A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Communist and Masonic infiltration into the hierarchy of the Catholic Church

The work of Michael Hichborn at the Lepanto Institute must not go unnoticed. We have opined recently about "Russia's errors" and that the failure to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary has more than just political and economic consequences. Intricately connected to global communism is the broader globalist plan of world political and economic control and Freemasonry. One need not be a conspiracy theorist or wear a tin-foiled hat to hold these views, one simply needs to see clearly what is happening around us daily.

The world is on a march to war and control. We are being used by dark forces as fodder for their satanic aims and the Church is the target because She is the last thing standing in their way.

I have written before how the Masonic Press Agency and the Grand Lodges of Italy and Argentina applauded the election of Jorge Bergoglio as Bishop of Rome. I am not saying that Pope Francis is a Freemason, I am saying that Freemasons applauded his election and the evidence us available for all to see. Even Cardinals who have their own dark history, referred to "powerful men" who sought the election of Jorge Bergoglio. Why? 

When Bella Dodd testified that she recruited over one thousand communists for the Catholic priesthood maybe we should believe it.

Caritas, the subject of the article below, now headed by Cardinal Tagle, was headed by Cardinal Maradiaga. This is the same who has recently condemned those opposed to the UN's push on climate change and the Pope's apparent encyclical as "capitalists" in classic Marxist rhetoric.

The KGB developed Liberation Theology and now these followers have redeemed its pathetic founder, beatified its spiritual head and now we have a Pope who people have gone to great lengths to distance him from this theological heresy during his time in Argentina. I note that they don't distance him from it anymore.  

We cannot as Catholics abandon our Mother. She is being raped and defiled. These malefactors, many of them in scarlet, are trying to turn Our Holy Mother into the Whore of Babylon. They are forcing her to "commit fornication" and they are preparing to set up within Her, the "Abomination of Desolation."

We must not let them succeed.

We must remain faithful and Our Lord Jesus Christ will guide us through the Holy Spirit.

St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, thrust down into Hell, Satan; and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.


