A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday 14 May 2020

This pagan idolatry is what Bergoglio has spawned. How can you defend him?

Today, May 14, Bergoglio has instructed Catholics to pray with all the pagan and apostate false religions of the world for God to end the China Virus. Do not do it.

This pagan idolatry below from the Diocese of Brentwood in England is what Bergoglio has spawned. 

How can anyone still defend him?

It is my fundamental belief that the China Virus is upon us for two reasons, the sellout of the faithful Catholic of China and the idolatrous worship of the pagan Amazonian earth goddess in the Vatican in the presence of and with the blessing of Bergoglio of Rome.

He is an outrage. A disgusting cretin. A puss filled boil on the Seat of Peter. A wretched man whose corpse will emanate a stench like no other. A syncretist and a man who contradicts the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ and calls the God of all, a liar. 

The only liar is Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the effeminate scum that surround him.

And as for this bumpkin's "fast," it will be steak for dinner!

"May his days be shortened and another his bishopric take."

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Francis want you to "pray" with pagans

Contrary to all teaching of the timeless Magistrium, Francis of Rome is commanding you and I to pray with those who worship a false understanding of the One, True God or worship milk consuming statues of elephants.

This is where we are and why we are suffering from this pandemic and the economic troubles that it has brought upon. 

This won't happening in my home. There will be no fasting on any day of Paschaltide other than Fridays.  

Sorry George, try again.

Saturday 9 May 2020

The Rector and Vice Rector of St. Michael's Cathedral in Toronto

O God beyond all praising,

     we worship you today

and sing the love amazing

     that songs cannot repay;

for we can only wonder

     at every gift you send,

at blessings without number

     and mercies without end:

we lift our hearts before you

     and wait upon your word,

we honor and adore you,

     our great and mighty Lord.


The flower of earthly splendor

     in time must surely die,

its fragile bloom surrender

     to you the Lord most high;

but hidden from all nature

     the eternal seed is sown -

though small in mortal stature,

     to heaven's garden grown:

for Christ the Man from heaven

     from death has set us free,

and we through him are given

     the final victory!


Then hear, O gracious Savior,

     accept the love we bring,

that we who know your favor

     may serve you as our king;

and whether our tomorrows

     be filled with good or ill,

we'll triumph through our sorrows

     and rise to bless you still:

to marvel at your beauty

     and glory in your ways,

and make a joyful duty

     our sacrifice of praise.

Friday 8 May 2020

Bergoglio: The RED Pope by Elizabeth Yore

Elizabeth Yore has been published at The Remnant, The Red Pope, showing the irrefutable evidence that Bergoglio is a communist and conspired with the corrupt Obama regime on Cuba and diplomatic relations. She exposes the truth that many of us knew, the sodomite sexual predator, Mr. Theodore McCarrick conspired with Bergoglio to destroy the true Catholic Church in China in a deal with the communist party there.

Petitions will not stop this communist Christ-hating thug, Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Nor will the cowardly cardinals and bishops who owe their comfort to him.

Hirelings, all of them.

"May there days be shortened and another his bishopric take!"

Appeal issued by Church leaders - interference to prevent Cardinal Sarah from signing!

It is nearly impossible to comment on this other than to state that it is just one more indication that Bergoglio and his Vatican apparatchiks are diabolical.  Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was joined by Cardinals Zen, Müller, Bishop Strickland and a gaggle of others retired or marginalised signing another petition that will be ignored Cardinal Sarah had signed but was pressured by "friends" to remove his name. I must give them credit though for trying.

Not even Dan Brown could write this bovine scatology.

Tuesday 5 May 2020

The Vatican - China Pact to persecute true Christians!

Nearly five years ago, this blog began a series of posts on what the Vatican was planning to do with China. You can find them by clicking on the China link at bottom of this post and go back to the early posts. A contact with a contact in the CDF tipped me off to it. My sources were not wrong. it all came to be. Why was I the only blogger that wrote about this that long ago? Who am I to have such information? Where were the others more talented, widely-read and connected than I? Where were the others that could not or would not see the evil plan that Bergoglio and his communist thugs had in store for the suffering Church in China?

China is a lot in the news, no? The communist government has poisoned the world. Don't think it is a coincidence with the sell out of the Church by the false church of Bergoglio, there are no coincidences. 

Child advocate Elizabeth Yore has written an important article at Breitbart highlight the persecution of Catholics in China and the sell-out by Bergoglio.

It is an important read.

Monday 4 May 2020

More Bergoglian heresy: "Proselytism must be done: no. But He died for everyone, He justified everyone.""

The heretical nonsense continues unabated from the mouth of Bergoglio, the latest is this morning.

Matthew 28:16-20 Douay-Rheims  
And the eleven disciples went into Galilee, unto the mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And seeing him they adored: but some doubted. And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.

He must have a warped idea of the Great Commission of Our Lord Jesus Christ because it is pretty clear. The words of Our Lord Jesus Christ as written by the St. Matthew the Apostle is also highly prophetic, "but some doubted."

We now know one of whom Christ referred. 

The man is a criminal, he is a clear and present danger.

He must be denounced.

Bergoglio goes full collectivist globalist! - May his days be shortened.

Speculation on "False Prophet" and the "Antichrist" are circuitous. This writer is not enough of a scholar or mystic or prophet to make any such prognostications. What I can understand is this, if ever there were a pope who presented the potential to be the latter, it would be Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

I don't believe that he sits in front of a computer writing this godless, pathetic Tweets, but they are presented to him prior for his sign-off. We have often been unsettled by the garbage coming out of his mouth and the fingers of those who work in the Vatican. This one reveals the evil monster that Bergoglio really is.

Not one word about Jesus Christ, God made Flesh. Not one word about salvation and the need to come to Him. Globalist, communist propaganda. 

Only work ordered by his masters, not the Master, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio has set himself up as my enemy. He is an evil and wretched man. 

May God free us from this monster, "For it is written in the Book of Psalms: Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take."

Monday 27 April 2020

SSPX: Allegations of cover-up or stonewalling of criminal investigation is "false!"

In my continuing effort to be fair and balanced in the matter of ChurchMilitant's reporting on allegations of sexual abuse and cover-up by some in the Society of St. Pius X, I present here, the latest response from officials in the Society and comment.


The scourge of perversion, predation and sexual abuse in the Church must be cut out. We know that it has reached the highest levels. Theodore McCarrick is not the first prelate to have been found out, only the most prominent and recent. The cover-up of McCarrick's actions even reached Francis Bergoglio himself. Why would we doubt that even in the Society, sodomites embedded themselves? Others, for whatever reason, whether in denial and acting in good faith to prevent scandal, did not make public reports. Did some act maliciously? Maybe. 

As we were told by St. Gregory the Great; "It is better to let scandal arise than truth to be suppressed." 

Just as this disease has infected our dioceses and religous orders and does not change the truth of the Faith, so it is that any malefactors in the Society of St. Pius X, whomever they may be, do not change the good work done by 99.9% of the priests, nuns and religous and the faithful Catholic communities. 

About that CDF survey on Summorum Pontificum ...

You are no doubt familiar with the recent public release of a survey to bishops from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith on the situation and development of Summorum Pontificum. Many are seeing this as an omen of bad things to come and are losing their heads.

I do not share this conspiracy theory. Not that I trust anything coming out of the Vatican, notwithstanding. 

Let me just briefly comment on the Archdiocese of Toronto and three of its suffrage dioceses of Hamilton, London and St. Catharines. There are nearly thirty priests whom I know who on Sundays or other days or at least privately, offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the traditional Rite and I am not referring here to the Society of St. Pius X which operates at least four chapels in Toronto, New Hamburg, Orillia and St. Catharines. In the Diocese of London there are two growing communities in Windsor and St. Thomas. In St. Catharines, the Fraternity of St. Peter and a sprinkling of ad hoc diocesan Masses. In Hamilton, the Mass is every Sunday in Kitchener and Hamilton and less frequent in Brantford. In Toronto proper there are five every Sunday plus at least three other parishes where at least once a week, a priest offers the traditional rite. The Triduum had been held for six years, though the planned one this past March, was of course, cancelled. The Cardinal Archbishop, Thomas Collins, has always been supportive. Many of the Ordinandi of the last decade have offered the Holy Mass according to the traditional Form. This is not going to change and there are, I believe, eight ordinations this year for Toronto. There is no gain for this Archdiocese to attack these communities. 

There is a lot of hysteria in this matter. Don't buy into it.

For more sanity, I refer you to Father Zuhlsdorf.
