A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 26 December 2017

Feast of St. Stephen and the death of his namesake, Father Stephen Auad

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The Martyrdom of St. Stephen
In the southwest corner of Toronto is the old Village of Long Branch and the Parish of Christ the King. Toronto, originally known as York, is essentially a city of towns and villages amalgamated over the years into one city. Long Branch was a village in its own right until 1967, when it was amalgamated into Etobicoke, meaning “where the alders grow,” which was eventually amalgamated into Toronto.

Parish of Christ the King and Shrine of St.Anthony of Padua 
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, Long Branch was a summer resort area for the wealthy of Toronto, eight miles away, they would come on a ferry for the cool lake breeze. With cheap available land and the Canadian National Railway, it would later become an industrial community with companies such as Chrysler, Pittsburgh Paints, Castrol Oil right beside the church, Gabriel Automotive and Neptune Meters, all of which are now gone along with the good jobs and many of them, to Mexico. Long Branch had become a prosperous and pleasant community and it was to this little village that the Pastor of the Maronites, Father Stephen Auad, would come.

French postcard of Maronite militia, c. 1860
As with all immigrants at the time from Mount Lebanon, including my four grandparents to Canada, life in the old country was hard. My grandparents, along with Father Auad, were born just after the then latest wave of Islamic persecution. It was known as the Mount Lebanon Civil War or the Civil War of Syria, as Lebanon was officially part of the Greater Syria Province of the detestable Ottoman Empire. It began as an uprising by the Maronite Christians of Mt. Lebanon against their Druze overlords and culminated in a massacre of Christians at Damascus. Nearly 400 Christians villages and 500 churches were destroyed in a battle by Islamists which eventually spread even to the south of Lebanon. The British backed the Druze for economic reasons and political reasons, the French came to the rescue of the Christians at the urging of the Pope and the Ottoman's took advantage and fomented the strife. It included the Massacre of Aleppo, yes, that Aleppo, when over 5000 died as Mohammedans rose up against its Christians. It seems all too familiar now, no doubt and they may live quietly as your neighbour but as in Mosul, it was the Mohammedan neighbours that pointed out to the ISIS butchers where the Christians lived.

A year after my father was born in 1919 and only a few short blocks from the tenement on York Street where the Toronto Stock Exchange now stands, a Maronite Qurbono, literally "Offering" or Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was celebrated at St. Michael's Cathedral by the Rt. Rev. Shakralla Khoury. Khoury was the Maronite Eparch, or Bishop of Tyre and delegate from Mount Lebanon to the Paris Peace Conference following The Great War. The Qurbono was in Thanksgiving to God for the "virtual independence of Lebanon” from the defeated and vanquished Ottomans -- an independence that would not be totally realized for another thirty years due to the mischief and machinations of King Faisal.

Remarkably, the Qurbono, or Mass, at the Cathedral was reported on September 6, 1920, in the old Toronto World; and the earlier referred to "Pastor of the Maronites in Toronto," assisted at the Divine Liturgy.

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Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Church, Toronto
Sadly for the Lebanese of Toronto and in spite of Father Auad being termed in the secular press the "Pastor of the Maronites" there was no Maronite Church in Toronto. The closest was in Buffalo with the result of most Lebanese, my family included, becoming assimilated into the Latin Rite. 

In 1980, Toronto Archbishop Emmett Cardinal Carter assisted the new Lebanese immigrants with the purchase of the former Anglican Church of the Epiphany on Queen Street in Parkdale, now Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church and the Maronites finally had their home. Pope John Paul II had just established the Eparchy of St. Maron in Canada (Montreal). There is now a second Maronite Church in the region with St. Charbel's in Mississauga and given the more recent strife and suffering of Middle Eastern Christians, we also see Chaldean Catholic, Syriac Catholic and Coptic Catholic and Orthodox churches being built throughout the greater Toronto region.

While studying in Rome, Father Auad was able to offer the Holy Sacrifice e in both the Latin and Maronite Rites. He would learn Italian which would prove helpful to his future in Canada. The Church in Toronto was an Irish Church and these first Catholics in Toronto suffered many indignities in what was known as the Ulster of North America. The Church here was hardly prepared for the next waves of immigrants, particularly the demanding Italians.

