A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 12 December 2021

Fundraiser for the family of friend in his final agony

1:14 P.M. Frank passed to the Lord earlier today. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

Update 7:09 A.M. Friday, December 17.


You have done it. The goal has been exceeded. In fact, there are contributions because of this post by e-transfer and cheques in snail-mail that is still to be totalled. Thank you so much for your kindness. Frank's funeral costs will now be covered. God bless him and his family at this saddest time for them.

In your charity at this most blessed season, how wonderful would it be to raise this even higher to aid Rose and the children in the coming weeks and months? May God bless you for your kindness and your generosity. 

David Domet

Update: 9:12 AM EST. December 15.

Dear Friends,

I have just received word that my friend Frank is declining quickly now. Your kindness and generosity to this family are greatly appreciated. If not yet, would you consider it so that we can reach the goal and, if possible, exceed it? The funds are to cover the costs of funeral and burial. It would be helpful if there was a little extra. 

God bless you. 

David Domet 

My dear Catholic Friends,

There are many blogs out there that ask for your money to keep them going. This one does not. I work. I loved the wit of Mundabor last week when he sent out an urgent plea for help - prayers! Yet, here I am today asking you for money, for a family in need.

A friend known to me is in his final agony. Suffering for a number of years from cancer, there is now, nothing further that can be done. He is not expected to see Christmas. God's will be done.

A member of his extended family has created a GoFundMe to assist the family at this difficult time. Frank Furlano is a good man. He is a friend, through family, and a colleague at my workplace. He is kind and jovial and has suffered much. He has a wife and three beautiful children and they are in need. 

Many of us are of the attitude of "not one penny" for the wretched churchmen around the world that have done the bidding of evil globalists and shut our churches and withheld the sacraments and shut down the Holy Mass. Not one penny! I ask you if you would consider your normal Sunday Mass donation to the family of Frank Furlano. I assure you, they will appreciate it and put it to good use in these last days.

Now, I know some of you do not wish to have anything to do with GoFundMe. If that is the case, you can write to me at voxcantoris@rogers.com and we can arrange an e-transfer which you can be assured will be sent to the family.

Please join in this Holy Season of Advent in this Corporal Work of Mercy. The family is under great distress.

God bless you and may St. Joseph watch over Frank and bring him a happy death in the arms of Jesus and Mary.


Fundraiser by M G : Frank Furlano's GoFundMe


This GoFundMe account is being created on behalf of Frank's family to help support them during this very difficult time.

Frank Furlano is a 52-year-old father of three beautiful children. Eight years ago he was diagnosed with cancer and underwent extensive surgeries to try and overcome this devastating diagnosis. Frank is a fun and free-spirited person who loves spending time with his children, taking them on daily field trips and cooking fresh and delicious foods! Some of his fondest memories include curling up on the sofa watching a Disney movie with his family, spending the week at Niagara Falls with his wife and children and sharing special milestones like the First Holy Communion of his son. 

Frank's wife Rose has been by him during this difficult journey. He also has three beautiful children, Vanessa (age 12), Christopher (age 9) and little Cassandra (age 6). They adore their father and look up to him for everything! In addition to being a wonderful husband and father, Frank is also a caring brother, son, cousin, nephew and friend. His parents and siblings have been helping him alongside his wife during this difficult time, as he has chosen to spend his remaining days at home. 

Unfortunately, over the past year, Frank's cancer has taken a turn for the worse. Frank has undergone countless chemotherapy treatments that have left him physically and emotionally drained. He continues to fight; however, he has been given the terrible news that he will not survive this disease. Frank, Rose and specialized professionals have had to have the difficult conversation that he will not be part of the family on Earth much longer. His children have been told that their daddy will not be home for Christmas. 

In response to this news, the family is devastated. As they try and make ends meet on a daily basis, this GoFundMe initiative would be used to support the family in paying for the funeral expenses for Frank. Any donation would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much for your love and compassion during this difficult time for this family.

Tuesday 7 December 2021

Why are Cardinal Collins and the Canadian bishops trying to guilt Canadian Catholics over residential schools?

For the second week, the Archdiocese of Toronto Facebook page has featured reflections on the Advent Readings by Regina Bishop Donald Bolen linking all of them with the residential school system that was developed in Canada between 1880 and the 1960s. 

