A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Pope Francis : You created this process, you called this Synod, you tolerate this chaos - CANCEL THE SYNOD NOW!

Confidential Meeting Seeks to Sway Synod to Accept Same-Sex Unions (2420)

NEWS ANALYSIS: Around 50 participants, including bishops, theologians and media representatives, took part in the gathering, held at the Pontifical Gregorian University.

 05/26/2015 Comment
Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the president of the Catholic bishops' conference of Germany.
– Wikipedia
ROME — A one-day study meeting — open only to a select group of individuals — took place at the Pontifical Gregorian University on Monday with the aim of urging “pastoral innovations” at the upcoming Synod of Bishops on the Family in October.
Around 50 participants, including bishops, theologians and media representatives, took part in the gathering, at the invitation of the presidents of the bishops’ conferences of Germany, Switzerland and France — Cardinal Reinhard Marx, Bishop Markus Büchel and Archbishop Georges Pontier.
One of the key topics discussed at the closed-door meeting was how the Church could better welcome those in stable same-sex unions, and reportedly “no one” opposed such unions being recognized as valid by the Church.

Read more: http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/confidential-meeting-seeks-to-sway-synod-to-accept-same-sex-unions/#ixzz3bINIo5Qr

and this:


As synod council meets, 'shadow council' pushes acceptance of gay unions

May 26, 2015 4:01 PM
Rome, Italy, May 26, 2015 / 03:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- While the Synod of Bishops' ordinary council gathered to discuss the upcoming Synod on the Family this week, a private group of bishops and experts convened behind closed doors in Rome to consider the most controversial issues at the synod, particularly support of gay unions and Communion for the divorced and remarried.

St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Mississauga, Ontario - vandalised with a hate crime, Muslim Iqbal Hassan charged!


Photo from Facebook of Iqbal Hessan
Three times now, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church in Mississauga, bordering on the west of Toronto, has been attacked with vandalism. The most recent included black painted graffiti on the walls and defacement of the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Peel Regional Police have arrested 22 year-old Iqbal Hessan. Congratulations Icky, you got your 15 minutes of fame and you didn't have to go to Syria to earn it.

Hessen, a Moslem, was arrested on the Feast of St. Philip Neri, (today) in the early morning hours on the school grounds next door. He calls himself The Chosen One on his Facebook which is the yields nothing revealing except the dichotomy between Je suis Charlie and an Israeli flag with a red line through it. 

Hessan faces five counts of mischief over $5000, and break and enter to commit and indictable offense.  According to Peel Regional Police the offenses are considered indictable not minor and the Hate Crime potential is still under investigation. That part may be referred to the Crown Attorney and the Staff Sergeant acknowledged the "high profile" nature of this case.

Will the Crown play politics with the need for Hate Crime charges because he is a Moslem?

Let this serve as a warning to all Catholic Churches in the Toronto area. Invest in security systems including perimeter alarms, digital surveillance and appoint ushers to be on watch during Mass.

The influence of the evils of ISIS will reach these shores.

Get your heads out of the sand.


Pope Francis : Did you just call yourself a "heretic?"

I was going to write on the Pope's comments about saying something that some would think is "heretical."

I have changed my mind, I am too angry to be charitable.

Instead, I shall post this.

If it was good enough for this Saint, who are you to receive the Holy Eucharist in your hands?

However, I do note that he looks very tired in the video below and not all that well.

It seems that the dear man on the left above gave more than Holy Communion as a good example in February of 2013.

Perhaps it is time for another to follow in his steps.


Sorry, I tried to be charitable.

