A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Monday, 12 October 2015

Silencing of the Lambs at the #RosicaBlockParty

The Catholic faithful who have received their rights to raise issues of concern to the Church by Vatican II and articulated in Canon Law will not be silenced!

Father Thomas J. Rosica is the Vatican's English language spokesman and Executive Producer of the little watched and ill-regarded Salt + Light Television in Canada. All the English news on the Synod, unless spoken by a bishop or Cardinal, is filtered through this priest under the direction of Federico Lombardi, S.J.

Father Rosica has said that the Catholic Church suffers from a "ghetto mentality" and has supported "shared communion" according to this interview in the Windsor Star, whilst he was a Deacon. Have his views changed or have they simply progressed along a certain continuum?

We have evidence that the filtering is leaving certain things out. For example only "one or two" raised the issue of homosexuality, yet last Monday's press conference and the secular media that lapped it up made one think it was all they talked about.

Catholics reacted and took to Twitter and Facebook. The only outlets that they have. What does Father Rosica do? He goes on a blocking campaign and then accuses people of acting badly. Two of the people whom I know don't have a bad bone in their bodies and they were blocked. So who's telling the truth and who needs to go to Confession?

The hashtag "RosicaBlockParty and a Facebook "support group" are the result of frustrated Catholics; frustrated that the Vatican's communication expert, a man who sits on the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, won't!

This Catholic priest then takes to calling people names, like "toxic." Not a Christ-like thing to do. We need to change the language and reach out to those faithful Catholics in the peripheries who smell like sheep, but sheep who won't be silenced on the way to the slaughterhouse!

He blocks on Twitter thinking that will end it. He doesn't realise that all one needs to do is open Twitter in a browser that one is not signed in on or take out another account and resume contact. Pontifical Council on Social Communications, really?

Father Rosica, will not shut down the voice of the faithful who have seen through the sham of this Synod which is intended to soften the Church's words and teaching on sodomy and divorce and undermine the Sacraments.

It is not about the family. It is a sham that starts at the very top.

We will not allow it, even if it is from Francis himself. 

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Archbishop Charles Chaput warns about devolution to Bishops' Conferences! It is a heresy to put an authority between the Pope and the Bishop - these malefactors must be stopped - Vox

Archbishop Chaput Warns About Dangers of Devolution to National Bishops’ Conferences (1227)

‘Brothers, we need to be very cautious in devolving important disciplinary and doctrinal issues to national and regional episcopal conferences,’ he told his fellow family synod fathers on Saturday.

 10/11/2015 Comment
Joaquin Piero Perez/CNA.
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia speaks with CNA, Sept. 15, 2014.
– Joaquin Piero Perez/CNA.
VATICAN CITY — Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia spoke to the synod fathers on Saturday on the importance of precision in language, particularly regarding unity in diversity, and recalled the Protestant Reformation.
“Imprecise language leads to confused thinking,” the archbishop said Oct. 10 at the Vatican, giving “two examples that should cause us some concern”: “inclusive” and “unity in diversity.”

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/archbishop-chaput-warns-about-dangers-of-devolution-to-national-bishops-con/#ixzz3oJGLhHKX

Archbishop Gadecki: "Dialogue on human rights is the point of view of the Illuminati"

Following up on our post on the Masonic connection of Cardinal Danneels, the late Cardinal Martini and the rejoicing of international Freemasonry on the election of Pope Francis, some bishops are beginning to realize the influence of Freemasonry on the Synod.

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has another translation from Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki

Toronto Catholic Witness translation: 

"Dialogue on human rights is the point of view of the Illuminati of the 19th century; where is the theology? Where are the Rights of God?  Instead of the work of creation, we have talk about ecology".

His full report can be found at:



Someone sent me the message last night that I am "obsessive." It was a reference to posts on Facebook and Twitter about the Synod and what certain bishops and cardinals have said and what has been said by certain priests and more likely, one in particular.  

I am convicted and to paraphrase St. Paul, "I am obsessive for Christ and His Truth and His Church" and if that makes me a "fool for Christ," so be it.