Catholic Group Exposes Red Influence in the Vatican

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Doing the research and investigative work that the major U.S. media have all but abandoned, an organization called the American Life League (ALL) has uncovered dramatic evidence of links between the highest levels of the Roman Catholic Church and an international communist group known as the World Social Forum. The evidence suggests overt Marxist influence on the climate change movement that Pope Francis and his top advisers are now embracing.
The ALL report, a 76-page PowerPoint presentation complete with original source material and numerous photographs, documents how Caritas Internationalis, the Vatican’s top social justice organization, is actually “providing leadership” to the communist group.
The report’s author, Michael Hichborn, stated, “This is a very serious problem. Given how intimately connected the World Social Forum (WSF) has been with the promotion of communism, abortion, and homosexuality since the very beginning, it’s impossible to see how any Catholic can participate in it, or even speak positively about it, let alone have any involvement in its governance. But Caritas Internationalis does!”
These allegations can’t be dismissed as anti-Catholic bigotry, since the American Life League is itself a Catholic organization that has been working for years to expose Catholic funds and organizations that promote causes at variance with official Catholic teaching.
However, Hichborn tells Accuracy in Media that except for specialized publications such as Lifesitenews, the media have ignored the report.
The ALL report on the WSF includes eye-opening photographs from the group’s events, featuring open displays of communist flags and banners as well as images of such personalities as Lenin, Castro and Mao.
Most of our media, of course, reported on the “death” of communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
But the ALL report notes that “There can be no mistaking the materialist and revolutionary (Communist) nature of the forum itself, which sets it in opposition to the Catholic Church.”
Hichborn told AIM that he delivered a copy of the report to the Vatican office known as Cor Unum, but that nothing came of it, and that one Vatican official concerned about the issue was relieved of his duties.
ALL identifies the other Catholic groups involved in the activities of the WSF as Pax Christi, Center of Concern, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, Catholic Relief Services and CIDSE, an international alliance of Catholic development agencies.
An independent review of the ALL report confirms the research into the links between Caritas Internationalis and the WSF. In fact, a document on the Caritas website still affirms that “Caritas has been involved in the WSF since its beginnings. Caritas believes it’s an opportunity to exchange ideas and to build the momentum towards real change.”
After the ALL report was released, a conference at the Vatican was sponsored by Caritas Internationalis that featured Jeffrey Sachs, the Columbia University professor and Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, and Gustavo Gutierrez, the father of Marxist-oriented Liberation Theology.
As Accuracy in Media reported, Sachs wrote an article for the Jesuit publicationAmerica attacking the “American idea” of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as narrow and selfish. He suggests that America’s founding document is outmoded and incompatible with his idea of Catholic teaching about social justice.
Sachs is an advocate of global taxes to extract hundreds of billions of dollars from the American people in order to finance some form of world government. The climate change movement, based on dubious science, is the most popular current vehicle that Sachs and others can use to bring this about.
Seizing on Sachs’ extraordinary remarks in a major Catholic publication, the well-known writer Edward Cline comments on the Family Security Matters website that “It would take a village—or, at least, the ‘global’ one—to subjugate and sack America. That is what is being proposed by Jeffrey Sachs.”
The Cline piece carries the title, “The ‘Sach-ing’ of America,” and he concludes that “In its essentials, Sachs’ plan for the future sacking of America differs little from Islam’s.”
In short, the American way of life is at risk, this time from a Vatican alliance with America’s academic elites and the U.N.
The World Social Forum itself just held another international conference focusing on one aspect of the Sachs agenda: global taxes. The WSF announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice, including a statement that “Our vision entails progressive redistributive taxation polices that fund the vital public services, end inequality and poverty, address climate change and lead to sustainable development.”
The topic fits nicely with the expected papal encyclical on climate change.
At the Caritas conference, Pope Francis adviser Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga said that critics of the proposed papal document are advocates of an “ideology” that he concludes “is too tied to a capitalism that doesn’t want to stop ruining the environment because they don’t want to give up their profits.”
Critics are concerned because of the pope’s several statements indicating hostility to the system of capitalism and free markets that has brought prosperity to hundreds of millions of people.
This kind of Marxist rhetoric from a top Vatican adviser makes it appear as if the pope has aligned himself with an ideology that, despite the “collapse” of communism, is still very much alive, and which the Black Book of Communismsays has already claimed 100 million lives.
The recent cordial Francis visit with Cuban dictator Raul Castro only adds to the growing concern.
“Pope Francis will give us his encyclical letter on ecology,” said Maradiaga, anticipating its impact. “This year is a unique opportunity to take responsibility for the future of our world and the lives of future generations.”
The title of the Caritas conference was, “One Human Family, Caring for Creation.” But it appears that the “caring” part lies in replacing capitalism with structures of “global governance” that involve a massive transfer of political and economic power to international organizations like the United Nations.
After Maradiaga stepped down, he was replaced by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Philippines, as the new president of Caritas Internationalis. But Maradiaga continues as the coordinator of a group of nine cardinals that serves as Francis’s Council of Cardinals.

About the author
Cliff Kincaid
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org. View the complete archives from Cliff Kincaid.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

"Gay Marriage? A defeat for humanity" and yet ... that "secret" meeting revealed and the heretics of Vatican II have returned!

Il Foglio Quotidano is reporting today that the Secretary of State of the Vatican, Cardinal Parolin stated that so-called "gay marriage" is a "defeat for humanity." How wonderful that someone so close to the Pope himself has noticed the crisis with the people of Ireland having voted for a return of the snakes to the land of Eire. Where was the Cardinal, or the Pope for that matter, when this issue was being debated in Ireland. In Canada, we had it forced upon us by a less than Catholic Prime Minister and dictator, the Irish were stupid enough to give it to themselves. It is as if they have painted a big X on the island as if to say, "here Lord, send the big meteor right here." Perhaps Parolin is worried that Italy is next?

Edward Pentin, a brilliant reporter writes in the National Catholic Register, "Confidential Meeting Seeks to Sway Synod to Accept Same-Sex Unions."

Sarmaticus writes, "So It Was The Homo Agenda All Along." Yes, it was and we all knew it. The problem is the rest of the Catholic world has not grasped it and sadly, like Ireland, they probably would say as Dolan, "Bravo."

Steve Skojec at One Peter Five writes, "The Schism is Here. Right Now." Yes, Steve it is and we must now all crank it up to an even higher level of blogging to expose it and them and fight to wake-up ordinary Catholics to the heresy and schism that has been allowed to ferment and is now ready to explode on the scene for all to see.

The article below gives the Italian perspective and goes on to reveal certain matters as well discussed by the Swiss and Germans at that "secret" meeting. I've not had time to clean it up from the online translator, but you'll get the point.

The Church can never accept "Same-Sex Unions." If She does, she will have become a "harlot" and will have committed "fornication" and we will see the "Abomination of Desolation" set up where it ought not to be. 

Yes, friends; it is that serious and that is what we are facing.

May the LORD give us strength to fight, may Our Lady intercede for us, St. Joseph keep us faithful and St. Michael defend us in battle!

Pope Francis, you caused this. you need to act, now!

Put your coffee down, away from your keyboard and remember this:

“But even if we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. But do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I could not be a servant of Christ. But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ,” (Gal. 1:6-12)

"Gay Marriage? A defeat for humanity "says Parolin. But advances the front innovator of sex and family

E 'arrival in the New Instrumentum laboris, new expectations

Rome. Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness, Pietro Parolin, look at the results of the Irish referendum that gave the green light to the marriage between people of the same sex, and says that it is "not only a defeat of Christian principles, but it is "a defeat for humanity." The family, he added, "remains at the center and we must do everything to defend, protect and preserve the family because the very future of humanity and the Church, also faced with certain events that have happened in these days, remains the family." 

Meanwhile, bishops, theologians and cardinals of Switzerland, Germany and France debated at the Pontifical Gregorian University on the matters of sex and family and give highlight to the crucial next Synod convened by Pope autumn of 2015. A meeting, headed by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Archbishop of Monaco and Freising and the presidents of the episcopal conferences and Swiss French, Markus Büchel and Georges Pontier, divided into three parts: study on Biblical hermeneutics to start - especially the words of Jesus on marriage and divorce - then reflection on theology of love and finally various dissertations on the application of Catholic moral teaching in today. Difficult aspect, since - as put in writing the German bishops in a statement - "in the social context of our society the individual is confronted with increasing difficulties endlessly in building responsible for his life." All this behind closed doors, for about fifty guests. "They make a common front, but we are witnessing a repeat of what has already seen the opening of Vatican II," the Vatican said Foglio longtime Gian Franco Svidercoschi, former deputy director of L'Osservatore Romano, "So the Franco-German They rebelled at the curia on the issue of the conciliar commissions. "

Switzerland made it known that "the Holy Family is no longer the ideal model" (where have we heard this before???) Stop banning gay marriage is not only sensible, it is a battle right If anything, he adds, "you have to wonder what it might be fundamentally new respect to the representatives of these bishops' conferences they had already said in the past months." The fact that you have chosen Rome as the venue of the meeting, known Svidercoschi, "does, however, negate the semblance of provocation. It released a proposal to be brought to the attention of the Pope; a text to let him know that you can not go back to square one." And who knows if in relatio post assembly to be read in Francis they shove even the phrases of "fondling, kissing and sexual activity is understood as coming together" that have resonated in the august halls of Universitas Roman governed by the Jesuits. Moreover, one of the participants has focused its work on the observation that "the sexual urge is the basis for a lasting relationship", while a colleague stated quite certain that "with the lengthening of life also moves the frontier of loyalty" and in short, that being together at the same partner for decades may eventually get bored. Be careful, however, to speak of meetings and gatherings Carbonari: "Closure does not mean to conceal something, but to give everyone the freedom to say what they think," says Foglio theologian Andrea Grillo, professor at the Pontifical University St. Anselm. "There is need to understand the reality and we need to prepare new conceptual tools to make contact with this reality."

"Serve - explains Andrea Grillo - setting different theological": "The problem is not to say that the doctrine is rigid, and thus needs to be made less rigid. It would take more theological mediation, which at Trent, Vatican I and Vatican II was something fundamental; just think of the documents produced in the assizes. This, today, is lost. And 'natural, therefore, that they are the local bishops' conferences to take on this task. " Especially if "the incentive to say what you think," the parresia, "comes directly from the top, by the Pope and by important personalities around him." It is not the frank talk of these days to impress Grillo, but rather the excessive caution shown before: "Perhaps, given also the input from above, one would have expected that the theologians were more quick to respond. But there was a certain fear of exposure, which in recent months seems gone." Certainly, and this meeting has confirmed, "very few, if any, were for the inaction, to confirm what has always been said on the subject of Catholic teaching on morality. Now we discuss how and when to move on if anything. " Svidercoschi agrees: "There is perhaps a fear that there be no progress and therefore we want to emphasize the fact that there is no going back." And what happened at the Gregorian is just one example, says the professor of St. Anselm, remembering that on May 11, was held at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy a study day on the theme of indissolubility. "The shepherds have realized that, to deal with a situation like this costume and sociological, require a different theological approach. The problem is to confront a moral and legal tradition detached from reality. " What is it then? The theologian believes that the element that has been affirmed in the last months of debate has to do with the gradual nature of the Eucharist: "We always talk about gradual penitential, but never of the Eucharist."

