A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Father Tom Rosica receives prestigious reward from New York media group

Thomas J. Rosica, CSB, has been honoured with a distinguished award praising him as a "Distinguished Communicator." I've not read anything so gratifying since the President of the Internet

Here is the link to the full speech.

Here are some excerpts from his speech delivered at the Brooklyn Bridge Marriott for the DeSales Media Group.

I find this quote the most profound, considering what follows below:

"Francis wants us to be warm, welcoming and forgiving as Jesus has modeled to us on every page of the New Testament. Francis wants us to eat with tax collectors and sinners; he wants us to forgive the woman caught in adultery (while admonishing her to sin no more); he wants us to welcome and respect foreigners (even our enemies), and, above all, not to judge others." (except for bloggers, trads-behaving-badly, and of course, Michael Voris as noted at A Nice Letter from Madrid)

"The Digital World and Catholic Blogosphere"...the big battlefield before humanity is also the digital world: (Not an abandonment of faith and Christian life and culture. Not abortion. Not euthanasia. Sodomite priests raping boys. Not atheism, radical secularism, Islamic terrorism. Modernist and heretical priests destroying the Faith. Not running to every sexual deviant idea, rampant greed, globalisation, environmental fascism; none of these except for the "digital world." The "big battlefield" is the digital world! - Vox)
You only need a keyboard, a screen or a hand-held device. In the wild, crazy world of the blogosphere, ... there is no accountability, no code of ethics, and no responsibility for one’s words and actions.  It can be an international weapon of mass destruction, crossing time zones, borders and space. In its wake is character assassination, destruction of reputation, calumny, libel, slander and defamation. ... “Catholics” have turned the Internet into a cesspool of hatred, venom and vitriol, ... character assassination on the Internet by those claiming to be Catholic and Christian has turned it into a graveyard of corpses strewn all around. Often times the obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!  In reality they are deeply troubled, sad and angry people. ... The light of Christ reflected in the Church must not become the privilege of only a few elect who float enclosed within a safe harbor or ghetto network of communications for the elite, the clean, the perfect and the saved.  This would be a “church clique” or a “personal blog” or “chat room” more than an ecclesial community.
Hmm, now what was that about, "Francis wants us to eat with tax collectors and sinners; he wants us to forgive the woman caught in adultery (while admonishing her to sin no more); he wants us to welcome and respect foreigners (even our enemies), and, above all, not to judge others?"

Unless of course, they are: "self-absorbed, Promethean, neo-Pelagians," or "fomenters of coprophagia" as Francis has often reminded us and of course, as Cleric Tom tell us, bloggers who are, "obsessed, scrupulous, self-appointed, nostalgia-hankering virtual guardians of faith or of liturgical practices are very disturbed, broken and angry individuals, who never found a platform or pulpit in real life and so resort to the Internet and become trolling pontiffs and holy executioners!"

There is a word for that.

This my friends, is why I blog.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Laity call on Pope to retract Amoris Laetitia!

Other than Athanasius Schneider, for the most part, the Cardinal and Bishops of the Holy Catholic Church may be cowards, but the laity are not!

There are doctrinal errors and ambiguities in Amoris Laetitia. Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Rome, promulgated an exportation that is a scandalous assault on the Truth and Catholic doctrine. 

Every Catholic has a right to demand that the Bishop of Rome retract this document or issue immediate corrections to the various matters even far beyond the Chapter 8 and its heretical footnote. 

Some will say, "oh, there is much beautiful in this document." We hear this from celebrity almost daily. It is so affirming of "Life," because he wrote against abortion.

The day my friends when we praise a Pope for speaking against abortion is a pretty sad day because we've set the bar pretty low on what it means to be a Catholic, what it means to be a Pope.

There is more than one drop of poison in this wretched document. Some are highlighted below, in the above link and by Bishop Schneider.

None of us must rest until the Pope yields. Yes, we call upon the Pope to yield. Yield to the true faith and retract this heresy!