I would rather be doing other things. Renovate parts of my house, watching a movie with Fox, reading, sitting in the garden. Instead, I blog so that you and others will know what is going on, so that in some way we can hope that this noise we are making is going to get through.

If if doesn't, and we fail; at least we will know that we did what we could.

A friend and his wife have told me that they have sworn off the news and the Internet during the Synod. Not that they do not want to know, they know too much, but for them, they have determined that the only solution is continual prayer. How wonderful and supportive of keeping the world ticking so that we can do this. Yes, prayer. For others, this. It is not one or the other, it is both and some are better at one or the other.

I would rather the Lord say to me, "you were a little hard in that battle but I forgive you because you did it for me and my little ones" then "why didn't you fight for me with the talents that I gave you, I do not know you."

My parents hated what happened after Vatican II, but they accepted it because they had no choice and they knew no better. Your parents or grandparents did the same thing. We cannot, we must not.

Look at what is happening.

Caution, descriptive language

This is what our Churchmen want you to accept as normal and "gifts" to offer to the Church. The insertion of the penis into the anus of another man to be used as a masturbatory force. Mutual masturbation. Oral sodomy  the insertion of the penis into the man's mouth often through the use of "poppers" amyl nitrate contained in room deodorizers to soften and open the muscles of the anus or throat. The swallowing of the semen of another man. Anal fisting. The expulsion of excrement is common during these actions. Well, what do you think happens? The oral licking of another man's anus. Do you know what a "slurp ramp" is? How about a "glory hole?" Felching? (you won't want to look that up) How much disease and death is a result of this immoral behaviour which when I was born was a criminal offense? 

Yes. that is some of what they do.

This is not about love. They are liars. This is not about the colour of his and his towels. Have you ever wondered about the order of their homes or the pillows or their cleanliness or fastidiousness? It is because they are trying to scrub it off but they cannot. Their subconscious knows the filth of the excrement and sin and they cannot clean it off until they wash it in the Blood of Christ.

Pervert protecting bishops and priests

These filthy perverts in the Catholic Church and media, many, many of them priests and bishops and cardinals are attempting to normalise what homosexuality is and what sodomites and lesbians do. They want to give them a "blessing," the state already calls it "marriage." They want to change the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ and two-thousand years of teaching and truth. 

This is what Bishop Bonny and Cardinal Danneels want you to accept as normal and other spokesman who would change language and mole priests such as Charamsa as well, that there is something wrong with you if you don't agree. They want to bless these relationships? They want to change the language? Are they all homosexuals themselves? They are certainly homosexualists!

No, I will not be silent. I would much rather blog about music and liturgy or shut it down all together.

I will obsess.

Pray for me. Pray for Barona and Steve Skojec and Ann Bardhardt and Hilary White and Mundabor and so many other bloggers and writers. Pray for Michael Voris and his team in Rome who are getting us as much of the news as they can. Pray for Edward Pentin. Pray for Cardinal Burke.

Do you understand? They are pillaging our Mother. They are turning Her upside down and calling evil, good.

Yes, I am obsessive and may I always be. May I always obsess for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.

Until the day I die. 

Courtesy of Rorate Caeli blog, today.

Congregati sunt inimici nostri,

et gloriantur in virtute sua:
contere fortitudinem illorum, Domine, et disperge illos:
* Ut cognoscant, quia non est alius qui pugnet pro nobis,
nisi tu Deus noster.

Then Judas, and his brethren said: "Behold our enemies are discomfited: let us go up now to cleanse the holy places and to repair them." And all the army assembled together, and they went up into mount Sion. And they saw the sanctuary desolate, and the altar profaned, and the gates burnt, and shrubs growing up in the courts as in a forest, or on the mountains, and the chambers joining to the temple thrown down. And they rent their garments, and made great lamentation, and put ashes on their heads. And they fell face down to the ground on their faces, and they sounded with the trumpets of alarm, and they cried towards heaven.