Eventually it will come perhaps to discuss the distinction between marriage understood as a sacrament and marriage as a contract. "And 'the German line, after all," said Grillo. It would be important, he adds, "read the experience of the second marriage no longer as adultery continued." It is a road that begins to make his way, especially in sectors of the French: "The category medieval we follow no more substance in reality we live now for two centuries." The debate, in fact, may progressively lead to the "distinction of grave sin adultery." It is to admit that "even a second marriage, even among normal wounds appropriate, can not be a state of sin." So far, he adds Grillo, he too thought out and discussed "approaches and solutions that address the individual" and has not looked at the problem in its entirety and complexity. Meanwhile, in a few weeks it will be released the new Instrumentum laboris, the track for comparison in the New Synod. To study the possibility to update the methodology of work.

These heretics have challenged the Pope and his authority stating, "you can not go back to square one." I will repeat, the Pope has caused this crisis and chaos and he has done nothing to quell it. It may be too late and perhaps it is best to let this boil fester so that the puss can explode in October for all to see.

The schism within the Church in Germany is becoming apparent for all to see

As previously known from LifeSiteNews, Germany's youngest Bishop, Stefan Oster of Passau, on the matters of life, marriage and family distances himself from the majority of Germany's bishops and cardinals, specifically Marx and Kasper.

Rorate reports the following from five other German bishops supporting him.

[A Letter from Five German Bishops in support of Bishop Stefan Oster, SDB, as published on Bishop Oster's Facebook, May 16, 2015:]

Most Reverend Bishop Oster, dear Brother, Stefan,

We thank you for your statement concerning the recent public document “To Build Bridges Between the Teaching and Life Reality – Family and the Church in the World of Today,” which the ZdK formally approved during its Spring Plenary Assembly. We follow and wholeheartedly support your arguments on the teaching about the Christian view of man: especially with respect to the meaning of femininity and masculinity, and thus also especially with respect to the meaning of Christian Marriage, since they [these arguments] are deeply rooted in the teaching of Jesus Himself in Holy Scripture and in the Tradition of the Church.

Meanwhile, we live in Germany, in a strongly secularized society. This circumstance should not discourage us nor lead us to seek an adaptation to the secular mainstream, but it should make us see it as a chance now to re-discover the uniqueness of the Christian vocation [hence mission]in the world.

An indispensable precondition for this [rediscovered vocation] is an open-hearted and loyal proclamation of the teaching of Jesus in the Gospels and the discovery of the relationship with Him as providing true richness for our life, as you have done it in your own response.

Therefore, we are convinced that many faithful are also extraordinarily grateful to you for your clear words.

United in our brotherly bond, we greet you, we the bishops of:

Augsburg: Dr. Konrad Zdarsa
Eichstätt: Gregor M. Hanke OSB
Görlitz: Wolfgang Ipolt
Regensburg: Dr. Rudolf Voderholzer
Würzburg: Dr. Friedhelm Hofmann

[Translations: Dr. Maike Hickson]

When October is done, there will be two Catholic Churches in Germany; the Roman Catholic and the German Catholic. The former will be the real Church loyal to the faith and Magisterium and the latter will be heretics and no different than the protestant revolutionaries that came out of this same land.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Pope Francis : You created this process, you called this Synod, you tolerate this chaos - CANCEL THE SYNOD NOW!

Confidential Meeting Seeks to Sway Synod to Accept Same-Sex Unions (2420)

NEWS ANALYSIS: Around 50 participants, including bishops, theologians and media representatives, took part in the gathering, held at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

 05/26/2015 Comment
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the president of the Catholic bishops' conference of Germany.
– Wikipedia
ROME — A one-day study meeting — open only to a select group of individuals — took place at the Pontifical Gregorian University on Monday with the aim of urging “pastoral innovations” at the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Family in October.
Around 50 participants, including bishops, theologians and media representatives, took part in the gathering, at the invitation of the presidents of the bishops’ conferences of Germany, Switzerland and France — Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Bishop Markus Büchel and Archbishop Georges Pontier.
One of the key topics discussed at the closed-door meeting was how the Church could better welcome those in stable same-sex unions, and reportedly “no one” opposed such unions being recognized as valid by the Church.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/confidential-meeting-seeks-to-sway-synod-to-accept-same-sex-unions/#ixzz3bINIo5Qr

and this:


As synod council meets, 'shadow council' pushes acceptance of gay unions

May 26, 2015 4:01 PM
Rome, Italy, May 26, 2015 / 03:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- While the Synod of Bishops' ordinary council gathered to discuss the upcoming Synod on the Family this week, a private group of bishops and experts convened behind closed doors in Rome to consider the most controversial issues at the synod, particularly support of gay unions and Communion for the divorced and remarried.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Mississauga, Ontario - vandalised with a hate crime, Muslim Iqbal Hassan charged!


Photo from Facebook of Iqbal Hessan
Three times now, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Mississauga, bordering on the west of Toronto, has been attacked with vandalism. The most recent included black painted graffiti on the walls and defacement of the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Peel Regional Police have arrested 22 year-old Iqbal Hessan. Congratulations Icky, you got your 15 minutes of fame and you didn't have to go to Syria to earn it.

Hessen, a Moslem, was arrested on the Feast of St. Philip Neri, (today) in the early morning hours on the school grounds next door. He calls himself The Chosen One on his Facebook which is the yields nothing revealing except the dichotomy between Je suis Charlie and an Israeli flag with a red line through it. 

Hessan faces five counts of mischief over $5000, and break and enter to commit and indictable offense.  According to Peel Regional Police the offenses are considered indictable not minor and the Hate Crime potential is still under investigation. That part may be referred to the Crown Attorney and the Staff Sergeant acknowledged the "high profile" nature of this case.

Will the Crown play politics with the need for Hate Crime charges because he is a Moslem?

Let this serve as a warning to all Catholic Churches in the Toronto area. Invest in security systems including perimeter alarms, digital surveillance and appoint ushers to be on watch during Mass.

The influence of the evils of ISIS will reach these shores.

Get your heads out of the sand.


Pope Francis : Did you just call yourself a "heretic?"

I was going to write on the Pope's comments about saying something that some would think is "heretical."

I have changed my mind, I am too angry to be charitable.

Instead, I shall post this.

If it was good enough for this Saint, who are you to receive the Holy Eucharist in your hands?

However, I do note that he looks very tired in the video below and not all that well.

It seems that the dear man on the left above gave more than Holy Communion as a good example in February of 2013.

Perhaps it is time for another to follow in his steps.


Sorry, I tried to be charitable.

Brothers and sisters, may the peace of Christ be with you.
Forgive me if I speak in Spanish, but my English isn’t good enough for me to express myself properly.  I speak in Spanish but, above all, I speak in the language of the heart.
I have the invitation you sent me for this celebration of Christian Unity, this day of reconciliation. And I wish to join you from here. “Father, may we be one so that the world may believe you sent me”. This is the slogan, the theme of the meeting: Christ’s prayer to the Father for the grace of unity.
Today, Saturday May 23rd, from 9in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, I will be with you spiritually and with all my heart. We will search together, we will pray together, for the grace of unity. The unity that is budding among us is that unity which begins under the seal of the one Baptism we have all received. It is the unity we are seeking along a common path. It is the spiritual unity of prayer for one another. It is the unity of our common labour on behalf of our brothers and sisters, and all those who believe in the sovereignty of Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters, division is a wound in the body of the Church of Christ. And we do not want this wound to remain open. Division is the work of the Father of Lies, the Father of Discord, who does everything possible to keep us divided.
Together today, I here in Rome and you over there, we will ask our Father to send the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and to give us the grace to be one, “so that the world may believe”. I feel like saying something that may sound controversial, or even heretical, perhaps. But there is someone who “knows” that, despite our differences, we are one. It is he who is persecuting us. It is he who is persecuting Christians today, he who is anointing us with (the blood of) martyrdom. He knows that Christians are disciples of Christ: that they are one, that they are brothers! He doesn’t care if they are Evangelicals, or Orthodox, Lutherans, Catholics or Apostolic…he doesn’t care! They are Christians. And that blood (of martyrdom) unites. Today, dear brothers and sisters, we are living an “ecumenism of blood”. This must encourage us to do what we are doing today: to pray, to dialogue together, to shorten the distance between us, to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.
I am convinced it won’t be theologians who bring about unity among us. Theologians help us, the science of the theologians will assist us, but if we hope that theologians will agree with one another, we will reach unity the day after Judgement Day. The Holy Spirit brings about unity. Theologians are helpful, but most helpful is the goodwill of us all who are on this journey with our hearts open to the Holy Spirit!
In all humility, I join you as just another participant on this day of prayer, friendship, closeness and  reflection. In the certainty that we have one Lord: Jesus is the Lord. In the certainty that this Lord is alive: Jesus is alive, the Lord lives in each one of us. In the certainty that He has sent the Spirit He promised us so that this “harmony” among all His disciples might be realised.
Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you warmly, with an embrace. I pray for you. I pray with you.
And I ask you, please, to pray for me. Because I need your prayers in order to be faithful to what the Lord wants from my Ministry.
God bless you. May God bless us all.     

