A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 18 June 2021

Dr. Roger Hodkinson with Taylor Hudak

Thomas Cardinal Collins says that it is "common sense." If you want to do what he says, that you need to have INFORMED CONSENT! 

And then, if something goes wrong, call your a lawyer or a psychiatrist for listing to medical advice from one such as him.

Dr Roger Hodkinson with Taylor Hudak on the Vaccine dangers (TLAV) (bitchute.com)

Monday 14 June 2021

"Medical idiocy of the most grotesque degree!"

I can't seem to find the whole video to embed but you need to hear this. Visit Ann Barnhardt's page.


Sunday Mass returns to St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto

This is the 15% combined with "social distancing." Why not every second instead of every third pew? If everyone is wearing a mask, how can the CCP virus get out of one's mouth and nose? Don't they work? Are there entry ports to lungs on the back of one's head?

Your Eminence, please explain how this is "common sense?" 

The fact is, this is the future of the Church in Toronto thanks to the Ford/Collins tag-team.

Sunday 13 June 2021

It's Sunday once again and the most church attendance will not be at the Cathedral of St. Michael but somewhere else because for most non-essential Catholics

There is, in fact, 

Ontario Premier Ford has declared that attending church is as essential as buying pool noodles - non-essential retail. The blame for this lay at the door of the man pictured above. Ford reduced church attendance to ten persons; Collins cancelled the public Mass and would let nobody attend other than at a contrived Communion service. He had his Mass you did not. What clericalism! Collins thinks this is a victory and thanked the Premier for his munificence.

As churches "fill" to the maximum of 15% per Mass I thought it might be fun to show you where the largest attendance will be today and what form of the Holy Mass it will be and offered by which group of priests.

On Aldgate Avenue in Toronto's south Etobicoke community, there is a former Baptist church long ago purchased and owned by the Society of St. Pius X known as the Church of the Transfiguration. The priests serve the faithful in Toronto, Orillia, Sudbury and St. Catharines from St. Michael's Priory and a few years ago, began a school in New Hamburg, west of Kitchener where there is also now a church in town sold to them by the Lutherans. During the varied CCP Virus fascist lockdowns, it is important to note that these priests did everything imaginable working within the draconian orders to provide the faithful with the Mass, in person and the sacraments. Unlike the man pictured above they did not close their church. They did not refuse Holy Communion and they did not refuse Baptisms as some Ontario bishops went so far as to do. These priests did not abandon the faithful. There is a fundraiser for a new church in Toronto worthy of support at this link.

Northwest of Toronto, in Markham, is a massive church and privately-owned. It is on the old farm of Canadian mining magnate, Stephen Roman. Roman had a vision - to build a cathedral for his Slovak-Byzantine Rite Catholic community surrounded by houses and shops recalling his village in Slovenia. In 1984, Pope John Paul II, whilst on a trip to Canada, blessed the bells and cornerstone of the already constructed walls and roof but yet, unfinished cathedral. Once able to be occupied the church was consecrated by the Slovak bishop. For complex reasons, the bishop later left in a dispute with Roman's heirs. Fast forward to 2021. Helen Roman-Barber heads the foundation which owns the church and has made it available to other Catholics. Jesus the King Melkite Church is there due to a fire at its home a number of years ago.

The Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate normally has three Masses on Sunday, the third being at 5:00 P.M. It seats about 120 under normal circumstances with overflow in the hall. Due to demand and attendance restrictions, that Mass at 5:00 has been replaced now by two, one at 4:00 P.M. and one at 6.00 P.M. -- but not at the Church of the Transfiguration on Aldgate but at the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham. Occupancy is at least, if not more than St. Michael's Cathedral, normally around 1,000.

How fitting, after months of denial of the Mass and Sacraments to the faithful that more people will be able to attend the Mass today offered by the priests of the Society of St. Pius X than that of Cardinal Collins in his own Cathedral.

Saturday 12 June 2021

On the rumours of an attack on Summorum Pontificum and the battle cry from Archbishop Viganò

With all of the unconstitutional acts of Doug Ford and his toady, Thomas Cardinal Collins, there has been no attention paid by this writer to the matter of the substantial rumours that Bergoglio is about to take an action of some sort against Summorum Pontificum. I see many losing their minds over this, I too am disturbed by the prospect of another fight. If that fight comes, you can be assured that this writer will confront it here and in Toronto itself. 

In the meantime, I issue this warning to any priest or bishop who attempts to restrict our rights. This is not 1965, nor is it 1970 and we are not our parents nor our grandparents.

In the meantime, there is this:

on the feared modification of the motu proprio
Summorum Pontificum

On the occasion of the Philosophy Symposium dedicated to the memory of Msgr. Antonio Livi which was held in Venice on May 30 (here), I tried to identify the elements that constantly recur throughout history in the work of deception of the Evil One. In my examination (here), I focused on the fraud of the pandemic, showing how the reasons given to justify illegitimate coercive measures and no less illegitimate limitations of natural freedoms were in reality prophasis, that is, pretexts: ostensible reasons that are actually intended to conceal a malicious intent and a criminal design. The publication of Anthony Fauci’s emails (here) and the impossibility of censoring the ever more numerous voices of dissent with respect to the mainstream narrative have confirmed my analysis and allow us to hope for a blatant defeat of the supporters of the Great Reset. 

