A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday, 19 October 2015

The malformed and deformed consciences of some Synod Fathers - The Obsession with Homosexuality!

"More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason." Our Lady of Fatima

Tell us Heresiarch Cupich, are you a sodomite? 

Is your brother bishop from Northhampton, Peter Doyle?

You can listen to "Bishop Peter" talk about he "came out to Rome" at this link on Vatican Radio. Why have they adopted the homo-heretical and sodomite language of LGBTQRSTU and V?

"Bishop Peter says he came out to Rome conscious of that ”gap that has to be bridged” but he adds that some of the small groups are moving in that direction through seeing Jesus as both truth as well as compassion and mercy." He expresses concern that some bishops sense “a little fear” of reconciling what he describes as “a Church upholding the eternal truth of faith” and “a Church offering healing and mercy to those who have failed to live up to that teaching.” "He says those who are wanting to explore “what is God’s will for us are in no way trying to undermine the traditional teaching of the Church”, but adds it’s essential to find a way of responding to those in difficult situations…"
Bishop Peter says that in preparation for the Synod he was in contact with supporters of sides of the debate. Regarding the concerns of Catholics from the LGBT community in the UK, he says he’s concerned that the Synod “doesn’t seem to have faced up to those issues”, but rather to have pushed them “into a siding” because the bishops do not know how to respond. He says we cannot “leave people in limbo” yet the biblical understanding of male and female does “not leave room at the moment for same-sex relationships. 
While hoping there may be some further discussion of this topic, Bishop Doyle suggests that issues around homosexuality might merit a Synod of their own, accompanied by further exploration of the theological understanding of anthropology."
We cannot leave people in limbo” yet the biblical understanding of male and female does “not leave room at the moment for same-sex relationships."

At the moment? The man is a heretic!

These men talk about "seeking God's will?" Was Jesus not God incarnate, the WORD MADE FLESH? Did he not say, "Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect? Perfection does not include sodomy any more than it includes adultery, murder, fornication, wife-beating, child molestation, or any other sin against God, self and man. "Seek you first the Kingdom of God" said Our Blessed Lord, not the anus of another man!

Come out, you and all your filthy, perverted brother bishops and priests.

Every one of you child-molesting, Christ-hating sodomites.  Yes, the Catholic priest abuse crisis was caused by men who were sodomites who infiltrated the Holy Priesthood of Our Lord Jesus Christ to seize upon their victims, teen-aged boys. They were sodomites -- homosexuals and don't let anyone tell you any different!

The real truth? 

These men have poisoned consciences and Michael Voris articulates it brilliantly:

"But see — and here is the dirty little not-so-secret secret of this Synod — many of these men constantly pounding the war drum for sodomy are troubled in their own private consciences because they are gay. They have supported this evil either directly in their own lives or have friends among their brother bishops who are sodomites themselves. They have blessed these evil unions in private or supported such horror by deliberately looking the other way.

Their own consciences have haunted and accused them for years, because they know this is wrong. They know men having sex with one another is evil and goes against nature, and since they engage in this themselves, or their clerical friends do and they support it, they have to use the Church to silence their own guilt crying out from inside of them. With all the evils plaguing the family in today's world, why do these bishops and their clerical supporters find it impossible to stop talking about homosexuality? One can only conclude that the reason they go on and on about it non-stop is because they are troubled in their own consciences."



Golden showers.


Slurp ramps.

Glory holes

Anal intercourse

Oral copulation


All according to conscience can you do these deviant things and then come to Holy Communion according to Heresiarch Cupich!

Cupich is a distorter of truth. A malefactor "tickling ears."

Remember Favalora? Leahy? Weakland?

Who do you believe, Cupich? Bode? Marx? Bonny? Doyle?

Or these?
1. Athenagoras of Athens (Second Century)