Residential schools for native Canadians was an official Government of Canada policy. It was designed to "educate" the children by removing them from their families, often nomadic depending on where in Canada and which tribe. The education involved the repudiation of their native languages and cultures. Economic development demanded that the provinces and federal government control the land to be sold off to immigrant farmers and developed for resources. Our native Canadians were in the way. It was a different time. The matter of the involvement of the Catholic Church and mainline Protestant ones was dealt with more than a decade ago. It came to the fore recently due to unmarked and abandoned graves being discovered provoking outrage. It is a complex issue. However, the Catholic Church had no business taking children from their families to re-educate them in anything. The bishops and religious orders of the day did the government's bidding for money, just as they have over the last nearly two years with the closure of churches. In fact, in many dioceses, including Toronto, people still cannot receive Holy Communion on the tongue causing many to continue an abhorrent eucharistic fast.

Now, Collins and his ilk are trying to blame the laity and tell us what we must do. 

No, you deal with it. I had nothing to do with this nor did my family which began in Canada in 1886. My grandfather, a merchant in Fredericton, fed many of the Micmac. In Toronto, my paternal one gave food away during the Great Depression. 

The laity did not do this. The laity must without any money that these deceitful bishops try to coerce in an effort to assuage the political focus of the day. 

Not one penny!

Saturday 4 December 2021

Neil Oliver: Governments amount to hundreds, we amount to millions - the...

Toronto area priest and proctologic aficionando Roy Roberts issues racist depiction of Our Lord Jesus Christ as a "terrorist."

Roy Roberts of St. Elizabeth Seton parish in Newmarket in the Archdiocese of Toronto issued a blasphemous statement about Our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time, a stunning, obvious and clear racist statement equating all Middle Eastern men, including this writer, a descendant of four Lebanese grandparent immigrants, as all looking like "terrorists." As someone whose blood flows 100% from that beautiful land of St. Maroon, St. Charbel and my distant cousin Saint Rafqa I am offended and demand an apology!

Priest to apologize for 'racist' remark at Newmarket Catholic school - Newmarket News (newmarkettoday.ca)

Back on September 17, 2012, we wrote here at Vox Cantoris: Musings on Orifices about Roy's upcoming proctological exploration adventure which Roy published in the parish bulletin. Alas, he has since removed the bulletin but not the evidence of his words. They live forever.  

We get poked and prodded and pricked in places... We are checked over and under and even where the "sun don't shine". Speaking of where the sun don't shine, it is time for my second colonoscopy. It is about two years behind (no pun intended) schedule... all good things must come to an end - so to speak... it is the preparation that is the drudgery of it all. They try to disguise the prep with obscure sounding processes like the drink "evacuates" your insides for the camera. (When I dreamed of being in pictures, this isn't what I had in mind). No one warns you of the act of violence that this liquid perpetuates on you with sudden and prolonged fury... So then, it is time to stock up on nice, soft, Cottonelle, move the television so it is visible from the w.c., juice up the DS Nintendo, put a book or two within reach, and get ready for an evening of "evacuations"... Cheers, and bottoms up, so to speak.

Our old friend, The Heresy Hunter wrote on this and other actions on the takeover of the parish by Roy.

Cardinal Collins has made it a habit of cancelling a few priests known to this blogger. If he's looking to cancel any others, Roy should be at the top of this list.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

A demonic passage in the Gospel?

Only the mind of deranged and sick Jesuit could ever state such a thing. that the Holy Gospel could have any passage that is "demonic." I guess I'm just too stupid to understand the perverted thinking of Jesuitical bile. 

I thank God that I am a simpleton.

This, from a man who enthroned a demonic goddess in the Holy place - an abomination which set up the groaning on earth we are now experiencing.

Come, Lord Jesus. Save your people and confound those that hate you.

What is the future for the former "Ecclesia Dei" Institutes?

Dr. Peter Kwasniewski has an important article up on Rorate Caeli blog. It is important to read on the matter of the future status of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter and other institutes under the former Ecclesia Dei Commission. We've all known that Bergoglio and his minions can not have, on the one hand, the obvious intent to wipe out the traditional liturgy and on the other, allow these Institutes to continue. The source indicates a transition.