In that address, you may recall, I dwelt on that fact that the Second Vatican Council was also in a certain way a Great Reset for the ecclesial body, like other historical events planned and designed in order to revolutionize the social body. Also in this case, the excuses given to legitimize liturgical reform, ecumenism, and the parliamentarization of the authority of the Sacred Pastors were not founded on good faith but on deceit and lies, in such a way so as to make us believe that we were renouncing things that were unquestionably good – the Apostolic Mass, the uniqueness of the Church as the means of salvation, the immutability of the Magisterium and the Authority of the Hierarchy – for the sake of a higher good. But as we know, not only did this higher good not come about (nor could it have), but in fact the true intent of the Council manifested itself in all its disruptive subversive value: churches were emptied, seminaries deserted, convents abandoned, authority discredited and perverted into tyranny for the sake of the wicked Pastors or rendered ineffective for the good ones. And we also know that the purpose of this reset, this devastating revolution, was from the very beginning iniquitous and malicious, despite being clothed in noble intentions in order to convince the faithful and the clergy to obey. 

In 2007 Benedict XVI restored full citizenship to the venerable Tridentine liturgy, giving back to it the legitimacy that had been abusively denied it for fifty years. In his Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum he declared: 

It is therefore permitted to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass following the typical edition of the Roman Missal, which was promulgated by Blessed John XXIII in 1962 and never abrogated, as an extraordinary form of the Church’s Liturgy. […]  For such a celebration with either Missal, the priest needs no permission from the Apostolic See or from his own Ordinary (here). 

In reality the letter of the Motu Proprio and the implementing documents associated with it was never completely applied, and the cœtus fidelium who today celebrate in the Apostolic Rite continue to have to go to their Bishop to ask permission, essentially still abiding by the dictate of the Indult of the preceding Motu Proprio of John Paul II Ecclesia Dei. The just honor in which the traditional liturgy ought to be held was tempered by its being placed on an equal level with the liturgy of the post-conciliar reform, with the former being defined as the “extraordinary form” and the latter as the “ordinary form,” as if the Bride of the Lamb could have two voices – one fully Catholic and another equivocally ecumenical – with which to speak at one moment to the Divine Majesty and at the next to the assembly of the faithful. But there is also no doubt that the liberalization of the Tridentine Mass has done much good, nourishing the spirituality of millions of people and bringing many souls closer to the Faith who, in the sterility of the reformed rite, have not found any incentive either for conversion or even less for spiritual growth. 

Last year, displaying the typical behavior of the Innovators, the Holy See sent a questionnaire to the dioceses of the world in which they were asked to provide information about the implementation of Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio (here). The way in which the questions were written betrayed, once again, a second purpose, and the responses that were sent to Rome were supposed to create a basis of apparent legitimacy for imposing limitations on the Motu Proprio, if not its total abrogation. Certainly, if the author of Summorum Pontificum were still seated on the Throne, this questionnaire would have allowed the Pontiff to remind the Bishops that no priest needs to ask for permission to celebrate Mass in the ancient rite, nor may a priest be removed from ministry for doing so. But the real intention of those who wanted to consult the Ordinaries does not seem to reside in the salus animarum so much as in theological hatred against a rite that expresses with adamantine clarity the immutable Faith of the Holy Church, and which for this reason is alien to the conciliar ecclesiology, to its liturgy, and to the doctrine it presupposes and conveys. There is nothing more opposed to the so-called magisterium of Vatican II than the Tridentine liturgy: every prayer, every pericope – as liturgists would say – constitutes an affront to the delicate ears of the Innovators, every ceremony is an offense to their eyes. 

Simply tolerating that there are Catholics who want to drink from the sacred sources of that rite sounds like a defeat for them, one that is bearable only if it is limited to little groups of nostalgic elderly people or eccentric aesthetes. But if the “extraordinary form” – which is such in the ordinary sense of the word – becomes the norm for thousands of families, young people, and ordinary people who consciously choose it, then it becomes a stone of scandal and must be relentlessly opposed, limited, and abolished, since there must be no counter to the reformed liturgy, no alternative to the squalor of the conciliar rites – just as there can be no voice of dissent or argued refutation against the mainstream narrative, and just as effective treatments cannot be adopted in the face of the side effects of an experimental vaccine because they would demonstrate the latter’s uselessness. 

Nor can we be surprised: those who do not come from God are intolerant of everything that even remotely recalls an era in which the Catholic Church was governed by Catholic pastors and not by unfaithful pastors who abuse their authority; an era in which the Faith was preached in its integrity to the nations and not adulterated in order to please the world; an era in which those who hungered and thirsted for Truth were nourished and refreshed by a liturgy that was earthly in form but divine in substance. And if all that until yesterday was holy and good is now condemned and made an object of scorn, then allowing any trace of it to remain is inadmissible and constitutes an intolerable affront. Because the Tridentine Mass touches chords of the soul that the Montinian rite does not even begin to approach. 