Then Judas appointed men to fight against them that were in the castle, till they had cleansed the holy places. And he chose priests without blemish, whose will was set upon the law of God. And they cleansed the holy places, and took away the stones that had been defiled into an unclean place. And he considered about the altar of holocausts that had been profaned, what he should do with it. And a good counsel came into their minds, to pull it down: lest it should be a reproach to them, because the Gentiles had defiled it; so they threw it down. And they laid up the stones in the mountain of the temple in a convenient place, till there should come a prophet, and give answer concerning them.

Then they took whole stones according to the law, and built a new altar according to the former. And they built up the holy places, and the things that were within the temple: and they sanctified the temple, and the courts. And they made new holy vessels, and brought in the candlestick, and the altar of incense, and the table into the temple. And they put incense upon the altar, and lighted up the lamps that were upon the candlestick, and they gave light in the temple. And they set the loaves upon the table, and hung up the veils, and finished all the works that they had begun to make.

1 Maccabees, 4:36-51

(Lessons for Matins for this Sunday for the Roman Breviary - 20th After Pentecost, 2nd in October)

Saturday, 10 October 2015

If you as a Catholic watch pornography, you are responsible

From Hilary White at What's Up With The Synod:

Strong language and adult themes warning.
We’re going to talk about what homosexual acts really are, so read this after the kids have gone to bed. Ann’s choice of language here is deliberate. Just to head off the expected criticism: it is not “pornographic” but merely factually, one might say, medically descriptive. I have long been arguing that one of the reasons there is such a vast acceptance of the “nice gay men” movement is that no one is willing to actually talk clearly about what they do.
The homosexualist ideological movement has been very, very careful to make sure they restrict their rhetoric to being about “love” and “rights” and never, ever mention the gruesome realities in the “polite company” of the straight world they are attempting to evangelize. What is very commonly talked about in their own world, in their magazines and websites, is in public carefully shrouded. But I have read homosexual literature, and folks, they’re a LOT more … straightforward among their own constituents than Ann has been here.
When Ann and I talked about putting this article on WUWTS, we briefly worried about how people would react. But this isn’t the Remnant, and it isn’t LifeSiteNews. And this is an emergency, so it’s time for all the special snowflakes to grow up, and quick.
Right now, the men in Rome who are attempting to move the Church towards acceptance of sodomy know full well that if they talked about what they’re really talking about, the Catholic world would recoil in horror. The whole thing would be over in an hour.
But they won’t. So we have to.

Pope Francis, Danneels, Martini, St. Maximillian Kolbe and the Freemason Connection with the Synod on the Family

Godfried Danneels, a Cardinal of the Holy Catholic Church who has presided over its collapse in Belgium, conspired with others such as Kasper to undermine Benedict XVI and elect Jorge Bergoglio as Pope at what became known as the St. Galen mafia. He did this together with the late Carlo Maria Martini former Archbishop of Milan who stated that the Catholic Church was "200 years out of date" and supported changing the Church's treatment of the divorced. On Martini's death, the Grand Orient Lodge of Italy claimed Martini as one of their own

Over eight years ago, Tradition in Action, captured this image of the same Godfried Danneels who must have realised how damaging this would be to his agenda and requested it be removed. Danneels admitted that he wore the appropriate robes in the Lodge.

Cardinal Godfried Daneels with Freemason 02

The translation of the above is as follows:
Not too strong a word to call this historical.
 Although it's true that Daneels had given a conference in a Masonic Temple in a white ritual robe, it's the first time that, as primate of Belgium, he had an exchange with a Grand Master of a Masonic Obedience [group of lodges] in the form of Bartholomeeusen, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Belgium. The general public was not mistaken [that it was historical], and crowded into the Le Soir forum where not a single seat was left empty.
 Of course, this was not about settling some kind of conflict on a mat [...]. The debate, moderated by journalist Eddy Caekelberghs, was conducted under the theme From Anathema to Dialogue. Here we discovered two very different men (one rather dry, the other with a fuller personality) ready to encounter one another, to listen to one another, while at the same time affirming their differences. They were eye to eye, however, on several themes, such as rejecting the influence of religion on the political sphere. The Cardinal thus admitted to totally understanding why secrecy surrounds the works of Lodges.
 People wondered how the two participants would use their titles. The Cardinal spoke of “Mister Grand Master” and the Grand Master used “Mister Cardinal”. One can assume then that the titles of Most Serene Grand Master and Your Eminence [Monseigneur] would only be used by their... flocks.
 After the debate, the Cardinal and the Grand Master went together to [a couple of Catholic book stands] and then to [a Masonic stand] where the GOB had some of its books displayed. The Cardinal left with the latest publications of the GOB, including the title “Becoming a Freemason at the Grand Orient of Belgium”, as well as the very beautiful work “The Treasures of the Temple”, all offered by Bartholomeeusen.
 This debate will be broadcast next week on radio [...], and on TV [...] on... Easter Monday.