The first reaction is to defy Rome and go the way of our friends in the Society of St. Pius X. Kwasinewski ends with the words of Our Blessed Lord to be "wise as serpents but guileless of doves" and that this, is the challenge and task. How to do this, I do not know but flipping the bird at this point will lose them parishes and the simple Catholic folk will suffer. This is similar to my point on the face mask where, as in Ontario, it is mandated in indoor spaces by the government and enforced by the bishops. The Mass is everything and must be accessed and preserved.

We are in such a dark time. The Church is in crisis and the world follows because the Church chose to follow the world rather than Christ. The look on the face of this picture of Bergoglio speaks volumns.

We must all survive until Francis is gone and a truly Holy Pope is elected. Don't bet it will be the next one. He could very well be worse than Bergoglio and smarter. Only God can save us and may the Holy Spirit enlighten the minds of the leaders of these communities to deal with Rome as "wise as serpents and as guileless as doves."

RORATE CÆLI: Ex-Ecclesia Dei Communities Facing a Decision (rorate-caeli.blogspot.com)

Saturday 20 November 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse has been found by a jury of his peers to be not guilty on all counts. The jury acted justly. They did not rush in their verdict, they clearly studied it and the evidence and spoke with clarity.

Justice has been done. I expect that he will sue the media and politicians for their outrageous defamation.

May God heal this man from the obvious pain he endures. May Kyle seek Him in all things.


Every Dutchman needs to be out on the streets. Today!

End this tyranny. 

Nuremburg II. Now!

Friday 19 November 2021

Austria's new "Anschluss" - Facism has returned

Dear friends of the St. Boniface Institute,

Austria is descending into a dictatorship.

Since Monday the 15th of November, unvaccinated people are officially second-class citizens in Austria, they are confined to their homes and are not allowed to visit their relatives, whereas the vaccinated continue with their lives. This has been implemented despite the fact that the vaccine does not contain the spread of the virus. This is done solely to create division and to paint the unvaccinated as the public enemy in order to distract from the government's complete failure in leadership.

But this wasn’t enough for them, today they announced that Austria will be the first western country to implement forced vaccinations for its citizens. In his announcement, the Austrian chancellor Alexander Schallenberg referred to the unvaccinated as “assassins to the health system” and declared that every Austrian will have to be vaccinated by February 2022.

We as Austrians know, that this is not the first time in our recent history that citizens have to present their health status on request (Gesundheitspass), a practice that was officially condemned and forbidden at the Nuremberg trials.

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have the legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior forms of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

When one reads the introduction to the code, it is extremely clear, how everything the Austrian government is implementing at the moment, is in direct contradiction to this.

The past months have already been a challenge for the unvaccinated, with the pressure to get the vaccine rising and rising, the 3G turning to 2,5G and 2G (referring to the conditions one has to fulfill to participate in normal life, “Geimpft, Genesen, Getested” -> vaccinated, recovered, tested).

Just as we have been repeatedly lied to over the past months, whether it was the Covid-death toll, the lockdowns, the masks and so much more, those, that cracked under the pressure and got the vaccine involuntarily will realize, how they have been betrayed, when one or two or three or four shots are not enough.

We have decided to actively fight against this morally depraved tyranny in any way possible. We will not give up, the more the government tries to back us into a corner, the more we will stand up for our rights and liberty! We are very aware, that we have to fight the fight here in Austria. If Austria falls and implements these rules, the insanity will spread and many more governments will follow suit.

We urge you to join the resistance by supporting the fight for freedom in your country and protest in solidarity in front of the Austrian embassies.

Thank you and God bless,

Alexander Tschugguel

PS: for live updates feel free to follow me on Twitter



Wednesday 17 November 2021

Bergoglio calls St. Paul a liar together with Our Lord Himself!

Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ said, "Go into all nations preaching the good news and baptising in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." It is known as The Great Commission. "Dialogue" must be about preaching Christ and Salvation through the Church. This action and others by Bergoglio are humanistic and masonic.

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Morality of "vaccines" and ...

The most recent Letter to Friends of  Benefactors" of the Society of St. Pius X in Canada has a worthwhile section on a matter recently addressed on this blog. I urge you to visit the link and read it in its entirety. If only we heard such logic and clarity from our bishops.

I point to the matter of wearing a mask over one's nose or mouth in the church where, as in the case of the Province of Ontario, the government's medical authorities and Premier have commanded it and in our churches, our Catholic bishops have affirmed it and even police it. 