Obviously, those who maneuver behind the scenes in the Vatican to eliminate the Catholic Mass see decades of work compromised in the Motu Proprio, they see a threat against the possession of so many souls whom today they keep subjugated and their tyrannical hold over the ecclesial body weakened. The same priests and bishops who, like me, have rediscovered that inestimable treasure of faith and spirituality – or which by the grace of God they have never abandoned, despite the ferocious persecution of the post-council – are not disposed to renounce it, having found in it the soul of their Priesthood and the nourishment of their supernatural life. And it is disturbing, as well as scandalous, that in the face of the good that the Tridentine Mass brings to the Church, there are those who want to ban it or limit its celebration on the basis of specious reasons. 

Yet, if we place ourselves in the shoes of the Innovators, we understand how perfectly consistent this is with their distorted vision of the Church, which for them is not a perfect society instituted by God for the salvation of souls but a human society in which an authority that is corrupt and subservient to the elite it favors steers the needs of the masses for vague spirituality, denying the purpose for which Our Lord willed it, and in which the good Pastors are constrained to inaction by bureaucratic shackles which they alone obey. This impasse, this juridical dead end, means that the abuse of authority can be imposed on subjects precisely in virtue of the fact that they recognize the voice of Christ in it, even in the face of evidence of the intrinsic wickedness of the orders that are given, the motivations that determine them, and the individuals who exercise it. On the other hand, even in the civil sphere, during the pandemic, many people obeyed absurd and harmful rules because they were imposed on them by doctors, virologists, and politicians who should have had the health and well-being of citizens at heart; and many did not want to believe, not even in the face of evidence of the criminal design, that they could directly intend the death or illness of millions of people. It is what social psychologists call cognitive dissonance, which induces individuals to take refuge in a comfortable niche of irrationality rather than recognize that they are victims of a colossal fraud and therefore having to react manfully. 

So let us not ask ourselves why – in the face of the multiplication of communities tied to the ancient liturgy, the flowering of vocations almost exclusively in the context of the Motu Proprio, and the increase in the frequent reception of the Sacraments and consistency of Christian life among those who follow it – there is a desire to wickedly trample an inalienable right and hinder the Apostolic Mass: the question is wrong and the answer would be misleading. 

Let us ask ourselves, rather, why notorious heretics and fornicators without morals would tolerate their errors and their deplorable way of life being placed into question by a minority of the faithful and clergy without protectors when they have the power to prevent it. At this point we understand well that this aversion cannot fail to be made explicit precisely by putting an end to the Motu Proprio, abusing a usurped and perverted authority. Even at the time of the Protestant pseudo-Reformation, tolerance towards certain liturgical customs rooted in the people was short-lived, because those devotions to the Virgin Mary, those hymns in Latin, those bells rung at the Elevation – which no longer existed – necessarily had to disappear, since they expressed a Faith that Luther’s followers had denied. And it would be absurd to hope that there could be a peaceful coexistence between the Novus and Vetus Ordo, as well as between the Catholic Mass and the Lutheran Lord’s Supper, given the ontological incompatibility between them. On closer inspection, at least the defeat of the Vetus hoped for by the supporters of the Novus is consistent with their principles, just as the defeat of the Novus by the Vetus should likewise be hoped for. They are mistaken therefore who believe that it is possible to hold together two opposing forms of Catholic worship in the name of a plurality of liturgical expression that is the daughter of the conciliar mentality no more and no less than it is the daughter of the hermeneutic of continuity. 

The modus operandi of the Innovators emerges once again in this operation against the Motu Proprio: first some of the most fanatical opponents of the traditional liturgy call for the abrogation of Summorum Pontificum as a provocation, calling the ancient Mass “divisive.” Then the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asks the Ordinaries to respond to a questionnaire (here), the answers to which are practically pre-packaged (the Bishop’s career depends on the way he goes along with what he reports to the Holy See, because the content of his responses to the questionnaire will also be made known to the Congregation of Bishops). Then, with a nonchalant air, during a closed-door meeting with the members of the Italian Episcopate, Bergoglio says that he is concerned about seminarians “who seem good, but are rigid” (here) and the spread of the traditional liturgy, always reiterating that the conciliar liturgical reform is irreversible. Furthermore, he appoints a bitter enemy of the Vetus Ordo as Prefect of Divine Worship who will be an ally in the application of any future restrictions. Finally, we learn that Cardinals Parolin and Ouellet are among the first to desire this downsizing of the Motu Proprio (here). This obviously leads “conservative” Prelates to come scurrying in defense of the present system of the co-existence of the two forms, ordinary and extraordinary, giving Francis the opportunity to show that he is the prudent moderator of two opposing currents by moving towards “only” a limitation of Summorum Pontificum rather than its total abrogation: which – as we know – was exactly what he was aiming for from the start of his operation. 