It doesn't matter what he said about gender ideology, large families, abortion, or on a plane about marriage, what matter is the last thing he did. That last thing, is his current thought and it is wrong!

The day of death will come for all of us and it will come for Jorge Bergoglio. As with all, he will stand along before Our Lord Jesus Christ to be judged. Unless he is unaware of what he is doing, if he is knowingly creating this confusion and perception that sacrilegious Communions can be tolerated, that immorality can be excused in false mercy, that sex-education is the right of the State over the parents and more, he will be held accountable. He will not get away with this; nor with Kasper, Forte and the rest of them. Neither will the local parish priest who sits by in silence while the sheep are devoured by the wolves. 

All will be brought into the Light! 

Pope Bergoglio! For the sake of your soul, retract this error!

Voice of the Family calls on Pope Francis to withdraw Amoris Laetitia

ROME, May 9, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Over 100 pro-life and pro-family leaders from all over the world leapt to their feet in applause at a meeting in Rome on Saturday after hearing a call for Pope Francis to withdraw his controversial exhortation Amoris Laetitia.
John Smeaton, co-founder of Voice of the Family and the CEO of the UK Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, issued the request to the Pope in his keynote address at the annual Rome Life Forum.
Smeaton spoke following Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who in his speech decried growing confusion in the Church, and who has previously expressed grave concerns about the exhortation.
Smeaton highlighted several grave concerns with the exhortation, including:
  • the section about sex education, which speaks at length about sex education in schools, without reference to the rights of parents;
  • references to public adultery which fail to point out the intrinsic evil of adultery;
  • the suggestion that adulterous sexual acts may be justifiable; and,
  • the false message that marriage is not indissoluble.
The failure to speak clearly on adultery "shows a lack of mercy" said Smeaton, "because it denies Catholics the truth about right and wrong."
"It denies Catholics the knowledge they need to exercise true freedom, freedom from sin. It also shows a lack of mercy because it sends children the false message that marriage is not indissoluble. Arguably, Your Holiness, the most effective way of destroying children is to destroy marriage as an indissoluble lifetime union of a man and a woman."

Read the rest at:


Sunday, 8 May 2016

The most wonderfullest, and infalliblest Pope evah!

Will he infallibly declare that none that come after Francis the Great are infallible (when declared so and on matters of faith and morals only) for all you papolaters our there!

Francis, Pope. More Infallible Than He There Is None

He displays a willingness to reconsider the dogma of infallibility. But in reality he is vesting full power in himself much more than his immediate predecessors did. And he is acting as an absolute monarch

by Sandro Magister

ROME, May 9, 2016 – There was an uproar in recent days over the announcement by the theologian Hans Küng that Pope Francis has given an effective green light to “an unrestricted discussion of the dogma of infallibility”:


Cardinal Müller reminds the Pope, and the rest of us, of the Church's doctrine

maxresdefault2As you've most certainly read, Cardinal Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was scheduled to speak in Madrid at the Catholic University associated with the Seminary. The Archbishop of Madrid, a recent appointee, as with Chicago, done with the direct intervention of Pope Francis barred the Cardinal from speaking at the University. An alternative location was found.

The Archbishop, a man who may have misrepresented his own resume, had no authority to do this. No doubt, the Cardinal Prefect, ever a gentleman in the same mould as a former Prefect, made no fuss, at least, not a public one. 

What was said by Cardinal Müller is of critical importance. Minions such as Madrid's Archbishop may say, he is "against the Pope" but Müller does not seem to have fallen for the ultramontanist papolatry so common with this Bergoglian papacy.

In his speech, the Cardinal Prefect was quite clear:
“It is not possible to live in God’s grace while living in a sinful situation,” he [Müller] said, and continued by saying that people living in sin “can not receive Holy Communion unless they have received absolution in the sacrament of penance.” Müller importantly added that the “Church has no power to change the Divine Law” and that “Not even a pope or council can change that.”
He also understands what it means to be a worshipper of God, not His Vicar.