The old parish of St. Patrick's, built in 1867 the year of Canada's Confederation, had a new church built behind it on McCaul Street with the former becoming Our Lady of Mount Carmel and assigned to the Italians as their first parish. Because he could speak Italian, the Maronite Lebanese Father Auad became their pastor. It still stands today serving Chinese Roman Catholics, the Italians having long since moved on from that community. It didn't seem to go to well. Professor John Zucchi of McGill University who specializes in immigration history wrote in 1983 that:

"In the late 1920's the Parish Committee of Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish filed a complaint in Italian with the archbishop regarding their pastor, Father Stephen Auad."

These Italians were villagers and more accustomed to a more active involvement of the laity in the parish than Toronto Catholics were accustomed to. The Irish were different; they had to escape persecution to forests and cliffs to find a rock to hear Mass. They were quiet in their Masses. Their history was different of course being persecuted on their own soil by the British, it was a different situation and they never questioned the priest or made demands. Given the prevailing climate in Toronto one can understand the Irish mentality. Their ancestors were persecuted in Ireland by the English and Scots and they came to York - later Toronto, and got it good here too in what was an English and Scottish protestant paradise dominated by Anglican, Presbyterians and Methodists.

The Italians were bolder and had their own customs and devotions and made demands unknown by the locals then. Father Auad had clearly adopted the prevailing official Irish culture of liturgical minimalism and flying below the radar for the reasons noted above and this conflicted with the Italians under his care. Professor Zucchi continued; 

"The committee was highly critical of Auad; he was too busy to hear confession; it was difficult to find him in the rectory or in the church; he rarely visited school children; his masses were too short, etc."

It wasn't only the local Italians that criticised the poor beleaguered priest unbelievably, even American Evangelical Pentecostals chimed in.  It was August 5, 1933 at Springfield in the state of Missouri and the Pentecostal Evangel displayed its bigotry and ignorance writing:

“The  following item  taken  from  the Toronto  press  will  show  how  it  is  possible for Christianity to catch the diseases of  the  old pagan religions:  "What  has become  an annual  public religious  function in Toronto will take  place tomorrow, when Rev. Father  Stephen Auad, pastor of  Mount  Carmel Church (notice that they left "Our Lady" out of the title!)  St. Patrick Street,  will bless  motor  cars and  other conveyances  after  the  11  o'clock  Mass. The vehicles will thus be placed under the patronage of St. Christopher,' patron saint of travelers. The time is coming when Christianity will be purged of all alien additions. Matt.13:41.”

It was now 1938 and Father Stephen Auad approached Archbishop James Charles McGuigan, later to be English-speaking Canada's first Cardinal, about building a shrine to St. Anthony of Padua in that old summer resort village of Long Branch now becoming an industrial centre. Finances being what they were at the time, just after the Great Depression and with Canada entering the Second World War, the Archbishop declined the request. Disappointed in the Archbishop's decision Father Auad went home and there he brooded about the situation obviously not happy and still fighting with the Italians until his housekeeper, one Mrs. Maggie Jobin, encouraged him to go back and ask again, but this time, more firmly.

So, he did and did so to the point of pounding on the desk of the future Cardinal. Astonished at the boldness, the good Archbishop, originally from Prince Edward Island, is reported to have laughed until tears flowed down his cheeks and then said, "If you feel so strongly about the church, go ahead, but keep it your responsibility" and on August 4, 1938, Father Auad was appointed the parish priest of the Village of Long Branch and directed to build a church.

Attending one weeknight Mass at Christ the King a few years ago, I noticed a window long overlooked. It seemed an odd Saint in a window here, St. Antony of the Desert. I started to look closer. In addition to St. Anthony of the Desert there was St. Maroun, the great mystic, monk and missionary to the people of Mount Lebanon and Syria who died in 410 A.D.  It is from him that the Maronites are named. The next window was Mar Youhana Maroun, or as we would say in English, St. John Maron who died in 707 A.D., the first Patriarch of the Maronite Church. Then a little further along, there she was, Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon whom the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and All the East declared in 1908 to be "Queen of Lebanon." Knowing that the people of Long Branch would not know these Saints, each one has a little banner with their name under their image and quotes from scripture about "Libanus." Here was a little parish, built by a priest who came from the land named so often in the Psalms, who procured these windows to the greatest of Lebanon’s Holy Ones including the Mother of our Redeemer whose birth we celebrate.