Regardless of the final outcome, the deus ex machina of this predictable play is, as always, Bergoglio, who is even ready to take credit for a gesture of clement indulgence towards conservatives as well as unloading the responsibilities for a restrictive application onto the new Prefect, Archbishop Arthur Roche, and his followers. Thus, in the event of a choral protest of the faithful and an unhinged reaction by the Prefect or other Prelates, once again Bergoglio will enjoy the clash between progressives and traditionalists, since he will then have excellent arguments to affirm that the coexistence of the two forms of the Roman Rite causes divisions in the Church and that it is thus more prudent to return to the pax montiniana, that is, the total proscription of the Mass of all time. 

I exhort my Brothers in the Episcopate, Priests, and laity to strenuously defend their right to the Catholic liturgy solemnly sanctioned by the Saint Pius V’s Bull Quo Primum, and by means of it to defend the Holy Church and the Papacy, which have both been exposed to discredit and ridicule by the Pastors themselves. The question of the Motu Proprio is not in the least negotiable, because it reaffirms the legitimacy of a rite that has never been abrogated nor is able to be abrogated. Furthermore, in addition to the certain damage that airing these novelties will cause to souls and to the certain advantage that will come from them to the Devil and his servants, there is also added the indecorous rudeness displayed to Benedict XVI, who is still living, by Bergoglio, who ought to know that the authority the Roman Pontiff exercises over the Church is vicarious and that the power which he holds comes to him from Our Lord Jesus Christ, the One Head of the Mystical Body. Abusing the Apostolic authority and the power of the Holy Keys for a purpose opposed to that for which they were instituted by the Lord represents an unheard-of offense against the Majesty of God, a dishonor for the Church, and a sin for which he will have to answer for to the One whose Vicar he is. And whoever refuses the title of Vicar of Christ knows that by doing so the legitimacy of his authority also fails. 

It is not acceptable for the supreme authority of the Church to allow itself to cancel, in a disturbing operation of cancel culture in a religious key, the inheritance it has received from its Fathers; nor is it permissible to consider as being outside of the Church those who are not prepared to accept the privation of the Mass and the Sacraments celebrated in the form that has molded almost two thousand years of Saints. The Church is not an agency in which the marketing office decides to cancel old products from the catalog and propose new ones in their stead according to customer requests. Imposing the liturgical revolution with force on priests and the faithful in the name of obedience to the Council, stripping away from them the very soul of the Christian life and replacing it with a rite that the Freemason Bugnini copied from Cranmer’s Book of Common Prayer, was already painful. That abuse, partially healed by Benedict XVI with the Motu Proprio, cannot be repeated in any way now in the presence of elements that are all largely in favor of the liberalization of the ancient liturgy. If one really wanted to help the people of God in this crisis, the reformed liturgy should have been abolished, which in fifty years has caused more damage than Calvinism has done. 

We do not know if the feared restrictions that the Holy See intends to make to the Motu Proprio will affect diocesan priests, or if they will also affect the Institutes whose members celebrate the ancient rite exclusively. I fear, however, as I have already had the occasion to say in the past, that it will be precisely on the latter that the demolishing action of the Innovators will be unleashed, who can perhaps tolerate the ceremonial aspects of the Tridentine liturgy but absolutely do not accept adherence to the doctrinal and ecclesiological structure that they imply, which contrasts sharply with the conciliar deviations that the Innovators want to impose without exception. This is why it is to be feared that these Institutes will be asked to make some form of submission to the conciliar liturgy, for example by making the celebration of the Novus Ordo mandatory at least occasionally, as diocesan priests must already do. In this way, whoever makes use of the Motu Proprio will be constrained not only to an implicit acceptance of the reformed liturgy but also to a public acceptance of the new rite and its doctrinal mens. And whoever celebrates the two forms of the rite will find himself ipso facto discredited above all in his consistency, passing off his liturgical choices as a merely aesthetic – I would say almost choreographic – in fact, depriving him of any sort of critical judgment towards the Montinian Mass and the mens that gives it form: because he will find himself forced to celebrate that Mass. This is a malicious and cunning operation, in which an authority that abuses its power delegitimizes those who oppose it, on the one hand by granting the ancient rite, but on the other hand making it a merely aesthetic question and obligating an insidious bi-ritualism and an even more insidious adherence to two opposing and contrasting doctrinal approaches. But how can a priest be asked to celebrate a venerable and holy rite in which he finds perfect coherence between doctrine, ceremony, and life at one moment, and at the next a falsified rite that winks at heretics and contemptibly keeps silent about what the other proudly proclaims? 