Athenagoras of Athens was a philosopher who converted to Christianity in the second century. He shows that the pagans, who were totally immoral, did not even refrain from sins against nature:
But though such is our character (Oh! why should I speak of things unfit to be uttered?), the things said of us are an example of the proverb, "The harlot reproves the chaste." For those who have set up a market for fornication and established infamous resorts for the young for every kind of vile pleasure — who do not abstain even from males, males with males committing shocking abominations, outraging all the noblest and comeliest bodies in all sorts of ways, so dishonoring the fair workmanship of God.
2. Tertullian (160–225)
Tertullian was a great genius and apologist of the early Church. Unfortunately, after an initial period of fervour, he succumbed to resentment and pride, left the Church and adhered to the Montanist heresy. Because of works written while still in the Church, he is considered an ecclesiastical writer and, as such, is commonly quoted by popes and theologians. His treatise On Modesty is an apology of Christian chastity. He clearly shows the horror the Church has for sins against nature. After condemning adultery, he exclaims:
But all the other frenzies of passions — impious both toward the bodies and toward the sexes — beyond the laws of nature, we banish not only from the threshold, but from all shelter of the Church, because they are not sins, but monstrosities.
3. Eusebius of Caesarea (260–341)
Eusebius Pamphili, Bishop of Cæsarea in Palestine and the "Father of Church History," writes in his book, Demonstratio Evangelica: "[God in the Law given to Moses] having forbidden all unlawful marriage, and all unseemly practice, and the union of women with women and men with men."
4. Saint Jerome (340–420)
Saint Jerome is both Father and Doctor of the Church. He was also a notable exegete and great polemicist. In his book Against Jovinianus, he explains how a sodomite needs repentance and penance to be saved: "And Sodom and Gomorrah might have appeased it [God's wrath], had they been willing to repent, and through the aid of fasting gain for themselves tears of repentance."
5. Saint John Chrysostom (347–407)
Saint John Chrysostom is considered the greatest of the Greek Fathers and was proclaimed Doctor of the Church. He was archbishop and patriarch of Constantinople, and his revision of the Greek liturgy is used until today. In his sermons about Saint Paul's Epistle to the Romans, he dwells on the gravity of the sin of homosexuality:
But if thou scoffest at hearing of Hell and believest not that fire, remember Sodom. For we have seen, surely we have seen, even in this present life, a semblance of Hell. For since many would utterly disbelieve the things to come after the resurrection, hearing now of an unquenchable fire, God brings them to a right mind by things present. For such is the burning of Sodom, and that conflagration!
Consider how great is that sin, to have forced Hell to appear even before its time! ... For that rain was unwonted, for the intercourse was contrary to nature, and it deluged the land, since lust had done so with their souls. Wherefore also the rain was the opposite of the customary rain. Now not only did it fail to stir up the womb of the earth to the production of fruits, but made it even useless for the reception of seed. For such was also the intercourse of the men, making a body of this sort more worthless than the very land of Sodom. And what is there more detestable than a man who hath pandered himself, or what more execrable?
6. Saint Augustine (354–430)
The greatest of the Fathers of the West and one of the great Doctors of the Church, St. Augustine laid the foundations of Catholic theology. In his celebrated Confessions, he thus condemns homosexuality:
Those offences which be contrary to nature are everywhere and at all times to be held in detestation and punished; such were those of the Sodomites, which should all nations commit, they should all be held guilty of the same crime by the divine law, which hath not so made men that they should in that way abuse one another. For even that fellowship which should be between God and us is violated, when that same nature of which He is author is polluted by the perversity of lust.
7. Saint Gregory the Great (540–604)
Pope Saint Gregory I is called "the Great." He is both Father and Doctor of the Church. He introduced Gregorian chant into the Church. He organised England's conversion, sending St. Augustine of Canterbury and many Benedictine monks there.
Sacred Scripture itself confirms that sulphur evokes the stench of the flesh, as it speaks of the rain of fire and sulphur poured upon Sodom by the Lord. He had decided to punish Sodom for the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment he chose emphasised the shame of that crime. For sulphur stinks, and fire burns. So it was just that Sodomites, burning with perverse desires arising from the flesh like stench, should perish by fire and sulphur so that through this just punishment they would realise the evil they had committed, led by a perverse desire.
8. Saint Peter Damian (1007–1072)
Doctor of the Church, cardinal and a great reformer of the clergy, St. Peter Damian wrote his famous Book of Gomorrah against the inroads made by homosexuality among the clergy. He describes not only the iniquity of homosexuality, but also its psychological and moral consequences:
Truly, this vice is never to be compared with any other vice because it surpasses the enormity of all vices.… It defiles everything, stains everything, pollutes everything. And as for itself, it permits nothing pure, nothing clean, nothing other than filth. ...
The miserable flesh burns with the heat of lust; the cold mind trembles with the rancour of suspicion; and in the heart of the miserable man chaos boils like Tartarus [Hell]. ... In fact, after this most poisonous serpent once sinks its fangs into the unhappy soul, sense is snatched away, memory is borne off, the sharpness of the mind is obscured. It becomes unmindful of God and even forgetful of itself. This plague undermines the foundation of faith, weakens the strength of hope, destroys the bond of charity; it takes away justice, subverts fortitude, banishes temperance, blunts the keenness of prudence.
And what more should I say since it expels the whole host of the virtues from the chamber of the human heart and introduces every barbarous vice as if the bolts of the doors were pulled out.
9. Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274)
Commenting upon St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (1:26–27), St. Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, explains why the sin of homosexuality is so grave:
Given the sin of impiety through which they [the Romans] sinned against the divine nature [by idolatry], the punishment that led them to sin against their own nature followed. ... I say, therefore, that since they changed into lies [by idolatry] the truth about God, He brought them to ignominious passions, that is, to sins against nature — not that God led them to evil, but only that He abandoned them to evil. ...
If all the sins of the flesh are worthy of condemnation because by them man allows himself to be dominated by that which he has of the animal nature, much more deserving of condemnation are the sins against nature by which man degrades his own animal nature. ...
Man can sin against nature in two ways. First, when he sins against his specific rational nature, acting contrary to reason. In this sense, we can say that every sin is a sin against man's nature, because it is against man's right reason. ...
Secondly, man sins against nature when he goes against his generic nature, that is to say, his animal nature. Now, it is evident that, in accord with natural order, the union of the sexes among animals is ordered towards conception. From this it follows that every sexual intercourse that cannot lead to conception is opposed to man's animal nature.
10. Saint Catherine of Siena (1347–1380)
Saint Catherine, a great mystic and Doctor of the Church, lived in troubled times. The papacy was in exile at Avignon, France. She was instrumental in bringing the popes back to Rome. Her famous Dialogues are written as if dictated by God Himself:
But they act in a contrary way, for they come full of impurity to this mystery, and not only of that impurity to which, through the fragility of your weak nature, you are all naturally inclined (although reason, when free will permits, can quiet the rebellion of nature), but these wretches not only do not bridle this fragility, but do worse, committing that accursed sin against nature, and as blind and fools, with the light of their intellect darkened, they do not know the stench and misery in which they are. It is not only that this sin stinks before Me, who am the Supreme and Eternal Truth, it does indeed displease Me so much and I hold it in such abomination that for it alone I buried five cities by a divine judgement, My divine justice being no longer able to endure it. This sin not only displeases Me as I have said, but also the devils whom these wretches have made their masters. Not that the evil displeases them because they like anything good, but because their nature was originally angelic, and their angelic nature causes them to loathe the sight of the actual commission of this enormous sin.
11. Saint Bernardine of Siena (1380–1444)
Saint Bernardine of Siena was a famous preacher, celebrated for his doctrine and holiness. Regarding homosexuality, he stated:
No sin in the world grips the soul as the accursed sodomy; this sin has always been detested by all those who live according to God. ... Deviant passion is close to madness; this vice disturbs the intellect, destroys elevation and generosity of soul, brings the mind down from great thoughts to the lowliest, makes the person slothful, irascible, obstinate and obdurate, servile and soft and incapable of anything; furthermore, agitated by an insatiable craving for pleasure, the person follows not reason but frenzy. ... They become blind and, when their thoughts should soar to high and great things, they are broken down and reduced to vile and useless and putrid things, which could never make them happy. ... Just as people participate in the glory of God in different degrees, so also in hell some suffer more than others. He who lived with this vice of sodomy suffers more than another, for this is the greatest sin.
12. Saint Peter Canisius (1521–1597)
Saint Peter Canisius, Jesuit and Doctor of the Church, is responsible for helping one third of Germany abandon Lutheranism and return to the Church. To Scripture's condemnation of homosexuality, he added his own:
As the Sacred Scripture says, the Sodomites were wicked and exceedingly sinful. Saint Peter and St. Paul condemn this nefarious and depraved sin. In fact, the Scripture denounces this enormous indecency thus: "The scandal of Sodomites and Gomorrhans has multiplied and their sins have become grave beyond measure." So the angels said to just Lot, who totally abhorred the depravity of the Sodomites: "Let us leave this city. ..." Holy Scripture does not fail to mention the causes that led the Sodomites, and can also lead others, to this most grievous sin. In fact, in Ezechiel we read: "Behold this was the iniquity of Sodom: pride, fullness of bread, and abundance, and the idleness of her, and of her daughters: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and the poor. And they were lifted up, and committed abominations before me; and I took them away as thou hast seen" (Ezek. 16:49–50). Those unashamed of violating divine and natural law are slaves of this never sufficiently execrated depravity.

