LifeSiteNews is reporting that Maradiaga, close papal advisor will head a conference attacking the Church's moral teaching on marriage and sodomy, a moral teaching that comes from Our Lord Jesus Christ!
In what is being called a "Shadow Synod," this is the second conference following up on the secret Rome gathering in May attended by Cardinal Marx of Germany which included some of the most hostile opponents in the Church to perennial Catholic teaching on marriage and the family and human sexuality.
I wrote yesterday and state it again, the time has come for Catholics to wake-up and rise-up against these evil men who have found themselves in power and influence over the faith. As hard as it is for me and other Catholics to come to grips with it we cannot hide from the fact any longer that Jorge Bergoglio, the Bishop or Rome himself has presided over this putrid swamp of corruption, modernism, deceit and betrayal of the faith by prelates with an agenda that is contrary to the Gospel.
If Pope Francis is true to his calling then he will stop this charade and end the scandal that the faithful are enduring. If he does not, then history will not be kind to him.
For two and a half-years now, we have been through a roller-coaster with this Pope. Has buyers remorse set in yet for the Cardinals that went-along to get-along with the election of this man of whose election the Master of the Grand Lodge of Italy stated, "nothing will be the same again?"
When Freemasons praise the Pope, do we have a problem?
I would imagine that confronted with your accusation Vox, Pope Francis would say that you are not only a bad Catholic and a neo-Palagian, but you do not understand the many mercies of the Lord who is ever ready to help the sinner. And he would tell you that the general public and most Catholics agree him. And to make matter even worse, most Bishops and Cardinals will go along with this "deeper and merciful understanding of intimate relationships" as it might euphemistically be described.
Hopefully God will intervene in this on-going destruction of Catholic morality and the Church itself.
After his almost 3 years of spiritual devastation within the church, I am amazed that NOBODY is saying absolutely nothing in the churches. People have no clue and clergy is conveniently silent. That is going to end up with spiritual holocaust! False church is build in front of our eyes and disciples of Christ are completely silent due to the fear of their bishops..., who also are in FEAR! All these is simply shocking... Don't they know that Satan is controlling all of us by fear?
Much prophecy exists on what is happening today. Pride does a very good job masking itself as humility.
Akita messages prophesy about Priest against Priest, Bishop against Bishop, Cardinal against Cardinal.
St. Francis of Assisi's most powerful prophecy speaks thusly: At the time of this tribulation, a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who by his cunning, will endeavour to draw many into error and death. The scandals will be multiplied, our Order will be divided, and many others will be entirely destroyed, because they will consent to error instead of opposing it. There will be such diversity of opinions and schisms among the people, the religious and the clergy that except those days were shortened, according to the words of the Gospel, even the elect would be led into error, were then not specially guided, amid such great confusion, by the immense mercy of God."..."Choosing to obey God rather than man, they will fear nothing, and they will prefer to perish rather than consent to falsehood and perfidy. Some preachers will keep silence about the Truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer."
Pray for discernment and protection. Pray for all souls at this time, in the midst of this tribulation.
This is, ' Team Bergoglio' , these were the wicked Cardinals and Bishops who lobbied the Conclave with Bergoglio's knowledge. These were the evil forces in the Vatican that forced Pope Benedict's hand in retiring who was reforming Vatican II back to Tradition. Pope Francis is now making pay back for the favors from the Conclave. Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiagra is another Marxist Activist in Cardinal Clothing who after the first month of Pope Francis Pontificate he said there will be Synod on the Family and it will be Vatican III in which when it is over the Catholic Church will be unrecognizable. It's happening and these Lunatics got to be stopped because if not there will be an official split. Interesting enough Emeritus Pope Benedict said he wanted to stay in the boundaries of the Vatican. Perhaps if things get so bad he might want to come out of retirement and lead the Catholic Church which are in the hands of evil. If these Lunatics who do not believe that Christ Jesus is in the Holy Eucharist get there way and allow Sodomite Homosexuals and Lesbians with the Divorced and Remarried in all their Mortal Sin receive the Eucharist it will be the Abomination and Desercration of the Holy Sacrifice on the Alter of Almighty God. This will be Sanction by the Holy See's Team Bergoglio the Velvet Mafia in the Vatican of what Pope Paul VI called the smoke of Satan entering the Church just after Vatican II. The smoke has entered the Sanctury of Christ.
To the tune of the hot dog jingle:
Oh I wish I were an Oscar Maradiaga,
that is who I truly like to be-eee-eee;
a prince of darkness in the hierarcheee,
Cardinals and the Pope are sure in love with me!
With the questionable canonizations and complete communist chaos this Pope is responsible for, one has to question if the Chair of Peter is vacant or not. I'm now sticking with SSPX. Novus Ordo is obviously the heretic church as seen by Anne Catherine Emmerich in her visions. The Mass itself is such a radical departure from the Mass of the Ages, it is the N.O. that is illicit and schismatic.
Go SSPX. It's now obvious they are the true remnant of Catholicism.
I don't think any orthodox Catholic is concerned anymore about what Pope Francis would think of him or her. The man is seriously infected with the disease calked communism, unfortunately.
I would to like probably the most hostile opponents in the actual Church to perennial Catholic teaching on marriage and also the family and human sex.
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