Let us pray, therefore: let us pray that the Divine Majesty, to which we render perfect worship celebrating the venerable ancient rite, will deign to enlighten the Sacred Pastors so that they desist from their purpose and indeed promote the Tridentine Mass for the good of Holy Church and for the glory of the Most Holy Trinity. Let us invoke the Holy Patrons of the Mass – Saint Gregory the Great, Saint Pius V, and Saint Pius X in primis, and all the Saints who over the course of the centuries have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice in the form that has been handed down to us, so that we may faithfully preserve it. May their intercession before the throne of God beg for the preservation of the Mass of all time, thanks to which we are sanctified, strengthened in virtue, and able to resist the attacks of the Evil One. And if ever the sins of the men of the Church should merit for us a punishment so severe as that prophesied by Daniel, let us prepare to descend into the catacombs, offering this trial for the conversion of the Shepherds. 

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Friday 11 June 2021


Most sweet Jesus, whose overflowing charity for men is requited by so much forgetfulness, negligence, and contempt, behold us prostrate before Thee, eager to repair by a special act of homage the cruel indifference and injuries to which Thy loving Heart is everywhere subject. 

Mindful, alas! that we ourselves have had a share in such great indignities, which we now deplore from the depths of our hearts, we humbly ask Thy pardon and declare our readiness to atone by voluntary expiation, not only for our own personal offenses, but also for the sins of those, who, straying far from the path of salvation, refuse in their obstinate infidelity to follow Thee, their Shepherd and Leader, or, renouncing the promises of their baptism, have cast off the sweet yoke of Thy law. 

We are now resolved to expiate each and every deplorable outrage committed against Thee; we are now determined to make amends for the manifold offenses against Christian modesty in unbecoming dress and behavior, for all the foul seductions laid to ensnare the feet of the innocent, for the frequent violations of Sundays and holydays, and the shocking blasphemies uttered against Thee and Thy Saints. 

We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Thy Vicar on earth and Thy priests are subjected, for the profanation, by conscious neglect or terrible acts of sacrilege, of the very crimes of nations who resist the rights and teaching authority of the Church which Thou hast founded. 

Would that we were able to wash away such abominations with our blood. We now offer, in reparation for these violations of Thy divine honor, the satisfaction Thou once made to Thy Eternal Father on the cross and which Thou continuest to renew daily on our altars; we offer it in union with the acts of atonement of Thy Virgin Mother and all the Saints and of the pious faithful on earth; and we sincerely promise to make recompense, as far as we can with the help of Thy grace, for all neglect of Thy great love and for the sins we and others have committed in the past. 

Henceforth, we will live a life of unswerving faith, of purity of conduct, of perfect observance of the precepts of the Gospel, and especially that of charity. We promise to the best of our power to prevent others from offending Thee and to bring as many as possible to follow Thee. 

O loving Jesus, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mother, our model in reparation, deign to receive the voluntary offering we make of this act of expiation; and by the crowning gift of perseverance keep us faithful unto death in our duty and the allegiance we owe to Thee, so that we may all one day come to that happy home, wherewith the Father and the Holy Spirit Thou livest and reignest, God, forever and ever. Amen.

 Love divine, all loves excelling,

Joy of heaven to earth come down;

Fix in us thy humble dwelling;

All thy faithful mercies crown!

Jesus, Thou art all compassion,

Pure unbounded love Thou art;

Visit us with Thy salvation;

Enter every trembling heart.


Breathe, O breathe Thy loving Spirit,

Into every troubled breast!

Let us all in Thee inherit;

Let us find that promised rest.

Take away our bent to sinning;

Alpha and Omega be;

End of faith, as its Beginning,

Set our hearts at liberty.


Come, Almighty to deliver,

Let us all Thy life receive;

Suddenly return and never,

Never more Thy temples leave.

Thee we would be always blessing,

Serve Thee as Thy hosts above,

Pray and praise Thee without ceasing,

Glory in Thy perfect love.


Finish, then, Thy new creation;

Pure and spotless let us be.

Let us see Thy great salvation

Perfectly restored in Thee;

Changed from glory into glory,

'Til in heaven we take our place,

'Til we cast our crowns before Thee,

Lost in wonder, love, and praise.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Now that the Church has once again done the government's bidding, how many will come back, Cardinal Collins?

This Friday, June 11, churches may open to 15% capacity and if certain data points are met, 21 days later at 25%. Mass is on the same level as the purchase of pool noodles but something less than buying dope. Cardinal Collins is "thankful" to Doug Ford for this.

In some smaller churches with narrower aisles, there is not much difference between the percentage maximums as "social distancing" of six feet must still be maintained. In one I know, the centre aisle is less than five feet and the side less than three. When you social distance the actual occupancy at the most is about 24%. 

Yesterday in Ontario, the number of new infections of SARS-CoV-2 which causes the Chinese Communist Party Virus was the lowest since October 2020. Have we lost our minds, of course, it is, it's June! As we progress through this reversal, assuming it remains, the question remains as to the later stage. When do churches return to a higher number or to no limit at all?

The post-COVID church in Toronto and a lot of other places is going to look a lot different. Some, many, will not return. Some will have found something better to do on a Sunday morning. Some will have bolted to the others such as the Society of St. Pius X (overflowing now in Toronto to a second church, the privately owned, Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Markham on Sundays at 5:00 P.M.). Some will have fallen out of the habit and others will live in perpetual fear of being around others. Many will be angry over being abandoned by their bishops and priests and will just not ever return, many will lose faith. The result will be mass church closings and a loss of faith.

