A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Sunday 21 November 2021

Neil Oliver: Will we remain silent while a dark tide slides ever closer ...


Ana Milan said...

Thanks Neil Oliver for a great resumé & plea for a cohesive voice of those adamantly opposed to the NWO Great Reset. Stalwart citizens have not only been strongly voicing their anger & concerns against the introduction of the heinous antisocial laws against the civil & human rights of the world's citizens which have been introduced by liberal lefties in obeyance to the instructions of elite unelected zillionaires with an Agenda similar to Fascist Germany, but such is the despair of their voices being thrown to the wind, losing their jobs, being refused medical assistance, children not being schooled unless they have the jab, their places of worship closed or having to show a 'health certificate' that they now appear to be content to await death, which is the ultimate aim of this demonic regime which has hit everyone, everywhere. Countless open corrections of papal exhortations, motu proprios, open letters, petitions & dubia have gone unanswered by a pertinaceous Apostate in the PO, as yet not denounced by a complicit College of Cardinals who supposedly elected him, is the enactment of the prediction of Our Blessed Mother that Satan would reach the top of the Church & become the Seat of the Antichrist. By their silence & inaction they are as much to blame as NWO Bill Gates, George Soros, Schwab, Toni Fauci & all the other uncaring monsters we are beholden to.

The USA & UK once Western allies are up to their necks in this eugenics experiment, informing their people that the jab is necessary for their survival when in fact it is designed to kill them, as are the lockdowns & impediments to travel or to meet with family & friends, even in their own homes. This isn't politics - it is plain genocide & the Ape CC is supporting it.

It cannot be allowed to go on. People must take the law into their own hands & start by freezing the monetary interests of this regime whose main leaders must be arrested & tried for attempted genocide & treason, receiving the necessary penalty.One law for them & another for us has no place in a civil society. We must not buy from China or from companies dealing with China. Let local markets offering local produce take the place of supermarkets & let us get everything repaired rather than support the throwaway society foisted upon us. It will be hard at first but it can bring about the fall of these infiltraters & built their zillions on the backs of an unwitting public. No actual leader has shown himself as yet but if our anger could be shown in a worldwide Civil Disobedience campaign someone with leadership qualities could emerge, but we would have to demonstrate our intent on seeing this war to its ultimate end.

On this the feast of Christ Our King may all Christians & people of good will turn to Him our Creator & Saviour in these dire times.

Dorota Mosiewicz-Patalas said...

@ Ana Milan

I appreciate the commentary of Mr. Oliver, but find it too soft.
You have expressed it much better. Mr. Oliver does mention the inefficacy of the injections against infection and spreading of the disease, but he does not even mention the many millions of victims (the dead and the disabled) either of the jab or of its refusal (the fired, the incarcerated, the isolated, the lonely, the impoverished).

Many will not take the injection, because it is experimental, it kills and maims. Those who have not been injured as of yet, were simply lucky. They have no reason to consider the injured or the aware of the potential for death and injury as uneducated, selfish (for sharing their stories), criminal (equal to drunk drivers, who endanger the lives of others).

There are also those, who will not accept abortion-tainted products. Bergoglio's statements, that it is not Christian not to take the jab, escape my ability to express the level of disgust I experience listening to this monstrosity of a human being.