A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Friday 6 February 2015

BREAKING: Canada's activist Supreme Court forces approves medical murder

At a meeting of the Catholic Civil Rights League in December, we were warned that the writing seemed to be on the wall for this decision. It was not expected until May. Once again, Canada's Supreme Court judges have decided that which should be in Parliament's domain. These activist judges have forced upon this country abortion, threatened to do so with sodomite and lesbian "marriage", prostitution and now, euthanasia.

The Constitution of Canada and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Pierre Elliot Trudeau has been interpreted by leftists and activists to undermine our nation. 

There is buried within it an out; a Notwithstanding Clause to overturn the decision. Any bets on whether the government will find the fortitude to stand up to these bastards?

Happy now Michael?


BREAKING: Canada’s top court rules doctors can help kill patients
OTTAWA, February 6, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) — In a momentous ruling this morning, Canada’s highest court unanimously ruled to open the door to a doctor helping kill someone nearing the end-of-life stage, a ruling comparable to the sweeping Morgentaler ruling 27 years ago that allowed a doctor to kill someone at the earliest pre-born stage of life. 
In Carter v. Canada, the Court overturned a previous law prohibiting assisted suicide, in effect reversing the previous 1993 Rodriguez decision in which it said the state’s obligation to “protect the vulnerable” outweighed the rights of the individual to self-determination. The ruling makes Canada join the ranks of Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Belgium, as well as Oregon and Washington, in allowing assisted suicide. 


Brian said...

Is this not the ongoing practical outcome of Pierre Trudeau re-making Canada in his own image? Lots more coming I'm afraid. Would the Harper administration dare to use the Not Withstanding clause? No chance.

Shreyl Joi said...

I am searching a site about Canada Civil Rights. Any one please refer. Thanks