Brothers and sisters, may the peace of Christ be with you.
Forgive me if I speak in Spanish, but my English isn’t good enough for me to express myself properly.  I speak in Spanish but, above all, I speak in the language of the heart.
I have the invitation you sent me for this celebration of Christian Unity, this day of reconciliation. And I wish to join you from here. “Father, may we be one so that the world may believe you sent me”. This is the slogan, the theme of the meeting: Christ’s prayer to the Father for the grace of unity.
Today, Saturday May 23rd, from 9in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, I will be with you spiritually and with all my heart. We will search together, we will pray together, for the grace of unity. The unity that is budding among us is that unity which begins under the seal of the one Baptism we have all received. It is the unity we are seeking along a common path. It is the spiritual unity of prayer for one another. It is the unity of our common labour on behalf of our brothers and sisters, and all those who believe in the sovereignty of Christ.
Dear brothers and sisters, division is a wound in the body of the Church of Christ. And we do not want this wound to remain open. Division is the work of the Father of Lies, the Father of Discord, who does everything possible to keep us divided.
Together today, I here in Rome and you over there, we will ask our Father to send the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and to give us the grace to be one, “so that the world may believe”. I feel like saying something that may sound controversial, or even heretical, perhaps. But there is someone who “knows” that, despite our differences, we are one. It is he who is persecuting us. It is he who is persecuting Christians today, he who is anointing us with (the blood of) martyrdom. He knows that Christians are disciples of Christ: that they are one, that they are brothers! He doesn’t care if they are Evangelicals, or Orthodox, Lutherans, Catholics or Apostolic…he doesn’t care! They are Christians. And that blood (of martyrdom) unites. Today, dear brothers and sisters, we are living an “ecumenism of blood”. This must encourage us to do what we are doing today: to pray, to dialogue together, to shorten the distance between us, to strengthen our bonds of brotherhood.
I am convinced it won’t be theologians who bring about unity among us. Theologians help us, the science of the theologians will assist us, but if we hope that theologians will agree with one another, we will reach unity the day after Judgement Day. The Holy Spirit brings about unity. Theologians are helpful, but most helpful is the goodwill of us all who are on this journey with our hearts open to the Holy Spirit!
In all humility, I join you as just another participant on this day of prayer, friendship, closeness and  reflection. In the certainty that we have one Lord: Jesus is the Lord. In the certainty that this Lord is alive: Jesus is alive, the Lord lives in each one of us. In the certainty that He has sent the Spirit He promised us so that this “harmony” among all His disciples might be realised.
Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you warmly, with an embrace. I pray for you. I pray with you.
And I ask you, please, to pray for me. Because I need your prayers in order to be faithful to what the Lord wants from my Ministry.
God bless you. May God bless us all.     

Sunday 24 May 2015

Antonio Socci - The Bergoglio Effect in Ireland "The Mass is Ended"

Image result for antonio socciThe From Rome Blog has its own translation of  an article by Antonio Socci

That Ireland, ancient fortress of Catholicism, has gone over to the people of “gay” marriage (“and who am I to judge”, as the Bishop of Rome is want to say), is a historical event.  If this sounds like the profound rumble of an avalanche, as in the collapse of a mountain falling down, it is just to ask, “Is this an Bergoglio effect?”
Besides, in South America, the Church has already been crumbling for years (the statistics are horrible); now in Europe, the heart of Christendom.
That which renders secularism dominant — as Cardinal De Lubac used to say — is the propulsion and instrumentalization of “a Christianity ever more in the minority, reduced to a vague and impotent theism.”

Barack and his Puppets

Today, only such a theism is permitted.  Instead, the Catholic Church as She has been known upto now is threatened even as regards Her existence.
There is only place for a ridiculous laicized parody of Herself, as the humanitarian “courtesan” (as Andrea Emo would have it), as an “agency for religion” which on the great life issues submits herself to the dictates of Obama-like ideology, which renounces proselytism and the “Catholic God” (as Bergoglio says, “There exists no Catholic God”), which dissolves herself into an ecumenical freemasonry of so many religions, which busies herself with the climate and the recycling of garbage, teaching good manners (Good Morning! Good Evening! Thank you! and Pardon me!) and goofy-pleas for the help of the poor.  But for the true Catholic Church, there is no longer any seat at the table, as the drama of the last great pope, Benedict XVI shows, “fired”, self-incarcerated and silenced.