Recommended reading on this can be found at One Peter Five by Dr. Maike Hickson. Steve Skojec and those at 1P5 deserve your support. There is no more important Catholic blog today.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Why should a pope speak plainly? He treats the Church of Christ as a joke! Make a mess, he says. Well, he did!

My question is this:

Would the mess be because he would uphold the doctrine or because he wouldn't?

What arrogance!

What disgusting conniving and manipulation. You see, we were right. We were right for the last two years when we said that these malefactors were manipulating the truth. 

Oh, they said, the Pope won't change doctrine, the Pope can't change doctrine, isn't that what Tom told us?
"Will this Pope re-write controversial Church doctrines? No. But that isn't how doctrine changes. Doctrine changes when pastoral contexts shift and new insights emerge such that particularly doctrinal formulations no longer mediate the saving message of God's transforming love. Doctrine changes when the Church has leaders and teachers who are not afraid to take note of new contexts and emerging insights. It changes when the Church has pastors who do what Francis has been insisting: leave the securities of your chanceries, of your rectories, of your safe places, of your episcopal residences go set aside the small minded rules that often keep you locked up and shielded from the world." 

O LORD, deliver us from these deceitful men and the Vicar of error and send us a Holy Pope who will restore all things in You!

Here, the co-conspirators.

Archbishop Forte has in fact revealed a “behind the scenes” [moment] from the Synod: “If we speak explicitly about communion for the divorced and remarried,” said Archbishop Forte, reporting a joke of Pope Francis, “you do not know what a terrible mess we will make. So we won’t speak plainly, do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.”
A friend of mine, from Italy says there is a translation error in the above, it actually worse!
"If we speak explicitly about communion for the divorced and remarried,” said Archbishop Forte, reporting a joke of Pope Francis, “you do not know what a terrible mess THESE PEOPLE will make"  
And from the context one could assume "THESE PEOPLE" to mean the Bishops at the Synod, or "the conservative Bishops" perhaps...

Pope Francis dreams of the end of the Europe

Look at these two. Take a good look. They laugh and joke with each other and plot the destruction of European civilisation, or what is left of it.

The one on the left is an old East German communist. She hates her German past.  The one on the right? He is a Peronist; an economic Marxist. He is incompetent in regard to what is happening; at best he is ill-informed, at worst, he is a party to it. 

The two of these are plotting the end of Europe. The crisis which we saw last summer is coming again. It is a plot being managed by a great unseen hand to undermine the last remaining vestiges of a Christian culture in Europe. How evil is it that the Vicar of Christ on Earth is part of this evil machination to undermine Europe's past and future. The problem of the "migrants" must be solved. It must be solved by utterly destroying the evil force which caused it and then send them back to rebuilt their own nation states.

If, Europe was strongly Christian. If Jorge Bergoglio was not a purveyor of false ecumenism and religious indifferentism then maybe Europe might have something to gain by accepting these people. Since neither are the case, it is Europe's death knell.

What is happening is a plan to destroy Europe and bring it into chaos. That's right, "order out of chaos." This great, unseen, manipulative, and demonic hand that is causing this is full supported by these two. Merkel, I can understand, but the Vicar of Christ on Earth?

Do I have no sympathy? Yes, I surely do. The blood in my veins is from Mount Lebanon. The Syrians are my cousins. The issue is similar to that of Donald Trump and the "wall." Nations have a right and a duty to protect themselves from invasion. What we are seeing in both examples is an invasion. The solution is the opposite of Bergoglio's "dream," it is in fact, a wall! The other part is to stop the reason for it.

The plan is simple; undermine European culture and threaten its very existence, riots and civil unrest, even civil war will erupt as Europeans fight back; the Mohammedan migrants will create chaos, rapes, murder, terror, and mayhem. Europe will enforce martial law and the erasing of all borders in order to make it happen across the continent. The realisation that Islam is a problem will be solved. A new religion, a new dynamic of dialogue will emerge. There will be one religion for all Europeans. They will buy into it for the sake of peace and security. They will sell their very souls for it. It will start there and it will come here. It will be secularist, universalist. it will be the cosmic "christ" and "christ" consciousness. I am christ, you are christ, we are christ. I am mahomet, you are mahomet. we are all one. 