My fellow Canadians including my family and friends

To my fellow Canadians and to my family and friends who are free to unfriend me or otherwise consider our relationship as you will. 

Read my words.

TODAY - Monday, October 19 is election day in Canada.

Two leaders, Trudeau and Mulcair are Roman Catholics. They are apostates, and they are party to murder.

Steven Harper is a coward, he is not a Catholic and therefore cannot apostatise. 

The Canadian bishops will tell you that the environment is important and social justice is important, that capital punishment is important. They have mislead you. We have every right to disagree on prudential decisions on how the economy should be, social supports, employment and law and order. We have no right to dissent on the matter of Life.

Abortion is murder and Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party is a dictator that ordered that any candidate must sign that they support abortion. No Member of Parliament can bring forward even a Private Member's Bill to protect Life. Thomas Mulcair of the Socialist Party has the same policy.

Harper and the Conservatives have no policy on abortion. They hold a neutral or cowardly position. He allowed private member bills to come forward but would not support him. We have no laws on abortion at all, not trimester limited, not partial-birth restriction, nothing.

However, Harper prohibited Canadian taxpayer dollars from being used to fund abortion in foreign countries. The Catholic Trudeau, would restore these murders.

As a Catholic with an informed conscience, (which this letter is about) you cannot vote to commit evil. You cannot vote Liberal or NDP without voting for abortion to continue in Canada with no ability to reduce it, and in fact, increase it worldwide. By voting for one of these you will be participating in the murder of the innocent.

If you have a pro-life candidate you should vote for that person, but you will NOT find him or her in the Liberals or NDP. You may find them in the Conservatives or a fourth party. Your vote for a fourth party may put in a worse candidate, Liberal or NDP, who will also not restrict the coming euthanasia abomination which I believe the Conservatives will from what Party sources have confirmed.

Trudeau has vowed to legalise marijuana and fund foreign abortions. He has admitted smoking pot, since being a Member of Parliament. Sorry, pot messes with your brain and Justin is proof of that.

If you vote Liberal or NDP you will a commit a crime against the unborn. 

You cannot vote for evil and you cannot vote for the lesser evil.

You can vote neutral and to for those who would do less evil considering that they're mostly a bunch of self-serving, arrogant, egotistical and corrupt incompetents. Having worked for Cabinet Minister on Parliament Hill and Queen's Park, I can attest to that.

If you vote Liberal or NDP, do not call yourself a Catholic.

In case you've never seen it, this is what abortion looks like.

For a different take on Harper being the last man standing against the globalist government consider Lord Monckton's thoughts at LifeSiteNews.

The Vatican Press office has "made a big mistake"

Some people brag about their relationships and their work.

Others take a different view.

Father Rosica is reporting what he heard on the floor, but a great problem is, we don’t know who said it and how many people agreed with it; and it’s sort of a statement without author so it floats out there. It really is a ridiculous statement in itself. To say something that is part of Catholic morality, ‘love the sinner hate the sin’ doesn’t work - work? What does that mean? Of course it works! Loving the sinner is what Jesus Christ did and he calls us to repentance! So, we have to know who said it, why did they say it, and then maybe can they explain it, if there were summaries of each individual intervention then reporters can go to that person  and say, ‘well you said this, did you really  mean it?’ He might say, ‘actually I misstepped or misspoke or I didn’t mean to say it and actually it means something else.’ This is really an information control problem that I think the press office and the synod management committee have made a big mistake. Statements without authors really aren’t useful in furthering discussion.”  Father Gerald Murray beginning at 10:20
“The nervousness created by the lack of clarity about the process may be the worst thing of all.” Dr. Robert Royal


Sunday, 18 October 2015

The Synod one year ago today - and repeated all over again

Originally blogged one year ago today.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

No stopping the Synod backlash - responsibility is with Pope Francis himself

Now that the Synod is wrapping up, we await the final report and whatever gift we are given tomorrow, Sunday.

Every Catholic must be indebted to Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Napier, Cardinal Pell to the Polish Bishops' Conference and to others whom we are not directly aware not within the English-speaking world. Make no mistake, the people behind the machinations and deception this week intended to change doctrine. It is a homosexual and modernist cabal deep inside the Church. They are masonic, they hate the Church, they hate Christ, they hate you and me. They are malefactors and they will be back again.

Two weeks ago, it was about the civilly divorced and remarried. The actions this week show the truth -- this Synod has been about:

  • The approval of sodomy and alternative family arrangements.
  • A dismissive attitude towards mortal sin.
  • A profanation of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
  • And as Cardinal Kasper revealed in his racist rant about Africa, a confederation of national churches under a first among equals. 

The scandal, the utter tragedy in all of this is to see the Holy Father, Pope Francis approve of all of it by not only his silence but by his apparent participation in political games of note-passing and head-nodding in the Synod hall. This is action beneath the Vicar of Christ, the Pope. It is an insult to Our Blessed Lord and to the Body of Christ -- the Church and you and I as members of Her.

It is time to put away two things; the first is this, the Holy Spirit does not directly elect the Pope. Second; papolatry is a violation of the First Commandment, it is not Catholic and never was. We have to face this friends, Christ is the Head, the Pope is His servant. He can make mistakes in prudential judgement and action and in the case of the last 18 months, there have been many.

Never could I have imagined a most senior Cardinal (Burke) ever calling out a Pope and state that the Pope is actively and positively doing "harm" to the Church. We've seen him lectured to do his "job" in a brilliant and humble column by Father Longenecker and the process denounced by Father Vincent Twomey. There is more, to be sure, including this report from Rorate.