The True Church

The Church has illumined and conquered the darkness of the world of the gods and has rehabilitated the history of a pagan and anti-human age:  the Church of the Word of God made Flesh, who has the presumptuousness to announce the Truth, the Church of the great Saints, of the Martyrs, of the Missionaries, the Church of the Divine Liturgy and of the masterpieces of Art, the Church of Mother Teresa, of great ideas, of great popes, of Padre Pio, with Her outbursts of the supernatural, the Church which has held Herself firm head-to-head with the ferocity of the Mohammedan and the great genocidal totalitarianisms of the 20th Century: this Church, today, no longer has the rights of citizenship.
Yesterday, Msgr. Galantino (Secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference) — according to a tweet from Alberto Mingardi — seems to have said at a conference:  “When the  Church was Catholic and the Mass was in Latin …”.
A Freudian slip which is explosive and revealing.  In fact, today, we are in the midst of the last act of the “liquidation of the Catholic Church”, as Giuseepe Prezzolini foretold, a layman but concerned with the abyss to which the Catholic world was running, anxious as it was to be “modernized” and to surrender to all the ideological fashions of the moment.
But, to liquidate the Church, it is not the persecutions, nor the hatred of the secularist, but — as Paul VI said — its the “self-demolition” from within which is the cause.
The way to the abyss was undertaken not with the Council — as certain lefebrvians think — but at its end, exactly 50 years ago, with the “post-Conciliar” age.
In the days following, in the newspapers, one was reminded of the 5oth anniversary of the first Mass in Italian, and another layman like Elémire Zolla, in those days, came to underline the event in apocalyptic tones:  “The 7th of March, the Mass dies, Gregorian chant dies.  Heard for the last time.  Now, as a dry branch, the Church shall be burnt.”
In reality, the problem was not only the use of the vulgar language in the liturgy (a thing, which I think is  positive), but the successive “liturgical reform” of 1969 and above all thede facto, but illegal, banning of the Mass of the preceding millennia of Catholic liturgy.
Joseph Ratzinger made us understand, many years afterwards, the enormous error, even theological, which was committed at that time.  Which would have colossal consequences, even in the tragic loss of faith.

To Save the Cathedral

But, curiously, in those days, the ones to raise the alarm, in a dramatic manner, for this Church which in an instant has refused its own bimillenarian rite (that around which our Cathedrals were constructed), were above all the laymen-intellectuals.
Who protested with the same consternation with which we contemplate, today, the tragic devastation wrought by Isis in the ancient Middle-East.
On September 5, 1966, there was issued the first appeal to Paul VI to safe-guard the Latin-Gregorian liturgy (a few months before the devastating flood which struck the ancient, Catholic beauty of Florence).
That manifesto/appeal was signed by some 40 great intellectuals and it is impressive, today, to read some of their names: Jorge Luis Borges, Salvatore Quasimodo, Eugenio Montale, Giorgio De Chinco, Robert Bresson, Jacque Maritain, Françoic Mauriac, Gabriel Marcel, Maria Zambrano, Cristina Campo, Elena Croce, Wystan Hugh Auden, Jorse Guillen, Elémire Zolla, Philip Toynbee, Evelyn Waugh, Salvador De Madariaga, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Julien Green, Elsa Rspighi, Francesco Gabrieli, José Bergamin, Fedele D’Amico, Luigi Dallapiccola, Victoria Ocampo, Wally Toscanini, Gertrud von Le Fort, Augusto Del Noce, Lanza Del Vasto.
The appeal made a great impression, even in the Vatican, but di not succeed in stopping the landslide.  Thus, in 1971, another was made, and the number of intellectuals who added their names was even more.
I remember some of their names: Agatha Christie, Graham Green, Harold Acton, Mario Luzi, Andrés Segovia, William Rees-Mogg (the director of the Times), Joan Sutherland, Guido Piovene, Giorgio Bassani, Adolf Bioy Casares, Ettore Paratore, Gianfranco Contini, Giacomo Devoto, Giovanni Macchia, Massimo Pallottino, Rivers Scott, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Colin Davis, Robert Graves, Yehudi Menuhin, Kenneth Clark, Malcom Muggeridge.