This is the legacy of the Church in Canada getting in bed with its masonic governments to do their bidding.

It happened before. 

Two words, first word? Name it.

Second word? Name it, too. 

Monday 7 June 2021

There's a Mass For You On June 11 but if you're not part of the 15%, there is still, No Mass For You!

As reported on this blog last Wednesday, June 2, that the "conservative" Ontario government of Premier Doug Ford would open churches as of June 14 at 15% of capacity, that announcement has now been with the opening bumped up three days to June 11. Sunday Mass will again be available, indoors, next Sunday, June 13, unless the bishops find a way of preventing it.

Reopening Ontario | Ontario.ca

Once the numbers of those suffering from SARS-CoV-2 drop sufficiently more and the take up of the rate of experimental genetic injections is met, the next level will be 25% no sooner than 21 days later.

Cardinal Collins had a meeting last Thursday with Ford, but no announcement was made. Given the extent of the relaxation of fascist restrictions by Ford, that meeting had nothing to do with it, other than maybe fixing religious services at the same rate as non-essential retail.

Isn't it great to know that attending Mass is as important as buying a pool noodle but less important than buying dope? Good job, Eminence!

As of this writing, the Archdiocese of Toronto has not issued any information.

We have.

Oh, they did it. Archdiocese of Toronto - Archdiocese of Toronto Returns to In-person Masses This Weekend (archtoronto.org)

Sunday 6 June 2021

There is much on which to reflect this Solemnity of Corpus Christi - No Holy Mass, no Procession, no Holy Sacrament. Who did this to us?

It is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi in the modern rite today and the traditional if transferred. In the great and glorious Archdiocese of Toronto, there is, however, as usual, there is

On this day, some in Toronto will attend their parish to receive Holy Communion under a contrived service. One would think if you could have ten persons (under Ford's edict) you could have Mass for ten with the priest and then another ten and so on. Taxing on the priest? Yes, but many do three Masses on Sunday now, at least do that. Or, no Holy Communion at Mass, the Cardinal has already acknowledged that it can be separated from the liturgy. Holy Communion by appointment, individual or family on the tongue, if desired, in private, no China Virus risk. But no, that would anger those whom Collins referred to as "virtuous public health officials."

Tomorrow, Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce changes to the current fascist restrictions in Ontario. As reported here on this blog through our own confidential sources a day before the Cardinal's meeting with Ford on Thursday past, Mass will be restored to 15% on June 14 and 30% on July 5. Never forget that as bad as this has been on the part of Ford, Cardinal Collins has made it worse, he has abandoned the faithful and sold out the Church to the government. The same governments that the Church sold out to more than a century ago on the matter of Residential Schools. Hypocrites and vipers, all of them.

On this day it is important to remember that Thomas Cardinal Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have forbidden Holy Communion on the tongue. Many Catholics have not had Holy Communion for over a year because they will not violate their conscience. 

It is important to remember this. In a webinar not too many months ago, this is what Cardinal Collins said he would do to any parish where Holy Communion on the tongue was being distributed:

Friday 4 June 2021

Cardinal Collins - Why is Neil MacCarthy and his communications group mocking the faithful?

This blog post writes itself!

On the Residential Schools and the current situation in Kamloops

The news coming out of Kamloops that over 200 bodies have been found to be buried on the grounds of a Residential School operated by a Catholic Order, the Oblates, (why is it always the Oblates?) has caused more media outrage and inane virtue signalling. While everyone desires to kick the Catholic Church and its Orders for this, and most deservedly so, the Anglicans, Methodists, and Mennonites had their own share.

The issue is complex. The history is ignored by the ignorant and those paid in the media not to be. It is important to understand that this removal of children from the homes of our native peoples was the policy of the Government of Canada. It was wrong by our current standards and any standards then of Catholic teaching and Christian charity. Children belong with their parents, period. They were forcibly removed and not just taught Christianity, Catholic or Protestant, but deprogrammed of their own history, language and culture. A Royal Commission was struck and reported and under our grown-up  Prime Minister Stephen Harper (miss him yet?) a national apology for this dark part of Canadian history was made. The intent may have been good and sensible at the time - to educate and integrate these children into Canadian society, but it went very wrong.  

They will protect you. Eugene de Laestar
The first schools were established in Canada in the early 1600s by Catholics, nuns and priests from France. It is arguable that the experience in Quebec between the French and our native people there was better than elsewhere later. It was in 1883 that the government became involved with funding and expansion and that is likely when the evils began. It became a business and corrupt men and women, isolated, had the children as their prey. As we have seen elsewhere, anytime you have children away from the home, notwithstanding abuse that may happen at home, and put them in an institution, they can become prey to people seeking their own sexual and dominance gratifications. I suspect many of these children were not only physically brutalized, common everywhere, but many were sexually violated, raped and murdered. 