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Antonio Socci - The Bergoglio Effect in Ireland "The Mass is Ended"

Image result for antonio socciThe From Rome Blog has its own translation of  an article by Antonio Socci

That Ireland, ancient fortress of Catholicism, has gone over to the people of “gay” marriage (“and who am I to judge”, as the Bishop of Rome is want to say), is a historical event.  If this sounds like the profound rumble of an avalanche, as in the collapse of a mountain falling down, it is just to ask, “Is this an Bergoglio effect?”
Besides, in South America, the Church has already been crumbling for years (the statistics are horrible); now in Europe, the heart of Christendom.
That which renders secularism dominant — as Cardinal De Lubac used to say — is the propulsion and instrumentalization of “a Christianity ever more in the minority, reduced to a vague and impotent theism.”

Barack and his Puppets

Today, only such a theism is permitted.  Instead, the Catholic Church as She has been known upto now is threatened even as regards Her existence.
There is only place for a ridiculous laicized parody of Herself, as the humanitarian “courtesan” (as Andrea Emo would have it), as an “agency for religion” which on the great life issues submits herself to the dictates of Obama-like ideology, which renounces proselytism and the “Catholic God” (as Bergoglio says, “There exists no Catholic God”), which dissolves herself into an ecumenical freemasonry of so many religions, which busies herself with the climate and the recycling of garbage, teaching good manners (Good Morning! Good Evening! Thank you! and Pardon me!) and goofy-pleas for the help of the poor.  But for the true Catholic Church, there is no longer any seat at the table, as the drama of the last great pope, Benedict XVI shows, “fired”, self-incarcerated and silenced.

The True Church

The Church has illumined and conquered the darkness of the world of the gods and has rehabilitated the history of a pagan and anti-human age:  the Church of the Word of God made Flesh, who has the presumptuousness to announce the Truth, the Church of the great Saints, of the Martyrs, of the Missionaries, the Church of the Divine Liturgy and of the masterpieces of Art, the Church of Mother Teresa, of great ideas, of great popes, of Padre Pio, with Her outbursts of the supernatural, the Church which has held Herself firm head-to-head with the ferocity of the Mohammedan and the great genocidal totalitarianisms of the 20th Century: this Church, today, no longer has the rights of citizenship.
Yesterday, Msgr. Galantino (Secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference) — according to a tweet from Alberto Mingardi — seems to have said at a conference:  “When the  Church was Catholic and the Mass was in Latin …”.
A Freudian slip which is explosive and revealing.  In fact, today, we are in the midst of the last act of the “liquidation of the Catholic Church”, as Giuseepe Prezzolini foretold, a layman but concerned with the abyss to which the Catholic world was running, anxious as it was to be “modernized” and to surrender to all the ideological fashions of the moment.
But, to liquidate the Church, it is not the persecutions, nor the hatred of the secularist, but — as Paul VI said — its the “self-demolition” from within which is the cause.
The way to the abyss was undertaken not with the Council — as certain lefebrvians think — but at its end, exactly 50 years ago, with the “post-Conciliar” age.
In the days following, in the newspapers, one was reminded of the 5oth anniversary of the first Mass in Italian, and another layman like Elémire Zolla, in those days, came to underline the event in apocalyptic tones:  “The 7th of March, the Mass dies, Gregorian chant dies.  Heard for the last time.  Now, as a dry branch, the Church shall be burnt.”
In reality, the problem was not only the use of the vulgar language in the liturgy (a thing, which I think is  positive), but the successive “liturgical reform” of 1969 and above all thede facto, but illegal, banning of the Mass of the preceding millennia of Catholic liturgy.
Joseph Ratzinger made us understand, many years afterwards, the enormous error, even theological, which was committed at that time.  Which would have colossal consequences, even in the tragic loss of faith.