It's all been written down in a book on the Island of Patmos. 

Where in this rambling manifesto of dreams does Jorge Bergoglio once mention Our Lord Jesus Christ?

To him, Our Lord Jesus Christ is an embarrassment.

Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue.

Dialogue straight into Hell.

Europe, you've not listened to the Pope on matters of faith, whatever you do, don't start now on his economics and geopolitics. 

Hungary! Poland. Rise up to wake up Europe!

Lord Jesus Christ, save us from this Pope!


Vatican City (AFP) - Pope Francis said Friday he dreamed of a Europe in which "being a migrant is not a crime", as he urged EU leaders to "tear down the walls" and build a fairer society.

Invoking the memory of the EU founding fathers' pursuit of integration in the aftermath of World War II, the pontiff said they inspired because they had "dared to change radically the models" that had led to war.

"Today more than ever, their vision inspires us to build bridges and tear down walls," he told a Vatican audience including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has been at the centre of the EU's attempts to resolve its biggest refugee crisis since the war ended in 1945.

And in a rhetorical flourish with echoes of Martin Luther-King's legendary 'I have a dream' speech, the pope said he dreamed of a new European humanism that embraced the poor, the elderly, the young and the sick.

"I dream of a Europe where being a migrant is not a crime but a summons to greater commitment on behalf of the dignity of every human being," he said.

Francis's comments came in a speech as the 79-year-old pontiff was presented with the EU's Charlemagne Prize for his contribution to European unification.

Having unexpectedly decided to accept the award, Francis delivered a typically hard-hitting message to listeners that also included the heads of the EU's main institutions, the Council, the Commission, the Parliament and its central bank.

"What has happened to you, the Europe of humanism, the champion of human rights, democracy and freedom?" he asked. "What has happened to you, Europe, the home of poets, philosophers, artists, musicians, and men and women of letters?"

Francis has made the cause of migrants trying to reach Europe one of the defining themes of his papacy.

He has regularly railed against the "indifference" of western societies to their plight and last month he made a high-profile visit to Lesbos, the Greek island on the frontline of the crisis, returning to the Vatican with three Syrian families seeking asylum from the civil war ravaging their homeland.

- A memory transfusion needed -

He has also attacked what he says is an arbitrary division being made between asylum seekers and so-called economic migrants -- a distinction at the heart of Merkel and other EU leaders' vision of how to resolve the crisis.

Borrowing a phrase from writer and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, the Argentinian pontiff said Friday that Europe needed a "memory transfusion" to free itself from the temptation of "quick and easy short-term political gains."

And after that reference to the migrant crisis, Francis went on to say Europe had to fundamentally change its economic model to give the continent's youth the security they needed to build a new world.

"If we want to rethink our society, we need to create dignified and well-paying jobs, especially for our young people," he said.

"To do so requires coming up with new, more inclusive and equitable economic models, aimed not at serving the few, but at benefiting ordinary people and society as a whole.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Parliament President Martin Schulz explained the decision to give the award to such a regular and prominent critic of the EU in a column for France's Le Monde.

"Some will joke that the European Union must be in a bad way if it is in need of papal assistance," they wrote.

"We are convinced that Pope Francis deserves this prize, however, simply because he has sent Europe a message of hope.

"Perhaps we needed an Argentinian to turn his outsider's gaze on the innermost values which bind us Europeans together, to remind us of our strengths.

"After all, at times when the words 'Europe' and 'crisis' are often uttered in the same breath it is easy to forget what Europe has achieved and what it is capable of."

Priests and Bishops of Canada : STOP beating up Catholics who KNEEL for Holy Communion! Where is mercy?

An email from a friend in a Canadian Diocese, contains the following information about a recent occurrence:

At a funeral last week, the person knelt for Holy Communion. She was refused to be given Holy Communion until she stood but was allowed to receive on the tongue.

Page 44, Paragraph 160 of GIRM for Canada (General Instruction on the Roman Missal), present in the front of every Roman Missal in every church in Canada states:

160. The Priest then takes the paten or ciborium and approaches the communicants, who usually come up in procession.
    It is not permitted for the faithful to take the consecrated Bread or the sacred chalice by themselves and, still less, to hand them on from one to another among themselves. In the Dioceses of Canada, Holy Communion is to be received standing, though individual members of the faithful may choose to receive Communion while kneeling. When standing before the minister to receive Holy Communion, the faithful should make a simple bow of the head. When receiving Holy Communion on the tongue, they reverently join their hands; when receiving Holy Communion in the hand, they reverently open their hands placing one beneath the other, and they consume the host immediately upon receiving it.

From this perspective, the then-Cardinal Ratzinger assured that: "Communion only reaches its true depth when it is supported and surrounded by adoration" [The Spirit of the Liturgy (Ignatius Press, 2000), p. 90]. For this reason, Cardinal Ratzinger maintained that “the practice of kneeling for Holy Communion has in its favor a centuries-old tradition, and it is a particularly expressive sign of adoration, completely appropriate in light of the true, real and substantial presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ under the consecrated species” [cited in the Letter "This Congregation" of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 1 July 1, 2002].

It is important to note that Pope Francis has not changed what Pope Benedict began. While in large "Papal" Masses, he generally does not distribute Holy Communion to the lay faithful, he has been quite consistent with Deacons kneeling for Communion. If one wishes to make a distinction, "well that is a Deacon," one should look up the definition of, clericalist

The question must be asked.

Why are you as priests and bishops doing this to the faithful and allowing it? The GIRM clearly acknowledges the right of the individual to kneel notwithstanding the general norm.

Fathers, do you not know this? If you do not know it, you do now.

Listen to me. If you do know it and you are denying the faithful of their right, then it is fair to say that you are, objectively speaking, in a state of severe disobedience to the Law of the Church and objectively, in a state of serious sin. You are committing an illegal act against the faithful. What will you say to Our Lord Jesus Christ on your particular judgement day for this action?

You, Bishop; why do you allow this. How will you answer for it? Will you simply plead ignorance?

Where is "mercy"?

Given the prevailing culture, I'm just a "rigorist" and a "self-absorbed Promethean, neo-Pelagian" who is "judging from the Seat of Moses."

As laity, in Canada in particular, what is your experience and feel free to name your diocese and parish.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Gender insanity

Let us be clear about people who believe they are a man or a woman trapped in the body of the other and those who dress up and pose as the other sex are suffering from deep seated mental illness. This is so far beyond sanity, that those who are prepared to state what I have just done, that  Bruce Jenner and others who Target wishes to serve are mentally ill, at best. 

Let us go even further. Any doctor that would castrate a man to design instead female genitalia from what is left and fill that man's body with chemicals to turn him into a "woman" (and the same for the other way) should be stripped of his medical license and thrown in jail. That doctor is simply another Joseph Mengele.

Now, we have this insane bathroom debate.

I think we can agree on the first two paragraphs. Yet, these actions are legal. I think we can also agree that given the surgery of turning one into another and that person giving all the outside appearance of now being a woman, should probably use the women's washroom. Without doubt, this has been happening for decades since these surgeries were developed. People have simply minded their own business and were discreet and respected each others' dignity. This does not mean I agree with the surgeries but only the reality of the result. Frankly, I shouldn't even know.

But, if it is a man dressing up as some sort of "trans" or "binary" which a simple guy such as me thought was computer code, then there is something more to what is currently raging. 

What is it all about?

Aside from the obvious spiritual signs that this we are now being attacked on all sides and that we are living in a post-Christian, post Judaic morality age, we may be entering into the most demonic period of human history on planet earth. 

The reality, as we've all suspected, is that Bathrooms are Just the Beginning.

And this:


Pervert Priest and the Canadian bishops that covered him up, so-to-speak

From the combox, to the post below (not published):

"It must be be very sad to spend all of your time looking for darkness. It will be for you a self-fulfilling prophecy. May God be merciful and grant you peace."

How charitable. How sincere.

Actually, your comment says much more about you than it does of me. Why do you think we should hide the truth about the homosexual - sodomite priests and bishops? What do you think that says to the victims such as a friend of mine and in fact, myself who experienced the assaults of some of these same rotten effeminates and brutes. 

The darkness is being brought into the light and The Light, my friend.

Your snarky prayer at the end gives you away all the time. You are a failure. You are a disgrace, a traitor and Judas. You know it and that is why you are so angry. You thought you would rejoice in the Effect but you realise, deep in your being, that we are fighting back and we will win, because Christ has already won it! 

Your work is straw to be consumed in fire.

You are failure as a man, in fact, you have no masculinity. You are prissy, little fool, an effeminate in every way. A pretender. You are a bully, you know it, I know it, your brother knows it and your poor sisters too. You are indeed, a sad, sad man.

You must also be of the same persuasion as Sullivan, no doubt. 

May the prayers you meant for me also be applied to you. 


Following up on the dead pervert priest John Sullivan, what follows from Sylvia's Site must not go unreported. This disgusting, filthy sodomitical pervert and the bishops and cardinals that aided him are all laid out. He even spent some time right here in Toronto. Sullivan died on Easter Sunday. Pocock, Proulx, the Carter boys and Ambrozic have a lot to answer for, as do a few Toronto Auxiliaries. 

I can't imagine what explanation they gave Our Blessed Lord on their particular judgement.

Sullivan pic circa 1967 0r 68 resized

Connecting the dots
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It’s taken me a while to get this together – I ended up looking up all sorts of things 🙂   But, on the whole this is what I wanted to say about about the massive Father John E. Sullivan cover-up.  There is a little more info which I will add later regarding Sullivan’s years in Montreal and activities as a priest during those years.  It won’t take long to to put that together, but I did want to get this much posted now
As you know, this new look at the Father John Sullivan sex abuse scandal started with my finding of the following court document which specifically references a number of otherwise publicly  unknown facts facts regarding Sullivan.
So, here we go…..
Connecting dots…………….can be read fully at this link which follows:

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

“If I did not believe God, I would be convinced that the Catholic Church was about to end.” —Mgr. Joseph C. Fenton on Vatican II, Nov. 23, 1962

Until yesterday, I had not heard of Msgr. Joseph Fenton. You may not have either. 

Some day, the truth about what happened in 1958 will come out, just as it will of 2013. We must admit, something dark descended upon Holy Mother Church at the time following Pius XII. Fatima was not followed, chaos and manipulations occurred before, during and after the Second Vatican Council continuing to this very day. The Church is in crisis, the faith is in collapse in many places of the world. Can it all be just a coincidence?

These diaries, by Msgr. Fenton, give an insider's view as to the first impressions of a man who was there. One of America's, periti.

They are only one man's opinion, but when viewed now, a half century later, they are a severe indictment of that whole period. 

The web page below has the entire diary available on PDF. Suffice to say, I do not agree with the general notion of sedevacantism, however; these are our Catholic brothers and sisters.