The outrage of the Kamloops case is premature. There are graves, but why? Was every child raped or murdered? Would some not have died from diphtheria, meningitis, influenza or smallpox or other diseases for which they had no natural immunities? Was this a mass grave with bodies dumped indicating "mass murder" or was this a cemetery where they were buried over the century-long history of the school? We just don't know.

Sadly, the Catholic Church is once again slandered for history. More sadly, the filthy perverts and brutes within the Holy Bride of Christ have brought this on and have gotten away with it for centuries because weak, effeminate, unbelieving and corrupt bishops have covered it up. Is it any wonder we are where we are?

This writer knows much about the effects of brutality and psychological abuse having experienced Basilian brutality and abuse as late as 1970. I'm glad to say I held that rotten Congregation of St. Basil and its cabal of filthy sodomites, modernists, brutes and serial litigants, bullies and plagiarists to account in more ways than one.

May Our Blessed Lord comfort the families of all those who suffer from the memory and experiences and grant peace to the deceased and execute His Divine Justice on the perpetrators of all abuse and in particular, those who did it under His Most Holy Name.

Raymond J. de Souza: Historically inaccurate to suggest Catholic Church hasn't apologized for residential schools | National Post

Thursday 3 June 2021

Feast of Corpus Christ (Yes, it is Thursday) and there is


But maybe soon at a paltry 15% and then maybe 40% three weeks later but no thanks to this man who has done nothing for a year. 

On this Feast of Corpus Christi, I raise an issue of how this man and his ilk have hurt many Catholics.

They have banned Holy Communion on the tongue. Other than the Toronto Oratory where they have violated liturgical law and provided Holy Communion on the hand at the traditional Latin Mass, (and have and will pay dearly for it) most priests offering the Holy Sacrifice according to the ancient rite, have not. There are many Catholics and let us not be mistaken, many, many faithful who attend the reformed Mass in typical parishes that will not receive Holy Communion in the hand. They believe that it is a sacrilege to do so and against their conscience. I am one of those who cannot and will not out of conscience and I have a variety of reasons for this. 

In the Latin Mass community where I worship and serve as Cantor and we watched our community plummet by 25% last June 2020 on the lifting of restrictions. They left for many reasons, one being that Father would not disobey his bishop but would also not disobey the ultimate law and scandalize the faithful. Holy Communion was only for the priest. Yet, during this time to the next shutdown, not only did the community regain the 25% by new people but added even more.

For well over a year now, 15 months, the Catholic faithful have been starved of the Holy Eucharist by this Cardinal and his ilk. Many of us have not, we know priests, who will in private, provide our needs, many, however, do not. Starved of the Holy Eucharis by Thomas Cardinal Collins - a shameful legacy.

There is so much to unpack liturgically this day. The hymns of the Divine Office, the text of the Mass, all written by St. Thomas Aquinas. You can read the office by clicking above on the tab and read the Mass text here. How sad that the glorious Lauda Sion cannot be sung or heard today.

The Catholics who have sacrificed for the sake of their conscience will receive a crown and consolation from the Lord himself. Those who have starved them, well, I would not wish to be them.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Ford to announce Church re-opening - 15% on June 14 and 30% on July 5

BREAKING - Confidential sources indicate that at tomorrow's meeting with Thomas Cardinal Collins, Ontario Premier Doug Ford will announce that churches will be "allowed" to reopen for services on June 14 at 15% capacity and on July 5 at 30% capacity up from the current ten persons. Earlier today, Ford announced that schools will not reopen until September. 

Cardinal Collins announced that he and other faith leaders would be meeting on Thursday, June 3 with Ford.

While we must always resist the draconian and unconstitutional actions of the Ontario and other provincial governments in Canada, and indeed in other places, we must always bemoan that the greatest enemy was our own weak and cowardly episcopal leaders who chose not to fight but to acquiesce for millions in public money.

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Cardinal Collins to meet with Premier Ford

Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of  Toronto has announced at 4:19 today that on Thursday afternoon, he, along with other faith leaders. will be meeting with Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Health Minister Christine Elliot and Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams. The topic is to discuss concerns relating to places of worship.

Cardinal Collins, here is the message for Doug Ford.

While the restrictions of the government are draconian and unacceptable, the treatment can be no different than retail as a bare minimum. 

If he refuses, throw down the gauntlet that we will be opening our churches.

So very little leadership, so very late.

Monday 31 May 2021

Cardinal Collins - the weekend has come and gone and Ford has done nothing. What will you do?

Well, Your Eminence, it is Monday morning. You wrote last week that you would take action if Doug Ford did nothing by the end of the weekend.

It's in your court.

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford

Trust the Vatican's ethicists?

I won't trust Bergoglio and his filthy crew with liturgical or catechetical doctrine, why would I trust these Bergoglio rats with my health?

Thomas Collins has also advised us to take the experimental genetic manipulation. I can't wait for the lawsuits that will come from his quack advice.

Trust the Vatican's ethicists on vaccines, encourages official (aleteia.org)

Sunday 30 May 2021

For the second Trinity Sunday in a row, thanks to Thomas Collins, there is


For well over a year now, our liturgical cycle of true worship to God has been turned on its head. The cowardice of our episcopal shepherds is without compare except in Tudor England but they had one who stood up to the corrupt and evil king. This man opines frequently on the likes of St. John Fisher but follows him not.

Doug Ford has lied to us. He said that if there were 60% of Ontarians who had at least one dose of the experimental genetic manipulation injection, we would enter Phase 1. Collins has said that he has met with Ford's minions and if there was no announcement by now on the opening of churches he would order a campaign of protest by the faithful.

Well, where is it, Your Eminence? Tomorrow then?


Friday 28 May 2021

But Cardinal Collins says it is "common sense" and for the "greater good" and an "act of charity."

If you took experimental genetic manipulation because Thomas Collins or your parish priest convinced you to by saying it is "common sense" or an "act of charity" or "for the greater good," take care and observe what is happening in your body.


"WE MADE A BIG MISTAKE AND WE DIDN'T KNOW IT UNTIL NOW. ... THE SPIKE PROTEIN IS A TOXIN!" - - Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph.

Who is Dr. Bridle?

Alex talks with Dr. Byram Bridle, an Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph about new peer-reviewed studies that suggests there may be terrifying reasons side effects such as heart inflammation, VITT, and other serious issues may occur in those who have been vaccinated.

Premier Doug Ford to make an announcement shortly - will he heed the call of Cardinal Collins?

Update: No indication from the presser that Ontario will open phase 1, even though over 63% of Ontarians have received at least one does of the experimental genetic manipulation. #FordLied

Well, Your Eminence? What will you now do?

Ontario Premier Douglas Ford is to make a public statement beginnings at 10:30. 

We will see if the interventions of Cardinal Collins will have fallen on deaf ears.

Again, if His Eminence finally takes up the fight, this blog will be with him. 

How sad that we have had to wait for so long.

On May 26, Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, issued a letter to all clergy and staff of the Archdiocese wherein he discussed the latest diktat from Ontario Premier Doug Ford's so-called, "Roadmap to Reopen." Ontario is and has been for months, under the most severe restrictions to our freedoms and economy in all of North America. Ford, an alleged Conservative, has shown himself to be an autocratic dictator with no respect for individual or religious rights.

Currently, the restrictions on indoor religious services remain at ten persons. Collins and most, but not all, bishops in Ontario have seen fit to reduce that to zero and some have gone so far to even ban baptisms! The current restrictions in Ontario will move to a different phase twenty-one days after specific levels of experimental viral spike protein injections are completed. What was the first three-week to flatten the curve and reduce the strain on our hospitals in April 2020 has become fourteen months of draconian actions by Ford, tolerated by our religious leaders. As I wrote previously,  a worst-case scenario is Sunday Mass on August 1 due to the still draconian action to prevent indoor worship until the second phase of the Ford plan. Ford insists on opening retail to 15% but not a church, this is a clear case of a violation of constitutional law and must be challenged in the public square and the courts.

Collins reports that he has had a meeting with the "Premier's office." As someone who was a Special Assistant in the former actual Conservative government of Premier Mike Harris, this means he met with the likes of this writer, back then, not the Premier himself. How tragic that the Premier of Ontario does not hold this Prince of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Archbishop of Toronto in enough respect to sit down with him directly. His Eminence reports that he made clear his "dissatisfaction" regarding the limit of ten persons. No doubt, if the Premier's minions were reasonably well-read, they would have immediately responded, the Eminence, "doth protest too much, methinks."  

It appears that the Cardinal threatened the Premier with a similar online letter-writing campaign as was done in March official in the chancery office. That action resulted in over 15,000 emails to Members of Provincial Parliament and copies to the Premier no doubt resulting in an easing from ten persons to fifteen percent. We congratulated the Cardinal for this initiative while at the same time bemoaning that it took him so long.

Collins indicates that if no action on the part of Ford is announced by the end of this week, the previous campaign will be renewed with the assistance, according to the Cardinal, of other faith communities throughout Ontario.

While the emergency orders have permitted outdoor worship and we can see how one parish in St. Catharines has successfully implemented this, Collins has, thus far, forbidden it. The Cardinal has indicated that if there is no action by the Premier by June 1, he will issue guidance and recommendation on outdoor liturgies.

Cardinal Collins deserves rebuke and criticism for his cowardice and lack of action of this and other failures over the last year. For a moment, let us set this aside.

You, dear reader, must write to the Cardinal and the Premier demanding that our churches immediately reopen. 

This writer will do everything possible on this blog and social media to promote Cardinal's initiative to take on Ford on this issue and urge an immediate court challenge, a year later, to be sure.

I only regret that it has been so little on the part of our spineless episcopal leaders and so late.

Official Archbishop email

Actual email to Thomas Cardinal Collins

Bishop Ivan Camilleri

Bishop John Boissonneau

Bishop Vincent Nguyen 

Bishop Kasun

Neil MacCarthy, Director of Communications

Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford