A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 19 August 2021

Methodist Mayor of Chicago Lightfoot received the Holy Eucharist at Officer's Funeral!

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a lesbian and a member of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church attended the funeral of Officer Ella French, may she rest in peace, and was given Holy Communion at the funeral presided over by Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago. Church Militant has the video. https://www.churchmilitant.com/video/episode/even-2021-08-19?mc_cid=fcc43a2dec&mc_eid=a55afee013


Bergoglio: Vaccination an "act of love" but no mention of Our Lord Jesus Christ

The first thing you will notice about this video of Bergoglio is how small is neck is in the dog collar and how much weight he has lost. In my view, the speed of this weight loss confirms my sources. Listening to this video and its translations reveals much about these evil men who have seized control of the Church. None of it, it is in English, in fact, it is all in Spanish. They are targetting the Hispanic populations of the Americas. 

Bergoglio refers to "God's grace" that "we now have vaccines to protect us from COVID-19." Seriously, George? "God's grace" for injections tested on or containing foetal stem cells obtained through an abortion? God is not evil and would never grant His grace for such a thing. 

He speaks of protection from the virus. Yet, my own medical doctor, who, when I said I would not be taking the shot responded saying, "That's okay it really doesn't work. It won't prevent you from getting COVID and more importantly, won't prevent you from passing it on."My doctor knew this three months ago, around the same time as the CDC admitted it. On March 30th, 2021, Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said, “Our data from the CDC today suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus,” and on August 5th: “Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @wolfblitzer. “They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission."  In an interview with Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room on August 5, she said; "Fully vaccinated people who get a Covid-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus.” She continued that "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. "They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death -- they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission." Notwithstanding these facts, this writer will soon face demands at work to show them my passport or give them my arm. It's not my arm they will get but a finger!

"As we prepare for a better future, as a global interconnected community," says Cardinal Retes of Mexico he speaks not one word of the only way to a better future. Jesus Christ. 

The corrupt Honduran, Cardinal Maradiaga, says the vaccines are "effective" and the "key to a path of personal and universal healing." Not Jesus Christ.

Hummes of Brazil states that it is an "act of love" to take the jab.

Not once! Not once does Bergoglio mention Our Lord Jesus Christ or conversion.


Bergoglio sacks masturbating "Bishop" - Let the name Tomé Ferreira da Silva be forever shamed for the fraud he is!

A Ratzinger appointed, Bergoglio promoted "Bishop" in Brazil has been removed from episcopal ministry for engaging in self-abuse with another sodomite during a video conference.

Bispo de Rio Preto, Dom Tomé tem vídeo íntimo vazado nas redes sociais (diariodaregiao.com.br)

It's a joy to see how utterly stupid these filthy little pervert scumbags are.

Pope removes Brazil bishop after gay video - La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Tom Tugendhat speech on Afghanistan - Thank you America you and Biden has blood on his hands. Our Canadian and other soldiers all died in vain.

“This is a harsh lesson for all of us and if we’re not careful it could be a very, very difficult lesson for our allies. It doesn’t need to be. We can set out a vision, clearly articulate it, for reinvigorating our European NATO partners, to make sure that we are not dependent on a single ally, on the decision of a single leader, that we can work together with Japan and Australia, France and Germany, with partners large and small, and make sure we hold the line together.”

Are you satisfied America with what you have done to poor Afghanistan and to NATO?

When will you rise up and save your country and drive that rotten Biden and the rest of these monsters from office? 

Shame on you.

Cardinal Burke update - "Serious but stable" condition

The latest reports are that he is in serious condition with pneumonia. As of 10:00 P.M. EST the announcement on his Twitter feed is as follows:
Cardinal Burke's Health | Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe (guadalupeshrine.org)

Cardinal Burke’s Health Update

August 17, 2021 | News, Press Releases

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (Jn 14:27)

The outpouring of love, prayers and support during His Eminence’s hospitalization has greatly consoled his family, edified those who serve him at the Shrine and elsewhere, and testified to the character and virtue of the man whom so many consider a spiritual father. We deeply and abundantly appreciate this charity, and we give praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father, especially for the brilliant and faithful service of Cardinal Burke to the Church he loves so profoundly.

As of August 17th, His Eminence remains in serious, but stable condition. His family, who with a team of doctors, is responsible for all medical decisions while the Cardinal remains sedated and on a medical ventilator, has great confidence in the care he is receiving. The Cardinal has received the Sacraments from priests nearby to him. There are several relics in his room.

While the Cardinal’s family appreciates the good intentions of those who have suggested treatments, consultations, etc., they ask that people refrain from sending anything further. They also ask that you not contact them, members of the Shrine staff or the Cardinal’s residence in Rome to discuss his condition. Texts, phone calls and emails—while certainly solicitous and often gracious—can, inadvertently, become a burden. The family does not plan to disclose His Eminence’s location to avoid the obvious difficulties that might cause.

To provide a secure source for updates about the Cardinal’s health, the family has asked that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe—in addition to the Cardinal’s personal media—be the only authorized platform for accurate, timely information. Other reports may be incomplete or false and so may unnecessarily disturb the minds and hearts of those devoted to His Eminence.

The Cardinal’s family has also requested that only updates of significant changes in His Eminence’s condition be posted on the authorized platforms. In humility, we understand that it is not necessary for us to know every detail of the Cardinal’s treatment. Though his family realizes that the Cardinal “belongs” to the Church, they also ask that we respect his privacy. The period of hospitalization, and for now isolation because of the COVID virus, may be prolonged as His Eminence’s body fights the infection and recovers strength. For the time being, the sedation assists his own peace and rest.

Nothing falls outside of God’s providence. Nothing falls outside the reach of His grace. These are spiritual truths we know and that the Cardinal has taught us by his own example of fidelity in trust and surrender to the Good God. Confidence in these truths opens us to the peace the world cannot give or take. Were he able to speak with us now, he would tell what he has always taught us: that Our Father in Heaven is good, merciful, just, provident and sovereign; that we are His beloved children and that He will never leave us orphans; that we should not be afraid of the Cross as the way to eternal life; that the Sacraments are the most direct channels of grace and that we do the soul the greatest good by receiving Holy Communion often and by going to Confession regularly; that we should say our daily prayers; and that we should love one another as Jesus Christ has loved us: generously, even to the point of heroic sacrifice.

And one more thing so important and so dear to His Eminence: that we should pray the Rosary frequently and fervently, and so place ourselves under the mantle of Our Lady, confident in her maternal love and intercession.

Please continue your prayers for Cardinal Burke and for his family, particularly at the Holy Mass and in the praying of the Rosary. We are filled with gratitude for the abundance of prayers and love for this faithful son and servant of the Church.

God bless you.

Rev. Paul N. Check
Executive Director
Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our hearts ache O Lord. Heal thy servant. Thy will be done. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Cardinal Burke in hospital on ventilator with COVID Pneumonia - "Serious but stable" condition.

The latest reports are that he is in serious condition with pneumonia. As of 10:00 P.M. EST the announcement on his Twitter feed is as follows:

Nota bene: 
"To provide a secure source for updates about the Cardinal’s health, the family has asked that the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe—in addition to the Cardinal’s personal media—be the only authorized platforms for accurate, timely information.  Other reports may be incomplete or false and so may unnecessarily disturb the minds and hearts of those devoted to His Eminence." 
This blog will only refer to these mediums directly.

Our hearts ache O Lord. Heal thy servant. Thy will be done. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday 11 August 2021

North American College Vice-Rector forced to resign in sodomite scandal - lawsuit filed against NAC and Dolan!

Let's make this face famous. It should be on one of those clown punching bags, you know, the ones with the weight in the bottom that some of us that were born in an era when we had fun had whilst we were kids.

Vice-Rector, he was, at the North American College in Rome. A sexual predator and former secretary of sodomite-pervert-predator McCarrick. The cover-up can only go on so long as Complicit Clery reports below. The video below includes the summary of a lawsuit that includes Dolan's "reign of terror" testimony in the affidavit. 

Clearly, the crisis of this infiltration into the priesthood is not over. The "biological solution" is simply not sufficient.

NAC Vice-Rector Steps-Down Amidst Allegations of Homosexual Misconduct – Complicit Clergy

From Cardinal Raymond Burke -


Tuesday 10 August 2021

Francis Will Issue A Second Latin Mass Ban Decree - he will attack the Congregations, Institutes and Societies and punish those resisting him.

It is logical that the next step is coming. The motu proprio's goal is the end of the traditional Mass. This can't happen with the traditional orders. They are next.

Those who don't go along with Bergoglio's plan, evolve to the new Personalist Church of Bergoglio will be excommunicated. What Bergoglio wants to do is to force us all out and into the Society of St. Pius X at which point he will declare all as schismatics and excommunicate.

That is what this is all about but I doubt he won't live long enough. 

Hey Jorge, excommunicate this!

Sunday 8 August 2021

More from Dr. Zelenko


trumps doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to israeli politicians and health minister about vaccine (bitchute.com)

Latin Masses in the Archdiocese of Toronto


The late Very Reverend Jonathan Robinson, C.O. offers the Holy Mass
at the Toronto Oratory Church of the Holy Family
There has been no published announcement from the Archdiocese of Toronto in reaction to the repugnant motu proprio of Pope Francis against the Holy Mass in its traditional form. There is no need. The current status quo applies. "Qui tacet consentit"  - silence gives consent! There will be no changes and for this, we can thank Thomas Cardinal Collins for his pastoral care and the announcements made last Sunday at all Masses that there will be "no changes." 

What we must do, as faithful in Christ, is to not despair and not abandon Our Mother, the Church at this time of Her suffering from abuse and a hostile takeover by malefactors. 

In Toronto and elsewhere, go to the Traditional Latin Mass. Go today and always. If you have never been, go anyway. Don't worry about not understanding or knowing what to do. Just go. 


263 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto
Sunday: Read (Low) Mass at 9:30 A.M.


1372 King Street West, Toronto
Sunday, Solemn Mass at 11:00 A.M.  
5:00 P.M. Read Mass (Due to CCP Virus restrictions)
Monday to Friday Read (Low) Mass at 11:30 A.M.
Saturday Read (Low) Mass at 8:30 A.M.

91 Church Street, Schomberg
Sunday Read Mass at 11:00 A.M.

2210 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough
Sunday Read (Low) Mass with organ/hymns 1:00 P.M.
Monday - Wednesday: 11:00 A.M.
Thursday: ​7:00 A.M.
Friday: 7:00 P.M.
Saturday: 10:00 A.M.

Church of the Transfiguration
11 Aldgate Avenue, Etobicoke
Sunday 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.

Cathedral of the Transfiguration 
10350 Victoria Square Boulevard, Markham Sunday 5:00 P.M. 

Church of the Canadian Martyrs
364 Regent Street, Orillia
10:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M.

Also. Sudbury, St. Catharines and New Hamburg
Complete schedule


Friday 6 August 2021


As if we have not yet had enough evidence of the horror of the demonic Bergoglio and the spread of the evil he has unleashed on the world through the Church comes this news today that the Argentinean Diocese of Venado Tuerto under 74 year old Bishop Gustavo Arturo Help was forced to apologize for a public poster and prayer to the demonic pagan earth goddess. The vile pagan image of Pachamama was worshipped in the Vatican garden and its symbol placed on the High Altar of St. Peter's Basilica by Bergoglio. The prayer blasphemes God and insults the Blessed Virgin Mary by equating the Holy Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ with the demonic whore.

My fellow Catholics, are you awake yet to the evil monster that sits on the Chair of Peter? What will it take? How many more profanations of that which is holy will it take?




BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — The Diocese of Venado Tuerto’s Caritas branch apologized Tuesday for having posted on its social media a prayer to Pachamama, an Andean deity.

“The pachamama is a symbol of fertility, of the earth and the sacredness of life. It is a myth full of spiritual meaning (that) can be used to advantage,” said the now-deleted Aug. 1 post.

“Some religious festivals have a sacred meaning and are occasions for gathering and fraternity. These are the new paths for the Church and for the achievement of an integral ecology. Holy Father Francis. #somoscaritasarag #caritasvt #equipomagrevenadotueto,” the post said.

The prayer read: "Hail Pachamama, sweet source of our life, may you be forever venerated. Blessed are the fruits of your womb, our daily bread, may you be blessed now and forever. Look with compassion, Holy Mother, upon the human pack that destroys you out of ambition. Blessed be your clemency Pachamama. My land preyed upon by madness. You are the source of life and joy. Pachamama, holy land, Holy Mother, Virgin Mary.”

Pachamama Day is celebrated annually on Aug. 1 in Quechua and Aymara communities in the Andes mountains of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in honor of the Andean deity.

The posting of the prayer drew massive pushback on social media, leading to its deletion.

Cáritas Venado Tuerto posted Aug. 3 on Facebook: "We want to apologize to those who felt offended by our post about Pachamama, the intention was to communicate our communion with Francis who in the Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia says to us: ‘It is possible to take up an indigenous symbol in some way, without necessarily considering it as idolatry. A myth charged with spiritual meaning can be used to advantage and not always considered a pagan error. Some religious festivals have a sacred meaning and are occasions for gathering and fraternity, albeit in need of a gradual process of purification or maturation. A missionary of souls will try to discover the legitimate needs and concerns that seek an outlet in at times imperfect, partial or mistaken religious expressions …’ (79). ‘Such a spirituality will certainly be centered on the one God and Lord, while at the same time in contact with the daily needs of people who strive for a dignified life…’ (80)”

The prayer to Pachamama existed before the Amazon synod, held at the Vatican in October 2019.

During the synod carved wooden figures of a pregnant woman were on display in related churches and events. Those figures, referred to by Pope Francis and others as “Pachamama”, were said by some to depict an Andean fertility goddess, while Vatican spokesmen characterized them more vaguely as symbols of “life.”

Two such “Pachamama” figures were eventually taken from a church near the Vatican and thrown into the Tiber, and were later recovered.

Pope Francis issued an apology asking forgiveness from those who were offended by the Pachamama statues being thrown into the Tiber, and said that they had been displayed in the church “without idolatrous intentions.”

Pachamama Day is celebrated annually on Aug. 1 in Quechua and Aymara communities in the Andes mountains of Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, and Peru in honor the Andean deity.

Bergoglio to spy on all of us and punish bishops that allow the Traditional Latin Mass - LifeSiteNew sources. We have our sources too!


Dr. Maike Hickson not known for tin-foiled hat journalism is reporting from sources in the Vatican that Bergoglio will go further to suppress the Latin Mass in its traditional form through a network of spies and informants and will not tolerate dissent. The article is linked above.

As Hickson eludes, it is important to look at the past to see how Bergoglio has operated in order to see how he might act in the future. In all of these things, we can see a pattern of cruelty and vindictiveness towards individuals to an outright hatred of the faith proven by his actions many of which have been written on this blog for the past eight years. 

The spying will be carried out by Bergoglio's henchman, João Braz de Aviz a man born in 1947 making him 74 years of age and obviously one who colours his hair. The once famous commercial, "only your hairdresser knows for sure," is moot by the obvious myriad of photos of Aviz. What other "secrets" does the "Cardinal" have and why does a 74-year-old man, and a priest to boot, colour his hair? Enquiring minds wish to know.

I state again, I knew nothing of this man and had not heard of him before that tragic day. When he came out on the loggia it was as if an interior locution revealed itself through physical effects that something was wrong and would get much worse. The work by this writer against this man may have disturbed some, it has often disturbed me as a Catholic speaking against a "pope." Yet, the truth must be told. Jorge Bergoglio exhibits perfect possession based upon the evidence over the last eight years. From the failure to genuflect at the Holy Mass whilst he can happily grovel to kiss and wash feet to the heresy contained in Amoris Laetitia, the blasphemous worship of a pagan demon goddess, the betrayal of the faithful in China and so much more and now the plan to destroy the Holy Mass, it is evident for those who are prepared to see what many of us have seen these eight years. The man's works are evil as is he. He has no grace of office. He has betrayed the One, True Faith and must be resisted.

Bergoglio has overreached. It is clear. We will not comply with his order or his machinations. No Pope has the moral authority to do what he has done. Our job is to defy Bergoglio to his face in every way possible and to remain faithful to Christ and the Catholic tradition. 

We have our own sources in the Vatican and will report the information now for your consideration. The recent surgery was not for diverticulitis but for colon cancer and he is wearing a colostomy bag and is in his last months. Hence, the rush to destroy before he is gone. Perhaps the next fall going up the stairs for Mass will cause it to splatter for all to see. Just exposure to a corrupt and despicable tyrant.

"May his days be shortened and another his bishopric take."