“Our Maltese friend (who was born in Alexandria) told us that he saw Spelly [Cardinal Francis Spellman] coming out of the [1958] conclave looking white and shaken.” (Nov. 2, 1960) 
“These are four propositions handed to me under the SHO by the then Laodicea in Phrygia 11/28/54. They were also delivered to [Fr.] Frank Connell… There has never been anything less effective in the Church than a secret condemnation of an error.” (Mar. 16, 1962)
“He [Cardinal Ottaviani] remarked that we were on the eve of the Council, and that no one knew who the Council’s theologians were to be.” (Sept. 28, 1962)
“It is a crime that we did not take the Anti-Modernist Oath. Poor O[ttaviani] must have failed to have our own profession passed by the central commission. It contained his condemnation of [Fr. John Courtney] Murray.” (Oct. 9, 1962)
“I had always thought that this council was dangerous. It was started for no sufficient reason. There was too much talk about what it was supposed to accomplish. Now I am afraid that real trouble is on the way.” (Oct. 13, 1962)
“I started to read the material on the Liturgy, and I was shocked at the bad theology. They actually have been stupid enough [to say] that the Church is ‘simul humanam et divininam, visibilem et invisibilem’ [at the same time human and divine, visible and invisible]. And they speak of the Church working ‘quousque unum ovile fiat et unus pastor’ [until there be one fold and one shepherd], as if that condition were not already achieved.” (Oct. 19, 1962)
“I do not think that any little work on our part is going to bring good to the Church. We should, I believe, face the facts. Since the death of [Pope] St. Pius X the Church has been directed by weak and liberal popes, who have flooded the hierarchy with unworthy and stupid men. This present conciliar set-up makes this all the more apparent. [Fr.] Ed Hanahoe, the only intelligent and faithful member of [Cardinal] Bea’s secretariat has been left off the list of the periti. Such idiots as [Mgr. John S.] Quinn and the sneak [Fr. Frederick] McManus have been put on. [Fr. George] Tavard is there as an American, God help us. From surface appearance it would seem that the Lord Christ is abandoning His Church. The thoughts of many are being revealed. As one priest used to say, to excuse his own liberalism, which, in the bottom of his heart he knew was wrong, ‘for the last few decades the tendency in Rome has been to favor the liberals.’ That is the policy now. We can only do what we can to overt an ever more complete disloyalty to Christ.” (Oct. 19, 1962)
“As far as I can see the Church is going to be very badly hurt by this council. The opposition between the liberals and the loyal Catholics has been brought out into the open. Yesterday a Dutch (Holland) bishop gave a nasty talk in which he claimed to be speaking for all of his countrymen. He charged that the claims (really statements of fact) about theological imperfection in the schema were ‘exaggerated.’ The poor fellow seemed to imagine that a little lack of precision is all right in a conciliar document. I am disgusted with talk of this kind.” (Oct. 27, 1962)
“The sense or feeling of this gathering seems to be entirely liberal. I am anxious to get home. I am afraid that there is nothing at all that I can do here. Being in the council is, of course, the great experience of my life. But, at the same time, it has been a frightful disappointment. I never thought that the episcopate was so liberal. This is going to mark the end of the Catholic religion as we have known it. There will be vernacular Masses, and, worse still, there will be some wretched theology in the constitutions.” (Oct. 31, 1962)“[Fr. Sebastiaan] Tromp has just pointed out that a pastoral council should not be non-doctrinal. Tromp is being very good. He is defending the schemata. He definitely is not giving a break to the opposition. We are hearing history. What is the theological note of what is contained in the theological or doctrinal constitution? Absolutely certain — at least.” (Nov. 13, 1962)
“At the Pope’s own order the rules were changed and the schema was thrown out. A new commission was set up including Cardinal Meyer, Alfrink, and Lienart.” (Nov. 23, 1962)“They plan to leave off this television nonsense in a day or two, and then take up the Church Unity then. That will be a disaster. If I did not believe God, I would be convinced that the Catholic Church was about to end.” (Nov. 23, 1962)
“...some other people believe what I have thought for several months, namely, that John XXIII is definitely a lefty. This nonsense to the effect that he is ‘deceived’ or ‘mal servite’ is disgraceful. He is the boss.” (Nov. 25, 1962)
“The articles in the Milan Corriere della Sera tell of the Pope’s connection with [the excommunicated Modernist priest Fr. Ernesto] Buonaiuti, and they make him look like a real Modernist, at heart. He probably is.” (Nov. 26, 1962) 