To Save the Cathedral

But, curiously, in those days, the ones to raise the alarm, in a dramatic manner, for this Church which in an instant has refused its own bimillenarian rite (that around which our Cathedrals were constructed), were above all the laymen-intellectuals.
Who protested with the same consternation with which we contemplate, today, the tragic devastation wrought by Isis in the ancient Middle-East.
On September 5, 1966, there was issued the first appeal to Paul VI to safe-guard the Latin-Gregorian liturgy (a few months before the devastating flood which struck the ancient, Catholic beauty of Florence).
That manifesto/appeal was signed by some 40 great intellectuals and it is impressive, today, to read some of their names: Jorge Luis Borges, Salvatore Quasimodo, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio De Chinco, Robert Bresson, Jacque Maritain, Françoic Mauriac, Gabriel Marcel, Maria Zambrano, Cristina Campo, Elena Croce, Wystan Hugh Auden, Jorse Guillen, Elémire Zolla, Philip Toynbee, Evelyn Waugh, Salvador De Madariaga, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Julien Green, Elsa Rspighi, Francesco Gabrieli, José Bergamin, Fedele D’Amico, Luigi Dallapiccola, Victoria Ocampo, Wally Toscanini, Gertrud von Le Fort, Augusto Del Noce, Lanza Del Vasto.
The appeal made a great impression, even in the Vatican, but di not succeed in stopping the landslide.  Thus, in 1971, another was made, and the number of intellectuals who added their names was even more.
I remember some of their names: Agatha Christie, Graham Green, Harold Acton, Mario Luzi, Andrés Segovia, William Rees-Mogg (the director of the Times), Joan Sutherland, Guido Piovene, Giorgio Bassani, Adolf Bioy Casares, Ettore Paratore, Gianfranco Contini, Giacomo Devoto, Giovanni Macchia, Massimo Pallottino, Rivers Scott, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Colin Davis, Robert Graves, Yehudi Menuhin, Kenneth Clark, Malcom Muggeridge.


It was for the most part, useless, but little by little the same Paul VI became aware of the tragedy which was in course:  the collapse of religious practice, the thousands of priests and religious who abandoned the habit, the catholic intellectuals who submitted to marxism, the great part of the youth seduced by the myths of the revolution (by Fidel Castro, by Mao, by the Vietcong, by Che Guevara, and last by Stalin), the spread of the Theology of liberation and of the modernist theologies which demolished Catholic Doctrine.
Paul VI, in his last years, spoke in ever increasing dramatic tones:  “We believed that after the Council there would have come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church.  There came, instead, a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness”, “from somewhere the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God”, “the opening to the world was a true invasion of worldly thought in the Church … We we have been, perhaps, too weak and imprudent.”
Paul VI denounced “those who try to knock the Church down from within” and he began to cite the books of Louis Bouyer, “The Decomposition of Catholicism” and “Religieux et Clercs contre Dieu.”
To his friend Jean Guitton, he confided:  “There is a great turmoil in this moment in the world and in the Church, and what is in question is the faith.  I find myself, now, repeating the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke:  “When the Son of man returns, shall He still find faith upon earth?”  What strikes me when I consider the catholic world,” the Pope continued, “is that inside Catholicism there seems to sometimes prevail a mentality of the non-catholic type, and it might happen that this non-catholic thought within Catholicism becomes stronger tomorrow.  But it shall never represent the thought of the Church.”
Then, thanks be to God, there arrived John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger.  The Barque of Peter was tirelessly repaired, the compass of the Faith found its way and a generation of young people experienced anew the beauty of Christianity.
But this was the spring which was bitten by some sort of powerful and obscure frost, which for the first time in the history of the Church, placed before us the drama of a “Pope emeritus” self-imprisoned in the Vatican and of a “bishop dressed in white” which was acclaimed by all the eternal enemies of the Catholic Faith, who has brought the Church into a submission with the worldly ideologies of the 70’s (having even re-exhumed the theology of liberation and its founder Gutierrez, which now pontificates from the Vatican).
We seem to have reached the final abyss.  Unless God….

Ireland's bishops and priests have failed Christ

Shame and scorn upon the bishops and priests of once Catholic Ireland. You have failed Christ, you have left His people in their sins and in ignorance.