Michael Hichborn of The Lepanto Institute writes about St. Maximilian Kolbe witnessing a Masonic parade in 1917 which took place in St. Peter's Square in Rome. Signs proclaimed that "Satan must reign in the Vatican, the Pope must be his slave."

Hicbhorn goes to great lengths to state that there is no accusation that Jorge Bergoglio is a Freemason or is sympathetic to their agenda. Neither does this writer accuse the Pope of being a Freemason.

Upon his election to the Papacy, Jorge Bergoglio was praised by the Grand Lodge of Italy. On Thursday, 21 March 2013 in  Rome, Italy, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy expressed his joy regarding the election of Pope Francis.  

"With the election of Pope Francis nothing will ever be the same againWith Pope Francis, nothing will be more as it was before. It is a clear choice of fraternity for a Church of dialogue, which is not contaminated by the logic and temptations of temporal power"

Italian Fremasonry praises Pope Francis I -01"A man of the poor far away from the Curia. Fraternity and the desire to dialogue were his first concrete words. Perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was before. Our hope is that the pontificate of Francis, the Pope who 'comes from the end of the world' can mark the return to the Church-Word instead of the Church-Institution, promoting an open dialogue with the contemporary world, with believers and non-believers, following the springtime of Vatican II." These were the comments of Gustavo Raffi, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy, at the beginning of the pontificate of Francis, in the world Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

"The Jesuit who is close to the least ones of history," Raffi continues, "has the great opportunity to show the world the face of a Church that must recover the announcement of a new humanity, not the weight of an institution that closes itself off in defense of its own privileges. Bergoglio knows real life and will remember the lesson of one of his favorite theologians, Romano Guardini, for whom the truth of love cannot be stopped.

"The simple cross he wore on his white cassock," concludes the Grand Master of Palazzo Giustiniani, "lets us hope that a Church of the people will re-discover its capacity to dialogue with all men of good will and with Freemasonry, which, as the experience of Latin America teaches us, works for the good and progress of humanity, as shown by Bolivar, Allende and José Martí, to name only a few. This is the 'white smoke' that we expect from the Church of our times."  



Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness is monitoring reports on the Synod from Poland and it is an entirely different story than what we are getting in English.

Please friends. Use your Email, Facebook, Twitter -- whatever you can do. Send these reports to every priest and bishop you know. Wake up your Catholic friends who are still asleep. 

We are in a battle. A battle for Jesus Christ and His Truth and His Church!

Here is his the full report from Barona:


Saturday, 10 October 2015

BOMBSHELL! PRO-HOMOSEXUAL propaganda was ALLOWED to be distributed at the Synod

Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki continues his valiant defense of Holy Mother Church by informing us that during the Afternoon Session of October 7th, 2015, the bishops in his Group noted thatpro-homosexual propaganda was being distributed at the Synod. 

Who is allowing this? 

How did this pro-homosexual propaganda get in? 

Just who are the homosexualists in the Vatican? Are they practicing homosexuals? 

Are they Cardinals? Archbishops? Are they bishops,  mid-level homosexual infiltrators like the self-outed Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa? 

Just how many are involved in this powerful, malignant homo-lobby? 

Catholics have a right to know!

The screenshot of the Archbishop's blog: 

Toronto Catholic Witness translation:

"One of the Catholic publications that was distributed during the Synod, was written by women theologians justifying homosexual unions" 

Proof of Synod manipulation - who is behind this? Coming shortly!