“I am afraid that they are going to foist a lot of nonsense on the poor Catholic people.” (Mar. 6, 1963)
“Liberal Catholicism as understood by these men was and is the system of thought by which the teaching of the Catholic Church were represented as compatible with the maxim that guided the French Revolution.” (May 11, 1963)
“The statement of the Council is not a theological text book. At the same time, however, a declaration by a council can cause confusion or finally can actually be harmful when even though there is no error about faith or morals in it, the statement passes over Truths which are, and which have long been generally been recognized as, assertions of Catholic doctrine.” (May 11, 1963)
“[Fr.] Ed Hanahoe gave me two books on Modernism. In one of them I found evidence that the teaching in the first chapter of the new schema on the Church [the one that became the Vatican II dogmatic constitution Lumen Gentium] and the language are those of [the excommunicated Modernist Fr. George] Tyrrell. May God preserve His Church from that chapter. If it passes, it will be a great evil. I must pray and act.” (Sept. 24, 1963) 
“There is nothing erroneous in the material [in the schema on divine revelation] we have passed. But there is a great deal that is incomplete and misleading.” (June 4, 1964)
“M [Fr. John Courtney Murray] has just come in to see the triumph of his false doctrine [of religious liberty].” (Sept. 21, 1964)
“[Cardinal] Lienart is speaking. He is insisting that all Christians have the Jews as a common source. He ignores the fact that the religion of Israel and Juda before the public life [of Christ] was one thing, and past. Christian Judaism is quite another. The center of Jewish religion after Christ is and has been the denial of Christ.” (Sept. 28, 1964)
“The more I hear of the speeches and of the progressiveness, the more I am aware of the fact that this council is one of the most important events in all the history of the Church.” (Oct. 9, 1964)
“[Mgr.] Joseph Quinn just told me that the H.O. [Holy Office] is being abolished and that Card. Ottaviani will not be the head of the new, non-supreme, congregation which will take its place. The old man is being humiliated. He is a saint.” (Nov. 21, 1964) 
“The part on ecumenism [in the text of the commission] is a joke. It reads like a 19th century text, or a second-rate article in a leftist magazine.” (Oct. 28, 1965)
“The day before yesterday I had dinner with O [Cardinal Ottaviani]. On the way back I found that the Pope had written to O about [schema no.] 13. I saw the letter. It was a great mistake to let that one, the one on religious liberty [which became Dignitatis Humanae], and the one on non-Christian religions [which became Nostra Aetate] get by the council.” (Nov. 26, 1965) 
“This afternoon John McCarthy called. He is a believer, and he has some confidence in Montini [Paul VI]. He told me that O[ttaviani] has written some articles entirely revising his old position. It must have been under pressure from Montini.” (Sept. 24, 1966)
“I have just about made up my mind to start a new book. I shall write on the notion of the Church. Nothing like this has appeared since the Council. Within the book I hope to have quite a bit to say about the Council. I must be very careful. If a sincere Catholic writes a book it’s either ignored or brutally attacked. I must make no mistakes. My main thesis will have to be that the Catholic theology on the Church has been improved but in no way changed by the Council. I must start with the basic notion of the Church, which is that of a people ‘transferred’ from the kingdom of darkness into the realm of light. The Council left out the background of the Church. It minimized or glossed over the fact that the Church faces opposition, not just from hostile individuals, but from the ‘world.’” (Nov. 23, 1968)
“Thoughts for writing: 1) The ‘for all men’ [as an English translation of pro multis in the canon of the Mass]; 2) Perjury & the Anti-Modernist Oath; 3) Only the historian can judge heresy – a statement by a pretender in the field of theology.” (Mar. 27, 1969)

Monday, 2 May 2016

We can't unknow what we know

Read it!


Years ago, in fact, about 2003, as the culmination of a long period of research (on the religious life) I realized that the rift in the Church was worse than I had been led to believe from what we then categorized as the “conservative” Catholic writers. This was the uncomfortable moment that I “tradded,” and though I’ve never wished I could go back to not knowing what I know, the understanding hasn’t come without a cost. I’m not a Trad because I want to be. I’m a Trad because I can’t ever un-know things I now know.