It was for the most part, useless, but little by little the same Paul VI became aware of the tragedy which was in course:  the collapse of religious practice, the thousands of priests and religious who abandoned the habit, the catholic intellectuals who submitted to marxism, the great part of the youth seduced by the myths of the revolution (by Fidel Castro, by Mao, by the Vietcong, by Che Guevara, and last by Stalin), the spread of the Theology of liberation and of the modernist theologies which demolished Catholic Doctrine.
Paul VI, in his last years, spoke in ever increasing dramatic tones:  “We believed that after the Council there would have come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church.  There came, instead, a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness”, “from somewhere the smoke of Satan has entered into the temple of God”, “the opening to the world was a true invasion of worldly thought in the Church … We we have been, perhaps, too weak and imprudent.”
Paul VI denounced “those who try to knock the Church down from within” and he began to cite the books of Louis Bouyer, “The Decomposition of Catholicism” and “Religieux et Clercs contre Dieu.”
To his friend Jean Guitton, he confided:  “There is a great turmoil in this moment in the world and in the Church, and what is in question is the faith.  I find myself, now, repeating the obscure phrase of Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke:  “When the Son of man returns, shall He still find faith upon earth?”  What strikes me when I consider the catholic world,” the Pope continued, “is that inside Catholicism there seems to sometimes prevail a mentality of the non-catholic type, and it might happen that this non-catholic thought within Catholicism becomes stronger tomorrow.  But it shall never represent the thought of the Church.”
Then, thanks be to God, there arrived John Paul II and Joseph Ratzinger.  The Barque of Peter was tirelessly repaired, the compass of the Faith found its way and a generation of young people experienced anew the beauty of Christianity.
But this was the spring which was bitten by some sort of powerful and obscure frost, which for the first time in the history of the Church, placed before us the drama of a “Pope emeritus” self-imprisoned in the Vatican and of a “bishop dressed in white” which was acclaimed by all the eternal enemies of the Catholic Faith, who has brought the Church into a submission with the worldly ideologies of the 70’s (having even re-exhumed the theology of liberation and its founder Gutierrez, which now pontificates from the Vatican).
We seem to have reached the final abyss.  Unless God….

Ireland's bishops and priests have failed Christ

Shame and scorn upon the bishops and priests of once Catholic Ireland. You have failed Christ, you have left His people in their sins and in ignorance.

Shame upon two-thirds of the people of Ireland who have no excuse in these times when you can be educated on the truth in spite of these corrupt, inept and effeminate bishops and priests; you have betrayed Our Lord Jesus Christ and your ancestors. We had sodomite marriage forced down our throats in Canada by a corrupt government under a supposed Catholic Prime Minister,we would have rejected it back then, you instead of embraced evil.

Shame on Pope Francis and his "who am I to judge" comment used by the proponents of this abomination and for not speaking clearly to the people of Ireland as to their Christian duty.

Shame and scorn upon the sodomite priests and bishops who raped countless boys and discredited the truth and the argument.

Shame and scorn upon those bishops and priests around the world who have taught error and embraced the world.

Convert or be damned!

Saturday 23 May 2015

Heretical Coup planned at October Synod on the Family? The "secret" is out and our mission is clear - Viva Cristo Rey

The division is becoming much clearer between those bishops and cardinals who are faithful Catholics and those who are heretics and protestants. The crack is beginning to show in Germany where Bishop Stefan Oster is leading the younger bishops faithful to the truth compared to those of the likes of Kasper and Marx.

They have become very bold and not just them directly but the whole sodomite fascist element that has descended upon once rational nations like a fog. It is black and it is diabolical. There can be no allowance for sodomy in the minds of a faithful Catholic. This is not about being intolerant or not respectful of others. It is about what is against God and against nature. It is one of the four sins crying out to heaven for justice, the others being willful murder (not self-defense nor just war nor justifiable homicide in the defense of others, nor capital punishment after right judgement), depriving a man of his just wages and final impenitence against the Holy Spirit - the literal refusal to repent and receive the Father's mercy.

It must be said with all respect to the man and the Office; Pope Francis has allowed this and has fostered this debate and division. It is he who must confirm the faith. His ill-advised words and phrases have been used in Ireland in the current debate and they are used here in Toronto at the Jesuit parish of Our Lady of Lourdes (may she intercede). You can see how on that first page, they use the Pope's own words without the paragraphs that preceded it or the background to the situation. We can only assume, of course, that they are all living, or at least striving, for chastity.

The report that follows belorefers to "welcoming the remarried of remarried divorcees (no they are not, they are living in adultery) and homosexual persons in the Church." There is a big lie being told - that the divorced and those who are "homosexual" are not "welcome." 

I was "divorced" and even though I was, I was never made to feel unwelcome in the Church. I participated in Church activities and I sang in the choir. Admittedly, I did not remarry until long after a Decree of Nullity and that is the point. I did not remarry civilly and create a public scandal by expecting the Church to adhere to my demands. If I were "living in sin" with a woman, I have no doubt that I would still have been allowed to sing in the choir, but never to present myself for Holy Communion.

At that same parish (and I will be open, the Toronto Oratory with eleven priests, a seminary, two parishes and both Forms of the Roman Rite daily), there was also a man who had been a "gay activist." That man experienced a conversion to Christ and then through a second conversion, became Catholic. He is now married to a woman and together they strive to be faithful to Christ and His freeing commandments and to help others do the same. At this Church to the best of my knowledge he was never shunned, scorned or insulted. He was a loved and respected parishioner and friend. He served Mass, assisted in the sacristy, participated in every aspect of parish life. He attended Mass almost daily, prayed his rosary, went to the Sacraments and is a better Catholic than most of us!

My point is this, these malefactors that have tried to subvert the Synod from the real problems of the family in this corrupted world are single-mindedly devoted to the profanation of the Holy Eucharist and the money that comes from those who would demand it. There can be no other reason why they would attempt to do this other than that they have lost their vocation, if they ever really had one, and along with it, their belief in supernatural faith. 

Rorate Caeli reports from the original French at Le Figaro:

Family Synod: a Very Discreet Meeting of the Reformers in Rome

Jean-Marie Guénois
Le Figaro
May 22, 2015 - 6:24 PM (Paris time), updated at 6:50 PM

On Monday [May 25], European episcopates will debate the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexuals in the Church.

The initiative has remained very discreet, indeed secret, but it is important. According to our information, three episcopates -- the German, the Swiss, and the French -- have gotten together in order to organize, behind closed doors, on Monday, May 25, in Rome, in the premises of the Jesuit Gregorian University, a day of studies centered on the welcoming of remarried divorcees and homosexual persons in the Church. Renowned German theologians will take the floor before a chosen audience of only fifty people. The closing conference will be delivered by Cardinal Reinhard Marx, President of the German Bishops' Conference. Along with Cardinal Walter Kasper, this influential cardinal -- a member of the C9, the Pope's close council -- works actively for a policy of opening of the Catholic Church on these dossiers.

At the Vatican, only a few personalities have received an invitation.

Thursday 21 May 2015

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin - another traitor of Christ and of Ireland!

Image result for Diarmuid Martin
This little man caught in the headlights has just realised that yesterday’s First Reading in the Novus Ordo Missae Lectionary applies to himself: 
"I know that after my departure savage wolves will come among you, and they will not spare the flock. And from your own group, men will come forward perverting the truth to draw the disciples away after them." (Acts 20:29-30).
Following on the heals on Donal McKeown is Diarmuid Martin, another reportedly Catholic Bishop in the once great Catholic nation of Ireland.

Ol' Diarmuid wouldn't dream of telling Catholics how to vote in the matter of marriage between one man and one woman.

Eccles is Saved speculates about Diarmuid's backbone and lackthereof. I think the problem goes much deeper. 

I think he needs a pear, or maybe two.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry - You are a liar and a deceiver

How much more must the Catholic faithful take? How can we sit by and not scream out righteous anger at these malefactors?