Father Auad had a great personal devotion to St. Anthony of Padua and wanted this new parish at Long Branch to be named the Shrine of St. Anthony. Given that there was already a large church on Bloor Street dedicated to this much-loved Saint, the Archbishop did not agree. It was named Christ the King and a small grotto was built to house an Altar. “Shrine of St. Anthony” remains today engraved in the terrazzo flooring just below the plaque in memory of Father Auad. The first Mass offered there was celebrated by Father Auad on September 17, 1939, and on Sunday, May 26, 1940, the church was blessed by Archbishop McGuigan.

At Midnight Mass on December 25, 1944 and whilst delivering his sermon, Father Stephan Auad suffered a stroke. The next day, December 26, 1944, on the very Feast of St. Stephen, his name-saint, Father Stephen Auad went on to his eternal reward and a little bit of Lebanese history in Long Branch lay hidden.

On this anniversary of his death, may this little Christmas story serve as a tribute to this early and long forgotten priest of the first hundred years of the Church in Toronto. 

May Father Stephen Auad be rejoicing on this day with St. Stephen in the presence of the LORD whom he loved and served.  

Rev. Stephen Auad

Monday 25 December 2017

Friday 22 December 2017

Paul VI to be canonised a Saint? Oh come on now, you knew this was going to happen.

Image result for paul vi villaThey waited. 

They waited until Father Luigi Villa died before announcing his beatification.


The man who presided over the destructive implementation of the Second Vatican Council from which I cannot honestly say that one good thing has come, is about to be canonised as a Saint. If you can list one thing good from Vatican II, please list it in the combox.

When this destroyer of the Church was beatified over an alleged miracle that a baby was born without amniotic fluid, I stated then that it was a fraud. Yes, it is "miraculous" that a baby can be born without amniotic fluid, but it is hardly a "MIRACLE" on an individual basis. It is not something which cannot be medically or scientifically explained.

Look it up.


This filthy Berogolian regime will stop at nothing to make a mockery of the Church, Her mission, and Her Saints. 

It started under John Paul II with the "make a saint" machine and it continues. They have now opened the cause for Albino Luciani, whom they state was not murdered. Perhaps out of all the Vatican II Pope "Saints" he may be the only one.

So, we are to believe that every Pope since 1958 has become a Saint? No Pius XII? No Leo XIII?

This boil on the Seat of Peter can declare Giovanni Montini Santa Clause, it won't make it so.

What a fraud.

Pope Paul VI set for sainthood, miracle identified

Medical doctors and Vatican theologians have given the green light. The newspaper of the diocese of Brescia: what better opportunity than the October 2018 synod?

Pope Paul VI

Pubblicato il 21/12/2017
Pope Paul VI, beatified in 2014 by Pope Francis, a step towards sanctification.  

In a special issue entitled “It will be the year of Paul VI Saint”, the weekly magazine of the diocese of Brescia, La voce del popolo, writes that on 13 December, theologians of the Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope Montini, after a first free go-ahead had been given by the medical consultation of the Vatican Congregation itself. At this point it is necessary that the cardinals of the Congregation and, finally, the Pope express themselves on the same miracle.  

The miracle regards the birth of a girl from Verona called Amanda, who in 2014 had survived for months despite the fact the placenta was broken.  
Pope Francis beatified his predecessor on 19 October 2014, concluding the extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family.  

“Rumors are so insistent and the next steps so fast to take, that everything indicates 2018 as Blessed Paul VI’s canonization year”, writes the diocesan newspaper of Brescia. The last official stage took place last December 13 in the theological commission. The miracle attributed to the intercession of John Baptist Montini about the healing of a fetus in prenatal age in 2014 was approved. The expectant mother native from Verona, at risk of miscarriage, a few days after the beatification of Montini in Brescia, went to the Sanctuary “delle Grazie”, to pray to the newly beatified Pope.  

Subsequently, a child in good health was born. After the doctors and theologians’ recognition, there are still a few more steps to be taken: the passage in the commission of cardinals, the final approval of the Pope and that of the Consistory with the official announcement and the definition of the date. But at this point, it is more than a hope. The month of October could be the right one. From 3 to 28 October in Rome, the 15th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on young people will be celebrated and will gather in the Vatican prelates from all over the world. What better opportunity to canonize in front of such a large portion of the College of Bishops, the other pontiff, after Saint John XXIII of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council? It will most likely take place on one of the first three Sundays of October, even if the most accredited date today seems to be the 21. Indeed, sooner or later, in 2018 Paul VI will be Saint! We praise the Lord to Whom we entrust the year that will come”. 

Thursday 21 December 2017

Bergoglio "Cardinal" Maradiaga on the money take!

In fairness to Don Maradiaga, here is his denial.