How much more distressing can it get when the obvious is set right before us. That the Pope himself appears to be manipulating the outcome of the Synod.

A 50% vote left on matters in the Instrumentum Laboris leftover from the previous Synod require a two-thirds vote to get them out.


Let us pray that next week, the battle will break out into the open.

The Homosexual Dominicans and their attack on the Holy Catholic Church

The homosexual takeover of the Roman Catholic Church ~ the Homo-Dominicans

"It is heartening to see the wave of support for gay marriages. It shows a society that aspires to an open tolerance of all sorts of people, a desire for us to live together in mutual acceptance.”
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.

Thirty years ago, Fr. John O'Connor, O.P. (until he was suspended and expelled from the Dominicans by vicious and hateful homosexuals), rose from being an obscure priest to "notoriety", simply because he began to expose homosexual activity and homosexual propaganda within his order, the Dominicans. O' Connor since has gone to his eternal reward.

Key Homo-Dominicans that O' Connor identified were his persecutor, Fr. Donald J Goergen, O.P., (author of "The Sexual Celibate" - a seminal homosexualist work written in 1974) and Fr. Richard Woods, O.P. (author of "Another Kind of Love" - a major homosexualist work written in 1977). Neither of these two homo-Dominicans were suspended or expelled from the Order. Fr. O' Connor identified "Another Kind of Love" by Woods as an example of notorious promotion of homosexuality.

Woods has had a distinguished career as a university professor. He continues to teach at Loyola University and write. He also blogs, and as we shall see: continues to write openly in favour of homosexuality. He is part of a decades long infiltration into the Church of militant homosexualists and homosexuals who seek to destroy the Church by destroying the priesthood.

Please visit Toronto Catholic Witness for more of Barona's revelation of this scandalous priest.

Friday, 9 October 2015

More Homosexualist Priests, more Judases, this time its Father Dan Daneilson of Oakland

Diocesan Paper: Homosexual Relations Not Sinful

Diocese of Oakland, California features priest's pro-gay homily

OAKLAND, Calif., October 9, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) - On Monday, the Catholic Voice, the official publication of the diocese of Oakland, California, published a homily telling Catholics not to condemn active homosexual relationships.
Retired pastor Fr. Dan Danielson asserts in his homily — originally said on June 28, the Sunday following the U.S. Supreme Court's revolutionary ruling legalizing gay "marriage" in all 50 states — that some people are born gay and that "no one simply chooses" to be gay, despite overwhelming sociological evidence to the contrary. He insists that being gay is not "sinful or wrong" or even "bad."
He goes on to attack those who "discriminate" against homosexuals, saying that their so-called hateful behavior reveals "insecurities" about their own sexual identity.
Father Danielson admits that although a heterosexual marriage is the "best environment," there are also "many homosexual couples who raise children with great love." He says no one can judge the "stable" and "admirable" qualities of homosexual relationships, and that these relationships are "not to be simply condemned as sinful."
Read the rest of the article about this Judas Priest by following this link to: http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/diocesan-paper-homosexual-relations-not-sinful

World Over - Raymond Arroyo with Father Murray and Robert Royal on the Synod

Living out Blessed Anna Catharine's visions

Originally posted September 2014.

These prophecies were made by 1820 by Anna Catherine Emmerich, a stigmatized Augustinian nun who bore the wounds of Jesus on her body and who lived many years solely on the Holy Communion until  she died. She was given many visions of our Blessed Lord and Lady including their earthly lives, printed into books. The following prophecies were recorded in The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich (1870) by Rev. Carl Schmoeger, C.SS.R.

"Among the strangest things that I saw, were long processions of bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made known to me through images issuing from their mouths. Their faults towards religion were shown by external deformities ... I saw what I believe to be nearly all the bishops of the world, but only a small number were perfectly sound. I also saw the Holy Father - God-fearing and prayerful. Nothing left to be desired in his appearance, but he was weakened by old age and by much suffering. His head was lolling from side to side, and it dropped onto his chest as if he was falling asleep ... (St. John Paul II?) Then I saw that everything pertaining to Protestantism was gradually gaining the upperhand, and the Catholic religion fell into complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false knowledge of young school-teachers, and they all contributed to the work of destruction. In those days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be preserved in some places only, in a few cottages and in a few families which God has protected from disasters and wars."