As you may know, the people of Ireland have a question before them about the definition of marriage. Marriage is between one man and one woman. Period. Men cannot marry men and woman cannot marry woman. Those that have done this in government have corrupted their societies. Those in the Church that attempt to justify it or sanction it are doing the work of Satan. They have lost the faith if they ever had it. Their vocations are false. They are liars and they are deceivers. 

The latest is Bishop Donal McKeown who has used his bully pulpit to spread guilt that those in Ireland who may vote against the re-definition of marriage might do it out of "bigotry" and that we must not "bully."

Instead of speaking the truth to power he lies to the people.

What else has his liar in clerical clothing said? 

Pro-Life groups should stop "screaming over abortion."


We have a bishop that admonishes the laity on abortion and tells the faithful they can vote positively for sodomite and lesbian "marriage?"

This man is a devil.

The day is coming soon when God the Father will no longer hold back his vengeance upon these rotten and disgraceful wolves who have disguised themselves as shepherds. They are filth. They are putrid. They stink of bile and sodomy. 

Bishop McKeown, resign!

Where is the Pope and why has he not called this man to Rome to remove him from his office?

Irish bishop: Catholics can back gay ‘marriage’ in good conscience

DERRY, Northern Ireland, May 20, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- Despite opposition by the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference to the proposal to change the meaning of marriage in the Constitution of Ireland in the May 22 same-sex "marriage" referendum, an Irish bishop told a radio talk show host that he would "hate" to see people vote against the change "for bigoted, nasty, bullying reasons."
Bishop of Derry Donal McKeown was speaking for the "no" position on the referendum, as supported by the bishops of Ireland, in a debate on the Shaun Doherty Show.
Although he maintained that legalizing same-sex "marriage" would be a "dangerous experiment," especially the ramifications in the lives of children and future generations, he equivocated that people could vote yes or no in the referendum "in good conscience," if they were as informed as possible before voting and were making a "mature decision."
"People have to make their own mature decision, be it yes or be it no. I would hate for people to be voting no for bad reasons, for bigoted reasons, for nasty reasons, for bullying reasons. People have to make up their own minds and I’m quite happy that people can do that in front of God, be it yes or be it no," Bishop McKeown said.

Read the rest here: 


Monday 18 May 2015

Timothy Radcliffe's heresy and vulgarity on his "eucharistic sodomy" is not new - Was Pope Francis aware of it or not?

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness sent me this link to an article by Randy Engel on St. Peter' Damian's Book of Gomorrah. The original article was published in 2002 in Catholic Family News. Here is the relevant excerpt on Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., just appointed as a Consultor to the Vatican by the Pope. 

The rest of the article along with Part I deserves to be read and studied in its entirely.

As for the Pope and this appointment, we can assume one of the following:

  1. In a most charitable way, the Pope knows little English and may no little about what has gone on for a decades with dissident priests outside of Argentina. Someone may have put Radcliffe's name before him and he agreed, in which case he should promptly remove his advisers.
  2. The Pope knew exactly who Radcliffe is and this is another along with Msgr. Ricca and the Archbishop in Chile where he does not care about the past in the "who am I to judge" line.
  3. The Pope actually supports the view of Radcliffe and is doing it intentionally to change the Church, as his ghostwriter recently said, in which case we have a very big problem.

Is the Bishop of Rome aware that this man referred to sodomy as being "eucharistic?"