Oscar "Cardinal" Maradiaga, one of Bergoglio's fiercest supporters who once called Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke a "poor man" saying his thoughts "don't merit further comment" and again said, that Cardinal Burke was a "disappointed man, in that he wanted power and lost it" is now in for his own major disappointment and on the verge of lusting that power he has so relished and lusted after.
The pompous, arrogant thug masquerading as a Cardinal is Chairman of Bishop of Rome Bergoglio's "Council of Cardinals" and has been receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars/euros from the Catholic University of Tegucigalpa. Maradiaga, who preaches about the poor and downtrodden has proven to be just one more corrupt, hypocritical and heretical henchmen of the Bergoglio mafia.

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The filth and rot of this papacy are being exposed. Bergoglio brought this on himself, it is only a matter of time until he is trapped in his own web of deceit and corruption.

God will not be mocked.

And we His people will not sit idly by any longer with these filthy rats on board the ship.

The Homosexualist Archdiocese of Milwaukee continues on

The former Archbishop of Milwaukee, Rembert Weakland, was an active sodomite. He was outed on Good Morning America by his "lover" and stole church funds to pay him off.

Last Sunday, an arrogant, prideful man  who is a "priest" of Our Lord Jesus Christ came out as "gay" during the Sunday Mass. He debased the Holy Sacrifice with his own narcissistic, prideful, debauched evil arrogance and pride.

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The current Archbishop Listecki in backing this man and has proven to be a homosexualist himself right out of the school of Weakland. He is the purveyor of a disgraceful scandal. A filthy rotten wolf.

No man with any attraction to men should ever be ordained to the priesthood. Celibacy is not enough. One cannot be chaste and identify as "gay."

Take note: It is conclusive that every boy sexually raped by priests were raped by priests who were sodomites. Just like this pervert above. People of Milwaukee, how dare you give this enemy of Christ a standing ovation. Shame on you.

Voris is right. God will fix this and it is not going to be nice.


And all of these filthy bastards will burn in Hell lest they repent of the damage they have done to souls.

Ding Dong! Everybody's High for Francismas

And don't forget your Bergoglian Francismastree ornament.

Still at a special price of $6.66.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Oh look, Bergoglio's "great Italian" friend rejoices at the beginning of Italy's march towards euthanasia

No need to write a blog post.

The photos of Bergoglio's "great Italian" says it all.

Can the Argentian boil on the Seat of Peter really be this stupid? 
Or is he just evil?


The Pope's words on the topic were necessary, wrote Corrado Augias in La Repubblica, “to overthrow the last resistance of some Catholics and--probably--to convince at least a group of them to give their consent to [the pro-euthanasia law].”


Former abortionist and Radical Party activist Emma Bonino, center, reacts with emotion Dec. 14 in Rome to the announcement that the Italian Senate has passed a law allowing citizens the right to refuse artificial nutrition and hydration in living wills.

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Archdiocese of Bombay states that Pope Francis has opened "communion to divorced and remarried Catholics."

The little-known homosexualist Cardinal Archbishop of Bombay, Oswald Gracias, has authorized a poster stating that Pope Francis has opened the door to "communion to divorced and remarried Catholics," -- those living and committing adultery. What can you expect from a homosexualist such as Gracias?

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Friday 15 December 2017

Not your grandmother's Nativity Set - heck, it's not even Donald Trump's!

Even the White House has more dignity and class and respect that the cocaine snorting, child-porn sodomite mafioso perverts in Vatican City, all under the watchful eye of the Pope of Mercy.

Image result for donald trump white house nativity scene

Oh, look, its the corporal works of mercy all taking precedence over the Nativity of the WORD MADE FLESH, lost somewhere in that menagerie of artistic arrogance.

Vatican Nativity Scene 2017

When you look at this, where is the eye drawn? Who or what is the most significant figure?

Vatican Nativity Scene 2017 - Naked Man

Those rigid Three Wise Guys passing by that naked buff man with the six pack abs to worship God come to earth.

Any man with a body like that isn't hungry and isn't incapable of work. Now, if he were beaten and dirty and old and broken the point might have been made.

The point is not made. Instead, it is a god to the homosexual perverts in the Vatican. What a disgusting and revolting situation we are in.

Shame on Bergoglio. May he get a big lump of high sulphur coal in his stocking.

Vatican Nativity Scene 2017 - Prisoner

Vatican Nativity Scene 2017 - Dead Man