"I saw also the relationship between two popes ...  (Benedict XVI and Francis?)  I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome. (the coming Synod?) The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a great darkness... I had another vision of the great tribulation. It seems to me that a concession was demanded from the clergy which could not be granted. (Communion for the divorced and remarried with no annulment? Communion for unrepentant sodomites?)  I saw many older priests, especially one, who wept bitterly. A few younger ones were also weeping. But others, and the lukewarm among them, readily did what was demanded. It was as if people were splitting into two camps."
"I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great, strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, sects of every description. Such was to be the new Church ... (a recent meeting that Pope Bergoglio had with Shimon Perez, Perez called for the Pope to head the call for a United Nations of Religions) But God had other designs. ... I saw again the new and odd-looking church which they were trying to build. There was nothing holy about it ... People were kneading  bread in the crypt below ... but it would not rise, nor did they receive the body of our Lord, but only bread. Those who were in error, through no fault of their own, and who piously and ardently longed for the Body of Jesus were spiritually consoled, but not by their communion. ... I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in church; they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations were perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much irreverence. I saw that few of them were still godly... All these things caused me much distress."

"I had a vision of the holy Emperor Henry.  I saw him at night kneeling alone at the foot of the main altar in a great and beautiful church ... and I saw the Blessed Virgin coming down all alone. She laid on the altar a red cloth covered with white linen. She placed a book inlaid with precious stones. She lit the candles and the perpetual lamp. Then came the Saviour Himself clad in priestly vestments. He was carrying the chalice and the veil. Two angels were serving Him and two more were following ... Although there was no altar bell, the cruets were there. The wine was as red as blood, and there was also some water. The Mass was short. The Gospel of St. John was not read at the end. When the Mass had ended, Mary came up to Henry, and she extended her right hand towards him, saying that it was in recognition of his purity. Then she urged him not to falter. Thereupon I saw an angel, and he touched the sinew of his hip, like Jacob. Henry was in great pain; and from that day on he walked with a limp ..."

"I saw the Church of St. Peter and an enormous number of people working to demolish it. At the same time I saw others repairing the Church. The demolishers took away large pieces; they were, above all, sectarians and apostates, in the majority. In their destructive work these people seemed to follow certain orders and a certain rule. I saw with horror, that among them were Catholic priests. I saw the Pope praying, surrounded by false friends who frequently, did the contrary of what he had ordered."

"In the centre of Hell I saw a dark and horrible-looking abyss, and into this Lucifer was cast, after being first strongly secured with chains; thick clouds of sulphurous black smoke arose from its fearful depths and enveloped his fearful form in the dismal folds, thus effectually concealing him from every beholder. God Himself had decreed this; and I was likewise told, if I remember right, that he will be unchained for a time fifty or sixty years before the year of Christ 2000. The dates of many other events were pointed out to me which I do not now remember, but a certain number of demons are to be let loose much earlier than Lucifer, in order to tempt men, and to serve as instruments of divine vengeance." 

VATICAN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SERVICE CAUGHT MISTRANSLATING OR LYING - WHICH IS IT? A proposed power-grab that would lead to heresy and dissent from doctrine!

BREAKING: English Translation Differs from French, Pushes More Control to Bishops’ Conferences

"[T]he group proposes that the episcopal conferences hold a determined power"

by Matthew Pearson  •   October 9, 2015   7 COMMENTS
VATICAN CITY, October 9, 2015 (ChurchMilitant.com) - The official Vatican English translation of the minor circle discussions at the Synod significantly differs from the original French translation and pushes for more power for bishops' conferences.
During the first week of the Synod, some of the most concerning rhetoric is that of more control — or relegation of duties — to bishops' conferences on decisions about Church discipline concerning the reception of Holy Communion to the divorced and remarried. 
This is incredibly problematic as this would essentially, in practice, result in an organized schism and would make Roman Catholicism a carbon copy of the Episcopal Church.
Adding to this concern was the release of the minor circle (circuli minoris) summary by Vatican Information Services (VIS). The summary was translated by VIS into English, French and Castilian, where a very striking difference emerged between the French and English translations, as discovered by faithful Catholics on Twitter.
Citing Msgr. Francois-Xavier Dumortier, S.J., rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University, the English section, which refers to bishops' conferences having more control, reads:
In this respect the group proposes that the episcopal conferences hold a determined power to allow their pastors to be good Samaritans in their ecclesial service. 
But when the French translation is consulted and properly translated, the message is very different:
A cet égard, il a été proposé par l’un d’entre nous — sans que cela ait été discuté par tous — que ...
The correct English translation is:
In this regard, it has been proposed by one of us — without this having been discussed by all — that ...
The official Vatican translation inaccurately states that the "group" made the proposal, whereas the actual French original clearly shows only one Synod Father proposed this idea without any input or discussion from others. The English translation deceptively makes it appear as if the proposal has backing from many, when in reality only one Synod Father offered the idea.
How can the English translation differ so drastically from the French translation on such an important issue? Catholics are wondering whether embattled Vatican spokesman Fr. Thomas Rosica exercises any influence in this regard, as he is on the staff of the English language team of the Holy See, and is the English language representative for the Synod on the Family.
The translation error in this instance is a grave one — if not an outright deception — by the Vatican's English translators, and it's incumbent on them to offer an explanation or a correction.

Father Thomas J. Rosica REBUKED by Cardinal Napier

As Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time." But we shouldn't let these Africans tell us too much what to do, eh? Do you think Father Tom will be glad when this week's over?

Leading African cardinal critiques Vatican spokesman Fr. Rosica

ROME, October 9, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) – South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, a leading cardinal on the organizing committee for the Synod on the Family, issued a pointed critique on Twitter of a controversial report on the Synod by the Vatican’s English-language spokesman, Fr. Thomas Rosica, in which the priest emphasized that the Church should “embrace reality” in dealing with sinful situations.
Rosica’s summary of Synod fathers’ addresses at Tuesday’s press briefing was criticized for its emphasis on liberal proposals and the strong language he used to describe them. The remarks fuelled ongoing concerns from last year’s Synod about the manipulation of the message by the Vatican press office and the Synod’s organizing body.
After the press conference, Salt and Light TV, Rosica’s Toronto-based media organization, tweeted out a link to an article about Rosica’s remarks, saying, “Fr. Rosica Speaks on Synod Delegates, The Need to Embrace People Where They Are.”
In reply, Napier tweeted: “‘Meet people where they are’ sounds nice, but is that what Jesus did? Didn't he rather call them away from where they were?”
At Tuesday’s press conference, Rosica had said, “There must be an end to exclusionary language and a strong emphasis on embracing reality as it is. We should not be afraid of new and complex situations. … The language of inclusion must be our language, always considering pastoral and canonical possibilities and solutions.”
Napier has been among the more outspoken tradition-minded Synod fathers. His criticism of last year’s controversial interim report at the Synod, given at a Vatican press conference, made international headlines. "The message has gone out and it's not a true message," he said. "Whatever we say hereafter is going to be as if we're doing some damage control."
“The message has gone out that this is what the Synod is saying, this is what the Catholic Church is saying, and it’s not what we are saying at all,” he said. "No matter how we try correcting that ... there's no way of retrieving it."
Toronto Cardinal Thomas Collins spoke on a similar theme as Napier’s tweet during his intervention at the Synod this year, emphasizing the need to promote repentance and conversion while the Church accompanies people. He described his three-minute speech to Catholic News Service on Thursday.
"The truest compassionate mercy is a compassion that challenges," explained the cardinal. He said meeting people “where they are” comes first, "but that is only the first thing. The second thing is to help them become what God wants them to be."
"Just to have accompaniment as people are moving in the direction away from the Lord is not enough. We need to be with them in order to help people to follow our Lord,” he added.