Homosexuality in Religious Life Today: The Dominican Model 

By way of comparing the views of St. Peter Damian on the vice of sodomy in clerical and monastic ranks with the modern post-Vatican II view on homosexuality, I have selected a Lenten Letter titled, "The Promise of Life," by Father Timothy Radcliffe. [73]  Radcliffe, the Master of the Dominican Order, issued his message on February 25, Ash Wednesday 1998. The English-born aristocrat was elected in 1992 to serve a nine-year term and was residing at the Santa Sabina priory at Rome, when the letter was issued and subsequently posted on the Vatican's web site, which is where I first read it.
In light of the major homosexual scandals that have plagued the priesthood and religious life worldwide, I was interested to see if Father Radcliffe would discuss the issue of homosexuality in Dominican ranks. He did - both directly and indirectly.
The first indirect reference to homosexuality was Radcliffe's quoting of American Dominican and writer Donald Goergen, OP on the subject of celibacy. The quote reads: "Celibacy does not witness to anything. But celibates do. We witness to the Kingdom if we are seen to be people whose chastity liberates us for life." [74]
My first thought when I read the Goergen quote was, why, of all the Dominicans he could have chosen to quote on celibacy, did Radcliffe choose a man whose personal and private life has been distinguished by an open and long-term advocacy and financial support of clerical homosexuality.
Father Goergen, who is currently living with the "Friends of God," a Hindu-styled Dominican Ashram in Kenosha, Wisconsin, began his early claim to infamy with the publication of his book The Sexual Celibate in 1974. [75]
Based on notes from lectures given to Dominican seminarians, Goergen's homosexual apologia speaks of "healthy homosexuality," promotes the homosexual "continuum" theories of the predatory homosexual and bisexual Alfred Kinsey, decries the "disease" of "homophobia," defines homosexuality according to the Gay Manifesto as "the capacity to love someone of the same sex," holds the door open for homosexual 'unions' by stating that, "genital activity should be the expression of a permanent relationship which involves fidelity," states that "so-called traditional Christian attitudes towards homosexuality are beginning to change," claims that "homosexuality can exist in healthy, Christian and graced forms," defends masturbation as being a genital activity that is "not bad, not unhealthy, not harmful, not immoral, even for a celibate," and then gives the sodomical coup de grace by attacking the perpetual virginity of Our Lady. [76]
Goergen's connections to the homosexual network in the Church go back many years. In Rev. Enrique T. Rueda's 1982 classic expose, The Homosexual Network, Goergen gets three dishonorable mentions for his advocacy of homosexuality. [77] He was also an early financial supporter of Communication Ministry, Inc., "an underground 'ministry' for lesbian nuns and gay clergy and religious." [78]
Soon after his election in 1985 as Provincial Superior to the St. Albert the Great Central Province, Goergen, a devotee of Teilhard de Chardin [OLW note: Chardin was condemned by the Church], began his search and destroy operation against many of the faithful and nationally outstanding Dominicans in St. Albert the Great Province including Father Charles Fiore, Father John O'Connor and the traditionalist Dominicans teaching at Fenwick High School. The River Forest Priory was transformed into a homosexual 'safe house' for other clerical perverts. [79]
This action is in stark contrast to the protection the young turk Goergen offered to the notorious Father Matthew "Creation Spirituality" Fox, champion of "lust," "sexual mysticism," and homosexuality as "the first gift of the Cosmic Christ". [80] In 1988, when the Holy See finally insisted that Fox be removed and silenced in order to finally halt the spread of his errors, Fox received an all expense one-year sabbatical during which he continued his heretical tirades. [81] Even after Fox left the Dominican Order and the Church to become an Episcopal 'priest' in California, Goergen continued to defend Fox's heterodox views on faith and morals.
So again I ask, why would Radcliffe quote Goergen on any subject, most especially clerical celibacy?
The answer I believe lies in the second of Goergen's quotes, cited by Radcliffe in "The Promise of Life" in which Goergen espouses the familiar litany of the Left, almost identical to that espoused by Fox:
"If I partake of consumer society, defend capitalism, tolerate machismo, believe that Western society is superior to others, and am sexually abstinent, I am simply witnessing to that for which we stand: capitalism, sexism, Western arrogance, and sexual abstinence. The latter is hardly deeply meaningful and understandably questioned." [82]
For many bishops and religious superiors like Radcliffe, a seminarian's or priest's homosexual activities and advocacy can be overlooked as long as the offending priest adheres to the gospel of Liberalism. It is not until a diocese or religious order is hit with catastrophic lawsuits related to the criminal sex abuse of underage young boys and young men, including seminarians and religious novices, by homosexual clerics, that the former have a second thought about the policy of accepting and ordaining homosexuals to the priesthood and religious life.

