloved Catholic Church under obvious siegeMJM
No difficulty can arise that justifies the putting aside of the law of God which forbids all acts intrinsically evil. There is no possible circumstance in which husband and wife cannot, strengthened by the grace of God, fulfill faithfully their duties and preserve in wedlock their chastity unspotted. -Pius XI, Casti Connubii

Monday, 18 April 2016

What do you mean you "don't remember the footnote!"

Pope Francis doesn't remember the footnote!

Jean-Marie Guenois (Le Figaro): I had the same question, but it’s a complementary question because you wrote this famous ‘Amoris Laetitia’ on the problems of the divorced and remarried (footnote 351). Why put something so important in a little note? Did you foresee the opposition or did you mean to say that this point isn’t that important? 
Pope Francis: One of the recent popes, speaking of the Council, said that there were two councils: the Second Vatican Council in the Basilica of St. Peter, and the other, the council of the media. When I convoked the first synod, the great concern of the majority of the media was communion for the divorced and remarried, and, since I am not a saint, this bothered me, and then made me sad. Because, thinking of those media who said, this, this and that, do you not realize that that is not the important problem? Don’t you realize that instead the family throughout the world is in crisis? Don’t we realize that the falling birth rate in Europe is enough to make one cry? And the family is the basis of society. Do you not realize that the youth don’t want to marry? Don’t you realize that the fall of the birth rate in Europe is to cry about? Don’t you realize that the lack of work or the little work (available) means that a mother has to get two jobs and the children grow up alone? These are the big problems.  I don’t remember the footnote, but for sure if it’s something general in a footnote it’s because I spoke about it, I think, in ‘Evangelii Gaudium.’

Shall we remind the Bishop of Rome?

351 In certain cases, this can include the help of the sacraments. Hence, “I want to remind priests that the confessional must not be a torture chamber, but rather an encounter with the Lord’s mercy” (Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium [24 November 2013], 44: AAS 105 [2013], 1038). I would also point out that the Eucharist “is not a prize for the perfect, but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak”

Amoris Laetitia is dead. It is a disgrace. It is a worthless document that must be denounced.

The fact that he cannot remember the footnote in question reveals that he probably didn't even read the final product.

What kind of malefactors has he surrounded himself with?

What a pathetic joke! 

Murray, Royal and Arroyo - telling it as it is!

Watch the whole discussion. Both Father Murray and Dr. Royal tear the document apart. Arroyo asks just the right questions.

Raymond Arroyo: What do you expect the reaction to be among canonists, among bishops and how do they register the critiques that I'm hearing and the concerns to the pope in a way that could reach him and possibly reshape or read just this document. 

Fr. Gerald Murray: This is the effort I think all of us who are concerned want to see happen, which is to tell the pope that flattery would mean we keep our mouths closed and say nothing, but gospel frankness, remember that word he used in the Synod, “parrhesia," the gospel frankness calls upon us to say, “Holy Father either you been poorly advised or you have an incomplete conception of this issue. We know that we can share some information with you.”  But the thirteen or so Cardinals (including Father Murray's Dolan and Toronto's Cardinal Collins - Vox) who wrote to the Pope at the beginning of the last Synod, I mean that’s the perfect kind of example I think is going to happen. Also you know canon 220 - all the faithful have the right to express their opinions about matters in Church life.  This is good that this be debated and brought forward in the press. …St. Thomas is used in Chapter eight to justify this new approach (in the Exhortation). I can't believe that a good group of Thomists won’t be having a response to that I don't want to criticize the pope. I think the pope is a wonderful man. I think he's a holy man in so many ways. I hope to be a good man and holy myself. I don't judge, but what I will say is when you do something in public that contradicts what your predecessor did, there has to be an accounting for it and a responsibility to upholding the gospel and I think that's what many bishops, Cardinals and priests will call for.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

No Syrian Christians suffering on the Island of Lesbians?

You know, like if you're from Toronto you're a Torontonian?

Well, how many Syrian Christians did the Bishop of Rome bring back from the Island of the Lesbians?

I guess there weren't any, eh?

Meanwhile, in Pakistan.

Hello George? George, are you there?..Hello...


Petition to the Cardinals of the Roman Church regarding the grave improprieties of Pope Francis

Petition to the Cardinals of the Roman Church regarding the grave improprieties of Pope Francis


Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes the vow of secrecy at opening of the 2013 Conclave (BBC, screenshote by From Rome blog, cropped)
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio takes the vow of secrecy at opening of the 2013 Conclave (BBC, screenshot by From Rome blog, cropped)
As a Baptized member of the Catholic Church, in accord with my divine right to make known to my sacred pastors, the things which I see as necessary to the unity of the Church, the preservation of the Faith and the salvation of souls, I herewith submit this petition to the College of the Cardinals, as princes of the Roman Church, to whom it belongs both in law to elect the Roman Pontiff, and by immemorial right, to judge the man who holds the Pontificate if he err from the faith, and depose him, ...

Saturday, 16 April 2016

"I can say yes. Period!"

Bishops, Cardinals, the Catholic faithful demand you do your duty before God!

Pope Francis, I don't want you to refer me to what a Cardinal said, what do you say?

Let your yes be yes and your no be no!

Well, you said, "yes!"

Francis: 'New concrete possibilities' for remarried after family exhortation
by Joshua J. McElwee | Apr. 16, 2016

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE TO ROME -- Pope Francis has affirmed that his recent apostolic exhortation on family life has opened up "new concrete possibilities" for Catholics who divorce and remarry without first obtaining annulments.
In a press conference on his way back from a one-day visit to Lesbos, Greece, a reporter told the pontiff that some had interpreted the language in his exhortation to mean that there were no specific changes to the church's pastoral practice for remarried Catholics while others thought there were.
"Are there new concrete possibilities that did not exist before the publication of the exhortation, or no?" asked the journalist.
"I can say yes," responded Francis. "Period."
The pontiff then suggested that people looking for more information consult the presentation given by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn at the Vatican April 8, the day the new exhortation, titled Amoris Laetitia ("The Joy of Love"), was released.

Lest you doubt the translation, read Hilary and the manipulation by Vatican Radio to get it wrong.

Someone needs a fizzakeyatryst or maybe an exorcist!

Answering a question on the plane back after leaving the Lesbians on Lesbos, about the inappropriate meeting with U.S. Marxist, abortion advocate Bernie Sanders, Jorge Bergoglio, the apparent Bishop or Rome said:

“This morning as I was leaving, Senator Sanders was there,” Francis said. “He knew I was coming out at that time, and he had the kindness to greet me.”
“When I came down, he introduced himself, I greeted him with a handshake, and nothing more,” the pope added. “It’s common courtesy, this is called common courtesy.
“If someone thinks that greeting someone is getting involved in politics,” he said, “I recommend that they find a psychiatrist.

How did Bernie Sanders know to be there when the Pope would come out? Because it was set up the night before! Sanders knew. The conference orgnanisers knew to tell him, but we're expected to believe the Pope didn't know? Sanders says that they had a five-minute discussion, the Pope says it was a handshake. At this point, what difference does it make?

He thinks we need a fizzakeyatryst?


I hear Father Amorth is still in Rome!