Shame upon two-thirds of the people of Ireland who have no excuse in these times when you can be educated on the truth in spite of these corrupt, inept and effeminate bishops and priests; you have betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and your ancestors. We had sodomite marriage forced down our throats in Canada by a corrupt government under a supposed Catholic Prime Minister,we would have rejected it back then, you instead of embraced evil.

Shame on Pope Francis and his "who am I to judge" comment used by the proponents of this abomination and for not speaking clearly to the people of Ireland as to their Christian duty.

Shame and scorn upon the sodomite priests and bishops who raped countless boys and discredited the truth and the argument.

Shame and scorn upon those bishops and priests around the world who have taught error and embraced the world.

Convert or be damned!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Heretical Coup planned at October Synod on the Family? The "secret" is out and our mission is clear - Viva Cristo Rey

The division is becoming much clearer between those bishops and cardinals who are faithful Catholics and those who are heretics and protestants. The crack is beginning to show in Germany where Bishop Stefan Oster is leading the younger bishops faithful to the truth compared to those of the likes of Kasper and Marx.

They have become very bold and not just them directly but the whole sodomite fascist element that has descended upon once rational nations like a fog. It is black and it is diabolical. There can be no allowance for sodomy in the minds of a faithful Catholic. This is not about being intolerant or not respectful of others. It is about what is against God and against nature. It is one of the four sins crying out to heaven for justice, the others being willful murder (not self-defense nor just war nor justifiable homicide in the defense of others, nor capital punishment after right judgement), depriving a man of his just wages and final impenitence against the Holy Spirit - the literal refusal to repent and receive the Father's mercy.

It must be said with all respect to the man and the Office; Pope Francis has allowed this and has fostered this debate and division. It is he who must confirm the faith. His ill-advised words and phrases have been used in Ireland in the current debate and they are used here in Toronto at the Jesuit parish of Our Lady of Lourdes (may she intercede). You can see how on that first page, they use the Pope's own words without the paragraphs that preceded it or the background to the situation. We can only assume, of course, that they are all living, or at least striving, for chastity.

The report that follows belorefers to "welcoming the remarried of remarried divorcees (no they are not, they are living in adultery) and homosexual persons in the Church." There is a big lie being told - that the divorced and those who are "homosexual" are not "welcome." 

I was "divorced" and even though I was, I was never made to feel unwelcome in the Church. I participated in Church activities and I sang in the choir. Admittedly, I did not remarry until long after a Decree of Nullity and that is the point. I did not remarry civilly and create a public scandal by expecting the Church to adhere to my demands. If I were "living in sin" with a woman, I have no doubt that I would still have been allowed to sing in the choir, but never to present myself for Holy Communion.

At that same parish (and I will be open, the Toronto Oratory with eleven priests, a seminary, two parishes and both Forms of the Roman Rite daily), there was also a man who had been a "gay activist." That man experienced a conversion to Christ and then through a second conversion, became Catholic. He is now married to a woman and together they strive to be faithful to Christ and His freeing commandments and to help others do the same. At this Church to the best of my knowledge he was never shunned, scorned or insulted. He was a loved and respected parishioner and friend. He served Mass, assisted in the sacristy, participated in every aspect of parish life. He attended Mass almost daily, prayed his rosary, went to the Sacraments and is a better Catholic than most of us!

My point is this, these malefactors that have tried to subvert the Synod from the real problems of the family in this corrupted world are single-mindedly devoted to the profanation of the Holy Eucharist and the money that comes from those who would demand it. There can be no other reason why they would attempt to do this other than that they have lost their vocation, if they ever really had one, and along with it, their belief in supernatural faith. 

Rorate Caeli reports from the original French at Le Figaro:

Family Synod: a Very Discreet Meeting of the Reformers in Rome

Jean-Marie Guénois
Le Figaro
May 22, 2015 - 6:24 PM (Paris time), updated at 6:50 PM

On Monday [May 25], European episcopates will debate the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexuals in the Church.

The initiative has remained very discreet, indeed secret, but it is important. According to our information, three episcopates -- the German, the Swiss, and the French -- have gotten together in order to organize, behind closed doors, on Monday, May 25, in Rome, in the premises of the Jesuit Gregorian University, a day of studies centered on the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexual persons in the Church. Renowned German theologians will take the floor before a chosen audience of only fifty people. The closing conference will be delivered by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Bishops' Conference. Along with Cardinal Walter Kasper, this influential cardinal -- a member of the C9, the Pope's close council -- works actively for a policy of opening of the Catholic Church on these dossiers.

At the Vatican, only a few personalities have received an invitation.