"If the unjust law goes against God's law, I may not obey it. But if it is not directly against God's law, I am not bound to obey it, but I must make a judgement. If submitting to the law would lead to a greater good, then I may submit to the unjust demand."

If one peruses my posts on this matter, this is the very logic that I used to describe the matter.

The mask is not against the Laws of God, it is not a matter of morality or conscience. While one can ignore the masking request in those things under their own control that is the person's right. In a church, public space and owned completely under corporation sole by the bishop, one may consider the matter unjust. Yet, submitting to the annoying and bothersome and perhaps, inane and insane request does fulfill a "greater good" to the "unjust demand." That is, the very survival of the parish no matter what form of the Mass is at stake.

The matter of the injection is something completely different. It can be good and charitable and necessary, notwithstanding the abortion question and the health effects we see. For example: in one case, a person takes the injection out of charity to one's elderly parents who have taken the injections and have a real fear of the disease. The charity is to take it so one can assist, visit or live with them and relieve them of the stress and concern. This is particularly charitable when the person would have not taken it if the circumstances were different. Another is a man that must provide for his family whose employer has used unjust threats and coercion. He must survive, he must support his family, he cannot allow them to suffer and cannot find a new appointment or receive government insurance due to the evil actions of his employer and the government. Both are cases known to me. Both are justified.

In my own case, I have not and will not take the injections. First, I believe I already had SARS-CoV-2 in that mysterious illness in December 2019 and, I have judged, based upon my research, that there is more risk from the injection rather than the virus, should I catch it or catch it again. The matter of abortion and the testing on fetal stem cells is a factor because so many of our medications have been done this way and we do not even know. For example, is my Wigwag prescription tested on some kind of fetal stem lines? It seems so. What is the difference? I need the Wigwag, it is not my fault how it was developed. I do not need any of these injections. This is how we must each interpret it for ourselves. Using Catholic teaching, our own well-formed conscience and logic.

We are in a time of tyrants. Where insanity, literally, has taken over the minds and spirits of our leaders. Where some, out of misplaced fear, have shut themselves up for 18 months in a prison of real or imaginary walls. 

We cannot change them. We must outlast them.

November 2021 - Letter to Friends and Benefactors: "Morality of vaccins" - District of Canada (sspx.ca)

What is the correct attitude towards abuse of power?

We should note first that the power of the state or of the Church is not the same as the power of that of parents. Parents have dominative power over their children. They can command their minor children to do anything except sin. The State and the Church authorities have legal power which is limited. Bob's dad can tell Bob at what time he has to go to bed, but the government can't tell Bob or Bob's dad at what time to go to bed. 

Saint Thomas Aquinas sums up the teaching of the Church on how we should treat an unjust law [1]. The laws of God can never be unjust (for He Himself is the rule) and so we are always bound to obey them. The laws of man however can be unjust either because (ed. they are) opposed to God’s Law or because (ed. they are) damaging to some human good. If an unjust law is opposed to God’s Law, it cannot be observed even if we had to pay with the price of our life. Saint Thomas More was ordered to recognise Henry VIII as head of the Church. This was a lie and therefore against God’s Law. He chose to be put to death rather than to lie. 

If however the law is not directly opposed to God’s Law, but simply very burdensome, or intended by the lawgiver for some ulterior motive, or quite simply, something that the lawgiver has no power to command, this law does not oblige in conscience. If the government required me to have my children take part in secularist propaganda classes and I refuse; although I am disobeying the law, it is not a sin. 

Note the difference: if the unjust law goes against God's law, I may not obey it. But if it is not directly against God's law, I am not bound to obey it, but I must make a judgement. If submitting to the law would lead to a greater good, then I may submit to the unjust demand. This is what our Blessed Lord meant when He said, “if a man were to take away thy coat, let go thy cloak also unto him.” (Mt. 5, 40) He gave us the example in this when he submitted to the unjust sentence of the high priests and of Pilate and gave Himself to die in order to save us from our sins.

Monday 15 November 2021

Seriously, Jorge?

Good grief man, You are holding the very Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Is it really that hard for you? 

”We need to overcome our self-absorption, our interior rigidity, which is a temptation of today’s restorationists, who want an ordered, all rigid, Church. This is not the Holy Spirit. We need to overcome this.”

Let me tell you this. Bergoglio's actions and words are not of the Holy Spirit. What God did before does not change now. God does not change. God does not trick us or play us from one generation to another.

Hold fast.