We are facing a crisis unknown for at least five-hundred years and the protestant revolution. In fact, it may become the greatest crisis in seventeen-hundred years and the time of Arius. Do not underestimate that which we are facing and it must be said that the person responsible for this is Pope Francis himself. He called this Synod and appointed the antagonists, gave approval and promotion to the public heretic, racist, lying, calumniator, Kasper and he has not taken one step which the Catholic people need to see to reign him in or denounce him. Cardinal Kasper attempted yesterday to destroy a person's career to hide his own mistakes and Pope Francis says nothing.

These men, these malefactors have done great harm; they have disturbed the hearts and souls of millions of Catholics and they are doing evil.

Yesterday, I spoke with a good friend who has been counselling a young man that is struggling with same-sex attraction and chastity. The young man announced to him yesterday that he has a new "boyfriend" and he referred to the change that the Church has taken to justify it. You and I know that there is no "change" but as Cardinal Napier indicated, the damage is done.

Learn from the Prophet Ezechiel; "If, when I say to the wicked, Thou shalt surely die: thou declare it not to him, nor speak to him, that he may be converted from his wicked way, and live: the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but I will require his blood at thy hand."

Saint Luke and Saint Matthew both tell us of Our Lord's words, "he that shall scandalise one of these little ones that believes in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea." Jesus held nothing back. The people that have committed this scandal these last few weeks have done the work of Satan. The two paragraphs above apply. God will not be mocked and He is just. The young man referred to earlier has free choice, but those that confused him this week will be judged by God for what they did.

There is no blaming the media this week. The Church has a self-inflicted wound. Pray for Pope Francis that he upholds the faith and guards the Church from heresy. The wolves that drove out our Benedict are still there, and with Pope Francis, they seem to have be emboldened. We love Pope Francis, we must pray for him and convict ourselves for not doing so; but we cannot accept heresy; we cannot accept a change in doctrine through stealth or in any other way. 

Gird your loins and put on the helmet of salvation. Go to confession, go to Mass. Seek out proper liturgy. Pray the Mass and receive Holy Communion devoutly. Be vigilant. Do not break faith with the Truth.  The Truth is found in Tradition. When in doubt you follow what we have always followed. Truth is in Tradition, doctrine does not change. Revelation is not new, there are no "surprises." 

We are in a battle friends. Our Mother is besieged and violated. It is up to you and me to fight for Her. This is the glorious duty that we have that is not to be diminished. This is our time. This is our Crusade. This is our great blessing.

Ave Maria!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Is Francis about to declare something "Infallible?" Is he about to "devolve" the Catholic Church into Orthodox or Anglican type "communions?"

Pope Francis marks the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops as a permanent body, Oct 17th, 2015 - AFP
Pope Francis has spoken to the Synod today. A Synod that is out of control in organisation and heretical statements.

Is he about to use his ultimate authority?

If the Pope speaks and declares something "infallible" it can only be on matters of faith and morals (get that my neocath papolater friends?)

He cannot state infallibly, that sodomy is not a sin or that that sodomite or lesbian relationships or state-sanctioned "marriage" can be blest. He cannot state that adultery (civil remarriage after a valid Sacrament of Matrimony) is not a sin. The legal or pastoral permission to provide Holy Communion to unrepentant sinners is a blapshemy and sacrilege and he cannot teach this.

Do not misunderstand, "the gates of Hell will not prevail." They will not, but Our Lord did not say that the Church would not be shaken. Do not think that a Pope cannot teach error. He can, it is just that he cannot teach it infallibly and if he tries to do so, it will be up to bishops of faith to denounce him, if the Holy Spirit does not strike him dead first.

The Pope is saying he is in charge. Good, then he should sanction the likes of Cupich, Danneels, Marx, Dew, Durocher and that no nothing from Panama that wants a return to the Mosaic Law and no doubt, a dozen or more others.    

Instead he talks about devolution. Is this to be to the bishop or the conferences? The former is one thing, the latter is heretical.

Prior to the Council of Trent, the Church was less centralised, even in liturgies as perhaps the most visible element. This decentralization lead to the Church being controlled by the crowns in many lands of Europe and used for political purposes as in England. The orthodox are still a prime example of this and we see this in Russia. The Council of Trent consolidated power for a reason, it was a response to heresy and the protestant revolution of Luther, Calvin and Zwingli and Cramner.

Are we prepared to trust the various episcopal conferences with doctrine? 

Why is Francis ready to follow a failed model of Anglicanism and the Orthodox. It is not Catholic. 

When will the faithful bishops rise up and stop this madness. Madness that comes from Bergoglio himself

Pope Francis’ Address at Commemorative Ceremony
for the 50th Anniversary of the Synod of Bishops
October 17, 2015
Paul VI Audience Hall – Vatican City
[Working translation prepared by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB,
Rosica's spelling errors corrected
English language media attaché, Holy See Press Office]
Your Beatitudes, Eminences, Excellencies, Brothers and Sisters,
As the XIV Ordinary General Assembly is underway, it is a joy for me to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops and to praise and honor the Lord for the Synod of Bishops. From the Second Vatican Council up to the current Synod on the Family, we have gradually learned of the necessity and beauty of “walking together.”
On this happy occasion I would like to extend a cordial greeting to His Eminence Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops along with the Undersecretary, His Excellency Archbishop Fabio Fabene, the Officials, the Consultors and other collaborators in the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. Together with them, I greet and thank the Synod Fathers and other participants in this Synod gathered here this morning in this hall.
At this time we also want to remember those who, over the course of the last 50 years, have worked in the service of the Synod, starting from the successive General Secretaries: Cardinals Władysław Rubin, Jozef Tomko, Jan Pieter Schotte and Archbishop Nikola Eterovic. I take this opportunity to express my deepest, heartfelt gratitude to those – both living and deceased – who made such generous and competent contributions to the activities of the Synod of Bishops.
From the beginning of my ministry as Bishop of Rome I intended to enhance the Synod, which is one of the most precious legacies of the Second Vatican Council. For Blessed Paul VI, the Synod of Bishops was meant to keep alive the image of the Ecumenical Council and to reflect the conciliar spirit and method. The same Pontiff desired that the synodal organism "over time would be greatly improved." Twenty years later, St. John Paul II would echo those sentiments when he stated that "perhaps this tool can be further improved. Perhaps the collegial pastoral responsibility can find even find a fuller expression in the Synod.” Finally, in 2006, Benedict XVI approved some changes to the Ordo Synodi Episcoporum, especially in light of the provisions of the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, promulgated in meantime.
We must continue on this path. The world in which we live and that we are called to love and serve even with its contradictions, demands from the Church the Church the strengthening of synergies in all areas of her mission. And it is precisely on this way of synodality where we find the pathway that God expects from the Church of the third millennium.
In a certain sense, what the Lord asks of us is already contained in the word "synod." Walking together – Laity, Pastors, the Bishop of Rome – is an easy concept to put into words, but not so easy to put into practice. After reiterating that People of God is comprised of all the baptized who are called to "be a spiritual edifice and a holy priesthood," the Second Vatican Council proclaims that "the whole body of the faithful, anointed as they are by the Holy One, cannot err in matters of belief and manifests this reality in the supernatural sense of faith of the whole people, when 'from the bishops to the last of the lay faithful' show their total agreement in matters of faith and morals."
In the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium I stressed that "the people of God is holy because this anointing makes [the people] infallible "in matters of belief”, adding that "each baptized person, no matter what their function is in the Church and whatever educational level of faith, is an active subject of evangelization and it would be inappropriate to think of a framework of evangelization carried out by qualified actors in which the rest of the faithful People were only recipients of their actions. The sensus fidei prevents rigid separation between “Ecclesia” (Church) and the Church teaching, and learning (Ecclesia docens discens), since even the Flock has an "instinct" to discern the new ways that the Lord is revealing to the Church.
It was this conviction that guided me when I desired that God's people would be consulted in the preparation of the two-phased synod on the family. Certainly, a consultation like this would never be able to hear the entire sensus fidei (sense of the faith). But how would we ever be able to speak about the family without engaging families, listening to their joys and their hopes, their sorrows and their anguish? Through the answers to the two questionnaires sent to the particular Churches, we had the opportunity to at least hear some of the people on those issues that closely affect them and about which they have much to say.
A synodal church is a listening church, knowing that listening "is more than feeling.” It is a mutual listening in which everyone has something to learn. Faithful people, the College of Bishops, the Bishop of Rome: we are one in listening to others; and all are listening to the Holy Spirit, the "Spirit of truth" (Jn 14:17), to know what the Spirit "is saying to the Churches" (Rev 2:7).
The Synod of Bishops is the convergence point of this dynamic of listening conducted at all levels of church life. The synodal process starts by listening to the people, who “even participate in the prophetic office of Christ", according to a principle dear to the Church of the first millennium: "Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus tractari debet" [what concerns all needs to be debated by all]. The path of the Synod continues by listening to the pastors. Through the Synod Fathers, the bishops act as true stewards, interpreters and witnesses of the faith of the whole Church, who must be able to carefully distinguish from that which flows from frequently changing public opinion.
On the eve of the Synod of last year I stated: "First of all, let us ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of listening for the Synod Fathers, so that with the Spirit, we might be able to hear the cry of the people and listen to the people until we breathe the will to which God calls us.”
Finally, the synodal process culminates in listening to the Bishop of Rome, who is called upon to pronounce as "pastor and teacher of all Christians," not based on his personal convictions but as a supreme witness of “totius fides Ecclesiae” (the faith of the whole Church), of the guarantor of obedience and the conformity of the Church to the will of God, to the Gospel of Christ and to the Tradition of the Church.
The fact that the Synod always act, cum Petro et sub Petro - therefore not only cum Petro, but also sub Petro – this is not a restriction of freedom, but a guarantee of unity. In fact the Pope, by the will of the Lord, is "the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the bishops as much as of the multitude of the faithful." To this is connected the concept of “ierarchica communio” (hierarchical communio) used by Vatican II: the Bishops being united with the Bishop of Rome by the bond of episcopal communion (cum Petro) and at the same time hierarchically subjected to him as head of the college (sub Petro).
As a constitutive dimension of the Church, synodality gives us the more appropriate interpretive framework to understand the hierarchical ministry. If we understand as St. John Chrysostom did, that “church and synod are synonymous,” since the Church means nothing other than the common journey of the Flock of God along the paths of history towards the encounter of Christ Lord, then we understand that within the Church, no one can be raised up higher than the others. On the contrary, in the Church, it is necessary that each person be “lowered " in order to serve his or her brothers and sisters along the way.
Jesus founded the Church by placing at its head the Apostolic College, in which the apostle Peter is the "rock" (cfr. Mt 16:18), the one who will confirm his brothers in the faith (cfr. Lk 22: 32). But in this church, as in an inverted pyramid, the summit is located below the base. For those who exercise this authority are called "ministers" because, according to the original meaning of the word, they are the least of all. It is in serving the people of God that each Bishop becomes for that portion of the flock entrusted to him, vicarius Christi, (vicar of that Jesus who at the Last Supper stooped to wash the feet of the Apostles (cfr. Jn 13: 1-15 ). And in a similar manner, the Successor of Peter is none other than the servus servorum Dei (Servant of the servants of God).
Let us never forget this! For the disciples of Jesus, yesterday, today and always, the only authority is the authority of the service, the only power is the power of the cross, in the words of the Master: “You know that the rulers of the nations lord it over them, and their leaders oppress them. It shall not be so among you: but whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave" (Mt 20:25-27). “It shall not be so among you:” in this expression we touch the heart of the mystery of the Church and receive the necessary light to understand hierarchical service.
In a Synodal Church, the Synod of Bishops is only the most obvious manifestation of a dynamism of communion that inspires all ecclesial decisions. The first level of exercize of synodality is realized in the particular (local) Churches. After having recalled the noble institution of the diocesan Synod, in which priests and laity are called to collaborate with the Bishop for the good of the whole ecclesial community, the Code of Canon Law devotes ample space to those that are usually called “bodies of communion” in the local Church: the Council of Priests, the College of Consultors, the Chapter of Canons and the Pastoral Council. Only to the extent that these organizations are connected with those on the ground, and begin with the people and their everyday problems, can a Synodal Church begin to take shape: even when they may proceed with fatigue, they must be understood as occasions of listening and sharing.
The second level is that of Ecclesiastical Provinces and Regions, of Particular (local Councils) and in a special way, Episcopal Conferences. We must reflect on realizing even more through these bodies – the intermediary aspects of collegiality – perhaps perhaps by integrating and updating some aspects of early church order. The hope of the Council that such bodies would help increase the spirit of episcopal collegiality has not yet been fully realized. As I have said, “In a Church Synod it is not appropriate for the Pope to replace the local Episcopates in the discernment of all the problems that lie ahead in their territories. In this sense, I feel the need to proceed in a healthy "decentralization."
The last level is that of the universal Church. Here the Synod of Bishops, representing the Catholic episcopate, becomes an expression of episcopal collegiality inside a church that is synodal. It manifests the affective collegiality, which may well become in some circumstances "effective," joining the Bishops among themselves and with the Pope in the solicitude for the People God.
The commitment to build a Synodal Church to which all are called – each with his or her role entrusted to them by the Lord is loaded with ecumenical implications. For this reason, talking recently to a delegation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, I reiterated the conviction that "careful consideration of how to articulate in the Church's life the principle of collegiality and the service of the one who presides offers a significant contribution to the progress of relations between our Churches."
I am convinced that in a synodal Church, the exercise of the Petrine primacy will receive greater light. The Pope is not, by himself, above the Church; but inside it as one baptized among the baptized, and within the College of Bishops as Bishop among Bishops; as one called at the same time as Successor of Peter – to lead the Church of Rome which presides in charity over all the Churches.
While I reiterate the need and urgency to think of " a conversion of the papacy,” I gladly repeat the words of my predecessor Pope John Paul II: "As Bishop of Rome I know well [...] that the full and visible communion of all the communities in which, by virtue of God's faithfulness, his Spirit dwells, is the ardent desire of Christ. I am convinced that you have in this regard a special responsibility, above all in acknowledging the ecumenical aspirations of the majority of the Christian Communities and in heeding the request made of me to find a form of exercise of the primacy which, while in no way renouncing what is essential to its mission, is nonetheless open to a new situation.”
Our gaze extends also to humanity. A synodal church is like a banner lifted up among the nations (cfr. Is 11:12) in a world that even though invites participation, solidarity and transparency in public administration – often hands over the destiny of entire populations into the greedy hands of restricted groups of the powerful. As a Church that “walks together" with men and women, sharing the hardships of history, let us cultivate the dream that the rediscovery of the inviolable dignity of peoples and the exercise of authority, even now will be able to help civil society to be founded on justice and fraternity, generating a more beautiful and worthy world for mankind and for the generations that will come after us.

Hey Heresiarch Cupich - What do you think of this "throuple: oh and how lovely, they want to start a family

Tell us Heresiarch Cupich - in the deranged mind of yours poisoned by modernism, heresy, pride arrogance and a lack of supernatural faith, what thinkest thou of this little group. Will you meet them where they are? 

What a bunch of sickos and any cleric that would  give these filthy perverts Holy Communion will go to Hell.

Gay married couple who got divorced after just one year to include a THIRD man in their relationship now plan to have children with their sisters as surrogates

  • Adam Grant and Shayne Curran, Canada, tied the knot in 2011 
  • One year later they met Sebastian Tran in a nightclub and hit it off
  • Got divorced so the relationship between the threesome could be equal
  • Now all live together and plan on starting a family 

German Heseriarch Cardinal Marx of the pornography producing German bishops is hosting lavish parties for Cardinals and Bishops of the Synod

In complete and utter defiance and a display of hypocisy when the Pope desires his bishops be humble and get out of their palaces, the German Heseriarch Marx has been hosting lavish dinner parties for other Cardinals.

Is he lobbying them to take up his heterodox positions?

Perhaps, he is showing him the pornography collection from the publishing company owned by the German bishops.

Edward Pentin reports:

Cardinal Marx Hosting Extravagant Dinners for Synod Fathers?
Article main image
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who is attending the Synod on the Family as president of the German bishops’ conference, is allegedly holding extravagant dinners for synod fathers at a multi-million euro villa in Rome owned by the archdiocese of Munich.

Around 20 bishops from a number of countries attended a lavish dinner at an archdiocesan-owned guesthouse located on Via delle Medaglia d’Oro last Sunday.
According to an informed source, there was such an abundance of food “the bishops’ stomachs were hardly able to take a break.” Another similar banquet is planned tomorrow.


Heresiarch Bishop and Judas Priest Judas Raúl Vera López - calls sodomites "our saviours" supports abortion and homosexualty, Is he one?

Bishop José Raul Vera López
Judas Priest named, Raúl Vera López

On October 7, I was busy organising the Mass and Schola for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, I missed this piece of heretical homosexualist bile from a heresiarch from Mexico, an apparent Bishop but just another Judas Priest named, Raúl Vera López. 

Tantumblogo has just written this up and I recommend you visit him at A Blog for Dallas Area Catholics.

López has clearly lost the faith, if he ever had it. Imagine, calling sodomites and lesbians, "our saviours." 

What blasphemy!

Is he a sodomite? Do our Mexican friends have any evidence?

López has a history as documented at LifeSiteNews for supporting homosexualist causes and abortion!

I'm sorry for bringing you all bad news; what choice do I have, what choice do you have? Do not develop fatigue. Do not resist the knowledge of what is happening at the and of these traitorous cardinals, bishops and priests. You must wake up to what is coming. You must wake up your Catholic friends who are still asleep. The alarm we send has nothing to do with not having faith in Our Lord's words that the "gates of Hell will not prevail." It is because of those very words that we do this.

Here is the money quote:
The day’s proceedings were concluded by the most anticipated and important speaker of all due to the position he holds, the Dominican Bishop Raúl Vera López from the Mexican diocese of Saltillo, known for his views that are openly in contrast with Catholic doctrine, in favour of the rights claimed by LGBT and promotion of abortion. The bishop started by declaring that he felt honoured and privileged to be breaking new ground together with the LGBT community. He then praised the skill and organisational capacity of the gay rights movement, likening the LGBT community to the tiny ants in a Mexican proverb which, through their perseverance and hard work, manage to defeat monsters far greater than themselves: “those who are small and well organised overcome the monsters; you are well organised and you will win.”

Heresiarch Cardinal Reinhard Marx - Conscience should dictate - rejects Humanae Vitae

Heresiarch's Cupich, the Judas Priest of Chicago's statement yesterday to LifeSiteNews on conscience seems to have had its motivation in the German Heresiarch Cardinal Marx's Wednesday comments. 

Christine Niles at ChurchMilitant is reporting that Marx's words are his "boldest statement yet on Communion to the divorced and remarried" (without a decree of nullity).

Marx said on Wednesday:

"The Church should seriously consider the possibility — based on each individual case and not in a generalizing way — to admit civilly divorced and remarried believers to the sacrament of Penance and Holy Communion when the shared life in the canonically valid marriage definitively has failed and the marriage cannot be annulled, the liabilities from this marriage have been resolved, the fault for breaking up the marital life-bond was regretted and the sincere will exists to live the second civil marriage in faith and to educate children in the Faith."
"We need to make more room for the conscience of the bride and married couples in our preaching and our pastoral outreach. It is certainly the task of the Church to form the consciences of the faithful, but the judgment of conscience of the people cannot be replaced. This is especially true for situations where the partners who experience a conflict in values must make a decision about whether to be open to the procreation of children vs. the preservation of their marriage and family life when the two conflict with each other."
 "Can we evaluate sexual acts in a second civil marriage exclusively as adultery?"
Pure, unadulterated heresy and promotion of sacrilege and a mind as warped from Catholic thought from the rot of the pornographic empire of the German bishops.

Not only has this heresiarch renounced Humanae Vitae on the matter of "procreation of children," he has given a clear rejection of Gaudium et Spes, the Pastoral Constitution of the Churchin the Modern World, promulgated by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on December 7, 1965
 16. In the depths of his conscience, man detects a law which he does not impose upon himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience when necessary speaks to his heart: do this, shun that. For man has in his heart a law written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of man; according to it he will be judged.(9) Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God, Whose voice echoes in his depths.(10) In a wonderful manner conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love of God and neighbor.(11) In fidelity to conscience, Christians are joined with the rest of men in the search for truth, and for the genuine solution to the numerous problems which arise in the life of individuals from social relationships. Hence the more right conscience holds sway, the more persons and groups turn aside from blind choice and strive to be guided by the objective norms of morality. Conscience frequently errs from invincible ignorance without losing its dignity. The same cannot be said for a man who cares but little for truth and goodness, or for a conscience which by degrees grows practically sightless as a result of habitual sin.
Pope Francis is derelict in his duty as Bishop of Rome and Pope of the Universal Church. There was a time that a cardinal who made such a statement would be stripped of his scarlet and sent packing to a monastery.

There is one person that can fix this mess and it is Francis who must abide by doctrine and tradition. 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Heresiarch Cupich, is this what you want to accompany? To where would that be?

Vox's artwork to cover the posteriors

“If people come to a decision in good conscience then our job is to help them move forward and to respect that. The conscience is inviolable and we have to respect that when they make decisions, and I’ve always done that.”
“I think that gay people are human beings too and they have a conscience. And my role as a pastor is to help them to discern what the will of God is by looking at the objective moral teaching of the Church and yet, at the same time, helping them through a period of discernment to understand what God is calling them to at that point,” 
"It’s for everybody. I think that we have to make sure that we don’t pigeonhole one group as though they are not part of the human family, as though there’s a different set of rules for them. That would be a big mistake.” Blase Cupich
Actually, Blase, they need to abide by the same rules that I do. 

Ignores Second Vatican Council

In response to Heresiarch Cupich's statement, a priest friend wrote reminded me of this and provides some further comment

“16. In the depths of his conscience, man detects a law which he does not impose upon himself, but which holds him to obedience. Always summoning him to love good and avoid evil, the voice of conscience when necessary speaks to his heart: do this, shun that. For man has in his heart a law written by God; to obey it is the very dignity of man; according to it he will be judged.(9)
 Conscience is the most secret core and sanctuary of a man. There he is alone with God, Whose voice echoes in his depths.(10)

In a wonderful manner conscience reveals that law which is fulfilled by love of God and neighbor.(11)
 Father comments
In fidelity to conscience, Christians are joined with the rest of men in the search for truth, and for the genuine solution to the numerous problems which arise in the life of individuals from social relationships.
 Hence the more right conscience holds sway, the more persons and groups turn aside from blind choice and strive to be guided by the objective norms of morality.
 Conscience frequently errs from invincible ignorance without losing its dignity.
 The same cannot be said for a man who cares but little for truth and goodness, or for a conscience which by degrees grows practically sightless as a result of habitual sin. ”
(9.)    Cf. Rom. 2:15-16.
(10.) Cf. Pius XII, Radio address on the correct formation of a Christian conscience in the young, March 23, 1952: AAS (1952), p. 271.
(11.) Cf. Matt. 22:37-40; Gal. 5:14.

As Father Ray Blake asked, "Who let this man make his first Holy Communion?"


Borrowed from Hilary White at "What's Up With the Synod?" The opening hymn from the next CupichMass

A homosexualist bishop in the Ukrainian Canadian Eparchy! Bishop David Motiuk - outed from the Cupich School of Judas Priests!

Transgender activist claims Catholic bishop supported transition to female: permitted to teach Sunday School

EDMONTON, Alberta, October 16, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- A biologically male transgender activist who says he is now female is claiming that his transition is not only supported by his local Ukrainian Catholic bishop, but that he has been encouraged to continue receiving Holy Communion and has been assured that when he dies, he will receive the Christian Rite of Burial as a ‘she.’

Like white on rice

Wherefore, O man, you who sit in the Papal throne

“Listen, O man, to the one who loves the power of discernment, so that He Himself has established the great instrument of uprightness to fight against evil. But you are not exercising this faculty when you do not root out the evil which seeks to choke the good. Rather, you are allowing evil to raise itself up arrogantly.”
“…Wherefore, O man, you who sit in the Papal throne, you despise God when you embrace evil. For in failing to speak out against the evil of those in your company, you are certainly not rejecting evil. Rather, you are kissing it. And so the whole world is being led away by unstable error” (Baird, Joseph L. and Ehrman, Radd. 
The Letters of Hildegard of Bingen, Volume I. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, p.42). 

Blase Cupich, Judas Priest

Not a day goes by without another bishop coming out and revealing what they really think. In a breaking story, LifeSiteNews has interviewed Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago who reveals his heretical belief in the primacy of conscience over doctrine and faith and his willingness to cause sacrilege to the Holy Eucharist.

Blase Cupich's words are heretical. In an earlier time, a Pope would have already sanctioned him. Yet, it was this Pope that promoted him to the See of Chicago and invited him as a participant at the Synod. How dare he include the "elderly" in the same sentence as sodomites and lesbians. 

In his own words:

Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago — who is participating in the Synod of the Family at Pope Francis’ personal invitation — said at a press scrum in the Vatican press office this afternoon that the conscience is "inviolable" and that he believes divorced and remarried couples could be permitted to receive the sacraments, if they have "come to a decision" to do so "in good conscience" - theological reasoning that he indicated in response to a follow-up question would also apply to gay couples.
“In Chicago I visit regularly with people who feel marginalized: the elderly, the divorced and remarried, gay and lesbian individuals and also couples. I think that we really need to get to know what their life is like if we’re going to accompany them,” he said.
When asked to give a concrete example of how he would accompany the divorced and remarried in their desire to receive the sacraments, Cupich replied: “If people come to a decision in good conscience then our job is to help them move forward and to respect that. The conscience is inviolable and we have to respect that when they make decisions, and I’ve always done that.”
When asked by LifeSiteNews if the notion of accompanying people to the sacraments who had a clear indication of conscience to do so also applied to gay couples in the Church who wish to receive Communion, Cupich indicated an affirmative answer.
“I think that gay people are human beings too and they have a conscience. And my role as a pastor is to help them to discern what the will of God is by looking at the objective moral teaching of the Church and yet, at the same time, helping them through a period of discernment to understand what God is calling them to at that point,” he said. “It’s for everybody. I think that we have to make sure that we don’t pigeonhole one group as though they are not part of the human family, as though there’s a different set of rules for them. That would be a big mistake.”

Blase Cupich is a disgrace to the priesthood and the Church, Under his logic, as long as a murderer or a rapist or a producer of child pornography or a thief does so in good conscience, then the Eucharist is theirs.

There is a set of rules for Holy Communion. Confession, penance and firm purpose of amendment. Where does this man wish to accompany them, on the road to Hell? We all know they are human beings and don't need to be lectured by this apostate bishop.

Let all these Judas Priests come out, one by one. Let them all come out into the light so we can see them and look upon their wicked and deformed faces and minds and hearts conformed to a modernist heresy and not to Christ.

Is Blase Cupich a homosexual? Is he being blackmailed? What is in his closet?

The Synod is a sham. Pope Francis is responsible.

The entire report can be read at: 


Synod and homosexuality. The word of St. Paul, uncensored

Sandro Magister on his blog notes that the Mass readings this week are of St. Paul whom Dew wants to put away and Rosica praises him for it.

Do these men have no fear of God?


Synod and homosexuality. The word of St. Paul, uncensored

Settimo CieloSince the synod fathers have begun to discuss the third part of the basic document, the one with the most controversial points, the weekday Mass is being read every day a passage of the Letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul's theological masterpiece.
Also here, that coincidence. Just like the Sunday opening of the Synod, on October 4, when in all Catholic churches in the world sounded during Mass the words of Jesus in Mark's Gospel: "Let no man separate what God has joined together."
Now, however, the coincidence of the synod and missal has to do with the indissolubility of marriage, but with another of the hot issues: homosexuality.
Tuesday, 12 October in the missal has read the passage in chapter 1 of Romans running from verse 16 to verse 25.
There Paul, stating that "the world's creation onward, the invisible things [God] can be understood and perceived in the things that are made, even his eternal power and divinity", calls "inexcusable" those who "while knowing God, did not give him glory nor were thankful as God, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds is obscured. "
And it continues:
"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves ".
At the Mass on Tuesday 12 reading and you stop at this point. And the next day is taken up with Chapter 2 of Romans.
But the chapter 1 of the Pauline letter did not end there, and if the missal omits modestly that piece, the synod fathers can not not know what it contains.
Paul goes on to explaining why word for word what he meant by that first reference to '"impurities" of those who "dishonor their own bodies between themselves".
That's because the terrifying final chapter 1 of Romans
"Therefore God gave them over to degrading passions; their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, committing acts shameless men with men and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which s'addiceva. And since they did not acknowledge God, God gave them at the mercy of a depraved mind, to do those things that are unworthy, heaped like are all manner of wickedness, evil, covetousness, malice; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; defamatory, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil , disobedient to parents, foolish, faithless, heartless, without mercy. And despite knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do them but approve those who practice them. "
If this St Paul says, it is evident that the synod fathers predisposed to changing paradigms doctrinal and pastoral of the Church on homosexuality have some difficulty to harmonize their proposals with which this is still the "Word of God", as proclaimed in placed at the end of every reading.
But it is also becoming increasingly clear that in large sectors of the Church's perception of homosexual practice as sin be slipping away as a relic of the past. Pace of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, not that of a time but the "new" in 1997, which still includes "sin of Sodom" among the four sins that "cry out to Heaven", together with voluntary homicide, all 'oppression of the poor and the fraud of the workers' wages.
Of course, who proposes that homosexual practice, someone can always be argued that such approval is "praeter Scripturam" outside except against the Holy Scriptures, as he said in 2011 the Waldensian pastor and theologian Paolo Ricca standing up against his brother Protestants who had just given the green light to "marriages" between same sex.
But also no shortage in the Catholic theologians and bishops who are quick to explain how St. Paul should not be taken literally, but interpreted as "context" of his time, influenced by prejudices of "patriarchal" and "contempt ethnic-religious" today unacceptable.
The "shadow synod" Franco-German kept at the Gregorian University last May, in which the protagonists sit now in the synod true, argued precisely this modern re-reading of Sacred Scripture, in the light of contemporary thought

Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki speaks truth and clarity - others speak lies and evil

"I was at the Synod in 2014. A few at that time raised the postulate to give Holy Communion to the divorced living in new unions and for active homosexuals.  [But] the purpose of a Synod is to confirm the teaching of the Saviour. – Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki"