A corporal work of mercy.

A corporal work of mercy.
Click on photo for this corporal work of mercy!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Will Father Thomas Rosica of Salt and Light TV reject the "neo-pagan ideology" of the Mid-term relatio of the Synod of the Family?

Following below is a joint post by Barona and myself. Preceding it is a link to Father Z's take and the opinions of those in his combox on the interview given by a producer of Salt + Light.


* * *

A joint post by Barona and Vox Cantoris

No one can fail to realize that these approaches pose a challenge to the very identity of the moral conscience in relation to human freedom and God's law.
 Pope John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor

Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Today, Salt and Light TV will broadcast a lecture recorded late last year by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, on the Synod of the Family.  We are hoping that he will have addressed the scandalous and gravely erroneous remarks made by Alicia Ambrosio on "The Agenda"a program featured on TVO, here in Ontario.  In that interview, Ambrosio glowingly promoted the mid-term relatio, denounced by Bishop Athanasius Schneider as "neo-pagan ideology". He was but one of many churchmen who rightly exposed the homosexualists and adulterists as subverting the Church. Bishop Stankiewicz called it a"counterfeit gospel". Fr. Rosica has yet to denounce the relatio, indeed he seems to be part of the dissident group.  

We also hope that Fr. Rosica will correct the chronology of events pertaining the interjection of the eventually rejected passages on homosexuality in the mid-term relatio. The homosexualist and Adulterist positions must be utterly rejected as unCatholic. 

Of the insertion of the text on homosexuality into the relatio,Ambrosio says: 

A: "So, the function of that mid-term document was really: here's the summary of what you all have said. I'ts like the mirror being held up to the bishops; here you go, this is what you have been talking about. So it's not exactly a prescription, these are the topics you talked about, and these were the key points you made about these topics. So, it's telling the bishops: you said this! When I, when I hear that statement, what I'm hearing is, really for the first time, in that room, bishops were talking about the reality of people who are in same-sex relationships, who want to come to church,  and have not found their place in their parishes and they are asking: OK, so what do we do? Where do we find the balance"? 

There is ample evidence from Synod Fathers that the events leading up to, and the manner in which the relatio was written, is not as Ambrosio related it. Will Rosica correct this? We await the lecture. 

Next, we have this:

Q: "...so, is it a change in Catholic teaching"? 

A: "No, but it is a change in tone. And the change in tone, I believe, from what I'm seeing - and just because I'm hearing it coming not just from the top, but from the bottom up - that's going to result in, on the ground, in parishes, a change in attitude. A change in: you know what? Maybe we don't have to tell people they're wrong. Maybe we can work with them, and find a way to welcome them into our community, even though they might not be perfect in our eyes. So that's going to be huge!" 

Italian report taken from Toronto Catholic Witness
We hope that Thomas Rosica, CSB, will correct the Christological heresy that Ambrosio articulated; that being doctrine will not be changed, only pastoral practice. As Cardinal Muller has noted pastoral practice is founded on doctrine. To invert this is heresy by the backdoor. We await Fr. Rosica's condemnation of pastoral practice that runs contrary to doctrine. 

Finally, we have this: 

"Q:... re: Francis DeBernardo's of New Ways Ministries comments on the relatio"...it is not just a change in tone... never before Lesbians and gays have gifts to offer.. never before has the Church accepted that their sexual orientation ..... gifts to give". 

A: "Which is true, and in the past, probably, you know, if a pastor did feel, that that the um, the gays in his  community had something to offer to the parish it was said quietly. And it was kind of, they were welcomed into the parish and it was hush-hush. And not in every parish. Um, and I think also that also there's a tendency with groups like "New Ways [Ministry]" to really, maybe hoping for a little too much...hoping that doctrine will be rewritten, that Church teaching will be rewritten.But that, that shift in tone is big, I think he's right, that is big, because like I said before it means on the ground level, it's not going to be acceptable to other faithful, it's not going to acceptable to exclude someone who has a sincere thirst for God, and has a sincere desire to practice their faith, but is either in a same-sex relationship, or is  divorced and remarried; it's not going to be acceptable to exclude that person anymore and that's huge"! 

We hope that Fr. Rosica will correct Ambrosio's statement, that the Church will no longer be telling people who are committing intrinsically evil homosexual acts, that these acts are indeed wrong; that such people need to repent  and confess their sins - an amended life is a manifestation of a true, sincere desire to thirst for God. The person has always been accepted, but the sin  is to be utterly rejected. Ah yes, that dirty word is missing again for all of this: "sin". 

Archbishop Gadecki
As she says it herself: "... and this is huge". Yes, indeed it would be "huge" if the Church no longer called a sin, a sin, and no longer called people to repentance. "Huge" as it is, it will be far more scandalous for the Faithful, if Fr. Rosica is silent on addressing these issues, and does not correct the public utterances of Ambrosio. We are not speaking here of just a private individual expressing completely erroneous positions, but someone who was interviewed as an employee of Salt and Light TV. 

In the words of Bishop Athanasius Schneider: we "refuse to throw grains of incense before the staute of the idol of gender ideology, before the idol of second marriages, of concubinage..." This fight is not over, as Archbishop Gadecki said; it has just begun. 

Barona and The Vox 

Monday 19 January 2015

Manila's Shame




Freemasonry and the Religion of Peace

The Radical Catholic has a brilliantly written piece which I highly recommend. Here is an excerpt.

Which brings us back to our original question: Why would people choose a counterfeit over the real thing? The answer in both cases is the same: because they do not want the original. But - and this is key - the motivation in both cases is diametrically opposite. Whereas "moderate" Muslims are eager to ignore the truth of Islam because they don't want the killing, the oppression, the barbarity, the cruelty, the misogyny - in short, the true face of radical Islam, "modern" Catholics are eager to ignore the truth of Catholicism because they don't want to be called to repentance, to mortification, to self-denial, to patience, to humility, to chastity, to charity - in short, the true face of radical Catholicism. In the former case, it is the vitality and strength of their humanity which blinds them to the truth; in the latter, it is the depravity and weakness of the same.

Read it all here.

Why Does No-one Remember the Assyrian Victims of Ottoman Turkey's Christian Holocaust?

As you read below this article from October 2014 and scan the old photos, ask yourself, have you seen these images lately? Who was behind it then? Who is behind it now?

By Uzay Bulut

October 28, 2014 12:10 GMT

You may have heard of the Armenian genocide. You've probably heard of Stalin's starvation of the Ukrainians, and the atrocities committed by the European empires in Africa. You've definitely heard of the Holocaust.

Yet chances are you've never heard of the Assyrian genocide, even though this was just as brutal and costly. It was perpetrated alongside the Armenian massacre, yet only one of the twin programmes has lived on in infamy.

The Assyrian genocide occurred 100 years ago, and decimated a people whose territory stretched from the areas now known as Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Egypt. Today, this very same area is the world's fiercest conflict zone, the wounds which opened a century ago showing no sign of healing.

Which makes it all the more important that we remember the horrors inflicted on the Assyrians all those years ago.

Ethnic cleansing

Historians today describe the Assyrian Genocide as a programme of extermination carried out by the Ottoman Empire upon the Chaldean, Syriac and Assyrian populations. All three peoples were Christian, and the Ottomans attempted to wipe them out during a wider ethnic cleansing campaign, which also included the Armenian and Greek genocides.

The Assyrian extermination campaign actually lasted from 1914 to 1923, Turkey's rulers carrying on the killing long after their empire had been dismantled. The death toll varies depending which historical scholar or record you consult.

"Estimates on the overall death toll vary, with some contemporary reports placing the figure at 270,000, and estimates range to as many as 750,000," reported Dr. Israel W. Charny, the editor of two-volume Encyclopedia of Genocide and executive director of the Institute on the Holocaust and Genocide.

Charny groups the Assyrian Genocide together with the massacre of Greeks and Armenians in a "Christian Holocaust", which he claims was "the precursor to the Jewish Holocaust in WWII." 
"To this day, the Turkish government ostensibly denies having committed this genocide" Charny adds.

Ottoman Jihad against native Christian populations

Sabri Atman, who is also one of the most well-known lecturers on the Assyrian Genocide, said in an interview with the Armenian Weekly this year that the Ottoman Empire was bent on "ethnically annihilating all non-Muslim citizens living under the Ottoman occupation, with the objective of homogenising Turkey in accordance with their goal to create a nation of 'One Religion'.

"Their motto was 'One Nation, One Religion.' To achieve their goal, jihad (or holy war) was declared on Nov. 14, 1914 in all of the Ottoman mosques... The main plot was to get rid of all the Christian minorities of Turkey,."

Atman added that "Denial is a form of continuation of the genocide. It is to be killed twice."

Hannibal Travis, a Professor of Law at Florida International University, wrote an article on the Assyrian Genocide in 2006, suggesting that "the Ottoman Empire's widespread persecution of Assyrian civilians during World War I constituted a form of genocide... a deliberate and systematic campaign of massacre, torture, abduction, deportation, impoverishment, and cultural and ethnic destruction.

"Established principles of international law outlawed this war of extermination against Ottoman Christian civilians before it was embarked upon, and ample evidence of genocidal intent has surfaced in the form of admissions by Ottoman officials.

"Nevertheless, the international community has been hesitant to recognize the Assyrian experience as a form of genocide."

Finally, a monument

An Assyrian genocide monument, in memory of the Assyrian victims of the Christian genocide of the Ottoman Empire during World War One, was erected on 19 October in Athens. The monument's opening was attended by Kyriakos Betsaras, the president of the Assyrian Union of Greece,  as well as the current and former Mayors of Athens.

Assyrian Monument vandalised in Sydney, Australia in 2101.
Sabri Atman spoke at the ceremony, called on "Turkey and all nations around the world to recognise this historical reality," adding: "In recent years, Assyrians have been working diligently towards greater public awareness and worldwide recognition of the Assyrian Genocide.

"The ethnic extermination of hundreds of thousands of our people and the destruction of our lands forever changed the demographics of the area we called home for thousands of years. We Assyrians standing here today are the children of a nation which was almost completely eliminated from the face of the earth," he said.

"I'm also proud to stand in front of you today knowing that over 20 countries have officially recognized the Armenian Genocide. It is my hope that in the future, countries will continue to follow in this pattern, and will also include the recognition of Assyrians and Greeks as victims of the same Genocide."

Monuments commemorating the victims of the Assyrian genocide have also been erected in Sweden, Belgium, France, Armenia, Australia, Wales and the United States. Whether Turkey follows suit, however, remains to be seen.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Porn producing "educator" pleads guilty -

The far leftist woman on the right in the picture below is Kathleen Wynne. She is the Premier of the Province of Ontario and is a lesbian. The affected guy in the middle holding the rainbow flag is Justin Trudeau, son of the former Prime Minister. Justout is a Catholic who leads the Liberal Party of Canada and lusts to be Prime Minister. He supports abortion, same-sex so-called marriage and would take Quebec out of Canada if Canada ever abolished either as they are "Quebec values." He also likes to wear dresses when he visits Mohammedan worship sites.

The man on the left is Benjamin Levin. Levin was charged with multiple sexual crimes including making child pornography. He has plead guilty to some in a settlement.

When the one on the right was Minister of Education, the one on the left worked for her (and all taxpayers) on education curriculum including a revision to the sex education curriculum stopped by the people of Ontario due to its explicit and age inappropriate nature. He has been an adviser to federal and provincial Liberal Parties.

Imagine, a convicted child sex advocate and pornographer in Ontario's Ministry of Education developing sex education curriculum. He's also a tenured professor at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - OISE.

From the Toronto Star:

Clayton Ruby, who appeared in court on behalf of his client Friday, said Levin “will be making a guilty plea,” but would not stipulate on which of the child-exploitation offences, which included accessing, possessing, writing and distributing child pornography, counselling someone to commit sexual assault, and making an arrangement with a police officer to commit sexual assault.
Educated at Harvard and a highly respected tenured professor at the University of Toronto’s prestigious Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Levin has been deputy education minister in both Manitoba and Ontario. He recently served as OISE’s Canada Research Chair in Leadership and Educational Change and was also part of Premier Kathleen Wynne’s transition team in early 2013 after Dalton McGuinty stepped down. (As deputy minister of education for most of 2005-2009, Levin also served under Wynne during her stint as minister.

So, these sexual degenerates and perverts prove once again that we, who have said that they have infiltrated our institutions to get at our children and destroy our culture, do not wear tin-foiled hats.


The lesbian Premier of Ontario is trying it again.

Elections have consequences.

Remember that.

I'll find a way not to make you suffer

A French friend, a Catholic religious in Jerusalem and well-known biblical scholar, told me recently that in their convent, there was an old Muslim who had worked for them for a long, long time as a factotum. Honest, trustworthy and a hard worker, he had become part of the family and all the religious had great affection for him which was sincerely reciprocal. One Friday, the man came back from the mosque with a dejected air about him. The Superior of the House, after insisting, was finally able to make him talk. He said: “Today the Imam who conducts the prayers told us during the sermon that, on the day of the triumph of Allah and his Prophet, which will arrive soon, we will then rid this Holy City of Jews and Christians, and all of those infidels who don’t make a profession of faith at once will have to be killed. This is what the Koran wills and we are bound to obey it.” There was a pause, then: “But have no fear Father, you know that I love all of you. I know what to do if I have to kill you, I’ll find the way not to make you suffer.”

Read the rest of it at Rorate.

Two Deacons to be ordained to the priesthood in Quebec in the traditional form!

From Notions Romaines blog and Rorate Caeli:

It is with joy that we relay the information that Messrs. abbots Alexandre Marchand (Gatineau) and Jacques Breton (St-Hyacinthe) will be ordained priests in the Holy Church of God on Saturday 13 June this year.

We can truly rejoice because both deacons of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP) will be ordained in Canada, specifically in the diocese of St-Hyacinthe, Quebec by His Excellency, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, Archbishop of Ottawa. These ordinations are likely to be the first in the extraordinary form of the Roman rite in Quebec for decades.

Messrs. abbots Marchand and Breton are seminarians studying at the International Seminar of the fraternity to Wigratzbad (in Germany). The FSSP is responsible for conducting his apostolate as part of the traditional Roman liturgy and train priests.

In French Canada, the FSSP is in charge of two parishes (St. Clement, Ottawa and St-Zéphirin, Quebec) and assists the pastoral work in another parish (St. Irenaeus, Montreal).

We hope to provide more details on this in the coming months.

This is joyous news and let us hope that they be appointed to the Quebec parishes!

Thursday 15 January 2015

Archbishop of Jos calls on world not to forget those who suffer, urges action to stop Boko Haram

Msgr Ignatius Kaigama talks about the suffering of a country hit by Islamist violence. For the prelate, what is going on "is not a clash between Christians and Muslims", but the result of an increasingly powerful group that is willing to attack anyone who stands in its way. He wants greater international commitment and "determination to halt terrorism."

Jos (AsiaNews) - "Do not forget that we are here, that we are suffering, that many people have been killed, that many have become displaced, that they do not have a place to live. We need help and practical support to put an end to attacks," said Mgr Ignatius Kaigama, archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, who spoke to AsiaNews about the violence perpetrated by the Islamist group Boko Haram in the Central African nation.

The prelate said the world has to show more determination to halt the group's advance in Nigeria. For him, the international community has to show the same spirit and resolve it showed after the attacks in France.

His warning comes after three young female suicide bombers, one reportedly aged 10, killed 20 more people in Maiduguri and Potiskum.

The Nigerian army too has called for the intervention of the international community against Boko Haram, to avert further bloodshed like the incident on 3 January in the city of Baqa, in the northeast of the country.

When the Islamists raided the town, which is in Borno State, they killed hundreds and forced tens of thousands to flee. So far there is no final count, but more than 2,000 people have been already killed.

According to a Nigerian military, concerted action is needed to eliminate the evil of boko Haram. Similarly, UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon said he was appalled by reports of the killings in Baga and condemned what he called "the depraved acts of Boko Haram terrorists".

For the archbishop of Jos, actions must target the growing violence in the African country, which threatens to plunge it into chaos. "Do not forget that we are here, that we are suffering," Mgr Kaigama explained, "that many people have been killed, that many have become displaced" and are in need of help.

For the prelate, Boko Haram is growing. "They captured local governors. They are hitting their targets. They have increasingly sophisticated weapons. They have adopted different strategies to attack ordinary people" and use even girls and boys.

"Muslims in Nigeria do not support and do not encourage this type of violence," Mgr Kaigama noted. Many imams have spoken out on several occasions to condemn the attacks. They are "speaking in an increasingly loud and clear voice against Boko Haram, but we need greater determination to halt terrorism."

"The problem is not a clash between Christians and Muslims," the prelate explained. We have "an Islamist terrorist group that attacks anyone who stands in its way or does not work with them wholeheartedly."

"Attacks are increasing. For this reason, security must be beefed up," he said. "We hope that the government and leaders of the international community will do something to put an end to the violence."

In October, Nigerian authorities announced a possible cease-fire with Boko Haram terrorists, in connection with the possible release of more than 200 schoolgirls abducted in Chibok, in Borno, last April. The truce would have allowed the country to hold presidential and legislative elections in February.

However, the self-styled leader of the Islamist movement, Abubakar Shekau denied that any deal was in the works, and violence continues unabated.

Founded in 2002, the extremist group fought first against Western education. Loosely translated, in Hausa Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden".

Since 2009, it has launched attacks and carried out military actions with the aim of creating an Islamic state.

Its operations have claimed thousands of lives, particularly in north-eastern Nigeria, targeting police and security forces. It has even attacked UN offices in the capital Abuja.

So far, at least three million people have been affected in various ways by Islamist violence. (DS)

Mary Wagner's arrest: Two journalistic approaches

The issue of Mary Wagner's arrest before Christmas is starting to be reported in the Catholic press in Canada -- albeit from two different angles.

Here, on line, is an exceptional report from Deborah Guyapong in the BC Catholic. Deborah spent the time to interview and research the story. It is a thorough and sensitive report.

Yet, we have another Catholic journalist in another Catholic paper that takes a completely different approach and a sad one at that.

Michael Coren criticised Mary quite harshly on his cable show on SUN TV. He writes this week on Mary in the Catholic Register, the column is on the web pageIt takes a different approach than Deborah's work and is more in keeping with his television comments. Tim Haines at Vericast does a good job dissecting the interview with Alissa Golob of Campaign Life starting at 33:13.

As someone who was once his friend, who had coffee in his home; as someone who paid him to speak before a Catholic group and arranged another group to do the same and to sell his books, I regret very much his more recent positions and cannot explain how this man who once did good work and could do so much more could have betrayed the truth to this extent:
"Could there be something personal, even needy, about all this? I know Mary Wagner’s supporters will react strongly to what I have said and I have already been rudely condemned for gently questioning her stance on my television show, but the question has to be asked: is this about the unborn or about Mary Wagner?"
The issue is about the unborn as the letter from Mary's mother testifies; I am shocked that Coren would even question her motives. He clearly does not know her and has never spoken with her. The issue is also about Mary Wagner and Linda Gibbons and others who risked everything for the truth. 

Michael, You are upset at me and you're upset at Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness because we have refused to be silent on this matter and we have both challenged your previous comments on other issues - why have you taken your anger at us out on Mary Wagner? 

Go and read it all there. I will refrain from any further comments, I am too disgusted to formulate anything coherent, you are welcome to do that in the combox.

Meanwhile, in Poland!

Monday 12 January 2015

The Church and the Truth suffer by the error of Her Bishops

As we enter into 2015, the Ordinary Synod on the Family will come at us like a light in a tunnel, and it won't be the other side but a train coming right at us.

Let us take a brief look at some comments by Bishop Robert Lynch of St. Petersburg in Florida, the same bishop who sat by whilst Terry Shiavo was being put to death. Last week, this Bishop said:

“Therefore, I do not wish to lend our voice to notions which might suggest that same-sex couples are a threat incapable of sharing relationships marked by love and holiness and, thus, incapable of contributing to the edification of both the church and the wider society."

More about Bishop Lynch can be read at this column by Matt. C. Abbot, it goes back to 2007, and if you choose to do an Internet search, you will find much more. 

Moving on from Florida, we turn to Europe and an earlier comment by Bishop Bonny of Antwerp in Belgium is as follows:

“There should be recognition of a diversity of forms,” … “We have to look inside the Church for a formal recognition of the kind of interpersonal relationship that is also present in many gay couples. Just as there are a variety of legal frameworks for partners in civil society, one must arrive at a diversity of forms in the Church.” …  “The intrinsic values are more important to me than the institutional question. The Christian ethic is based on lasting relationships where exclusivity, loyalty and care are central to each other,” … “Personally, I find that in the Church more space must be given to acknowledge the actual quality of gay and lesbian couples; and such a form of shared-life should meet the same criteria as found in an ecclesiastical marriage.”  

Then from our own country, we have this little gem from Martin Currie, the Archbishop of St. John's in Newfoundland, a place we should note that has seen the faithful suffer devastation at the hands of homopederast priests:

"Hopefully we can find some accommodation where (same-sex) unions are accepted and respected and they can have a part in the church life." … "To be homosexual is no barrier to holiness and compassion. We have a number of men who are very good and excellent priests who have same-sex orientation and are doing a great job. And there will probably be more in the future."

These are their words, not mine. Really, you couldn't make this stuff up!

What can one say about these three bishops and their quotes? 

People who suffer from same-sex attraction are to be loved and respected; this is our faith as taught by Our Lord and articulated in the Catechism. The acts of sodomy can never be tolerated or condoned. There is no such thing as marriage between two people of the same sex. The Church can never and will never change on this. For these bishops to even speculate on such a thing is a crime against the faith. They are not charitable because they don't speak with clarity and truth, they leave people in their sin. They scandalise Catholics and allow those who follow error and sin to face judgment. There was a time they would have been summoned to Rome and stripped of their Sees. There is no "holiness" in same-sex marriage, it is impossible!

We must be perpetually on guard against shepherds such as these that would spin false and fashionable statements for the media and distort the truth of the Church.

As hard as it must be, we must pray for them and that their eyes be opened, before St. Joseph closes them.

Good St. Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and protector of the Child Jesus
Intercede for the Church.
Pray for us!

Sunday 11 January 2015

Polish Bishop defends Mary Wagner

"Her voice is just a sign of freedom. She harms no one, only demonstrating her belief; drawing attention to the value of human life". 

Where are our bishops?

Saturday 10 January 2015

May God protect Egyptian President Sisi

On January 7, President Sisi attended Christmas Mass at St. Mark's Coptic Cathedral in the presence of Pope Tawadros II who clearly knows how to dress for the Divine Liturgy of Christmas. This comes after his bombshell speech on January 1 to the assembled Imams of Egypt.

May God protect him.

The Holy Family found refuge in this ancient land, a land loved by Our Lady.

May God rescue and protect Egypt and her people.

No Fracking way!

What the frack!

The poor Holy Father. He has been surrounded by imbeciles who would have the stupidity to allow two environmental activists in such proximity to him after his breakfast that they would use the Vicar of Christ to promulgate an attack on a legitimate industry and science that neither the Pope nor the cabal around him have any competence in.

Any more than he could solemnly proclaim that the moon is made of cream cheese and that the belief is binding on all Catholics.

Holy Father, please free yourself from these incompetent sycophants that serve neither you or the Church but a corrupt agenda.

Thursday 8 January 2015

Thank you x 600,000

A few minutes ago, this blog passed 600,000 visitors.

Thank you and God bless all of you!

Thoughts on a world gone mad

Twelve people dead; murdered in cold blood by Islamic terrorists. First, each one of these deaths is a tragedy for the families, may God be merciful to them and may they rest in peace and may their families be comforted. May the people that did this be confounded and the evil ideology that motivated them be overwhelmed by the Light of Jesus Christ.

The magazine which they worked for was a pathetic rag run and staffed by anti-religionists who took no prisoners when it came to religion. Their attack on Our Blessed Lord, His Mother, the Pope is reprehensible, the difference is we don't read their garbage, we turn away in disgust or indifference and maybe we say a prayer.

The fundamental problem is that most people in Europe and the the rest of the West have turned against the Christ and have found another god. Europe has lost the ability to defend itself (and we are next) because it has forgotten its roots; we have forgotten who we are and where the truth is. 

Islam is evil. Not all Muslims are evil. There are good Muslims but it is not because of Mahomet and the Koran it is in spite of it. 

Until the Church and all of us proclaim Jesus Christ and Him crucified to everyone, including and especially these poor Muslims trapped in a lie, there will be no way out. 

We must aggressively defend our lands from these evil men and at the same time, we must proclaim Christ.

There is no other way.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

To my special friend, be very careful - govern yourself accordingly!

Ah, it seems that my special friend is out there doing his best to undermine my reputation and my character. Be careful, friend, be very careful. You see, I also have a dossier on you and I will use it when I have to. Be afraid, be very afraid before you ever attempt to take me down and remember; you will be held accountable on judgment day for the evil action against me.

And remember this too.

 Quia occuli mei vos.


Vigilantes me!

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Mother of Mary Wagner responds to Michael Coren

Broadcaster Michael Coren, a Catholic has publicly and harshly criticized Mary Wagner as described in the blog below. 

Jane Wagner, Mary's mother has written a response to Mr. Coren; it deserves to be read and with her permission it is posted below:

Michael, you have missed the point entirely. You said that Mary went to the abortion clinic to be arrested. Wrong. Mary goes to the abortion clinic in an eleventh hour attempt to save the life of a baby who is being carried to his appointment with death. She knows that it is likely that she will be arrested, but she never gives up hope that other pro-lifers will join her there and make it impossible for the judicial system to handle the crowd. You said that she is breaking the law. Yes, a law that is wrong. In the same way that good Germans broke the law in hiding Jews from the Nazi exterminators in the great war. You made other personal disparaging remarks about Mary while defending the indefensible, our Justice system. It is easy for us on the outside, who lead banal and pseudo peaceful lives, to consider the actions of Mary to be reprehensible. So were the acts of Christ, so much so that the political powers of that day had to crucify Him to silence him. I hope this isn't what has to happen to Mary to get you on side. Or maybe you will think she brought it on herself. You resent the Poles for calling us a Fascist country, which by our very actions define us to be. How can you be a proud Canadian when you know that our government supports the wholesale slaughter of innocents, and has a law in place to protect them from public outcry? I wonder which side you really sit on Michael. As Mary's mother, I am deeply ashamed of you and those who share your thinking. Jane Wagner.
Treated as a Catholic heroine in Poland and a pariah by our own as Barona reports.

Coren's confusion over papal authority -

In a recent quote on Facebook referring to his most recent Sun Newspaper article, journalist and "Catholic" author Michael Coren wrote the following:

What I didn't say in my column today was that many right-wing Catholics are so angry with Pope Francis that they are - implicitly and often explicitly - questioning Papal authority; without that, of course, Roman Catholicism has no distinct meaning. Not that right-wing Catholics are alone in this; liberals exhibited the same attitude about John Paul and Benedict. All of which leads us to ask just how many Catholics actually believe that the Pope is the direct descendant of Peter and has exclusive authority. In a world of open debate, encouraged dissent and fierce social media this presents a profound problem for Roman Catholicism. It's going to be an interesting 2015.

Fellow journalist Deborah Guyapong left a comment challenging Coren's statement:

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger wrote: “After the Second Vatican Council, the impression arose that the pope really could do anything … especially if he were acting on the mandate of an ecumenical council … In fact, the First Vatican Council had in no way defined the pope as an absolute monarch. On the contrary, it presented him as the guarantor of obedience to the revealed Word. The pope’s authority is bound to the Tradition of faith … The authority of the pope is not unlimited; it is at the service of Sacred Tradition.”
And this is what Vatican I had defined: “The Holy Spirit was not promised to Peter’s successors so that by its revelation they might disclose new doctrine, but, so that, by its assistance, they might devoutly guard and faithfully set forth the revelation handed down through the Apostles.

Deborah has done us a favour by citing the quote above and links the whole article to Father Hunwicke's Mutual Enrichment which addresses a statement by Cardinal Marx of Germany.

What is a "right-wing Catholic" Michael? Is it someone that accepts what the Church has taught down the centuries? Is that a bad thing? I watched your recent interview with Alissa Golub where you showed disdain for the sacrifice Mary Wagner is making and I am saddened by it - though at least you featured it and for that at least, I applaud you. However, the fact remains; as Barona so rightly testifies, her imprisonment, whilst according to the law, is a mark of fascism which has slowly been creeping into our beloved Canada quoting Bishop Johannes Maria Gföllner; “The nation is not the highest power, nor may the state be idolized; The highest power for each nation is and remains religion.” False religion and error has no rights.

These neo-caths (he uses labels so let us use them too) such as Coren, Mark Shea and a host of others are displaying papolatry and that is not Catholic. They and many since the Second Vatican Council have betrayed Our Blessed Lord and His Social Kingship and are Judases, many of them, clerical Judases!

If Pope Francis stood up tomorrow and said "I solemnly proclaim that the moon is made of cream cheese and I bind the belief on all Catholics" would you rush to the store to buy bagels and smoked salmon to celebrate and hire Virgin Airlines to take you there to shovel it up?

Soon, the Pope is expected to issue an Encyclical on the environment. Rumour has it that he will release it at the United Nations. This is appalling and has the credibility of the moon made of green cheese. What does the Pope know of the environment and so-called "global-warming?"

Good grief, climate changes why do you think that there are fossils of ferns and palms in Greenland! 

I will reserve judgement until I see that encyclical but if it trumpets the usual left-wing, Al Gore poppycock of man being responsible for climate change, I will put it in the same category as the moon being made of cream cheese. Stewardship is one thing, a political agenda based on junk-science is something else entirely and not befitting the Vicar of Christ or the Holy Catholic Church.

Now, before one says that we "trads" and "right-wing Catholics" are creating confusion, read the two statements below by Pope Francis : 

“She, during her earthly life, knew no small difficulties, joined to the daily fatigue of existence,” he said. “But she never lost peace of heart, the fruit of trustful abandonment to the mercy of God. Let us ask Mary, our tender Mother, to show to the whole world the sure path of love and of peace.”
"The Gospel does not tell us anything: if she spoke a word or not… She was silent, but in her heart, how many things told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!’"

Seriously Michael, Mark and the rest of you, stop misinterpreting the First Vatican Council on the authority of the Pope ; you display ignorance that I find incredulous, particularly as Catholic writers. 

Monday 5 January 2015

Kasper and the Corruption of the Catholic Church in Germany - Pope Francis please distance yourself and rebuke them!

A declining Church with more dioceses and bishops than England and Wales and only 10% Mass attendance has undue influence over the See of Peter!

The Synod which concluded last October showed to us a deep division within the Church and an evil presence coming out of Germany. From the revolution of Martin Luther through to the philosophies of Hegel, Marx and National Socialism, Germany has done great damage to the Church, Europe and the world, notwithstanding it's industrial and engineering prowess; in fact, it may even think itself godlike!

We know that October 2015 is going to be upon us soon enough. It will be up to many of us laity and bloggers to keep beating the drum against Kasper, Marx, Forte and the others that have undo influence with Pope Francis with an agenda that is heterodox. Indeed, the Pope may be the biggest problem as he himself may actually believe that communion for the divorced and civilly remarried is mercy -- he has made it known how much he appreciated Kasper's book, Mercy.

Below is a quote from an article in the Catholic herald early in December titled "Why the German Church is rich and arrogant!"

"Despite its declining numbers the German Church played a significant role at the recent family synod in Rome. This was largely thanks to Pope Francis’s mystifying decision to let Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Vatican’s retired head of ecumenism, open proceedings back in February at the consistory of cardinals. It should have been obvious that Cardinal Kasper would use the opportunity to push for remarried Catholics to be readmitted to Communion, a subject he has been campaigning on for more than 20 years. Cardinal Kasper’s trademark garrulous style during the synod itself didn’t improve matters, and led him directly into an unedifying row with Cardinal Raymond Burke. It would be easy to dismiss this as unimportant, especially since on this issue Cardinal Kasper is very much out of step with the Catholic hierarchy internationally. But the rumpus at the synod did expose the powerful German Church throwing its weight around in an unusually public way."

These are the same bishops and cardinals that defied Pope Benedict XVI on divesting themselves of the pornographic publishing division which they own and the implementation of "for many" from "for all" in the Consecration of the Precious Blood in the Holy Mass.

The German bishops have undo influence over the Pope and the Church, they must be called out.

See also:
Vox Cantoris: German Bishops' wealth and pornography publishing continue to be questioned


Vox Cantoris: Why is Pope Francis blind to Germany's rich and porn-producing bishops?

Thursday 1 January 2015

A letter from a mother: Mary Wagner's mother to the people of Poland -- and Canada!

On this day when the Church honours Mary, the Mother of God, with the kind permission of Mr. Jacek Kotula at the page Mary Wagner W Polsce, let us reflect on a letter from a mother, that being Jane Wagner, mother of Mary Wagner.

Dear Jacek, and all of you good people in Poland. 

I thank you from the deepest places in my heart for your love and support of my daughter, Mary. I think that you, as a nation, truly understand what Mary is doing, and because of this, and because of your greatness of heart, Mary has had more support from you than anywhere else in the world combined. I can see why the great St John Paul came from amongst you! Indeed, you are truly a blessing to Mary and to the babies she speaks for. 

In Canada, there is very little support for Mary, even amongst Catholics. Mary spent 3 months at home with us, which was such a gift. But not once was she asked to speak at our Church or at any parish on Vancouver Island. When she arrived in Poland, she was constantly invited to speak for Life. 

I think that Canadians are blinded by the idea of the Law, a law that is clearly wrong, and yet it seems that they see only the law. They fear anarchy, if one can break the law to win an argument. There is a real spiritual death in our country, even if I may dare say so, amongst the clergy. I have almost never heard words from the pulpit condemning abortion or abortifacient contraceptives. It is no wonder that Canadian Catholics have abortions almost as often as other Canadians. Our priests are strangely silent, for the most part. Our Bishops are no different.They love peace: they don't want confrontation, they don't want change, they don't want to be uncomfortable. They are willing to compromise with evil just to keep people happy and quiet. For Canadian people the status quo is something they are comfortable with and they chose not to consider what abortion is, beyond a woman's right to chose. They don't ever want to rock the boat, in case they get wet. 

Peace and joy abound in Mary. She understands that true peace cannot be wrought by complacency with evil, and that without the Truth, we are all empty pots. She knows that her worth is in Christ, and that she is simply His servant. She does whatever He tells her to do, and so she has peace and joy in abundance. Sometimes Christ comes to us in other people; in Mary's case, He came to her through your people in Poland, and through the hand full of people she has here. Her time with you prepared her for the wasteland of her fight in Canada. Her love for Mother Theresa and for St John Paul, have shaped her life, and your people continue to give her hope and support as she goes forward. 

Mary is not unhappy in prison. I know that she would prefer to be free, but she is wise enough to know that wherever God leads her, He has work for her to do that will satisfy her soul. I also know that she does suffer in prison, as do all prisoners: they are not often treated with the dignity due to them as part of the human family, they suffer from lack of privacy, lack of freedom, constant noise, and sometimes from the elements of cold and hunger as well. But Mary is there with hope, because this life is finite, and God sees and knows all things. She brings Him to others through her gentle and prayerful presence. She is a small beacon of light behind the bars. When I told her that I was worried about her going back to prison, that she is small and there are some dangerous people there, she smiled and said: "don't worry, Mama. They love me in there". I keep these words in my heart and hope they remain true.

God bless Poland! Thank you for being there for Mary. Don't give up your efforts!


Jane Wagner

+ + +

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness and this blogger have been reporting regularly on the matter of Mary Wagner and her arrest just prior to Christmas. We have yet to read anything in our Catholic press.

I personally challenge Thomas Rosica, CSB, who stops by here regularly, to put this letter on his Twitter feed.

I personally challenge Jim O"Leary, editor of the Catholic Register to make this a priority for the next issue and to raise awareness of Mary's plight across the country.

Do you need to be shamed because frankly, your silence is doing it.

If the people of Poland can rise to her defense and offer prayers for her, what on earth is wrong with our own?

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Where is Salt + Light - where is the Catholic Register with regards to Mary Wagner

Mary Wagner sits in prison in Milton, Ontario for counselling women about to have their babies murdered in their wombs under the eyes of the Province of Ontario and our nation, Canada. She sits there because of an unjust law - a 35 year old "temporary injunction" preventing protests, prayers, vigils or sidewalk counselling outside an abortuary. 

Mary made her choice. She new the consequences of her actions. She is a prisoner of conscience in our Canada.

In Poland, it is all over the Catholic media. She is a heroine there and a petition is circulating and a demonstration is scheduled at the Canadian Embassy in Warsaw.

Now an American blog, Christ's Faithful Witness, has picked up the ball.

Barona at Toronto Catholic Witness has posted consistently on Mary Wagner and in particular, has been responsible for getting us the news from Poland.

I have written twice to the Editor of Toronto's Catholic Register and still there is nothing on their web page to indicate that they have even noticed. Will there be anything in their print edition later this week?

We still await a Tweet from Father Tom Rosica or Salt + Light.

Nothing, not a word.

But when Francis issues an encylical on the false science of man-caused global warming and climate change and the absurd proposition that we can actually control the climate for good or ill, well; these modernists will be all over that.

Yes. Our Church leaders have fallen for the secular liars and the god of environmentalism 

Happy New Year to all you sour-faced, Promethean, neo-Pelagian, rosary prayers trying to save babies.