Radcliffe on Homosexual Clerics and the Homosexual "Sub-Culture" 

However, in the case of Radcliffe, it appears that the pressure of pederast lawsuits against offending Dominicans worldwide had not yet reached critical mass in 1998. Indeed, in the paragraph titled "Communities of Hope," just preceding his statement on the acceptance of homosexual candidates into the Order, the Master General insists that, "Our communities must be places in which there is no accusation, '... the accuser of our brethren is cast forth ...' "(Apoc. 12.10) [83]  Positioned at it is, just before his support for homosexual candidates and homosexual members of the Order, one might easily interpret his comment as a warning against in-house 'whistle- blowers' who reveal clerical sexual misconduct and criminal acts by their fellow Dominicans to their superiors or to public authorities and law enforcement officers.
Getting to the specific issue of "Community and Sexual Orientation," the Master General begins with the statement that various cultures react differently to "the admission of people of homosexual orientation to religious life," with some holding it to be "virtually unthinkable," while others accept it "without question." [84]
Frankly, outside of ancient cultures that practice certain pagan rites or followed certain gnostic doctrines, I have not run across any peoples that accept "without question" men who unnaturally lust after other men - whatever their role in the community. But even if such a culture existed in modern times, its beliefs should not matter a hill of beans to the universal head of the Dominican Order whose sole concern, one would think, would be what Christ, His Saints (including St. Dominic) and His Church teaches on the matter of homosexuality. And that teaching is clear - from the time of the Apostles - for a man to lust after and desire another man is perverse and acting on that unnatural desire and lust is an abomination in the eyes of God.
In any case, Radcliffe tells his fellow Dominicans not to worry about the matter of sexual orientation. "It is not for us to tell God whom He may or may not call to religious life," he states. And besides, he adds, the General Chapter of Caleruega, after much debate, affirmed that "the same demands of chastity apply to all brethren of whatever sexual orientation, and so no one can be excluded on this ground". [85]
The actual text from the Acts of the General Chapter of Diffinitors of the Order of Friars Preachers meeting from July 17-August 8, 1995 at Caleruega, Spain (the birthplace of St. Dominic) reads:
"Ö as a radical demand, the vow of chastity is equally binding on homosexuals and heterosexuals. Hence, no sexual orientation is a priori incompatible with the call to chastity and the fraternal life." (emphasis added) [86] 
[Note: The above reference to "no sexual orientation" is an extremely sophisticated turn-of- words that leaves the door open for lesbianism, transvestitism, transsexualism, pederasty, pedophilia, sado/masochism and other sexual perversions. The fact that the worldwide Dominican leadership permitted such a statement to be incorporated into an official pronouncement of the Order demonstrates in a concrete manner the degree to which the Dominicans are now controlled by the homosexualists and their minions.]
Radcliffe concludes his segment on "sexual orientation" with words of compassion for his Dominican homosexual brethren, but he warns the emergence "of any subgroups within a community, based on sexual orientation, would be highly divisive," and "threaten the unity of the community," and "make it harder for the brethren to practice the chastity that he has vowed". [87]

Sunday 17 May 2015

Bishop Juan Vicente Cordoba apologises but the problem still remains. He is a disgrace as a priest and a bishop!

Crux reporter Inés San Martín reports that Bishop Juan Vicente Córdoba is walking back is heretical and filthy statements that St. Mary Magdalene may have been a "lesbian" and one of Our Blessed Lord's apostles was "gay."

The very fact that this Bishop of Jesus Christ, this Shepherd would even think this way to say it in the first place remains a problem. He need not apologise to us but to the Lord and His Saints.

Who formed this man? Who determined that he had a vocation? 

There was a time that the Pope would have called a bishop such as this to Rome and stripped him of his office and exiled him to a monastery and a life of prayer and fasting.

There is no other thing to say Bishop Córdoba, you are disgrace to the Catholic priesthood and to the episcopacy.

Please review Canon 401 §2 and avail yourself of it without further delay.